Attempting a Mission in Snowdriftland speedrun (Any%)

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hello everybody it's me i'm gonna play the i'm gonna play the snowman game i'm gonna play the snowman game and i'm gonna do it fast i just figured out how to wipe my save file in michigan snowdrift land was really important because i had all these health collectibles and that would be cheating that would be an inadequate speed run so i figured you know just to make sure we're doing everything by the book as you can see i've set up my splits right up here one for every day in december up until christmas um we should be good to go i've never tried speed running this game before but i played so dang much of it when trying to record footage for that video that i feel ready like i've played all the levels um the one thing i will note that i think is interesting um is that i have never actually done the boss battle in this game ever i never made it like i never in order to unlock the boss we have to beat every level um and i never did that until now so um if it's gonna look a little squished and cropped on the main menu but that's because i set it up and just to show you so that you get the maximum screen real estate possible so i think this looks pretty good uh as good as we're gonna get at least until the remaster comes on um but yeah dude we're um this is what it's gonna look like i've got my splits set up right here i'll reset there and yeah dude it's looking good let's get started how's the music and everything how is everything sound okay all right i'm playing uh in microsoft edge by the way if you're curious because i've found that it's like the least uh it's the most reliable least sluggish browser to play it in that doesn't also result in like the chunks of pixel art splitting up um all right first ever speedrun that i've done of mission snowflake i know people have already probably attempted it although there isn't a um there isn't a category on so hopefully by the end of this video we can submit it and get that category up um all right ready oh my god i'm excited let me get my keyboard situated nicely so that i can access my d-pad readily i'm i'm an arrow button jumper guy but i i know there's probably a lot of spacebar jumpers out there um all right let's go ready i feel like as soon as you click door number one that should be when the run starts okay three two one thank you matt's go all right here we go pretty solid start so far so one thing that i don't think would be obvious to anyone who hasn't played this maybe you noticed it in the video is that uh chubby snow can actually run but it's not toggled with a button like in mario it's actually something that automatically kicks in um oh i need this health that kicks in when you run on a straightaway without jumping and there's not actually a ton of opportunities to do that in mission and snowdrift land all right [Music] cool on to the next one i wonder if the path to the left would be faster for some reason all right it's really scary in these early stages before you get a life container because all it takes is two hits and you're also oh my god is this run dead we got it we got to just stick with it it's i like the idea as somebody who's very new to sp jesus christ as somebody who's very new to speed running i like the idea of setting intentionally shitty times because that way you got nowhere to go but up you know all right how do speed runners look at chat i don't understand okay i'm looking good though two health more health than i know what to do with and this is an 80 run so i'm not going for snowflakes but it would be fun to do a 100 run and and see people do that in the future by the way i have a discord set up for mission and snow drift and speed running just in case the community forms around it i've set it up the day before the video came out uh just kind of hoping that like people would join it themselves and then i realized that's not really how discord works all right minute 49 on december 2nd is not what we like to see um all right overview let's go december 3rd so this this is where they introduce the sliding mechanic formally but you can do it in earlier levels and oh my god i forgot that you have to ascend here you know what i should do i should have i should have linked this stream in the video since a lot of people are watching it right now can i do that with my phone while i'm i'll just have to wait to a really easy level i wonder what the like optimal time or whereabouts is it's probably just i bet it's less than 10 minutes for the whole game kind of excited to um kind of excited to see the boss battle for the first time also i almost i got to the boss battle while i was recording footage for the game and i was like and i was like i like literally like two nights ago and i was like oh my god i'm in no health i was like damn i really want to play this i was like you know what i should save that and have it be like a live stream moment okay i'm up to one health now i didn't realize until this month that you can kill the the teddy bears i thought they were they were so big that i thought they were like unkillable is there a link to the speedrun discord i after this run i'll post it in the description actually i can i can hold on give me a second i'll i'll do that right now i'll i'll do that right now i'm it's a run killer um let me find it let me open up discord here oh god where the hell did i put it it's like in a folder i'm so bad at discord man all right here it is uh invite people all right um no limit on the number of uses okay here we go i'm gonna paste it in chat and in the description really not good at speed running huh just doing this in the middle here you go [Music] [Music] boom now i got to put in the description oh i've got some super chats to look at too where did my chat thing go i'll thank tony services happy holidays thank goodness for you nick you made the year better i'm glad to hear that okay i've pinned the comment now all i need to do is go to my videos and post my december 4th time is you know what i'll probably start the run over after this i think i've already learned enough that it might be worth doing so oh shut up heard that guy talking all right this looks cool though because i can just kind of look at chat i'm feeling sentimental that movie i just watched hit right says roadgamer what movie did you watch um it's 240 where i live right now dang i'm surprised people are awake i kind of thought even people in america would be asleep but y'all are troopers this song is so burned into my head man i had to like mute the game a few times while capturing footage because this song was always playing the background um um it is so hard to do things it is so hard to make things on the computer mission in what if i'm yeah all right cool i've posted the comment i'm gonna add it to the end screen um and then we are good all right this will be fun we're starting over don't worry about the timer i thought of everything baby alrighty let's give this another go wait i haven't got any heart containers so i don't actually need to reset the game um which is good actually wait but what if it makes it so like the load screen doesn't pop up at the end that could be an issue let's see whatever there's got to be like a keyboard shortcut to clear i'm googling it clear cookies in edge browser i never use edge dude here clicks an edge browser keyboard oh here we go ctrl shift delete swag all right i have to do this every time boom it's the only way to uh to clear my saves wait what the hell is it not working is it working hillary clinton voice out here spelling cookies wrong how did i do this last time you know what maybe it's that the game's open because last time it was just the oh no i did it all right cool all right with that in mind let's reset the run timer completely by the way have you guys seen this opening cutscene it's cute well it's all cropped all weird because of the way i'm doing this okay ready this this run is gonna go good three two one i'm excited go hmm so there's that run animation and it's not just an animation it actually does make you go like noticeably faster you can jump way further with it me run is ruined all right three two one go speed running is hard dude sorry for swearing [Music] oh weird little edge like glitch i did there kind of a kind of maybe a strat [Music] one thing that i worried about with my video is that i'm worried i made the game look easy when in reality it's hard as hell this game is so brutally difficult [Music] whatever if markiplier is allowed to cuss i'm allowed to close cuss [Music] boom okay let's go world two wait do i have to ascend here i do not right nice that's a level three i was thinking look at these look at these bounces i'm getting getting good rng i actually don't think there's any rng in this game i think it is damn it 100 deterministic snow drift wave dashing says walter lungs that's that's what we got to do ah piss on me the fact that a new danny the tourette's guy video came out today is probably messing with my personal barometer for what's acceptable to say on youtube what i need to stop going for that jump we really do need chubby and smash by the way i don't know why that didn't occur to me while making the video but like during the the premiere of the video which by the way those of you who were there thank you for tuning in to that that was really fun um but the the chat was going crazy on the oh my god that was so close on the chubby for smash train it made me really happy at the very least he should be a um a costume that's still probably asking too much but at the very least he should be one of those dumb little imaginary fighter guys where they're like we're not putting the character in but we put into this png of the character and now you have to fight three little kirbys and we're gonna say it's doug trio or whatever god that was right on the hitbox too do i just abandon the run what do you think yeah let's abandon the run we're abandoning the run control shift wait how do you how do you go back to a tab in this dumb browser oh god oh god i wait wait i lost the url when i clear the browsing data all right hold on let me think about this okay i've got it back i just copied and pasted it from chrome i did not think this plan through okay here we go this is the run though three two one blast off that's what speedrunners say right three two one blast off all right let's get that run animation going maybe it's not optimal to jump at the start of your run oh my god i you know if i didn't know any better piss me off if i didn't know any better i would think that steve designed these stages to be speedrun like did you see how um how easy that those that series of jumps was yeah it might be better just run there oh that was nice that felt so good maybe i should be sliding the thing is starting the slide animation feels like it slows you down temporarily so it might not actually be faster oh my god every time i get hit by that guy [Music] what's scary is not the damage um what why did i clip through the ground whatever it's a shoddy shoddy workman who blames his tools attempt number seven wait i didn't start my timer attempt number eight [Music] that whale is scary just