Our Tried and Tested Network Technician Tools: Klein VDV Scout Pro, Southwire, MAGNEPULL & More!

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so me and Corey are here to talk about tools today and not new tools tools that have fallen off ladders tried and true tried and true man falling off a lot of things based on how bad this thing you guys have dropped this dynamo tag a lot um it's been in our arsenal for about five years five years so we'll leave links to all these things below where you can get this on Amazon we have an affiliate link if you enjoy clicking that but we're gonna talk about some of the tools that he uses cuz I'm not good at wiring that's why I don't do the wiring videos and that's why I hired an expert to do by wiring we'll start with the label printer there's not a lot to talk about it's a really basic dynamo DiMeo let's retired I'm old letch I say dynamo but it's just a d8 ymo lets you tag basic gets the job done and as well as things that someone's gonna comment say there's something real expensive one I like better one things I like is this one it's held up well it's not expensive because unfortunately we're doing labeling you know from the top to the bottom and things well they fall off ladders Cory yeah out in the field they fall off ladders we also use that unity in our store - yeah - the label stuff all the time it's just handy little thing and once you kind of settle in we have actually I think three of these that way you can buy all the same refills for all of what makes it pretty easy yeah now the next one and I like this Souths want to call soft but it's Southwire yeah crimper and punch for punching down patch panels and crimp and RG 45s this is a basic inexpensive tool but man I mean it's just so light and easy to crimp with and it cuts and it also does a six pair and a four pair so it has its all-in-one yeah it real basic there's not a lot to it to talk about it's one of those but it's a solid tool it has lasted a really long time this thing is scuff but it's a comfortable grip so your hands aren't killed by the end of the day really easy crimp - yeah it's very easy easy pull down crimp and then when you get upset and they come as a kit you can get this they have a screwdriver kit that goes in there with it real simple crimps a lot of people ask well come pretty like these have really held up a we like these punchers we just buy these individually as well just because they're so easy to use it's the palm of the hand puncher and the decided trying to use a screwdriver style one that just it makes life easier at the end of the day if you're punching 200 wires that's the way to go and one things I like once again they're not expensive because occasionally these may have fallen in places can't get and you feel bad if you have a real expensive tool it's I mean there's at least what is that 120 foot wall he dropped it all the way down into oh man we've lost a lot of tools in walls up in it I got a $60 drill bit yeah it's a it's a bull saw I just bought and we used it once and it fell down so sometimes that happens on the job so if you spending you know less than $20 for a tool and says it's you feel a lot less bad when you're buying your tools you don't yeah um we'll talk about this real quick so this is the tech Tecton tech tongs Acton little handy kit it's in your back pocket multi forty six piece forty six piece once again a small basic tool set but when you're putting up a lot of cameras and a lot of peoe stuff sometimes they don't always have just a Philips or a flathead they have all kinds of little adjusters on there to get the tensioner set and you may not have it with you you have to go back down the ladder or you can just keep this in your pocket and then while you're up there you can quickly get something adjusted if you need to and because we do some of these camera jobs like for school systems and things like that how many different cameras is a school having just the one district I've encountered at least at least 10 different ten different variations of dome camera sort this has had it every time yeah so I'd use that for audio to a lot of audio adjustments one two three clips yeah now here's another best 13 dollars ever spent holy cow I've done it a few have we've bought a couple of them they're so great if you haven't guessed what this does this goes up in a ceiling tile so you pop a tile out you snap this in and it's got the little edge so it fits pretty much all your standard drop ceilings and when you're pulling the wire through the wire pulls through nice and smooth without ripping apart the corners of the drop ceiling or shred the wire because it caught a sharp edge a couple of these man are so cheap he keeps a couple of in his van Edison's Madison electronics stingray stingray yeah was it a mere a or something we'll leave a link to this as well but this is it's what those once again it's not expensive there's no moving parts there's not much to go wrong with it it's it's really durable plastic - I am dropped it 25 feet it bounces other than making a lot of noise it's a real good durable now let's talk about real quick there's a lot of opinion when it comes to tools yes I know the cobalt is the Lowe's brand they do sell them on there I think that I don't know that they're Lowe's exclusive because they do sell mine Amazon I think it sold sell-through Lowe's this is just a saw whole kit but you know you what will control see you use I use myself I use maketo yeah he likes the makita drills which are a really solid product once again there's a lot of pains out there but the for the whole sockets these have been like the gorilla cost-effective have held up and these are all well used from song you're amazing to me is uses is the paint's not even completely off all day cobalt put some it's seriously the other products yeah because when you're up there you got to drill a lot of holes getting all this cabling and wiring in you know you popping through stuff this colbaugh stop I don't even like to if these have always been now we'll save this one for last cuz will cover this real quick cuz the case you didn't see this the Magpul this is fun start with that one this one here at the land Scout Junior land Scout junior so if you do this kind of part-time land Scout Junior is a good system they have very very cost-effective so it's just a cable tester that tests all depends one unit but it tests every single pin yeah it goes to test every pin real basic obviously one end can go in