Playing PAPERBALL - A new Super Monkey Ball-like

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all right so this is a game called paper ball it is a Super Monkey Ball adjacent upcoming indie game that I would say is [Music] is a a more authentic Monkey Ball experience than Sega is willing to sell you right now but that's how I'd put it it's interesting cuz it's like I mean I'm sure you guys are aware of rolled out which I would describe this like it's the most authentic Monkey Ball experience you can get right now this game is a little more like a little more modernized I saw something the chat saying that this is like a um a banana like those are banana Bluffs goals which true they're taking the good parts of every every one of these games all right what are they one of the interesting modernization that I don't even think contemporary mobile games have correct me if I'm wrong is that you can actually move the camera yourself in this another major improvement over super modern multiple games they give all the levels names which to me is is crucial let's say you know it's real monkey ball [Music] it is very HD it is quite HD was interesting to see like when people make a game in this genre the things they choose to key for the things they choose not to like for example when you follow the stage of this they definitely say fall out but then there's this whole like gold silver bronze metal systems which I think it's pretty interesting I honestly I've only played like maybe 15 minutes I played the demo whoa [Music] all right I see you I'm going [Music] this having everything [Music] so one thing that I'm kind of curious about I think I know the answer is whether the UM because you might have noticed well you gotta times this is pretty tough for a novice stage this the ball appears to be non spherical right it appears to be bumpy and like kind of chunky and low poly like a bunch tough ball paper I don't think that that there we go I don't think that's a physics bear that out like I haven't felt any it feels round to me turn the game down in a sec there we go [Music] sidelines says it looks like Super Monkey Ball mixed with Yoshi's craft in the world I see that yeah there's like a real paper crafty like the fake cardboard pieces that these platforms are made out of [Music] if that is called ribbons but it should be called Gibbons you know I'm saying to the monkey ball you feel me this level design-wise feels very very marbled O'Duffy to me there's a few stages in marble it up that have kind of this like changing paths but it's like multiple ribbons going down a course feeling there we go that's the hardest that's the hardest gem right there [Music] how was says is this game good I can't really issue a verdict yet cuz I'm just trying it out but it seems to like understand monkey ball better than than a lot of a lot of games with Monkey Ball the title I'm gonna go for this this is the first like secret eggs that I've encountered and I'm going for it maybe not all right here we go I'm gonna I think I need a little speed to do this right that's quickly hard so there's no lions you might have noticed there's just like a what looks like a is that a depth counter at the top of the screen I have eight deaths so far bro all right hold on this is my last shot at the secret exit then we'll just move on my god all right whatever man we're just we're doing this we're doing this the easy way we're going baby mode the level design is this is pretty like there are levels that feel like they could be monkey ball levels and they're ones that are pretty substantially different like that last one did you feel like a monkey ball a little design but I think that's cool here we go how do I see you oh look yeah somebody in the chat tecora says I find interesting how this game takes things from monkeyball like the start and end sequences of each level totally like the way the camera spins in at the start of the level and sorry stunts ramp this sounds promising it's gonna be like like downhill I'm super bulky oh my god all right what's the alternate I see just hope forward I tried to get too crazy with it going uphill in a in a monkey ball game always was always a struggle yeah I totally I totally would describe it as a mix between muffled up in well okay so I still gotta get some timing right for this to work all right like actually everything like how it yeah the ending is definitely very Monkey Ball when it shoots up into the sky but I like how when it goes through the goal it just kind of this like zero-gravity turns on and keep this momentum these are for novice courses these are some doozies oh my god I got I got spanked by the love that's how you get gold I bet yeah exactly no I understood it takes him some monkey ball that could have been different but they just headed to honor Monkey Ball which is interesting yeah I love stuff like that it's it's cool cuz this game like there's no there's no simian in the sphere right there's no animal inside the ball so like they gave it its own narrative and its own aesthetic for sure but then there are these little things we little touches that feel like nods to the Monkey Ball the mimic says this game doesn't look to feel exactly monkey ball the camera and game play are different oh yeah that's correct the game played like the it feels a little different a big part of that is having camera controls on the right analog stick what's up Thomas yeah