PMDG 737-800 Tampa to Fort Lauderdale | MSFS

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Hello everybody welcome back to Microsoft flight simulator once again we are going to be flying the PMG 737 800 from Tampa down to Fort Lauderdale today and we're checking out vertical Sims Awesome Tampa scenery that was released not too long ago also going to be using a little bit of GSX here that gives us the ground Services we're pretty much loaded up we've got everything ready to go all we need to do is push back and get on out of here this is your first officer welcome onboard our flight we'll be departing soon and we're aiming for a smooth flight thanks for flying and we'll keep you informed of any changes as they happen all right folks welcome aboard the 737 800 right now a big thanks to thrustmaster for sponsoring this video we have the Boeing TCA yoke and the throttle quadrant you're using today also the tpr rudder pedals as well and we'll be using that throughout the video okay awesome we've got everything ready to go pretty much uh just waiting for them to finish the boarding uh once they tell us that they're ready to go we're going to go ahead and release the jet way and then we'll have the pushback come up here and push us out so that's all we have left to do and remove the chalks as well we are currently on Apu gen right now we got the Apu looks like they're pretty much almost done there uh and we're pretty much set up for our departure today we're going to be 21 000 feet so we're gonna put that right here in the pressurization panel and Landon altitude it's gonna be pretty much sea level down there in Fort Lauderdale so that's good to go uh we have the Apu bleeder on and everything upstairs is fine I've done everything as far as pre-flight checks and all that goes so we don't have to mess around with that and uh all we're waiting on is uh everybody to get in get their seat belts on get their carry-on stowed and we're out of here so a quick briefing here before we get going they said they're ready to go we just need to turn the beacon on and get out uh we're here on air side C so we're gonna push out and we're gonna take golf down to golf five Charlie get down to Runway one right uh if we experience any problems before V1 we will abort the takeoff anything afterwards we're gonna take it to the air and deal with the problem from there uh we're gonna be doing the Gandy eight departure so it's an R nav departure that requires vectors I just have it set up to go direct to Gandy so we can take our time doing that so after about 1400 feet we will engage vnav uh and lnav path uh still gonna hand fly the airplane uh and then we're gonna circle around and go directly Gandy and then continue on the Gandy eight departure all right so using the GSX main menu I'm gonna let them know that we're gonna be ready for pushback and departure so all I have to do is just operate the jet way itself and then we can go ahead and get the push back over here and get them ready to go because I'm ready to do this thing all right prepare for push back and departure there we go let them know there we go turn that guy on it's like Southwest is pushing out just to the right of us there we're using FS LTL for the traffic today actions to dismiss the pmdg GPU okay yep we can do that and they can remove those as well since we're on that so to do that we're gonna go to menu here go to fsactions ground services and we're just going to remove the chalks so that's all it takes and we can set the parking brake there we go awesome that's set and now we can go back to the menu FMC on this side and we can put this on the legs page and we're going to be flaps five out of here trim units 4.78 already set excellent uh v1's 141 VR 143v2 is 152. I've got that right there ready to go and uh they're gonna be American Airlines today at this place is uh what pushback they're going to be using so he's going to be installing the pin and we're gonna be ready to get out of here all right so they have connected the tow bar to the airplane and I wonder if they're gonna bring those little wheels up I would imagine so yeah look at that that is actually modeled that is really cool there he goes awesome all right push back forward direction we want to have our nose to the left and tail to the right release parking brakes please all right we're gonna release those parking brakes there we go all right we can start at will so let's go ahead and get the airplane ready for that so all of these come on here like that and then we can go uh off on our packs like that and we are ready to turn engine number two let's go ahead and start number two start valves open we've got into rotation away for 25 on N2 and we'll introduce the fuel device all right gonna set our parking brake here like that and now we can start engine number one so we're turning one we got the start valve open and we have into rotation waiting for 25 We'll add that fuel okay that's two good engine starts there so let's go ahead and do our flows oh I should have done that first but there we go uh we can make sure these guys are set to there get our bleeds on where they need to go and we're gonna let them know that we had two good engine starts we're gonna go like a boom boom and then RTO on that guy say confirm good engine start just like that and uh they're ready to get on out of here all right you show us the bypass pin right there everything is good there upstairs we're good here get the taxi lights on we need to set our flaps to five and we're gonna do a systems test here oop not that much holy moldy dude um and we'll do left back right forward middle Left Right Flight controls are free and correct and verifier takeoff speeds V1 V 141 VR is 143 and V2 152. upstairs Jens are on and Apu can go to the off position all right parking brake is released we have our taxi lights on here awesome and we're gonna go taxi down to Runway