Becoming a SUPERHERO in Minecraft!

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ohms do you think I have a lot of muscles a lot of muscles um yeah sure yeah you totally have a lot of muscles are you sure because I really liked Lily and I think she's only into guys that look like superheroes wow Lily I don't really think she cares if someone looks like a superhero she totally does but I don't look like one no no no no no no Roxy how about this let's go like ask her let's see what she's up to okay yeah all right follow me let's go to her house and she's right over there and yeah she's home she's in her living room I can't wait to hang out tonight wait a minute she's talking to a boy Roxy She is totally not talking to a boy that sounds like a great plan I can't wait to meet you oh my gosh Roxy it is not a boy and we should not be listening to our conversation let's knock on the door oh gosh Roxy relax does she even know how you feel about her oh I mean you do make a pretty obvious let's go knock on the door no knock knock Lily it's us oh gosh ohms and Roxy is here I have to go bye um oh hey Lily what's up your plans toxic relax relax relax we can't just come in this hot let's just say hi to her okay no who are you talking to Lily oh gosh ah just one of my friends is it a boy oh gosh Roxy chill out relax on guys it's just one of my friends see Roxy it's just a friend nothing to worry about oh gosh but Lily I have a question though oh yeah the question that we came here for um what was it again do you only like guys that look like superheroes superheroes are really cool but I'm really into sweet guys see I told you Roxy she doesn't care she totally cares I'm out of here wait no Roxy oh my gosh Roxy chill out relax what's wrong why do you care so much huh no Roxy you are totally cool come on look at you you're like red and you have toes that's pretty cool because you look exactly like me you stole my outfit but like oh Roxy it's okay you don't mean to be someone you're not you don't need to be a superhero all right boys I'm off I have to attend to my business see you later Lily have fun now Roxy there is no boy relax I'm not a superhero right now a superhero wait like a real life one yes I want to be Spiderman um Roxy how are you gonna become spider Roxy that's not possible how about we bring into the superhero town break into the superhero Tower are you crazy Roxy if we do that we're gonna get destroyed by superheroes not if we steal their shoes wait what we're going yeah we'll go okay I guess this is dangerous though wait why are you serious we're gonna break into this place this is literally where like everyone is we're gonna get destroyed superheroes um Roxy superheroes at what cost yeah it's a pretty decent race oh my gosh I guess so all right let's do it let's go to this crazy Tower and the armor must be all the way on top let's go hello is anyone here hello hello who's there how you kids doing wait um Iron Man just answered the door um hello man is red just like me oh yeah he is red what are your two kids doing at the superhero Tower um we're here because um oh gosh Roxy Did we tell him that we wanted to steal some suits no no no tell him we're here to train oh yeah that's really smart um Mr Iron Man sir we're not here to steal anything I didn't say you were here to steal oh I meant um we're here to train can you train us can I train you two well look at the red one he has no muscles look at him he can't be a superhero oh Iron Man why would you say that oh he must have been joking you're joking right yeah I'm just joking anyone can be a superhero oh really awesome how come be a superhero you have to be able to make it to the top of the tower right that's exactly what I said Roxy see I knew it we have to make it to the top of the tower oh easy enough let's do it all right Iron Man um we're gonna do it now okay all right see you guys later I gotta go back to my house now your house and why is he going back to our town does Iron Man live in our town that's really weird isn't he supposed to be super rich yeah why would a super rich person live in our small town hmm something weird is going on who cares let's just go and get our suits oh yeah wait a minute Roxy check this out it's like a parkour course I get it we have to do the Parkour in order to prove ourselves to be superheroes all right all right slow down and whoa there's some ladder parkour these are super duper harder that means I'm gonna get my really I fell too uh -huh be quiet Roxy but who do you think I'm gonna be I think I'm more of like hmm a Captain America type of guy Captain America sucks I'm gonna be Spider-Man what Captain America is way cooler than Spider-Man and few five made it and yes I made it to this block amazing even cool he doesn't even have powers what what do you mean he is super cool his powers are like being really tall and strong and awesome Spider-Man is the same exact thing but he has awesome lands yeah I guess so webs are cool but he's red and red is gross I like blue I'm Captain America's blue just like me cooler yeah yeah whatever you say Roxy but we made it and oh gosh um what is this song oh gosh you're right we have to be all these slimes and Owl they do so much damage how are we gonna fight them look over here there's chest oh yeah you're right and wait it's a full set of iron armor and an iron sword and a bow with arrows awesome all right it's all on and I'm looking awesome slime and wait Roxy they do so much damage oh gosh we just have to attack at the same time go in Roxy attack I'm getting him and I got the first one but wait oh slime's duplicate when you kill them oh guys Roxy oh man I'm better