Playing SUPER MONKEY BALL with Super Monkey Ball announcer Brian Matt

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody if the ball starts moving the camera will follow that's an old saying my grandpa used to tell me look at that 3d render of a GameCube controller wait let me see if I can find it where do they put it if I move the camera disappears I'm gonna I'm gonna zoom in on it hold on if I slow the camera movement I wanted a 3d print this object it's a GameCube analog stick with a button on the back all right we're about to do the damn thing if you fall off you'll lose a life so this is Super Monkey Ball one with a menu musics so different I'm more used to Monkey Ball - that's alright normal mode ain't no story mode in this it's just a straight-up arcade game that's kind of great alright let's just let's do beginner while we wait for people to trickle in [Music] so one thing you might have noticed in my YouTube video is the announcer whenever I use a clip of the game so you can hear the announcer voice he's way louder in my video than he is in the game in the game he's mixed extremely quietly you hear how quiet the goal is compared to the music or his ready go is very quiet compared to the music so I had to find the original sound files oh I should turn on the widescreen hack hold on oh it did not like that I hit View stage just now his little secret down there oh so I want to go get this secret but I also want to see what levels like 3 through 6 arcs I never get to see them let me go hop in a dolphin and turn on the light screen hack though but anyways I had to take the original sound files of the announcer voice and line them up with where they are in game just so it would sound loud enough you could even hear it because it's so quiet in this game for some reason alright let me go into graphics widescreen hack now we're cooking that looks real good Aereo now my monkeys shaped like a ball it's not super monkey oval yeah that's a good looking game I use mostly footage from a super monkey ball to in my video Caroline says I got my boyfriend monkey ball 2 for his game cue for Christmas it's all he was talking about for the longest time I'm so excited for him to get it you get to relive his childhood hell yeah he's gonna love that that's a great game [Music] oh is the bit rate being Genki may hop in those settings here I should be streaming at a real high bitrate let me turn off this feature that adjusts the bitrate how does it look you guys told me I want to get a wider sample size how's the stream look right now [Music] [ __ ] is that true MZ Paul just said they wanted to remake Monkey Ball 1 & 2 but due to how many people were needed for Iago 7 the the shrunken team was forced to remake banana blitz that is the worst thing I've ever heard Malaysia thanks for the super chat yeah today is banana blitz launch day on on PC and I don't really care for that game I've got a posted on Twitter like a month ago and I have two ideas for monkeyball videos one of them was good and one of them was evil and the one I uploaded this weekend that was the good one thoughts on banana blitz HD I don't care for it it's so funny like I didn't love banana blitz at the time I kind of consider at the beginning of the end for monkey ball but I decided to go into banana blitz HD with like an open mind and an open heart and I downloaded that demo on the switch and I just made me so angry it just feels like crap I really don't like it I think jumping in a monkey ball game is a ludicrous idea I think characters they have different jump heights what are you doing some with all why their boss battles in it I don't I'm not a banana blitz guy we can leave it at that I don't begrudge anyone who likes it but that [ __ ] ain't monkey ball iMHO alright let me let me let me mess with my settings here if the video looks chunka chunka 5 I can fix that there's this new feature in stream labs that lets you like you can have it automatically adjusts the bitrate but maybe it's maybe it's being over overly aggressive dynamically change bitrate has been turned off [Music] all right if that fixes it let me know if not I can just stop and start my dream I'm not you know I don't really have a lot of nostalgia for chibi-robo Johnson III played a this is weird I played the first chibi-robo game person only cheaper game I played was chibi-robo photo whatever the 3d s1 the downloadable 3d essay okay the video looks better great well then [ __ ] that feature that's just staying on any fellow banana split zone is here says Johnny blacks black chocolate um I found my Vita like three weeks ago and I had a friend who had been telling me the banana splits was good and I was like yeah I'll believe it when I see it and I downloaded it cuz it's like five bucks on the on PSN it's actually good everyone was right banana splits is a solid ass monkey ball game it's probably the third best but then again I feel like I just have Sonic fan syndrome where you know how Sonic fans think Sonic Generations is good because they have brain damage from twenty years of bad Sonic games I think that banana split only seems good to me because my benchmark for monkey ball like that bar is on the floor after the way Sega's treating this franchise [Music] anyways hot-ass Szigeti today why the swearing I'm sorry I won't cuss anymore sorry for custody why dull bananas great question since f-zero GX it shouldn't I edited it yeah I edited it it's in Super Monkey Ball on my end I don't know what's up with that I'll refresh it but yeah doles still sponsored this Sega made a deal a deal with Dole a deal with the devil alright when I go to scream settings and hit edit Super Monkey Ball I'll know what that f-zero guys talking about alright on reddit Secret Santa no super wall Adventure is the worst one out of all the Monkey Ball games because the audio from a girl's not only used the first one because no audio version dude there was somebody I'm not gonna name names but somebody in my comments was like oh I love Super Monkey Ball super well Adventure is my favorite and I was like alright I guess that's legal but then for Super Monkey Ball step and roll the balance board game it was sponsored by Chiquita not dole so they would change it up I think this is the better of the two credits anyway I think super multi ones not as good one for fun I got a dog these damn letters the longer the word is the harder it is a Dodge right man the description on my end says monkeyball I think I just found a glitch in with the resistances well if you hit a he just puts on the brakes and starts kissing [Music] so that's beginner mode only ten levels long I feel hated when I'm here as a Yakuza fan yeah I'm my opinions on yoke is that I can't say in polite company I mean I whatever I play dumb I played yeah kisses zero no no wait I played kiwami and I played six and I think they're fine but I also blame them for the death of Monkey Ball so i i yeah i just i know i have my up it's an unpopular take but would you recommend getting the milk ball game on switch no don't buy it I should've just snuck a little PSA in the middle oh my my monkey all documentary being like by the way I know there's new monkey ball game out well you know what I shouldn't say don't buy it though because here's what this is this is a really shitty situation to be in the truth of the matter is hey I left it in a bunch um like I kind of hope people do buy banana bullets on swish because it'll help Sega justify making a new Monkey Ball but you know what they need to do it's so obvious to me they need to make a monkey ball 3 that is like sonic mania where they just get people from the monkey ball community to make to the stages because they're amazing at that and Sega hasn't like they forgot what monkey ball was like 15 years ago [Music] interesting thing about that widescreen hack is you can see the objects unloading and loading on the left side of the screen look the goal the goal is [Music] what was the evil monkey ballgame video I'm still gonna make it so stay tuned I can't tell you know we'll just make do with rolled out for now yeah rolled out owns a game now y'all got this tape is cool I just I would rather have more monkey ball [Music] culling exactly my first expense with my goal is a Chucky Cheese arcade machine I've seen a few people say that I've gotten some comments that were like oh I thought this was just this game that they have it Dave & Buster's or Chucky Cheese so that game is called Super Monkey Ball ticket blitz and it's not I mean it's nothing it's a it's not a real thing it basically plays itself like the camera is really weird it's like a downhill it's like Tony Hawk down hill jam and the level design is bad but that's okay all right do I go for the skip or do I just do this level the normal way let's do the skip so this level what you're supposed to do is wait for this thing to get flat and then go towards the goal but if you turn around here do this secretly oh are you able to move the camera to check out the next stage that's preloaded above the stage you're currently on I'll try that on the next one I I mean I know how that works but I've never done that so let's try it that's right on the neck this looks amazing I love like look at this crazy wobbly ground texture it's beautiful how is this a gamecube gamecube game from 2001 how many bananas are left all right there's a lot to really enjoy here so oh my why is i rotating open if that's gonna screw me up I need oh I'll just do it on the next level I need them to be facing forward hi you got a chill this level by the way is a big-ass guitar wait why can't I move the camera with the head oh wait maybe I I think I slowed slowed the camera down too much behind the back monkey ball I'd rather you only have a 30-second timer on this level ah right first person it was more over-the-shoulder this is like a Resident Evil 2 camera oh [ __ ] I went too fast [Music] alright I'll just do it normally I gotta get through this level then we can do that funky experiment [Music] sometimes I disagree with amusing visions choices about which level should have a 30-second timer and which ones would have a 60 hey O'Brien Matt isn't the chat Brian I should nice if you get on skype I can add you to the call do you want to if you want to join in I don't know what time it is in Japan though maybe it's 6:00 a.m. in Japan while you're up early [Music] and with your morning coffee yeah if you're I mean hold on a second I'm gonna open up Skype Brian if you want to chat hop on I'll give you a call [Music] so one said Nick how do you not know what time it is in Japan you go there every video I actually have it on my watch one of my Apple watch faces is just the time in Japan Brian it'll just be a voice call if that's cool oh yeah I'm gonna run out of lives oh all right one second we're gonna get Brian creepy of Brian on the call here [Music] here we go this is gonna be fun I'm gonna turn down the game volume turn up the desktop [Music] there we go open up Skype here and we're gonna just chat with hey this is not what I what I thought we were gonna do this morning but this morning my brain is in Japan time hey Brian good morning oh you might have to UM turn off the YouTube video we got a little bit can you hear me all right sorry about the volume back up so I had to turn the game up because Skype turned it down all right guys I fixed it they're with me good morning Nick good morning Brian how you doing good how are you doing good good I had to try to kind of just some of my volume settings so thank you for your patience No how's it going thanks for her thanks for tuning into the stream yeah this is so random I was just having my at the morning coffee uh I'm going to the studio for 10 a.m. and just saw this I thought well this is interesting something's lyin something live is going on here so yeah I guess you haven't I mean you see you have you ever played Super Monkey Ball or was has it been sort of a hands-off relationship for the most part no I have the very beginning as I as I mentioned earlier we got to see all the characters yeah and and then after that there were so many games through through Sega and I and when I was back you go back you go back to the Sega studio it's near Shinagawa but you know is like for sega buildings there and then when we were inside there it was really bizarre to play a game and then have your own voice back this was like a year or two years later and you brought up Resident Evil as well these are names that I haven't thought of in years so it's quite interesting you know that was also a fun one to make yeah yeah it's funny like Resident Evil is one thing that I think a lot of a lot of the the narration crew from the old days in Japan had in common like when I one of it didn't make it into the video but but Patrick worked