The "Don't Know What Year It Is" Challenge

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
three six nine twelve I'm doing the don't know what time it is challenge again if for those who don't know it's a challenge that I invented last year where I tried to go a really long time without knowing the time but so I've spent the past you're thinking about it iterating on it and taking your feedback to heart and it's really trying to think how can I make it better and so a few of the problems you guys noted I couldn't tell what time it is just by looking outside of the Sun you can see right now Sun up means Sun daytime so what's the solution for that well I found out that in certain parts of the planet namely tromsø Norway there was a period of time where the Sun don't come up it don't rise I have booked a ticket to tromsø Norway and I will be going to Norway in about 24 hours and I'm gonna try to figure out what time it's not in the wrong play in Norway hey guys make here t-minus 12 hours to liftoff a little bit nervous about all this I've never been to this country I've never been to Europe I've never been to I show you here's the problem we're dealing with here this little book here let's look at some of the countries I've been to okay 2018 I went to Japan 2016 went to Japan 2013 it looks like I took a trip to Japan looks like 2015 i got a this they give me an immigration sticker for one of my trips to Japan October 2018 I went to Japan down here this is actually earlier this year I remember this this was back when I went to Japan back in May now this is an interesting one temporary entry permit valid for one day to go to China and that's because I have a layover when I was going to Japan up here is October 20 1990 day temporary visitor visa for a visit to Japan so really what we're looking at here is one two three four five six seven trips to Japan and I've never been anywhere else my point being Japan the only place I've met I live in America I've never been to Canada I've never been to Mexico I've never been to one I've never been to Europe I've never been to anywhere that goes in Japan before so I'm kind of freaking out and I think part of the freak out that I'm experiencing and I'm gonna level with you here is the fact that I haven't slept like literally I haven't slept I woke up at 3 p.m. yesterday and wait yesterday yeah 3 p.m. yesterday and now it's time it is that's not right it's 8 p.m. today so I've been awake for I've been awake for 29 hours and I'm gonna go see uncut gems starring Adam Sandler I love you I'll see you in Norway good I love I'm going to Norway tomorrow do you have anything that's a good fur for that I don't quite thinking you know it's kind of vague yeah let me just kind of put this back [Music] and warmers I'll do that oh he looked right at me figure should grab some snacks it's something that'll be good to munch on yeah we got big puffs let's see if the milkman is struck here's he held the door must be a new milk command also one important note a small number of hours I'm getting a haircut so my hair is not gonna look all crazy for the video this is gonna be in the video and I just poured the first bowl of Reese's puffs big puffs and ice I couldn't believe my eyes at what came out this is this is a psychotic puffs maybe if you're not familiar with a typical Reese's puffs this doesn't seem insane no this is still insane excluding mini wheats this is the biggest cereal I've ever seen in my in my entire life I could not fit a third puff in there but well maybe I could but I it's it's comfortably seats two puffs even the sugar is bigger than normal sugar they blasted the whole thing with a some sort of bit some sort of honey I grew the puffs to puffs okay that's just a big pair I stole the Reese's puffs you know and love just way too big thumbs up you may have noticed that it is now they don't know what year it is challenge and here's how we're gonna do that because you might be asking well how are you not gonna know what year it is well it is Sunday December 29th 2019 now you may be asking yourself Nick why are you going December 29th and arriving on December 30th that's right when New Year New Year Happy New Year happens how I'm gonna be doing this is I'm going to be doing the challenge as we cross through that threshold into the new year and so it is not going to be a don't know what time it is challenge it is going well it is going to be a don't know what time it is challenge but it's also gonna be a don't know what your it is challenge and in fact it is technically also going to be a dull to a decade at his challenge feels good to be back feels good to be back in the saddle trying to figure out what time it's not can I get a six Cajun fillet biscuits no I got a I got a weird question for you I'm going to Norway later today and I kind of want to bring some some Cajun fillet biscuits for people to try like some of my friends out there to try but I don't know the best way to seal them up and make sure they're still gonna be fresh when I get there a plane okay breathe only Bojangles air you embraced the Bojangles I was born in it I'm I'm bein jangles my first name is Bane my last name is jangles I'm I can't you guys wanted to do a Bane voice I feel like 2020 you know never been a better time for Bane based comedy Bojangles DM me no free ads man I can't keep giving away this free promo