Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Robot Kitten!

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this mining session is gonna be awesome I'm gonna get a whole three diamonds we're gonna get so many diamonds from this robot mining cat wait what robot mining cat what does a mining cat do um Luke Roxy what are you guys working on this cat is gonna get us a bajillion diamonds wait what a bajillion diamonds how are you gonna do that with a cat it's just a normal cat just for now we're gonna make it a robot cat wow do it do it I want a bajillion diamonds wait um what are you doing to this guy open up the two bombs uh okay I opened it up all right Kitty there you go and here's your pickaxe okay Luke that's not gonna do anything you think throwing a cat at a pickaxe inside some glass is gonna change them into anything ohms open up your mind Roxy do you actually believe in this stuff yeah it's red so it should work it's red so it should work this is totally not gonna work watch this look nothing happened he's still a cat and the pickaxe is still there and it looks like he wants to leave oh man you didn't see anything come on cat let's go wait what are you guys serious is that it yeah this science experiment was a failure come on Roxy let's go oh my gosh I knew that would happen how would a robot cat even work but oh check out this awesome diamond pig so what the what happened to me hmm I don't feel any different I feel a lot shorter let me get out of here whoa why am I so short homes where did you go what what do you mean Where'd I go I'm right here no way what do you mean no way wait Luke it actually worked what works what are you guys talking about and why am I so short right now I must have worked when you touched the pickaxe wait why pickaxe and wait a minute my diamond pick actually plays for a cat Miner what cap Miner I'm not a cat I'm a human this experiment worked better than I expected what what are you guys talking about ohms you're not a human you're a robo cat oh my gosh what the wow what happened to me I look adorable and also really weird at the same time forget what you look like we have to test you out in the mines welcome to the mines find diamonds for us what fine diamonds guys all I have is this pickaxe that says cat Miner and it looks kind of like a diamond pickaxe but a little bit different just to mine some diamonds ohms what mine diamonds all right I guess and oh my gosh guys there's no diamonds at all in this cave we're gonna be broke forever all right let's just give up and go home wait do you have any other cat items uh I have the cat x-ray what does that do oh my gosh who's that one um okay I guess let me put on the cat X-ray on and whoa um guys the world looks a little bit different do you see the loots I do see the loots I see like every single loot possible this is amazing but guys there's literally no diamonds around keep on looking all right I'm looking I'm looking everywhere diamonds diamonds oh guys I think I found some diamonds the x-ray vision is lead me right over here is there diamonds actually here wait what let me take off the cat x-ray whoa whoa there's a bunch of diamonds let's go and Adder tool yes you yes yeah okay I'll mine it let's see what it does it's super slow guys what oh we're gonna have all the loots oh my awesome wait does it work for everything uh I'm gonna try the gold over here let's see there's three over here but if I mine one piece with the cat Miner do I get them all come on and oh my gosh I get every ore that's nearby the oars I can't believe it this is amazing this is awesome sauce wait there's some iron over here guys check this out Kaboom it's raining oh yeah it is this is super duper lit we can get rich so quick with this thing thanks to you we could buy anything we want we're rich I know right one vein of diamond got us enough diamonds to do literally anything okay guys let's go to the shop and let's just spend everything we got we can do whatever we want baby let's go I'm gonna buy a mountain of Robbies with all these diamonds whoa awesome that's gonna be delicious I'm gonna use the money to fix the netherwart infection on my big toe wait wait wait wow you have another War infection under big toe Grouse Luke guys guys we have enough money to get whatever we want oh yeah we could do anything with money I do with diamonds well I was thinking of getting like a brand new outfit because the blue looks nice but maybe some cool designs on it would be extra nice stuff like that anymore wait what oh my gosh I am a cat I don't want to be a cat I'm like so tiny and really adorable homes you should stay like this forever stay like this forever wait a minute guys um I'd rather be like a human again I'm not sure if these diamonds are even worth it being a cat's like kind of gross I'm like smelly and stuff think about the diamonds we could have mountains and mountains of them oh my gosh diamonds are my favorite you guys know how much I love diamonds like I never stopped talking about them but I don't know if it's worth being a cat guys I don't want to be a cat anymore I want to go back to normal yeah you're right we should turn you back to normal but we can't tell anyone they'll use you for evil oh yeah if someone got their hands on me they would use me to get all the diamonds in the server and they would take over everything come on ohms let's go all right let's go guys we gotta go back to the lab quickly but oh gosh I'm feeling a little bit sleepy um wait up guys are you okay uh I don't feel too good robot cat powering uh huh where am I