Reacting to Someone 'Roasting' My Best Video

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[Music] hello everybody all right so here's what's up tonight I was made aware that other people were doing the time challenge thing which is totally fine very cool and so I decided to look at some of them and while I was looking for them I found a video called making fun of the don't know what time it is challenge and I clicked on it and I got about 20 seconds into it before I decided that I needed to watch it with y'all not and I should say right up front I've I've hidden the like I've edited the name of this channel like please don't leave shitty comments like no actual interest in making fun of this person but I do want to watch this with you because my my experience of the first 30 seconds of this video was so [ __ ] good that it was like I absolutely need to share this experience we're gonna we're gonna watch this video of this guy watching my video and [ __ ] on my video because I I think I think it's gonna be good content but let's find out this is a little more dangerous than [Music] first things first that's just so stupid I no argument here it's just stupid oh is it time for me to eat oh is it time for me to go to school is it is it midnight why are all the stories closed-door it's pitch black outside that's dragged me you're holding your phone I know his hand is covering it but you can clearly edit the video and edit out the parts when you're looking at the time just letting you know just letting you know it's all right Mike is it like does anyone else feel like he's talking to me because he's saying you a lot right like this is this I feel like he wanted me to see this like it was like him like it was a special present he made for me like it was like it's almost not even mean it says I know it says making fun of but it's almost like it's almost like constructive criticism keep in mind he has just many subscribers I feel like he should have I'm not trying to be rude oh oh [ __ ] I mean like I'm not trying to be like it is poor cuz I mean I am but but what say it do you not have a vlog camera oh that's actually a good point um so I do have like a digital camera but I don't really like using it because getting footage off of it from multiple computers is kind of a pain in the butt so I swear to god it did cross my mind to use a real camera but it's fair point you know it's a it's a fair point the vlog camera my man so far so far this is not very mean-spirited I I didn't know what to expect going in so far this is like very he's like come on my man get a get a real camera like which is in it's cute how he's anyways so far not that so far I think I can handle the heat I kind of wanna hear him say that again did not have a vlog camera my man he's literally looking at the time I weep you can tell that his phone his hand is not completely covering this what the bottom half okay when you're recording on the iPhone I can't believe I'm doing the one years old child on the iPhone it doesn't it nowhere on there does it tell you what time it is so it would be literally impossible I don't know why I'm getting bad I'm like getting actually earnestly defensive it would be literally impossible for me to be able to look at the phone and see what time it is while recording the video that you're watching let me make this let me make this very clear I cannot look at the time while recording okay just want to make that clear just want to make that clear his theory is that I'm so thirsty to know what time it is that I can't make it 35 seconds into a 19-minute video without the craving setting it's so awesome it's so it's actually I that would be a way more interesting video did it stop where did he go I feel like his mom was like Derek it's dinner time and he had to like leave but he kept OBS running there's gonna be like a oh he's back leave a comment below not telling me what time it is I don't know what time it is I can figure out how to make it so I don't know what time it is leave a comment telling not telling me what time it is cuz I want to see how long it can last with at the time [Music] okay first of all the video is gonna be published after and they'll have to make this is going to get was a multi first of all is awesome because it indicates that he's got a multi-step critique of this joke and I cannot wait to hear him break it down sorry I I just can't wait to hear this analysis okay first of all the video is gonna be published after and they'll have to make the comments after the video [ __ ] didn't think of that since it's a good point I should take this video down there's a lot of errors I'm noticing need some sort of special tape buffalo wings napkin might do the trick before Wild Wings can do the trick instead of tape that's a napkin he's got me there I really don't have a comeback for that alright I guess you can look away from it but they did look how do you know where he's walking I cuz you can cuz you can walk around without looking at the viewfinder of your iPhone I didn't have my eyes closed that would be although that would be cool I was filming but not looking at the phone screen while I was filming it's not that not that crazy and you can also what I still don't want anything to peek through so I might need another sheet so nice I still don't want anything so it's so nice that was actually pretty smart this kid is so sweet he literally can't even bring himself to to roast me he's like very I really was not expecting him at any point this video to say that's actually pretty smart that is so awesome I wonder how far he got into the video before recording this or did he click had he even clicked on it before this is this is like adorable this is rules the key stop defusing a bomb he's laughing he likes the video but no such screen so if I were him I would have roasted me for attempting to pinch-to-zoom there and having it not work because that's pretty embarrassing you see me I had a dream in the bed so that's a good shine that I slept some amount of time I entered in REM state we don't need to know that you had to dream I disagree and here's why I think that in my attempt to try to estimate the amount of time that I had been unconscious it's it's kind of a pivotal piece of information that I had a dream and remembered it because to me like if I had a nap it's it's pretty unlikely that I would have and remember a dream whereas I think it's a little more likely if I'd slept for like five hours that I would have had a dream does that make sense I hope that makes sense I hope I'm talking to him directly right now by the way I hope I hope that explains it for you friend sorry does anyone else get