Playing the Dark Urge in Baldur's Gate 3 is Hilarious

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don't call him the Talk cards Jesus he's just Gentle Creek I cannot wait to slice your way forward no no no no no no click stop thinking about that push the feelings down deep inside plenty of room in that we bore they for all your horrible thoughts you just calm them down like you know how when your bins full and you have to like stand in the bin because you need to put more rubbish in that's what it has to do with his bad thoughts try to remember the last time you stood above a corpse no no no it's a good noise don't you listening to it yeah you just stand there in the face don't you listen to the narrator you are a gentle soul there's constantly so much blood on Craig no I'm tired he's a gentle sword I don't know why he's covered in blood all the time I know awful tragedy has befallen as Shadow heart great but I have a new drum all right I accept as he joins your side your mind dances with thoughts of a perfect pretty corpse Jake what was Albert is it the drum is the drum made is the drum got your line with the flute cam you didn't think of nice things that make you happy like playing your flip for your grand and you're playing your flute and then a guy drives past she drives a bit quickly and you think I hope he crashes and dies and then then you go back to playing your float and you don't think about stuff like that anymore click he's just a cutie guy really if you think about it you just look at his me cute he's just Gonna Keep Me tentacles he's got brains where you have ears he's just a cutie guy kiss him just a wee kiss just give him a wee kiss away from that thing no it's fine everything will be fine wet tentacle ah don't make it weird narrator and for the first life you you tongue an octopus fantasize about hacking off the hand it's okay to think about things right you know like when you cross a bridge and you want to throw your phone off the end of the bridge for no reason and you don't do obviously you just think about it you just you just think about it and that exhumes the demon obviously it's healthy it's healthy you were supposed to lend a hand not take one but at least at least she's brightening them that's the type of person you want around with you when things go south and you accidentally chop somebody's hand off oh can you lend me a hand okay essentially essentially just chopped that guy's hand off for absolutely wrote no reason there he maybe maybe you need to maybe you could lend me your hand because because you've got an extra one Craig because you just brutally chopped one off for nearly that's that's the type of party you need you know to keep you going in these dark times overwhelming violent desires faster in my skull maybe you keep those thoughts inside Craig I need you to stay at the camper yeah I need you me I need you to stay at the camp for a while you're the one that has to leave you're the one that needs rest that's a guy you can get as a companion I guess I guess we don't get him this is what we do we commit to the bit listen crew whatever happens happens right if I save or somebody's hand then I save or somebody's hand that happens it happens do I make myself clear yes yes boss yes boss who's first oh this game's class still in control just twice um I thought it would be more of a gradual decline earthquake you're just gonna need you to push those feelings down a little bit nobody's getting any damn right we have men [Music] and then those two guys and we only served one hand 75 of people have survived our encounters see please [Music] I'm only kidding I I'll just make you know we joke just Lighting in the mood just having a bit of fun we gentle cake just trying to cheer everybody up I'll trust your judgment and I won't trust her imagine traveling with Jay or Craig and be like I don't trust that other person she obviously sees your kindness as weakness your kindness is a weakness lady you just watched them rip a guy's hand off but that that just shows you that he's gentle Craig because he's he's good at heart deep down inside once you Wade through all the hatred and anger and all the murderous impulses at the very bottom underneath all of that sludge there's a little glimmer of hope besides it stands funny right what's unbelievable is how he beat the Goblins you're both Heroes he's being nice he's gonna make friends here it all changes in the Grove shelter through the throat that should have killed her but she kept gasping I wish I'd seen her as boring when they just dropped dead I've had these on Jews I want to kill I want blood I much prefer eating flesh to blood I do appreciate your enthusiasm let's try it last night I know bills are dangerous right to appear with absolutely be up no problem but I can't help but laugh at something that turns into a bear who's the fuzzy wuzzy VR who's the big fuzzy bosoms oh he's got the accent I could have been the beer that is the bill that you should ask Scottish I don't want to be that big another Bond oh don't let me interrupt you I'm just gonna talk to the squirrels