Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Ninja Kitten!

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I am Darkness I am the Knight I am I am alive ninja kitty teach me your ways trading is going really good before here check this out dorks wow that's awesome where look up here right there now watch this wow that's really cool right in the heart oh yeah guys well check this out okay all right nice moves which get them the lame Ninja Story okay hold on hold on I just gotta figure out these new controls okay just um I don't oh what can I get this to work you know some people are just better than others Ian what watch this I'm gonna go jump over some lava and then you'll see I don't think that's a smart idea you haven't learned how to do some of the tricks yet but I don't want to hear an app I'm gonna prove everyone wrong saying you need a practice practice don't think that you can't do this you're a loser loser him you're gonna talk oh I think this is kind of um do it you can do this show them they're wrong I believe in you all right I got this you've got this [Music] oh man Casey the whole stop was super embarrassing yeah hopefully he doesn't lose too many levels trading bye guys jeez they were jerks Zayn that's all he wanted oh wait guys I figured it out let me try it and they're gone hey don't worry about it Zayn you just gotta practice more don't bother Raph if I'm not good at this I'm not gonna be good at anything what guess I won't be able to join that ninja contest I won't let you give up by yourself saying I have just a thing this little kitty should be able to help let's see all right let's see Perfect all right okay oh look at this all right I have tons of things I can do I should be able to help Zayn I'll work on these Powers later what I should focus on is Zayn no it's a ninja kitten oh you must be part of the mod what do you want yeah kind of tutorial hey if you could teach me without them knowing I could be the best ninja here oh I'll show them okay right behind you over here you're taking me ninja kitty a little training course just for you is this some kind of secret ninja training area yeah it's actually in my area but you can use it this is a perfect place to train for the ninja tournament still haven't gotten the hang of it let's see if I can help him um was that you kitty yeah oh this is great they're all ready all right got it wow this is amazing I feel better already okay I'm gonna go take on my friends now ninja kitty wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah I don't think he can what whoa yeah what's going on why is that you've got company get him wait a minute this is training I get it come on clone damn I just gotta wow okay okay there's way too many at least he's surviving at least he's surviving I'm gonna die I'm gonna die what wait a minute my hearts came back do this Focus come on jump uh he's not jumping it's fine it's fine um that was quite the workout I think I'm ready to go show my friends what I'm made of now not quite no kitty what's going on now it's time to fight against meow okay fine we don't have a lot of time the tournament is about to start all right let's keep going yeah hey wait off come on Slowpoke gotta be fast like a ninja okay okay that's ninja nonsense am I right who are you mysterious ninja person they really can't tell strong silent type well nice to meet you secret ninja you playing with us today all right yeah well let's get started oh okay yeah everyone first want to reach the other side we're ready well I gotta see this come on Zayn I gotta make sure he does okay sorry to introduce another person I'm not gonna be lasting come on I got I can't interfere I gotta let you the ninja your way out of this come on you can't keep up with me okay baby all right okay maybe I should help a little puppy and I'm telling you I finished first no I was here you just need a little boost do this come on Zane come on I guess it's just the three of us oh good job uh you know nobody all right come on everybody let's get back to the ninja Village okay back to the Village right behind you oh there they are well I guess I should take off my disguise and then the guy just went no no he ninja blasted me that's what I just said uh hey guys what's going on after things nothing you care about yeah [Music] it's not even mad that was a good butt kicking it was an honor to be beaten like that there's obviously and no hype to be had about this guy he pales in comparison to the great are you sure about that you sound a little like the burnt chicken nugget has a right to talk to me you didn't even compete you are we hiding away while you're nerdy science and other another oh the ninja cat so sneak I didn't even know it's adorable it's almost as cute as the mysterious ninja was wait who was not just dreamy he was a hunk I know she Carry Me Away um I think we're gonna be sick who cares about you this is about me in that slab of a man I can't believe they didn't realize that was Zayn oh ninja kitty are you leaving oh it's just about to make snacks yeah next what oh no God help his name no no all right guys let's go oh this is terrible this is awful those girls like the other meme more than oh hey Kitty uh they like the other meme more than the real me yeah I know but I but let's go okay next event is starting soon so I guess we better go come on okay type over there the goal is to get from here to the house exit without being caught by annoying you can't be seen by him also no oh fine get rid of them yep have two all right who's ready to start noise start counting all right GQ Nana you rock I'm not trying to hide I can't hide in here um how about this um oh no we gotta be careful uh maybe we can see what the secrets you can see where the Seeker is all right let's see if I can see him what