backwards long jump we're gonna have to wait till mission and snowdrift land 64 for the backward long jump [Music] oh god what would chubby's final smash be that's the question don't there we go all right i'm going to start the run over one more time [Music] this is i can feel myself getting better at this though here we go wait i beat the did i beat the level so i have to do the thing again ctrl shift tab clear now paste and we're back in it baby reset the run three two one go [Music] all right that was solid i just need to no stupid mistakes like i'm not going to get whale clipped into the water by the way that's what we call that in the mission speed land the mission in speedland community call me adam speedland oh here's a whale [Music] that was a solid time dude i up the timer i need to make that not the reset button see this is how you learn how to speed run settings reset hotkey is that now damn it that was such a good time too save the discord i already locked the discord i don't know what i was thinking that like i could uh just have a discord with no mods um it's just locked for now so we'll deal with it later at another day i'll i'll get the mods to deal with it but they just told me they locked it down so we're all good boom all right here we go starting the run over for real this time wait are my global hockey's not working oh i put it up there okay this run is gonna be good though will this be on switchover watch the video did i not wipe the data ctrl shift delete clear now i'm gonna get so fast at that man i'm gonna get so fast at wiping this data all right three two one go so it goes man playing at 30 fps is kind of a bummer that is one thing that i'm like very pumped about in the steam version is like god damn that was close uh playing a game especially when you're playing the game in this way because normally in snowdrift land you play pretty slow and like carefully because of the ice and and when you're going fast you really feel that 30 fps man [Music] all right good time 31 seconds oh my god the door almost didn't change oh god [Music] okay wait this is a pretty solid run so far dude i feel like i'm near the end of the level the thing is levels in mis are so short it's kind of perfect for running like you can just really learn it and get good at it as opposed to some games which are hours and hours long okay world three is this on yet not yet and in order to submit it you have to have a time for it which is part of why i'm doing this i'm trying to set a time so i can submit it and also just for fun also i just think it'll be a good pleasant experience damn i should refill my water bottle before speed running [Music] [Music] that he almost gets me every damn time [Music] no no no that's the so that's what i was trying to explain before is um like the the scary thing about the skeleton fish isn't the damage you take from them it's the way they halt your momentum and because they always jump out of the water it can like it kills me like half more than half the time if you touch one of those fish that might be it that's usually gg right there like that was like i had enough momentum there that i managed to land on the next platform but that is not a given at all [Music] when's the next super monkey ball retro video coming out um as soon as there's news you know i i don't know more than i don't know much more than you guys do at this point so as soon as there's something to talk about then maybe although even that i'm like nervous about because like i don't just want to make a video that's like hey guys uh monkey ball retro just got announced here you go like that doesn't feel like it's adding too much but if i can come up with a good way to do it all right here we go i'm not really thrilled about that december third time there so a lot of times you have to like stand on the iceberg like that to make it tall enough to uh allow you to get up to spots like that as a matter of fact i think you're probably supposed to jump off that little sea animal with that otter but you can kind of clip through it there i always take damage from these big penguins damn that cost me some time but probably worth it for the health better than starting the whole level over you know what if you make it to the end of the level with one health and it's faster than getting there with two health i see no reason not to do it i guess i guess it halts your momentum though okay december 5th how many hearts can you get across the whole thing i don't actually know i think there's one per world i had five at the end of my session to capture footage for the documentary so at least five there better not be a skeleton fish dude i like these blue penguins can oh god i thought there was gonna be a platform down there that's what the um snowflakes me that's what the snowflakes were telling me did they say it was just the original calendar that would be available or would it be the second one as well you're talking about the steam version right so the level designs were exactly the same in the 2010 version it was just the gifts that were different there must be a strat that skips the fish and speed running it probably yeah if you just run fast enough you can just skip their whole cycle and just go right past them oh my god oh my god he so so i try to jump up there early because you can't get there until he's tilted the platform towards you because you're jumping from beneath but if you touch him you get stun locked and when you get stun locked um you can slide you can still momentum and like gravity still affects you so you can slide off of a slippery platform that's the thing like for a flash game they built so many mechanics into this that feel like real quirks of a platformer like the fact that the touching enemies doesn't just hurt you you actually slow down it's funny um the super super early alpha version of snow diploma that i played had some some differences that i noticed like when you touch enemies in the alpha you actually bounce off them but i think a lot of that stuff is temporary and you just kind of wanted to get a proof of concept working because the way that um in the in my second conversation with steve and boadge um he told me steve told me oh we're almost at world 2. steve said that he felt like the early version was about 70 of the way toward feeling like the original which i think is probably accurate the version i played was maybe a little further along so maybe it's a little higher than 70 percent but like i would say the feel is mostly there oh backward slide that's kind of a strat it's like moonwalking in um the original super mario bros oh god i need that heart oh god so here's a fun mechanic i don't know if this showed up in the video but i think it did the whale water spout that was an easy level dude long did that take that took me less than a minute first try let's go okay here we go world 2 baby someone says i have 19 bucks what to get on steam hades if you don't have hades yet by hades i think it's uh on sale right now for 20 bucks actually hades is incredible it's been me and all my brothers have been obsessed with hades this entire winter break oh the music on this level's so good dude [Music] i don't feel like you should be able to damage me through that log dude you kidding me 50 seconds baby this is this is a respectable time what what i'm really worried about oh god i forgot to get the heart container on level six should i go back and get it i think that's like allowed it just would make my run worse like it would make it take longer i tend to there's one level in the forest here that i get really hard stuck on like crazy [Music] okay gotta get this heart okay you're required to go left here this is also a great variant of this song not my favorite one though that one's coming up it's crazy how like how well i have this music memorized considering how little of my life i had access to this game you know it's weird how small things can have a big effect on you i saw one comment at one point from someone who was like how could this game have a big effect on you if it was only around for a month and it's like first of all second of all like i don't know there's games i've played for a month that i have really strong feelings about also i played it for two months four years apart um and also just like the experience of playing a game every day for a month especially when it's like time gated like that is extremely impactful i think if you do anything every day for a month it'll kind of stick with you you know all right what y'all what'd y'all get for christmas that's what i that's what i want to know everyone say the best the best thing they got for christmas but i won't look until after this level because this run is going nice i don't know why i'm trying to okay now i can look will you do a video on trauma center not really i got a tv socks i got some sonic the hedgehog socks from my mom which i thought was really cute someone said ps5 damn not me i got no ps5 but ps5 got no game so i'm not even mad um that's not true if i had a ps5 i would definitely play the demo it comes with of the little robot guy game because i want to feel those triggers and i might play the sack boy game if i was desperate and i would probably play me spiderman at 60fps whiskey wario master of disguise you didn't get wario master of disguise for christmas 2020. i mean that'd be sick if you did maybe you specifically asked for it but i don't think like one of your loved ones walked into a store and was like what do you got and they were the guy at gamestop was like how about wario master of disguise that would be cool be a cool game stop manager one of the coolest game stop employees ever has got to go to the guy who when i got an n64 for christmas uh who was record my mom went into the gamestop and asked what games to get and he told her to get beetle adventure racing and he was right that game kicked ass beetle adventure racing is so like so disproportionately good that game has no business being that kill me damn it no sonic and knuckles and some figures yo you know what game i got to play tonight my uh my brother gave my other brother a dreamcast with a a modded dreamcast with hdmi out and a sd card with every dreamcast game on it um yo walker what's up dude yeah dude walker come over do some beetle battles with us um video on people adventure racing would be sick so my brother got my other brother a dreamcast modded with hdmi out in every dreamcast game and what's cool about um that gift is that nobody in our family had a cast like i've never had a dream cast i've never really played one neither is my brother so we've got like hundreds of games now that we have no nostalgia for that are just like interesting and weird and then of course there's some games that we've played on other systems like you know crazy taxi and sonic adventure 2. um but we've just been going through it all night that was so crazy i got stun locked by that firefly and then fell through the tree absolute horseshit um these bugs man are the worst enemy this game makes me this is the thing you didn't get from the video if you watch my documentary you know i love this game what you can't tell from that documentary is how completely furious it makes me sometimes god