HANDS ON with the Bigscreen Beyond: The SMALLEST micro OLED VR headset in the WORLD! MSFS FIRST LOOK

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hello folks welcome to a very interesting video today because on top of my head no that's not some cyberpunk goggles it's a new VR headset in fact it's the big screen Beyond micro OLED VR headset the smallest headset in the world and I don't say that likely guys this is a complete Far Cry from anything you've seen before in the VR industry absolutely there's no question about that think of the pie Maps Crystal as the Pinnacle of where we've come from but this thing right here could be the very future of VR technology you know something I harp on about all the time is VR Comfort I think it's the top number one thing that really can affect the enjoyment in VR so big screen has a completely new and perhaps even revolutionary way of thinking this has been made specifically for me and let me explain big screen Beyond give you a piece of software which only can be used on an iPhone which tracks and scans your face you then send it off to them and they will produce a facial interface which has been tailor-made to fit my face exactly and not only that this thing does not have a traditional ipd slider oh no this is fixed at my own ipd that is 65 millimeters so the way they're going about this is completely different from anything we've heard and seen before think of it as you know when you buy a pair of shoes or I don't know perhaps um a custom seat for a motorbike it literally is for you I think that's fantastic and it makes it feel a lot more special you know when you try for the first time talking of trying it for the first time the only thing I've done so far is put it on my head that is it I'm really leaving my first impressions for this video today because I think those raw emotions as I've said before in other videos you can't get them back so as you can see we're currently in Microsoft flight simulator because this is another thing about this particular review you've probably seen loads of videos on YouTube about this headset but not from a flight simmer okay so how is it gonna feel what's it look like with those pancake lenses by the way because these are custom pancake lenses and talking to Specs the resolution is 2560 I believe per eye the exciting thing here apart from the fact that it's tailor-made and it's incredibly light is the display is micro OLED so imagine having that with this form factor you know I love the fact that this is unapologetically a PC VR headset it has a wire okay it's not trying to be a quest too it's not trying to be all things for all VR users this is completely bespoke a niche product so let's now try it on I mean actually looking through it for the first time and I'm going to give you my raw First Impressions so just to say that we are using steamvr because I don't think I can run open XR on this at the moment so there's a first negative straight away um yeah we'll see how steamvr runs with msfs because I haven't done that for absolute yonks right here we go so the first thing I'm going to do is put it on my head and explain how it feels so bearing in mind this is a prototype this isn't the final Beyond I'm using a beta version a pre-production unit so things may change um but this feels incredibly comfortable there's no doubt about that at all and there's absolutely zero light leakage I've currently got a massive light staring at my face and I cannot see anything other than the steam VR and it's just the sort of um the black uh Abyss like you can see straight away though I am noticing the field of view um it looks pretty damn good actually I'm quite surprised by that my first impression of the field of view is that it's way better than I thought it would be right anyway let's now get into the Sim and we'll start our very first flight with the big screen Beyond at Simpson Aerodrome by burning blue design in the just flight Warrior I'll see you in a moment right so welcome back to msfs we're going to do a quick circuit here because this is just a very quick first impression video and yeah straight away I'm really impressed with the field of view absolutely um the horizontal field of view is excellent definitely I mean it reminds me of the pk4 actually um I think vertically it's slightly less but I mean you can pretty much see right up to the edges but yeah it's you know for such small lenses that is absolutely fantastic so that's the first thing I've noticed second thing is there is a bit of glare and the reason why I'm saying this is because I'm so used to aspheric lenses which give you zero glare that there is a little bit of glare at the bottom of the display so I think that's worth mentioning but I'll tell you what actually looking at the far out distance that is actually really clear yeah that is that reminds me of the lenses of the crystal narrow I must admit that looks really nice and clear let's have a quick look at the uh yeah that looks really nice that and frame rate is very good at the moment um You probably won't see this on the screen but we're getting about wow yeah 50 or frames per second at the moment and I haven't done any optimizations the fact that we're nearly 60 frames per second colors well I mean they're absolutely fantastic they remind me of the crystal actually because bear in mind um the qled panel in that where with the local dimming is very very nice and this yet looks beautiful being OLED you know that's one thing I want to mention being OLED the blacks in this are going to be absolutely perfect there's going to be no blooming or anything we will try that on this quick First Impressions anyway let's now do a quick circuit here at sibson for this very quick first impressions I'm only using a joystick for this so apologies we'll just get everything fired up here and hopefully with a bit of luck we'll get all of the avionics on as well because I want to see what that looks like yeah it's a very clear display but there's no doubt about it um even though these are pancake lenses it doesn't compete against the crystal for Edge storage Clarity I will do a separate video on all this guys but this is again just my raw first impressions uh let's look here but every it does look