just happened here we go did you do this no then you're not had this ability oh this oh that's great yeah right I think we're good to move here it's over that way huh this way this way it's a secret painting it's incredible okay sorry can't say but I need a sacrifice the exit is up down to Casey time to find the rest okay we'll get to the end let's go oh there you are I'm so glad you made it through whoa secret guy and guess good job so spicy uh secret ninja I know I think you and I could use some special training by ourselves you know you know no he wasn't this mad when secret ninja attacked him that was an honorable attacking I may not have been there but it sounds like the secret ninja is cooler than you oh yeah like I'm gonna take words of a nanja okay get it because you're not a ninja yeah I got it very clever who taught you to use words so well I thought you were illiterate [Music] I can read very well just like you'll read my fists in your face very scary did you practice that that's it I challenge you to a ninja duel a duel of ninja Ninja you are on yeah well I can do that too oh yeah ready ready let's do this oh nice had enough don't look at me oh you're standing up for more yeah I'm ready for round two let's go again [Music] so gonna take him down I don't know what you got plans but I believe in you all right everybody time for my game this one is simple what's the most important thing a ninja does something what no you're wrong it's kill people are hidden somewhere on the server so we have to track them down and kill them ready you mean hunting people oh okay to help them move tracking what I am good at thinking I win ready let's start at Noy's house [Music] I'd put it in the most unlikely spot oh cookies oh of course you're right Kitty do you know what you need to craft those uh meow meow I need cocoa beans get those in the jungle now come on to the Jungle okay so if Noy's gonna be anywhere he should exactly he's gonna be at the tree with the most cocoa beans or should I say Zane how did you know give me besides over here you I pressed tab genius now thanks to you I know wait I thought you had anymore she knows my identity and the smoke technique yeah but she likes you so she got cooties you think I'd be dumb enough to tell where noi was out loud I knew she was following us since we were at noise house I literally didn't say that but yeah let's need some help to hmm all right oh there we go I have clowns all right they'll do the looking for us all right cool but first we need to take care of Kim see okay look here oh there she is there she is in get her get her get her and lots of cocoa beans no noise ah there you are see oh whoa that's a that's a lot of kitties there yeah yeah now you know something no it does so so hard oh yeah yeah it's the hard way of that wait what yeah they're too stupid to press one button to see who's here why should I anyways I'm about to go find noise [Music] okay so where's noi he'll be at the only tree with no cocoa beans because he can't help but collect them all Shadow clones let's search that doesn't make sense but you know what I'll uh I'll I'll work with it all right let's see where would he be oh man you'll never look me out here all right time to take some of this good stuff back home whoa now second place now now time to go meet it with the others I think we're getting ready for the final round all right sorry little kitty can't get any closer Predators only all right everyone this one's Mikey Ninja talent show Ian and the secret ninja are gonna show off their moves and we judges are gonna choose the winner yeah all right see what you got okay we all know secret ninja has this in the back but don't be so sure of that just wait until you see what I've got under my face um Ian you go first now what should be amazed as now I show off my ninja Powers I don't know if that's exactly what you're trying to show off but okay that is how I destroy my enemies and scene yeah good luck okay tough guy secret ninja explosions were expressive but he's got something more I'm sure [Music] come on use your brain ninja cat just project itself on the stage I think we all know who the winner is oh that's definitely gonna be the secret ninja Dan I'm not supposed to allow that but that was worth it okay I mean I mean your thing was pretty cool so you win that's shitty you can't intimidated dumb cat you're distracted to the judges and made it so they didn't pick meow meow me and yo I'll show you who the best ninja is then meet me at the top of the volcano otherwise the girl gets it come on [Music] Kitty we have to go get her now yeah sorry Kitty come on keep moving keep moving there's more of them huh get out of my way get rid of him come on [Music] um okay here we go yeah be careful cat I got this [Laughter] secret ninja if you want to find me you'll have to get over The Lava and don't even think about building I'll just blow you up this is just like earlier when I tried to jump over The Lava pool I literally say that but maybe you're right oh scared are you welcome okay you can jump over some lava who cares I definitely don't I'll still beat you loser ugly I'm the best ninja you gotta fight me you've got no chance let her go here's the deal give up and I'll free her or keep fighting and I lock her in a cage in an obsidian box under some lava actually I think we'll do both you've got the scene kkc and so much thank you so much now can I please learn the identity of my hero yes yes oh it's me how awesome was that Casey [Music] wow she just said she really just said nope I left even like ninjas
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,473,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Riq7CfWzsJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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