Shared Cockpit with Ryan! | Salty 747 MSFS

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Hello everybody welcome back to Microsoft flight simulator once again today I'm going to be joined by first officer SIV Ryan as he will be in the right-hand seat on this flight from Ontario up to San Francisco and the Atlas Air 748 and uh this is the salty simulations mod we're gonna be operating here and your controls a free program that allows you to have another person in the cockpit with you for shared cockpit should be a lot of fun a big thanks to thrustmaster for sponsoring this video with the Boeing yoke in the whole TCA uh throttle quadrant system you'll see me using using those tprs as well uh let's get up into the cockpit and get going we're pretty much ready to go and welcome aboard the Boeing 748 big big airplane um be sure to check out Mr SIV Ryan if you guys haven't heard of him before uh he's been doing a lot of flight simulation uh on his channel and doing live streams with it and uh I think a lot of people will be surprised to see how far down the rabbit hole you have come with the uh with Aviation yeah it's been a uh a pretty wild couple of weeks learning learning as much as I can it's been fun I knew I was going down a deep rabbit hole and it just uh there's no end in sight to this stuff and I love it I'm gonna go to plan mode and just show you our flight plan we got going on out of here uh we're gonna be rnf to dink intersection uh and then we're gonna be making that left-hand turn we're doing the sunshine five departures so we got uh Papa Oscar Mike to Sunshine to uh Inland and then we got Shores Midway korres is our transition out there and then makers then we do the surfer arrival so or Surfer nurley or gnarly ways epic uh full it and then Eddie and we shoot the ILS approach for Runway two eight right into San Francisco that's what we got going um we're gonna brief on our end so I'll get ready for that all right pre-flight checklist please hey pre-flight checklist battery switch is on standby power switch is Auto hydraulic demand pumps are off parking brake parking brake is set landing gear lover is down flat position indicator and lever is up uh it is up I agree with that uh fuel control switches fuel control switches are cut off perfect uh anti-ice anti-ice off oxygen checked where's the exit lights are armed altimeters altimeters are set two nine or nine or one two 991 crosstalk and that is pre-flight checklist complete fantastic all right we're gonna go ahead and let them know on the ground that we're ready to start let's get that Beacon Light on if you can like coming on we're just about uh ready to push out of here we're not going to be using GSX with uh your controls we've had some issues with that so instead we're actually going to start up all four engines right here on the ramp and we're gonna do a power back and then we'll make our left hand turn out towards the runway before star checklist please all right hydraulic demand pumps on uh fuel load and pumps fuel load is 46.3 for me I know you're probably still in kilos um and then the pumps are on okay perfect uh Apu Apu is not on yet we need to start that sucker up so let's go ahead and do exactly that so that's all right it'll be a little delayed on this Apu all right Apu is running Apu bleed on it is all right we can continue the checklist it beacons are both doors closed and locked passenger signs are on okay before start checklist complete fantastic let's go ahead and go uh run on engine four we'll start engine number four run on engine four all right we have a good start on engine four we can start engine number three starting engine three if you want we have a good start on engine three let's go ahead and start engine number two lead three on starting engine two start on engine number two let's start engine number one starting wonderful sir we've got N1 rotation it's a good engine start on one let's go flaps ten please ten and they're coming down we get the stab trim set for us that's good there mCP panel let's just go ahead and take it all the way on up to uh what we said 38 000 or 36 000. on the mCP that'll work for me I'll set our heading here to our Runway heading all right 36 thousands there two six zero on the heading 149 is in our speed window everything up there looks good flaps 10 are set and we can do our flows now so let's go ahead and make sure all engine bleeds are on Apu bleed comes off I'm gonna turn the Apu to the off position so now we are on our power we don't need our external power anymore because they have disconnected that all right after start checklist please Apu selector off packs are on recall checked ref speeds rough speeds are going to be 112 for V1 125vr V2 149 as we are very lightly loaded laps 10 and green trim trim is Set uh should be 6.3 units for you uh yeah all right awesome flight control checks we got left I've got it right that Ford back left right fly controls are