Having HACKER TOUCH In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft I became a helpful hacker yes diamonds finally oh no there's a creeper behind me I'll help you bro if everyone subscribes right now Sonny you saved me it was only because the goats told me to guys I just had the best day ever I went on a date with Melanie and things went great she even gave give me this red flower hey what's up melon hey Sonny how's everything going bro why do you sound so happy that's kind of weird uh because I went on a date with Melody and things went amazing we're official now and she gave me this poppy wait why didn't you ask me to come wingman Sonny because you're the worst wingman ever but it's okay I forgive you [Music] this is the best day ever yo guys melon is acting so weird today he's so happy that Melody and him are probably dating now cringe yo Sonny did you do the laundry like I asked oh crud I forgot sorry melon I'll take care of it right away no Sonny it's all good it's all good I'll take care of the laundry don't even worry about it you just sit down and relax nothing could kill my mood okay in that case thanks melon that's actually so nice of you no problem Just Gotta Throw the leather boots in there there go and start they're gonna be looking and span by the end of this oh my stomach is grumbling I'm so hungry I wonder what's in the kitchen the last cookie oh it looks so good but melon was so nice to me I feel bad about eating this uh melon there's one cookie left in the kitchen you can have it bro I'd feel bad to eat it after you just did the laundry for me no no sonny that's all yours I'm filled up on love today what bro you're being way too nice not to mention cringe okay well I'll take the cookie chocolate chip cookie hey fellas it's me quandale sorry to interrupt your morning but you two should come to my lab right away I have something really cool to show you whoa melon quando's got something for us to check out yo it's gonna be awesome I can already tell yo quando what do you got for us off to quandale's lab to find out yo quandale what's up I heard you got something cool and awesome I have this super awesome jet pack do you guys want to buy it maybe oh come on Dale that jet pack is awesome but we don't got that kind of money right now uh I knew you guys were broke I don't even know why I called you but quandale what's back behind you down here Sonny don't go down there that's off limits stay away uh quandale why exactly is that off limits I'm working on something down there that's incredibly dangerous if I catch anyone going down there I will have to ban them from the server forever oh crondell I didn't know it was that serious relax bro you should enjoy something delicious like cookie listen if you can't afford the jet pack then leave my lab now alright Sonny I'm getting out of here I've got another date with Melody I'm a happy melon right now there's no way Melanie's taking you out again this week Yep this time she's taking me to a romantic melon field I do not even care nope I'm high on love baby melon is so weird just cause he had one successful date he thinks Melody's into him she's probably gonna dump him right now anyways I guess it's just me by my lonesome I really do Wonder though what cuando's keeping in that off-limit section of his laboratory he said it was super dangerous but I don't know if I believe him yeah I think I'm gonna wait for it to get dark out and bust into his lab oh Melanie you're so beautiful and this isn't a melon field but I appreciate that you tried these are all cactuses but all of that doesn't matter when you're standing here right next to me you're the one who told me to come here besides this desert is drying up my rind I hate it here oh yeah I'm so sorry Melanie here here I'll bring you some water just stay put yes finally it's dark out it's time for me to break into quandale's lab but first i'm gonna need something and upstairs I have the perfect tool for the job one diamond pickaxe a helmet of true sight and steak and chips cause I only eat that delicious expansive food let's go quandel's so stupid he thinks things are off limits for me nice try nothing's off limits I am the danger here we are the back of his laboratory if I just break these blocks I should be able to sneak inside go away spider can't you see I'm busy doing a heist yes I absorb it and now I absorb his laboratory oh man he almost saw me that could have been really awkward just gotta go in like this put it back and nothing to see here look at his stupid Iron Golem security it's oblivious I have successfully snuck into his lab yes and now I'm curious what has he got hidden down here that's so precious uh well that's a lot of gold let's see diamonds whoa quandel's Rich it looks like he has a diamond cloning machine that's insane what else command blocks nothing out of the ordinary what's this oh nothing that could have been dangerous what if it had dropped a potion of harming on me and some of these thingies some of those thingies oh what's this a note one seven one two that's probably not important and then what's this wait a second these doors are locked the only way in is with a passcode oh wait yeah what did that paper say again one seven one two yeah that's probably the code one seven one two ah too easy quandale too easy now what's in this secure chest oh the hacking device no wonder he said it was dangerous this thing can do anything I want in Minecraft let me get out of here and become all powerful yes this is perfect imagine the pranks