UniFi Switch 8 Follow-Up and VLAN Config

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[Music] welcome to pro stocks illusions my name's Chris and today we're going to do a follow up to my previous unify switch video which I'll link up here somewhere and I wanted to answer some of the questions that you guys had in the comments so real quickly there's a couple of quick ones that are really easy to answer and then we're going to dive into some of the more complicated stuff the voltage settings or the voltage readings as well as setting up VLANs okay so first question was the s FPS that are on the unified switch are they SF peas or SFP+ units and they are SFP just standard sfe not SFP+ as to where you can get compatible s FPS for this device well there's two places that I would recommend first of all ubiquity just came out with their own line of s FPS so certainly if you buy a ubiquity SFP it should be compatible with the ubiquity switch second of all if you go on google and you just search ubiquity compatible SFP right there's two main links that are ubiquity forum links that have a full listing of SFP and SFP+ modules that are compatible with the unified switch and the edge switch line of products so that answers that the next question that I received was regarding heat on the unit someone was concerned about putting this switch up in their attic because it gets very hot and just I mean I've had this thing running for a little while with just two devices attached to it my alink t20 3g telephone here as well as a UAP AC pro wireless access point so with just those two devices it's not very hot right this is a fan las' device so it relies on heat sinks internally to dissipate heat and it's not getting very hot with with just these two devices now that being said if it's fully populated with access points perhaps it would get a lot more it would be a lot hotter but I have not tested that I've only plugged in these two devices so what I would suggest in terms of Heat with the device like this is test it right how many devices are you going to be putting into it and if you are going to be putting it into an attic or something like that where it may be generating Heat may be built a little stand for it or something you know get it off the off the actual you know the wood framing put it on a metal plate of some sort something like that just to dissipate some more of that heat and also just evaluate whether or not that's something that you're comfortable doing having a device that could potentially get hot up in your attic right in most cases it's going to be totally fine the other thing I would suggest is perhaps wait until UniFi comes out with their next two switches which they have two other unified switches coming out one that provides power over ethernet and one that doesn't and use one of the lower model switches up in your attic that's definitely not going to get as hot as this one has potential to get okay so the other question that I had was regarding power consumption and when I have this plugged in right now so I have this plugged into AC power and I have just my ailing t23 G plugged in and the UAP AC pro plugged in that is drawing right around 17 watts of power so those three things these two devices plugged in and the switch powered on is about 17 watts worth of power if we look at the unify interface and I look at my devices and click on the unify switch and then I click on ports we can see that port seven which is the access point is drawing about four point one two watts and pork six which is the phone is drawing about one point three was so if we take the 17 watts this thing is drawing and we subtract out one point four watts for the phone and we subtract out four point one watts for the access point we're left with about 11 and a half watts that the device itself is pulling now it's capable of 150 watts so I'm very much under utilizing this thing at the moment so if you were going to be looking at this solution and you only had a couple of ple devices this is probably overkill you might want to wait until they come out I think it's probably about another month so they're coming out with some new unify switches that will have you know less pili capability probably be cheaper and then that would be a better solution for you in the long run okay so that is the wattage or the power consumption of this device the last thing that I wanted to talk about was VLANs so there is some question and concern about how our VLANs done in these unified switches so normally with edge switches or with most layer 3 switches that have VLAN capability you've got three terms that you need to be familiar with trunk ports which is basically you know the the pass-through port for all VLANs right so when you're connecting switch to switch you typically want to connect a trunk port to a trunk port so that you're passing all of your VLAN data you've got one native VLAN or one management VLAN plus all of the unto all of the tagged VLAN information coming through as well then you've got untagged ports which means basically on this port if it's got VLAN XYZ as untagged all traffic coming in and out of that port is by default going to have going to be in VLAN XYZ okay then you have tagged ports right so tagged ports are for devices such as voice over IP phones and access points that can actually read VLAN data so you can have an untagged port which is VLAN XYZ and then a tagged port which is VLAN 1 2 3 right and so both of those can pass on the same port and the device on the other side you're telling this device hey you're in this VLAN and since it's tagged with a VLAN and that port has that VLAN writing across it as a tag VLAN this will be able to communicate on that VLAN clear as mud right so I promise you it'll make a lot of sense once I kind of get into it a little bit so let me pull up a picture that I did just a real quick Visio ok so here we go so take a look at this picture here so this is essentially what I have now I do have an extra switch in the way here but for simplifying this diagram I've removed that ok so I've got a port on my edge router now this is an edge router but it could be any other router that is capable of VLANs and that port is passing through 4 VLANs on the trunk port right so is my Trent port I've got vlan1 is my management port VLAN 20 is a data port of data VLAN VLAN 30 is a voice over IP VLAN and VLAN 100 is for my guests ok so this is not actually what I have I'm just using this as an example here so we can see the color-coded VLANs coming all coming from the router into say port one of the unify switch that's the port that I would want to make my trunk port I want it to have all of the VLANs coming in on that port with VLAN one untagged and VLAN 20 30 and 100 as tagged VLANs ok now the next port is for my T 23 G and on this port I only want VLAN 20 untagged