damn it [Music] i should go back and get the heart container honestly honestly i think it's worth it the thing is important thing to note you um you have to uh you have to finish the level with the heart container to get it wait a minute did i screw up hold on a sec i have an idea um i don't know where the heart container is on that level so what i think we should do is i'm going to search and see if anybody on youtube knows where the heart container is so we're gonna search mission in snow drift land heart container level six and see if anybody's made a video about that oh this guy made one this guy has a video on it doesn't have a lot of views i don't think he's like a very popular youtuber unfortunately so isn't that sad to be trying on youtube for 14 years and you can only get 3 000 views it's pathetic what a loser okay so so there we go jump up there daddy oh and he monetized this video what a greedy that's why these youtuber people man they're the worst okay so you gotta jump on the platforms there fight the big bird the timer's still going because i don't think you can pause your speed run and go watch it faq i think that the timer has to oh whoa someone else is playing this game hold on and go watch it faq i think that the timer has to oh whoa someone else is playing this game hold on oh hold on let me move my um timer hold on let me move my um oh wait it moved back hold on let me move it out of the way here there we go oh wait it moved back hold on let me move it out of the way hold on i feel like it's like there we go this seems like a good spot actually how about like right down here this seems like a good spot what i'll just put it up in the corner actually how about like right down here how about like dead center what do you think this seems good how about like dead center what do you think maybe up in the upper left that seems like a classic place to put the timer maybe up in the upper left that seems like a classic place to the timer a little timer parade look at them go the ants go marching okay all right we know where it is now we can uh we can get back to business here okay uh where's the let me switch back here that was fun all right suck at this game dude who let me play this wait this is level one i'm gonna go to level six okay so this is this right here is where the level bifurcates into two um separate paths i wonder if there's a way to get up to the top path from the bottom i'm just gonna oh god i should have oh my god [Music] they're crowding my jump area this is definitely world record potential so just sketch it it sure is baby and not just because nobody else is running it piss me off kill me on cam jeez um nukeman says are all the downloadable prizes from mission soldierland archive they are somebody um somebody sent an email to me with all of them in a google drive so if that's something you guys would be interested in um they're all in one place so i thought that would be convenient i'm just gonna here's what i'm gonna do bounce off his head to get up here just because it's faster because it's faster i just watched like a three minute youtube video bro this run was looking so good wait what happened to my timer it got all jacked there we go this run was so good and then i just i the bed that's why you can't watch youtube in the middle of a run man little little little advanced speed running tip don't go watch youtube videos because the the person might be speed running the game and you'll get sucked in to a timer vortex so bounce off his head there we go by the way something that you probably can't tell from the way i play this game these really thin platforms that i always jump here we go ready let's go i still have to beat the level though if i die i don't get to keep it literally the angriest i've ever been on stream not even close holy i'm sorry for taking that out on my microphone and your ears i am going to make a new documentary about how i hate this game it's going to be also 39 minutes and it's just gonna be me talking about how mad i get me is there i probably can't even get up there now because i killed that penguin oh no i still can okay [Music] all right i'm going for the the purple penguin skip the pps maybe that's who p p p on the spider's resource maybe she gets her username from the purple penguin in mission snowdrift land man who is this guy must have never played the game before please don't kill me just let me take this heart container and leave with my life you can have my wallet and everything in it let's go heart container [Music] you know what it probably is just princess peach soonerly i think you're right about that okay our container should make this a little more manageable like the thing is that for if you're i don't know i'm sure speed like real speed runs in this game will not even bother to get the heart containers probably but if you're only gonna i think especially if you're new to the game like just getting the first one is so huge everything after that is icing on the cake um but that first heart container increases your life capacity by i was gonna say 50 but that's not true because you you're still alive after you get down to zero hearts so like 33 it's like a huge difference basically in your survivability unless you've learned in the mud the world record is not existing isaiah unfortunately uh but we're about to set it people who like are just on uh and see this game they're like man that level 9 must be hard the guy with the world record is like breezing through these levels in 50 seconds and then he gets the level 9 and it took him 10 minutes must be a doozy it's like nah he's just stupid kill me i these blind ass jumps man these blind ass jumps that i'm i stay doing somebody in the chat said don't be angry nick this is a part of your childhood man i don't i think that an important part of childhood is playing video games that you love that make you want to be dead you know that's part of the experience baby that's i think some of the some of the deepest loves you can have with a video game are formed with the games that make you the most wanna not exist you know i mean like that's my relationship if you follow me on twitch and have been watching my splunky two streams you know that i feel this way because that's a game that makes me sometimes very miserable um but i love it so much it's like my game of the year probably oh my god here's the thing the a feeling that i get a lot in mission soldier plan let's go 2304 i have a feeling i get uh a lot playing this game is uh getting to the end of a level and being like okay i have no health but i'm so close to the level that i can probably just grip my teeth and bear it um all right you have to go through the web here as far as i know unless people are like figuring out glitches okay i forgot you can't drop down there [Music] piss me plenty oh you this is a children's game i need to stop cursing wow what the hell that's a 38 second level yeah the split is just showing my total time it's not showing my uh specific segment times for whatever reason i don't know why somebody who knows lives better than me if you can explain it by the way this game another code 2 memories i never played it as a kid but i wanted to and its presence in this game has made me want to check it out really bad it seems vibey i lost three health in 10 seconds i always feel bad when i stream i al so i stream like all the time on twitch like like i think i streamed like 28 times in no in like october in the month of october um but what's funny is like uh what's funny is i think people tune into my youtube streams and i don't really i don't ever curse in my my youtube documentaries for the most part so it's like i think people who get it get click one of my streams and are like oh it's the wholesome gamer who says heck instead of hell and i'm just like it's just like a totally different vibe it's that must be jarring for people who've never seen me do uh live live bond tent before oh yeah the thing i was gonna say about uh world one so those icicle those icicles that you stand on top of um they're not flat on the top and they're angled at a steep enough angle that you actually slide off them so oh i must be close to the end of the level boom nice [Music] go for an all snowflakes and heart container run after this that would be i'd be up till five in the morning dude okay my ipad just died so i can't see chat anymore but i'm sure we've got some mods in there they'll take care of it i'll after this level i'll pull up chat on my phone so i can see you guys cause i like talking to y'all you're pretty nice this heart container is my white whale by the way i i i think i have some idea how to get it piss me plenty off um i have a i suspect that you can get it um by doing some extreme backtracking across the tops of the tree trunks because it feels very um very like the fact that it's in a tree and that there's tree trunks every few seconds um wait a minute this live video is not like listed on my channel this oh yeah it is i just had to refresh um all right let's do this part i'm going to scream and cry it makes me want to die this is this is what's happening with three heart containers imagine if i tried to tough it out through the rest of the game i don't even know what the other hard containers are i lucked into two more of them in um oh here's a question do you think uh for an 80 speed run of this game do you have do you think you have to play the levels in order that would be a good question for like people who are involved in speedrunning communities like what happens if it's very weird for a platformer to have every level available from the start but i feel like you should have to play through them in order um with a special exception made for revisiting older levels on account if i did that and i want this one to be valid i forgot you have to go in the tree trunk here that's kind of great level design you have to bounce off that what would you describe that as snow bear what is that creature nintendo ds like pink edition is the uh sponsor of this level y'all can't see that though oh this introduces the cloud mechanic i didn't really show much of this in the um in the video so this is the start of world three we're already halfway through the game dude let's go we're gonna get sub one hour i actually shouldn't say that i'm not i'm not that confident about that i love how this game feels seriously if you if your reaction to mission snowdrift land is wait a minute so it's just mario you know nothing about video games or flash games but also just video games if you're if your game just feels like mario first of all you deserve a nobel peace prize because that is not easy to pull off especially in macro media flash um [Music] how do i play this too ask siegel um i'm i've so some a lot of people been asking me that um i'm a little hesitant to give the link out just because as you know a critical part of the game is downloading it from um downloading each level from the server and if the server gets you know hit with the reason i didn't put in the description is if like 200 000 people try to hit that server in 24 hours i i'm not convinced that it it's set up to handle that that load especially considering that like maybe maybe it could have handled