on a Resident Evil game as well Patrick Harlan did he did a voice on I don't remember which was one of the weird like it was not a main line numbered Resident Evil game but but he worked on those as well I wish I had one thing that I wish I had more time to talk about in the video was some of the amazing projects that somebody all worked on like you worked on a game I don't know if you remember this called guitar ooh man yes I do that was really very very popular in Japan oh really as well yeah guitar man is like a total classic for me like one of my favorite games ever one of the most underrated games ever so it's it's really cool that you remember that I do I do it I remembered very great well it's funny these become like cult games not only and but I guess around the world but you know particularly in Japan you know Monkey Ball or dad or mom or same way or all of these games I mean they were just they were insanely huge and people just loved you know talking about them playing you know and you can walk by Shibuya you know where you always stay in Cebu you can walk by on the Main Street and walk why the arcades and I just remember hearing the voices and you know you're walking from the studio or something you have a good chuckle it's listening to it's like oh my god I can hear myself you know what's going on something we talked about during our our first interview was about how I asked if you have the experience of going around Japan and hearing your voice everywhere and your friends voices everywhere like your colleagues are all constantly voices you encounter like I know you when we spoke the first time you had just come from doing some voices for I mean I actually is it okay to talk about that stuff is it okay to yeah that's fine I do the robot restaurant this is something you should check into the robot alright mice I'm in Japan I'm way there with my family and I excitedly told my parents when you emailed me it's because when you did the voices for my video I told my parents like oh my god Brian the guy I talked to for my video he did the robot restaurant narration and like my full family win and remembers that so that's incredible like that's one of the most popular tourist attractions I think in in Japan it's huge I mean actually I'm going there tomorrow again 3:30 I'm gonna go to the one of the shows you know the shows run I'm gonna like every 90 minutes or so then they like a half hour off and it was it was really great I must say going to the robot restaurant I was I went backstage and you see all the it's gone from like this really small venue to this massive massive like you know just costumes and and staff and so we did a recording for Christmas yeah but exactly the day that we spoke I ran back from the studio thought my jacket on and we were chatting away and that's that's exactly the place where I was I was actually doing recording for for Christmas you're riding a Santa story there's a little yeah and so we're doing a Santa story so it's more I'm gonna go watch it live 3:30 tomorrow at the robot restaurant with one of the agents that that put this gig together I think it was a oh my god it's been about five years now and yeah I do recording for the robot restaurant for every season which is do you change the show around six times a year and so we add new lines and we add everything at that time and so this time of course is this is the very first year that we've done something that has a Christmas theme to it and we added like an I guess you could say like an old man Santa or and father Christmas I guess would be the best explanation and yeah and put that with robots and you know dragons and everything else that you can imagine so yeah that was it was a good fun so we'll see how that comes up tomorrow then we're gonna add something at a studio next week Monday I believe Monday or Tuesday I'll find out tomorrow just see how we can kind of spice it up because tourist tourism season that gets really really busy here at the end of the year and but the other doing extremely well and very very busy so that's kind of a video game with a live video game I always enjoy doing that one and you also do voices for the bid jr. train line right yes yes we do that I did that's one because maybe two weeks ago for a junior down in Kyushu and down in Shikoku and in the southern part of Japan just the train stops and reminding people to keep their cell phones off well on the train I'm certain I've heard your voice without knowing it like I I know these announcements I didn't know the guy making them until now yeah it's quite interesting it was that was a very bizarre recording a couple weeks ago you walk in and then there's like seven suits sitting down you know just sitting on the couch and then they're getting up and they're just like you know jr. is huge as you know and here's this like seven reps from jr. and it's like wow this is getting really cut is serious here but I know they just wanted you know very flat English and they wanted you know very flat tone to it but they wanted the pronunciation of all the stations so I went through like one of the whole lines going down in Kyushu and Shikoku and great thing was I used to to work down there on a weekly basis so it was like oh my god I haven't been to that not one in about four or five years now so it was quite exciting actually to go to to hear all the stations again and all the ones are adding and yeah and since they're getting more tourism down there as well yeah it was really a fun time was really really actually quite interesting so Emilio Lopez in the chatted with his does Brian know Donna Burke yes Donna Burke's Australian she's been in Japan for I think thirty plus years her husband is uh I think is a Kiwi or an Aussie as well and Donna as a singer prior again I mentioned it someone asked me on one of your questions on your video thing is now we used to work so much together they used to put four six of us 10 of us in the studio once I mean I haven't seen Chris or I haven't seen Patrick maybe well over a year or maybe two years simply because now we do all of the recordings solo and so you know anything I have last week or this week I'm the only person in the studio that is actually doing doing the narration there's there's not even in the agent with you anymore yeah I'm gonna shoot some video for you on Friday it's not the most exciting gig but it's still quite interesting you'll see how the interaction goes between this is a big real estate company and I'm doing one of their I've been a bad boy I haven't read the script yet and what it is is basically all I know I walk in there they'll probably be about five suits they're sitting down and you know you have the script in front of them you make but you'll see the interaction I'm gonna put my camera on and just kind of let you just hear how things go the interaction between the director the producer the sponsor and so that's all done in Japanese and then and then just do the recording in English so it's real estate but still it's just gives the whole idea and shows you know how the stuff you you end up working on it's so interesting like there's such a wide ranges and AB random random random it's just from from junior to to you know you know father Sant adding it for a bunch of robots it I think fathers had to get sliced up in the end by some or slayed by some you know Dragon Slayer woman or something like that but yeah it's and and then you end up doing you know something to real estate so yeah you you jump around a lot that's the great thing so when you ask bring up all these memories the best thing I can best I can say it is that we went to a convention in in California for narrators on this had to do with I think it was like Family Guy with The Simpsons and all these big big big productions we don't get over here that we can only watch on YouTube of course and we saw we met a lot of these really big narrators funny thing is they only work three or four times a year or three or four jobs a year I mean that's sometimes our daily schedule so what do you think when you're bringing up names it's like I feel kind of bad that it's like oh yeah that that that when you kind of you know put all of these years together you know over 20 years of recording in three or four recordings a day it's like oh that job that job and then you try to recall which job it is and it's very very it's it's fascinating because we never you know once we do the job it's like you're running off to the next studio and you just you know you're on the train you have the script and you're correcting things and you're like should I do this I do that and what do they can expect and then you get to the studio then they had you a totally different script and you get to start all over again and yeah it's quite interesting but yeah you've got a lot of good memories so one thing that I asked you during our first interview and I I didn't end up including it in the video but it's a question that I should have realized a lot of people would want to know the answer to a lot of people are asking why you were not credited in Super Monkey Ball I saw that question about 400 times yeah 10 times to try and answer in all honesty okay this is being totally honest we don't have a we don't have a union here we don't get jewelz here and so for the Japanese it doesn't matter who you are or you know what you're doing it for them it's just like lookit this is the game this is how it's done and we will call the same narrator because we'd like to use the same person all the time and it's a credit there's no ACTRA here or anything like that and I think that's what their kid is so important for Americans to have this kind of you know I want to be credit I want to be credited because they get credits towards their actual score here this actor or anything like that so for us to be credited it's like not important as long as the sponsors happy as long as the you know the agents happy and as long as we did a great recording that's all that matters and yeah so that's why we don't we don't ask and they would probably not even offer it because no one seems to feel that it's important the most something is that you'd hate you did it did you do a great job did you do the best that you could is this is this not gonna sell a million or you know 100 million copies and and then you you kinda just move on move on and move on and and it kind of gets lost after a while and and that was a really good point a lot of people brought that up and I'm starting to see that's where the cultural difference lies and you know Nick that I could see that you've clearly been in Japan enough here you can't you don't really boast you know about your accomplishments or anything like that you can you're everyone's just kind of like okay yeah I did that and you know just another day at the office sort of thing so and yeah that's why we don't get credited we don't ask to be and I don't think it really leads to anything except for the people involved I'd like to constantly use the same people again they love consistency here and so therefore that's that's the credit right there it's just being consistent and and working with the same staff and working with the same people and it that's that's the magic right there I'm sorry I'm curious like how how often this is still because I think at the very least video games have gotten better about crediting people over time even Japanese video games but also I think that Japanese video games are very often doing some of their voice work for like a main character in the West right and then and then those people have to do have to deal with the they end up crediting those people because that's how it works every year but do you think there are still video game are there still video game gigs where the voice actor goes uncredited in Japan in 2019 99% of the times yes yeah I I did a that game with Romo I sent you the script actually yeah yeah when I did Romo I mean that was a that was a production they worked three years on and you know they were taking pictures together with me afterwards you know with all the stuff that creators were fantastic they were Japanese and Americans it was nice mix and so yeah but as far as being credited I'd ever once again I didn't ask but they said okay you know listen this is a really developing kind of character and because it's so interactive that listen you know can we call you the second week of Japan it's like yeah I said actually I get back around the 13 to 14 so yeah let's let's shoot for the I guess it was the 21st or 22nd they want to do another recording so that that's how that part works and so will it be credited I can't say do I care at this point I'm starting to care yeah I guess oh maybe this experience has been a realization of like oh there are people who are super