a brand awareness that I am able to provide for a brand like Bojangles you can't put a price tag on it but I will Bojangles email me back [Music] as you can see that's 15 6 p.m. it's also we're really honored really large flakes it's 4:00 p.m. and it's also nighttime it's nighttime bro there's no Sun all right against all odds the Bojangles was allowed through the customs of the United States Sweden and Norway where's the fridge though like every every minute counts when we're dealing with perishable food stuffs not the fridge there she blows Bojangles you traveled quite a distance this may be the longest Bojangles has ever traveled you get in there you stay safe and sane with that Norwegian KitKat mission accomplished I was worried about the hotel aspect of it there's usually an alarm clock but this is this is kind of the perfect place to not find out what time it is looking at how it looks out there I was like this is gonna be too hard too or way too easy do I want to figure out what time it is I've never really been clear on if I'm trying to find out what time it is are trying enough I know what time it is but I think I'm I think between the Sun the Sun not coming up ever and there being no clocks in my room I don't think that I think it's gonna be pretty easy to not find out what time it is one more thing I was thinking about it well first what happened was I laid down in that bed for a second and almost fell asleep and then I realized that if I woke if I fell asleep and woke up I'd be screwed I'd be screwed because I don't know that I had to have no lay of the land I haven't explored at all the hotel or trom so I wouldn't know where was safe to go i got an explorer as much of tromsø as I can before I pass out exploring calm so I'm gonna go to the bank maybe should get some spikes for my boots we're gonna Norwegian 7-eleven Tucker bag it's a good name laughter its street racer instead of the taco bag up someone in front of me in line got this a meanie of mozzarella and pesto and I think tomato just want some stability in this world it's like a big old mall you can have a classic Tromso moment eating my 7/11 pesto panini Jerrica appropriate time for a haircut right cuz my body my brain in my mind and my eyes are all film you tonight to me this is a special mall that's open at 2:00 a.m. and it sure feels it sure has an interview but 2:00 a.m. all his mania is bringing me back to work all right I went to the at 7-eleven which I turns out is the most is the northernmost 7-eleven in the world and I bought this charger because I forgot that different countries uses different plugs so I'm gonna be able to charge my phone for tomorrow you know what I just realized it's poor Apple watch I'm keepin it facedown this ally of mine through thick and thin he helped me out on the plane ride this friend of mine this longtime friend is now an enemy because it's it is probably the most concentrated dose of trying to tell me what time it is in the whole damn country frankly at this point so we're taking this son of a gun you can see that the screen is lighting up but we don't want to see what it says we're closing the door to my secret code now don't show everyone and censor that please that's the pin on my debit card we have locked her in the only thing in this house that could tell me this house only thing in this hotel that could it could at a glance easily tell me what time it is behind bars where she belongs I need to put a tag on the door so that this is do not disturb I don't want them coming in here trying to tell me what time it is sorry now is not the right time time being the operative word I don't know if now is the right time so I'm not gonna know what time it is Wow oh you know what I have to do okay so what I need to do here just to prepare for tomorrow general date and time turn off set automatically roulette baby boom now we're gonna switch places and we're gonna do the same to this guy you hear that that's the sound of me not know at what time it is we're good to go these are the things that when you try to figure out what time it's not twice this is what you learned and with that I'm gonna sleep finally I did I did a cursory walk of the grounds I don't think there's anything that's the time it is that jump something right away but that seems like there's no clocks there's no big clocks anywhere I'm finding it almost a blink in this country where the Sun doesn't rise for a few months they're less obsessed with knowing what time it is then we are in America where you can't drive 10 feet through a rural town without 15 huge digital clocks screaming the time of you that's what made it so hard the first time well this time it's gonna be easy easier hard [Music] morning I just woke up I don't know what time it is I I really really don't know what time it is I I was up I I was up 20 when I was awake for 24 hours yesterday I slept for one hour I changed like seven time zones went to three different countries I truly am from my heart my bottom I sold only what time at it and let's keep it that way let's keep it the play okay you know you know the feeling when you you're on vacation you wake up in a hotel room and you got your blackout blinds cover everything and you don't know what time it is but you know it's time to wake up because you had a full night's sleep you're feeling great we're here you're ready for the open