part of that when the game was public but because it's just on their back end and like stored in their portfolio i i really don't want to like crash their server and make it so nobody can play it so my thinking was alright i won't include a link to the game in the description but anybody watching the video who's watching closely enough can figure out how to get to the url or even just go to it i think i show it on screen a couple times so if you want to play this you can find it i just didn't want to like make it too easy on account of i don't want steve and boadge's internet traffic bill next month to be randomly ten thousand dollars and have it be my fault you know [Music] wow just running straight through them it's faster someone said my only problem with this game is that it uses arrow keys yeah i'm used to it um that doesn't bug me um but i see why it would bug someone uh the new version the alpha has controller support which i haven't messed with yet but um i played i played with arrow keys for my first ever play through in that video um just cuz like that's what i'm comfortable with but ouch this i this love this part of this level is deceptively hard i remember doing i was trying to get footage of every god damn it every level uh to use in my video and i when i got to this literal this just this that one section there i'm just like oh i ducked the bird so that actually does change your hitbox there are some spots later in the game where you have to duck kill me yeah dudes um steve and boaz were saying that like the gamepad support makes it feel way more like a legitimate video game it's funny like back in the day people were um hacking you know just using like the 2006 version of joy2key to like hack gamepad support into the original mission and soldier plan um i should use the duck hunt that cloud is moving so fast no johns but god damn i think it's really really damn i have no health i should be careful um i think it's so so insanely impressive that these level designs which i think are like by and large good and interesting and fair and reliable and explore a new idea were all built um in a in a day for the most part um that blows my mind that makes me feel like steve not only loves like video games but is a really uh really loves platformers and is a really like blessed and talented level designer you know like what what kind of platformer would he make with more than uh 24 hours one of the things that he and i talked about in the full interview which i'm thinking about releasing as just a perk for the channel members because we talked for like an hour and one of the most interesting things we talked about was how constraints can kind of uh breed create creativity like the fact that he only had a day to do it and was crunching on it so hard probably in some way helped having like a deadline it's a a it like makes you make more it makes you make weird decisions and commit to them and it makes you um it's also an insane amount of practice so i kind of love the idea nogan says yo i just got 21 seconds on level one damn dude at this rate you're gonna submit a speed run before i that's my worst nightmare someone's gonna submit a speed run in the time it took me to even finish like since i started this stream someone will be like yeah i just beat the game three times in the time it took nick to do it and here's my best run but it would be nice if i had world record just for a night just give me just give me tonight you know just let me have world record for tonight i think i deserve i could have delayed the video a day and just gotten world record at that point but that didn't seem right i wanted the game i wanted the video to be out before christmas and i technically succeeded i got it out at 7 p.m on christmas eve you know i think talking to you guys while playing is making me kind of better i'm just kind of auto piloting right now i should never say like that because that's when i start losing okay here we go here's the cloud i love these rotation clouds those are those only show up in like a handful of levels first try [Music] nick you wanted the big mac challenge in real life yeah a few people have done it already um incredibly i've seen two videos i saw a guy in america who did it and then a girl in the netherlands who did it that is that that makes me really happy good for everyone who did that especially and also good for everyone who had a cool enough manager at their mcdonald's to let them do it piss i keep saying piss i'm sorry about that dude my water bottle is empty and i want to refill it but i'm in the middle of a speed run how do normal speedruns deal with this do they just die they just suffer from dehydration i was i was not cut out for this i don't have the physical tenacity to not refill my water bottle every 15 minutes that's just who i am [Music] interesting that this is like a completely downhill level call it call it chubby snow's downhill jam find it find an unskippable it's a clip at a slope in the first level you glitch under the map you can live a certain amount of time before dying i found a way to reproduce it that sounds sick i would love to see that i wonder if it's viable by the way um you know how like every level in this game is sponsored by not really sponsored by but is like features a certain nintendo game this level uh level 18 is uh brought to you by the nintendo ds web browser which i find really funny game of the year 2006 nintendo ds web browser all right i'm low on health i'm really hoping i just like luck out and stumble across a heart container actually i know where the one in the caves is piss me is there a current world record no you're looking at it baby bro i really need some water this is i can't live like this the amount of mouth sounds y'all are about to get watch this i'm gonna stand on the spikes just to save time god i'm out of health all right no more no more goof ups no more no more jokes no more dying oh no okay that's impossible to get through without taking damage there's some actually some cool stuff in here first for strata i don't think this is a hard container it is wow that's that's amazing run secured all right let's remember that level 18. why is the snowman wearing a hat don't most snowmen wear hats oh wait did i i forgot to hit my timer okay here we go level 19. see i'm bad at speed running tetris ds that's a good game i think i actually as a kid sold my copy of tetris ds just cause it was every i felt i remember feeling like every ds game i had had a trade-in value at gamestop of like a dollar ninety-nine and then tetris ds randomly they gave you like 30 bucks for it because they were selling it at like above msrp that game was for whatever weird reason so under produced that they were gamestop was selling used copies for like 50 bucks or something insane um y'all remember that the icons for the tetris level completion are the best oh yeah yeah there's a for beating this level you get like a t-block some really great like just general nintendo ones from the different nintendo kill me uh nintendo themed levels um you know what i've been thinking about i've been thinking about like what are some cool ways that the steam version could recapture the everyday playing a level everyday mechanic you know like if the steam version makes it out by december 1st 2021 i would love a mode where you just unlock a level every day that would be amazing this is so annoying because you have to choose between but it's also good level design and good speedrun design weirdly there's these spots here where you could just take a damage or you could wait so it's do you lose time or do you um lose health and it's interesting too because that could make getting the first heart container really important if it if it saves so much time on these later stages that it's worth it in in like in your net aggregate this is a good game to speed run i kind of think [Music] boom i fill a pitcher with water that's a good idea except i'm like i'm definitely i need some cold water boy i need that icy cold well i guess if i had a a water bottle full of ice i just need like a i need to upgrade to a double insulated camelback because those will keep the ice frozen for way longer [Music] man i really it's so funny isaiah made a comment a few seconds ago that i can't stop thinking about or maybe a few minutes ago he said like i can't wait to see a perfectly executed uh tool assisted speed run of this it's so funny when i when i released the mcdonald's rom i really did not expect people to speedrun it and i definitely didn't expect people to do a task um uh but i should have expected it with this game i actually saw people in the live chat uh talking about speed running it when i when i was premiering this so i kind of expected that to happen but i don't know why the idea of a task didn't occur to me until today [Music] okay let's keep it moving don't there's no need to go for that spider's web that's like there's an optional spider web that's vertical it has two snowflakes in it doesn't matter for any percent this cool spider with the sunglasses okay nice get some good momentum there the web slows you down though which is tricky i'm gonna fall straight oh you know what's you know what's sinister though casting a flash game is probably a little more difficult than a ds game probably i think you could do it with like you know just recording some macros for your keyboard although you know what would make it hard would be the fact that the load times are variable based on like your internet speed and the server speed and where you're downloading it from that day so that could be tricky this is a good i'm i'm glad i decided to do this weird little christmas stream okay so i here's the here's the problem i just remembered i know where the heart container is on this level but the platforming you have to do after it is so diabolically hard it's like one of the hardest things the game ever asks you to do and i think that my odds of like living through it might be so low that i it would almost be worth it to just take the easy path and finish the game with um four hearts is it even on this level maybe it's not wow i've never seen the slope like stay down like that okay nice we're getting close y'all i'm gonna refill my water after this and i think we can do another attempt i'm not doing 100 tonight though that's that's too brutal steve was telling me that one of the heart containers was really hard to find and he had a inside joke with his old co-worker uh at the original team where she was like asking him like to just like tell her where it was she's like i'm i'm work on this game i'm in the credits like just tell me if i'm remembering right she was like just tell me where the who the argentiner is he refused he's like just you just look for it just look harder i'm sure all those answers are out there on the internet can you make a video on all these anti-piracy videos i see not unless i find an interesting reason to i've seen those videos too um but yeah it's okay we're going for it it i'm feeling crazy we have to try it at least once wait is it here maybe it's a different stage this part is crazy i feel like you could definitely clip through here if you wanted to um yeah i'm never really gonna make