I can pull except melon was super nice to me today so maybe I ought to be nice to him too yeah let's mix things up and here's your water Melanie oh I'm glad you're okay are you nice and hydrated now I can't breathe now I'm going to drown help wait I'm so sorry okay it's time to break out a quandale's lab I could go back through the wall using this pickaxe or I can test run the hacking device yeah let's do that it's time for me to turn invisible it worked now all I gotta do is take this armor off and I should be completely hidden yes now I can escape cuando's lab right in front of his face look at him he's got no idea I'm standing right in front of you quando we're gonna do what are you gonna do I swear there's someone in this room with me right now feels a bit Eerie wait he's looking at me uh uh this is weird get me out somehow he knows I'm out of here yes Heist successful one hacking device acquired ah yes good night Minecraft tomorrow is gonna be amazing that date was awful I hope she still loves me oh whatever I'm just gonna sleep it off and pretend like it didn't happen what a splendid for this morning wait no it's been a terrible morning I might what have I gotta do there's no cookies oh and my stomach feels awful I gotta go to the bathroom right now oh oh no ah good morning today's gonna be a great day I'm gonna use the hacking device for good not evil let's see empty cookie jar time to fill that up and done wait what is that noise uh melon is everything okay no silly leave me oh my gosh melon you're sticking up the whole house I don't know what's happening to me I gotta get out of here I need some fresh air that's it I gotta use this hacking device to save melon um yeah make him feel better remove the gas from his gut oh all of a sudden I feel way better her last fart really got it all out of me wait what else do we have in here for food um wait the cookie jar it's full yes give me the cookies oh I'm so hungry ah completely satisfied now how'd they even get in there melon are you feeling better how's your stomach yeah I feel pretty good dude I pooped everything out nothing's inside of me now well except for two cookies that is wait did you eat all the cookies no but I have four right here sorry sorry here let me put them back yeah dude don't steal all the cookies speaking of cookies sunny I thought we were all out nah I found some more in the drawers and I put them back into the jar really I checked the drawers that's weird did you check the pantry too yeah bro I checked everything oh no man whatever at least I got my cookies oh time for me to take a load off in the bathroom device move the smell I can breathe again sorry sunny I laid a stinker this morning anyways guys as I oh just take a load off I gotta use this hacking device to get some really cool items let's see here how about a gadget that lets me Spawn portals oh that's awesome um how about another Gadget that lets me freeze time no way a Time clock this is awesome and then I think the last thing I probably need is a really powerful sword no way what is this foreign what just happened our entire house is gone melon what did you do guys I don't know what else to do besides blame melon dude I didn't do this what did you do Sonny it was probably your farts bro you probably lit one up so staying and it ignited and exploded the entire house what is happening bro we're homeless now because something you did you're up to something sunny and I'm on to you I'm on to you no melon I actually just want to be really nice to you today oh well okay thanks but then why'd you blow up the house I didn't blow up the house guys I have an idea I'm gonna take this out freeze time yes there's nothing the melon can do now and then I'm gonna go over here where our entrance used to be and I'm gonna place a sign down from the anonymous hackers yeah let's put an apology sign right here that's perfect and I'm freeze melon what are you still doing over there we've got this sign that we need to read ow the heck how'd you get over there sonny I just walked over here bro I don't know what you were doing it's like you were daydreaming or something bro I need to go like sleep or something I swear I was just talking to you on the other side what does this sign say Sunny we're really sorry about that we tried to do something super nice then it all exploded whoops your friendly neighborhood secret hackers the heck secret hackers why would you blow up our house bro they were probably trying to put on and then yeah probably your fart caused a spark and blew it all up that actually makes a lot of sense dude that's really annoying these hackers better make it up to us somehow yeah it makes a lot of sense I'm glad melon bought that guys I didn't know how else to explain it uh Sonny Sonny where'd you go sonny I'm just over here bro I'm just hanging out over here hey what's up dude uh not much not much I'm thinking I might start to work on a new house maybe build a little something something um yeah what are you up to today well I'm actually gonna go on another date with Melanie so we'll see you later uh alligator hello Melanie ah what a beautiful and romantic view I don't want to see you anymore why are you even here melon what do you mean you don't want to see me anymore I mean you don't even have a house anymore you're literally homeless now what no no no no you don't understand that was that was just a little coincidence I'm gonna get a house back soon that's it guys I gotta I gotta get to the mines I gotta get some money I can't let a