you don't one thing that I really do love about this game visually is I think the backdrop okay I'm trying this that's what's happening I'm trying to skip one of the Rings when I'm Saturday here the backdrops all like the skyboxes all feel very evocative the monkey ball in that they seem enormous and have some sort of like a motion or activity going on [Music] mrs. recruiter said what happened to that Mouse monkeyball fan game you're talking about rolled out and that game is still on the way the creator Brendan Johnson still updating his development blog like every two weeks he's been really consistent about pushing updates um you just have to go seek him out but that game is still in progress I still think that that is like to me Brandon's levels are the gold standard of like that game is the sonic mania equivalent not just in the way that I'm a total success I'm about total success I had 14 deaths I want to see what some of the other modes are [Music] somebody said will say gosu rolled out I doubt it Sega does not have a history of going after fan games really they have never really done it for a Sonic fan game or a sonic light game so I think we're good all right let me check real quick I want to try metal mode here let me make sure I'm allowed to show it yeah no showing higher than world 500 world 5 okay so the fact that this has different worlds makes me think that it's like almost like Monkey Ball story mode oh it totally is alright so do I do I need to clear all of them to see here [Music] oh I see did you guys see that I just spotted a shortcut hold on yo not that it really helps me is in metal mode like oh he does what's interesting about this game's camera controls compared to normal key ball is pulling off a trick like the one I just did is way easier in this cuz I just had to hold back on the stick as opposed to wrestling with the camera that's attached to the control stick you know oh my fault I didn't realize the cursor was on there boom is the camera type of the control stick and rolled out it is as far as I can remember I haven't actually played rolled out in a minute I wonder if that's optional but if the version I played yeah it definitely was [Music] let's try it intermediate mode oh whoops all right good save I'm gonna get a silver maximum so probably a bronze no there is silver what control where am I using I'm using an Xbox one controller with Bluetooth windmills you think about it you think if I hold forward here I can just [Music] this is my first stream from my new home office so I haven't installed any sort of sound dampening or anything like that makes me happy to see all these up corrupted dong dong user icons in the chat oh shoot alright hold on did you guys see that you'll see that Juke alright silver [Music] wait wait wait I see [Music] that felt like a very very early one all right hold on [Music] that's not too bad it's not too hard [Music] I like these backdrops a lot man they look nice oh look at that it's even got the little smudges like in a like in Super Monkey Ball too on the little launchers that's a that's a real deep cut man that's a good good Monkey Ball reference all right madhouse [Music] is there a view stage thing okay let's see it oh so I'm supposed to go straight through all right I think I got it I saw like at the end of that beginner mode run it told me to try beating it with five or fewer deaths so I'm gonna attempt that on intermediate but no promises I'm assuming I just want to go straight through here nope another trick oh whenever I can get a better time this way alright so it must be a full yeah alright here we go there it is these there's the exit I'm not gonna get an old time on this now this feels like an authentic monkeyball contraption to me [Music] there was a really great level in monkeyball - I think we're oh this is so reminiscent of Louisville in Louisville - but that's not what I was thinking of there's a level in Moneyball - where you end up in this little divot and you have to like slide left and right and every time you hit the edge it kind of bumps you up a level just a cool little physics situation they're not going to make me do three laps around this are they oh they are I'm really incentivized to not fall on account of how much I don't want to play this level place well there's no time limit so I can't I can't time over and the immortal words of Brian Matt music fading away it took so long time over all right come on yeah I'm just gonna you know I'm just gonna go gently go slowly it's not worth risking it risking it all Tina bar clears as I look those trumpets yeah actually paid as much attention to the music as I probably should have more bumps this game loves like a bubble wrap looking at level that was breathing [Music] jabu jabu's belly a vibes from a level [Music] Wes M says how many levels are there a monkey ball s game should have tons I don't know the answer that well I like that this level has its own sound effects oh it speeds up oh and it slows down right I would say check I've got a link to the steam page for the game in the description check there and see if it says any levels are I really don't want to died this bar in the low alright so eat down a silver medal waffles cuz I feel like I've been doing a good job hanging a chat I'm gonna pull up the live chat on my my other monitor here so I can so I can talk to you a little more easily oh there's a lot of you watching hello thank you