a video just because there's a lot of other videos about something you know i don't i don't really i mean i should i should bite my tongue in case someday i get really lazy maybe oh there's a split like maybe someday i'll get so old and jaded that i will make lowest common denominator content where i don't add anything but right now i'm really addicted to telling stories that i feel like only i could tell um with some amount of original research in there so it's like like for example i've gotten a lot of comments being like you should do a video on crow crow64 and i just think that that's been i've watched a lot of videos about pro 64 including of course the original video that it was created for and they're great and i don't really have anything to add to that conversation like i don't think you want a video that's just me telling you something that you could find in a wiki or something like i there needs to be i feel like i got to bring something to the damn table i'm out of health i'm out of health and that sequence is really tough have you considered a lower membership tier for me personally a two dollar tier would make signing up significantly more appealing i i haven't just because i would want to make sure that i could actually provide value for that and i also feel like i don't want members at a lower level to feel like they're missing out you know i feel like that always feels shitty when you're like when you know that you're only getting some or none of the content um so i i just think the elegance of one he's like all right here it is it's five bucks and you get everything and that's it's not more complicated than that i already kind of dread trying to explain memberships to people who haven't used it before so anything i can do to reduce the complexity of it is i think making my and your life easier but i'll keep thinking about it if i can come up with like a a good way to do tears then i'll oh god oh god out of health i would consider it i just gotta find a way to do it right when are you getting a plane ticket to tokyo next um theoretically okay the dark by the way last level i've actually bought one already [Music] no clue if they're gonna let me use it but i bought one okay let's attempt at at least once let's attempt the hardest platforming challenge in the game oh god i've already lost two health dude three health i'm doing i'm gonna attempt it one more time mr screech yo nick can you please tell me your thoughts on the mammoth enemy i think he's great and i love him do you love as much as i do no you don't i love him more well that's not really a question is it before i could even answer it you said do you love him as much as tell me your thoughts do as much as i do no you don't i love him more that doesn't really give me much space to even it makes me feel like you didn't really have a question for me you didn't want to know my thoughts on the mammoth you just wanted to tell me your thoughts and that makes me feel disrespected it's not really a conversation at that point it's just you i had it for a second it's just you telling me what you think of the mammoth and you know nobody likes to be a part of a one-sided conversation that's why there's 1.5 000 people watching me talk to myself when do you think we'll see monkey ball retro um i don't know 2021 i think it i i actually suspect it will be announced and released this year based on what i've heard from brian but but not that he's told me anything he hasn't told you guys i just mean like based on the fact that they're recording it the fact that he has to paraphrase death grips seen footage um and the fact that by all accounts it was meant to be revealed at tokyo game show and then got delayed because of the quarantine you know damn it the thing is like these guys have the same me i did it okay there's still some hard left though to even escape is pretty brutal um what the hell's i gonna say oh yeah the fire bugs actually are oh this is faster i'll just take the damage i'll take the damn l let's go all right i've okay this is huge i've never done this boss battle before ever i i clicked on it yes no two days ago when i was getting footage from my video and then didn't play it because i was like i want to save it so i don't even know how it works holy he has a health bar okay i've never even heard this song my son like the hedgehog brain is telling me to jump on him but maybe that's not valid this is hard what the hell he's he really dips down for such a brief amount of time dude robotnik could never oh there we go first hit i don't think i'm gonna clear this on the first life he's birthing these penguins it's so much more sinister than what robotnik does because robotnik takes existing animals and roboticizes them but l picks is clearly um cloning his members of his species for war my next video essay is called why l picks is the darkest nintendo villain of all time and it's really just a clip from this stream of me saying that i like that that's actually sick chunks of his ship are coming off as you damage him how many how many you know 20 games have you played where they don't even bother to do stuff like that dude that's such a brief dip i can't wait to see like a perfectly optimal speed run of this from somebody who like learns his attack patterns holy i was out of health i didn't realize okay here we go i get i know what to do now so that'll be huge i kind of think keeping the penguins alive is like a strat you know [Music] they just give you they're not really a threat and they give you something to bounce off of oh no i'm i'm actually going to reset not the whole run thank christ just this fight okay so second time he just comes through like this right he dips down it's so the thing is chubby's so floaty you almost can't get over to him in time unless you're like right next to him all right this is a mid-sized bounce nice oh and i got a health out of it oh i like that i've never heard this song before i like that fabian revisits some of the musical themes from from world one it's like a dark sounding like this the melody from world one in a different key he's such a good musician dude the two biggest surprises for me um after releasing that video were um how well known fabian is like the amount of people who are like oh my god he did like the inspector gadget ps1 game soundtrack or like oh he did this game he did gianna sister's ds or diana's sister's uh wait oh my god when he gets down to one healthy start strapping like way more brutal enemies oh and he's like me he let's go that wasn't it i'm at one health dude dropping the scorpion is so that is that's some olmec and spelunky hd that he's doing to me i'm so tense right now i'm about to beat missions notre dame for the first time in my life on cam oh my god that's it i'm getting a gun and i'm shooting the video game i'm killing the video game i'm killing l pix with a handgun just kidding it's an airsoft weapon just one of my classic pranks my classic handgun humor that i'm that i'm so known for i'm the ultimate handgun joke youtuber that's what they call me where's the air on chair i'm um i'm not in i'm not at my home right now i'm visiting family so i don't have the aeron chair this is just a a cheap uh gamer chair i don't think you get demonetized for pulling out an airsoft gun i think the only equivalent of that is um i didn't i remember some the the people who make tarkov got banned from twitch temporarily for pulling out a real gun and then did they maybe fire it i don't remember peeling on the chair feeling on the chair sent to reggie oh i mean i made a whole video about my feeling on that um i thought you're gonna ask me to about my feeling on the chair that aeron sent me that or that herman miller sent me this is a bad one let's try again dude i really need water i might my gaming is going poorly because i'm so dehydrated don't jump on penguins if you don't need to that's what i was saying i think they're well the thing is when there's four of them you can get hit like that thank you to the guy who said bro you died again oof thank you for the heads up keep me posted on it on all my deaths i would love to be informed keep me in the loop when i die at the video game that i'm playing dude i am taking so many hits this run what the i think i've like died or i've taken health at every opportunity i just like every time chubby stopped flashing i managed to get him hurt again the thing is i'm kind of me okay this is doable the thing is i want to keep these penguins around for piss me off around for jumping on their head all right one health he's gonna drop the shitty animals okay oh my god okay this is the run though i promise i promise i swear to god all right do not want to okay next one is he dips into the middle right [Music] am i remembering that right oh no it's that one okay i need to like here's the thing i need to realize if i have to jump through his body to damage him for every damage i do i'm gonna lose because he has more health than me i guess if i collect the health collectibles then it would be okay [Music] i can't be taking penguin damage this is amateur hour behavior i need to like practice this boss battle before the next run and get good at it oh it's looking promising lads oh my god scorpion bomb oh my god oh my god i just need one more hit on him yes time 55 51 54. look at his naked-ass body take that el pix you stupid i've killed you and i'm gonna go get your family next you don't want the smoke l picks i'm telling you you're the braves little snowman in the video game world aw that's so cute [Music] many thanks for playing merry christmas and happy new year to all the people who joined chubby on his mission in snowdrift land wow first time this is for ul picks i'm telling you dawg you don't want it you don't want the smoke you don't want you ain't with the shits hell pics all right don't make me say it again all right sub one hour you're right that was sub one hour bro turn up okay um so 55 5154 i have to do a few things now i have to use the youtube highlight video tool which i've never used before to create a highlight i think that this tool is kind of useless for most because if you're streaming you can't do it so it's only really useful if you have a team which is like nobody so but we can figure this out if it ends here if it ends here right [Music] dang it's really chugging i need to leave in the part where i threatened the video game character with a gun dang [Music] i'll just do the whole thing whatever so the run that i actually beat the game on started 55 minutes before that so it was probably around minute 36 pretty close did i really start over run with 18 minutes on the clock i mean my subtraction just sucks no i guess this is the run huh i just don't know how to do just basic math i guess that's cool it's a good way to find that out live on km boom [Music] that's no way that's actually world record i'm sure somebody somewhere has beaten that but okay did it spit out a url for me come on hurry up youtube i need to submit this time can you include the time position in the submission i did yes don't worry it's in there that was in the run tragically all right here we go single game actually i need the wikipedia article [Music] boom wait i there was something