and VLAN 34 voice over IP that means that if I plug a computer into that port it should get VLAN 20 by default but if I plug a phone into that port and I've configured the phone to be VLAN 30 it'll be able to send and receive traffic on that network on VLAN 30 same thing over here with my access point I want the Wi-Fi to be able to pass regular data traffic for my secure Wi-Fi my internal Wi-Fi network and then I also want a guest Wi-Fi network that's running on VLAN 100 that's going to be separate but I do need that information and tagged ok so how do we set this up with a unify switch let's pop in there and take a look at that the first thing we need to do is actually set up our vilas so you click on settings then you click on networks and we're going to add some new VLANs now keep in mind that by default you get your corporate LAN and you also get a void bland right so I'm going to be creating a different voice LAN it's going to be VLAN based instead of you know this is assuming that you have a USG and you're utilizing that third port of the USG ok so we're going to create a new network let's look at our picture again we're going to do our data land first so let's say VLAN only we'll call this data LAN and it's going to be VLAN ID 20 save let's add another one boy we'll call this VoIP new since there's already a VoIP so we can distinguish which one is the built-in boyfriend which is the one we're creating this is going to be VLAN only it's going to be VLAN ID 30 we're going to save that finally let's create one more guest Wi-Fi VLAN only the event ID 100 ok so now if we look at our picture I have created these 3 VLANs VLAN 20 VLAN 30 VLAN 100 ok so I've got those three feet lands and I'm going to assume that my router is passing those VLAN IDs in properly ok so now let's go over to our device so we click on our devices and we click on our unify switch 8 ok so first let's set up our trunk port we want a port that's going to bring in all of those VLANs first in my case I'm using port 8 in my drawing I made it port 1 here we go so in my drawing I made it port 1 but in reality I've got it plugged into port 8 it doesn't matter can be port 1 port 8 but basically that is the uplink port that's the port that's going out to my router directly so let's click on ports and we're going to look at this uplink port and we're going to click Edit and where it says networks slash VLANs we're just going to say all and I can also turn p OE off on this board because it's an uplink port it's not powering a device I'm going to turn that the p OE off and I'm going to say all for the networks slash VLAN then we're going to apply that okay next we have VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 need to go to this phone and right now the phone is plugged into port 6 ok so this again shows port 2 but we're going to actually set this up on port 6 so if I come over here we can look at port 6 edit the properties and I have the option of doing all disabled and then I can pick one of the VLANs that I set up so this doesn't give me the option to do only port VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 so how do we do that we have to set up what's called a network so going to set up a network which I don't really like that terminology I wish they would call it a VLAN group or are you going to network group right and but instead they call it a network so we have to set up a network and to do that we go over here to configuration we want to click on networks / VLANs and we want we can see our VLANs here these are our four VLANs we're going to go ahead and say create and we're going to call this data + void so the native network is going to be LAN data LAN excuse me and then the tag networks are going to be void okay so I'm saying that the untagged VLAN for this port or this network group is going to be the data LAN and the tag networks are going to be void so that means we look at here again VLAN 20 data LAN VLAN 30 void I also wish by the way if you if you if you pick what he's watching this when you drop this down I wish it would say data LAN and then parentheses VLAN 20 right that would be great it'd just make it a little bit clearer which VLANs you're dealing with because the the name of the VLAN is not always going to be the most it's like it doesn't give you the most information right okay so data VLAN and VoIP we're going to apply that and now let's go back to our ports we're going to look at port 6 it's set to P OE + that's fine and so for networks and VLANs I should now have data + void and here we have a parentheses 20 meaning that the native network or the untag network for this port is going to be VLAN 20 but we're also going to be passing VLAN 30 as a tag network for voice over IP so apply that and finally let's look at our picture one more time and now we want to do our access point now our access point we have VLAN 24 data our secure network and VLAN 100 for our guest Wi-Fi network so let's go back here we're going to do another network configuration networks create we're going to call this data plus guest Wi-Fi native network is data land then we're going to tag the guest Wi-Fi VLAN apply that and now if we flip back to ports let's find the port where my access point is right here port 7 edit that port and we're going to say this one is data plus guest Wi-Fi apply that change the unify switch provisions and now that VLAN traffic is passing to those devices the way that I want it to based on the diagram that I created so it's a little bit different if you're used to working with trunk ports and untagged and tagged VLANs in a regular at layer 3 switch this is the same concept it's just the nomenclature is a little bit different and it's a little bit sort of weird to bounce back between these different things to set up the the different networks that you need to for your VLAN groups to put on the ports and blah blah blah blah so it's an interesting it's an interesting way of looking at it because if I didn't know anything about VLANs at all I can't really tell if this is easier or harder to learn than it would be to just learn VLANs as I traditionally think of them but you know again I I don't have the ability to go back and forget everything I know about VLANs so that I can relearn it here so I just I like the other way I like the edge switch way just because I'm used to it it makes more sense to me but again a lot of that just depends on how you learned it so ok so that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is Chris and crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 284,475
Rating: 4.9525042 out of 5
Keywords: ubiquiti, unifi, unifi switch, usg, ubiquiti switch, us-8-150w, unifi switch 8, unifi switch 16, unifi swtich 24
Id: JblnjsnJNJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2016
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