did I just run out of battery and whoa I'm hooked up oh my gosh I could run out of battery I did not know that was possible but where is everybody I'm at my house all alone this is weird I haven't seen him all day I'm worried about him oh my gosh Lily's outside looking for me she's gonna go crazy if she finds out that I'm a robot cat oh gosh Roxy we can't tell her the truth okay don't worry I will not tell her the truth oh gosh I don't know Roxy always tells Lily the truth Luke has to be really good at capping right now okay Follow My Lead Roxy um we didn't take ohms out to the laboratory and make him a cat and uh make him a epic Miner for us and um yeah proxy you go what that was exactly what happened oh my God who's that robot cat oh God my shining abilities but only if we really did do that because we didn't we didn't that you guys did do that you turned him into a robot cat no no no oh gosh this is bad Lily's on to us Luke is doing a terrible job right now I'm gonna go check inside no no you can't do that no no no no no no no way impossible no I'm going in oh no Lily's going inside Lily's going inside this is terrible oh gosh oh gosh you're not getting through me and Roxy she's right there um wait I have to pretend like I'm a real cat meow meow hey Lily Mr snickums what is Luke calling me Mr snitcoms did you take your morning poo poo what Mr snickers my name is not Mr Snickers no no give me a cool name give me a cool name right now okay okay Mr D's squat Mr D's you guys know what no I'm not a girl I'm oh babe this is a special cat yeah I'm very special no no no no no no no no do something about this and now oh my gosh um meow meow just meow back only meow next to me what this guy this kind of Reason oh future what now now meow now no you you can't talk to the cats yeah I am a cat I love the Cat Whisperer what is going on buddy come with me if you like me more than Lily oh this is perfect now Lily's gonna know that I like him way more so she won't annoy me boom this is really really weird I'm suspicious about that cat what oh no Luke I think she knows I think she knows Roxy come up with a lie um that's ohms what [Applause] he's at the ice cream store eating a bunch of ice cream you should go check right now okay wait what that actually worked no problem how would you believe that I'm going to get ice cream mom said to tell me he always eats ice cream what I do not have a tummy oh my gosh how did that work oh my gosh she almost blew our cover feels Luca was blew it right yeah Luke this was 100 your phone you almost blew it too what no that was totally you well um you blew it yeah that was totally yeah we all blew it but I recovered at the end oh yeah now No One's Gonna kidnap me I'm gonna go back upstairs to charge up a little bit okay guys don't get what how would I get kidnapped I'm super awesome that would never happen let me just plug myself in hey babe I'm here to kidnap yeah wait what here to kidnap me and wait a minute um how do you know that I'm a robot cat I saw you with a lab getting transformed what oh no oh gosh Crystal please don't kidnap me I don't want to get kidnapped baby do you want to know why I'm kidnapping you oh actually yeah why are you kidnapping me babes he only love diamonds and now you're a robot cat so now you can find diamonds what well yeah I do normally like diamonds and I am a robot cat so I can't find diamonds what's your point I'm gonna use you to get a gift what are you talking about I'm gonna make you mine a billion diamonds and then give it to you as a gift that's literally crazy and defeats the whole purpose of a gift if I'm doing all the work maybe just come with me oh okay what Crystal's kidnapping him oh gosh Crystal sorry Crystal you're never gonna catch me you off wait what you can't power me off robot cat shutting down knives wake up hello babes I powered you on wait what um Crystal where am I right now babes duh we're in the mines are you excited or what Crystal I am not excited can we like not do this can we just go home and like talk this out you don't need to use me like you know to get unlimited diamonds and stuff please don't do this come on baby let's go mining oh my gosh well Crystal there's like no diamonds around and I can't find anything do you take me as a goofball I know you have extra cat abilities oh gosh Crystal knows um well yeah I do so why babes come with me or else why do you have a diamond sword you're gonna like use that on me why aren't you supposed to be doing this like for me as a gift for me yes you're getting in the way for my gift for ohms Crystal I am almost oh my oh my gosh all right fine I'm putting it on the cat x-ray it's on oh my gosh I have my x-ray eyes again I mean um no I don't it didn't work Crystal I'm totally not just saying that so I could leave and I don't have to do this babes I know it's working now show me where the diamonds are oh my gosh all right but Crystal really I don't see any diamonds like anywhere there's nothing here babes look harder all right I'm looking I'm looking at oh whoa giant vein of diamonds right over there awesome sauce but wait a minute what the heck what are these blocks that's better let me let me take off my x-ray goggles and wait what you're right it is bedrock oh gosh sorry Crystal looks like we can never get the diamonds they're behind bedrock and everyone knows Bedrock is unbreakable Noah did not use your cat Miner my cat Miner what are you talking about Bedrock is unbreakable with all of the tools you could even use iron tools diamond tools all of them doesn't work well what's your cat