now that I can talk to animals for them yes that's it guys we are the better bird oh my God she's gonna play along with me that's incredible okay we have a new base pal what did that poor instrument ever do to you you [ __ ] not only do you have a Bard option but you have barred Renegade option that's class her Creator starts to slack jaw that he's like oh my God that's what a bird's supposed to look like this is how birds are supposed to make you feel we'll give her a Hilton hand we're good remember that the squirrel said we were better oh okay like I could I could play I could play that I basically wrote half of it I don't know why everyone shot it don't worry don't be that impressed copyright strike dmca Craig half of that juice stop falling in love Craig and do something horrible he is smitten that is a smitten word he's thinking oh [ __ ] man what if I still get this hat one if I'd have known I'd never put this stupid thing on the vomit is Gore within despairs at your kind okay you you just relax there buddy oh and she's humble as well stupid Perfect part we need to start a band never mind the main quest we could be called the brain tadpoles or something like that click in the tadpoles can't get attack balls you should all learn an instrument and we could be gentle playing in the tadpoles that's a tremendous name for a group where the hell is lizelle Hill music musicians musicians I've got a brain tadpole in there and they want some Blum and sit and play Coldplay all day absolutely not no you're coming to me let's go come on group up please don't kill me promise me please don't shag me oh yeah I forgot activists are getting all excited talk to animals I forgot are we Lassie has been basically kidnapped the death of a child no okay not now not now detect thoughts I wanted to take pots you intrude on my mind no I I was just wondering what type of music you like so I could play [ __ ] it is a miracle that'd be last he survived I learned to kill I only feel myself and I'm killing you're hardly alone why does everybody be like hey it's fine you're not putting that in my eye it's not only a needle it's a barbed needle absolutely not how do you pick up the parasite I peed in a lake is it running water or Still Water you shouldn't drink is anything can swim up your pee stream and swim right in here Willy that's worse than the truth Craig don't tell them that story if you transform here we're all dead but you but you like a good soul he's a good Soul you held the Lassie why Vern poison swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms it's a good we saw who should do himself and if it feels any symptoms shoot before you lose your teeth Flynn stand back and admire the guards overflowing hate because you would wouldn't you stay up in front of a crossbow boat for some random absolutely not you and I will do some good here I can feel she can feel it I can feel it as well I much prefer roasted dwarf cake what is your problem yes Craig stop thinking about delicious dwarf and take the ball sometimes I think terrible things really really really terrible things I love the idea of Gentle Creek just breaking down as the old ladies just met oh I'm imagining joining you in the boiling stew there I don't need you to be like me you just have to buy enough time to run it's good advice chill do you do well to listen it's it's like react content right you don't have to have the smart opinion you just have to listen to the smart opinion and go yeah what that guy said who needs Talent when you can point at talent and go yeah that that's my note if you take her then you'll lose their mind it'll be fine it'll be okay we'll be gentle no I I do that for a laugh no I just did that one for a laugh because I got every great no no oh no [Music] dude that's not very gentle of yourself that's not very Druid like is it oh the billionaires who would never do anything wrong she's gentle just like Craig just because she's an old woman in a swamp she's a hug lay off the fairy tales Lads showing off in Frontier I thought you see it's okay Annie me and my pals I've got this covered them for you boys we're looking for their little sister Marina the girl who's it's okay that didn't sound to spit all from an earth or she would never do anything wrong so the real I see anything we just killed our brothers but yeah [ __ ] just teleport in a shroud of green mist but it's Fame it's fine and ether would never do anything wrong are we loving no aren't you I mean those four of us right so one years and they get an Apple you know C to be fair no you get an apple and I'll eat all three of the apples that's for an Earth would have wanted in the first place sheep's voice you realize it's trying far perfectly normal behavior from a sheep [Music] so it can take a deep breath and say bye ah [Music] will assaults your nostrils dead flesh lies below just left over food that sort of drink from the well why does lizelle approve of me drinking the corpse water flows through you come to the rescue there with our with our magic juice it's all right that we're being mean to this we lasted who's pregnant apparently