free and correct and Auto brakes Auto brakes RTO yep just switched it okay after start checklist complete all right uh before take off checklist please okay vital demo is checked packs on cabin crew uh they've been advised hate before takeoff Trek was complete awesome we're gonna be taxing right up here holding short we will verify that that's Runway two six left and go ahead and arm the auto throttle directors are on let's get Landing lights and strobes we inspection all that awesome I love the fact that I don't have to worry about it yep so nice at Landing lights and everything's on strolls Wing Runway two sticks left is verified we line up on two six left we're not online so clear hit your clear right entering the Runaway to do a big line up here today the 7-4 is so much fun to fly oh I love I can see your nose gear uh controls moving that's so cool little tiller yeah all right two six I got Ford pressure on here we're gonna bring them up to 40 let them hold and they're ready to go toga all right I'm gonna stop got plenty of Runway very short uh take off for us today so we're lightly loaded bring on up to 40. a little bit more because they're stable and toga so good time [Music] airspeed's alive 80 knots rotate positive rate Gear Up elnavi nav are they showing for you yep I'll do I'll do Vietnam for me there we go we're good now we're gonna round up maintain this uh heading for now there it goes aren't have the dink right now looking good flaps five that's five [Music] I don't know if you have a button you're gonna have to do it might not have my yoke hooked up oh sorry hold on it's all right [Music] all right flaps one Here Comes our turn nose down a little bit there we go okay that's very strange to me what's that it's trying to get me to nose dive downward what you shouldn't be doing is we're holding 250 knots on what the flight director is doing there weird stuff um yeah it reset me now I didn't do anything I think it's because there's no altitudes Envy now okay that's why yeah probably let me look no problem we're just maintaining 250 knots right now until 10. yeah it's because there's no uh going back to me now we're okay start my turn yeah it's just the uh defaults FMC is not the greatest obviously you know about 10 000 now after takeoff checklist I think off checklist landing gear is up flaps up packs are on exterior lights are set altimeters at TA are checked and Apu is off after takeoff checklist completes awesome man go ahead and give me a command L please command l ol there you aren't awesome for you yep now we're on autopilot all right it's 18 000 feet standard pressure and I think we can go Lane lights off Wing inspection off Wing inspection off awesome stuff man good departure and 18 now climbing for flight level 360. [Music] foreign we have reached our cruising altitude I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the fastest seat belt signs for the crew back there and we are currently 10 miles from Shores so we make that right turn to Midway then korres the makers top of the center will be right before Surfer all right now we're in Flight here we're gonna go ahead and go to our approach page we're gonna be flaps 25 Landing 141 is that and then in the nav radio let's get set up for the ILS should be iOS 28 Right One Eleven seven let's go ahead and look at our chart all right let's do our approach briefing uh we on the briefing on the way out we did it before uh we started the video but we will uh go over the arrival so Arnav Surfer four Arnav here uh Surfer is going to be there the gnarly 280 knots at uh two zero zero uh waves will be 280 knots between flight level one nine or zero and one five zero uh epic at uh two eight zero between fifteen thousand ten thousand then uh full it is the big one there 240 at 8 000 then we'll be in some terrain uh 240 knots six thousand at Eddie and then we will be joining the localizer for two eight right approach um when we get towards full it there we're gonna be switching off of our weather radar to terrain radar um looking at our approach itself it's gonna be iOS 28 right approach uh so we opened that up we double checked everything there earlier so 1117-284 is set we see that in the FMC uh coming down here let's have a look here at the missed approach climb to 3000 on San Francisco VOR radio 281 to Victory intersection uh dme12 to San Francisco and hold missed approach requires minimum climb of 350 nautical miles to 1900 if unable be climb gradient see the iOS or localizer to eight left so that's what we'll do if we go missed so we'll be 3 000 on the missed approach altitude uh it's Rover korres right now making our left hand turn looking down here at the minimums minimums are going to be not on this one because I'm looking at the wrong no I'm on the right one so our two eight right looks like we're going to be cat 3 Cat 2 cat one cat one two one three that's what we got in the Barrow uh from earlier you've already set that