cute about somebody's aunts up there christian for the helpful tips concerning level design hiver and eva or hu hewer and eva further to help with a little dutch and french translation oh there's multiple versions all right please provide a link to a video of your run it's uploading this link is invalid oh yeah i think i set it to only last for an hour i'll just remove it make it public i'm not making it public but i'll leave this stream up i guess okay maybe i should not title it world record then if there's a if there's already a better world record all right i had to fire my gun [Music] collab with airsoft fatty lightsabers in tokyo dawg that's the dream that's a dream collab right there i don't understand how works all right my url's still not here but let's enjoy these credits oh my god there's lore the cave er penguins were offered a well-paid job at the pixel circus special bonus download dare i click i actually know what's in it but um but yeah let's open up the special bonus download why not hmm [Music] i gotta unzip this hang on extract oh cute wait hold on you can't see it here we go so the special bonus download is this wallpaper at a whopping 1280 by 1024 that's as high resident gets that's actually my wallpaper right now um that's cool and then uh in addition to the wallpaper you get these desktop icons of this you get you get wait a minute these are weird you get kirby and brawl rayman raving rabbids icon warioware metroid prime mario galaxy and koarimpa i don't think any of those games are represented in uh mission snowdrift land are they here let's watch the credits again so you guys can enjoy the lore while my youtube video loads [Music] it's still uploading all right i'm gonna go get my water so hang tight i need to refill my water bottle like i've been saying but i'll be reading the chat while i'm walking away so don't go anywhere right don't go anywhere i'll be right back i need water i'm gonna die brb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank god so i feel so much better already just a couple sips of water all right did i miss any good lore though did they explain like what what the lore is what the lorax is let me put my phone back right here i've got it balanced i only have one monitor on this computer so i have to use my phone for the chat [Music] that water was made from chubby damn up if true [Music] chubby had a gun damn just like me chubby has those broken dies [Music] somebody said what's the image what do you mean in the the pinned comments bro if you don't know you got some youtube videos you need to watch [Music] oh yeah read my super chat that's a good idea let's let's wait and get this lore dump [Music] leafty says random question have you considered transitioning to make more non-gaming content your style is so damn enjoyable i'd watch a video you made about practically any topic lmao oh it's very sweet of you um i wouldn't call it like transitioning to it because like you know i've made videos about domino's pizza uh iphone apps and like i definitely do mostly video game stuff because that's where a lot of my interests lie oh that was a big sip um margeet for her great cakes but yeah definitely like i will do videos in 2021 that have nothing to do with video games i'm i've got some ideas lined up that are so self-indulgent nobody's gonna click on them but i'm gonna be really creatively satisfied with him so stay tuned oh my god chubby did die he got he's gonna get killed by this bird oh my god chubby got picked up by a flock of eagles with parakeet mouths and murdered [Music] and what are the you pixel heroes doing after this adventure damn look at him lpx got a graphics patch which corrected the pixel bugs in his head uh he and chubby are now the most requested video game heroes that you pick so oh it's kind of this this is like professor schwabble and the penguin mother are engaged and are planning their wedding who's professor schwabble the cave er penguins were over the job of the circus damn it's totally exactly the plot of um it's totally exactly the plot of freaking wreck-it ralph except for this was like 15 years or 10 years before wreck-it ralph all right what so we have access to all the downloadables now right what files we want to see interesting that the only wii games are um we play warrior smooth moves wii sports the wii itself just the concept of the wii you know what i want is a nintendo ds lite pink edition desktop icon oh you don't get desktop icons so is this professor schwabe he married the penguin that's that's up [Music] glad to see mission soldier plan is speaking out about mental health i remember the first time i saw the credits roll i was like huh would you look at that [Music] yoshi's island ds dude getting all the snow jim flims says getting all 576 snowflakes has another bonus reward i don't know if i have it in me champ please select your screen resolution what if your screen resolution is like three times that what are you supposed to do in that case hell yeah dude wait there's two different pink ds wallpapers to choose from holy what the hell what a weird picture hold on a second hold on set as background yeah who are these weird women oh my god hell yeah dude this rules this kicks ass wait i need it to not lock the icons no not to align the grid hell yeah delete all my other icons who i don't need them [Music] that rules that's the best wallpaper in the world man that's our that's the new official wallpaper of babylonian okay and i don't mean the original i mean you screenshot this video and you make this your wallpaper i'll move my mouse out of the way just so it's not confusing this is your new wallpaper all right i decree it so if anybody does that it'll make me very happy okay i have to edit this video to make it not say world record attempt because that's apparently not true um but i can still submit it wait what's the official title because it says to use the full title and that's the full title oh here's something that i hate about um so the release date was 2006 1201 right hit enter it doesn't work if i try just typing it in and then i like click out of it oh that kind of works but if you if yeah oh no it didn't it didn't work okay so if you hit tab it also breaks it but i guess if i guess if i don't hit tab or enter or spacebar and just me i had it for a second i swear to god what is why is this website this way 2006 1201 and then i'm going to there okay the i swear didn't i have it for a second am i hallucinating it let me do it for a second can you manually click back to 2006 you can but i don't want to do it because it takes forever bro somebody said uh can you make that wallpaper with a new channel babe banner maybe just set it in manually you this is me setting it manually you mean clicking on the calendar which sucks ass but i'll do it watch this [Music] oh hey whoa that's faster thank you for whoever said click the year all right [Music] it might take up to one to two weeks so when i last time i submitted a game as a category um it got it got approved by the end of the stream but maybe that's um maybe that was a fluke maybe it just takes longer especially during christmas right i could see that being a thing could make it take longer but i've submitted it i submitted my speedrun time for mission and snowdrift land i've i've accomplished what i wanted to accomplish that makes me very happy um oh yeah yeah i just when i was downstairs getting water i remembered something i wanted to say um which was that i one of the things that surprised me most uh after putting out the video was how many people like played and remembered and loved chick chick boom like that's insane to me i couldn't i i think i've actually been trying to figure out why so many people remember chik chik boom um and i think it's because um i think it's because it had a free demo it was like one of the only we wear games with a free demo and i think that made it like really like it meant a lot of people played it and just like just played the demo over and over i think everybody has games from their childhood where they just played the demo over and over it's a great game that's why it was a free demo on the wii i only played the demo i remember always playing the demo yeah see there you go it's a lot of people who that's true of so we can actually play the flash game version um is that on here yeah so this game uh is the other big game that extra toxic made i think fabian did the soundtrack for this also but i'm not 100 sure about that i think no i think he did anyways oh let me reframe it since it's not the same as the other game we were playing and needs different amounts of screen real estate it's a kind of an interesting idea oh you know how i know fabian worked on it because um the name in the credits is the name of all three members of um all three members of the studio in the 2000s uh and fabian himself all right i'm gonna name it after anybody who is a member or becomes a member so let me look in the chat to see who's a member if you wanna if you're a channel member and have hit the join button okay soon ali you're going in soon but watch is a great name um okay daniel mykri sorry about the pronunciation who else we want erica the snark boom let's go hey fabian rules at chiptune man you can't trick me s10 damn i wish my um oh mo mocla became a channel member hell yeah and just you know like um if you ever want a super chat i would actually recommend you become a channel member instead because you actually get something for it you actually get access to a bunch of extra videos and stuff wait hey hang on a sec there's a bunch nag nets i think i should be capitalized my mistake and then we'll do the enemy team now oscar palomara uh oh we're gonna have to oscar we're gonna have to get rid of the space i hope nobody's name is longer than that um oh gosh hang on okay oscar kleiner docent fond i gotta turn off rotation on my phone cause i keep setting it down to type this and like losing track of everything that name is going to be way too long let's just do the last name or we'll just do klein or d kleiner d in the place to be who's next the jf mod sketch it welcome and matt's danielson oh let me um also just i'm gonna write down some other names in case we make it to level two it's technically meyer it's how you pronounce the name okay sorry ripster you were so close oh walker harden i'm just writing down these names so i don't miss them later reasonably clever i did not expect as many people i i always feel like there's just a couple members but i think i'm just facing it off of who's active in the chat yeah definitely if you just became a member uh please watch the playlist on my channel uh of videos i've made for you because there's some cool stuff all right um damn there's progression huh okay so the way the game works i've only really played the flash version i've only played it like once um knock poster bunnies chicks out so it's kind of reward a wallpaper of mario slam basketball that's that's my kind of reward baby that's what we like let me slide this over a little bit all right there you go that's like that's like just about everything you need to see yeah all right so this is poster bunny and by killing him i get to steal his poster okay here we go