The Unfortunate Truth of Minecraft's #1 Texture Pack

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Can't wait for this to get taken down because of Vizzy getting exposed

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SomeRandomPetey 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Haha! Nailed It!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shiro_Walker 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

ib4 he loses the legal dispute

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Spoon8285 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
Before we begin, it’s vitally important  that I make something perfectly clear.   Whatever you feel, after this video  concludes… please do not use that   energy to spread negativity towards those  in the wrong. It’s not worth it. Instead,   spread positive energy towards those who deserve  it the most. Show appreciation and gratitude for   the community members who have given this story  a happy ending. With that said, let’s begin. I have an unfortunate story to share with you  today. This is an incredibly complicated story,   spanning several years of developments, so this’ll  take some time to get through. One of Minecraft’s   biggest and most well known resource packs is the  alleged victim of blatant intellectual property   theft. You may have heard of it, as I’m talking  about Faithful 32x. Faithful is a Minecraft   resource pack created by Vattic in November  of 2010 that went on to become one of the   games most popular resource packs of all time. Its  premise has always been pretty simple. What would   Minecraft look like if it’s texture resolution  was double the games default. Simple. Clean.   Effective. Beloved. Faithful 32x was continually  maintained by Vattic all the way through Minecraft   release version 1.8, or for around 4 years or  so, and his policy for people having permission   to use his textures for their own packs was really  quite simple. If you use any of the textures for   your own pack, credit Vattics work, and link  back to the original Minecraft Forum thread.   A generous policy at the time, and ever since.  As some of you might be aware, I use and host a   variation of Faithful called FaithfulVenom, with  permission, that also aims to preserve a few   more things that Faithful does not. Namely, the  game’s old sounds that were changed in early 2012,   and the game's vibrant color map that was  altered in Minecraft Beta 1.8, which resulted   in my original map’s spawn point turning from a  vibrant green into a rather dead looking green.   Following the release of Minecraft 1.8, Vattic  unfortunately disappeared from the community,   leaving the fate of Faithful  hanging in the balance for Minecraft   1.9 and beyond. It’s at this point in the  story that things begin to turn… sour. The day is March 17th, 2016, at 11:22am. Minecraft  1.9 had released only 17 days prior, and I had   not yet updated FaithfulVenom to include 1.9’s  textures, given the disappearance of Vattic at the   time. I still wanted to keep FaithfulVenom up to  date, but I am not a texture artist, which means   I’ve relied on other peoples work in order to keep  it up to date, which I’ve always been very forward   about. This led me to someone who goes by the name  of Kraineff, otherwise known as xMrVizzy, or just,   Vizzy. Vizzy is a texture artist that decided to  continue work on Faithful for Minecraft versions   1.9 and beyond. While looking for new textures  to implement, I ultimately found his work on   Curseforge, so I inquired with him about using his  textures to update FaithfulVenom, which he said he   was fine with, so long as I credited him. This  is the same policy that Vattic had with Faithful   during his time working on the pack, so nothing  seemed amiss. And this is how things went for   a while. Just, smooth sailing. Throughout all of  2016, 2017, and 2018, Vizzy and his growing team   would continue updating the pack for the newest  versions of Minecraft. On August 26th, 2018,   a user by the name of Offroaders123 would convert  FaithfulVenom to work on the relatively new   Minecraft Bedrock Edition, which I tweeted about  to make sure my audience knew about it. Everything   seems great, right? Well, in late February of  2019, this story would take a turn, for the worse. On February 26th, 2019, the Faithful 32x resource  pack would make its appearance on the official   Minecraft marketplace. At a glance, it’s not  immediately obvious that anything is wrong,   aside from its price being set at $8 USD, which  made it the most expensive resource pack on the   marketplace. When asked about this fact on Reddit,  Vizzy claimed that he “didn’t know what the price   would be”, which is absolutely a flat out lie.  