relationship end okay guys I gotta make this up to smell it quick uh let's see hacking device yeah friendly neighborhood hackers build a new house no way it worked this place is full I think it's actually even nicer than our old home oh it's like a castle whoa we've got a library upstairs and melon has so much space to decorate down here he can make it look however he wants on second thought I know exactly what he would do watermelons go it's perfect oh he's gonna be so happy when he gets home speaking of melon I wonder what he's up to he's been gone for so long that's it hacking device teleport me to melon it worked there he is what is he doing it looks like he's trying to do some mining dang it guys I can't find any diamonds all I found is some lapis Some Coal at this rate I'll never have enough money to get with ah don't see any diamonds wait what's this why is there like mossy cobblestone yo I found a spot honor maybe there's some diamonds in here ah zombies zombies we gotta take them out I gotta take him out yo looks like melon's fighting off a dungeon this is invisible guys I've gotta take out this spawner yeah wait one of the chests disappeared this makes no sense that's better hopefully there's some diamonds in here where did the chest go my diamond head diamonds freeze time yes now that I've frozen time I'm gonna change this entire dungeon to be made of diamonds for my best friend Marilyn and Abracadabra alakazoo turned this entire Diamond into a zoo yeah why not uh I guess that is what I said A diamond zoo I didn't think this hacking device was that literal well that's awesome and unfreeze yo wait what what the heck what's happened there's diamonds everywhere and there's animals I'm so confused but diamonds yes yes I'm Gonna Be Rich yo sorry sorry you're not gonna believe it I got diamonds wait what how the heck did Sonny build this house melon what was that you said you got diamonds I do but Sonny this is even crazier what is this place I can't take much of the credit it was the friendly neighborhood hackers bro they must have felt bad about exploding our old home so they made us an even better one this is awesome you haven't even seen the best part check it out over here whoa there's a melon room this is awesome dude it's filled with melanies what's better than one Melanie to any melanies and you know what's better than 20 Melodies destroying them no Sonic what's wrong with you yes no I mean let me break one let me break one I need my smoothie no you're not no I refuse no it's for my health drink dude don't you want me to have nice clean smooth skin whatever Sonny just get out of here one Melanie and that's it all right bye melon all right guys now that I have all the diamonds in Minecraft and we have an awesome house I'm in the mood to go on an adventure let's do this thing I haven't seen melon in a few hours I wonder where he went to and I know just the way to find him time to use my portal gun just gotta place a portal right over here and the other half is already trash melon let's see where is he oh there he is he's still doing oh wait guys I don't want him to see me hacking device morph me into a wolf it's working now he'll have no idea I'm following him oh and I'm pretty cute too there's so many cool blocks in the desert like sand cactuses oh this sand has particles on it hold on hold on it must be a special type of sand it looks so beautiful whoa wait what the heck that was a close one guys he is so dumb he's gonna make himself collapse and fall into lava wait what the heck I was falling in the lava and then it turned into water he's so lucky I was able to save him with this hacking device whoa wait I swear I just saw a dog up there a second ago perfect he thinks he saw a wolf but now I'm in ocelot there's no chance he finds me whoa I found a desert temple there's probably some totally awesome loot in there gotta head down hey yeah and everyone knows in the desert temple you should always drop down through the centerpiece uh guys what is this idiot oh wait no no hacky device save him oh no wait why didn't the TNT go off hold on a second what's under here more diamond blocks my luck couldn't get any better he is so dumb guys he thinks diamond blocks can spawn like that that's not a real thing I just saved your life by using quandale's hacking device sometimes melon even amazes me with how dumb he can be yo and what's in here any good loot oh it's kind of all mid oh I'll take two diamonds I guess that's it I'm gonna jump scare him what the heck why the heck is there an ocelot down here I just want to show him the cool secrets that I know about yeah ah there it is how did this ocelot know why are there ghost blocks here because I created this with my hacking device yesterday whoa this is insane what the heck is this place there must be some crazy awesome loot I'm so glad I'm so smart and figured out the riddles myself there was no Riddle it was just a lever that I put there's Bedrock well I guess that's the end of this puzzle that was kind of lame guys he's really gonna walk away without even trying it's so obvious this is fake my goodness the ocelot is showing me the way guys I figured it out again there's a secret secret room he's really taking credit for it there's literally a cat showing him around and what's in this chest arrow for left and golden pickaxe chiseled Sandstone I don't get it I'm giving up see ya oh my gosh she's already quitting on my next challenge I'm gonna go smack him with this ow yo it killed him in one hit the ghost sword is so