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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is Chris and today we're gonna be taking a look at the pocket Ethernet Ethernet a tool and it's actually kind of funny how things work out sometimes I get contacted on a fairly regular basis by manufacturers that are looking for me to review their products or just feature their products on the channel so that they get some exposure and of course that leads to sales and 9 out of 10 of those emails I just throw right in the trash because I'm not interested in just being a shill for some company but in this case one of my subscribers a gentleman by the name of Bruce Chandler so credit where credit is to actually wrote me and he said hey Chris have you seen this device this pocket Ethernet device or I guess it's actually pocket her net or pock Ethernet it's sort of abbreviated but for ease we're gonna call it Pocket Ethernet so he said have you seen this pocket Ethernet device now this is a device that is that comes out of Germany so it's a German company by the way shout out to all of my fans from that area of the country Germany and Netherlands and Belgium I for some reason I have a lot of fans in that area don't forget Denmark so bruce said hey have you seen this tool and i said no i have never heard of that thing before you know but i said listen if if they want to send me one i'm happy to review it and i left it at that so bruce took it upon himself to reach out to the company and say hey send one to this guy and so they reached out to me and of course I was like yeah alright send me one and it's oddly enough it came to me it came from Germany to Oregon in two days and I actually emailed them when I got it and I was like is that normal because did you guys like expedite the shipping to get this thing to me or what because that's crazy fast to come all the way from Germany and they said no they just have a really good distribution channel set up and basically they can get stuff to the United States in typically two to three business days so I thought that was totally awesome now what exactly is the pocket ethernet well tell you what we're gonna talk about it but while I'm talking about it I want to take it out of the box so I'm gonna bring the camera in close and let you guys have a look at this while I'm pulling it out of here okay I'm not sure if I'm gonna need my knife or not let's see oh I guess I won't okay so here we go this is the pocket Ethernet or again POC pocket her net or POC Ethernet and help my address wasn't on there anyway so this is the device it comes a really small packaging and the cost on this thing just so we get that right out of the way is a hundred and seventy two euros shipped what does that mean in USD nice little cable tie it comes with what does that mean in USD that means just over two hundred dollars USD shipped and delivered you guys might have seen some other youtubers are fans of the net tool or net tool I oh it's very similar to that except blows it out of the water okay so I've I've seen that tool I've looked at it I've never been a big fan of it because in my opinion the net tool just doesn't do enough to justify the cost of the thing it's like a hundred and seventy-five dollars plus shipping for the net tool and that's just too expensive in my opinion now this one however does everything that the net tool does so basically it's a link analyzer you can check the Ethernet link speed and duplex settings of any port you can view traffic samples VLAN information as well as CD CDP or LDP that cisco discovery protocol or link layer discovery protocol information about any switch port that you plug the thing into now right there is about where the net tool stops okay this one however again only twenty five dollars more than the net tool also includes a cable tester so you can find cable faults and you can verify installations it does wire mapping length measurement TDR fault detection p OE voltage testing right so it'll tell you the voltage of PUA if you plug a 24 volt passive p OE into a net tool you're probably going to fry the thing this thing will actually test you until you would test it and tell you what the voltages and that it also has a cable toner built-in so you guys have seen like a test and this is also a test and tone tool on top of everything else on top of that it's an IP analyzer you can see dhcp results you can check dns resolution HTTP queries and it does ping as well on top of all that you can click a button and it creates a nice formatted PDF of your test results and then you can just email that to yourself so that's awesome okay so for $200 that is a tool that is well worth it now I do have to say that while they sent me this for free I'm not getting paid for this review again so I'm gonna test this thing out my opinions are always my own and if you guys buy one of these I don't make a penny off of it it has nothing to do with me ok so there's no affiliate links involved here or anything like that we're just taking a look at what looks to be a really nice tool ok so let's go ahead and open it up here oh it's upside down that was horrible here I'm gonna do that again it was upside down here we go oh let's go ahead and open this up here Oh beautiful look at that so this comes with a Ethernet cable it comes with another cable this looks to be micro USB to USB type I guess - what is that standard USB USB eh I get all the USBs mixed up anyways then we have a loopback and a wire map tester so you plug it in if you want to figure out the wire map like if you got a cable backwards or something like that a cable out of place it'll tell you it actually tell you which wires are messed up if you use the wire map and then here is the tool itself oh this is really cool so it's got this nice sort of anodized blue shell but if you