This subject was covered in detail by ibxtoycat   on March 3rd, just 5 days following Faithful’s  introduction to the Minecraft marketplace. The   very next day, Offroaders123 took FaithfulVenom  Bedrock offline for fear of an incoming DMCA claim   by Vizzy, according to an email I received  from him that day. Okay, time out, hold up.   Did Vizzy have the commercial rights to even put  Faithful onto the Minecraft Marketplace? Would   Vizzy have even had the authority to submit a DMCA  takedown claim against re-uploads of Faithful?   On March 14th, 10 days after FaithfulVenom  Bedrock was taken offline, I inquired about   this problem with Vizzy, and he told me that  new textures were protected under copyright,   and that “most of the textures do not relate to  the time of Vattic”. Unfortunately, I completely   believed Vizzy’s explanation, which is why I  didn’t push the subject any further. Vizzy may be   right about textures he created being protected on  their own, but the marketplace version of Faithful   have used textures created by Vattic ever since  it hit the marketplace, and it still does use some   of them today. I’m not gonna run down the entire  library of textures to compare in this video, but   if we compare Vizzy’s present-day creeper texture  with Vattic’s original, it doesn’t take a detailed   forensics analysis to conclude that they are one  in the same. In fact, most of the textures Vizzy   was using at the time were the same as Vattics,  and many are still the same today. So then,   the question remains. Did Vizzy have the rights  to use the Faithful name and Vattic’s hard work   in a product he was selling for profit? This is  all contingent on the assumption that Vattic gave   Vizzy ownership rights to Faithful, and allowed  for him to sell this pack on the Marketplace.   It’s not entirely out of the question that the two  of them may have come to some sort of an agreement   about it. However… dear viewer… I’m sorry to  report that no such agreement was ever made.   Vattic never provided Vizzy with any kind of  permission to continue Faithful’s namesake, let   alone publish it on the marketplace. How do I know  this? Well, that’s because, Vattic has returned. One year ago today, communication with Vattic was  restored. Up until this point, I’ve only been able   to tell you the story that I have been directly  involved with. However, the only reason I’m even   able to tell you my story today is because of  why Vattic has returned. Strap yourselves in,   because this, is chapter two. I mentioned earlier  in the video that the team working on Faithful had   been growing from 2016 and onwards. For reasons I  am about to get into, they are the heroes of this   story. These truly Faithful team members are the  reason why I have all of this information to share   with you today. By the time October of 2020 had  rolled around, Vattic had not made an appearance   for multiple years, and Vizzy is even on the  record as stating that he was allegedly told that   Vattic had fallen on hard times, which meant he  wasn’t around to do work on Faithful any longer.   We’ll get to that later on as well. This part  of the story begins with two users who go by the   name of Ninventoo and Sei. Ninventoo was second in  command of the Faithful project, as well as being   a moderator of Faithful’s Discord server. Then  there’s Sei, who was also a Discord moderator, had   write access to Faithful’s website, and who was  able to make changes to Faithful’s GitHub as well,   meaning he was one of the few who could update the  pack aside from Vizzy himself. That fact is key   to what happened next. For a period of time prior  to November of 2020, Vizzy’s activity on Discord   had become infrequent, leaving the team to update  Faithful themselves during this period of time.   The way in which the administrative team updated  Faithful's textures was through a clever voting   system where new textures could be submitted  and voted upon, and the textures with the best   ratio of upvotes to downvotes were the ones that  were supposed to be added into the pack. With   Vizzy being absent at the time, and with people  asking where the next version of the pack was,   Sei asked Ninventoo to compile the most recently  voted textures into the pack so he could publish   an updated version of the pack. But, on November  5th, 2020, Vizzy returned, and was outraged.   Having others able to control a project that  he thought was solely his to control didn’t   sit very well with him. As you can see here, he  felt he had the right to ban any member that he   wanted who didn’t “just make texture”. What a guy.  