interested in this stuff in the world that's fascinating for us it's like I said it feels like another day at the as you say at the at the office and and for us it's oh yeah okay great you know did we do a good job and we're and another thing is just to get a copy of it or something to hear or something and when you put edited all this together I mean it's phenomenal just to see it not in game form and I actually still and I will check my get to Niagara Falls in a few weeks I know that I have some of the old Monkey Ball games or maybe I'm gonna try to find the original script if if that's a big if I still have it I mean if you found that it would make my it would make my year it would be so cool to see that to them I'd actually just send it to you give it to you if I can find it and yeah I promise I will take a good look you know some of during some of the decluttering years I guess you could say you know you realize that you know some some scripts now I do still have some scripts from 25 years on actually even at the time when I gotta go to Russia and work in Europe as well right yes yes yes a lot in a lot in Germany and but with the Japanese there was a lot in in actually in Russia of all places and bloody well stuck in a bottle skin Siberia and we went there to do recordings and do some video shots there so of course I catch none of those scripts those are just so iconic but as far as the gaming and everything like that don't forget this at the time there was nothing that was actually sent to us and I'm sure a lot of your a lot of your viewers gonna find this funny a lot of the scripts were faxed and so I mean I I look at some of the Fox paper now and I mean everything has just become you know basically like some old manuscript you find at the bottom of the Dead Sea or no and you know it's either faded away or it's you know it's coloured and that sort of thing and so a lot of the stuff was was faxed to me or it was sent by time by mail or a lot of it was confidential that was the other point that someone product to is that we did sign a lot of confidentiality agreements I really don't have any idea where those were where those are but to solve some of these really big games Nintendo was was was really big on signing contracts to Nintendo stuff all right and Nintendo endless Ohio anything you remember it's a good question Nick has a very very good question yeah I was gonna say I might hire you as my agent I think you would probably know a lot better than I would known in Nintendo I know for a fact because every time we finished they would always send me you know a copy of the game or something like that and I still in my mind if I'm getting all these flashes in my mind right now of the Nintendo logo Nintendo was Nintendo Sega Konami Sony it was Sony was quite interesting because of course there was like you know you know it's a Sony we did ID taglines for all the Sony yeah yes commercials and everything but on top of that Sony had a lot of games Xbox as well was another one yes there was they were endless these are the things that I have to pull out a part of a pile of Nintendo games back in Niagara Falls when you go there for the holidays maybe that could give us a hint as the some of the game phew you contributed to I will I will definitely take a look at those yeah and the other thing would be they used you when you when you do these recordings they take your voice and there's a lot of you have a script you have a fixed script and then there's some scripts that aren't fixed and so they're gonna add you know various lines that can't wait we just kind of reminded us you know maybe the character could also be doing this or doing that so all of ad-lib as well and so I think that you know we're in the studio you have a fixed script and then there's like a bonus round and it's say oh we're gonna do this we're gonna do that okay good let's add this that said that I noticed that on the the mobile game script that you sent me a few weeks ago I checked it out and there was like some like there was one sector that was just like grunts and noises that you do when you get injured and it was it was written on there like feel free to improvise a little here yeah yeah that's definitely it that like I said that was probably that this is something I'll never forget because I it was amazing they gave me their iPhone and I was holding mine of course I don't have that their game loaded online on my phone but you know I'm touching it afterwards and they it was magical they put the voice in it and I was having a conversation with myself in the character voice this guy was that bad to the character and your response about how it works yeah you you like basically I'm touching the character and you know and I it was funny I was doing a bunch of single words and then I was also doing phrases and and he got a little bit snarky with me and I said I thought did I really say that you know that no don't don't touch me there and and you know and what are you doing you know work we will go off to battle it you know you know this kind of fighting fighting back and forth with myself I'm like wow I think I'm gonna have to you know declutter my brain after having this conversation with myself on this sound Floreal so you're gonna really love that one that one is that one's really fascinating and I think it's bigger than what they what they thought it would would be because we're gonna be doing an addition like I said I think it was the 20th through the 21st from that time in January and we're gonna be adding more to that but this goes way way beyond anything you've ever seen before and I was I can't tell you I can see I was Roma linty yeah Roma was his character will be expanding and clearly this was like I said took three years I remember meeting them three years ago on another project that I did with them and it took them three years to put this together and now that it's put together we've already started the initial recordings and then just as a I think they did just a joke they were really sweet they just kind of input it and they said here touch my phone I'm like are you sure that's like a go ahead touch my phone and that's where the interaction began I'm like wow this is wild I'm having something I just recorded and and then we were just having a coffee together in the studio within 30 minutes they had already uploaded I just like I think it was just a trial or just kind of like something to keep me amused and I was like wow this is insanely magical this is just wonderful so yeah look forward to that one I have no idea how many other characters are again because we work in the studio a lot so little 1990 I think about 98% of the times we're in the studio alone and the odd time I might just walk by and see another narrator made me or if it's female narrator then what we will not case we will work together yeah interesting do you um do you want to take some more questions from the chat here because people been asking some interesting stuff of yes how this career path works how so one question that I saw was when you mentioned doing work in Russia and in Europe there was a I think Seth was asking if you have if you speak other languages besides English and Japanese yes actually I speak I speak Russian and I speak German I'm a German and for citizenships that's I think we had this conversation as before it's funny that all this happens at once some someone from the The Times in London I don't know how people find me it's like you it's how this all comes together it's so bizarre but someone was they were looking at how many people have four passports in the world I think this aside from Jason Bourne this was like the premise of this guy's article it's just like how can you have four passports you have four different citizenships how is this week possible and the importance of it and everything like that so that brought into the linguistics part of it so yeah I speak I speak Russian I do games in Russian I do games in suspension I do games in German as well and Russian of course it's always always the quintessential soldier you know badass Soviet you give me a little bit of Russian soldier right now well no to see just under more than young yellow you know that govern a surplus producing on a cotton boy I have to think about this one right now I got to speak without a script in front of me that's insane right I'm not filled them with feel different having to improvise some Russian soldier dialogue yeah they're all of course they're always just like you know cold and then they go but that's a beautiful thing of it they have this if the quintessential German soldier I mean you were what are we in 1945 again or something like that yeah it's it's been some I should send you some pictures later it's quite interesting - we did some movie there's a big movie called tape will Tyson Tito Tyson was a movie of during a Hitler's era and if you're being a blonde German they were just like okay you this is something you're going to do and I mean this is just something you can't get away with in in most other countries but it was the the relationship between the Japanese army and the Nazis and so this part was that there were so many roles like that or a Russian soldier in how to being in the you know the part of northern part of China at the time where where there was such a great mix of Russians and Chinese and so that was another a lot of roles like that and that spill over so much into the gaming world the soldier part did of course but yeah that was a there was a lot of films a lot of films done as you know Russian soldiers are in Godzilla my god I could do you when you're doing roles when you're doing voice work in Japan you're primarily doing English voices right I do a lot in Japanese believe oh really okay that's what I was curious about yeah yeah yeah I do I did a lot for Sony and in Japanese they wanted someone who had extremely fluent Japanese but they wanted me to tweak certain words and it was something I'm like my one of my demo tapes is fuji-q highland and they wanted some you know reminds me of Monkey Ball so much they just wanted this crazy crazy voice that you know the mad scientist just sort of thing riding on a roller coaster at fuji-q you know out near Mount Fuji and that was you know another one of those it's so it's such a vast you know how many languages you speak leads you into different worlds of doing narration because we still haven't got to the point yet who knows maybe next year maybe a few years from now that they will be able to perfect voice to the point that we can actually do that but it leaves the the whole element of feeling and everything that I've learned from watching all your subscribers mentioning to me that saying hey you know well you know look at you know look at these different voices or or how the feeling is in the voice I don't think we can get that yet with with a i/o and there that's why narrators are still still needed and plus just the whole you know changing and everything but I will say I have done Airport Airport announcements for airports and in Japan as well and you know we take word by word and they're still stringing these words together so it's like you know you know ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard flight for three to five you know and you have this really bizarre I'm like come on you guys can do better than that like so the tone of the tone is really really off and that happens in a lot of languages though so the more languages you speak the the bigger your world becomes here but a lot of Japanese I would say a good thirty maybe forty percent of my work is done in Japanese and the other is Nick that's really important I'm gonna try to well I don't know how phrasing and play out it's gonna kind of play out how this whole thing is played out what we're talking it was just like hey what's you know what what are we gonna do today and I think on Friday you're gonna get see that speaking Japanese no one speaks English here as as you can guess you very well know you know you could imagine being in a studio you have a you know director that doesn't speak any English you you have a producer you have clients I mean that don't speak a lick of English and so all the communication will be done you'll see in Japanese and then I did look at this script I was a good boy I actually took a quick look at this script for Friday it's all in English but yeah all that yeah I'm gonna try to go at the camera run and we'll see how this this turns out I love this one studio and I'm sure they'll let me do this I'll just set up mild spring my iPhone and set it up you'll see the interaction is all done in Japanese right and then and then you have to switch your brain over right away and go into English I've never worked with an interpreter I from day one