Miner made out of um I don't know it's like oh new materials so I'm not sure so that means it can work I'm better try it all right let me try it and nope Crystal it doesn't work sorry about this these are like the only diamonds in the cave and we can't get it babes I know there's another tool why I don't have any other two um why is there a diamond sword in your head Crystal I already tried babe you're gonna break this Bedrock or else um well I do have my cat bite ability um but I don't know what that does try it now um okay let me try this and cat bite wait wait what um what the cat bite oh what bike and break bedrock how is this even possible well babes continue doing that oh my gosh this is amazing and wait we could get to the diamonds whoa let me clear up all this space this is gonna be so happy wait yeah um yes I am ohms that's what I'm saying you're acting really weird right now po so much diamonds let's mine it up and boom that was awesome how many diamonds did we just get do you mean how many diamonds I just got babes wait what Crystal are you serious this is supposed to be like a gift for me right yeah a gift for oh it's not yeah wait what but I am ohms oh sorry about that but I'm gonna take you to your favorite spot ever come here wait no powering off baby wake up baby oh my head hurts oh gosh what where are we where are we game store oh the ice cream store I love this place I mean um no I don't like ice cream I never shop here Crystal hey did you get a new cat girl no actually this is my boyfriend don't wear it up what do you want wait girl let me tell you about it this is actually um wait wow she's not gonna believe that I'm ohms why what girl that is not um yeah I promise yeah he was in a lab and he got transformed into a robot cat oh my gosh this is unbelievable girl I know you're obsessed with him but you should really relax Alexa I'm telling you this is um she's not gonna believe this uh that would make sense though he comes here like every day he's getting a little bit of a tummy why is everybody saying that oh my gosh I guess I got it they look like the cat is getting offended are you serious right now be quiet Alexa go away go away I'll just get you a blueberry ice cream girl all right thank you yeah and squash Crystal are you serious could I please leave babe just accept it you're gonna be here forever oh my gosh what if she's right I don't know what to do none of my cat abilities could get me out of this situation except for wait I have a book it says from Luke um one second Crystal I need to read this thing okay take your time perfect and wait let's see what it says it says don't forget to use cat combat mode if you're in trouble just say cat combat mode to activate XOXO Luke what really Luke said XOXO that means hugs and kisses wait a minute that could be the key for me to escape uh crystals what's up activate combat mode wait wow hey come back oh gosh oh gosh let me hide back over here hi guys girl where did arms go um girl you need to pay for all this damages and wait a minute I have another item called cat combat oh at least this can't get anywhere so wait girl don't ever say that all right yeah awesome wait Crystal cut back you're gonna have to pay for this girl awesome sauce my robot cat abilities are amazing I have a literal like laser Blaster shooter yes um wait why do I hear Luke's voice where's that coming from over here in the lab wait what the lab why do I hear my friends in the lab what homes were trapped oh no what happened to you guys you heard what be who who are you talking about entrance oh my gosh of course Crystal it was you you took all my friends why would you do this we're always nice to you so you want to hear my plan huh oh yeah what's your plan why are they all in the tubes that made me into a robot cat I'm gonna turn them all into robot cats that is like a super battle I don't want to be a cat no uh hello hello question of my friends want to become a cancer I'm not that mad about it oh my gosh of course Lily wants to become a cat well you can't do that crystal that's super rude guys I'm doing this for you for us how is this for me at all I don't want you doing this to my friends if I have three more robot cats diamonds what Crystal I don't want diamonds I want my friends to be free on hand them now nope I'm about to flip the lover bait too bad sorry no no no no don't do it um what do I do what do I do guys Holmes use your final ability the cat's uh what the cats app how do I do that you have to overload the systems I don't know just do it okay to catch that babes what was that oh when Luke nothing happened cat zap yeah nothing's happening dude are you even trying no no no I'm trying Zapped are you being Zapped that's so ticklish what are you doing I'm trying to cats ABS you gave me no instructions Luke how do I cats out just break the Red Zone and it should work all right cats I don't know babies are you crazy at all oh my gosh guys I think it was overloaded um I think you guys are free um oh my gosh yes Roxy I am back to normal yes we destroyed the machine and now everything's normal end Crystal are you serious right now sorry babe I just wanted to get you a good guess such a crystal thing to do about that this was kind of fun right yeah being a robot cat was so funny I know right and that awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here hello
Channel: Omz
Views: 334,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Robot Kitten!
Id: 9fGO5lKzuDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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