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we've been traveling on both for so long and guys look finally some land let's go I don't think I could have paddled for any longer me neither my eyes were getting tired and look it's a village and look guys there's a villager right here what are you guys doing get out of here hey that's me Mr villager we've been riding our boats all day and we finally made it to your village could we please seek some housing are you guys crazy uh tsunamis coming today wait what a tsunami uh I did not know a tsunami was coming you guys are all gonna die what what can we do a tsunami we can't fight the ocean it's ginormous oh nothing I'ma just let my people die what Mr villager you can't just light your entire Village die look there's horses what are you talking about there's nothing we could do wow yeah there is we could save the day what are a bunch of kids gonna do for our village almost just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't save the day okay how do we stop a tsunami any ideas guys oh we could punch it what punch it no we need a good idea wow guys really kicking and punching that's not gonna work on the water oh we need a good idea how about we ask it nicely like Mr tsunami can you stop thank you below it'll work it's just gonna wipe out the entire Village I don't want to see everyone die see I knew a bunch of kids couldn't do anything hey Mr villager that is real help I can't swim oh sorry I probably should have done that if we're trying to save you sorry Mr villain driving me to do that we're all doomed we're gonna die what Mr stop being so negative we could see leave the daddy ohms have you ever gone up against a tsunami no but I could do anything because of my muscles ohms I hate to break it to you but you don't really have any muscles what the hater you're a hater Lily just follow me guys I know exactly what to do right here is where we're gonna save everyone the houses and work it's just a little hole no it's not a hole it's a secret bunker trust me honest I know what I'm talking about what are you talking about there's nothing here oh my gosh guys go on creative mode okay now what now okay I'm breaking and make it a little bit deep because tsunamis attack above the ground now underneath so if we make a hole underneath the ground it won't hit us yay we're complete we're the whole boys yes let's go but we have a problem the walls are made out of stone a tsunami could just wreck it we need to replace it with a better material let's use iron blocks oh yeah it is super powerful everyone grab iron blocks and replace the walls and wait a minute instead of doing it by hand let's just use the magical one to automatically set it so let's grab these first two positions Ohm's a more of an old-fashioned kind of guy I do it the old way wait what the old way oh my gosh Luke Are you seriously using your hands that's gonna take forever we can just go here and then we can just set it with iron blocks come on it's more thoughtful this way well Luke awful what are you talking about we're here to say people when the Sun goes down the tsunami is coming look over here I added slime oh really smart so would we want to jump in we can jump down at it's like a little trampoline and we land safe really really good thinking this living room looks awesome I know right we have an entire iron block living room but guys if there's a tsunami outside the water is gonna get flooded through the door we need a way to protect the doorway booms make a piston door oh yeah I can make a super quick one right here to get rid of all the water so it doesn't leak in so let's add the Pistons and the blocks put a block over here with our redstone torch behind it so it activates both of these iron blocks then let's seal everything else up and now the way to open it up is we just put a lever over here and boom it opens up the door but ohms if there's a tsunami the lever's gonna break off oh yeah water breaks levers this is going to ruin our plant and the lever is going to be pointless we need a way to activate this block without a lever what if we made a drawing room so when we walk in we don't get water inside oh yes so we could leave the lever here and outside here we could have a little glass room like this and this is gonna drain out all the water but how do we enter we can use a keypad door and since it requires no Redstone the water won't break it and let's make the password super harder I know it is it one two three four oh my gosh how do you always know now we need to make the draining system in case any water comes in moms do you know how to do that of course I do I'm a professional at everything but first let's fix up the floors make it all out of iron like that then let's get a command block and we're gonna make this command block delete everything in this room that is not air so first let's grab the coordinates right here like this perfect someone can copy it then put it in the command block and then replace it with air so once we enter we can hit this button and boom everything gets replaced with air water all right let's put the water down and that Boo whoa we made all the water go away and then now we can open the actual room and boom we're in the living room but how are we gonna fit a whole village in here oh yeah a whole village has like a billion villagers they're gonna tear each other apart if it's just boring and super tiny like this we need to add entertainment we need a giant TV great idea let's grab a giant TV and place it down whoa this thing is ginormous and what channel should we play see what's on