like maybe I'm maybe this is just me does anyone else get like debilitating ly excited every time he pauses the video every time he pauses the video I get so [ __ ] pumped to see what he has to say it's like my favorite [ __ ] but that was the price of gas not the is it is it I mean it's pitch black says 247 midnight is he wait a minute is he accusing me let me blend me back up let me get this 100% straight he's saying that I looked out the window saw an LED sign that said 247 p.m. and then I on the spot immediately came up with the incredibly sophisticated and perfect cover story that it was actually a gas price cuz that's like that's like genius [ __ ] I wish that I had moved that fast that is not I that's literally what the price of gas was in North Carolina in December 2018 question marks wow it's an estimate he's actually got me there he's actually got me there and I do want to apologize on behalf of Ian O'Brien who edited the film an estimate should have some number you know it should have at least said to : question mark question mark er 4 : question mark question mark but for it to just be three question marks is patently absurd and frankly it's an embarrassment for me and for Ian and for the entire channel so on behalf of everyone that at Babylonian Productions we apologize we regret the error you could look at this at a glance and you could be like oh it's a Lucky Charms frosted flakes that's agreed dude for at least four let's run the same page I think I think he's gonna enjoy the road I'm about to take him down hit him hit him a quick update on the situation I was so peeved off about before I'm happy to report that was steep to hit back against the shamelessness of what chums Frosted Flakes taking their brand in June ever they want with it yeah I even by the way you know Brian who edited this video is in the chat right now so say hi to Ian Ian your editing on this video was so good that he's like beside himself lat he's laughing is this I'm gonna be up you can you can see where the Sun when the Sun is out I'm gonna be yeah I know that's my that's why I'm that's what I'm trying to figure out yep is the Sun gonna be up I wonder there's complete darkness but I still wonder okay you kind of I mean he kind of has me there I think what I was thinking was I would go outside and there would be some like you'd see a little bit of Sun Rise you know when it's like not totally pitch black like I was literally delirious stumbling out of a Walmart and filling it you can go frame-by-frame through it and dragged me all day long I'm telling you I didn't I was walking I was in the process of walking and filming he kind of it kind of does go he kind of he kind of got me there he kind of got me on that one is the Sun gonna be up I wonder there's complete darkness but I still wonder yeah I can't I mean he's he [ __ ] he [ __ ] got me I do I got no comeback like just keep steering his issue is with his issue is with me turning the steering wheel he said and I quote why are you why is he steering so much I mean the simple answer is that if I didn't I would go off the curvy road and I would end up into all the trees in the bushes like I kind of have to I kind of have to use the steering I got to turn the steering wheel left and right you it pretty much at points where the road turns left and right that way I stay aligned with the road so the issue basically is that if I don't like if I if I'm on a straight road then I don't and he's right if the road is straight then I actually can just hold the steering wheel straight and don't have to do any turning and that's a good point it's a fair point it's a true point I would maybe the only thing that I would push back on a little bit is the suggestion that when there points in the road we're at curve left area curve right that I should continue to hold the steering wheel perfectly still because issue with that I've found in my personal experience from driving a car is that if I don't turn the steering wheel when the road turns it's a hole I don't even want to get into it but it causes a whole lot of issues both with the tires and with the front of the car running into any different trees that there might be in the woods and in the wilderness and that can mess you up financially it can mess you up physically you definitely want to whenever possible you definitely whenever possible want to stay on the road even if that means turning the steering wheel IMO but that's but everyone handles it differently a lot of people just get in a car drive straight hit the trees and that's fine that's a matter of opinion to me and you can note you'll notice if you look right here he's not subscribed and doesn't know anything about me this person if he did he would know that I love that I love boat that I love that I love poaching more than almost anything on them oh my god no way no way is he in the chat I would be so flattered if he was in the chat right now I'm looking for his icon are you guys kidding me you guys are like it's gonna be oh my god oh my god is that really you holy crap amazing cool well strap in cuz I'm not gonna hold back I'm eight oh my gosh all right well don't no spoilers I really want to know what your what your first draft opinion was of this video god I love this website god I love YouTube okay back back at it again at Krispy Kreme I'm gonna have to slow that one down I can't really sing Dario what did you say at this part I mean I can hear the melody this goes boo boo boo boo boo but what is the Daria what did you say it's kind of it I mean it's a nice melody I do enjoy oh he's saying weird flex but okay ah thank you guys thank you guys for helping I feel like I'm never I know this sounds stupid I feel like I'm never gonna know what time it is cuz you are stupid Wow Daria how was oh I don't know what time it is a challenge Daria - worse than mortgages whatever it called it just call me the S word in front of all of YouTube it does hurt my feelings a little bit Dario you really had to you really didn't need to take it that far call me a capitalist stupid a little bit mean a little rude you did hurt me a little bit and I know how it is when you're using the computer you know sometimes it seems like other people on YouTube but you know it's easy too it's easy to feel like we're not real people and then maybe we don't have feelings and you can just say whatever you want cause it's just website and just video you know so just midweeks meet maybe use different language next time because get me all riled up emotionally because I I'm not trying sorry mm I'm just oh yeah and make mistakes in the video sometimes i sinks something stupid in the video and you know in the