35km PTP in Manila

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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name's Chris and recently I received an email from Nez out in the Philippines and he says hi good day crosstalk I'm Nez from the Philippines I have a plan to set up a 35 kilometer to point link expected with clear line-of-sight I just want advice on what antenna I should be using in this setup and so we're gonna take a look at this we're gonna simulate this link now Nez sent me the coordinates in air link and we're gonna take a look at his particular setup and talk about the different antenna options for this 35 kilometer or which is approximately 22 mile point-to-point link over near Manila in the Philippines okay so here is the link on one side we have a pretty high up on the hill a link near Columba or calamba I'm not sure how you say that and then on the other side of the link up here so here's Metro Manila Kazon City but it's sort of like right here on the coast in this little sort of suburban neighborhood out there you know out on the outskirts of Manila now a couple of interesting things here this link does partially go over water so that's actually pretty good because you can you know there's nothing to be in the way we know that that sea level and that's that and then on this side the elevation is actually pretty high so if we look at the topography here we can see that we're about 500 feet elevation on the Columbus side and then we are down to right around a hundred feet or so elevation on the Manila side that's ground level now let's take a quick look at this in Google Earth let's start with the Columbus side here so here's Kalama right and so this is basically the direction that we are looking if I sort of bring it up a little bit you can see scrolling this way there is the second point right about where the hand is at the top middle of the screen we're going over this body of water and then we're ending up right here now it looks like it's pretty flat in Google Earth it's really hard to kind of tell but this is about four to five hundred feet above sea level at this location the other location however is kind of interesting so we're gonna pop over here to the location that is outside of Manila and if you look here it looks again kind of just like a residential neighborhood right so let's sort of get some topography view here and the one thing that concerns me about this spot is if we twist it all the way around and then look towards the other link which is right about in this direction over here now if we zoom in you can start to see maybe this is hard to see on YouTube but you can start to see that there's actually it's pretty hilly over here right so this of course is just the topography of the ground we're not talking about trees or houses that are certainly going to be obstructions that are in the way but notice that if you were just putting an antenna on the roof of this building right here you're likely not gonna have line of sight so nez when he sent me the simulation he has the manila side up at 82 feet so I don't know if he has a tower out there or some tall tree or something that he can get an antenna 82 feet in the air which is about 25 meters right so does he have a 25 meter tower out there near his house I'm not exactly sure however since he sent this to me as the device height 82 feet or 25 meters we're just gonna assume that he has some sort of tower out there that is going to get that antenna up that high because if I drop this down even a little bit right so if I keep dropping keep dropping keep dropping boom once we hit about 70 feet so our 72 feet or or lower we really see a massive degradation in the signal because this mountain here is basically hitting the Fresnel zone if we drop it down even further to like say 50 feet by the time we hit 50 feet we have basically zero line of sight okay so yeah if it's up at 82 feet or 25 meters we're looking pretty good as far as line-of-sight goes the Fresnel zone seems clear again keeping in mind that you know link that you i.com doesn't you know doesn't have any knowledge about buildings or trees or other obstacles that might be in the way of this link okay so with all that being said what are the options for this point-to-point link and there are many different options some are going to be licensed options some are going to be non licensed options to me what I look for is the most bang for the buck in any particular situation so let's start at the very low end okay so this is the rocket 5ac prism Gen 2 that's this guy right here so rocket prism AC whoops where did it go there it is this runs about two hundred nine dollars for the access point and then we're going with the rocket dish 31 DB I it's the Rd - five G 31 AC and this dish here is three hundred and thirty nine dollars okay so this is a pretty powerful dish connected to the rocket prism AC so this full set up is just about eleven hundred dollars us and with this setup we can expect a 100 percent signal out of the rocket prism and we'd be looking at probably five hundred and forty five megabits per second maximum now of course that's perfect scenario right I don't ever expect that I'm gonna hit the maximum numbers that air link is telling me that I'm gonna hit but I could probably expect easily fifty percent of that and so if