in there so that's what we're going to be doing uh and step in at 3000 axle at 1800 of the Final Approach fix and that is what we got going on there have a look at our Taxi charge here airport information we land on two eight right um we're a 748 so we go to the 7478 approved taxi routes uh so we're gonna land on two eight rights uh and we will be making a right turn on to kilo we can't take Delta there uh it's not approved we can go kilo we can go Romeo or we go all the way down to Charlie three and make the right hand turn uh in to the cargo ramp so we're just gonna make a right turn on kilo left on Charlie take that down to uniform uh and that we're not gonna make a ride on Zulu we're actually gonna go left on Zulu there and then into the ramp uh at the ual base is where we're going to be parking so any questions on the approach briefing no questions sir all right fantastic briefing complete so we are less than 15 miles to Makers right now and uh we can kind of open up things and and talk to Ryan because Ryan is uh gonna be joining the world flight team uh our Boeing 737 uh 800 operation to fly around the world we fly out to SoCal we're part of the SoCal crew and we raise money for the orbis flying Eye Hospital um and other Charities as well with that group but uh this will be the first year that Ryan has gotten into Aviation well you've always been like interested in aviation but flight Sim to the level that we're at where we're practicing CRM stuff uh to where when you go into the Sim we're gonna go down there and train in July uh I think you're going to be pretty much ready to go so for those of you that didn't even know that you were interested in aviation what got you started um I've always been interested in it like I used to you know mess around with old flight Sim back in the day on the old Windows 98 computer and didn't know what I was doing and just uh but now that I actually have a capable gaming computer and with you know the new sim being released I just decided like hey I've always been interested in it let's let's make a go at it and I wanted to do it properly so taking in baby steps at a time learning small planes and going up to eventually to the big guys and I've been very fortunate in the streams and with uh Jeff and the other guys on the SoCal team they've just been invaluable with uh passing on the knowledge and that's been one of the most refreshing things I've seen um I was really nervous about doing this because I thought people would be very gatekeepy and or would just you know a little relish me seeing me fail but it's been the complete opposite everyone's been so open and and kind and willing to uh lend a hand and answer questions and it's been amazing I think it shows the passion for real life Aviation and Sim Aviation as well as people just love seeing other people learn and that's been amazing and that's been the best besides the flying that's been my favorite part about taking this uh this new hobby on man you've fallen down the rabbit hole for sure yeah you've been flying the PMD g73 pretty uh regularly uh some other airplanes this one has been a lot of fun to fly especially in a uh in a CRM kind of world here with the two pilots operating and going through checklists and stuff which is good training because even though it's not 737 were flying uh in the Sim right now it still doesn't matter still flying with that person and still getting used to checklists together and things like that um apart from that though like uh you've been streaming on your your channel on Civ Ryan uh for those of you that don't know Ryan is part of the gaming group that I'm part of uh and he's there's more to Ryan than GTA believe it or not yeah shocking I like to play other games too and I take I try to take it seriously but still have fun too everyone I know a lot of people were like I did not expect you to actually do it properly because of my general personality with RP is a bit uh more loose and more fun and Goofy but I was like if I'm doing this I want to do it right so it's been yeah it's been a blast absolute blast and I know I'm only just scratching the surface at this yep and I like I can tell you right now dude it's it's been super refreshing to see like I I'm Blown Away by how far you have come in in so little time but we've also put you in like a pressure cooker too well I mean like the whole world flight thing like so for those who don't know I just I was just offering to go and and help out I was like I love just hanging out raising money for charity so I was just offering to come just be their uh their uh assistant just sit in the jump seat and go for Burger runs and food runs and just help out the team as in any capacity they wanted um but it sounds like they want to they want to actually get me into that second seat eventually so which is an honor which would be insane so but I'm I'm just more than happy just to help out hang out and raise money for a good