Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Clone!

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come on I need to catch a fish I've been waiting here for hours oh wait is that bubble let me pull it up oh I got scammed there was no fish over there oh dang it I've been here for hours why am I not getting any fish as a matter of fact how long have I been here oh wow it's night time oh gosh I should probably put my fishing rod back and head home I don't want any monsters to come up and sneak up on me ah wait what was that sound uh oh it sounded like it came from Kai's house oh no that sounded like an explosion let me go check up on him oh that cannot be good okay are you all right yeah I'm good oh my gosh what happened here why is there so much stuff on the floor I think a creeper just followed me to my house oh no dude your whole thing is broken oh man can you help me uh you want me to help you fix it uh the thing is I'm actually really really tired I gotta wake up early in the morning to go get some netherrite all right I guess that's fine well can you at least go to sleep so no creepers will spawn by my house yeah for sure I was planning to go to bed anyways I'll go ahead and go to my house I'm so sorry that happened to you I hope you can fix this soon thank goodness that didn't happen to my house my house is still fine right now I feel really bad for Kai a creeper just blew up his house and I told him I couldn't help him because I need to wake up early in the morning but actually I don't need to wake up early in the morning I actually have a perfect way to help him I'm gonna morph into a Kai clone so I'm gonna go and morph in three two one and Bam I am now a version of Kai and now that I'm a clone of Kai if I go into my inventory and get this shrink ray right here I can turn into a mini version of him so let me go ahead and set this down to like half the size maybe 0.5 is pretty good and if I click in three two one just like this I turn into a mini Kai alright now let me go to sleep and when he wakes up I'll go and surprise him alright it's officially the morning and let me go ahead and sneak up over to Kai's house um and bro how am I gonna fix this I don't even have enough blocks oh wait this is a perfect time to sneak up on him here I am you know what let me go downstairs and see if I got some more blocks yo what is that me yup on the mini yukai I'm a clone of you oh my God I look so small you know what Kai seems to be in a little bit of trouble right here so I'm gonna go ahead and get some blocks from my inventory to help him rebuild his house all right I think that's everything now let me go ahead and give him all of these stuff this will help him build his house wait this is exactly what I need for my build yo thank you of course Kai I'm so happy right now and now that Kai's building since I'm his clone I think I'll help him build out too so while he gets the floor I think I'm gonna go ahead and get these walls with this great concrete oh my God he's helping me build two he's a clone thank you of course Kai anything to help you out little does he know I'm actually blinking disguise yo all we need is some doors and then we'll be done oh we have some doors oh let me go ahead and get that for you let me get this dark oak door here and let's place them right here and we're all done yes thank you bro thank you so much of course now you know what I think it's time to go head out and I have another trick up my sleeve oh he's leaving bye mini clone oh my gosh that was such a success we officially helped Kai rebuild his house and the reason I left from there is because I'm gonna go ahead use my shrink ray go back to normal size and turn back to Blink in three two one and now I'm back as blink now that Kai's house is rebuilt I'm gonna go check up on him as blank and let's see his reaction hey Kai Kai are you there I'm back from my nether trip oh hi blink look at all this netherride I got look at this we're gonna be rich yo nice but anyways I came up here to go check up on your house but wait it looks like it's already built what happened did you finish it in time yo it was so cool it was this mini me and he literally helped me wait wait stop right there did you say mini me there was a mini version of yourself here yeah it was a mini version he gave me all the builds needed to help me with my room that sounds crazy are you sure you didn't have a nightmare last night no it was literally a mini me how come you don't believe me oh I didn't say I didn't believe you but that just doesn't really make much sense but I mean your house is nice oh wait he missed the roof uh oh that's okay he left me some extra blocks wait he left you some extra blocks okay this guy seems a little bit sketch yeah see look wait he actually did give you some extra blocks oh my wait where'd you find this little guy oh I was just minding my business you know I was crying about my room and then he just appeared out of nowhere behind me oh man bro the creeper literally exploded all my stuff I gotta go to the end City so I can get some overpowered loot I'll be right back blink uh okay Kai I'll just be waiting right here I guess perfect Kai just left to go get some more loot from The Entity so I'm gonna morph back into his clone just like this and now I can use the shrink ray once again to become a mini version of him and let's go ahead and follow him to see how he's doing I don't think Kai is prepared enough to fight the Ender Dragon and the end City so I'm gonna go ahead and help him it appears Kai is trying to find the stronghold With These Eyes of Ender I can feel I'm getting close It's gotta be here somewhere oh let me Crush behind him so he doesn't notice me just yet bro where's this strong no it broke only have like five more left wait where'd he go he's going down let's go I was going straight in the ground Kai found the spot oh thank goodness Kai didn't see me because I'm going to surprise him when he gets to the portal room with a care package with everything he needs to fight the dragon oh my God how far is this WOW Kai's digging quite a bit oh we just got here perfect let me caution the corner so he doesn't see me oh no okay thank goodness bro this is a dead end oh no he's coming back let me hide behind this wall so he doesn't see me oh my goodness he's right there phew that was a close one huh bro this is the only spot I can go bro it's gotta be down here bro amethyst oh my God yo we we gotta get some amethyst before we go Go Kai joshana's favorite block amethyst oh my gosh she's getting distracted silly kind the Portal's literally right inside of that door right there oh I just love the sound that it makes it looks so cool while Kai's distracted minding that amethyst I'm gonna go ahead and go into the portal room and set up my little surprise for him let me go ahead and get a shulker