Homemade Peach Cobbler | #SoulFoodSunday

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[Music] welcome back to another soul food Sunday video drop hey you know what this is the home of the YouTube virtual popular brought to you by myself and soul food cooking hey listen two channels bringing you know what we think you know a good representation of a soul food you know what I don't even know what they do it so listen after the end of this video we got to go by and take a look at what they doing hey listen I got to tell you this I say it every week you never know you might end up making the same thing but whatever it is I love the videos they awesome we got to go by and check them out soon as we get through watching this now let's go ahead and just address the elephant in the room last week I announced that it's going to be a giveaway that's right this is the week right here all you got to do is you got to be subscribed to both channels real easy right then you got to leave a comment down in the comment section below you know saying whatever that you see these three options right here you could just pick one of those we could put that in your comment that'll make it even easier you know just say hey you want to be in whatever you want to say and then you know tell me what you want to pick and what you picked and then we go from there you know what yes I'm gonna go ahead and pick the winner in Wednesday that's this Wednesday and I'm gonna do it live you know I'm gonna do it uh I don't know at a time I'll put some in my community tab I'll do it tomorrow and I look at my schedule from work and then we'll figure it out but listen is gonna go down is going down alive I'll let you know and please keep it down I'm trying to keep it to like people like in there on us you know it and that's holy for shipping our reasons only this is eventually we gonna have something we can ship it all over the world but right now it's just us no contestants only I'm gonna go ahead and put it right into this so let's get it now let's go over some of the ingredients we got corn starch which is too teaspoons we got lemon juice which is one tablespoon and those of you guys are new to my channel you notice that every time I pick up ingredient you'll see the name of it along with the other quantity and also if you look down in the description box below I put a printable copy down there for the ingredients you know with the list and the quantities they're also so moving along look we got vanilla extract 1 teaspoon you know listen super simple and this right here is just for our filling don't forget now listen I'm in Texas they say everything is bigger in Texas but check this out right here look how big these peaches are cubes and got these at the local h-e-b grocery store out here hey listen they gonna be greatly missed when I go home alright and this right here is my 8 quart you know pie listen I'm gonna show you guys a pro tip on how to peel those peaches you know what we're gonna put water and aqueon boiler and this right here is what we gonna bake it in that's my 13 by 9 you know glass pyrex you know baking dish so yeah and it came with a lid hey those are cool too then you gotta have a bowl listen cuz we're gonna put all those ingredients you see right there into that bowl now get your water in your pot get it boiling now listen the recipe says 8 listen that's 8 normal sized peaches but as big as these peaches are right here you know what I just went ahead and just use 5 I knew that would just be enough so here's a pro tip put them in the hot boiling water you want to boil it on for about 30 30 minute 30 seconds to 1 minute then you want to cut that off if you cut your little plus on the bottom of it that's where you can start peeling the front makes it a little bit easier now after sitting in that boiling water for about one minute you want to go ahead and take them out if you look at that bowl over there my ice is melting because I didn't have a lot of ice but you want to put them in ice cold water to stop and cook it you know what just you know it just super simple get them in the water so they'll stop and then it come you know then we got to go ahead you know start peeling now let me show you just how easy it is should get them boiled now go ahead and take them under cold water you can see right there look everywhere I touch it's starting to peel and remember that little plus that we cut look how easy this is to build so listen this part of self-explanatory oh yeah just peel it and then when you're done go ahead and get you a knife I know it looks like I'm cutting towards myself but don't forget the peaches got that big giant uh that big giant see just go ahead and cut it all the way around and then separate it and you want to take the seed out and then you want to cut them into slices you know what this part right here just hey this is for the people that have never ever made it you know from scratch now you get to see just how easy and there you go that's five peaches or that's how big that work filled up that whole glass bowl now what we want to do is we're moving on to the next thing report listen when I was looking at that and then looking at my ingredients I'm gonna transfer them into that big phone so now we want to put all of our dry ingredients all of our written our ingredients period we want to put everything super you now let me just say this this is key I'm making this and giving it to somebody who doesn't like a lot of sweets and I mean so I reduced it so when I said 1/4 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of the white sugar and the brown sugar that's because I was cutting back my suggestion would be when I make it I use 3/4 of a cup of each but I would ask you guys just as a way to try it we know using 1/2 a cup of each of the sugars everything else stays the same now just go ahead and put everything in there get yourself a spatula once you got you know all your ingredients in there then you just want to like roll it all and be delicate because you know what these are peaches you don't wanna listen you know so this is the sugars right here this and they pull all the juices out and this is not gonna be as juicy as normal because I didn't put as much sugar as I normally do but this right here is kill them and you still with you know amazing I gotta tell you that I said spoiler alert I'm doing a voiceover I've already tasted it you know I mean and I set aside something for myself so anyway look then after that you want to transfer everything get all your juice and everything you know transfer it into your baking dish and then we all put it in the oven