all right do you guys want to watch Kung Fu ohms no way this is you this is way too awesome to be you wow that is totally me what about Kung Fu ohms too uh that's the same thing oh my gosh all right well what about Kung Fu always three why are we only getting the same thing again whoa I love this one it's Roxy's Tower this is the one leave it on all right boom we have the TV set up now we're gonna place so everyone grab a bunch of cauldrons why would we use cauldrons as a chair well because cauldrons have multi-use you know in case we want to use the bathroom why are you adding toilets in the living room because it's functional Lou guys think with your heads because if there's a lot of us there's gonna be a long lines in the bathroom all the time and if we could just poop right here it's super quick oh awesome let's have a pool party wait wow what are you doing Luke oh wow Roxy what are you doing oh my gosh this is disgusting Lily you too I want to be included oh my gosh guys guys okay oh my gosh this might have been a bad idea guys poop in the toilets okay okay Lily why are you picking up everyone's poop oh my gosh all right guys guys guys okay okay okay maybe a bathroom should be made yeah yeah definitely need a bathroom yeah we do oh my gosh that was just Lily pooping okay guys help me build a bathroom and build the outlining is now complete but what are bathroom walls made out of we should make it green no we should make it Pink no we should make it red that's the best color guys you're just saying your own color but what if we made it all of our color pink green red and blue I call this one I'll take this one all right then I'll take this wall at the ceiling and I'm gonna make mine out of some light blue oh baby this is going to look awesome wait a minute I can just use commands and boom whoa the wallet the ceiling look awesome I'm done with my side whoa great and now all we have is the floor for Roxy's red red stone at Lily did you even start underwall to use wow there's like no options for pig blocks what do you have you have pink wall and then Pig concrete concrete all right I'll help you out with it let's do it and whoa the bathroom walls look awesome now it's time to add like things in the bathroom what's in a bathroom we need a giant bathtub oh yeah let's make the bathtub right here and we're gonna make it out of quartz blocks let's make it ginormous like this perfect then let's place a bunch of water inside and this is awesome we could take a huge bat that way yeah make it a lot bigger because we're gonna have a lot of people living with us so we might have to take group baths oh I don't want to take a bath with the Villagers Lily Lily Lily Beggars can't be choosers the tsunamis gonna come and wipe out everything we came on this island so we have to deal with the rules I'm just not gonna take a bath oh yeah let's build shower pods so grab some quartz slabs and make this design like that and these are two shower pods and let's make the outlining like that perfect and let's put the water down and whoa the shower pod works that's awesome I'm taking a shower before the villagers come oh yeah let me shower a few fun guys okay I guess we're taking what the Lily bow wow this is a quadruple shower hey I'm included what oh my gosh okay Lily you could be included but the showers are complete now the last thing a bathroom needs is what your bathrooms have a toilet oh yeah a toilet da added the living room we have the baby cauldron toilets but in here we're gonna have a giant toilet and it's gonna be made out of diamond blocks oh my gosh this toilet is awesome it's the King's throne that's not a functional toilet yeah you're right it's not a functional toilet when we poop it's just gonna be there we gotta make it functional and functional toilets are my specialty it's super easy to do we just need to put a piston right over here then behind the lever at our red style torch then put a block here and connect a piece of redstone so now it's closed but when we go out and flick the lever boom it opens up now down here all we have to do is add some lava like this so everything gets destroyed but don't forget the side because we don't want to make the water and lava touch and whoa it's perfect now when we flick the lever we can flush out all of our poop let me try it out all right Lou you got this let's see if the toilet works huh those fish tanks from earlier are gonna come out right now wow oh my gosh those fish sticks were gross oh my gosh this is disgusting well that did the job now flush out let's see if it works huh bye bye poo poo and yes all the poop went into the lava now we could close it up and the toilet Works what if a villager Falls in there oh that would be unfortunate test it out Luke see what it's like down there oh he smells like poo poo oh my gosh look that was gross [Music] what the heck what is going on why are you guys making noises what is happening all right relax relax over here guys make another room um what's the floor gonna be made out of we could use some kitchen floor and I know exactly what you guys are gonna say yeah I knew you're gonna say that so we're gonna get pink and then we're gonna get some green then satellite blue and then of course red and this one's green all right that this one is blue so make your recorder out of your kitchen floor and whoa this looks awesome I know right our colors are amazing and guys for the walls I know we could do let's make our colors but like opposite so I'll put Blue on Roxy's side Roxy put red on my side Lily put big on Luke's side and Luke pagrida Lily side that would look