it was like you better learn Japanese or that's it because there was times before you actually came to Japan Nick work every sign was in Japanese but one person spoke English I I could go I went weeks without speaking English sometimes so interesting to me because as like a tourist in you know in temporary Tokyo it's so easy to navigate Japan as somebody who doesn't speak Japanese it's every sign even I mean even primarily in Tokyo but even going outside of Tokyo like you can get by as an English speaker just fine now but I don't think that was true if you like a few decades ago well it's not even a few decades ago as you know I'm actually a I was in biotech for many years as well so I was I was actually doing both jobs I was working for biotech firms and I would race off to the studio then race off to the lab and on weekends I would do narration for Iron Chef or something like that and you know we have these these these times that I can tell you I was down even up to five years ago I left the world of biotech I think four or five years ago I was down in Kyushu and Shikoku almost every single week I can tell you in the eight or twelve years I was down there and literally almost every week except if I was overseas or I was holidays what was what was happening was is that I would end up you know going there was times I never saw a foreigner at all why did ever had a chance to even speak English no one spoke English level because tourism was not really I mean how many people really said you know I'm gonna go to Japan for a holiday nobody nobody says and so it was you know I would literally go days and I remember sometimes it was like five six days in a row I never spoke English at all everything was just done in Japanese so surrounded by Japanese all the time and no Keeney Japanese when you first move yes I did I was I was still a university student and I finished my university here but so when I got over here it was just like I remember walking down the street and I mean I already had probably a good 2,000 word vocabulary or something at that time and I was walking down the street and you know I'd I just see you walk into a store and all of a sudden you see the people just like kind of like freeze up it's like oh my god it's like you walk into the store and it's like you know and you start speaking Japanese you just see this the relief on their face yeah and there's a lot of them I had a lot of times I had women like drop their grocery bags and say I'm a gaijin dot like oh my god it's a foreigner and and I'm just like what's going on you know doesn't really happen anymore especially with the younger generation of Japanese people there's less startling I think to see a foreigner than ever before do you imagine I was down I was doing biotech on I was down and told you man Hashima I was on Islands okay we're way out there where I would get my lunch out of a vending machine these islands only had maybe a hundred and fifty two hundred people on them and it was like oh yeah there was I was working for a Norwegian biotech firm at the time and aquaculture and you know they're just like oh it's that Norwegian dude and and I'm just like okay I'll take it whatever you know just I'm not reaching that damn Norwegian but that went on for like eight years until they found out no he's not Norwegian and but they were just like they kind of put whatever job you're doing or wherever company you're working for in that case it was a Norwegian company oh he must be Norwegian and so it's it you're on these islands where no one's even had contact with a foreigner before right it's like what what planet am I on I don't know I guess just for so many years or you just becoming grey that you walked down the street and I never noticed this it's kind of funny I always had friends come and visit our family come and visit and they're just like wow people stare a lot I'm like really and like yeah they do and I'm like now they don't and because you're like I said with narration or walking down the street or doing anything you are just you're it's just another day you're you go do everything that you would do in your normal life anywhere in the world but here I guess you know you're kind of thinking okay what am i what do I have to go all you have to do this later are that later okay but the job let me just look over the script now I'm on the train and then someone who's sitting beside you that's with you that's you know come to visit or you know friends family and they say well people stare along I'm like really and because you know you live here and he's kind of go can I go about your daily business and that's that's the part that's really unique and now I look back I'm really thankful I got to see Japan raw I mean really really really raw where like I said that were I went to places where I think the last foreigners were here that were like you know where the Dutch or something when you know missionaries before they got slaughtered you know going back hundreds and hundreds of years and one of the most interesting times was I was down in an island down in Kyushu it was like the first McDonald's ever opened up in July oh you got it you got imagine this this place had the golden arches and you you actually had to I had a rental car all the time when I was in southern Japan I had a rental car and I got to drive through the magical you know magic magical arches God what is the 1960s they're like yeah this restaurant was actually like from 1968 or something like that and it was like the first McDonald's in Japan it was like whoa whoa dude like wow I'm having like I'm freaking out here this is going so way back in time no it was it was amazing just to see that do you know these these original McDonald's nothing had changed and wanted good old Ronnie they're sitting on the bench you know and always and you know and I'm sure they touch them up every few weeks or something like that but Wow it was it was just incredible one question that will actually have a couple quick one thing that I'm curious about is you mentioned to me in one of our conversations that you you are so you were not born in the States right yeah I saw this I I never googled my name but when someone put a link up for I am DB that I'm born in I think I said Fremont or summer summer in California I'm like mm no I love the states you know I'm an aggro falls boy but I'm the other side I was born in Canada but I spent a lot of my time in the in the States but ya know I was not born in California yeah I figured that one adjusted as well but I had never actually even looked at that page before I don't when I when I first found that IMDB page which has a different name on it I asked the director because I was really hunting hard at this point there's a that IMDB page to your point about it not being super accurate has a movie credit that's like a documentary or some sort of movie about Mount Fuji and I emailed the director of that movie I didn't include this in the video but I emailed the director being like hey this guy I'm her dad potentially be the person I'm looking for and the guy was like oh yeah that's I don't know who that guy is that you're looking for I don't know why it says he was in my movie on IMDB that's not him and I was like man IMDB is really just like sub Wikipedia in terms of its accuracy yeah I took a glance at it the other day and I thought wow no I was born in 1972 is born and came in Vermont or Fremont California or something like that I'm like no and some of those I must say a lot of the work is correct and I did do did I do a lot of the announcements for all the tour buses and the trains for for Mount Fuji they've shot movies in Mount Fuji as well our near Mount Fuji near the the the lakes and everywhere else like that but yeah as far as what's true and what's not true hey kids don't believe everything that you have on earth that you see on on the internet because it's yeah it's really it's not the case but you are correct that I'd say it was probably 80% accurate except small details like the name or the date of birth or they you know the citizenship or the you know but as far as the work yeah that was that was correct that is correct now is that I've seen that like on voice actor databases and on Wikipedia and stuff they've all been updated they were actually updated while the video was still airing when I first broadcast it want to have your name on there so it's most of that stuff is we've got the word out about monkey ball at the very least right I'm just waiting for it for Sega to give me a call and say hey you know there's some hints that they might they they didn't touch the franchise for basically eight years and then just this past month they re released a game in this series that's frankly not not one of the better ones and it was also not one of the Brian Matt ones but they've been talking on their Twitter about like hey if we made another monkey ball game what would you people be interested in seeing and I think if they were to do like say a super monkey ball three that was like the old games they would have no choice but to bring Brian Madden I think it just seems like a no-brainer to me you've probably stirred the pot here I mean you've clearly the hornet's nest has been shaken and you know Sega's always a you know something that was popular 20 years ago or whatever you know - you know 2001 2002 I really believe that you know that all of these things always come come full circle and when they come full circle and you know there's this need if even now there's such a fascination with the you know the quirkiness when I saw some of these characters and and you know in Super Monkey Ball and you know monkey ball too I mean I mean some of these were just like whoa dude like I have to meet the guy that that actually thought of these like what was he on what was he thinking some of those characters at the time work they were insane yeah wow this guy's this guy and I actually I got to I got to go to the part of sega where the characters are you know where they all the drawings are made and where all their graphic it's like kind of being in a South Park studio to be honest with you just to see how all oh this is put together and I thought wow this is really insane this guy I thought wow what was your childhood like that you could think of these some of these characters because they really really really are bizarre I don't remember all the names of the characters if I wasn't the Kirkland I just remember looking at some of them but some of them was just like you know it reminded me of you know circa I know probably videos that I I wasn't here you know in the in the 80s but you know some of these like place like Dolph RA for example in Roppongi where they had you know these feathers and these big bizarre characters you know these things were so camp for you know 18 19 years ago and you look at them now I mean they're probably in fashion right now I'm remember meeting the graphics artist I thought wow dude I want to know what's going on inside of your brain this is just so interesting cuz the guy are you familiar with the I can't marry the Japanese name but there's a game there's a PlayStation game series called the Yakuza and I think it's called like like a dragon in Japanese but it's like a very popular role-playing game franchise we're here at yaku's a member and the creator of that series and the guy who's the director of it to his debt to this day created Super Monkey Ball and was the producer on Monkey Ball one and to you you may have met him at some point back before he completely transformed he like looks like a Yakuza guy and he'll like his whole vibe has changed but um but I yeah it's funny like I've seen interviews with him where he said that for some reason monkey ball like didn't perform amazing in Japan but was shockingly popular in the West and so he got a call from the president of Sega being like hey I I just want to say like you a great job of understanding the Western market and he just was like yes thank you that was definitely intentional like when it clearly was not it was just a fluke but I love that story because it's just the success of Monkey Ball in America was a total accident but that weird idea just resonated in America for some reason with a lot of people including like me as an 11 year old Wow Wow there's a lot of funny excersice oh yeah cos as my neighbor when I was living in Yokohama it's become a good at first and then I lived in Yokohama then gradually it ended up in Tokyo but now they were nice I mean they were you know the punch perms they called them and it would be wearing women's gold like slippers and they bring me oranges over and stuff like that I mean you did not mess with these guys at all you need to write a book I I just would read like I would read a thousand pages of