two hundred megabits or so is all that you need for this point-to-point link that's a pretty good setup for about eleven hundred dollars it's not bad at all I mean the a 25 meter tower on the Manila side is gonna be more than that amount of money so that's not too bad one thing I did want to mention though speaking of that tower in Manila if you are faced with a situation like this right so see you you can't really see over these hills from this location but what can see over these hills is this building right here right so if you are trying to get created with something like this you could perhaps go over here this building is the tag of I don't know how you say that excuse my pronunciation the tag ooook City University in tag uux it II I suppose so you could potentially contract or lease space on the roof of this building which would definitely have clear line-of-sight over to the the other location and then you could possibly even do like a point-to-multipoint distribution out to cover this entire neighborhood right so then you could possibly turn yourself into a wireless isp instead of you know just having a single point to point to this one spot here okay so that being said again I'm not sure exactly what nez's plans are for this whole thing but let's take a look at the next antenna and we're gonna stay in the 5 gigahertz but let's bump up to the airFiber 5 okay so this is sort of an all-in-one unit you have to have two of these one on each side and they're pretty pricey these are $9.99 each so what we're looking at here is about a two thousand dollar solution now what you can expect to get with the airFiber five is about 60% of the capacity of the access points or the radio set on both sides with estimated 768 megabits per second now to me looking at this it seems like it's basically almost twice the cost for not that much more benefit than the rocket AC prism Gen 2 so I probably would not go with the air 5 or 5 air 5 or 5 in this case and again we're also not factoring in any possible interference in the area when you're talking about you know a very populated sort of neighborhood there's probably gonna be other 5 gigahertz stuff out there and you know this requires a 50 megahertz channel width to get these speeds so 50 megahertz channel width is a big chunk of the spectrum right so there's probably gonna be some interference some overlap there you'd have to go out there on site and actually sort of run some tests and see what kind of interference are in the area because that's a it's probably a lot of 5 gigahertz interference okay so we looked at the rocket 5ac prism Gentoo we looked at the airFiber v let's look at the new equipment so let's look at the airFiber 5x HD and we're gonna go with the 30 dbi antenna that is the AF - 5g 30 - s 45 it's actually this one so there's the air fiber 5 that we talked about then we have this is the the new stuff so this is the air fiber 5x HD this is the device that I just saw in whispah Palooza a few weeks ago that was the new ltu technology this is the proprietary chipset made by ubiquity for all specifically for this ltu equipment and here's the antenna that we're talking about it's this middle one here this is the AF - 5g 30 - s 45 they do have even a higher gain one as well they have a 34 d bi gain antenna as well but we're gonna go for this middle one now the interesting thing about this LT you stuff is we can actually bump up the channel width here all the way up to 100 megahertz right again which I'm not sure how well that's gonna work because now you're basically using up you know a big big big chunk of the 5 gigahertz spectrum when you're doing that but assuming that we could crank it up to 100 megahertz we'd be looking at just over a gigabit we'd be looking at 100% signal and just over a gigabit or 1090 4 megabits per second of expected throughput again take that with a grain of salt that's would be in a perfect environment and this is most likely gonna be far from perfect environment but the cost of the airFiber 5x HD - of those plus - of the 30 dbi antennas is about $1,100 it's seriously about like 10 or 12 dollars more than the rocket AC prism Gen 2 setup that we already discussed and you have the potential of getting much higher throughput almost like three times the throughput potentially with set up so to me this is basically the ideal way to go if you're on a pretty strict budget I would do this set up with the ltu technology over the rocket AC prism Gen 2 considering that they're roughly equivalent in price and this gives you potentially a lot more throughput so yeah really cool to see this ltu technology up against the be some of the older stuff alright so there's 5 gigahertz right but what about higher spectrums okay where there's probably not going to be as much noise there's not going to be as much interference so for instance here in the US we have to license these spectrums so you have to be a licensed operator licensed with the FCC to use these different higher spectrums like 11 gigahertz 24 gigahertz in the United States I'm not sure what the rules are in the Philippines for these different spectrums that are you know licensed spectrums here in the US so we're basically just gonna forget about all of that okay so I just want to look at the technology itself we're not going to worry about the bureaucracy and