Michael Kelly for the super Chen let me pop it out and boom boob in time oh you're all saying hi to me what a bunch of sweeties well get your hives out while you can cuz it's kind of hard to UM to look and and play a monkey ball game at the same time I'll try [Music] on you [Music] pretty solid [Music] skeleton what kind of skeleton is this [Music] skeleton skeleton but you know plenty of monkeyball levels have really mystifying names so that just adds to the authenticity baby oh oh is this skeleton like to take these take these inside curves really really aggressively try to get that cold time oh no no [Music] all right so if I can do it in 1543 have I gotten a single gold medal so far those little-little time serve oh all right well this week it's dead so looking like scoliosis it says mr. berry blast snakes have skeletons I was hesitant to say I got it I got it I gotta chill I got a chill I got a chill [Music] all right don't up okay all right lesson learned all right all right message received you guys snakes have skeletons I don't know how animals work all right I feel like I need to not rush down this one I just gotta let gravity do its thing oops God those clothes here pour myself a little coffee out this episode Russia thermos I just bought my whole life Oh interesting [Music] interesting kind of kind of a double helix that way just read the name of the Louisville it was a weird moment I said that and then glanced I was like I wonder what those levels name is and [Music] alright there's only one [Music] you know shouts out to uh to the YouTube brand-new live interface that you know it doesn't let you turn slow mode on or off anywhere in there that's pretty sick no real feedback about what resolution you're streaming at or if your is dropping any frames it's really a UH really a masterpiece iMHO of X all right I'd be I'd be it's a level thanks this little should be called some eggs I gotta go uphill for this I can't but I can't tilt the camera that high again see ah are they targeting me um am I gonna streamed half like Alex when it comes out I don't know I was I was unpacking my home office and I found my like oculus headset that I kind of wow they have physics you can knock them off the level that's brazii this plane should be pretty clear so yeah I could I could I can maybe play that game I just I'm gonna play it I'm gonna stream it this is actually feel like two month old or is it just similar gameplay I would say it's similar gameplay but it doesn't it doesn't feel like Super Monkey Ball and that's and in all honesty that's probably by the time like rolled out to me rolled out is very much an example of I want to perfectly replicate the feel of evil games and this is more like I would imagine that this came from someone whose perspective is we want to make a game inspired by that but that isn't just the same thing again no I'm saying I is it volt over electro what depends uh that depends on if it's like this way up that's that's Voltorb right and then that's electrode ooh timing these bounces is gonna be the death of me is there any backstory behind this game yeah there's there's there's a plot I'll show you the opening cutscene here in a minute but if you want to see the opening cutscene yourself there is a demo on maybe I'm supposed to like ride the rails a little bit [Music] [Music] whoa whoa there we go it's it's gonna come apart right when I get to the finish line mm-hmm all right what if I start going now all right I'm gonna go back a little and boom the ultimate gamer strikes again with a gold medal you already know what it is okay what are you what are you trying to the leveling monkey ball to that this also ransom although that levels kind of the other one I'm talking about where there's that big spinning top with only one opening and you gotta time it just right this feels like a more fair proficient of that although I might and might get more brutal as it goes on let's see all right are we going next are we dropping [Music] Dinah's my shot no no oh no oh I'm gonna get slapped off over here whoo do you see that safe though no all right this one's going slowly enough they can still kind of make my way back onto it walking fast all right and I'm gonna say after this one oh here's the exit oh this one stops yo a meager Bruns a meager bronze-level funnels oh now we're talking have to go through a damn time warp oh god I just realized in the timing our mates all right so I gotta just circle the drain here all right there we go No [Music] one of these are equally hard yeah wait check out this skip I'm gonna go for a skip oh if I just held forward skip [Music] I got it I gotta get the skip I gotta have my pause I hit that I hit the rim directly alright I'm just gonna I'm just gonna kayo here [Music] I got this yeah I attacked I attacked with the goal you gotta attack it not all denial it all right that's all right it's my last chance last chance [Music] yes all right let's keep it let's keep it movin let's keep this momentum mmm just the level of like challenge I'm getting from these bubble designs already this game is I've had more fun in the past 30 minutes in my head with all of the most banana boat HD and that's the tease [Music] well actually just for fun I want to get whacked by one of those things just to see what happens I want to see how far the ball the ball goes [Music] oh I guess that didn't really work so I got crushed between them right [Music] okay look I got into like a thousand kilometers per hour but I was mostly just falling all right let me think about this [Music] that's kind of what I wanted to happen burning ice cream says Nick how did you get into monkey balm what's kept you interested all these years um I think what got me into it I just think I ever rented it at a game store when I was a kid what kept me interested I it's like I guess the fact that it's like still fun there's so many games from when I was a kid that aren't good any aren't fun anymore like don't really hold up where nostalgia is like most of most of what's enjoyable about them Monkey Ball it does not feel that way to me like like Monkey Ball wanted like well to are just as fun now if not more fun than when I when I first played them and that's I think that's what is like kept it in my in my part well after all these years if I'm glad that you guys are enjoy the music so much Oh what trapdoors it's another example of me not reading the level names saying something and then looking and realizing that the level name is how do you get the medals a small hotel it's based on timing so if I can beat the level in less than twenty and a half seconds I get a gold medal if I fail do that then I will get a silver and if I owe their timing phase they're not actually triggered by rolling over them now let us say that be pretty pretty different I like how fast this last one is dude monkey target to a Kevin B says changed my view of monkey targets who's the pinnacle of multiple minigames you're not wrong I mean that's it that's the end all be all man followed by monkey target one probably but but yeah dude monkey target two is just still still the best thing still the best thing I [Music] actually have a big fan of monkey baseball I don't know if that's a common opinion but there's just the amount of mind games the fact that when you're when you're pitching and monkey baseball it's a great local multiplayer game when you're pitching you can change the speed of your ball at any time like after it's been thrown so there's a lot of great in buying the games going on there's some real Yomi it's a monkey bay spot the monkey baseball over native rivers has been walking your channel for quite some time aside to binge watch something to begin while recovering from my wisdom teeth thanks you're not off I hope your recovery goes smoothly I've known a few people who've been through that process any can it varies from person to person this might be standing billiards is fine I agree I agree it is just billiards but it's a fun version it's a fun Arkady version of billiards know you target two though is just infinite depth you know [Music] all right where do they want me to go probably left right all right let's go weird you can [Music] come on that's right baby beyond that listen to brigade [Music] okay here we do actually have some some parts of the level that are responsive oh god oh god what am I gonna do now what console is this being played on I'm just playing the Steam version on PC all right I got to be a little more thoughtful with the stuff that isn't there cracking oh God oh they're moving and and collapsing [Music] thank you Bill thank you Bill green Stratton for the nice comment I'd look I gotta say weird weird thing to point out and I know I've been to the floor I love these skid marks you can quote me on that look at those skid marks man look at those skid marks it's interesting soon so only in the past two levels have there been like levels that are actually responding to the ball physics which is really interesting there's a couple levels in monkey ball to do that to this last wall is quite long just got an inch my way around it here [Music] didn't quell event Aska that's become a movie about channel I you know I honestly I mean just I mean it and the interest oh I this level design is classic there's a there's actually a holdout level that has a similar but that is I mean I can I could fully level with you if you want I did not intend to do 2 monkeyball videos in a row oh did I I mean I guess I guess the adult away you're at his challenge came out bird the announced new video but I I originally had a different plan for what my um what my March video was gonna be the mouse cursors back my fault but I changed it after the honestly I changed it after Brian Matt's Instagram post when I saw that I was like okay there could be an announcement on the horizon and if that happens then this whole video that I filmed back in October is gonna be rendered null and void so I need to get this video out the door now and honestly that's the reason I like dropped everything I was working on I was we're going on a whole bunch of other videos and I dropped everything to finally make this Monkey Ball Matthew fan says what's going on is kickball releasing public no this is a it comes out March 25th I believe this I got some early access to it I can't show the whole game but I can show up to intermediate mode which is what we're looking at right should I should I try 200 smash my ball in the door there in the corridor come among us oh is it 27 my bad not 25 I was thinking of a Christmas which is March 25th don't do it again now louisia that is surprisingly nerve-racking the changing like trying to roll uphill which is very very slow while this door is closing up not again not again all right [Music] hi Amiga final stage I love that puddle sage text right out of uh