you telling your life story I just feel like I could say any noun and you would have some incredible story of how it how you experience it like I must say though they always brought me the best oranges over I mean they were just so so sweet I all the other neighbors you just see like like they bring you super sweet but all the other neighbors were just like churning like you know all the blood left their faces nice and honest to God I mean they would come on over and you knew right away from the tattoos which you know tattoos are still not allowed in Japan if you go to you know it's a normal thing here actually here in a multi Sandow one-stop from where you were in Shibuya we have one of the oldest public baths here if you even have a tattoo the size of a nickel on you you are not allowed in because of course tattoos are mean that you're part of the Yakuza I had a Thai girl that she was a good friend of mine known her for 15 years she came over here she's a little butterfly on her butt and I came out today so how did you enjoy how did you enjoy your bath and she's - crying I'm like damn that doesn't look good does it this is how you know but for me the Yakuza was always they were so sweet and I you brought up a really good memory I worked I was a Viggo Mortensen's interpreter in California honest to God and you've a schedule and the movie was called Yakuza and I was I was his Wow we worked on that for a long time maybe nine months I was Bushido he was a very very famous singer in Japan and there was a movie with Michael Douglas and I don't remember oh I know and they shot in Osaka and you know dude it was the Yakuza his partners police partner gets killed anyway the Japanese actor that was in there was best friends with Rossi deal and production company came out to me and they said hey this and this guy needs dialogue coach and we need you to interpret for him so I flew off to California I remember this was the year the bodyguard let's not to go 1990 and I got to go to California with the director with Ishibashi do and then they said oh then I met this guy and they said you ever see Blade Runner I'm like no you know of course at that time we didn't you know if you went to the cinema you saw it if you get her you didn't like no it's like I said you can interpret for this guy so I met this guy really really down-to-earth and sweet guy he's like you know hi Bryan my name is Viggo I'm like nice to meet you mr. Mortensen and I'll call me Big O and I'm like okay and so I interpreted for a big a Mortensen for I was there twice I went back to to LA two times and um and American Yakuza thank you very much someone just put that knight's name of the movie yes so yeah I did American yeah Quezada that was with Bushido and Viggo Mortensen so I ended up Black Rain thank you very much boy your people are really on this yes black rain so the the Japanese co-star in Black Rain to Michael Douglas was best friends with Yoshi do and so the director wanted that same kind of feeling too to be done again and it will be called as a Yakuza and our American young as I think it was the Whiskey English title and so yeah I got to be with and I had no idea who this Viggo Mortensen was just super sweet and multi-link you all I'm a multi thing you what the guy was wonderful he spoke didn't speak Japanese unfortunately or maybe fortunately for me because I got to work with oh yeah it was wonderful but now it's Frenchie's oh god she's fine every super Italian he spoke Spanish when a guy was really really talented and such a such a gentleman yeah that was a really great memory super super sweet yeah and another fun fact area we wet the director the producer it stays on was the director and the producer and bus song and Viggo and myself went to Little Tokyo in LA and I had never been there before and Gaga like us so Stockade up and in some Japanese restaurant this was during filming and it was just like okay I know my sake level and it's not really high and so we had more soccer than we could ever imagine but I remember walking out of the restaurant and that we're chasing us because right away they thought these Japanese guys had money and Knicks I'm not sorry not NIC a bigger what's going Brian I'm like move your ass and so we ran like hell to get back to the car and so here we were getting chased in little tokyo for me this was like life in a video game is drunk in Little Tokyo with Viggo Mortensen being chased by bats exactly with big O's waiting for the translation probably wouldn't you say ah run like hell like go follow me come on let's go and so we went and we actually just ran into the car and then the guys went away because I guess we the sake fueled us enough to put rocket boosters on our feet to blast us off into into the car and get away so yes a lot of a lot of great memories so yeah japan japan offers one thing i realized that i can see clearly now japan always offered opportunity I mean the opportunities were always there I mean here's like a biochemist kid that that just speaks you know Japanese and and the world that that's that's given to you the two big Japan always says one thing will give you an opportunity will give you a chance and then you prove yourself and I noticed in the West that when you are in when you're actually in the States you have to prove yourself first and here you're given the chance first and then you prove yourself and I think that is something that is is so incredibly beautiful that to have that opportunity to say hey wait a minute um I'm sorry but um you know I've never heard temple I've never narrated in a lot of French narration as well I said oh yeah I spoke French since I was a child what school I said but I'm not a French narrow narrator it's like no no no we like your voice and and there's some actress Sugimoto haya song and she was like you know most probably this the she was like oh man she was so sexy she is such a beautiful beautiful woman um and such a little sex kitten and she really they really loved this this beautiful beautiful woman and she was I can't even think of a a modern-day woman that would be equally she was like that oh god listen I wanna do my say so that Marilyn Monroe kind of feeling to her Culebra T in in Japan she's huge she's huge she's an actress that was just so beautiful and such but such I mean beyond beautiful and she heard my voice on I think of as I did a French commercial and I did one of her videos and she was was kind of she wanted it very sexy and it was probably the probably the sexiest French video narration I ever done in my life and she was such a sweetheart and yeah I got it's I look back now and I and I see probably if you were to name the top in the last 20 25 years to top 10 American actresses I basically worked with the top ten Japanese actresses either interpreting for them or preparing them for all for the of for the Last Samurai for example I saw the first script did you know that movie was the first script they had it ready they're ready to shoot ready to shoot down in Kyoto and they were starting if we went down to Kyoto we were falling through the floorboards you know the equipment was too heavy and everything like that and so doing was then they held it off then they stopped everything and at that time I don't think it was Tom I think Tom Cruise did it ya know it's Tom Cruise it doesn't matter anyway but at that time we ended up with sat for like three or four years and they're like hey Brian can you come in and prepare and lock otaniemi Kazan who is my favorite love her nachshoni big song they're gonna put her I think the walls for Keiko or something like that and we want her to do the Last Samurai can you be your interpreter can you pee her dialogue coach and she was just she was she's just such a lovely girl I love her love her dearly and so these all these actresses that I worked with were were basically the top ten women in Japanese history of movies and of TV and I did a you know spinning oh my god some of them 810 years with them I mean we traveled together but why went to I was in their house as a we went for dinner and everything like that and again what Japan gives you you know for me it was like you know now that's Yamaguchi Tomoko song I'm you know one of the biggest TV actresses in the history of Japanese TV and we'd be in a French restaurant and I think what they liked was is that you know you you're never starstruck to me they were just you know it's the person is the person a nice person there's no attitude with them or anything like that but they like was is that you know people would come up to the table I mean they were just like we had hysterical screaming you know women after the table or or you know guys that were just kind of like you know Pervin out like dude like we move on move on move on you know leave her alone and and the interviews is like you know she was just kind of just chuckle excuse any of this ringing robbed you in any way it's like now yeah it's are interesting because when you're when you're visiting Japan like even if you were born and raised there your radar for who is and isn't famous is configured to the west right and so if I think I sort of understand what you're saying in terms of like it's not having the this the two these two the people in the bar with you this is like the most famous person they're ever gonna see but to you it's just a co-worker right oh my god I've had flight attendants when when he should bus is done and I and in big over on plane one time and it was just like I mean the the flight attendants are just going insane I mean they were never this is on an a a on Sena COO and which was funny at the times I did the narration I heard my my voice on the plane I'm gonna go tear this is getting a bit bizarre isn't it and then it's and she says was that your voice she looks and you say you know can get him to get you to ask yourself honey like just just ask him for it like Oh for god sakes give for your autograph you know she wants your autograph that photo or something like that and then and then there be someone else for Big O and yeah it was it was such a really a bizarre world but once you get into it and then you build your trust with them it went from from from nakatani Miki Santa took you out the caucus on to one of the the biggest in Takarazuka was something else you should look into the female females who act as males takanakuy is like the biggest this started decades ago and I met one girl for many many years she ended up doing shooting we shot a movie in Seattle and yeah she was you know just a delight mommy I know you don't I'm just a sweetheart and she was the biggest in Tuckahoe Zika which is for women when they play men's roles opposite of Shakespeare basically and yeah that was it was magical but these people they just I think that what they really liked was that I don't know to me they were just nice people they were there and they were beautiful they were friendly they were you know just great people but for the Japanese these people are icons these people are gods here I mean there's these people just go nuts over their superstars I guess they do the same thing in in any country but here it's slightly a different beast in Japan for sure right it's magnified it's just so magnified here and here I mean the restaurants the Esquire club the private clubs everything that we got to go and see and everything that we got to do it's it's how big the name is or how big the actor actresses and but there I must say they were I never met anyone that I did not enjoy working with they were great they were just wonderful have it be voice actors or voice actresses or or be someone that was doing TV that was doing film they were all really really there were just such a pleasure pleasure to work with because of the gaijin element that was there you weren't a threat and you deta saw us oh god finally someone I can speak with and you know be myself around and not have to put on you know any kind of show so yeah so it was it was interesting and I still think that still carries over today they're still very much they're still very much like that they don't want they enjoy the intimacy or the how the respect and the privacy and everything and firfer it's just another day like I think for Japanese they probably have the know they freak out they just kind of freeze up I saw that so many times think it was quite quite comical actually yeah it sounds to me like you like your job is that safe to say I yeah I I think I someone asked me for and I've always said this I mean especially with narration I mean narrating games and stuff like that some of it was just so off that I mean you I would have done it for free I'm you know I would have definitely done it for free it was just so much fun to do this this this sort of thing that you know it was it was great