cause because it's a feel-good moment when you do that yep and even if Ryan is not going to be in the right seat or whatever he'll still be in the jump seat on a microphone and stuff during the world flight so World flight's a huge huge deal for us we're going to be promoting that pretty much the whole year it'll be happening in November and it's going to be amazing because we're going to be live streaming pretty much non-stop on fly with rookies Channel I believe I think it's gonna have one set up just for uh for world flight or he's going to use his actual YouTube channel so we have a one spot for everybody to go to but if you're interested in that I will definitely let you guys know also I've been talking to Ryan trying to get him to go to flights from Expo and sounds like you're gonna go I think so yeah why not gonna meet Ryan there you go I'm gonna be be at flight some Expo down in Houston as well that'll be coming up in June so mark that on the calendar it's going to be a blast I'm really looking forward to that we are currently 34 nautical miles from our from Surfer so it'll be on our top of descent what's really cool is here uh looks like v-nav is actually in there all the all the constraints are showing up for Gnarly and ways and all that so we can just go and go in the mCP to to the 20 000 feet uh that way it'll be ready to go when V nav comes into play and then we can always do data in position but you can't on this airplane but if we did it in the 7-3 it would actually show you the constraints of your uh of your intersections on your um on the MFD there twenty thousand shown for you yep I see it there yep I'm happy with it uh and we'll let vnab do its thing once it gets to the top of the set top a drop baby top and drop you're getting rocked right now by some wind yeah there's a little bit of turbulence there and the engines had to start spooling up to counter that but it was uh we had the 80 knot uh headwind there but now we have a 55 knot headwind so I kind of calmed down a little bit and the plane had to compensate for that uh but yep we're really close to top a drop here so should be happening any moment all right we began our initial descent into San Francisco gonna make sure those seat belt signs are on for the crew back there uh and we are three miles from Surfer about to make that right hand turn and we'll continue down if we need drag we'll uh we'll use the speed brakes which are probably going to need I would imagine because we do have some uh restrictions remember speed restrictions I'm gonna pull RSP brakes back to the flight new tent here to help it slow down to 280 knots would you be at 280 knots at gnarly uh at 20 000 feet but we're only 33 off our rnp right now so we're looking good bang on but yeah we're banging on it right now all right so looking at the weather coming on in here we've got winds uh 1708 knots so we're gonna have a little bit of a crosswind there eight miles visibility looks like it's gonna be in light rain few at uh 1500 scattered 2 900 broken 3700 and Altima will be two niner seven seven the peak wind was 19026 uh earlier so it was gusting earlier but it looks like it's calmed down a little bit but uh it's raining in San Francisco so we're going to be negative 20c right now once we get in these clouds we're gonna encounter some uh icing probably so let's go ahead and get that anti-ice turned on if you don't mind there you go it's wing and engines sweet come on there you go awesome thank you very much no problem sir yeah negative 21c now but yeah anything over that negative 10 I'm not going to be happy about so icing conditions and rain coming into San Francisco I'm okay with that I'm also going to put us on to terrain mode instead of the weather although I don't think any of that works in this plane I don't think I've yet to see it work we use our imagination yeah uh we just almost want to say a big shout out to uh the York controls uh program here in the team and the devs behind it because it was we were nervous about getting it started we're like oh man it's gonna be a bunch of messing around but it was literally just running running installing very simple to use and it's been pretty fluid not many uh issues like this is the fact that uh fleisson doesn't have this by default yeah I think there's some things in the FMC that we didn't have like matched up perfectly and if you have light not turning on for both of us but other than that it's been I mean amazing yeah makes this thing a lot more fun to fly with another person that's for certain so shout out to those to those folks yep and again we'll have it linked in the description below if you want to check out your controls and we're gonna be over ways here waves headed towards epic we got the speed breaks in the flight detent right now just maintaining about 280 knots and we're below 18 000 feet gonna be on normal now you got the lane lights there sweet 29er81 that is selected rnp is looking