very nice in this thing there's no doubt about it it looks very very good the feel the the first thing I think the thing that's really shocking me the most so far is of course the fact that I don't really feel like I've got a VR headset on right now I can move around completely freely without any feeling of um inertia from their headset if that makes sense it just feels like it's part of me that is quite a special feeling in itself without a doubt okay so there's that but there's also the fact that um the field of view in this is really good the horizontal field of view is excellent and I can move my eyes around a fair bit in this thing you know The Sweet Spot in this is far greater than that of say uh traditional fresnel base headset it's it's quite similar to the Pico 4 in terms of The Sweet Spot perhaps yeah about the same maybe a little bit lesser on the edges there but perfectly adequate if you consider the size of this headset it's tiny can't quite believe how small this is and the visuals it's giving me right now because those lenses I'll just show you another close-up picture look how tiny they are they are absolutely like the smallest lenses I've ever seen and yet it's given me these sort of high-end visuals here with a headset that is so light I don't even feel like it's on my head in fact it feels Wireless actually apart from the fact I can feel a little bit of wire here it feels completely wireless all right let's just uh take off now oh crap I haven't got my controls hang on guys sorry yeah my controls are not this is a see this is a raw First Impressions I told you in fact look at the menu there again there is a little bit of glare Okay so please understand that there is definitely glare when compared to normal aspheric lenses but apart from that the actual resolution is superb anyway folks I'm just going to get this sorted out I'll see you there in a moment right guys we've now got full control over the aircraft I promise and this is where I can start looking at the horizon and yeah it does look absolutely beautiful I just I can't get over the fact that I've actually got a VR headset on it feels like I've got glasses on or something this is the big deal about this headset it just feels so incredibly comfortable no light leakage at all and a very crisp visuals I just wish there wasn't quite you know there is definitely some sort of smudging or glaring uh sort of around the edges and I'm not used to that guys with aspheric lenses that's the thing that I'll have to just sort of have a play with a little bit more and see if that uh if I get used to that you know that's one trade-off it's probably the only trade-off I can think of apart from the fact that we don't have audio but there is an audio strap coming so that'll be quite interesting to try that but I don't think I'll have any problems using headphones with something like this because this is so incredibly light that I didn't feel like I've got it on really so amazing comfort this is job done this is the future for VR I really want all headsets to be this small yeah yeah I can absolutely read all of the gauges no problems at all very very sharp I'm quite surprised by that really that uh in terms of clarity it is very very nice indeed here and I can see very far out to the horizon now keep in mind folks the reason well one of the reasons why this is so small is because the technology in this headset well apart from the Optics that is all you're getting you're not getting um eye tracking or anything like that and that is another reason why it's so tiny with micro OLED displays it means the form factor can be this incredibly light and yeah I'm just looking there on the ground and it's absolutely smooth as anything the performance is fantastic but there is glare that you know the glare is kind of spoiling things a little bit for me here and it's around sort of the bottom of the display it's almost like a bit of fogging sensation so my first impressions are that this is obviously the most comfortable VR headset I've ever ever worn because it's completely bespoke to my face which is just mind-blowing in itself the colors are absolutely beautiful perfect as you imagine the clarity is fantastic the field of view is very good that's what's impressed me the most so far in this first impressions is the horizontal field of view is very much on par with a pico4 if not a bit wider than that it's really very very good I guess you know the way they've counted the displays has made a huge difference here of course because it's fixed to my ipd it means that everything feels very natural I'm not straining at all the visual Fidelity the clarity is absolutely excellent on this very very nice indeed I think the only negative so far is the glare and the sort of slight fogging but that might be just because I've been messing around with it you know taking it on and off I might just need to sort of carefully wipe those lenses let's just quickly try night lighting and then I will call this very quick First Impressions video done this is not a review this is literally my first sort of look with this headset and oh my God oh yes that is that is exceptional okay yeah that is way better than even the crystal with its local dimming that is absolutely sensational oh yeah that is perfect like perfect blacks this looks so good no blooming whatsoever there's just a bit of glare again but looking out there on the horizon how wow you know I did think and I still think that local dimming is amazing but rest assured this is 100 black totally like total darkness and all of those beautiful lights and everything shining and just in you know sort of the gauges into my eyes is also very very good another thing that's just um come to me sorry guys I'm just sort of my mind is going crazy here and I'm trying to explain all this is the brightness of the screen while it's not as bright as the crystal it's bright enough absolutely and I think a lot of that is down to the fact that with this facial gasket there is no um sort of light that's been emitted from the panel that's going to waste because this is completely a dark display even though I'm looking at a bright light I would never know it so all of that brightness from the display looking at the sun is going