Adopted By A DRAGON FAMILY In Minecraft With Crazy Fan Girl!!

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oh where am I the villagers warned me about this area this looks like Dragon territory those dragons are Super Evil and they're gonna eat a kid like me and I'm all by myself where did my family go this is terrible at oh my gosh what is this giant [Applause] oh my gosh I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you are you a villager by any chance no I'm not a villager pup are you gonna eat me I know you guys are in war with the Villagers wait you're not a villager then what are you I'm a human I'm just a little baby I'm a human oh my gosh Amy what's Mom first uh can we keep the kid only if Roxy agrees to wipe his butt when he poops wow why my Bob okay I'll do that but it's kind of gross what but wait a minute how are you guys even talking do you guys have like mouths or something no we're hybrid dragons check this out wait whoa oh my gosh you guys are like Cuban dragons that wait you have wings aren't they like real can you fly with those things yeah oh you guys can all fight of course the real buddy awesome wait I want to get wings can I please fly of course you can buddy but you gotta train for it what oh my gosh but guys I'm all alone my parents left me well Roxy said he wants you so you're a part of the family now wait why I'm a part of the Dragon family so that means Roxy we're brothers You're my dragon brother yay this is awesome wait is that hole where you guys live this thing is ginormous yeah good good job all right I'm jumping jumping in whoa so cool guys how do I get down there just fly down buddy what fly down did you guys already forget I don't have wings like you guys I'm just a normal human oh silly me Roxy go take your brother down oh wait why are you gonna pick me up Roxy oh that's so sweet so well wait that was awesome Roxy you're the best big brother ever and whoa so what you guys are super rich dragons is this your treasure yeah this is our life saving so storm villagers been trying to steal our stuff for years what but villagers said you guys were the evil ones you guys always attacked their Villages for no reason what that is not true that's because they try to steal from us oh wow who to believe but you know what I do I wanna become a dragon like you guys wait go in Dragon form again I want to see it oh you like the dragon form buddy here you go awesome you are so big and Roxy you are so cool do you guys have any cool abilities wait what you have abilities what ability can you do buddy you see that amethyst over there yeah I see it what about it no it's gone my squash coolest thing ever you have fire breath what oh my gosh I need Fire Breath Right Now how do I do it buddy buddy you're not gonna get that yet you were just born oh man wow how do I get away because I want to get wings I want to fly at least you need to practice with these wait whoa are these practice Wings check me out I can fly at oh my gosh whoa did you see that I just flew good job son wow wait but it got higher up to fly more can you guys carry me to some Higher Ground thank you Roxy let's go that should be wait whoa whoa super high am I supposed to like fly normally if I jumped off of a mountain this high I would just die buddy buddy you can't ask silly questions like that you just gotta go what does that mean just go can I see you do it first please uh all right I'll show you how I do it oh that's magical okay okay I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try it are you guys ready yep you got this buddy thank you Bob three two one and why did we oh my gosh I think this is so much fun I feel the air in my face that was amazing soft spot did you guys see that over there that was literally a village oh no son back up those people are dangerous what villagers aren't dangerous they have like really like trades but they're not dangerous [Applause] let's just go say hi to them and they'll all be friends with you okay that's not how it works son what guys just come with me come on guys follow me look see Lily Stay With Me Oh My Gosh guys I'm gonna talk to a villager and they're gonna say that they're fine with Dragons Halal villagers what do you want hi Mr villager I have a question why are you guys not friends with Dragons those dirty dragons if I ever see one they're dead me wait what dead meat well I think dragons are cool and I think we should all be friends with them no way we're gonna steal all their diamonds they're all gonna pay what hey that's very rude of you dragons are really really nice they even gave me these wings I mean um nothing I don't know any dragons villagers we'd have an enemy in our helmet oh squash guys guys guys this is bad what happened um guys I might have made the villagers come to the house to steal all of our diamonds uh oh no first you put yourself in danger no you put my family in danger no no no Dad I'm really sorry I didn't mean it's time to give him his powers yeah we have no choice we need all the help wait what give me my Powers how are you gonna do that this might hurt a little bit wait what my heart huh it worked what do you mean oh what do you mean we're brothers whoa I'm an actual dragon now I look awesome man can I fly let me fly okay well guys how come I can't fly I barely could go up anymore son just because you have the wings doesn't mean you've learned how to fly yet oh no but I have to learn how to fly now those villagers are gonna come and steal all of our diamonds what do I do son it's time for you to learn how to fly follow me okay let's go what are we doing welcome to the dragon training course dad are we sure we want him to do this I'm not even able to do this we have to desperate times call for desperate