guys I don't if you can see that but it's actually clear you can see the insides that's kind of neat I wonder if that's coming through on camera I can't tell so there's just one Ethernet port here and then looks like we've got I guess this is where you plug the power in oh so this USB must be power like said I just was sent this device I haven't really read too much about it other than what was online so thank you for purchasing please remove the protective foil on both sides of your device oh we always love that don't we Oh beautiful this button right here I guess must be power I press it though it's not actually doing anything okay this is why we read about it right you guys know me I love my my guides I always check out the manuals of things Pocket Ethernet is a network testing tool that helps you in the deployment and troubleshooting of copper Ethernet networks the hardware works together with a smart phone / tablet hence most of the functions can only be used in conjunction with the external application now that is one of the nice things about this thing is that it connects to your smartphone device via bluetooth so there's times when you want to do some cable testing but the cable that you want to test is like way up in the rafters or something like that so you can go and plug your pocket Ethernet up in the rafters and then you know as long as you're within Bluetooth range you can do all your work on the ground you know from the from bluetooth through the Android or iOS based application okay so enough of that crap let's get this thing plugged in and tested I'm gonna download the app to my iPhone and let's see what we can do with this thing okay so here we go I've got the pocket Ethernet plugged in blue LED on here I guess that means that it's charging I do have it plugged into USB right now because I don't know how much charge actually comes with the thing so I don't want it to die in the middle of testing here and I have my phone set up I have downloaded the app bring this up here okay and so you guys see here this is exactly what I'm seeing this is the first time that I've gotten into the app and it says welcome to Pocket Ethernet no Bluetooth setup is needed just have the pocket uther net device switched on and tap the connect button in the app ok so let's try connecting it connect it's thinking no pocket Ethernet device found do I have it turned on maybe it doesn't work while it's plugged in or doesn't work while it's charging let me unplug it from the charger hit the button alright now I see a white light let's try and connect now there we go connected boom connect it right away okay so apparently you can't be charging it at the same time you're trying to connect to it okay so I am connected to this thing on my phone and let's do our first test here I'm gonna take a cable that I happen to have right next to me so this is plugged into a NATO 2.3 AF p OE port that's plugged into that little $60.00 that crappy little switch that I have I'm gonna go ahead and plug this in and we're gonna click on the test tab and then let's see here I want to do a POA test will do TDR TDR graph link CDC BP lldp outgoing VLAN tag DHCP ping traffic I'll just select all these tests and we'll do wire map - all right so we're gonna go ahead and hit measure oh it's making little clicks all right so it says wire map short circuit p OE voltage present okay link is 100 megabit it is only 100 megabits which outgoing VLAN tag it has a check no IP settings available can't ping probably because dhcp hasn't happened yet let's see here while it's measuring I wonder if I can look at some of this stuff so if I click on wire map to short-circuit hmm all right we'll have to test that a little bit more ok so POA it says voltage present 48 volt that's gonna be 802 3 AF so it did measure the p OE o link it did come up with the link so link it says it's set to auto cuz it's just a dumb switch so it's not supported on gigabit and then half and full deep dual half in full duplex why is this not showing what's on my screen oh there we go oh this where the reflector - is the program I used to record and it's not liking the interface of pocket Ethernet very well ok so speed half and full duplex half and full duplex for both 10 and 100 megabit I just want to try DHCP I wanna see if they'll get DHCP and link let's try that and measure well there we go ok so this time it got it DHCP again same link half and full duplex 10 100 and this time it did get an IP address and there we can see classy subnet Gateway the DNS servers it got from DHCP and then all that other stuff IP least time and everything wow that's great short circuit so it gave us different information this time the map looks different I really don't know how to read this I'm gonna have to miss wire short circuit three miss wire one short circuit four short circuit huh let me run this through a longer cable okay so here we have this big ol long cable here I think this is a hundred-foot cable if I'm not mistaken okay so I'm gonna plug one end of this hundred-foot cable I'm gonna skip the POA this time and just plug it directly in to the switch it could also be that the switch is throwing the errors on the cable because it's not a really good switch let me pull this out alright I'm plugging the other end of the cable into the pocket Ethernet and now let's do let's clear these let's do wire map link DHCP measure short circuit again maybe it's the stinkin switch I'm plugging into let me try plugging into my ubiquity switch instead I'm now plugging this into my edge switch 24 lights so this does not have p OE this is just a straight up edge switch 24 let me clear out the results that I already have in here all right close that one close that one and now we're gonna do wire map no p OE cuz it's definitely no P we enabled TDR TV our graph link I'll do lldp even though I don't think it's gonna come up with anything outgoing VLAN tag DHCP ping traffic BER all right let's run through all these tests short circuit again though I can hear the comments now telling me what I'm doing wrong okay so the link shows gigabit full duplex and then 10 100 both at half and full duplex no data received for CD CDP lldp I'm also not running any lldp services and I don't have any Cisco devices I got DHCP address of why don't a few 168 200 . what did I get 182 ping Oso pings we can put in our servers here so server 1 4.2.2 2 will do my gateway 192 168 200 . 