Minecraft But We're LOCKED In ONE BLOCK!

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three minecraft players are trapped we had one minecraft barrier now we have to survive I'm using the blocks inside what pressure gets crazy when minecraft itself it's on the line it's either we survive getting as many achievements as we possibly can or delete minecraft court ever will this to the end of our minecraft journey so this is basically captive market son alright and every time we get achievement the world expand I gotta get cheap mitts aha in order to progress well I've never achieved anything yeah you know like in a letter a school and they like the teacher gives you gold stars I'm at 0-0 gold stars in life so yeah we're we're in trouble I think yeah so we can't make it that easy obviously so we have a little bit more walking space let's make this a little bit more interesting how about that it's all or nothing all right all or nothing if we all die we have to delete minecraft for ever wait let's just just get rid of Minecraft we would be free from this prison there's this eternal place for that bird up explode at whatever else maybe let's actually begin all right remember we die we all die you have to remove minecraft that's it that's it that's the rule and that's a bad negative got it understood definitely a bad thing Oh fine okay all right so I got a crafting table guys a crafting table yeah next thing we can get is a tools right exactly I'm gonna watch how our world is just about to expand all right dude a Miss chickadee the students named Charles the chicken chicken Charles Charles it's going it's great we would really need another tree I'm planting let's stick smartly all right you have to play minecraft as smartly as possible yeah here's a wooden pick that's all I can give cuz that's all we have remember these sparingly right right right right so we can only use what we have I made a new pickaxe but I have a bunch of stone and stuff like we would eat at the Bullock acts okay - punching so much - do you know how much dirt I have a lot oh my god I'm coming up there because make another achievable all right we got a veggie before we cannot have the achievable guys floating in the distance there is we can get the achievement time to strike we go fight the monsters all right so yeah we should probably go down there and try to get some water see if there's like a water source which funnels which okay see I didn't I wouldn't like down if we die we delete my craft so be careful and you know what would help is if we can see where we're going I see the zombie I'm fighting we don't need to go there anymore right now Sheffield is on the case firstly a big fan of that okay all right I got this guys about if you delete minecraft we're all in a lot of trouble okay we're done of trouble actually be careful [Music] Hey welcome to chef Ian's grill we got all your favorites we got apples we got chicken we got some rabbit you sir I have a special taste I got you some fishing no no that's just a sushi we're gonna use some sushi see this work so what can a water fishing in the pool all right it's gotta weigh for yourself ooh she let's watch it guys watch this want to see this work this is the most intense fishing match we've ever done ever in fishing land of Minecraft and second it goes down we're in a shout you ready [Music] oh my god great guys I to get it out while the fire was hot yeah okay okay all right so let's go back down I want to get that woman to feel the bucket because we need to home okay I guess with the other water with the other water we could get to get some more water okay so now that you've been looking get really quick I found I found leather and Rob but you know what we got his results we got another oh my god okay oh no that was Oliver just realized his loss is our gain right okay this is the infinite water source here so don't mess with any other charge the size in the middle part of a big farm we just we just need enough to get those those seeds growing right exactly exactly one two three one two come on yeah I know [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was so like three achievements away from getting that sugarcane right there actually make it two achievements cuz watch this can I get an achievement from a flower oh my peppers guys guys guys we have to gather together I gotta tell you something alright this is the neck this is the most important thing come here alright happen we need to find diamonds okay also I think we mean we have access literally to it now I mean we could really see what's up there see what really want to see what's up down here if you want it okay you know I'm trying to come down there so I'm working on it [Music] alright alright lots of stuff down alright so grab the gold he really spooked me there alright just don't look good don't you dare don't you dare die requesting permission to use go oh my god permission granted oh you know what's coming oh my god don't get you far away because I see that we may have some some interesting oh there's a treasure chest down there some friends we may have some friends down here be careful I told my friends in this case friends they kind of scared okay don't worry save you swab that right there right no no no in the Obsidian it isn't it's idiot oh my god I had a one great idea double up on this I'm gonna make sure that we really stay safe be safe remember minecraft scary all right minecraft equals scary understood okay okay [Music] Oh second we got to perfect all right watch out what yeah I have yeah I have a fantastic idea all right look at that water pocket yeah I have it right here and then three lava yeah not down here at fortunately no all right putting that golden there now we gotta start making some more achievable all right we gotta make a few of them yeah I saw this big over here is gonna be a very special pig it's got a saddle all right do something with that pig in a moment but follow my lead okay all right because I am smart I am the very very smart one you're the boss thank you thank you you're gonna get some iron nuggets but you made some tracks what some tracks have like some railroad DUP because you'll see have big big brain moment coming on here right there's an achievement Wow cold call on the tracks or something like that and we gotta get that so we have to travel I think it's like one whole big ol minecraft mountain wide Wow yeah go like okay so watch this I have a very this is super super important okay yes this is the most important thing you'll ever do in your life right all right here we go no no no we're not looting minecraft today not today gentlemen not today not today today I need you to ride this minecart in circles until we get the achievement okay I need a safety helmet oh absolutely achievement I'm ready push me off here we go [Music] moments later good job I've had a lot of time to go around in my brain if you know what I mean moments later I know dear okay all right now guys we gotta build up there hey guys what hey why don't you let me off no no great just a case you better make sure there is to the second achievement for riding double the length oh that's right yeah gotta make sure hey how's it going up there yeah go pretty well I'm monitoring the progress thank you yeah I actually I actually found someone to replace me on the minecart oh you did what do you beat oh oh my god so different so cool oh god you're up above the clouds oh my god diamonds are here I'm in the sky in my garden there is an emerald diamonds mojo more diamonds oh my god diamonds oh you give it Oh no secret portal okay I forgot the carrot on a stick and we got the pig here all right now let's see you see where the trees go oh we needed the tree trees everything I say Wow okay oh thank you what's that you can give him your diamond - oh yeah absolutely oh definitely - oh I see how you is come here come here come here can I ride you sir yeah all right something I'm willing to do for everybody all right here we go okay okay here we go all right wait my self but guess what we all live so we all live to see Minecraft for another day now what's the lucky but we were aiming for it so we're not committing minecraft today nope not today guys I think we learned an important lesson about teamwork here it's all about sacrifice all right because look at all that we've done we managed to get the borders so you guys learn smart Minecraft that is yeah we learned a time tonight didn't we yeah smart Minecraft smart Oh more lava yeah that's the water fire back you listen I don't like this one hurt I wanted to do this the whole video throwing all of our eggs [Laughter]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,470,891
Rating: 4.8567815 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft captive, minecraft stuck together, stuck together mod, minecraft barrier walls, minecraft captive survival, minecraft captive aphmau, minecraft captive survival aphmau, minecraft aphmau, word border, captive, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft prison, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, stuck in minecraft, minecraft adventure, minecraft survival, minecraft pranks aphmau, funny minecraft videos, minecraft captive mod
Id: v-qRabDu1ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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