it up and get the sun's rays make you feel and fine here we go I'm sorry it's still so funny to me it doesn't work here the sky doesn't work the Sun doesn't work there's a lot of lights over there but maybe they have always have lights on in Tromso cuz it's always nighttime this time of year there's a taxi so it's it's a time of day which people could be awake nope no clue I could have slept for hours I could have slept eight hours I could have slept 12 I was awake so God long it's entirely possible that I slept way way longer than normal we could be on the cusp of 2020 right now and I would I would have no way of knowing let's get some more lights on in here alright so if you just want to take my temperature and get a rough ballpark of what my what my gut is telling me in terms of what time it is and is and is is in isn't I'm what I'm getting what I'm hearing from my heart is that it's like morning but again I don't have a link of evidence about that I randomized all my clocks I slept for god knows how long or how little I went to a place with no Sun I don't know what time it is it's roughly what I'm training overall plan to boil it down is an outside chance that that it's not 2019 anymore but I doubt it and that would require hello though because the whole the last few hours I was awakened intentionally didn't know what time it was so it could be it's anyone's it's anyone's guess I don't know what the next move is here I could go outside I could go inside I could stop out the restaurant maybe give it a cursory glance I could walk by the front desk but what if they tell me good morning there's you see whether that's certainly make it clear why it is they call this that don't know what time it is challenge because they whoever came up with this whoever came up with this it must have been a real goofball god it looks rough out there people enhance editor are these people are on their way to breakfast are these people coming from a nice dinner are these people about to celebrate New Year's are these people celebrating mirrors already is that a fire truck these are all important questions that I got to get to the bottom of two we got a guy on a boat here sweeping swop truly swabbing the poop deck literally swabbing the poop deck here getting all that snow and ice off I got bad news for you powers more where that came from these people are getting on the man's boat one thing I haven't even broached yet is the possibility of opening this it is it is below freezing out there oh god oh I can feel the where did you go I need to take a shower and now I'm gonna figure out how to get something to eat and then I'm gonna figure out how did not figure out what time it is and yes I do have a little bit of video equipment you may have noticed I got - I got a double grip here alright shower time shower time glass of water this shower is just uh open save press here to save three liters of water 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 I'm gonna save the world baby best by 20 21 well I don't think I slept that long so here's what I'm thinking they mentioned to me when I checked in that there's a they do have a little restaurant and that that restaurant offers free breakfasts however a little cautious about going down to that kitchen and trying to get breakfast on account of how if they do in fact offer the breakfast but that's basically gonna tell me what time it is I think I've established this at this point interesting I'm not interested I don't want to know what time it is now then what is this dance sucker I know you're thinking NICU well all you really had to eat is a you went to the northernmost 7-eleven we got of like a panini a pesto panini surely you're not just thinking of having coffee for breakfast you're gonna need to get food at some point these are all good points that you're making dear viewer time really no date big don't know what it is and and for that matter the year can't say that I could help you there if someone asked me what year it is I'm gonna have to say ask someone else because this guy doesn't know what time it is and frankly if we want to go one further and can't say with 100% certainty what decade it is right now all these things are mysteries to me it could be the 2010s it could be the Roaring Twenties it's a question mark out there I feel like okay flipping through this Tromso guidebook here and just finding some soft targets to maybe visit and see what's gonna get my precious New Year's kiss okay here's all you need to know about tromsø the French Emperor into pulling the 3rd offered a price to anyone who could make a satisfactory butter alternative and that's and that's really the that's the story of how tromsø came to be going to the club in from so is enough wait a minute this is in the hotel and we are proud to have an host of world-renowned artists and entertainers we looking at them well renowned artist and entertainer right there who's this man the octopus dealer himself and he's here to deal you just the finest freshest cuts of halflife headcrabs or your money back I like Tromso man [Music] and spilled my coffee I got so startled because there's a whole building that only wants to tell me what time it is ship to stern here this place is filled with hundreds and hundreds of ancient Norwegian timepieces that are begging to tell me what time it is see this is why I'm glad we cracked