1 and we'll do done ping and let's put on the traffic test as well measure all right so it's getting DHCP now it's doing pings I believe it does three pings to each address and then gives you the average time of those three pings if I'm not mistaken so we can see that I've got 41 milliseconds 2 4 2 2 2 I've got less than a millisecond to my gateway and 30 milliseconds to traffic packets oh here we go so this is just looking this is kind of like looks like a sniffer or something where it's just seeing packets that are flying around the net where you see all those F's those are broadcasts ok let's close that out all right enough of that whole measurement in progress you know what let me do I'm gonna plug into the my POS switch over here I'll just take down one of my cameras for now all right cameras down this is gonna be 24 volt passive p OE hopefully I don't fry the thing I shouldn't if it can take 48 volt it should be fine voltage present let's see what it found yep 25 volts so that's 24 volt passive and it actually measures out right around that range and there's the ping tests in progress and we're all done okay so let's see our report here report create copy of Chrome oh there we go okay that's a pretty nice little report so if you were doing cable testing for a company this would be nice a nice little report you could send to them okay let's go back to the test I want to try running the test directly to the wire map a little wire map device I'm gonna plug this into a wire map and then let's clear it and let's just run a wire map test go oh that's oh this time it came through for perish boom so this time status is okay maybe it's only meant to be used with the wire map dongle and that's why it's kind of screwing up let's look at our tools okay let's do toner oh I got to go get my toner kit all right I got to go get my toner kit okay so here we go I have my handy toner and I have enabled the tone tool and there we go so that is making noise for sure let's change the different tones see if I can hold this and do this at the same time two three four five [Music] Haggai like that one the best all right let's see blinker in action plug this into port 11 on my edge switch let's turn on speed Auto duplex state blink I thought it's supposed to blink the link light but it's sort of erratic it doesn't seem to be blinking in any sort of consistent pattern alright so you see I've got it plugged in here and it is going if the link light is going on and off but it just is not blinking in any sort of consistent manner so maybe it's just a slow blink yeah I guess it is working can you change the speed of the blink you would think it would be consistent like blink blink blink blink blink blink or something like that maybe again what I'm gonna go through is I'm sort of doing this initial brush through all of these tools and then I'll go back through in a little bit more detail off-camera and sort of try to you know figure out the ones that I wasn't able to figure out just on my own here okay so I've had a little bit of time to play around with the POC Ethernet and yeah I actually really love this device so alright first and foremost though I looked in their FAQ and they actually tell you how to pronounce this thing it's POC Ethernet okay so I'm gonna try to say POC Ethernet from here on out instead of Pocket Ethernet also I did look it up and there is a warranty on this device it is two-year warranty if you're in the EU and it's a one-year warranty anywhere else so I guess that means for people in the UK going through the whole brexit thing you might actually lose a part of your warranty once that goes through okay I also did confirm that the device must be powered off while it's charging so when I first tried to connect to it it wasn't connecting and that is because for it says on the FAQ for regulatory purposes it must be off while you're connected to USB okay so whatever that means that is why that is not working okay so I'm gonna get back in here and we are going to reconnect to the POC Ethernet and connect oh I got to turn it on first all right so turn it on first click now the light comes on now hit connect connected okay perfect um okay so let's clear up some of the things that I had already gone through the blinker so I showed the blinker a little bit in the previous segment and the blinker does work however I really wish that it would blink a little bit faster as far as turning the link light on and off and you know maybe there maybe that's just a feature improvement or a feature suggestion is have multiple different speeds like a slow fast or slow medium fast speeds on the blinker setting I think that would be a really nice addition to the pocky thir net the wire map now I had been running the wire map a bunch of times and each time that I ran the wire map it was giving me a short circuit that sort of thing it's because I had the wire map plugged into the Ethernet port the wire map functionality only works with this little extra dongle that they give you so it has a loop back side and a wire map side if I take this cable did that same long 100 foot white cable that I was using earlier I'm gonna plug this into the wire map side and now if I go to a wire map and check that and say measure there we go so