I know right but wait we're getting them all come on and now they're all super duper tiny and weak oh yeah Roxy we're awesome superheroes we just be our first enemies let's go I feel more pain and you look more powerful great job Roxy but where do we go now let's go to the next level all right go up the ladders and whoa what is this it's a question wait it says who is stronger the Hulk or Flash wait Roxy who's the stronger hero the Hulk or the flash well the flash is red so he must be super strong what no no no but the Hulk is like Giant and muscular he looks exactly like me oh dude right now let's see your muscles all right boom check my muscles out you have a little bit of a tummy stop he's talking about tummy but which side should we go on the Hulk or the flash let's go through flashes it is not the Flash's side yeah I knew that I just wanted to prank you are you serious let's go to the whole side and wait there's another question it says can Iron Man fly yes or no hmm can he fly we just saw him and he flew out of here right yeah you're right he flew to our town for some reason so let's pick yes and ooh another question wait a minute what the question is is a Roxy weak oh gosh either the towers calling me weak no Roxy you're not weak this Tower does not know anything I think you're a really good guy and I think you know what Lily would be lucky to be with a guy like you relax Roxy it doesn't matter and the question is is Roxy weak and no he is not weekend wait a minute what you're not weak Oh I thought I was gonna say you were a weak but the right way was no wait a minute how's my name even in this house yeah that is really weird and wait if we chose yes we would have burned in lava if we said you're weak then we would have lost this is weird it's almost like this whole thing is a setup yeah hmm let's see what's next and oh gosh Roxy enemies oh no oh no villagers okay okay this is our last test Village and oh gosh I'm gonna die oh gosh Roxy up Roxy I better die oh my God this wait whoa whoa Roxy you just did it you just destroyed all the villains whoa you're like a superhero yay I did wait why is there a pig pictures a pink pig Lily really likes pink pigs what is going on here Roxy something suspicious is happening yeah totally but I think we made it to the top oh Roxy we did it look we're at the top and oh my gosh there's chested hero it says congratulations you passed our test and have proven yourselves let's go you are both now honorary superheroes from lit wait what it looks like someone was about to write their name but they said I mean Iron Man what does this mean hmm I don't know that's weird but who cares about reading Roxy there's two chests over here which one do you want to take them now let's see what's inside the chest and Roxy check this out this out it's Captain America's shield Captain America's helmet his chest play his pants and his booties uh well let me see you put it on all right check this out first my booties dead my pants then my chest plate and my helmet and whoa I look do you have any cool Powers I mean it's looking awesome not a power I look so cool and I also got a shield oh you look awesome and wait a minute my shield actually works try to hit me okay here and wow you can't touch me you're untouchable I'm Roxy I just threw my shield away and wait a minute it came back to me can I hit you with this song and oh my gosh I could throw it at you does that do a lot of damage no what happened this crazy ad wait a minute I have Captain America speed and strength I could jump super duper high and run super duper fast this is awesome well I'm gonna get something way cooler yeah yeah Rossi let's see what's inside here and wait a minute is that literally Spider-Man suit that's awesome awesome check me out well you probably don't even have the powers of Spider-Man and whoa I told you Spider-Man is not as cool as Captain America or should I say captain ohms well call me spider Roxy spider Roxy why would I call you spider Roxy you don't even have any web powers are you sure about that check this out wait Roxy what the heck you just do whoa you're swinging around yeah and I can also hey check this check this out wait why you're hanging oh gosh your dad can survive this fall let me try please and whoa I took no damage at whoa you're just hanging on the top of the building wow you probably don't have any other powers do you well I do have some cool attacks wait what cool attacks like what you're just Spider-Man what could you possibly have that's cool check this out it's called the sticky web wait whoa you can literally shoot webs are you serious try that on me okay and and I'll just wait I'm literally stuck in a web right now I have way more abilities what you have more no way you do wait what rapid webs whoa try that what I mean okay that did zero damage because Captain ohms has his awesome Shield of protection but wait how much damage does my shield I had to damage because of my awesome Roxy show what no way do you want to like trade please I want to be spider ohms please okay fine but just for a little bit okay all right I promise to give it back here you go take the captain Ohm's armor and the captain ohm shield and now it's time for me to become spider ohms oh you're gonna look awesome and oh my God check me out I'm now spider robes and wait a minute whoa I have so many options for attack check this out here taste my webs up ah oh let me put on the cool armor before you hit me all right all right put it on all right so Captain Roxy checking in whoa you look great Captain Roxy we make an awesome team look at us but wait I want to try swinging right how do I do this and whoa