into my eyes and it's bright enough I'm not using the sort of crazy bright setting because there is another setting to make this like even brighter I've got a feeling this is going to be one of them headsets that's more than the sum of its parts even though the specifications might not be that exciting it's how it feels that makes the headset what it is you know with the form factor which is a huge deal here together with the pancake lenses the micro OLED technology the clarity this is a very strong Contender for the very best headset that I've ever used but I need more time with it guys I need more time so take that as you will this is my raw First Impressions with the headset it's exciting me quite a lot and I can't wait to use it in different scenarios please do let me know guys this is now your turn to comment on this video let me know what would you like to see me try what kind of things do you want to know but this has been the big screen micro OLED VR headset my first impressions in Microsoft flights later and I'm blown away with it it's not you know a complete clean sheet there's few things that I'm not so keen on mainly the glare I think is the thing that really strikes me the most but bear in mind I am coming from aspheric lenses if I was coming from say fresnel base headset that probably wouldn't be something I'd pick up on straight away field of view is excellent Clarity is excellent colors are absolutely sensational so it's now been a couple of hours since I started this video I'm now in the motion rig I've just got a couple more things to mention about the Beyond before we wrap this up the first one being I've now tried 90 Hertz and I have to say even though it's supposed to be lossless quality well you know what I'm like guys I'm very particular about the image quality in VR I can notice a sort of degradation in overall image quality especially when looking at a g3000 cockpit like this the good news is however 75 Hertz feels fantastic in fact weirdly it feels like 90 Hertz which is I don't quite understand that but it just feels really nice very comfortable on the eyes so just stick it at Native resolution 75 Hertz like I have here and you'll be very happy with it so another thing about the comfort and that it's feeling even more comfortable than the first hour I think that's because I'm subconsciously putting it in the right position more now because you know bear in mind this has been molded to my face and it's really important to make sure it's in the right spot on your face because of the bridge of my nose and just the shape of my nose and everything it's all relative to the facial interface it's all very much part of the VR headset it's quite amazing isn't it I've got to say it is nice not worrying about batteries as well this thing will just fly all day I will say though there is a bit of lack of ventilation because if you imagine the facial interface is like a vacuum you know it just hugs your entire face it's not too bad the headset doesn't get hot or anything not on the inside anyway but uh I do think after probably a couple of hours you're gonna feel a little bit of sweat perhaps or especially on a hot day without a doubt but uh even you just might feel a little bit clammy after a while but that is a test I'm going to try soon in fact I'm going to try the just flights uh what's that new airliner called I can't remember what it's called but I am gonna fly that I'm gonna have to learn to fly it first and take it on a couple of hours run with the beyond that will be my next video a bit of an endurance sort of Second Impressions video as I say I think the glass is the only thing that is a bit bothersome but weirdly once again now that I've been flying for a while it's becoming less obvious to me that's interesting isn't it it's almost like your brain adapts to different VR headsets no doubt if I went back to the crystal I'd be blown away with it again I do still feel that the crystal is the very best image quality you can get in VR I still feel that way however the center point of the big screen is pretty much as clear probably not quite but almost but then when you're flying in a scene like this well to be fair if you are flying in a scene like this it's going to look the same as a crystal it's only when you fly in Pitch Black sort of scenes where it absolutely blows your socks off and I think the microphone is absolutely amazing isn't it it's the best microphone I've ever heard from a VR headset so just to say you can pre-order this device it is a lot of money I haven't mentioned the price yet guys but it is a thousand pounds and that's not including base stations you're gonna need them as well but bear in mind this is a niche product it's not meant for the mainstream and because it's such a bespoke you know tailor-made solution this is for the high-end enthusiast and I have to say it is in many ways the future of VR and where it's going but for now I've got to go because I'm going to be heading to fairford in fact by the time this goes live I will be at Fairfield Air Show um and just to say thank you to each and every one of you for your support you know all the people on Discord like uber Sven um so many people on there my mine's gone blank now but even you guys in the comments and people have been on this channel for such a long time really means a lot to me please know that but for now I'm gonna say goodbye please feel free to subscribe if you haven't already and give me some ideas for more Beyond content and I'll see you again very soon take care and bye for now
Channel: VR Flight Sim Guy
Views: 92,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bigscreen beyond tested, bigscreen beyond vr review, bigscreen beyond vr headset, bigscreen beyond review, bigscreen beyond first impressions, bigscreen beyond fov, bigscreen beyond vr, bigscreen beyond unboxing, bigscreen beyond, oculus quest 2, tuesday newsday, thrillseeker, vr headset, oculus, virtual reality, vrchat, quest 2, mrtv, best, pcvr, quest, meta quest, Adam Savage’s Tested, vr flight sim guy, microoled, best vr headset, 2023, msfs 2024, hands on, review, beyond, bigscreen
Id: opYQVnChEv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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