open this book here's a place that we're gonna want to avoid like the plague oh my gosh I'll be right back out of cleanup all right so you're you're probably wondering Nick what are you gonna have for breakfast if you're not going down to the for the complimentary breakfast well here's what I did I in preparation when I was at 7-eleven last night I got this God I got this Norwegian Christmas milk I actually am NOT a 100 percent sure this is normal milk it is kind of suspicious amount of Christmas action there is kind of a little bit of a Santa playing some sort of a funny piccolo with the snapshot good well doesn't ingredient sir hell milk this is hell milk as hell milk mean cow milk does it mean eggnog I hope it means normal milk we got the funny Santa he's making cookies for his dog of an angel and of a tree and of maybe some sort of a whale but he is would you look at that he's accidentally rolled of his Santa's beard up into a rolling-pin ruining the cookies for all involved including the no pants on he's just a big pink boot and a bear leg in the cold over here we've got sort of a funny elf chasing a woman with a pot or pan are they gonna a fight it this is quite a fright this is quite a phrase just looking at that she's breaking the fourth wall she's looking right at us what are you what are you doing in my village they're playing some sort of funny Quidditch using what appears to be a wooden egg and they're playing a fun sport with it I've got my Christmas milk but what to go with it well great question it lucky for you you've thought of that and you when you were packing all your stuff you buried deep in your luggage Lucky Charms frosted flakes now with three new unicorns it has been updated guys so such it okay I don't trust that [ __ ] face and I'm sure you're wondering Nick why why would you give money to a company like General Mills after what they've brought and the sort of sins they've committed in years past including 2018 which depending on what time it is was either last year two years ago I don't really know right now why would you support them don't worry I stole it somewhere in the along the line this box got crushed but you know anyone who would disrespect Allah he I could consider an ally now I'm gonna ask room service for a bowl and a spoon but I'm worried they're gonna say good morning so I have to do I have to cover up the receiver so I can't hear them no matter what they say just a dial phone hello all right this is no this is too risky I just walked myself mentally down the dam where this could be going this is gonna end with me going down to the front desk or even calling the front desk asking for a spoon in a bowl and the front desk says oh the room service will be able to give you that but they don't open until blanket that's gonna be their way of surreptitiously telling you what time it is we're gonna make this work all right this is water cup is gonna be a makeshift cereal lover's delight I don't have a spoon I'm gonna have to just grip it and sip it so we're gonna family size imagine feeding this your family really looking into the belly of the beast in what universe is that a unicorn what is that it's nothing dear lucky yeah you got to go back to the drawing board my guy you didn't do it this ain't no unicorn this look like New Jersey marshmallow shapes and colors may vary yeah no notion but then again why even make marshmallows in the shapes that you promise when you're already a petty thief and a serial criminal does everybody say hell milk leave a comment with your favorite hell milk I gotta be honest I I'm pretty hungry this is looking kind of right talk about a deal with the devil talk about a deal with the devil these flakes are barely frosted you know frost the flakes look like like they've been frosted with sugar these are just straight bad flakes man these are Janeiro we're diving in that's how she looks just the smell it's almost too sweet I don't know how they managed to have a such an under frosted flake and also such a saccharine smell but we're going in see you on the other side [Music] I fell asleep I fell asleep again no really I think lucky put something in my flakes and knocked me right out screw me up when you I can't tell the time as well it's not gonna well I mean did work but it's not gonna work to try and trick me to not know what time it is holy this is beautiful so I was talking to this bartender working at the hotel last night and the bartender told me because I asked about the Sun not rising and he was like well that is from October to December and then he said like starting like December 15th there's a period of like like an hour or two where a little bit of sunlight peeks through you didn't tell me what hours that is so I still looking at what time it is but this Holi this is what Tromso looks like I guess I swear to God last night when I was looking out this window I saw like the faint outline of mountains but now I can really see it dang I mean it's still dark but like I actually don't know how to describe like what this feels like how long was I out for that nap it felt like I listened to my sleepy aphex twin playlist that I found on Spotify I felt like I was out for just maybe a wink maybe to win because max apparently this only last for a tiny period of time is these narrow this narrow band of sunlight so I'm gonna I'm gonna get dressed real quick