the licensing and all of that stuff let's just look at if you made an investment in 11 gigahertz or 24 gigahertz what could you expect in terms of quality of signal as well as total throughput alright so let's take a look at that next we're gonna bump up to the 11 gigahertz spectrum here and we're gonna use the airFiber 11 FX it's really the only choice we have and that has a 35 dbi antenna okay so here's the airFiber 11 FX and here is the airFiber x antenna this is the 11 gigahertz 35 DB I err fiber dish antenna model number AF - 11 G 35 so that's telling us that we could expect a 100% signal with about almost 1400 megabits per second so 1376 megabits per second total throughput with a 56 megahertz channel width that's the maximum right but it's probably not a very crowded spectrum so you can expect to get a little bit closer to what you're seeing an air link when you are you know when you can be sure that there's not going to that much interference messing with your signal but what about cost right so we have the airFiber 11 those run six hundred dollars each okay so for the for these guys right here where did it go yeah for these access points there are six hundred dollars each you also need duplexer z' so these reversible duplexer z' you can have one or two of these duplexer z' on the air fiber 11 it says each AF 11x requires one or two duplexer sold separately and the duplexer is basically say it can use single sis o or bonded mi mo channels depending on your specific licensing requirements the AF 11 FX also features different channels widths to suit your deployment needs and you can independently configured transmit and receive channel frequencies ok so again this is all sort of the license stuff we're just gonna assume that you would have to of the duplexer z' you'd have the access point itself and then the antenna the total setup for two AF 11s two antennas and four duplexer z' is going to come out to twenty-seven hundred and fifty four dollars or basically like two and a half times the cost of the LT u equipment that we talked about and that'll get you a nice signal but it's really expensive and this is not counting the hoops you'd have to jump through in order to get licensed to use 11 gigahertz so again take it for what you will let's see what else we can do here let's jump up to 24 gigahertz and we're gonna go with the air fiber 24 just the standard air 5 or 24 they do have an air five or 24 HD as well but let's just talk about this one here the air fiber 24 is a $1500 access point it is all combined with access point and antenna in one big unit but we can expect a 33% signal and about 515 megabits per second for about $3,000 with this air 5 or 24 so to me 24 gigahertz just not the best option here we're just gonna check that one out the window for kicks let's look at the air five or 24 HD it doesn't it's a lot better so it's 50% signal with about a gigabit of throughput estimated in 24 gigahertz but yeah again to me it seems like the best bet is going to be that airFiber 5x HD ltu so let's set everything back to that real quick with the 30 DB I dish antenna and we've cranked the channel with 100 percent signal just over a gigabit of throughput estimated and yeah so to me if Dez is asking this question what equipment what should I go with for this point-to-point link my advice would be try to get your hands on this new airFiber 5x HD with the 30 DB eye dish ok hope you guys enjoyed this quick look at a point-to-point connection a thirty five kilometer in the Philippines if you have any scenarios similar to this that you would like me to take a look at pop your information into air link save it and then send me the link and I will take a look at it I may even make a video about it if it is an interesting setup that I think other people would benefit from this type of analysis and of course take all of this with a grain of salt right because every situation is different every point-to-point point-to-multipoint link is going to be totally different depending on interference topology and a thousand different factors so just do your homework if you're going to be implementing one of these this is a really good place to start researching right air link but it's not real world because it doesn't take into account trees and you know interference and you know other obstacles that might be in the way and if you guys are looking to buy any of this type of equipment I will put some links down below I'll put the links to the ltu stuff down below and then we will just sort of forget everything else for the time being you guys can click on those to see what that ltu stuff actually costs if you have any questions put those in the comments below I will answer them to the best of my ability and if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you give me a thumbs up if you'd like to see more videos like this make sure you click Subscribe my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching you
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 67,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airfiber, airfiber 5, airfiber 5xhd, airfiber 5x, airfiber 11fx, airfiber 24hd, airfiber 5x installation, ubiquiti, ubiquity, crosstalk, crosstalk solutions
Id: SEQgvMdkTf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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