i feel like there was an rpg or something with this mechanic so basically you have to draw it in one line which i you've probably there's been games before especially like ds games right where you had to uh draw something to cast a spell but the cool thing about this game is that the accuracy with which you draw it determines how good it is so i think a 92 percent was actually pretty generous but again this is like one thing that this reminds me of about snowdrift land is like incredibly cool and ambitious mechanic for a flash game so it's like it's like in hyper indirect worms um click on a direction arrow all right so so if they fire and so because all the attacks are like so time delayed it actually gives you time to like dodge them and stuff so if he throws a bomb down on this side i'll try to move everyone to the other side you know ninja gaiden ds had some you're right i remember the ninja gaiden thing okay [Music] i'm eating a cream puff that my mom made for christmas it probably doesn't look very good on camera but it is wonderful okay so you can actually see where it's the crusher is gonna fall this would be so much easier with like a wacom tablet or something are you playing against a computer or a real person a computer oh god get the out of the way everybody okay it worked so i guess for the arrows like you don't have to be that accurate and they'll still all move i feel like since there's only two left i should probably be dropping bombs but um so i wonder maybe someone in the check and tell me how did the um how did the wii version work did you use the pointer because that seems like it'd be so hard wow two in one hit take that poster bunny level two well let's go back to the menu and put some new names in because i i feel bad that there are people who signed up and then didn't get their name in is there a way viewer activity here we go hainster super chatted and said is this going to become a bonus video no usually the streams i just leave unlisted okay so hainster hangster and ripster on the same team there's a lot of stirs this is the stir team we've got the mvp walker horn d karndin um reasonably clever there you go it's close enough melanie s tai fo wait did i and archie that's a weird looking zero it looks like a capital o alrighty just want to say you're a huge inspiration for me and i'm always impressed by the amount of every niche video thank you captain opossum and just to remind you in case you weren't here before i usually recommend if you're gonna super chat five bucks i recommend becoming a channel member because it's the same price and you actually get content out of it and i want you to get something for that gamer money okay we're waiting on did i get everyone i think i did get everyone all right can someone explain me what upixo is good question um good question it it's explained in the opening cut scene which we can watch in a little bit um let's see here i'll just make it i already put hainster in for his super chat wait i missed it super here we go hainster and captain opossum oh god i just alt tabbed to uh the live stream thingy in chrome and it's like showing me all these super chats from a long ass time ago just go cap cap and opossum and egg roll and even though he was probably a while ago i feel like i should put actually wait there we go i'll just do uh the next random member who chats finn danger boom we got somebody all right let's get it hey wow there's there's a lot of stat tracking for a flash game and so the we wear version i think necessarily is probably more advanced than this because you couldn't damn cool rimpa rules wait a minute was that mean that bunny icon was anyways occasionally clouds will appear and start to rain this happens energy-spending earthworms will pop up oh i think it's like i think it's health but they call it energy because this game is rated g wait energy spending the rain will extinguish oh i should be attacking huh so that so i guess what it means is the earthworms heal your guys [Music] oh god no that my drawing was so shitty i didn't accept it and i lost half my team damn rip i need to like go into my settings and turn my mouse sensitivity way down so if you draw your bomb better is the timer shorter nice or the maybe the explosion's smaller no don't get crushed oh my god me i'm losing all my guys so they don't actually die though they just lose 25 health for getting crushed so that that counted i think i saved at least one life there this is really hurting my wrist because my mouse sensitivity is so high after this level i'm going to tweak my mouse sensitivity because it really is hurting me to try to draw something this tiny i want my to be extremely slow damn egg roll just got crushed danger been i dead believe it accepted that terrible arrow [Music] i wonder was there ever a version of this that had like human on human multiplayer did the wii version have that because that would be cool i heard i read on like one of the wikis that um oh christ get out of there i read on one of the wikis that in the wee wear version when you drop a a bomb on somebody you can it damages them um like and and it's randomized that you can actually get um chubby snow which means that technically chubby has appeared on a nintendo platform he appeared on the wii so there you go [Music] hey there well there he is wow speak of the devil oh my god oh my god everyone got to the everyone get out of the side wait the bomb is going to explode the water is going to ex extinguish the bomb right damn they're really bringing the heat now [Music] i'm glad we got to see the chubby cameo [Music] though i'm so sorry ripster you died my hand hurts so bad [Music] so he's drawing on his little tablet they even have tablets yet in 2006 or whatever please die this is gonna come on hit him oh he actually dodged it intentionally what's really crazy is that the earthworm mechanic means that these matches can go on much longer is that it no archie still has a shitload of health shouldn't it take 25 days to speed run snowdrift land yeah 25 days and then like 50 seconds to beat the final boss that's funny oh my god it's actually close dude hainster i'm counting on you even though you're not a channel member i put your name in there and oh my god i just need to actually actively dodge attacks it just stresses me out to even try i feel like playing this with it with gyro controls on the wii would be so hard i can't imagine that that was how it works but i also can't imagine any other way it could have worked great oh god it will really give it to you with a real shitty drawing i think i'm being like too careful okay maybe i'm not being too careful oh my god i'm gonna lose please die [Music] oh my god straight up said no to that bomb they're like no that's not any bomb i've ever seen get him oh my god okay so he's still not dead i can't believe it gave me that it was a terrible drawing okay that's game oh my hand hurts what kind of rouse is this mouse is this is there like i feel like there's a the logitech gaming software will let me tweak it damn this is hard all right i do want a wallpaper of koa rimpa though that game rules hey simply by tilting the motion sensitive wii remote you have complete control over the angle of the playing surface tilting and turning it to roll the ball around obstacles along purl sledges through tunnels and across bridges towards the goal that game is so fun man did any of you play cora rimpa that game absolutely rules if the logitech gaming software doesn't open here we go so my dpi settings are psychotic right now uh oh these buttons change profiles so i can actually turn my dpi down with these buttons right here okay that's still crazy um i'll set up a new profile where my dpi settings are two hundred oh god that's feels so slow 800 1200 1600 there we go okay oh my god yeah now we're cooking oh i'm gonna be so good at this game now are you kidding me are you kidding me all right let me just slowly get up to the youtube viewer activity window see if there's any new names finn danger and oh christopher carter needs to get added in i feel like i'm in sludge all right i'm gonna body this who's ready let's go with my slow ass mouse dude this fool doesn't stand a damn chance i'm gonna get a wallpaper of pokemon ranger oh i got a new attack and the color the clouds change the gray lightning attacks are probable once this happens select the lightning symbol okay this might be too slow oh that's so much better though i adjusted the speed yeah here we go like 800 that's that feels great wow look at that you can do massive aoe damage with a damn lightning bolt lightning rod to protect um it looks like a gastrointestinal tract oh geez rejected i need a mouse pad man i'm doing this on a wooden desk all right when there's a bunch of dudes i think i actually don't know what the strat is like i guess you would go bomb it's tricky because the bomb has a higher aoe but the crushing thing is more likely to hit someone when there's tons of tons of guys tons of bits nice yeah i can actually like go a lot faster and still stay precise enough to to attack oh lightning the cloud's gone yeah i can look how much faster i'm attacking now gotta hurry before the cloud gets not gray hell yeah let's go why are you drawing things on eggs i don't think i understand just the core narrative all right y'all oh look yes it works kind of did that couch have have chubby on it or no no no no my worms i mean my chicks this is like that one part in the game inside but it's the whole game okay i need a lightning rod because this thing's gonna turn gray no [Music] all right they might actually stop staying to the left just in time to get crushed bro i need wait i think there is a mouse pad on the floor next to my desk don't don't do it oh god oh god the only person left is chris chris don't don't get don't let it squish don't get squished by this you're my final hope like they say off that movie star wars oh that was so damn close gg chris carter you saved my life you've got me the pokemon wallpaper of my dreams a wallpaper of wii channels just the concept of we channels i mean first of all i already have just as a reminder i already have the world's greatest wallpaper i don't really need any others these are just for fun just it's just a nice collector's item um but i guess i'll get them just to have them you know um i'll check and see if uh i lost i missed any any memberships or super chats i should also like read some of the oh yeah gilly gills said thoughts on chick chick boom like 30 minutes ago and you're the reason i'm doing this by the way i saw that super chat and i was like damn i should i should definitely play it town suit says hey neko's hair stream and decided the speedrun first level got 28 seconds damn it y'all are too fast will you do videos on other types of lost media like lost movies or tv or would you rather stick to video games i don't really consider myself a lost media youtuber i just like making videos about whatever i feel like making a video about so far what's your favorite game on dreamcast so far this is cheating but um so far i would have to say the most fun i had today was with super puzzle fighter 2 which is just a game i love like period um let's get these we chant wait hold