whoa what swing like spam Spider-Man I just made it to the top of the building uh and wait a minute I can jump off and then swing all around Spider-Man is so much cooler than Captain America Roxy I feel bad for you who do you think would win in a fight oh that's a really good question do you want to find out I'm coming down right now let's battle all right let's do this spider OBS versus Captain Roxy three two one go and the first thing I have to do is make my webs into impact website she's my shoes wow that hurt a lot and you got some new webs and I'm gonna use my rapid wabs eat my rapid webs here did that do anything nope nope all right well how about my sticky webs now you're stuck can you move it's awesome now I'm gonna punch you come here come here how much health do you have it come here and yes I'm knocking your Shield out of your head you're going down oh my gosh so if I hit you one more time you would be dead so that means I am the winner let's go spider elves is the best I love Spider-Man way more than Captain America are you serious I'm a man I know right but now I'm a Spider-Man but Roxy what do you think our powers would do to normal mobs let me try to throw my shoe at this all right and wait what did you just one shut up wow let me see how strong my punches are can I one hit a cow and what are you serious I just one shot a cow with my bare bear stuff try your webs all right let me try and use my impact webs do these do a lot of damage and oh my gosh they're a two shot this is awesome and it's long range too we get two wait what do I and whoa I know you can literally see me shooting my webs that's awesome we are the coolest stuff all right and what you missed you literally missed he's not even moving how'd you miss him pretend that never happened 360 yeah whoa that was awesome my turn 360. I gotta do an awesome shot with my sticky webs into that sheep over there and I missed every shot let me clean this one up for you here Roxy you missed yours too we suck as superheroes I wish there were someone stronger who could teach us get Heroes over here I need help wait what was that Iron Man let's go check wait a minute who is that guy he has crazy lasers off kids I'm gonna need some help this guy's crazy wait what Iron Man is getting destroyed right now is people think this guy on um who are you excuse me sir yo yo yo yo stop your beams who are you I've never seen you before I am your worst enemy ah you don't really look like anybody I've ever seen are you like a new super villain or something you don't look too intimidating are you okay are you serious you want me to look intimidating uh okay and what is that is that like a bubble uh Iron Man look this guy could blow bubbles spider boy I would not put my guard down this guy is really dangerous iron man are you serious this guy does not look powerful sir you look kind of like a a bad super villain how dare you watch this wait wow Iron Man like 10 times bigger you know what else is bigger my power oh my gosh oh my gosh all right man this guy is crazy what do we do I'm gonna need your hope to take this guy down you're gonna have to grab an Iron Man suit from the top wait what an Iron Man suit okay one second that's gonna be awesome Roxy let's grab some Iron Man suits up it should be in this chest right here all right let's check in whoa there's two Iron Man suits there's one that's made of steel and one that's made of gold all right you have that one and I'll take the more steel one what about Iron Man and a with the real Iron Man kill me neither let's take off our old suits and bow become Iron Man whoa Roxy we are now Iron Man and why we could take off our helmet and what other powers does Iron Man have can I I can't I can fly that's so cool Roxy fly with me all right let me let me go whoa and wait we can like fly around at one and whoa we're going super duper fast Roxy may be back on the top of the tower what else can we do we should have some hand or poster beams right yeah I think so and whoa I'm loaded up and yes we do that is awesome nothing at me wow we're gonna take all this villain super easily real Iron Man can you hear us I think he's on a headset hello guys can you hear me wait a minute ah you sound familiar Roxy is that who I think it is yeah yeah it is Lily are you the real Iron Man oh gosh you guys weren't supposed to find out oh no Lily you're in danger where are you um you leave Iron Man allowed you big meeting oh gosh you will not hurt my friends take this oh you do so much damage get away you big big big meanie and wait a minute yes it's working and now the final blow any last words what's your name again Mr villain and Mr villain that's her name I was just trying to take over the world let's go we did it we took him out and wait a minute real Iron Man Who really are you wait are you who I think you are yeah take off your mask fine boys here you go and wait a minute oh that's hey Lily is Iron Man or iron lady man it's actually Iron woman oh yeah that does make sense but Lily I thought you were going on a date today I just say that to keep my secret identity oh that makes so much sense right Roxy so wait you don't have a secret boyfriend no I have a crush on someone else wait who do you have a crush on say it is it Roxanne um be quiet wow Roxy no no no I heard Roxy are you serious oh gosh she just flew away Roxy I I think he's having like a hard time flying an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 237,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Becoming a SUPERHERO in Minecraft!
Id: JbcNgDB8sX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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