good we're coming back down onto it and we can do the approach checklist please first checklist uh atis checked FMC arrivals procedure uh is set flaps 25 and it's going to be block 25 140 for the B ref copy briefing is done yep recall recall checked um altimeters at TL uh 29er81 B ref B ref is uh 140. minimums minimum set 210 passenger signs are on on a Brinks uh one Landing lights are on approach checklist complete awesome stuff now we're starting to get a little bit of a Tailwind here one to go so next is going to be full let's have a look here at the legs we need to be going down at 8 000 feet there and 250 knots so let's let's put it down to 10 for now that way we don't bust speed because this is a default uh FMC at the v-nav isn't going to be that good so we'll see what she does here it should slow down to 250. all right go ahead and give me uh 1800 uh down on vertical speed so let's go to vertical speed mode and do 1800 yep that's good right there speed I'm going to slow up here to 250. and altitude yeah just let it hold off here at 10 000 here so uh we can bleed the speed off it's currently due I got the speed brakes out right now we're looking good there we go it's 10 000 right there slow into 240 now you want to go down to uh eight thousand yep eight thousand please all right eight thousand eighteen hundred go ahead and push our speed brakes forward and we are going to arm them if it will let me really not there it goes I was really not wanting to do it we'll get a little bit closer before we uh engage our put our Flaps in but yeah this is good right here I like the speed I'm Gonna Keep 240 for right now and then once we get closer to like uh probably close to Sydney in step in we're going to slow down to 190 knots and then we'll be putting Flaps in there but yeah I like the 1800 right now we can go a little more steeper than this let's do uh actually no let me put some more yeah right here yep and the Slowdown 230 on the engines and let's go ahead and go down to 2000 feet per minute there you go looking good put upon 8 000 so next will be six thousand so you can continue down to six so Eddie's the one we need to be down at six at so we're still seven miles out from that's what we're good yeah like the speed a lot better I'm just gonna keep those those in for now because we look at our flap speed here we can go flap one at 285 so let's go and go flap one please stop one all right let's go uh flaps five lapse five speed check 265. good just slowing up now I'm gonna slower up to 210. we're gonna get ready for our approach for me you do looking good here maybe this some of the rain might have moved out we'll see we are holding at six thousand okay let's go down to three thousand what Steppin was uh three thousand yeah it should be yes happens three thousand looking good so far so good it's all coming together just gonna show this rookie how it's done on this land yeah well I've had I've had some good Landings in the 7-4 and I've had some bad ones so we'll see what happens today especially with this crosswind we're gonna be dealing with from the left although it won't be bad it's only eight knots and that's that's like we're starting to come down now um let's go ahead and arm the approach our main approach now I'm slowing down to 190. is it arm for you yes sir okay probably get glycer before we get localizer capture we'll see looking good right now I like what we got Happening Here all right flaps 10 please collapse 10 speed check 245. we're good yeah we're lightly loaded so I want to make sure yeah here's the rain they weren't lying about the rain they weren't lying did the wipers work on this though see how she intercepts everything here they do not the what now you see if the wipers work but they don't no no wipers sadly trash plane we got the Glide slope coming down looking good here we'll be right at 3 000 perfect she's slowing up real nicely there 190. good good intercept angle here rnp is looking good I'm sorry LNF turn we're in the soup right now so I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep It on autopilot turning she's turning towards maximal not much visibility nope not at all right I'm watching the autopilot here the guy's love coming down but it doesn't seem like it's capturing so my airplane [Music] let's go and go gear down here now [Music] yep when in doubt you just fly the ILS you don't mess around all right we're gonna slower up let's go the next thing flaps 25. oh watch that descent rate perhaps 25 yep speed speed check 210 we're good I look away for like one second man yep can you get my speed set for me to uh 150. or the left here looking good 150. yep 150. Landing checklist speed break is armed plan a year landing gear down flaps 25 set cabin crew notified that is a landing checklist complete awesome oh this is this is a heck of a crosswind oh my dude it's like you're crapping this one holy yeah they're making me work for it and I got the rabbits