all right what do they want me to do here there's a way to do it in 15 seconds and I I kind of want to try to achieve that so I'm already at 15 seconds let's try it let's try for a skip come on I don't know what I thought was gonna happen Nathan II said check out cool rim pub Marble Mania for weave that was cool it was called Marble Madness where I uh but dude I played Korra ramp oh man Korra is awesome really different from Monkey Ball actually uses the there's no way that skip works right there's no way the solution is to just roll into that I love Corinth oh it's Corvis amazing because it's like after banana blitz totally failed to make a good me remote marble game core rympha actually succeeded and it succeeded by being stricter that's why they called level timing baby wait am i was about to backtrack my fault oh I see it I see what they want [Music] wait a minute so maybe I need to know I'm a figure this out though I'm a six wolves Emilio are you excited what animal crossing or is that not your cup of tea let me tell you my full thoughts an animal crossing I love the first one so much and then I've played every single one since then and none of them have ever clicked with me the way the Gamecube one did so I'm gonna try the new one out of sort of out of obligation and also it's been so long since they've made one and give it an earnest attempt to get into it like I so badly want to love it but I just I also think I've changed a lot since um since I played new leaf I think I have more of an appreciation for like Nintendo's writing now than I used to so I would get more out of it but yeah I'm gonna buy it if I was forced to someone's asking Animal Crossing or doom let me refresh the checks it froze I'm probably more if I'm being totally honest I'm probably more excited for dude by a little bit [Music] and weird the whole is YouTube down the chat froze for me on like on all platforms including desktop and mobile but the few still going so the YouTube live product continues to impress cool hey let's do this timing it's why they call it timing baby this is what I call timing baby yo hell yeah that was a very satisfying ending total success total success pam pam pam pam pam pam pam all right let's see if this way to watch this Heba screen because somebody was asking about the story is there oh I'm gonna feels like online leaderboards all that that camera panning up to see the fireworks is so Monkey Ball [Music] so I can't show you expert I legally cannot show you expert let's see if we got the telescreen employee who's the voice for the cat girl ever though we can check the credits y'all want and what if it's the same voice as the announcer and yeah the chat is working so looks like the chat fix itself noises thank you so much afford to playing my game that is always always always how I've heard the Mario 64 ending I'm going to give it another few seconds [Music] give it 30 more seconds actually this is a good time for you to go refill my water you guys can just enjoy this song [Music] [Music] alright it looks like it's not popping up so I'm just gonna force close the game and boot it up again and then you'll be able to watch the intro cheese Vince is this just just the demo no this is the full game materials recycling huh sounds like it's something to work with never just pay attention instead of causing trouble wait this gives me an idea I know precisely what I'm gonna create [Music] all right did it did it play did it play I was gone yeah I like that I like that reading of it hey Jack I see your messages please stop spamming the chat all right it play it cool message received so I guess what can we do man what I haven't messed with rush mode hurry to the goal shoot for the best medal to retrieve the most time I can't show you expert but as soon as this dream is over I'm gonna check out expert by myself let's go for it all right rush mode [Music] two minutes remaining do I earn time but I got a gold so I earns 906 you know what this is like this is like um there's a mode this was a weird comparison in Max Payne 1 there was a mode oh what happens when you lose I guess the timer just stops and it starts again so you don't gain any time in maximum one there's a mode called new New York minute where you had 60 seconds but every time you got a kill it would add some time to your timer this is like that dude this I gotta I gotta be honest I know I know I should be annoyed at these these spam bots in the chat but they've evolved to the point where they're just taking y'all's messages and copying and pasting them and putting a bunch of hearts after them and it's like the funniest thing in the world like there's a there's a there's an icon of a lady and it says her name is Charlotte tap on my photo and she's saying Bing Bing wahoo think kind of dope honestly that's the that's the vibe I want for my um my life chat I'm down to two minutes see if we can't all right so I got a silver I got three wow I gained 30 seconds yo we're gonna do the shortcut let's go oh I was kind of oh did you see that did you see that save can you say I wish you could save replays in this [Music] no don't do that you know Arbuckle says will you be screaming more often I actually stream somewhat regularly over on this website it's this indie website that I've been using it's of one of the new competitors they just launched it to kind of compete with YouTube and and caffeine it's called twitch TV and it's