the comm room one end goes in here you plug it around test them cool get the job done I know all pins are good it's not like a cable certifiers not real advanced it's not doing any real in-depth signal testing but it'll get the job done for you know just testing the pins in the cable now I feel like if you don't have the time go with one unit to test this is where you go this is an eighth unit tester from Klein it's the VDV Scout pro 2 we've had this in our arsenal for at least three and a half years and this thing is invaluable this is by far our most important tool because it doesn't matter if you can get that wire in what matters is you can guarantee it works yeah and what this allows you to do and each one of these are labeled one through eight and I've reviewed this tool before and this is a follow up on it really it still works as good as the day we bought it you pop these a lens on actually I will admit the new model is a little bit nicer than our older one that we have here but it still works the same way and it allows you to do the testing for either voice cable or rj45 and what the numbers represent on here is you go around and plug these on here one two three four and then it tells you which one of these ends you're testing so when you're in separate rooms one person can easily label each of the poles each of the runs and pop a number on them real quick so you know which if you know where you plug them in it's easy to figure out where they are in the comm room and which numbers they are so when you have a kit for port jack especially because we take over so many wearing jobs we don't do so you plug in all four you label where you plugged him in then you go in the back comm room and you figure out where they are on the patch panel and it tells you which one it makes life a lot easier when your test and label on each job yeah when you're testing and labeling especially when you're doing a take over and your cuz god knows no one documents anything we document what we do but often recalling us and not the previous guy because the previous catch hadn't talked to him what he did was this what you do in kind of a clean up mess it's not always a rerun but we got to clean up and any time we're doing a cleanup we got to do some of the labeling so you like said if your individual the the basic one here pretty inexpensive this still helps so if you're a one-man show so you don't have someone out in the comm room and out in the office area doing this but it's even faster if you got two people so you can have a run around plugging stuff in this this finds VDV distance meter basically what this meter does is allows you to select whatever kind of wire you're using and instead of guessing how much length you have so how much where do you guys think is here I have no idea this is a box that got destroyed yeah it got wet in the rain yeah so the box it things happen when you run cable and whatever but you grab two wires out of it and pretty quick here then you go in there and you simply select your wire so this is cat six so there we go we've selected cat 6 now we come out and then it tells us based on the negative and positive we got about three hundred and four feet right here yep now this also works with phone lines and the other cool thing is if you crimp an end and you pop it in to the wall it will tell you the length of the run the wall provided it gets goofy if something's plugged in on the other end but if you're trying to trace the wires back and figure out how far that length is already run in the wall it works for that as well and it actually has a custom and they get some instructions in here for this it supports different gauge wires so you can use this to measure more than just cat five lawyer we've actually used it to measure some alarm wire some audio wire speaker wire things like that you just dial in what gauge wire it is of coax coax it's got a coax measure so any many settings for different kinds of wire yeah so it's kind of cool it's it was handy little things when we're labeling stuff and you run into this you know it'll do really short lengths like a 15-foot length of cable as well now the next little tool is from it's yellow and fits in the Klein box crate and slide the Meraki down here it's from Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Texas this is a roughly a forty dollar tool they make a new version I haven't really dug into what the new features are on the new version but this is kind of neat so you go here and this is hooked up to a POA injector we're gonna plug it in over here to this Meraki unit and what comes up on a display is one whether it's been wired in fifty six A or B then it's going to tell us the amperage and the voltage coming over here so it's always good even without this plugged in without this a Cisco plugged in its gonna give me takes a second it'll display the voltage then how do I get the voltage and the amperage just going through to the device this becomes really handy one back to the being inexpensive because you're frequently how often are you testing this with a camera system because the camera went out pop the camera now that's something that I mean I don't use it as frequently as that but I use this maybe maybe twice a week yeah so this is the pot it's a great little troubleshooting device for going in there and going re do I have voltage on this law and you can figure it out pretty quick so it's kind of a handy tool for doing that it's convenient requires no batteries because it's powered off the PIO II so it's dead simple you can't get it wrong I know there's some more advanced tools that give you way more information but a lot of times you just want to know there's their power or not we had a problem where it turns out someone turned off all all the power in the switch when they were pushing configurations so when the some of the cameras went dead it was some type of policy configuration to resist no voltage coming out real simple fix test it real quick okay no voltage and we can troubleshoot further it's just small things I like simple tools because they're less likely to break down and if you drop this off a ladder it's it there's not much to break inside of it I've looked inside there's really nothing to it just a little display with a voltage on it but doesn't definitely really handy for doing that it'd be worth mentioning that all of this here this stuff I cut out just because I like oh yeah these tools together yeah we actually stick them all in yeah the other