you're doing voices here and if you the time or when they did put numerators together it was it was great because we could work together and we we would laugh about things that you know some of the wording and some of the characters and some of the English I don't think you really want to say that you're like hey I think that this line you might not know exactly what's being said here translate basically yeah or if they did use translation software somewhat that's like yeah I don't think that's what you wanted to just say I don't think that's what you meant and they're like do we mean ah no what what do you mean and what should we saying I'm like okay this is what this means this is what you're saying and this is what no can you change yeah I think we will change that they gave me a script one time and I was working with this one female narrator she was she used to wear leopard skin tight bodysuit to the studio and long tall blond Swedish girl Swedish American and we did a job for Citibank and I we both got the script and she was such love her dearly but she was such a dizzy blonde and she would say um we got the script and she was and I said and in all honesty I said 24 [ __ ] banking yeah and and I'm not gonna say her name because she still narrating these days in the States in California but she was like oh O'Brien okay this is my line first okay 24 [ __ ] banking and Sun that was really good blah blah son Mis blah blah and I'm like you know this is not like you know my bank or anything like this is City Bank can we just change [ __ ] to me you know this is let's a scale that in a bit first let's go from 24 and she's like okay oh I'm sorry [ __ ] get it now okay 24 hours Bank and I'm like hours ya know you kind of missed on that one too it's like and she's like you know his girl kid she was like six feet and you know boobs out to like you know that could touch the table and and just you know this blonde sexy kitten that was just and I just sat there I just pissed myself laughing this was just way way too much I'm like okay guys I'm just gonna say now this was a lot of fun but we really have to say 24-hour banking and no more [ __ ] and no more hour like that but that's how that's the scale of you can imagine that that this this happens all the time some of the scripts were and especially for English conversation I was doing things for TOEIC and for TOEFL and I mean God help all these people that we're trying to get to us you know score if let's say you know 800 or whatever it's like you know actually that English is really wrong and that's bad and we don't use this or we don't we don't see it this way we don't see it that way so spent you spend half the time the studio just correcting scripts oh yeah my deaf did one last good last week for a CEO I did the narration over for him but he had of course say is his few lines it was I'm not gonna say what company of course but it was Japan's largest gas and oil production companies and there's some of the words that came out of his mouth and I was like oh my god I I've been through this so many times I think it's time just to kind of say thank anyone just come here for a second and let's just bring the writer over here for a second okay here we are on your on your resumes that I can also help make your script a whole separate job that you're doing for free yeah and yeah and the other one was yeah I mean it even the this goes to modern-day I mean this was just this was just last week and can you imagine what it was like 20 years ago when we had all of these these really bad translations or you know big banks saying 24 horse or that was still one of the cool with the classics I just kind of loved it and other times in the studio's - or the the double entendre that the meanings that they were just kind of flew over their heads which they're the innocence that in the English that they didn't know I was like you know you really don't want to say that one either this is for TOEFL and I mean this could be this is what's used in most is gonna get broadcast I mean you encounter just walking around Japan stuff like likes written stuff in particular where there was nobody in the room who was like I don't know that that's exactly what you want to you want to say they're right yeah but you know this they're doing better now because you know the Olympics are next summer and so what they've done is you're I don't know when the first time you ever came to Japan was but they never there was no science in English there was no one who ever spoke any English whatsoever but now because of tourism and because of the the Olympics coming up now I even like I almost fell off my my seat the other another week I'm like oh my god you know we always come Porky Pig is the train conductor sounds like kind of like a pig sounding voice and the guys you know the girls are the car with high voices any of the guys speaking like Porky Pig all the time and they said next stop easy Tamachi and this is mm-hmm like this and I'm like oh my god this is classic this guy's trying so hard and they you know I can just imagine sauce was saying hey you know you have to start saying every stop in English too the next stop is a hamachi this is I've heard that before too we're like not every train line hires an English speaker for the the voiceover sometimes it's first time I think I heard it was a mother I don't know maybe two months ago I was like is that was fall off my my seat I was like oh my god the actual conductors you know we sweating bullets up there like you know dude like concentrate on where you're driving don't try to worry about the English because I know he's gonna you know just probably jump out of the Train if he gets it wrong and but no they really really now they're just trying and after the Olympics all go back to speaking Japanese again I think I might just avoid it Japan for the entire come before and after I can tell since we're no one's actually recording this or listening to our private conversation I have a friend who's I'll be on the pick committee and he he the website and everything keeps crashing and trying to get tickets and he just said it's just such a mess and I've seen some of the translations and he's fluent in in Mandarin and and English he's Japanese and we just had a good chuckle just kind of looking at the website and and looking at all of the translations and it's like they they it's gonna be it's gonna be a mess when you get here next year there's the when you think of the the Olympics or anything like that you we I am basically five minutes away from the stadium and we don't have enough hotels we don't have I don't think lodging and transportation with 33 million people this is the largest metropolis in the world 33 million people and you're gonna bring in all of these other people as well and like it's it's just so massive that's why they put all the marathon's up in Hokkaido because in in Tokyo number one it's gonna probably be added over maybe 120 degrees and I'm sure most of the runners are gonna probably you know fall over within the first 10 minutes or 20 minutes you said you're in a motif and oh yes that's a beautiful area I love them what they found Oh a lot I stayed there once yeah I'm basically right across from comme des Garcons and and Prada and right across the street so I'm repping the cross animal to Sango yeah so I think you're staying Shibuya that is the ironic part of it that we never met and we meet on you know Skyped for that one time after you were already back in the States and yet you're in Shibuya and which was like a tenant walk to you probably if I had known who you were and where you were yeah exactly exactly exactly and yeah so it's it's it's fascinating it really really is but yeah the Olympics but the Japanese is like damn do we have to learn English we don't want us to speak English they've no you know every everyone has their strong points and linguistics are not there their strong point and they don't really care to speak another language as many Japanese have told me over many many years it's like this is Japan why do we need to speak anything else for Japanese so which is great for me as as an interpreter or as a narrator yeah it works out it works out fine but I think as far as the Olympics they're really really trying hard but if my friend at the Olympic Committee said all of them all of the staff were like damn we can't wait for this to be over and like Weiss is it because none of us none of the staff we really want to speak English anymore or speak any other language after the Olympics they want everything to go back to Japanese again it's it's too much of a strain on the brain I guess you could say so ha so interesting like anecdotally I think that I've I've noticed that the younger generation of Japanese people who are like in their 20s right now are they it might there might be a difference there like I find that they and I'm sure it's partially driven by politeness but can and will and often like relish opportunities to practice speaking English which has been really interesting cuz it's not at all the the Japan that I've I've heard about for so long but I the the young people that I I meet on a daily basis can really do speak great English and love for opportunities to do it interesting yeah well we'll see what happens I mean yeah we'll see what happens with with you know as far as I'm wanting to continue with English short or the excitement for English like I said one sometimes we you're you know you're too close to the action or you're you're near in the the hotpot yourself I mean you don't really see what's around you so I mean I speak Japanese all day and I I don't know I just do what I have to do and I I don't really see see that myself but I think some less like I said when friends come over or when a you know family comes over then they say hey you know did you notice this or did you notice that I'm like actually no I didn't I'm still kind of thinking what time I got to be at the studio today and yeah I've got this of that you you said you have a recording session later today right this morning at 10 a.m. or something or did I miss Mia no no there's one there's one don't know tomorrow is robot restaurant there is one later today there's not one this morning but there's one later today tomorrow robot restaurant and then there's another one oh yeah then the real estate dear we know we're now Wednesday so yeah then on Friday we have yeah b1 for real estate yeah so yeah so and then we'll see what there's always there's always the last-minute end of the year kind of rush where they have this budget leftover they have to get this done or they have to get that done or they forgot to do something during the year and and goes with gaming as well I just know there's gonna be the panic calls again it's like it's done record the studio then they'll spend the New Year's or something probably editing or adding effects or doing whatever they have to do and then what we do is yeah I can tell you right now the next two weeks are just gonna be crazy I'm just trying to fit everything in because most narrators leave we're down to about a handful of narrators now but I think most narrators leave and go back back home for Christmas and and that sort of thing so yeah it's it's it's fascinating so if there's kind of that that rush time right now just wanting to get these narrations done but you know getting back to gaming you're gonna see a lot of really interesting new new types of gaming coming up I I'm still blown away from Romel the other day and I'm from what I understand this is gonna be the new the new way of gaming now and and it's looking at Monkey Ball right now and in no disrespect rise me a pacman you know compared to what modern games they're like yeah totally I mean it's it's a it's practically a direct descendant of pac-man because it's such a classical arcade game there's almost no story it's just pure gameplay but I think a lot of people like me love that about it like the purity of that that it's just gameplay and nothing else it's raw it definitely it's just purity and it's ROG exactly exactly yeah I agree with you it I love it as well I think it's it's fascinating but you're gonna I have a feeling you know retro or if you want to call it that I think and like I said I think you're gonna kind of you're gonna probably shake Sega's tail on this one and kind of say hey you know Monkey Ball is it's not dead it's alive bring it back you know and that who knows they will probably who knows that maybe they could bring something back like this because it's that it's that nostalgia for some people and for other people it's the I don't want to say simplicity it's just it's the raw cut and it's not so polished or anything like that um and you know via the game the other day was just I mean