This was when he began to systematically remove   every contributor's Discord role, removed all  moderators aside from Ninventoo from the server,   and went as far as to ban absolutely  anyone who disagreed with his decision,   effectively wiping the slate clean  so others couldn’t make decisions   without his approval again. I’m starting to  sense a pattern here. As you might imagine,   these team members weren’t exactly happy about  this choice, but their response, was a noble one. Stepping away from the Faithful project now,  several of its former contributors and moderation   team created their own Discord server, and  as well, their own resource pack project,   which would take on the name “Compliance”. The  names of these contributors deserve to be known.   Compliance’s founding members consisted of Sei,  who I mentioned before, and then there's Pomi,   Juknum, Harag0n, Robert, JogurciQ, and PeJohn,  with FHLX, Evorp, and even Ninventoo joining the   team later on. I’ll talk more about Compliance  in a few moments. For now, let’s fast forward to   December 18th, 2020. Not long before this, it was  noticed that Vattic’s original Minecraft account   had a recent skin change. Was he hacked? Was this  real? There might be signs of life here. One year   ago today, after having been out-casted from the  Faithful project, four of Compliances members   decided enough was enough. Out of options  and desperate for some sort of resolution,   they knew what they had to do. They had to embark  on a quest to find Vattic, in search of answers.   On that day, cituation, Karthy, TRG, and FHLX  decided to reach out to Vattic in such a manner   where they felt they stood the best chance of  regaining contact. They chose to submit an urgent   bug report on Vattic’s original GitHub page that  was directly associated with the original Faithful   project in the past. I mean, what did they have  to lose right? Worse case scenario, they get   no response. Best case scenario… well… the best  case scenario… hahaha… the best case scenario… is   exactly what happened next. Vattic responded. And  his response… was legitimately shocking. “Hello,   I never gave anyone permission to keep the pack  going. My disappearance is complicated, and I’ll   not go into it here. I am open to talk about what  is going on. Might be best to move things onto a   private channel.” Wow. Things just got a lot more  interesting. Vattic, welcome back. We missed you. To get this out of the way, Vattic’s identity was  verified seven ways to sunday. The GitHub page   wherein he replied was the original. He applied  a txt element to the original   domain upon request by Minecraft Forum staff in  order to re-activate his Minecraft Forum account,   which it now is. He also provided proof that  he has some of his original texture PSD files   that were used in the creation of those textures  in the first place. This is Vattic. They found   him. They actually did it. After verifying his  identity, Vattic was shown the screenshot that   Vizzy allegedly used as proof of ownership  for the Faithful name and its assets. Vizzy:   I made a big job. Can I get all rights for  Faithful? Vattic: Okay. Now this package is yours!   Vizzy: Thanks. Now, viewer, it also doesn’t take a  forensics analysis to see that this screenshot is   so bad it’s actually comical. Vizzy is a Russian  individual, and Vattic is British. Vattic’s   wording in this screenshot doesn't even look like  what someone who speaks English would even say. It   looks like a non-English speakers interpretation  of what someone who speaks English would say, fed   through Google Translate or something. Now, I’m  not flaming Vizzy for not speaking proper English…   but even without Vattic’s confirmation, it’s  pretty easy to tell that something wasn’t kosher   about this response. As you might imagine, Vattic  confirmed this supposed “proof” was fake, stating   that “the profile picture is correct, but I never  had that conversation, I would never say ‘Okay,   this package is yours!’”. This single-handedly  causes Vizzy’s entire argument to fall apart.   Vizzy. I have a message for you. You are not the  owner of Faithful, and I hope that the community   will no longer support your work. I look forward  to any potential legal action that might be coming   your way, courtesy of the Faithful’s real owner,  Vattic. Now, viewer. I told you at the beginning   of the video. Do not seek retribution. It’s  not worth it, and any potential legal action   is being handled at the discretion of Vattic, in  private. So I ask that you respect his privacy.   Instead, support the future of Faithful.  