together really nicely when you do it like that yeah that is a modification I've made yeah bad made so these two clang tools did we bought these separate but they leave you this big spot so we posted it to make sure it all fits in a nice case now this is a newer tool but a fun tool and we're gonna do a more in-depth review we have a wall we just finished building we're gonna be doing some more videos on training out how to do this because they kind of serve as a fun way to show you how they all work but this is a Magpul magnet pole wall fishing system so what this does and this is is kind of cool so the Magpul here it really I mean it really is seriously hard to pull apart it's this tables think this is a custom-built it's about there's a few inches of table right here you can look at that like do magic tricks with this thing this will go through some pretty heavy walls and this is you drop this down into the wall and it will yank even through insulation which of course if you're dealing with insulated walls can be a real pain in the butt there's a pole right it'll pull right through it we have it on this chain but you actually will usually put this on a fish stick we just put it to the chain two you know for this because it fits in the box a lot of times it's got a standard hook on it this is a really strong braid here and what this allows you do though put it on a fish stick you can pull that fish stick right down the wall and out to the spot we're gonna do a little more in-depth demo on how this is used this is also handy when you have like special holes you got to try and get it through and it's you got to work at sideways because you can roll this roller now there's rollers around an electrical box in the wall right anything like when you've got to like pull it around something in this is real like rubber soft coating on here so when you run it down a drywall you're not in trouble you're not marring up the wall that's what's important about this sohow thing is serious it also seems that protection against doing stupid things like getting it that close it doesn't seem to break so now it also comes with this unit right here which is basically just a pin point so basically what that is is you would stick that in your ceiling to try to find where you would drill your hole and then what you found it it lines you how it lights up yeah and what this will do to are like so we're gonna do a more in-depth review of this but it's on here so if you're on the wall but there's no door so you're like okay I want the hole here and I can come from the other side of the wall or ceiling whichever one you can push this pushpin in onto a piece of drywall and find that location and punch through there so you know exactly where you're at directly above where you want your hole in the wall to be right it also works through outside walls and we've done a little playing with this it's kind of cool because for example when you got to run out outdoors you got you don't know where exactly it is outdoor so try to measure you go inside the house or you know building push this pin it sticks right into the drywall and you're gonna walk around outside and you're like that's where the holes gonna go so that's where I need to drill you know exactly where you're gonna drill within about a two or three inch spot yeah it's fairly act it's pretty direction like I said we're gonna do a more in-depth review on this book we wanted to cover just some of these tools that we use on a kind of regular basis this is a newer addition to the tool set but yeah a welcome one at that I should put the pin in down there we go so you don't poke yourself with the pin oh that's leave links below to all these fun tools but a lot of people have asked some of the stuff it's freezing outside today we were going to show like more of what's in the truck but this is like the cat the things you have a lot of people are asking about I want any necessarily hey what is some of the tools you guys use for this a lot more tools but there's still a lot more tools in general the drills and things like that we'll do some more and for any of these you have questions leave them in the comments below and like I said we're gonna do this Magpul one right we're gonna have a more in-depth how we wire a wall video make an instructional video how we use it and how we use these things a combination for that but if you're looking for some gift ideas for a tech geek that does some of this stuff these are good tools to buy them we've been really happy at these client tools like I said this one I reviewed this probably first two years ago it is held up really well then dropped from the ceiling many many times and held up very well that's one of the important things to us when I do these reviews they're not just a brand new shiny tool I think will hold up this is we bought it a couple years ago it still works great the only thing we've done is hot new batteries in it yeah thanks for watching if you like this video go ahead and click the thumbs up leave us some feedback below to let us know any details what you liked and didn't like as well because we love hearing the feedback or if you just want to say thanks leave a comment if you wanted to be notified of new videos as they come out go ahead and to subscribe and the bell icon that lets YouTube know that you're interested in notifications hopefully they send them as we've learned with YouTube anyways if you want to contract us for consulting services you go ahead and hit orange systems comm and you can reach out to us for all the projects that we can do and help you we work with a lot of small businesses IT companies even some large companies and you can farm different work out to us or just hire us as a consultant to help design your network also if you want to help the channel other ways we have a patreon we have affiliate links you'll find them in a description you'll also find recommendations to other affiliate links and things you can sign up for on lawrence systems comm once again thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 167,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: network technican tools, took kit, technician (profession), clc bag, network repair, computer network (industry), tool backpack, technician backpack, lineman, network technician tools, network technician tools list, tools, network, klein tools, tool
Id: 7zWswXer8i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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