and venture out into this and just see what tromsø it looks like well I still can the man sleeping on the boat is gone I'm gonna be honest I'm dreading putting these Walmart boots back on my feet my ankles the heels of my feet specifically are aching a little from their Clay Aiken a little not a kind of wearing these bad boys yesterday but I don't want to slip and fall on the ice if I can avoid it so I'm gonna be wearing I'm gonna be wearing the boots hey Siri what temperature is it do I need another layer something about gale gale force winds like to see some wind try and get through this but many bombs all around the big drill all right I'm cozy - you comfortable shoes I wish I could take you with me wallet oh we go by the way I did flip my tag around to say yes my thinking is if they clean the room while I'm out then I won't know what time they came and knocked on my door all right Tromso do your worst can I try they do it that's the purpose but he's just man huh [Music] [Music] I couldn't run the risk of someone telling me whether breakfast was about to start are about to end or maybe it's dinner time maybe it's lunch time I just taken oh my god oh no really do feel like that sometimes I know how it is when he's found in detail I noticed yesterday places would like close at 5 p.m. and open it 2 p.m. and open at 2 a.m. and it just just a chaotic opening and closing schedule for each of these shops it's interesting mr. Szpilman do you know the power adapter for USA to Europe Oh make sense okay well thank you so much yeah Happy New Year wait a minute happy I'm happy that it's the new year or I'm happy that it's gonna be the new year the watch shop I don't want to keep me keep me far from the watch shop headcrab guy what are these in there doing that right now some spikes for boots looks like guy's feet and Super Monkey Ball feel something really lovely about the idea of a barbershop that uses chiller the chiller funked the most like I'm an eighth grader making a horror movie poster font but for haircuts it's my favorite bottle is right there thank 1541 and so a hot dog is born to us a sausage given us upon its bun Dominion rests till kingdom come my hot dogs done on earth as it is in heaven amen I got my favorite makeup my favorite Pokemon number one Pokemon we didn't get this see isn't that what I thought I was gonna see when I turned the corner Lego loft it Trump's abrooke pop window I was not expecting to see black poplar in Tromso isn't isn't that just how the human heart is did you guides you to your people it guides you to your kindred spirits like that Christmas miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe I just found out what I'm gonna I mean I'm Michelle is it over if I fail felt like I was neck-and-neck it's times like these I just need to look to my god I can't believe I was betrayed in my own my own habitat the one place I thought I was safe I got the good time told something but you know what I'm not giving up yes I can't really think of it Oh God [Music] here she is my worst nightmare I'm so I'm closing my eyes so in real life so you can see them but I can these are all definitely I'm tell me what time it is I'm safe from them for now but you know you know in your heart they're gonna get out this is a hellscape I'm a health scape navigator my nude man in the shakey cam focus so I failed the mission at least initially here's the thing I see no reason why we can't just see that as a practice right all right yeah that guy told me what time it is there's no getting around that but if I go to sleep right now if I use the power of medical science and if I use if I use this bottle of melatonin gummies of sleep regulating melatonin gummies that I bought on slick deals net if I gobble a handful of these down put myself in that bed and fall asleep I stand a very good chance of once again not knowing what time it is is it gonna be out possibly am I gonna take some poison damage from these purple poison fleet pills it's possible but I need to get back into a mode when I don't know what time it isn't and I'll do what it takes I'll do what it takes not know what time it is this party started that's gonna be me in a second man that's mean when the that's me when the melatonin hits that's how I'm that's how I'm looking when the melatonin hits just right away baby let's get toned up call me tone Lok and I'm off that Mela well so I need to do heat this 7-eleven sandwich I bought that's part of the and then the formula will be complete if i poisoned myself to sleep with a 7-eleven panini ins of melatonin the human body just has no defense against that combo one melatonin pill and one 7-eleven pesto panini available in only in Norway the human body just turns off you put those two in you you put those two in you their immune system goes into a state of panic and just stops working and that's gonna be exactly what I need you commit to a life [ __ ] I mean well it's more decades oh it's all sick my contact lenses in I felt like a big big sleep oh my gosh but I don't know if it actually was I I had a couple beers and all the bartenders in Tromso are so damn nice I like them all so much I like fireworks is it 2020 they're far worse in every direction oh my gosh I know what here it is oh I just says it on the mountain there's so many people in the streets of Trump's are we one minute away are we one hour away I