The BABY IN THE WINDOW In Minecraft!

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when you hear this cry don't look outside as the baby in the window is coming for you this baby is scary and it's out to turn our minecraft town upside down and when every player is a target this baby is out to hurt everyone that includes me perfect okay uh how's it going over the wrath oh that looks great now i need a horse with diamond armor good luck with that hey everyone everyone i have an announcement for everybody here is it a fight joke what is it pierce i know come on you gotta think of me better than that hey guys how's it going hey you oh [Applause] [Music] seriously oh sure like any of us can really read we all know that isn't real whoops is that what it is you gotta do all right you don't believe me hey i'm gonna read in front of all you huh all right go ahead i found this book you see that let's check it out there once was a lost little baby i led him home and helped you survive the end what what what's happening wait well it's not about your top story that you guys are my size look at that you're all better i don't know i think i'm still a little bit taller what no you guys aren't no no no actually huh yeah we're a little taller pierce give me that book [Music] baby is crying run or you'll end up dying pierce did you pretend to read no that's not what that says yes that's what it wait all cursing get a compass in their inventory when they turn into a bunny uh no i didn't i know uh no uh oh wait do you have anything i have a strange hankering freaking parrot wait wait wait wait wait what is that okay to my house yeah okay yeah okay okay follow the tiny buddies that's so shorter than all the other buddies all right come on get in get in come on come on go go go go go why would you teach pierce house i don't know everyone [Music] there's something in the window i don't know okay okay get out of here it'll go away i gotta talk again but it's hard when you're fake oh stay away from the door stay away from the door fine fine i can't even see the door do you see anything maybe now that we're bunnies we can burrow underground guys i think it went upstairs let's go to the kitchen come on okay yeah i keep snack never mind it's in the kitchen upstairs downstairs okay okay slicer babies you know what i'm saying okay [Music] do you think it's still down there oh it's the level what is that thing i think it's a baby it is a little baby oh it's kind of cute just a real baby baby wait kim you think babies are cute oh i mean i do sometimes depends on the day but uh anyway come on it's just a little thing it's not just a little thing [Music] he seems friendly hi oh [Applause] okay where'd she go i think it left it's not there anymore baby's gone what just happened i think kim is gone too yeah oh no you know i got i i messed this up i want to fix this i'm gonna i'm gonna get that back oh wait what even if it's just a weird monster looking baby we still can't hurt it it's a baby are you sure about that i ain't afraid to hurt no baby if we can't attack it what do we do okay so my um look i have an idea i have a compass and maybe if we follow it it'll take us to the baby maybe yes hey you know what hey fine you know as a belly tall person here i think it's my duty to try to lead us to where we need to go and you said duty yeah that's dude like i'm talking to you like that you're just like better do this stuff here get it all right take a look pierce all right here we go eyes sound like just like ladders and numbers and stuff why would this be useful to me yeah that that wasn't good didn't even show me any pictures yeah let's go find out where this is going i'm still learning how to read okay it's hard this is leading this [Music] ah it's more like a texture or something oh whoa what is this what's that it's like a crate it's like a bank that's where a baby lives yep we solved the mystery good job let's just stay here and not to look for anything creepy anymore wait a minute guys there's a red x on the floor ah but you can't punch stuff buddy or not it's impossible you can't wait wow let me see it uh [Music] i should read it no no no i got this out of control i use my new rating powers here we go if it's first you don't succeed you must find all of the sweets gather roll and then the baby will go away i believe what well let me see the book here's let me let me let's i don't know about that let that freak yeah a baby from the window okay i can read um baby want candy that's not what it says i i mean and get the kids and we need that come on [Music] i'm holding on to the candy from now oh it looks really good i'm gonna hold on hey put my foot down you know what this is a dangerous situation for the buddies you're coming out of the body sanctuary let's go no no ifs heads and butts we're going [Music] [Applause] okay we need to get going don't worry yeah i have a plan you're coming back with me right now okay short don't you dare eat that cat not the candy here stop running i've got my triples ready to go yeah huh there we go see whoa did you write that yeah thank you i worked really hard on it took me hours okay okay i'm so proud of you pierce if i could give you this candy i would oh that's really nice thank you i really tried hard guys it took me a long work to finally read stuff i think that baby might be after us but all right and all about this i don't know why what have we done i think as long as we stay perfectly quiet we should be wait what's that all right baby here yo get these buddies there's a buddy saying swearing why are you down peter why don't you put the piercings no way you could possibly get it here you're going backwards you got to deal with me why is the sign safe facing us oh well because we got one facing that way and then we got the other one facing the other way so nobody else is funny okay also we don't want her to know we're here right i mean sure guys guys oh no they can't get it oh hey my size that'll work i think they got the baby what's your favorite i worked so hard okay but you know what it keeps yeah that's pretty