oh things will get messy it's okay that an Ethel is passively aggressively threatening us I pluck it from your head I sit for luck back in it goes she just wants to take my eyeball out and kiss it and put it back nothing less I mean it's sweet right if you think about it it's it's sweet in its own way just wants to get a weakness you know what you've yeah you've got to do that toss that nobody nobody like that but she needs her real nails for this [Music] well boy everyone calls it a hug then less than that a thought I forgot right I need to go I need to go see if I drew it and stuff you just wait and we I'll go I'll be two minutes my sweet Callum who's been loving us that is beauty Never Fade oh don't worry Kell I can fix this there you go Kel you are very welcome don't you worry oh no hey oh then we've got a head and a hand I thought we could talk to the head and explain it I don't know why I picked it up and put it in my backpack and I don't know why I'm keeping it but I am anyway I'm the boss let's move on I see what's to come go and tell us what's in gentle Creek's future [Music] not at all you must be mistaken take a deep breath and Roar they all like that I'm Craig you're all about influence are you getting almost on both of them if if anything sums up this fight it was that or maybe we just leave I don't need to go and kill the hag I'm so glad I found what it's me hey from the groove see all swell the ends well we just we ignore the hag the hack we just leave an ear thought to do our thing and we come back to camp and we've got our lovely bar Trend I'm sorry for badging in like this but I want to join you to fight by your side I want to help people as you've helped me well shut the heart you know the Party part arm in arm hand in hand You and Me Against the World you'd mean that the rest of these lights obviously right but mainly you and me that means we have a Lotus for our bands let's take it one note at a time as my teacher would say hey [Music] here we go see no bother hey good you sleepwalking Pole stand above a body big state of Gore nearly beyond recognition it just Brave girl who earnestly swore to devote her life to your call no just a bad dream cake and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend no nothing of how you ended up here you had pounds and aches just a wee joke between Birds just a wee joke it's just that we joke between parts so what happened right what happened was there was a bear attack and the brave soul that cake is he held it in his Slumber deep in sleep in his REM sleep right so he's Vivid dreaming and he slipped walked over to the bear attack and fendied off the Bear in his sleep and then he woke up and see if you've ever woken somebody up sleepwalking true story my brother used to a Sleepwalk I know that the rest of this story isn't obviously true right I'm just saying my brother used to sleepwalk if you wake him up or if you accidentally woke him up trying to get him back to his bed he would be really confused and that's all that's happened to you heard the commotion in his dreams and he went over there while sleepwalking and he fendied off the bear with his bare hands get it he bare hands because that's how we bad joke don't worry about it and he fendied off the Bear in his sleep and then he woke up and he's just confused that so we should investigate to see what actually happened to find the birth facts come on let's go find the Bear Tracks dozens of wounds on the corpse killer did not stop savaging it even when she was long gone until dominant arm aches it aches from stabbing stabbing the beer and over no matter how it appears the body is there and her blood is on your hands why is it in a big question who are you real and you could be guilty of such bitter business I mean the ritualistic blood circle around the body might hint at some sort of non-bear attack I understand why you would maybe think that I mean at least you'll get a good song out you know click you've got to think of the positive side you're a bad people look to you to lighten their spirits so at least at the very least this will make for a good song it's what she would have wanted you may only have a few moments before the others awaken and begin to cast blame for the hot sin before you appear to face the others tell the others about the bear attack no that's all I thought you were gonna do I thought you were gonna leak you know don't just go and have a nice night's sleep another wave dead before her time I wonder how it happened Jake he's hoping the explanation is less sloppy than the kill oh I can't help but notice that one of us is that's not what I thought oh no she was brutalized I've killed many times after she was dead I'm not sure they're going to believe the bear story [Music] oh
Channel: The Laughing Simon
Views: 176,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thelaughingsimon, the laughing simon, baldursgate3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 funny moments, funny moments
Id: fOSiL8OPZi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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