in sight back up on the Glide slope here get back over to the right yeah that crosswind is like doing some weird stuff to us here we're all right though correcting for it now Runway inside at least what do you call it rabbits inside yellow rabbit lights is what those are called oh cool let's watch our Glide slope more than anything else still got it in sight so we're still tracking okay here we're a little right because the wind is like it's showing me only it's like doing weird stuff it is yeah I'm gonna take my throttles here little my throttles yeah I see I'm correcting right now I had to go over and grab my throttles yeah I love it so looking good here is your replay running yep that's checked that's part of a place man look at this weather coming in here this is awesome oh my God this is an awesome CrossFit that you're yeah you're clear to land yep I'm on the Pappy's now so I'm going for the three white one red looking good here yeah now we got a little bit of a crosswind from a Tailwind here so that's yeah not helping us out too much here right on it thank you Microsoft flight simulator for having a huge stutter right at the last second we appreciate when that happens a huge stutter right there thank you Microsoft for that it's always whenever you're Landing dude and swear all right we got should have four in Reverse are they not in Reverse they're not working no for me there they go there they go that's all right we had to pull in we're lightly loaded oh yeah look at that already 60 knots cleared it yeah you could probably go off on two we have to go down to the next one right oh yeah kilo's not I don't think we're allowed kilo are we yep yep we're not allowed we have to go down Delta yeah that's why we do our approach briefing that's why we brief yep we'll clean up the airplane after we vacate the runway if you want go ahead and start the Apu for me you got it if you started all right I mean it looks like a smooth Landing but man I just couldn't tell because of the stupid stutter right yeah they were touching down right as you touched down it was smooth all right sweet that's all we can ask for the packages aren't complaining back then no definitely not all right let's clean up the airplane flaps up playing the lights off all that stuff lets you do your flows yep flaps up Landing lights off we'll do kicking off Wing off strobe but does the strobe come off we're still off yeah and now stays on okay he breaks forward all right pu bleed is on now awesome all right after lighting checklist uh is there any lights and strobe are off landing gear or no excuse me flaps flaps uh speed break speed break is Ford weather radar weather radar is off after landing checklist completes okay we're gonna make the right here and then left straight into that ramp right there in front of us straight into the cargo ramp hell yeah man yeah nicely done dude nice landing fun flight nice hand flying it thank you thank you make our left turn here and then on into Zulu just like we briefed this thing is so big left and it's so weird because how far forward you are and high up you have to like go almost it almost looks like you're almost running off the road every year taxi in this thing I just know a lot of experienced because I've flown this thing so much where it's actually at all right let's taxi in to the cargo ramp foreign [Music] foreign shut down all four engines for us we're on the Apu power and we will be on that guy just as soon as I shut down the engines Microsoft flights in was like you're done oh yeah like the log page yup I know exactly what that's about let's see our flows and to get the uh fuel pumps all off and everything looks good up there sweet belt sign is off and shutdown checklist all right I'll just do my flows quick and those are off those are off uh packs are still on uh shutdown checklist yep let's do it hydraulic pumps are off parking brake is set fuel control switches are cut off fuel pump switches are off external power is not available we're on the APU [Music] awesome great flight man that was fun yeah nice flying all right folks that's gonna do it for this episode of Microsoft flight simulator big thanks to Civ Ryan for uh being my fo today it was an awesome flight uh from Ontario up here to San Francisco and we had some weather coming in that's all you can ask for we'll see you next time take care
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 85,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, microsoft flight simulator 2020, flight simulator 2020, flight simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Flight Simulator, Microsoft, thrustmaster tca, tca, thrustmaster tca boeing yoke pack, thrustmaster tca boeing yoke standalone, msfs shared cockpit, msfs shared cockpit mod, msfs salty 747, msfs 747, your controls msfs 2020, your controls
Id: DmapRCH5X5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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