moment I might in a moment I might have said I'm feel like I'll never know what time it is and in hinds you know 20/20 hindsight of course I'm gonna eventually find out what time it is doesn't mean doesn't mean I'm stupid doesn't mean I'm stupid so my mom said I'm not stupid you don't have to get into it i its anyways anyways Oh Dario in the chat says I'm sorry okay well I'm good alright we're good Thank You Dario I appreciate your apology I'm all better now wait did he laugh and sit that's honestly good I feel like he's gonna [ __ ] get me on the part where I ask the Bojangles employee what time it is I am really dreading him seeing that part because it's by far the stupidest part of the video and he's gonna he's gonna drag my ass and I know it and I know it and I just want to say blanket forgiveness for whatever you say about me Dario I love you I can and I'm not gonna hold it against you if you really rake me over the coals for this one I'm I know what's coming you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna get me and I deserve it Dario just commented hashtag and Nick not stupid Thank You Dario that means a lot you're you're a good kid means a lot he's gonna get me oh sorry what what time is it now this challenge is supposed to be don't know what time it is and then to end the video you asked the person what time is it I knew it I knew I wasn't gonna let that one slip past him I knew it it didn't I mean did it make it hurt any less no did it's when he got me did it still sting of course it did cuz it's Dario and he roasted me with an inch my life like he always does it's what he's known for Oh God he got me he even did you see he even moused over the title of the video and said it's the dole know what I'm his challenge and that's that's I mean it's I got Dario I got Dario sorry Dario sorry oh thank you for joining me on this journey I didn't did in a way though Dario because hey you joined me by watching the video as did everyone who watched the video be um you joined me in a less literal sense but a still meaningful sense and that you watched the entire video and you were engaged by it you got caught up in the adventure with me and then see you joined me in that you're literally in my youtube live chat right now talking so you did join me in that sense as well and have been a much more literal and much less figurative sense Dario you are literally right here joining all of us in its and frankly I it's been a pleasure to have you here so if you enjoy this type of video please let me know or even if you don't that was directed at you when I when I was sitting in my car and the Bojangles parking lot at 5:45 in the morning asking for feedback saying let me know if you like this video or even if you don't I was thinking about Dario I was a Dario based comment I wanted that Dario feedback and that's exactly what I got I wanted that I wanted that brutally honest constructive criticism but only Dario can give and that's what I got I spent 15 minutes date okay one minute two minutes out sir of you eating and drinking some stuff so now time to do my outro let's hear it thank you for watching hope you guys enjoyed and see you later alligator that's a pretty that's a pretty good outfit um few things want to say one I love this video a lot maybe extremely happy to watch it I'm glad that you guys all tuned in to watch it too Daario owns I love Dario this liked dislike ratio on Dario's video here is is abysmal and we gotta fix it so I I know I said at the top of this video that I wasn't gonna let you guys know his channel name but I think it's pretty clear to everybody watching us that we all love Dario right like it's across the board nothing but love for Dario like Dario's video and also let's he's at five subscribers when I started this stream he's now at 85 skyress which makes me very happy let's go ahead and make that eighty-six please I'm begging you subscribe to Dario I'll post Dario's channel link in the in the chat this has been a blast Dario thank you so much for your video I will take all of your criticism to heart in the next video I'll try to incorporate a lot of your critiques to make the next video better by the way I do have another video coming from me and Ian that is stylistically similar to this one and I hope you guys will enjoy also don't forget to ring that Bell that's the only way you're gonna get notifications the next time Dario upload why aren't people saying he uploaded a new video no he didn't this is the problem with YouTube notifications as I rang that Bell and I didn't get the notification from Dario okay hold on somebody posted in the discord oh you got a new Dario content I swear to God I swear to God this website is magic I swear to god this is the best website on earth new video from dari I'll make a new video I'm making a new beach thank you Thank You Nick I love you no homo I love the support I will subscribe to you thank you so much Nick thank you so much Thank You Dario another great upload everyone please subscribe to Dario show him your unconditional support Dario thank you for this opportunity it's always fun to collab with a fellow youtuber um I really can't think of a more quintessentially YouTube experience than the one we just had targeted since 300 subs please alright hold on no Dario pump the pump the brakes let's let's not get let's not look a gift horse in the mouth there's no need to get greedy let's see come on Dario f5 200 we've gotten tired of 200 subs yo we got that ratio fixed man we every now more likes and dislikes I'm so glad subscribe to Dario everyone thanks Dario thanks for being a good sport thanks for thanks for watching thanks for tuning in live make sure you guys message I just got on my phone I really did turn on notifications for Dario he's not bluffing 300 can we hit 300 subs alright guys have a good night that was a blast I love you all very much you guys are being so nice and last but not least subscribe to Dario see [ __ ] wait [ __ ] I mean crap thank you for watching hope you guys enjoyed and see you later alligator alright thank you for watching hope you guys enjoyed and see you later alligator it's I'm saying that at the end of all my videos from now on [Music] you
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 395,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don't know what time it is, time challenge, making fun of the don't know what time it is challenge, Dario Melofrias, react, reaction, reaction time, nick robinson, cereal rant, MY MAN, lucky charms frosted flakes conspiracy, i hit him, meme
Id: lN7ehRI01-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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