strong anyways back to this room yeah so all this guy has to do is realize that this shape equals this shape and just dig it out with his pickaxe do I have to do everything for him at least he made it back down here oh I don't know what the heck killed me I don't know if it was the sauce a lot but I don't think so it's been very nice to me use the pickaxe literally look at the chest you fool oh use the golden pickaxe smooth Sandstone uh I mean this looks like it matches the description of what's in there whoa guys it's Bedrock again I don't understand is he really giving up again has he not real you can just walk straight through it oh wait the ocelot it's showing me the way guys I figured it out again there's a secret secret secret room and I think I see a chest all I gotta do is get rid of these cobwebs yo more diamonds so proud of Marilyn he figured out my cool secret area man I'm actually a genius that was an awesome adventure but I've got one I want to plan with my best pal Sunny yo Sonny what's up bro take these it's time for us to defeat the Ender Dragon so gear up yo and I know a shortcut to the end all we have to do is sneak in quandale's lab let's do this thing let's go Sony have you ever actually entered this portal actually come to think of it I haven't but every time we've been in quandale's lab we've seen it yeah wait Sonny why are we going around the back what's going on why don't we just going through the front because quondale said not to go in his lap but we're gonna do it anyway all right let's do this thing and there it is melon the ender portal it's so beautiful yes Sonny we can defeat the Ender Dragon Sony this is why we've never gone in there's been get through time for use and hacking device Let's uh let's go ahead and remove those barrier blocks yeah melon what was that about barrier wait how the heck did you get through oh this place is insane melon there's mute and Enderman and we can't even Bridge across very easily Sonny you're right this is gonna be way harder than normal follow me I can only make the bridge out of diamond blocks no way this has to be the richest Bridge ever built and you're broke again and whatever it was close enough and let's go right behind you brother let's do this we gotta destroy the crystals bro did you bring a bow uh no but I'll do it by hand don't worry all right you start building up bro and in the meantime I'm gonna time freeze yes and I'm gonna ruin all the fun ah what the heck I still got hit by the dragon are you kidding ow what's hitting me oh that's not cool these mutant Enderman they could break the fourth dimension and conquer the time continuum that's it hacking device give me creative mode yeah that's a lot better A lot better then I think I'm gonna do this a more fun way I'm gonna grab a bow and I'm gonna do this using time freeze shoot arrows at every single Crystal oh wait the time freeze doesn't seem to really be working for some reason that's okay melon won't know the difference just gotta destroy all these hey crystals I said destroy them and now I just gotta give the Ender Dragon a little bit of love all the crystals are dead time to unfreeze where all the crystals they're all gone wait you're right the crystals are gone must have been the friend hackers oh no oh no I got blindness a muted Enderman is mad at me don't worry don't worry I'll try and fight the dragon oh got him what do you mean you got him Sonny I'm doing damage bro that's it time freeze and I'm just gonna go kill this Ender Dragon now unfreeze what the heck the Ender Dragon's dead whoa we're awesome melon I wanted to do this bro this is so annoying it was my chance to finally do something but everything keeps getting handed to me wait you're not happy with this outcome bro you just defeated the Ender Dragon without lifting a finger I'm gonna die I got you I got you see you can't do anything for yourself Johnny that's the problem I am so sick and tired of this I'm going to quandale I need to see what's up these anonymous hackers are going down ah guys this isn't good why is melon upset with the anonymous hackers they've actually been so friendly AKA I've actually been so nice to him and now he's mad at me for making his life too good oh this guy Juan Dale Quan there's been some kind of anonymous hackers that keep doing nice things but they're ruining Minecraft for me oh I know melon someone broke into my lab and stole the oh hey Melinda hey quandale what's up I'm not going to name any names here but I'm just saying you know who you are yeah who whoever stole that definitely knows who they they are for sure if you come forward I won't do you any harm and you won't be banned from the server uh well if someone were to theoretically have the hacking device how could you do anything to stop them anyways you know they'd have all the power in Minecraft don't you think that me as the creator of the device would install a back door to prevent such a thing uh okay and I'm yeah I was trying to do something nice for you this is too much power for one person quandale take this and I highly recommend destroying it yeah here let me uh let me do that for you quandela I got you I got you yep and uh no more hacks melon Sonny I appreciate you trying to help me but you ruined the game for me ow ow ow ow 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Channel: Sunny
Views: 1,751,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DEB-P0bNA1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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