check this out we're gonna put it in the oven at 425 degrees uncovered and we gonna bake them for about i'ma say about in minutes and the reason I use that number you know what every oven is different this one here where I'm using at this condo it cooks fast now let's move over to the cobbler topping this is what you got to have all of these ingredients right here you know what ideals went ahead and separated it so everybody could just see it then you got the baking powder okay one teaspoon and then after that you know what I like to use a whisk whisk you know or keep it old-school y'all I know we gonna use a fork hey listen unsalted butter and like I said look I cut back on the sugar and I use unsalted butter you know I mean but you can use regular butter also and get more sugar all right so now put all your ingredients it let's get together now once we got all our ingredients on the bowl we want to go ahead and whisk everything together and then when we get through whisking together we're gonna move over to the next step and I remember the full ingredient list will be down in the description box below so as you can see you know blending it very well now we want to move over to our butter that's six tablespoons so what you want to do is I broke them all the way up to each tablespoon just go ahead and put them in there it kind of like got soft but I like to use it kind of sort of like high comes right at the refrigerator not too hard but just a little bit of you know a little salt because listen we finna use our hands folks we finna mix this together there he is that big hand right there now we just trying to get it and mix it with our dry ingredients we're done it's like that then after that listen we want to get ourselves a quarter cup of water we want it to be boiling so I put it in the microwave and I boiled it just wouldn't even see when it comes out there it is right there I said quarter cup what you want to do is introduce that to you you know your butter and dry ingredient mix listen we make it this is our topic so you just want to go in a little bit at a time they dissing folks is always better to use a little bit than to put too much in there at the time you don't I mean so we just want to put a little bit of try and you'll see how it's working long as it's hot that's what you get right here look just keep working around working it around working around I would this probably would have been better if I were to Hedy up a metal metal whisk but this was cool because it even using this right here it's easier to get the dough out of the whisk so just keep moving it around moving it around and that's the consistency you want that's why I showed this so everybody can just see that's what you want to get right there look like just like Plato type you know material there you go so now take that after you come out of the oven look 13 minutes later this is what you got now just go ahead and break yourself song I made it sort of thing you guys can like make it flat however you want to do it don't forget when you put it back in the oven it's going to rise it's gonna spread and you know go from there now if you look up at the top you see that bowl with our arrow ears right there listen I said sugar and cinnamon gleaning now when I bring it closer you'll get the chance to see what it is look one teaspoon of cinnamon three tablespoons of that white sugar once you mix it together that's all I did was just take my whisk and whisk it mix it whisk it together now just sprinkle it you know right over the top you know this is where you're gonna get that a little sweet you know it adds that little you know that that nice crunchy sweet texture to the top so go ahead and just sprinkle that all over you know however you would like to do it I try to keep it you know make it uniform you know real even then we gonna go into the oven no once you're done you know sprinkling your topping on top right there then you want to go in the oven listen we gonna put it in there for either 25 minutes to 35 minutes listen I do not cover it no covering it's up to you if you want to cover it but if you ask me I tell you do not cover it and we you know we go from there when you're done that's what we get right there this is me putting it in knowing if you usually takes about 30 32 minutes and then you know there's a little dark you know but I can tell you this I look at this right here watch how I hate it right there we that right there it is that's that's 100% of goodness right here biggest hard for me to even get you guys hear it in my voice it's hard to even do this voice over right now and there you have peach cobbler and if you guys been watching me you know I like to have myself a tall ice-cold glass of milk Hey and with that being said you really know what we got to have that scoop of that ice cream right there now I'm being generous but there you go you guys you know what that's that peach cobbler the soul food sundae and you know what I gotta tell you guys good luck so tell me what you guys think about this one here this is a more traditional you know like og peach cobbler with a no bottle crust the top is on the top so this right here is just you know truly you know a traditional peach cobbler now don't forget leave a comment down below you know what you got let me know what you want to get we all picked a winner live and double your chances don't forget to go bye soul food cooking see what they doing drop a comment over there makes you make sure you subscribe there also so really you getting two chances to win two different giveaways Hey with that said you know what let me just go ahead and say this listen if you new to my channel let me just say thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and like this video and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here too simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and all these guys have been here before you know how I'm going to end it and I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 172,595
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, peach cobbler recipe, peach cobbler, how to make peach cobbler, dessert, easy peach cobbler, best peach cobbler, homemade, peaches, cobbler, peachcobbler, dessert recipes, pie, cobbler recipe, southern peach cobbler, homemade peach cobbler, peach, peach dessert, Desserts with AB, cooking, food, recipe, easy peach cobbler recipe, how to make cobbler, #soulfoodsunday, Homemade Peach Cobbler | #SoulFoodSunday, old fashioned peach cobbler, soul food
Id: 1N-GpLqelGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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