one right let's do it all right almost down here to Runway one right camera grid seats for departure please giving them their uh their whole Spiel there so Lane lights come on Wing light comes on and this strobe and steady if I can get to that guy good Lord you know turn the logo light on too why not so there we go that's good to go and uh we have RTO set there we're going to arm the auto throttle now and we'll get V nav and lnav uh when we're ready for it but not yet and we are ready for departure down here clear for takeoff Runway one ride Southwest 12-26. all right we're clear for takeoff on the runway go ahead and hit our little clock here and we're gonna go and do a Southwest style takeoff just bring them up to 40 and then we will engage toga from there so we're nice and lined up here on Runway one right forward pressure on the nose wheel bring them on up it's about 40 percent there stable and engaged toga airspeed's alive cross check rotate never fails man that's good old Microsoft flight simulator for you there all right let's get up on our little thing here go v-nav and lnav and we can follow these light directors now bring the nose down a little bit here star left turn there we go nice beautiful sunset here in Tampa Florida today good turn right here that sound you hear that is the actual trim wheel yeah that's awesome looking there are Flaps in and flaps up one and up are pretty close together there we go that goes to the that spot and go down to the off position bring that nose up a bit more on the turn shallow our turnout here and we'll let that line come back to us here like that there we are and a slide turn to left here looking good on the way out of Tampa there we go get this thing trimmed out where we need it put one nose up so the taxi lights can come off and we're still just following our little magenta line on out of Tampa right now [Music] it's the 900 000 feet here holding about 247 knots almost 250 here still hand flying the airplane uh on our way to Gandy about 4.5 nautical miles to Gandy here a little left turn and there's a common misconception that at 10 000 feet you put your Landing lights off but that is not the case land lights go off at 15 000 feet but we will ding them at ten thousand here and they'll start their drink service so there's 10 000 right there and all you have to do is go ding ding and then we can go you guys can go off turn here we pitched the airplane down so it can gain its speed here we go breaking through the clouds here good nice and here's our left turn out towards pairs there we go just nice and easy movements here on the yoke one thing I love about this TCA yoke man is the throw it has forward and back such a unique feeling and we are looking good here roll off on The Heading of pairs here and the airplane is ex starting to increase its speed now forward on that guy there I'll need that a little more trim down happen in there there we go 12 000 feet right there we're Above the Clouds and we're gonna nice Tailwind over to Fort Lauderdale as well which is going to be nice still holding it about 290 knots now and it's increasing a little bit more six minutes into our flights expected arrival in 23 minutes however to get all my cinematic shots and all that stuff and I tried to get the boarding to go as quick as possible we're going to be late according to pack X which is fine I'm not too worried about it honestly but yeah good to be back in flight simulator really have missed it I'm so happy to have my room done my flight Sim room and this cockpit that you see everything hooked up to here is my next level racing it's their Boeing flight uh cockpit and I will be doing a video on that very soon as I have everything done here in the uh in the room as far as you know Aesthetics and all that stuff go uh as soon as that's done then I will uh do a tour on all of that for you so you can see what I use almost a 15 000 feet here and we're just barely barely flying the airplane with our fingertips here you don't need a lot of pressure there's 15 000 feet Landing lights go to the off position Wing light goes off as well and we can go ahead and go command a and the airplanes autopilot will take over and we are on our way top of climb is right there just before Murdo foreign feet right there we go to standard pressure and that is cross-checked we have reached our cruising altitude of 21 000 feet we're gonna go ahead and turn our seat belt sign to the off position and they can move about all they would like and we're looking good right now we are now 11.5 nautical miles to Savvy and then if you pop it out a little bit here you can see the flight plan right there top of descent is going to be right there so not a very long cruise at all we just kind of go down towards Fort Myers Airport and swing around and then cross the Everglades pretty much and Target speed is 0.625 in that we can always adjust that if we wanted to but since it's a short flight I'm not going to worry about it and it's based off of what the cost index has given us anyway uh however looking at our initial reference page here we're gonna be flaps 30. so 151 for the speed there and iOS is gonna be one ten seven so one ten seven we could put in to our nav so 110 and then seven right there we'll do it on both sides and seven on you boom there we go and it's going to be a course of two seven six so I can dial in 276 on both of these guys so seven six right there and two seven six then we will uh Cruise a little bit here and then we will be in a position where I can brief you on the arrival it's a 276 cross checked we're over exact intersection right now we're almost to our top of the Cent here uh but we're gonna go ahead and have a look at the tiki three Arnav arrival and here we are right now just over exact we go down to uh Dana there and then peacock Tiki banty which is going to be a 250 knots we're gonna definitely have to have