it was just sensory overload I mean I was obviously like freaked out I was like wow this is so cool this is this amazing how the it's beyond interactive you become I actually was my voice I guess that's why I can say this but when it's your own voice and I'm talking to myself but something I've just said you know the an hour ago and when I was still recording they're uploading it and they're putting it in the character and then when we actually sitting well I think they did it just to be nice to be honest with you and then when I came out of the studio they're like hey Brian c'mere c'mere you touch my phone and I'm like wow dude that's really cool like I'm I'm talking to myself and I'm having a conversation with myself something I just said like an hour ago and I'm it's like Siri I mean you know badass Irie man and and that's who I'm talking to right now and I thought we just recorded these these various lines and then you know one of the assistants came in and said you know just throw these lines in as well yeah sure not a problem so added more lines and then we had a coffee afterwards and then they brought it out and I just thought wow this it was mind-altering just to see that here I was speaking to myself in a character form that something I just recorded an hour earlier and I would touch the screen and I would and they manipulated some of my phrases and my words it's like you know don't touch me there I'll cut your head off or something like that you know cuz I'm carrying a a sword and and wow this is this is really bizarre I was it was amazing they've never done that before usually have to come back or you know you do a retake or and even then a retake could take a month I did call me it's like oh listen we just have three lines can you come come back and do it so cash they're not a problem so you go back and you go do the three lines and it's like a month later seems like a year later basically you come back and you take a look at it it's like wow okay wow that really turned out wonderful because you know sometimes we get to see or we're doing the narration it's not an exact people think that you're doing the voice to follow the it's not an Iron Chef where I'm where I get that you know I get the the video or something the day before so there's any TV program and I've time everything and I'm trying to lip sync as close as I can to what the Japanese is with with gaming it's a totally different thing people don't understand that when you're doing anything with animation or with gaming you do the voice first and then the character is created afterwards so everything that's done with a voice they will match the character to to the speed of my voice to the level of my voice to the pitch of my voice to the reaction like you said the grunts of getting punched or punching or or you know something else or just actually saying the line or elongating some sounds or anything like that all of that is basically done first and then the character evolved x' around your voice and so there's no there's no actual I can see the image this this time it was over the top and I really wish I would have known about you before I did that wrong recording they put the character on it was probably thirty screens around in the booth and I had I had this character all around me and I thought wow you guys are really you know you're setting me up for a trip here this is insane you you have this character and it was a bit distracting because I have one standing up I've got the script in front of me and yet I've got this character thirty screens like what where my big camera right now or what there's thirty strange a big camera reference might not make sense for people who haven't been to Japan but I totally know what you mean I had to go there to get a I forgot to get an adapter for my my laptop charger and I was in the big camera and she would like one and it's just it's the ultimate electronic store basically well the funny thing was is that you know Romo was actually moving you know and I I looked at the one girl and I kind of winked at her I'm like crazy yeah this is so funny you're you're you know you're playing with me here because I'm trying really hard to concentrate on my script because I know they worked really hard on this for three years and here they are they're you know they're having run will do all of these uh these movements and all these actions and you know if I was to move to the right or move to the left oh my god thirty screens of Romel actually moving to the right and moving to the left and then you know I thought okay I'm gonna play with this a bit you know they're just like you know you always do the grunts and everything afterwards because it's such a strain on your voice so hit all the lines first and then they add the additional lines which was like I known another five or six pages or something like that then we just take a breather and then what we do is then we do all the grunts - ah all these sort of things and it's like okay that's fine and but looking at screens you know when I was some lines on the script when I was actually like I said this guy was not the friendliest of characters she was not almost yeah yeah yeah yeah he was just like he was just no music basically he's a pussycat you know below the surface but the exterior is just tough guy yeah motion whatsoever no motion just kick ass and you know fight blow up you know and go for lunch and and but looking at the screen and see move when I moved and and and and you know reacting and they were they were really playing with me on this one I'm and of course I was distracted I'm trying to focus on the script but they were just they really want you to get into this character and this is something that they've really never done before the character would imitate your emotions is that right yeah and I think I I've done this before this years ago I've had body sensory equipment on me before when I did narrations to move the characters so I'd have difficulty pong balls yeah and so what I did was at worst suit and then what happened was is that they would follow my whole body movement and so and then I would have also probes put on my face and to move my mouth to my eyes every time my eyes would go up or when every time I would smile or every time I would you know you know throw some kind of expression then they could pick all of this up and all that would still had to go through a long process and I know the editors and were you know just overwhelmed with the amount of work they had to do but this time all right sorry it kind of looked I'll never forget this this is the producer she was such a sweetheart she said to me she kind of looked at me and she's kind of winked and she was kind of laughing because I know she was playing with me but she was actually making the character move so she was watching the way that I was narrating and moving because took all energy wife puppeteering or something exactly exactly it's a great way to put it yeah exactly that's external yeah it was it was really really interesting was fascinating so yeah you go you guys a lot of get a lot of gaming it's gonna become really personal that's what I felt I just felt gaming now you're not you're not just you know whatever from-from Xbox to choice through joystick is a little bit outdated I'd say but basically any console that you have all of that is is over with now this is this goes deep into your mind and I've never ever seen anything like it because you I know what I'm doing I know that I'm in I'm in the studio I know what I'm recording on those are my lines those are that is my character right there yet and yet you've made me feel within one hour or you know 30 minutes to one hour later you make me feel that I'm actually this person I'm interacting with another part myself if that makes any sense is all you everything yeah I've never seen anything like that before and it's like your job has has evolved a lot over over 20 plus year career yeah big time big time yeah but I must say it it becomes you and it was fascinating it was just I can't wait to get back in that studio and and you know we're glad we're clearly writing more in January I can't wait to get back to a studio and and see it cuz to do something that live and not have probes on and not have any kind of armor on that you know picks up any of my body movements or my facial expressions or anything like that it's all just you know the way that is it's done now it's just so deep and it's just it's it really gets into your mind I mean I read I read some these comments you know how monkeyball affected many of your your followers your subscribers and how they were brought up with a voice or with the game and and everything like that we've moved into the next era now that I you actually become the character and I'm not gonna deny it I think there was a good 5-10 minutes there I was just enthralled by touching and the screen and the conversation I was having with myself like a dude Romo how did you know that and and and why did you say it that way that's the way that I say it and it was it was rommel was it's like wait a minute no Branagh you just recorded that an hour ago or 30 minutes ago so yeah this is how interaction is now you are you are now speaking to yourself and almost become you and you have become the character and there's there's no there's no fine line anymore we become one and wow that was really good that was really intense but it uh it was fun right what do you make of the the popularity of Vocaloid like Hatsune Miku and stuff like that because that is like that is a really interesting thing that exists it's it's the idea of a a singer who is a digitized voice like what do you what's your knee jerk reaction to the existence of Hatsune Miku I think it's there's two sides to the story I think number one I mean this it's like anything no talent is talent so keep it raw and the other point is is the other side of it is is that hey listen these days we can do anything and but it loses a bit of the human element I would say and but I still think that's a let's move at the time just let's make it happen and if it makes it interesting and and then let's do it so I think you're gonna hit two different kinds of audiences you're gonna hit some people that are gonna be totally opposed to it and you're gonna have other people about they're gonna say you know what I really really love this interaction because you know you've been to Japan the interact the amount of interaction between people is limited and I think that they feel very comfortable with you know dealing more with characters or dealing more with anything I remember one time I did a voice for a robot and it was I gotta be careful I say it was one of the very this was going back 10 years ago this was one of the first robots called robot that I was the voice for probably the most famous robots that was interactive is the first interactive robot and it was approximately 10 years ago and we you know this part people were kind of freaking out about that I thought this is fascinating we've come so far now that you know it should be normal in everyday in everyday life and I think that's this is where we've already reached this this next phase right now so to answer your question I think some will love it some will not like it yeah you know some like the old some like to do and but I think you're gonna you're gonna get an audience 50/50 anyway on anything that you do so yeah yeah but there's a there's a lot there's a lot to look forward to that's for sure and I think as far as gaming now the whole gaming industry as well you're going to see a lot a lot more changes you're gonna see a lot more of the retro because some people really really like the way for example you know to me Monkey Ball could have actually been made last last month you know it's still it's still there's still some of that you know quirkiness and there's still some of that that's fun and everything like that and so you think nineteen years have passed but in yeah exactly exactly I mean it's still it's still a fun game it's still like I said look at the characters I mean you know nineteen years ago really is anything changed that much you know a fun fact some of the the characters they did take from the 80s from that I told you that discotheque in the disco god discotheque and so they called it the valve RA in Roppongi they had you know the feathers and just it's kind of really kind of camp and the colors and the he's big you know fattened characters and and you saw our big eyelashes and big lips and everything like that which is basically what we have every day now you know and but it was just so amazing that the minds that were I know to me they were forward thinkers you think about a 20 and 19 years ago 18 years ago with monkey ball some of those characters