feel like it's got to be really close to the fire there's no way they can't be firing on fireworks like this all night I didn't know Trump so with quite this hard in terms of fireworks in every direction there's really no hiding from this literally truly everyone is trying to tell me what time it is holy [Music] I actually can't describe how nerve-racking it is to know that it's New Years Eve and to not know how close they are to the ball dropping I'm throwing on some clothes oh man and that's too long the fireworks are getting faster I hear Norwegians yelling how long was I out oh my god where my sauce [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you miss filming it I just barely I missed it too hey Happy New Year what's your name Michael Michael happy to hear hear no ready oh I was trying to not know what time it was now it's the new year it's hard too hard to ignore 20 oh you say up there yeah it does it says it right up there they're trying to tell me what your it is up there [Music] [Applause] fireworks are not stopping I am I'm uh I'm a youtuber from California are you - yes okay I'm having my boy friend Tori Allison we got all that he's one that not starts in Europe it's s your YouTube - what it's slash Babylonia okay we'll start anew yes be able to little cop you are bad guys please rate subscribe and leave a comment I got a message for the girls what's that you got a big okay you have a great new year thank you was the most chaotic two minutes of my life okay has quite a way to wake up [Music] as for the rest of my evening I just kept wandering around tromsø wandering around the hotel striking up conversations with people eventually I found myself hanging out with a group of people who just invited me with open arms into their their evening and we drank we went back to their apartment they showed me Norwegian music that they grew up on I reflected on this journey the thing that I kept going back to was that everyone in Tromso everyone was incredibly kind and open-hearted even when talking to strangers the the bartenders the New Year's Eve revelers even the guy who accidentally told me what time it was all of them at the end of it I found myself more appreciative of time than ever of the time I got to spend in this country I'd never been to in this city I'd never heard of with some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life so to the residents of tromsø Norway thank you thank you for being so accommodating so kind and so enthusiastic about sharing your culture with me I can't wait to come back [Music] well so I mean challenge failed I guess but it doesn't feel like it [Music] [Music] happy new year everyone all right one less thing before I leave Tromp so this video you're watching I've been working on it for a long time I started working on this in May I started researching flights to Norway back in May of last year and and one question I get a lot is how I'm able to fly so often for my videos and honestly a really big part of that is kayak comm so for example this video that you just watched I first started tracking flights to Norway back in May you can see here here all my emails from tracking this flight with the kayak price alert feature so as soon as a cheap flight to Norway popped up I was able to pounce on it and start planning out this video I've been using kayak to book pretty much all my flights for literally eight years now and there's a reason for that kayaks travel search engine is legitimately the best way to book cheap flights so whether you have an exact travel date in mind or you just want to see the cheapest flights regardless of the timing Kyah can help with that by searching for flights with kayak you're searching hundreds of different airlines and travel websites at once and then kayak will conveniently sort all the results from all those websites in one nice column by price so you're always getting the cheapest flight if you want to try kayak for yourself just head to bit dot ly / booked a ticket and start looking up flights today and I do actually encourage you to try this for yourself just click the link the description or go to fin thought ly slash booked a ticket and type in the name of a place you've always wanted to visit and hit Search and I really do think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how cheap some of these flights are thanks for watching [Music] [ __ ] it was like 20 it was like 24 hours all right this gift farthest Bojangles biscuit this times I may be different but no matter whether you're zero GMT or in the east coast of the United States of America it's always Bo time [Music] you you
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 657,462
Rating: 4.9464536 out of 5
Keywords: time, challenge, nick robinson, impossible, clock, clocks, walmart, adventure, quest, mrbeast, lol, ian o'brien, bojangles, iphone, cereal, lucky charms, frosted flakes, bird box, wal-mart, wal mart, no clocks for 24 hours, no time challenge, idk what to watch, bored, what to watch, i don't know what to watch, tromso, Tromsø, Polar Night, arctic night, arctic winter, norway, norwegian, new years eve, new years, sun doesn't rise, sun won't rise, Midnight Sun, polar day
Id: lqddSumjCew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 48sec (3228 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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