some drag for that uh and then we continue on to Goyle and all here and then kind of go out towards uh famba over the ocean and then turn around and we'll be landing on 2A right there so we look at the approach for ILS Runway two eight rights we can see that we're going to be at fuzzy there right around 4 000 feet and then we go down to Snape which is going to be at 2 000 feet that's gonna be the Final Approach fix right there so we know that's the case uh decision height is going to be 257 so we can actually dial that in right uh right here actually 257 uh if we can over here 257 yep at 257 it'll be on both sides uh almost at it right there there we go sweet and that's 257 on both sides cross-checked awesome so that's what we got for that and then if we look at the taxi instructions here we are going to be landing on Runway two eight right we'll expect to exit pretty much at either Quebec or Bravo 6 probably Bravo 6 actually take our time there and then we're gonna taxi back on Charlie over here to terminal one where Southwest Parks so that's what we've got going on for the uh briefing for the Arrival all right we got 12 000 in the mCP and then if we look over here we've got the altitude intervene button we're gonna hit that and down we go as we're pretty much we were pretty close to the top of the sense anyway so being early isn't going to hurt and it'll keep things going we're gonna be an auto breaks One landing we got plenty of Runway today and drag will be required for this descent but of course and we can just bring it back to the flight detent just like that and that will assist on our way in to Fort Lauderdale let's get that seat belt signed back on just so everybody knows we aren't messing around [Music] [Music] there's 18 000 feet right there so we're off standard pressure and we're gonna be local altimeter of two niner eight Niner and that is cross-checked all right 15 000 feet right there so the landing lights will come on so will the wing lights as well and we are gonna go and get these guys into continuous we're ready for the arrival uh since I'm by myself I'm gonna make sure I do all this stuff previously uh before we get going uh on the approach all right we're over bansy now and this is where we're gonna have a little bit more of a steeper uh descent than we did a minute ago so keep an eye on that there it goes and we're gonna go ahead and get this thing into the flight to town we already know that we're gonna need drag on the way in so that's what we are going to do get that out there for now and the airplane is 1800 above the rmp where I want it so we're actually going to go into vertical speed mode and we're going to descend a little more heavier than this so get about well if we can get this thing to maintain uh the camera in the right spot it's about 2500 feet per minute right now and we're gonna slow it about right there they want uh 240 on the speed you can actually do 240. it's really not too bad we got about 240 right there that's good so 2500 feet per minute rig it down on that RnB so we get that right where we wanted to once we do we can just go back into V nav mode but uh I knew that it was going to be a little uh on the Steep side coming in here so hopefully people don't have any sinus issues yeah and their ears would be hurting all right speed brakes are put away here with 7 000 feet right at Goyle here 243 knots looking good we got a lot of traffic riding around here this got airplanes in front of us got an airplane just to the right I think that's an Airbus over there that's all the double flashing uh strobe on the wingtip right there that guy you can't really see it very well there but now we can see the Greater Miami area coming into view and we can see what we got going on here for the arrival as well just making it to the left side and then we go out there and we Vector ourselves on in so after Goyle we'll go down to 6 000 feet of backpack so that's what we've got next let's go vertical speed mode we're gonna go down a little bit more here we're gonna slow to 210 knots put some Flaps in as well since we got the airport just to our right hand side there that about uh a thousand feet per minute here down towards where we're going there we need to get down to 4 000 feet here so that's what we're going to do there awesome and we're 240 right there we go flaps one speed checks for flaps one it's gonna add a little bit of drag out there for us yep Airport's just off to our right hand side so we just kind of fly out like I said over the ocean a little bit turn around and we'll be lined up on two eight right just like that apparently 35 minutes into our flights that Tailwind really really helped us out we're five almost six minutes behind right now but that was because we're getting all the Cinematic shots and all that that was to be expected we knew that was going to be the case so not a big deal there so from fumba we're gonna go heading about um thinking heading right there so about zero nine four after epic here that's what we're gonna do still continue on our way down 210 knots and we're looking wonderful here should have a good view of the airport on our right I'll go heading select here and I'm gonna go ahead and take the airplane my airplane [Music] kill the horn there there we go looking good about right there four thousand feet coming upon it awesome 210 knots gonna slow down about 190 now and then we can make our right hand turn here towards Snape once we get a little closer to that so let's bleed some speed off there we go and we're just hand flying the airplane ourselves here so there we go it ballooned a little bit that's fine and get it where we need it nose up a little bit more we're just about to Snape here at 4 000 feet it's gonna be off to our right hand side so keep flying towards this cruise ship out here off our nose and we're slowing down to 190. looking good get back up to about 