measures wait what the dragon training course that Roxy's not able to do it but he's able to fly and I barely could get off the ground that's no worries you got this okay well whoa is this that entrance over here it's ginormous but how do we open it up we need to find the lever it should be somewhere around here and wait I found Dad look I found the chest it's right over here great job son thank you and whoa It's a lever and we must have to put it right over here on this emerald block kaboom and whoa the wall foul check this out guys what is this there's a bunch of lava walls we have to fly around them son try your best this looks crazy hard Roxy are you able to do this yeah but it's super hard check this out whoa Roxy's doing a great job buddy okay I'm gonna try now I just have to believe it wait I'm kind of flying down look at kind of gliding in the air I'm getting pretty good son you're doing amazing keep going yay Roxy check me out do you see me brother I'm going so fast we could protect our diamonds from those dangerous villagers thank you Roxy wait let me hit this wooden oh let's go around the lava we go baby then let's go down this way son now try and get a boost from your legs get a boost from my legs okay yeah it was awesome I can fly wait check it out guys I'm going so fast let's go around the lava this way then whoa around this way I'm zooming right now thank you Mom this is awesome sauce check it out we did it we made it all the way down over here but what is this son this is a giant maze but as a dragon you learn you can't always play by the rules baby wait whoa what are you doing are you just blowing yep we can't waste any time awesome sauce that is the coolest right Roxy yeah yeah I love my dad oh my gosh we could just go through like it's nothing baby and wait a minute guys I found the example burning I'm burning I gotta get all the way up to the water and Whoa We Made It awesome sauce and whoa what is this son you have to fly through the water you got this wait what is this supposed to do it's gonna make your wing super strong oh yeah it's really hard to fly in the water so it's training me to get endured to it oh gosh it pushes me down in Whoa We Made It awesome some sauce and what is this wait what are you serious right now I got my dragon abilities from this dragon egg yeah all you have to do is kiss it what really I have to kiss the egg are you sure that's gonna give me the powers son you shouldn't be embarrassed we all had to do it um okay I guess all right did you really think it was that easy what are you serious you don't have to kiss the egg blader will bring on you wow you played a prank hobby I thought this act was like the original dragon egg or something I thought it was special you guys are so silly if you want your powers go that way oh all my Powers is this way come on guys let's go and oh whoa what is this room this thing looks crazy at wait a minute guys check this out there's four colors white and light blue like me one in green for Dad what in red for my bro Roxy and one in pink for Lily my mom wait a minute what is all this for this is where you really get your powers son whoa awesome and wait how come your guyses is open but on my side it's locked I can't unlock my Powers that's because we already unlocked our powers oh no well how do I get my Powers it looks to be a rainbow over here you have to find all the colors of the rainbow to unlock your powers whoa that sounds awesome Roxy come with me we're gonna buy them and wait I just found a chest and purple let's go I found the first one Roxy look around do you see any chests yeah I see one up here what really where where oh I see you all the way up on that tree nice job Roxy and wait what is that what color is that oh perfect let me grab that up I got two old colors and I think I saw a chest right down over here let's go and I got green awesome and oh two chest right over here orange and the other one right over here is yellow yes I think that there's only one missing that's red do you see the last chest anywhere Roxy wow nice job buddy and red I got it awesome sauce now I could plug them all in red orange yellow green blue and purple amazing son you did it what really so does that mean that my power is now unlocked let's go check yay um you're gonna be so happy wait whoa awesome I unlocked and what the what is this uh stand in the middle and you will get your powers okay I'm standing in the middle give me my powers Mike washed out her a bunch pop wait I don't feel any different try and breathe fire son okay I'll try my best I'm gonna try on this ginormous dorm that was awesome okay I'm doing it whoa oh my gosh I have a fire breath abilities I'm shredding through this cave you are an extremely powerful dragon yay awesome but guys we have to quickly go back on our house we have to check if the villagers stole the diamonds we cannot protect it yes son Let's Go everyone let's go to the portal way and few we finally made it back but oh gosh I don't see any Diamonds oh no that is gonna be so mad what where did all my diamonds go oh my gosh they were right over here and wait a minute guys look there's a sign over here it says l-o-l you got robbed you dirty dragons from the villagers they robbed us oh my gosh that is madam they think stealing my stuff is a joke oh squash oh gosh how could I they robbed us they stole everything oh my gosh Roxy that is really really mad around us again what are we gonna do we have to find a way to get our diamonds back and I don't like this war why are dragons and villagers fighting we should be friends [Music] like this we can't do anything about it well I'm a human originally and humans and villagers are friends so I know dragons and villagers could be friends Dad we have