basically it's a it's this new website that they just released for 2020 and it's like a I would describe it as kind of like YouTube if all the vo DS were kind of shitty and hard to watch so check it out take a click which TV slash babylonians a baby as a matter of fact this is something I want to know would any of you this is beep nice positive and nice answers only what any of you want to watch me play Call of Duty what's it called war face war war zone war mode war zone would any of you want to watch me play call of duty war zone because it's it's all I've been doing for the past three days and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it on this captive audience monkey ball spear him but that game sincerely is really weird and interesting and I'm it is consumed a huge part of my life so I what I'll probably do is when this dream is done I'll string some call of duty on twitch and then anybody wants to come with me come with me and anybody who doesn't can stay all right I mean I know that it's like cool to not like Call of Duty but may I present a counter-argument now that it's popular to not like Call of Duty I think the wave for 2020 that we should all get on is actually saying that call duty is sick I know that's the new that's the new best the new vibe from March 2020 is admitting that Call of Duty kind of kind of slaps a little bit [Music] all right how we doing on time I got two minutes I'm killing this I am on novice mode it's probably helping this stream is rated M for Mature on account of monkeyball makes me cuss oh my god all right here's stunt ramp my favorite level in novice mode if I can get it right boink bro if I if I can get this skip on this level I'm gonna feel I'm feel so cool all right what do they want me to maybe I just go straight for it here no it I'm jumping off I got to do it I got to do it right [Music] okay even further left I got this come on this you know what this ramp reminds me of it reminds me of monkey target if you know what I'm saying some real gamers Oh Aidan says what engine was this made in I believe unity I think there's a unity pop-up it's a video game all right guys we're gonna do we're gonna pull back once we get closed bullseye Platinum I've got my first platen I've got I've got a steam achievement for that thank me now dude it's okay to still be obsessed with overwatch I forgive you I up until three days ago was still playing apex legends everyday I'm like a closeted bro gamer that's my secret I didn't know them I like to talk about a Super Monkey Ball or whatever seem cool but the real mean is out here plan squad based shooter base for like an hour and a half every day god I wish it was only an hour and a half every day bro shoutout to the sexbots keeping the chat hopping and active y'all make my biggest fans [Music] we got this two minutes 21 seconds left on the clock easy easy craters this little spin yeah it does oh no they're really craters oh I see them there's a little bit of a wall here you think you're slick whoa what I kind of like um how these things like are all glitchy and it's cool-looking I don't know why that's happening I'm just gonna let it sit there for a second Oh remember when that happened during my Brian that stream what is happening I don't remember this level working this way do I need to lock the frame rate all right [Music] got an A+ all right well I think I'm showing [Music] a decent chunk wouldn't what monkey ball / captain re a real thing because that would be sick so check this out y'all I'm gonna switch over to my twitch and play a damn tactical shooter yeah you saw right through me I do want to go play where's it umm so few things one if you want to come what we stream Babylonian I'll be live in about two minutes King number two and I probably have done these in the opposite order tour whatever this game is called paper ball it's coming to steam I think on March 27th there's a playable demo on there right now so if you want to get you want to try for yourself and see what you think of the feel because it is like very subjective it is not it does not feel like monkey ball it's kind of its own thing but I I'm glad it exists it clearly comes from a place of love and that makes me happy here's credits it's only the best thing about who that the voices are anyways this game is cool I recommend just giving it a look if you want you can there's a link in the description to the steam page you can like wishlist it if you'd like to support it or be notified once it's out so I recommend that but yeah in the meantime I'm gonna go to my twitch channel and see if this new computer that I have this mid-range computer I bought on sale is powerful enough to play war zone in spirit at the same time so I'll see you there and yeah [Music] shout out to Super Monkey Ball so I wish we could bring the box with us over to twitch that would be a real that would be a treat but unfortunately they have to die as soon as this chat room is thank you for watching I'll see you all next time I almost just did the mkbhd outro catch on the next one peace
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 129,786
Rating: 4.9381285 out of 5
Keywords: paperball, gameplay, super monkey ball, monkey ball, ball rolling, marble blast, sphere, beginner, intermediate, footage, demo, full version, full game
Id: 8jx8FzXVat4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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