good all right where did you just kick zayn yeah i kicked him into safety guys i think the baby's not following us okay wait a minute baby stop it baby in the windows okay pierce pierce you need to go find zade okay find zayn okay you're the one who kicked him away it's not funny anymore you can come back for getting your butt kicked this way ian look okay we got another one good can we can we stay here this time uh no we can't because the baby's probably coming here oh no okay so here's the x let's see maybe if i uh and there we go oh more candy okay we um need to put the baby down for a nap that's a good idea but how do we do that he's right i'm an expert babysitter watch and learn baby baby i'm a sleepy baby [Music] i can't believe this you have the most absolutely horrible voice i've ever heard that the baby just fell asleep immediately i told you i'm an expert at this sort of thing i am so impressed now can i have that watch out oh [Applause] [Music] guys i'm telling you i can keep singing okay don't sing anymore okay i think we're good i think my bunny ears are starting to feel a little weird when you're singing um okay so look let's look at zayn tell us we can just hide in here baby wins wait you know what i'm pretty good at babysitting you guys just saying you're a good baby i don't know what you are not that i miss you i think initially all your thoughts because you read from a book but disappointed i just saw it it's mine guys here saved us that makes him a tall king all right you try guys still my best is it a new monster oh it doesn't sound like a baby but oh hey guys oh you're safe yeah i'm fine and you know what that baby isn't gonna know what hit him [Laughter] what no attacking the baby it's so cute okay uh but don't worry oh do we have something like nicer you know it's a baby fine i've got something else in here i don't know man i think it's time to take out that baby all right we're taking i'm ready to take it down okay we have to be responsible ooh what do you need to take this oh it's squeaky hammer mine i want a squeaky hammer i want one of those you take it again it's really colorful i like that oh that is a speaking hammer all right we can use these i guess let's start swinging heaven hello [Music] [Music] wow these hammers are great yeah i like the squeaky hammers oh sorry it's okay gotcha hang on oh get these little guys [Music] [Music] it the baby's still here guys the baby because he's still a grown-up just ask somebody protector i got this it's my responsibility that's my curse for learning how to read got it see let's go kick we'll see it i think i got it baby we helped kids are pretty good thank you [Music] it's pointing this way i thought it was the cave from before but it looks like it's not it's somewhere in the woods don't like being small in the woods did you guys see that i think it's pointing there what is that the tree house okay i guess let's get over to it yeah all right uh let's see uh looks like if we can yeah there's a lily pad path yeah i don't i don't know if we could swim with these little eggs i don't know how you do it afterwards ian hold up i have an idea what he died me not me okay i'm over here okay all right so i've already made it here because i'm good at parkour okay hey i'm right behind you i can do it all right so you just gotta be a little careful because if that baby pops up it's gonna keep popping mobs here and i will sing it to sleep again i don't know if that'll work that's more like a movie thing over there you know what guys huh i can do this i'll distract it and lead it away you guys just find the last candy zayn no don't be a hero no aff it's okay tell kc i went down fighting a baby just like she would want ah wait i don't think casey would want that i think she likes baby come on get me baby should we get over here baby i'm gonna go up uh-huh this is this is kind of a cool treehouse it's kind of a cool tree house but uh candy maybe oh perfect okay all right got the third candy [Music] rocking chair got it where's the final location at wait huh yes i guess you gotta follow the compass again is there any more candy i'm not sure but i don't know if we should go down that way the baby's probably there let's get back to the hub this way we're so high up i have an idea just hold still um now look down there kind of idea it's okay i can still swim being your size is the worst hey ian there's a house over there i don't i don't remember that house okay i think this is this place all right so i brought these item frames and if i put this here maybe put this one here and then maybe this one right here maybe this is where the baby needs to go okay so what are you putting in them the candy oh a piece of candy in but but oh fine i'll put it back come on better be more candy later okay all right i think just hide over here on this side we can hide in the grass because we're so small yeah maybe baby will come that's baby oh the baby gets to eat the candy it's fine it's fine just let the baby eat the candy okay next time a cursed baby gets on the server i'm eating all the candy okay all right i think i think we did it i think the baby's good uh where'd the baby go you know i'm inside i don't think it worked i think i see this and there are more mobs be careful yeah there's a lot of them [Music] don't worry i shut the door everything's fine oh [Music] is [Music] wait wait you don't think the baby and the the man and the woman from the window it's the window family oh they just wanted their baby seems pretty normal to me honestly like a cute little baby oh they're happy that we managed to bring their family back together are you sure [Music] i'll never try to read again although can i learn how to get maybe some data dice no um oh fine just because you're the same size as you always are you can keep pierce hey i'm the hero of the story i did my best
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,873,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: TQym3xjApHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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