so colorful let's do it I know right the color contrast is gonna be amazing whoa this place is so trippy I know right but the colors look awesome now it's time for the food so let's grab it of it and we're gonna have to make an entire row of ovens if we're gonna make all the villagers live with us they might as well cook yeah I don't like cooking I just don't know how to cook and that is an insane amount of it okay okay Roxy that is too many ovens this should be good for all the villagers now we could have could ever add whoa check this out we have a whole row what's your favorite I'm gonna grab some cake and I better fill them all up these fridges are searching and look you can see the Cake's inside wow wow with so many yummy treats whoa I see it there's so much cakes and cookies look at mine there's poop wait why Luke are you serious oh my gosh you just put an entire row of boob whatever at least we have diversity in the food we're gonna be eating ohms use the cow in the jar it's infinite milk what the heck how did they get a cow in a jar at wait why it's literally making milk come out of its utter Zone this is perfect we're gonna be down here for so long though oh yeah you're right let's add some cabinets let's put them right over here like that above the oven wait is that safe yeah that should be safe oh okay if Lily says so then that means it's safe and whoa we could put them on the cabinets fill up the cabinets with a bunch of cow in the jars I'm putting poop wait what Luke do not put poop in our cabinets so bad we have full poop oh my gosh all right yeah whatever we got poop cool and now the last thing we need to make is a table so let's make a table right in the middle over here so everyone could eat together like that and make the top this is going to be where everyone's gonna hang out and eat now we need some chairs and I'm gonna get mine in light blue because that's my favorite color and put it right over here this is my seat over here my chairs are over here oh awesome and wait yeah make an entire row so everyone can sit with us over here whoa those are awesome and random and here is where mine is gonna go awesome we have an entire seating area for the villagers but guys we have a problem where do we sleep oh no the villagers are gonna have nowhere to sleep oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh no we can't let that happen over here make a room and this room is ginormous it's our biggest room yet and let's make the room look as much like a villager's house as possible so they could be reminded of their homes so let's make the walls out of Oak planks this looks like a giant villager's house I know right they're gonna love it now all villagers always have red beds for some reason I don't know why they just love red so let's make an entire ginormous Mega big red bed for all the villagers and we could also have sleepovers with them oh yeah wait Roxy has his color red somebody oh you know what fine just add two beds of your colors guys and I'm gonna make my beds over here I want to be next homes oh my gosh I wanna be next to you guys I'm gonna be next to Lily wait Roxy this entire row is basically yours and whoa this thing is ginormously awesome it has all our colors what else is in a bedroom how about we add some chandeliers to make an awesome design just like that let's add some cheese and a chandelier wow wow that's awesome decorations I know right then we can add another giant TV in here for our sleepovers and we could even play video games on it that would be super fun and let's see what channel's on let's turn it on it oh I love this movie it's obes versus the Kung Fu Master Three homes that's not even you yes it is oh my gosh all right let's see what else is on it oh the fourth movie I love this one there's no way this is you next oh my gosh all right well that's me that's the fifth movie come on Luke it's me that is definitely not you wow oh my gosh well what about this woman and pig that's me Lily that's you the woman or the pig the pig does pink oh uh I guess yeah that makes sense uh um so we're wasting time oh yeah we don't want any of the villagers to die and we've been down here for quite a while right happen no way Roxy no wait it possibly could have happened let's go to the surface that wait we need some ladders let's build all the way to the top and let's save everyone and guys wait a minute uh why does the world look different I think we were too late wait whoa oh no oh no oh no oh god oh gosh yeah but we were definitely too late everything is water but it's already survivors oh no guys look at the Village booms what do you mean the village is underwater Oh no there's no one underwater they must be on this oh yeah let's swim up and wait a minute over there I found I found a yes he must have saved everyone Village or Fred did you save everyone where were you guys you promised to save us oh wow we built like a bunker for you with like really fun entertainment and a kitchen and stuff we didn't need that we just needed a place to hide oh well how about we take all the survivors and we could go down and have fun there is no survivors oh wow that is awkward um do you want to go down in our bunker and play yeah let's play all right come with me we're going down Mr villager and whoa he's literally on my back you're like a blue submarine and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 453,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, TSUNAMI vs DOOMSDAY BUNKER In Minecraft!
Id: upVxGYEWmIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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