on let me grab my mouse pad here we go now we're really gamer status here i love that like despite all of the apex legends and call of duty warzone and valorent i've played at this computer the game that made me finally get a mouse pad was chick chick boom that's so funny yeah i don't know it's just i just happened to make a lot of lost media stuff in 2020 but it was never like my intent wait what is this attack is it a mushroom oh just poison damage after this one i'll probably go back to the mission and snowboard plan for a little bit or maybe i'll just move to twitch [Music] that's probably what i'll do because that's where i do most of my streaming and i feel bad that i've been so focused on trying to get that snow drift video done that i haven't actually streamed in a little bit also this game really does hurt my wrist legitimately if i had like a tablet to play it on then we'd be in business wait what is this item what is that i totally missed the explanation oh maybe it maybe it counteracts the mushroom spores uh yeah it does it cures them of poison wow so the so the poison keeps dealing damage indefinitely until you until you cure it that seems crazy that's a really that really interrupts your enemy damn i should actually not have told him to go to that direction it worked out though the drawing was good enough i think my the thing that i like most about this game is the fact that the quality of the drawing um oh god i gotta cure them why is this the symbol for that is it supposed to look like a first aid symbol oh god i didn't put down a lightning rod either oh my god that was so much damage sorry chris you died first this time the opposite of last time kiss my butt why do i suck at drawing that thing specifically all right [Music] i guess it is the one of the hardest thing to draw in this game christ sorry melanie ripped to a legend [Music] okay nobody got hurt that's because that one had uh chubby snow on it oh good god i think once you get struck once you're not gonna get struck again by the same cloud right that poisoning sound is very like sad there's something very dark about it they just sound like they're sick i'm gonna go ahead and how long does the um oh god how long does the lightning rod last oh god it's i'm glad i did this because it's definitely about to happen oh i should have lightning to them though when it was on their side i got one dude he has one health well what a note to end it on i'll never get that wonderful we channel wallpaper i'm guessing people who draw often might find this easy probably yeah and again people who have um like this would actually be fun on like um as a mobile game do i does that mean i have to harangue the extra toxic guys until they do a remaster of this too this is really hard the extra toxic does not make games often but when they do they are often hard as hell your records best attack i have not 100 at a single drawing in this game oh here's tips on how to do it this is someone said what is this this is the other game that the makers of snowdrift land made they also made a phoenix wright website that we can check out our phoenix great banner ad in in german ruffle [Music] okay i can't read that but i wonder how if if phoenix wright's characters have the same puns um in like if they have good pun names in other languages rhythm thief banner i want to hear german dubbed rhythm thief music actually i remember somebody told me once that germany more than any other country um dubs like a ton of their media like every movie unlike most of europe and other countries like every foreign movie and that's that's broadcast in germany is dubbed into german for the most part which i thought was really interesting uh and my point is i want to hear the german music from rhythm thief if it exists oh thank you kleiner for translating you know what we if they're oh they don't have a phoenix wright site do they because if they did i'd want to go to the german version of it and see if they sweet yeah this is the one thing that's sick that i i guess i never explicitly said this in the video but extra toxic still works with nintendo pretty often like they they put together the european nintendo labo site um and it looks great they're good as hell at web design um i love labo man i really do there's something that i like always have wanted to do a video on but haven't found the right angle to um yeah you did see octopath traveler it's a banner ad though not a full site they really fit a lot of info into their ads don't they i feel like most of the banner ads of this size that i see have like not a lot of actual information in them wow they do know how to website that's true all right i'm going to here's what i'm going to do i'm going to go over to twitch now and i'm going to play more mission in snowdrift land and i'm just going to go for snowflakes boom um but that was fun that was a fun little little stream um and we're just gonna go over to twitch because i feel like i owe my twitch my twitch followers a stream uh and we're gonna play a little bit more because they deserve it already boom i'm gonna wrap this up but thank you so much for watching i might leave this video public because it was fun attempting to speed run um light pink ds lady in the chat it's it's her it's her the legend herself well actually which one is it though there's two light pink ds ladies okay uh that was a blast love you guys very much uh babylonian if you wanna watch me collect snowflakes i'm going to peace out have a wonderful night and remember always remember always remember stay strapped because you never know when el pix is is coming for you you never know when that penguin is coming at you at you coming at you fierce and fast and you're gonna want to stay strapped up and you're gonna want that safety to be off you put this to that damn penguin's dome and you blow his ass away i don't care if he's got a glitch i don't care if he's got a cybernetic pixel bites jacking his memory all up if that penguin comes at me threatening my wallet in my family i will kill the duck the dog the penguin i'll kill him with my um enormous real gun that i have for killing uh monster from computer game and video game on and animation flash and i will destroy the penguin and do uh do kind of a sort of a gun [Music] uh gun gun violence to the penguin and not only that i'm gonna get him damn dude i was talking that whole time and i didn't realize when i switched profiles it turned my mic and desktop audio settings to two different devices so that whole time i was like riffing and i was saying like are you brickimizer are you brickamiser and i was commenting on all the images i went on a whole tear about i was like you know that guy brockhampton is a really good rapper you wouldn't know from looking from looking at him but he's uh he's phenomenal all these damn jokes that are just gonna be lost a time that nobody got to hear except for me so as far as you guys were concerned i was just showing you a slideshow of just psychotic and not talking um that must have been very scary for you i do want to apologize i can try you know what i'll just do all the jokes again hang on i'll just do all the jokes again i could do them again i can do the jokes again hang on hang on i'll do the jokes again i can i remember all of them yeah i was okay so this if you haven't been following me on twitch this doesn't mean to you but this is the iceberg for brol the world's greatest video game and i was looking for the bricomizer image i i was saying that this was like uh i think i said something like oh it looks like it's a cussing zone so i'm going to move billy bob over here um oh we didn't look at this one this is one of my favorite tweets ever um this is a tweet from you know you guys know tommy wiseau right um he he directed the film the room um this is my favorite tweet he's ever done uh which is he on the day that they announced that jj abrams was directing star wars episode vii tommy wiseau tweeted maybe the star war would have been a dream so that rules um what else we got uh yeah man this is just this is just god's way first of all god muted my mic and deleted all my jokes and can you can you oh there we go here we go oh yeah i was as we looked at we didn't actually look at that image or that image this reminds me of a uh when i look at this image it makes me think about a certain video by the uh youtuber idubbbz um this is i went on a whole thing about how i was gonna shoot lpx with a gun just like and i was going to shoot dodge just like my hero max payne um i said is are you brickimizer are you brickamiser are you brickameiser are you bricomizer that's nathan nathan's not brokemizer are you brickamiser are you brickimizer are you brickamiser this says beginning transplant no clue what that meant the title of it though is we're gonna watch the trailer for detective pikachu so that must be some leftover text from that stream uh dude thin watermelon is one of the greatest videos ever sketch it um thank you for recognizing it i popped up this really great ariana grande tweet that i i always go back to it's a great piece of work tactical big boss says i can't wait for the gamecon on steam dude same i'm looking forward to it um what is this all right we can probably wrap it up there hold on i just found a whole treasure trove of funny images uh are you brickimizer or you brick of my favorite memory of shovel is the funniest thing in the world even though i just laughed at this for like really hard a few seconds ago and you couldn't hear it um that rules that rules that rules there's there's my favorite rapper he's actually so good at rapping man i don't know if you guys have heard this dude brockhampton he's amazing at rapping he does in his voice actually doesn't really match up with his appearance and it and i think there's a valuable lesson there which is that uh looks can be deceiving um because you look at him walking down the street you might think oh he uh maybe works at uh it company but no brockhampton look him up on spotify brockhampton is a really good rapper and he can do so many different voices it's really impressive um all right i can't i can't find i can't find brick miser but maybe someday he'll come back thank you guys for watching sorry for scaring the out of you um and sorry that was my brother's uh video he made can i make that pop up again this is a vine that my brother made when he was little isn't that amazing isn't that a legendary piece of work all right guys uh go meet me over in twitch i have not seen tommy with those let's play series i'm going to keep streaming tonight right this second i'm going to play motion social land on twitch so i'll see you over there oh jacob has a papi vampoodle avatar all right uh goodnight youtube i'll catch you on the flip side or on twitch have a wonderful night you hear about flashpoint to save all the flash games says boxman bro you should watch my new video i think you'd really like it i uh addressed that okay bye
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 140,259
Rating: 4.9224596 out of 5
Id: B-C3sGCVaoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 40sec (8320 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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