A Different Peach Cobbler

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Phylis here from southern frugal calm this morning I'm going to fix I don't really know what to call it it's it's really peach cobbler but it's more like got a cake type top on it anyway I think this is a pretty old recipe I got it from my neighbor and when I got the recipe from her she was in her eighties and she had had it for a while but here is a story behind it her and her husband and her husband's brother in his life were on a little trip up to the mountains I guess the mountains of North Carolina and they ate at this restaurant and for dessert they had peach cobbler that's what they called it peach cobbler so anyway my neighbor's husband's brother asked the chef if he could have the recipe and the chef came out from the kitchen and gave him the recipe so I don't know how old it is I would get it I to guess I would say probably 50 years old maybe 60 and there are a lot of different variations of it but this is the one she gave me it's one stick of butter melted and you want one of these little 8x8 of Pyrex pans or dishes and so that's just one stick of butter melted and to that we're going to add one large can of peaches and this is the 29 ounce size of sliced peaches and you want to drain that heavy syrup now back then the only way you could get peaches was with beheaded syrup so you know I guess that's what you would need to use for this recipe anyway you want to just dump them in to that melted butter and kind of spread them out evenly all right now it's so so simple one egg and you just want to beat the egg up a little bit and just use a whisk you don't even have to use an electric mixer alright enter that you're going to add one cup of milk now I'm just using powdered milk because I'm out of whole milk but I don't think it really makes a whole lot of difference so I kind of milk you use just one cup and then we want to use one teaspoon a pure vanilla extract that's the only extra flavoring that's going to be in this so that's one teaspoon now to this 3/4 of a cup of just regular sugar and kind of mix that in kind of get some of that sugar dissolve through the day all right and to this we're going to add one cup of self-rising flour you do need self-rising for this and even after you mix this up if it's a little lumpy it doesn't make a bit of difference because it will all cook out the oven now we're going to cook this or bake it at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until it's golden brown on top so I'm just mixing it with the whisk don't have to get the mixer out for this one all right yeah all you have to do is pour it right out of the pitches on the butter mixture and it will be running it's almost as runny as a pancake better so there it is alright we're going to pop this in the oven and when this is done we'll be back although I'm going to be back in just a second tell you some good news okay here's the news for me it was great news we were coming home from church yesterday and we came past our local Piggly Wiggly we've only really got one grocery store in town and every place in the parking lot was filled and there are all kinds of trucks out doing everything and there was a sign it was a paper sign really a big cardboard sign and it said by lo coming on Friday so they're down there redoing that store and restocking it and all those people were followed people that were getting that store ready to open this Friday so needless to say we were both thrilled and me especially because I got all my meat at Babbo I don't really ever buy meat pretty much anywhere else and they also have a great fresh produce department so I was just thrilled beyond words we talked about it all afternoon because we're just this little small town I mean follow it and usually in little small towns but they're going to be in our town and I just cannot wait because it's actually probably only four blocks from where I live I mean I could walk there and that great so anyway all right I just want to share that with y'all I don't you don't live in the south people I don't know what ballo is but they have super great fresh vegetables they always have good meat and the store is always super super clean and the grocery carts they have those smaller ones in there I'm talking about and then they have the bigger ones too but the cards are not hard to push you know how are you going to Walmart you'll get a Christian card that clanks along or it's hard to push or it tries to go to the right or the left I mean the grocery carts are terrible in Walmart but invalid every grocery cart you get goes up near my house perfectly so anyway we love bi-lo and we can't wait for meeeeee to open and we're going to definitely be there on Friday when they open also bolo has great deals they have a 5% discount for seniors every Wednesday your whole order whatever it is your all your groceries that you buy you get a 5 percent discount at the register with that loose in your card so if you're over I think yeah I'm not sure of the you and you have to be ever 50 I'm not really sure about that but we've had a card for years of course so anyway all right so when this peach cobbler gets done we'll be back and I think I'm just going to call this quick peach cobbler I don't really know what else to call it so all right we'll be back ok the peach cobbler is ready and I did try to do this recipe from memory and I wasn't very good at that it actually had to cook 40 minutes so it's very hot and I try to tip some of this out so you can have a look at it there it is I'm going to go ahead and taste of it it's really hot really hot hot-hot very good very preachy it's just very very hot okay so I don't really know how to describe this it's sort of a cake top on it and then you got the peaches on the bottom and then some of this cake like that stuff that's really good mmm very very good all right see y'all next time
Channel: Phyllis Stokes and Son
Views: 224,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old fashion peach cobbler, your mama's peach cobbler, How to make peach cobbler, quick deserts, holiday deserts, family deserts, peaches, very rich deserts, decadent deserts, quick and easy deserts, easy rich deserts, deserts using peaches, deserts for my family, desert using canned peaches, how can I use canned peaches, very sweet peach cobbler, creamy peach cobbler, Bi-Lo opening new store
Id: COWSj--RnNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
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