box in Kai's favorite color magenta let's place it right here and let's add some overpowered loot but I don't want it to be too overpowered because I still want Kai to work for his stuff in the end City so let me get some diamond armor some boots leggings chest plate and a helmet as well as a pickaxe and a sword to beat the dragon and you know what I'll give myself the same stuff too because after all I am a clone I need to copy what he's doing one more thing I need to destroy this monster spawner so that Kai doesn't die to the silverfish all right and you know what I think that's enough amethyst let's go try to find the Portal room oh shoot I gotta hide really quickly he'll see he doesn't see me um is it over here you oh the portal room yo let's go hey I'm so happy that I found it what is this is this a shulker box what is Yo and it has all diamond armor and I got arrows this is so sick yo I wonder who put this right here bro it could have been the mini me or it could have been blink hmm all right let's go try to do the portal and I don't have enough Eyes of Ender no oh shoot Kai doesn't have enough Eyes of Ender let me go ahead over here and give him some Eyes of Ender when he comes and meets me all right well I think it's just time to go home I don't have enough Eyes of Ender but wait it's Mini Me hi Kai I heard you didn't have enough Eyes of Ender so I'm here to give give you some wait really yup let me go ahead right here and I'll just give you an entire stack there we go yo no way thank you so much yo now I can go to the end let's go three two one yo oh my gosh Kai filled in the portal now we can go into the end yo thank you mini me oh it appears Kai put on all his armor and since I'm a clone I'm gonna go ahead and do the exact same as him no no way oh you got the exact same armor as me now we're matching I think it's time to go inside the end oh let's go oh I'm after you oh no I forgot I'm not prepared to defeat the Ender Dragon along mini me can you please help me um yeah why not let me jump up and down to tell him I'm down to help him yes thank you so much of course Kai after all I am his clone so let me go up to this top Tower right here and let's start shooting it out oh he's gonna go and help me he's getting the big towers let's go of course Kai let me shoot this one in the distance right there and Bam we got it yo this clone is getting all the towers bro he is so helpful and there we go it looks like we have just two more Towers left Kai can get that one and I'll get this one right here let me shoot through this crack and that one's gone now this is the last Tower standing and I'm going to let Kai get this one all by himself all right I'm gonna build up all right let me break this ah come on come on come on yes let's go all the towers are broken mini clone can you help me beat the Ender Dragon of course it's actually perched right now let's go ahead and hit it hurry no it went away oh that's okay I can shoot it with my bow and arrow yo the Clone is doing so much damage to him bro we're gonna beat this in no time I'm always here to help little does Kai know I'm actually blink however I still have more surprises for him so I don't feel like telling him just yet oh my God he's so low we're gonna get him in no time oh my God he's pursing right now perfect chance I'll get him from the inside come on keep hitting him Kai yo we got him oh my gosh that was so easy we did it together yo mini clone thank you so much of course Kai I'm only here to help alright the dragon is now complete and now I can go to the in City come on Mini clone all right the Insidious right there let's go ahead and build up uh I can't wait to get this op loot let me build up in dirt blocks just like Kai this as after all I am a clone and I have to copy his moves oh my God look at mini me bro he's even helping me of course I'll help you bridge too since I am in creative mode I can just make a really quick bridge for him just like this yo thank you mini me all right we're at the ender portal and wait we don't even have any ender pearls and I don't want to go fight all those Endermen what am I supposed to do oh well looks like Kai's upset again but good thing I have an Ender Pro from fighting the dragon earlier so let me go ahead and give this to him wait no way you had this your own thank you now I can enter the end city with the ender pearl let's go oh Kai just made it through let me get myself my own Pearl and let's go ahead and meet up with him just like this and we're finally here yo and there's so many Endermen let me keep my head down and hopefully we can run into the end City oh man it is so much land I guess we gotta keep on going you know I know a perfect way to speed up this process let me go ahead and fly over here real quick and let me type in this command slash locate and city now if I click enter it'll show me the coordinates to one of the entities so if I teleport over here just like this I should be in the middle of an entity whoa and look it even has a pirate ship so Kai can get himself an elytra this is literally perfect let me go ahead and stand up here on top of the ship and teleport Kai to me and Bam he's right here wait where am I mini cone where did you teleport me to wait mini me did you teleport me to a pirate ship no way bro I can finally get a elytra thank you of course Sky let's go ahead and go down this ladder and let's get him an elytra let me go ahead and take care of this Joker real quick before Kai gets here because I know he's not very strong he needs to be protected at all costs yo they're still elytra and then we got chest over here oh it's got some diamonds got some gold ingots wait it has some boots too y'all let's put these bad boys on yo I know I'm looking stylish right now and what's over here we got an iron helmet curse of Vanishing I don't think I want that but we got the elytro right here oh let me put it on yo I look so sick so sick oh my gosh Kai looks so good and actually let me go ahead and give him fireworks so he can safely and quickly travel around the end City oh my God yo thank you mini clone he just gave me some fireworks oh I can't wait to use this all right let's go all right three two one yo let's go yo I'm going so far bro this is insane oh my gosh he disappeared from my render distance wow he went so far I'm so glad he's happy I gave him the Eliza and fireworks if you want to see more videos like this be sure to subscribe and click any of the videos on screen right now yo watch me use my elytra oh
Channel: Blink
Views: 133,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash, nico, cash and nico, blink, kai, minecraft, minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, playing minecraft as a helpful clone
Id: _kBipBmWmRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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