now we can see it's four pairs straight and everything is working beautifully okay so wire map functionality only compatible with the included POC Ethernet Terminator okay the other thing the next thing TDR okay so this is TDR I was getting some weird results on the TDR as well let's go ahead and select both of those the TDR and the TDR graph I'm gonna go ahead and run those TDR stands for a time domain reflectometer or it's basically an instrument that uses time domain reflectometry to locate false in magnetic cables excuse me in Metallica cables not magnetic cables okay so we see that that was running while I was talking there and again connected to the wire map terminator or the wire map side of the included little Terminator here we can see that it successfully measured this almost exactly right 98 feet 97 96 99 okay so that is perfect now the TDR graph on the other hand you want this to be zero across the board of course till it gets to the very end here so this is in meters so we can see that right at about 25 to 30 meters is where it sort of cuts off that's totally fine but if I saw for instance the you know brown pair of wires had a little spike at 10 meters then I know that there's a problem with the brown pair 10 meters down the line so that's what the TDR graph is showing us is basically when it used the time domain reflectometry to send a signal all the way down the line and then all the way back it's basically saying that everything checked out fine but if it didn't it would show me where it came back and that's where there's a problem in the cable so super-awesome functionality I start thinking back to when I was doing Network administration full-time which has been you know probably out 15 years since I've been doing full-time Network administration but man I wish I had this tool way back then because that would have been just awesome it would have saved a lot of headache and if you're an installer if you're a cable installer this is really great because it's a small $200 device that connects to your phone that you can now install links for your customers and then run that test and then do a report and give them a PDF report on every single link or every single line that you put in just to make sure that everything is fine okay so next I want to talk about this outgoing VLAN tag setting now what this setting does is it allows you to specify which VLAN tag the pocky Thur net uses when running a test so if I come in here you see that I've pre-selected VLAN ID 30 by default it's VLAN ID 1 I can choose VLAN ID 30 and then I can run for instance a DHCP test and we can test network connectivity as well as DHCP on a specific VLAN so let's go ahead and this test first we're gonna say measure it's gonna get my link I'm plugged into a trunk port on my switch by the way so I should have all of my VLANs pushing through to this device and we can see I get a DHCP - IP address of 10.20 1 now if I change instead to say VLAN 254 - 5 4 done and then let's go ahead and run those tests again so measure I get the same link results but now my DHCP should give me a different IP address and there we go so now I'm getting 192 168 254 dot-111 so this is a way to test or verify DHCP connectivity on any specific VLAN ID that you happen to choose okay next we're gonna try the BER test and that stands for a bit error rate test and for that we have to use our loopback part of the dongle here so we've got the wire map side and we've got the loopback side I'm going to plug this into the loop back side of the dongle and we're gonna say let's run the BER test and measure and this allows us to select the speed at which we want to test the packet size we want to use and then basically how many packets we want to throw at the test so add a packet size of 1500 and 18 bytes I'm throwing 1 million packets through this cable and it's hitting the loopback and then coming back to the pocky Thur net and it says there were no errors I can change that to you know 10 million at 15 18 bytes just to run a really good test but I'll just leave at 1 million let's go ahead and run that again measure go check check and measure and you could see that the packets are counting up and once it hits 1 million it'll tell us if there are any errors with this cable or not okay so that's about it for the review of the Paquito net I absolutely love this thing this thing is now 100% gonna become a tool in my toolbox and Thank You Pocky Fannett for sending me this device and letting me play with it and test it out there only thing went wrong with it during the entire testing is during the blink test when I was just running a bunch of different blink tests I think I was being impatient and I kept hitting you know run the test run the test run the test and it did freeze up on me one time but there is a way to reset this thing basically you just have to hold the power button in for 10 seconds and it does a reset of the device so I did freeze it up one time but I really hammered on this thing and that was the only actual problem that I encountered with it okay well I hope you guys enjoyed this I will put links down in the description below to where you can go check out the even an online yourself again those are not affiliate links I do not make any money off of the sale of these devices but if you're interested in purchasing one yourself links down below okay I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy the video please give me a thumbs up if you'd like to see more videos like this please click Subscribe my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 101,998
Rating: 4.9232445 out of 5
Keywords: pockethernet review, pockethernet toner, pockethernet vs fluke, pockethernet youtube, pockethernet
Id: 1kgeCLGSyEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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