Support the efforts that come next. If you’ve stuck around this long, I ask that  you don’t leave the video until I’ve concluded   all of what I have to say. If you wish  to support the future of Faithful,   there are a few things that you can do. First,  follow Vattic on Twitter, as he has control of   that again as well. If the original vision of the  Faithful project brought you any positive feelings   throughout the years, I’m sure he’d love to have  your support again. The rumors about him having   fallen on hard times weren't exactly untrue,  so if you wish to support Vattic more directly,   I'll have a link for that below. Second.  Check out the alternatives to Faithful, all   of which have gotten Vattic’s stamp of approval.  There’s Compliance, which aims to loosely follow   Minecraft’s newer texture methodology, with a  more realistic approach. Throughout the video,   the icon on the bottom left of the screen has  been indicative of which pack I've been using,   so you've been able to see the differences for  yourself.. And then there’s Emulated Vattic,   which aims to take on a more simplistic art style  that matches the original Faithful look more   closely. Before I get into the last one however,  definitely be sure to check out these packs after   the video is over, because those who made these  packs possible were absolutely vital in gathering   and compiling the information that I’ve shared  with you here today. Their plan moving forward is   to try and get the Faithful name itself back, and  eventually combine compliance and Emulated Vattic   into Faithful itself. So, at last, there’s…  FaithfulVenom. FaithfulVenom also aims to forever   preserve the look and feel of Vattic’s original  Faithful, as well as retaining the changes that I   mentioned at the beginning of the video involving  old sounds, the color palette, the hotbar along   with a few other things here and there. Because  FaithfulVenom was always a random hodgepodge   of textures that I typically just grabbed from  Faithful, FaithfulVenom had to be entirely rebuilt   from the ground up. It was briefly considered  to rename FaithfulVenom to CompliANT, because   that would be an hilarious pun, but I refuse to  let go of the FaithfulVenom name. Just because   someone else decided to stomp all over Faithful,  doesn’t mean I’m giving up the name. Instead,   I’m choosing to re-define what Faithful means,  because Vizzy doesn’t deserve to be known for it   any longer. For those of you using FaithfulVenom  for 1.18, you are already on the version that is   rebuilt from the ground up, whether or not  you ever realized it or not. At this point,   I have one more name to thank today, and his  name is mullak99. Mullak is a name that I should   have shouted from the rooftops a long, long time  ago. When both Minecraft 1.16, and 1.17 came out,   Mullak made it clear to me that he would be  willing to update FaithfulVenom using textures   that would match the vision that I had for it,  but I always wound up barely missing his messages   until right after I would haphazardly update the  pack myself. However, once this whole situation   was brought to my attention back in June of this  year, mullak single-handedly went to work swapping   every single texture that wasn’t the work of  Vattic himself, and he also created a credits file   within the resource pack zip file for almost every  single texture in the pack. Many are from Emulated   Vattic, which also credits the source of their  textures, some are from Vattic’s original pack,   all of which were either made by him, or  came from other community contributions,   wherein clear credit was also given, a few are  from Compliance, who also credits their work,   and a few are made by Mullak himself, along with  a sprinkling of other textures made by a handful   of individuals. Not only did Mullak prepare  a rebuilt FaithfulVenom for Minecraft 1.18,   but he did it for every release from 1.12 and  onwards. The dude is insane. The goal from this   point on is simple. If a texture is the work of  another individual or project, credit it. Plain   and simple. I may have always had permission  to use the textures that I’ve used throughout   the years, but none of this would have ever been  possible without the absolute blood, sweat, tears,   and dedication of other community members just  looking to do the right thing. More detailed   credits for absolutely everyone who helped  make this announcement possible will be given   in the description down below. That just about  does it for me for now. Thanks for watching.
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 184,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, faithful, texture pack, resource pack, minecraft faithful, vattic, vizzy, compliance, emulated vattic
Id: kgZYBTlwaVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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