I mean look like some human beings that we see today walking around on the street it's magical I think it's such a great foresight to see this I think the monkey ball characters have also like a like like a timeless quality that they will always be cute and appealing like they say like that it's like a Hello Kitty situation where they just hit on something special and it's still it's just as appealing today as it was then yeah Hello Kitty as popular as ever I mean theme parks hotels I mean Hello Kitty and boy that kitty cat knew how to work it that's for sure and I mean some video that actually owns rights to - Hello Kitty it's it's still it's you're right it's timeless people don't some things are just not meant to change people don't want them to change yeah that's that's the beauty of it though isn't it that's that's what they really really love they don't they don't want change and you know what I've kind of learned it's interesting I travel a lot I'm in Europe a lot and things like that and there's been there's certain places and one thing I've come to realize is that why do we have to change we don't have to change you know everything is fine just the way it is so if it's fine then why do we have to change and I'm in Austria a lot actually in being you're my grandparents place and Indiana sorry and and I I look and there's some things that are just classics is classics and you know going back to you know you know 40 years or something like that of a coffee shop across from the arm the Opera House or something like that and I'm like that is it's an institution and you go there and you look at it and people like don't you dare change a thing we don't want anything to change I like that and you know what it's probably still as beautiful and still as exciting and it still is modern as it was at that time and they don't they don't I said well why don't you you know change things a bit around here I mean it's like we don't have to change we don't want to change why because we don't need to change people like it just the way that it is so it's this idea of being timeless when it comes to you know monkeyball or anything like this some things were just not meant to be you know touched leave they got it right on the first one with monkeyball I think like that was an example of just all the right people the exact right team right place right time made something that is like just immortal in in its in what's appealing about it for it for a certain group of people I think for actually a larger group of people than what you'd think um I'm thinking of even some of these cafes and stuff like that and in Vienna that or I don't know maybe even 60 70 years old or something like that and you know I was there's people from all over the world and the teens from 10 to 90 you know you see a woman dressed up so nice at 90 AC you know she kids that are 15 16 that are there that are that are just loving this and so I think you could bring it all together and they all they didn't want it to change nobody wanted certain things to change and I think that's gonna go with videogames as well pac-man will always be pac-man and Monkey Ball will always be Monkey Ball and a lot of these games don't mess with perfection you got a right the first time leave it'll sick I would say that the the later the all the the 16 years of mediocre Monkey Ball games were all stemming from them messing with that perfection like they're The Monkey Ball games that followed the ones you worked on were they added a the ability to jump for example or they added they would start copying other games like peggle and stuff like they they lost sight I think of what was magical about Monkey Ball and I would love nothing more than to see Sega bring it back and I hope I hope you end up being a part of that that would be really cool um well bright thank you so so much this it's so funny I just sat down to like stream a little bit of Monkey Ball and then I saw you show up in the chat and ac-12 Skype and it was a very cool unexpected impromptu interview I'm glad we got the chorister know of our relationship though first met I mean I mean this guy but I didn't even know that I thought we were just chatting his two friends is someone that was someone just in something that was done back in you know gee that's one incredible it's a crazy series of things that have led to us chatting and getting I think now we end up doing like a Joe Rogan podcast you know if I ever moved to Japan I think you and I need to have a Joe Rogan style podcast but I think I mean if this if this stream is any indication there's a lot of people who who would love for us to it Joe Rogan podcast well the great thing is is that like I said you've kind of brought me out of my robot mode of doing work and you actually made me think of all of these I haven't thought of a go or I haven't thought of yaku's hour or any of these things for further for many many years I mean you really stimulated a lot of old memories I mean you make me think of this whole somebody's comments I've tried not to look at these comments cuz they're just too funny you got a really funny following Rogan experience does have that little monkey noise that he plays at the beginning so it would be perfect for our podcast too but honestly that's it's it's the stories and and everything of the adventures and and all these things that you know you think that they all happened and they're they're all still alive and well and everything and all the characters I mean bigos you're still around ichiba she's not until around you know knocked on Isan still around yeah but you say all these people are still around and everything like that and yeah these these things really really happened and there's they're still as important today as they were you know 15 20 years ago and you know it's it's I think when you come to Japan and I'm sure you're gonna find another excuse to come to Japan yeah I don't know I think your father you have another calling we'll call it and and then something will come up here like oh I gotta find the answer that put on your detective hats and off you go and captain now if you go and you're gonna be back in Japan again trying to solve another mystery but yeah there's um there's a lot on the surface and then when you even go beneath you don't realize that you're actually underwater or you are beneath the surface and it's it's it really is a bizarre bizarre culture and I think the quirkiness and the the insanity up here things trust me there's a lot of living here versus visiting here there's a lot of things that you would just shake your head and say what mmm what going on here like how could this make any sense whatsoever this is so you know draconian law I mean if this makes no sense whatsoever but that that basically is Japan I mean you're never gonna be able to I mean they can't figure to figure out them themselves I mean I can't figure it out either after so many you know so many decades you just kind of look at the place and you think wow they this is a place you know if I see LSD one more time on your screen we'll just start typing the same letter over and over and you'll see that maybe they maybe they got stuck huh i but it's just writing remind you basically of Hello Kitty probably what Hello Kitty would be like on LSD yeah basically for that that basically is Japan I mean Japan is just so it's such a it's such a mind game as as well and I think that yeah going back to the states and going to Canada and stuff like that I kind of feel like sometimes I'm I am an animation character you know when I go through the airport or stuff like that so yeah dude how long you've been gone you know it's I think coming back has got to be the most surreal part I I got I do have to wrap up here in a second but I was just talking to some friends who who live in Japan who have only been living there for maybe two two years or so and yeah it's nothing it but she was telling me that even in the short time like when she goes back to California she like it's little things like the packaging on everything is drastically worse in America just like small things like that are are a tough part like I almost it would almost make me scared of moving there because coming back to America I just going into 7-eleven here oh my god oh my god Brian I had some some Japanese friends come to LA for the first time and I was like texting them like hey where do you want to meet up they were playing a show in in Los Angeles and they're like let's meet at the 7-eleven and I was like I don't think 7-eleven here is exactly what you want but they went to the 7-eleven and they insisted on getting some sushi in 7-eleven sushi in Los Angeles is it might kill you and they just I mean it these are some of the most polite people I've ever met in my life these friends of mine this group of friends and one of the dudes who's pretty quiet put some of this 7-eleven sushi in his mouth it was like just the face he made you couldn't hide the disgust he was not down it was really it was really something I had one friend come from Hawaii that visited here like I came fluent like three days for next at a meeting and so anyways like oh my gosh so where'd you have dinner tonight there's no at 7-eleven I'm like basically most countries it's considered 5-star dining it's it's it's amazing how I'm ashamed to admit the percentage of my meals quote-unquote meals had that happen in a Colombini like in a Lawson or a fami more like like a like a 7-eleven tuna Mayo onigiri is like an almost daily thing for me and I've learned from speaking the Japanese people that like you that's not normal like you're not that's supposed to be in a pinch right you're not supposed to go eat combini food every day because it's like the one way you can actually manage to gain weight in Japan is by just binge eating combini food but I embarrassingly have done that a lot in my if I remove there I would have to rethink my relationship with with snack food now actually they've turned it healthy now I mean there's if they've got it right now that this is a to yours convenience in 24 hours of yo your edamame or you want your green danger there's natural lawson which is just lawson but they say it's like the Whole Foods version of Lawson yes yes yes yes yes I some healthier food than what you see in most organic restaurants in the States and very Airy - well Brian it was a it was a real pleasure chatting with you thank you for this impromptu little chat it was a blast and if people want to keep up with me I know you have it's the story of our lives is impromptu act all the time totally if people came up with you I know you just uploaded a video to your YouTube channel yesterday or the day before um is that the best way for people to keep up with you yeah I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try to shoot that one on Friday for you in the studio just didn't let people I didn't know there was just a great interest of what people want to know what it's like to do narration work to do recordings in a studio in Japan but like I said it seems like it's a normal thing for Vegas it's not normal so what I'm gonna do is um yeah I'm just gonna upload it sorry it's gonna be really raw the other day I was running off to work and I had a narration on the on that day and I was just like oh [ __ ] I should just like kind of popped it was out editing there was nothing it was just like it just boom shoot it and then upload it and that was it so I apologize for that the quality was medic but but yeah it's just now fascinating it's you're gonna have to get back to Japan again and go a little bit even deeper into the I always try oh people watching this live or people watching the replay I'll be posting a link to Brian Matt's YouTube channel in the in the chat so if you want to see it it's a Brian Matt Tokyo is the name of the YouTube channel if you'd like to see some of his uploads but yeah Brian thank you so much for chatting this this was really fun and yeah have a have a good afternoon or morning I will and all the best and thank you all for your I hadn't been able to see all the comments but talk perhaps today after afterwards I'll take a look at them like there's probably 15,000 of them great talking to you thank you you have a good day that was that was a blast alright well I do actually have to run but yeah subscribe to Brian's Channel shout out Brian Matt the MVP and look forward to the the Nick Robinson Brian Matt Joe Rogan experience launching in January 2020 have a good have a good Tuesday
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 245,312
Rating: 4.9572239 out of 5
Id: 25t5U-RJT2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 52sec (7372 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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