to make friends with the Villagers we can't go and fight I'm sorry buddy it's impossible what it's not impossible if we go there and we talk to them and we show that we're really friendly they'll give our diamonds back and we never have to fight again no son we have to attack what Mama are you okay with this you're supposed to be like super sweet we can't go hurt those villagers they're people too I'm sorry but this is the way it has to be what even you Mom and you too Roxy and you two dad son I'm sorry it's already been decided come on we have to attack the villagers fine oh no oh gosh oh gosh this is so wrong my whole family wants to fight The Village but it's just not right almost don't get left behind all right let's go to the Village we're finally here what's the plan Dad we're gonna find a villager and we're gonna interrogate them what what are we gonna interrogate them for Dad we have to find out where the diamonds are stashed oh gosh all right well let's just try not to hurt him okay have to do what it takes oh no oh no it oh watch wait that's the Villager from before that's a villager for before hey you come over here oh my gosh dirty dragons remember me I'm the blue guy from earlier remember owns wait a minute the blue guy from before yeah remember I told you I wanted to make peace between the dragons and the villagers and now my family's here to attack you guys I'm friends with the Villagers no no no Roxy I promise I'm not friends with them well I kind of am but Mr villager look I don't want to attack you guys I just want to live in peace can you just give us our diamonds back how dare you um switch sides you're one of us a hero man well no no no I could still become a human look at this ah what are you talking about ah look I could go in my human form look um you're either on the side of the villagers or the dragons what no no I'm not picking it oh gosh is that a sword I'm not afraid to slay a dragon hey don't you my brother be quiet you red Dirty Dragon oh my gosh no no no break it up guys break it up to break this up you back up you dirty villager Now give me my Diamonds oh gosh okay guys relax relax Mr villager is there like ahead of villagers I could talk to I need to make peace he would never make peace with a dragon but he's down in the caves oh down in the caves all right guys we have to go down the caves he's the one that probably has the dragons thank you Mr villager and I'll try my best to make peace that would never happen I can't believe you betrayed ourselves what no oh my gosh the villagers don't like me at all son what are you doing you're on our side not their side what oh my gosh even my dragon family oh gosh oh gosh I just want peace I don't want us to fight anymore Dad I'm gonna do the talking down there not you fine son you have two minutes before I burn this whole place down what no no no no there's so many innocent villagers that live here we can't do that there's gonna be countless casualties the only person making it out safe is you oh my gosh I'm I'm sorry I don't want it to be like this neither do I but come on guys we have to go to the cave I'm gonna try my best to convince the head villager to let us get our diamonds in oh there it is those are all of our diamonds goes down oh my gosh ah that wait is that you talking dragon how dare how dare you enter my domain I only have two minutes to talk to you before my family like completely destroys this Village ah so you're here to destroy my Village huh no no no no no no we're not here to destroy a village well at least I'm not I'm originally a human and then I got transformed into a dragon like this and I just don't want any more war this isn't right we can all live together these dragons are good dragons are evil and no way you're a human prove it to me what prove it that I'm a human oh gosh how could I prove I'm a human wait a minute I know what I could do I could transform back look at me I'm back to my human self I even still have my training Wings on um a hybrid Dragon I could transform my family they're all good I'm telling you wait they are your families yes Mr Chief villager I promise they're my family and they're really good they don't want the word either they just have to and if you just give us our diamonds back we could live in peace well the only reason we took their diamonds is because they destroyed our village before well I'm really sorry about that what doubt you destroyed their Village well that's because they stole our diamonds before that oh well so you guys are just stealing and then stealing and then stealing oh my gosh don't you see Mr villager if we keep being mean to each other it's never gonna end I'm putting a stop to this now I'm a human and a dragon and this is over whoa Blue Boy your words really spoke to me what that well it's actually just Elms you can call me ohms if you want blue boy you are now the chief of the village wait wow it's um it's about what do you mean I'm the chief of the village you're gonna bring peace to both the dragons and the villagers here you go my king wait why are are you serious right now and whoa guys I have a crown wait what so what does this mean we don't need War anymore wait are you serious so we can have the diamonds back yes as long as the Dragonstone attack us wait Dad did you hear that all we have to do is not attack them and we got the diamonds son you did it you brought peace oh my gosh we could now live together happily ever after yay dragons and villagers and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 2,677,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Adopted By A DRAGON FAMILY In Minecraft!
Id: vDZR_ThD72o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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