4 000 feet and start our turn here we go we'll get that heading where we want it to since we're flying with the flight director just have to do it all at once here it'd be nice to have some uh some help in a shared cockpit environment would be nice but can't always get what you want there we go about right there looking good a little bit more back pressure gonna go flaps five speed checks for flaps five roll off on this heading right here there we go start another turn to the right here Square it up so another turn to the right down our nose here flaps five set right there nose down we gotta roll off right here and then now we can get a good intercept of Snape so let's go ahead and turn that heading to about right there a two three five and we'll engage our the approach so here's our right hand turn towards Snape got the ILS diamonds coming in now to play we're gonna be 151 knots today let's bring that nose down there we go and roll off about right there ever so slightly there's our Runway right there so we're gonna go gear down lapse 15. I know what's going on with the lights they're freaking out drainage enough all right okay when's gonna be up to the left it looks like there so we got a lot of traffic in the area here we're just going to kind of follow this one in right now slow the sucker down about 151 2500 there's the 2500 call there so our flaps 15 gears out right now more to the left here laps oh there you go looking good here more the left hand flying the airplane 's 25. here we go and we're gonna go ahead and get this guy armed speed brakes armed there we go that nose down a little bit more here hand flying and also uh you know doing all the systems of the airplanes kind of a pain as well but I'm spoiled from all the uh the Dual crew I was doing let's bring our power back here on those and uh we're gonna take the throttles ourselves so my throttles my airplane there we go looking good planes going off to the right there so he's not going to be a factor for us nice and stable on the approach and flaps 30. put that final bit of drag out of breaks one gears down three green flaps 30 green light on that guy got a displaced threshold on that that's why we're gonna follow the uh diamonds in as much as we can here a little bit of wind shift there the wind's right down the runway it's not bad 500. 00 300. and they got a plane on the runway it looks like of course they do that's okay we're still gonna land even with the uh the AI doing stupid stuff to us today they really don't want us to have a nice landing or a takeoff do they today no they don't kind of get what you get when it comes to the uh AI traffic so it's okay 30 20. versus out I like to have the fs LTL for the Aesthetics look you know but man they are really stupid sometimes our manual braking now and clear those reversers and we'll exit right here actually off on that guy no problem Fort Lauderdale the local time is 751 PM all right 7 51 P.M what I might end up doing is just turning the injectors off on takeoff and Landing because you can see the traffic here is crazy acting absolutely crazy acting but that was a fun flight and then we got to land at night lighting's always so good on this got good off position and we can go ahead and get that Apu fired up as well clean up the airplane bring anything up forward and we go like this that'll bring those forward here we go if you is firing up awesome foreign [Music] [Applause] so we need to get the a Gates going here we have seven suitable parkings for us right here um and we can go to gate A1 it looks like or we go to A6 let's go to A6 and then we will be no follow me requested on that guy and we'll be Southwest Airlines awesome so now we will have uh handlers there and a marchler has been dispatched to gate A7 yeah Fort Lauderdale is a like this area right here is an absolute mess when it comes to the fsltl traffic look at this in front of us you've just got them like Blue Angel Style flying in formation and yeah like I said I think what I'll end up doing is just turn off the injector when we take off and when we land and then we'll just uh turn it back on so we have that Ambience of the airport uh without all of the nonsense here because that's just it's just crazy that's okay though but the timing was perfect you know a truck decided he wanted to drive across the runway when we were taken off in Tampa and then uh we have I figured we were gonna deal with traffic on the way in here but I was hoping they were going to be using two eight left with their parchers and not all this but all right we got our martzler Insight right there on their right so we can go ahead and we'll kill our taxi light here and we'll taxi on into the gate foreign [Music] there we go they want us to kill the engines here so let's go ahead and set our parking brake right now there we go and we are gonna go over to the Apu gin there we go and Apu bleed is on these guys can come off there like that and we can kill the engines one and two there we go and then we can turn our dome light on as well and there you have it folks welcome to Fort Lauderdale what a fun flight that was from Tampa down to Fort Lauderdale I'll see what I can do as far as the replay system goes and uh that'll do it for this episode of Microsoft flight simulator thank you guys so much I'll see you next time take care
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 98,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, microsoft flight simulator 2020, flight simulator 2020, flight simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Flight Simulator, Microsoft, thrustmaster tca, tca, thrustmaster tca boeing yoke pack, thrustmaster tca boeing yoke standalone, pmdg 737 msfs 2020, pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs, verticalsim tampa
Id: LacB6xNuunI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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