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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is Chris and over the weekend on April 1st CloudFlare announced 1.1 1.1 or what they're calling the fastest privacy first consumer DNS service so first things first no this was not an April Fool's they choked in their blog which I'll put a link to below CloudFlare stated that even though it was a Sunday and it was Easter and it was Passover weekend and it was April's April Fool's Day there was just no better day to announce the 1.1.11 DNS service so for one's April 1st 4 1 2018 so what is this exactly this is a public DNS server used for translating domain names into Internet addresses so computers work with numbers but humans have a hard time remembering numbers so names work best that's why DNS was created in the first place DNS stands for domain name system and its primary responsibility is to translate a you know human friendly names such as crosstalk solutions comm into IP addresses that computers have an easier time working with now other services like this already exists the most common are Google's DNS server and level threes 4.2 to 2 DNS server among a bunch of other ones now any public dns resolver should be highly available and pretty quick to resolve domain names to IP addresses so why then do we need 1.1 1.1 while CloudFlare is a company that has a lot of dns experience so their service is primarily known as a CDN or content delivery network essentially cloud flairs main business is to geographically distribute and other internet applications and to provide services such as routing caching firewall load balancing and DDoS mitigation these are all things that you used to need hard work for so 15 to 20 years ago when I was an IT administrator for a large number of websites we used to pay 20 or 30 thousand dollars every couple of years for new load balancers from f5 or NetScaler in order to provide these same services in our data center now I can simply turn on CloudFlare for free with my site ground hosting account and I get all of those same services so needless to say CloudFlare does have a lot of DNS experience they've been doing this for years and over the years their services have become cheaper and cheaper they've also started to throw in free services that used to be pay services such as back in 2014 they enabled encryption for all customers and then last year they enabled DDoS mitigation for everyone DDoS being distributed denial-of-service so a way to sort of prevent those types of attacks so now they've created 1.1 1.1 as a public DNS service and as an alternative to the DNS services provided to you by your local ISP according to their blog posts which I'll put a link to below they started this project after they started noticing a lot of censorship happening in the world such as in 2014 when the Turkish government blocks Twitter after recordings showing a government corruption scandal leaked online now during that time one of the only ways that users in Turkey could get around their country's firewall was by using Google's DNS service or some other public dns resolver another issue with your ISPs DNS servers is that they can record all of the websites that your IP address visits and ISPs love making money off of your data right so 1.1.11 addresses this problem by not only deleting all DNS query records within 24 hours but they also never write querying IP addresses such as your own way an IP address to disk so yes they do log the data they have to in order to prevent abuse and detect problems and stuff like that but they never write your info to disk and they clear out all information after 24 hours all that being said using 1.1.11 is no substitute for using a third-party VPN service such as private Internet access link down below but it's a heck of a lot more secure than using your own ISPs DNS resolvers another great benefit to using 1.1.11 is speed so according to DNS perf coms list of Public DNS resolvers will pull that up here one dot one dot one dot one is now the number one fastest Average DNS server so you can see one dot one dot one dot one followed by Open DNS quad nine then we've got Google down here and level threes doesn't even make this list of the top ten at least on the in the world location last 30 days so of course given that they just launched this yesterday there isn't a heck of a lot of traffic or usage on their system so I'd be curious to see where they stand in about six months but for now they're super fast security is another issue with traditional DNS servers so DNS the DNS standards were built like 35 years ago and it wasn't designed with security or privacy in mind CloudFlare is trying to push into the future with this new DNS service at launch and they are supporting both DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS open standards now neither of these open standards are widely used yet but we should see more adoption coming you know in in the years to come so finally one more pretty big advantage to using one 1.1.1 since that dns resolver is integrated with cloud flairs services there's no dns time-to-live expiration for CloudFlare enabled websites so basically in most cases when you make a change to a website's IP address or even the IP address of one node in a load balance group of websites or a load balance group of IP addresses you have to wait for the dns time-to-live to expire and then propagate that change out to all other DNS resolvers around the world now back in the day we used to say that it takes 24 hours for dns to fully propagate now it's usually within an hour or faster but if you are using 1.1 1.1 and you make a change to a CloudFlare hosted website that change is instant so we're talking about millions of websites here and this is going to make a pretty significant difference if you are using one dot one dot one dot one to resolve DNS and you're heading to a website that also uses CloudFlare any changes they make are instantaneously available to your your own DNS okay so how can you try out one dot one dot one dot one or their second there resolver is actually 1.0.0 dot one well number of ways so me personally I run piehole in my network so let's take a quick look at where I would make that change in piehole I simply set my upstream DNS servers I put two custom ones in they don't have the CloudFlare DNS servers as the built-in options yet but I'm willing to bet that they will probably have those in a future update so for now you could just manually enter the IP addresses here's custom one and custom two and then of course I set in DHCP my DHCP server uses my class my piehole IP addresses for my whole network for devices on my network now if you are using DHCP on your network you can also just use one dot one dot one dot one and one dot zero dot 0 dot one directly as the primary and secondary DNS servers for your diamond dynamic clients so for instance in unify you go over here to settings networks and then edit one of your networks the setting is right down here so DHCP name server we can see I've got mine set to my piehole but you could very easily just change this to one dot one dot one dot one and one dot zero dot zero dot one and then save that so you've got primary secondary tertiary and then for theory I don't know what you call this primary secondary tertiary I don't know what you call the the fourth one if you guys know put it down in the comments below finally on an individual PC or device you can set the DNS servers manually now using Windows 10 as an example you want to open network and Internet settings and then you double click on change adapter options I love how they keep burying Network changes deeper and deeper in Windows 10 by the way so the next thing you wanna do is right-click on your Ethernet card or Ethernet port that you want to set and then double click on ipv4 and then right here we can see use the following DNS server addresses I can change this to 1.1 1.1 and 1 dot 0 dot 0 dot 1 and then just hit OK and ok and you're all set as far as a local server so let's go ahead and try that out and here we have a command prompt this again is off of Windows 10 so I'm just gonna say and that's look up slash dot dot org and there we go so server 1.1.11 CloudFlare - DNS com and of course it came back with a very very quick response there are ways of measuring the speed of DNS resolution I'm not an expert in how to do that so I'm not gonna be doing that here but you guys get the idea I'd be very curious to hear your thoughts about it and whether or not you guys are going to start using one 1.1.1 and and and if you have any experiences with that put that down in the comments below ok so I hope you enjoyed this quick overview of cloud flares new 1.1.11 a DNS name resolution service if you have any questions or comments as always leave them in the description below and if you enjoyed this video please give me a thumbs up you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 77,212
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Keywords: crosstalk, crosstalk solutions, cloudflare,, dns, dns resolvers, public dns, cloudflare dns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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