Playing Game of the Year for the FIRST TIME | Baldur's Gate 3 Gameplay

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okay so I'm warning you right now I know very little about this game okay I did my research though in the sake of I'm not allowed to say I don't enjoy the game until I've it's like something about like getting to like level four or five or something like that I'm going to give it a fair chance I'm not going to say it sucks my question is is this game over hyped we will find out I have to give it though I have to give it props because I know a lot of why I heard about it on the Internet is that people that um like their style of gaming is like the Sims Animal Crossing like those games they played this which I think says a lot like literally right there um the fact that they expanded outside of the Sims and Animal Crossing to play a game that has combat of any kind I think is incredible so I think it deserves that I know about the turnbas com combat I know why people don't say they don't like the game or don't want to play it okay so I know all of those rules were following in order to say if we like the game or not okay my thing is I just spent $80 on this game and I'm not going to blame the game for being $80 if I don't like it I'm saying I spent $80 on it so in general I want the game to be worth $80 that's all I mean okay if I don't like it it's not the game's fault for being $80 I just want to make that clear and I hope that makes sense um oh God there we go okay um a narrative experience plan placing story before combat a balance Adventure full of challenging choices a tough campaign emphasizing strategic combat I have mixed feelings here part of me wants to do the easiest mode just so I give it the fair shot and may not getting annoyed with it um but also you guys like seeing me suck at games so I actually that's exactly how I measure it too literally Meg oh my God I was going to say that but I thought that might be kind of like people might be over dramatic about that that is my rule if I pay $80 I should get 80 hours worth of gameplay yes oh my God me we are the same that's literally how I decide how much it should be and I feel like that's also really friendly for most games to say like a dollar an hour I think that's really like really generous with this game I with how many hours people get I do expect literally 80 hours of gameplay what about movies I like if I put in two hours for a movie at like $15 750 an hour not too bad so generous towards that same with games for me yeah okay yeah okay I like that I thought it was like a weird concept but I've always thought that even like like years and years ago I'm like a dollar an hour I feel like that's pretty and for this game and you think about how cheap stardo was and how many hours I've gotten that's how you know what's my favorite game ever like if I spent 30 bucks or something and got a few hours of the game at least I'm cool with that yeah like obviously there's things that are like if it's like a short story like a shorter story and like yeah it's like $30 but I think that's where that argument comes of like is a game actually worth being that full like game tag price if you don't get a ton of things out of it but I am definitely holding this game to it because I know the type of game it is and I know how long people will go playing it I do expect 80 hours of gameplay and so once again I pay this is Canadian dollars just for everyone to understand that games are very expensive here in Canada the total on Steam I think was I said $83 13,000 hours then I think that's great yeah so I do expect 83 Canadian dollars okay I expect 83 hours we're going to be specific uh yeah I don't know I don't know if you guys have played this but like is Explorer way too easy generally [Music] speaking I don't know I don't want to like hate it and not enjoy it because I'm like playing on a difficulty that I'm not in the mood is due to difficulty that fits the style well I don't know I am so all over the place with um if you've ever played a okay okay I'll do balance because it's like a lot of games I'll play easy and then if I really like it I'll play it medium hard and kind of go up from there but at the same time medium is often my standard and I kind of just deal with it balance isn't hard like really okay we'll go with balance shut up I'm at home yeah hey I'm streaming this for a reason y'all are in charge of telling me I'm being dumb and stuff how's the volume does it need to be louder am I too loud we love a movie say that some's bad someone used to give me so much s my timel gameplay and take it in chest so playing fail dou instaban for me I mean we're we're a friendly group of people the goal is for you to tell me I suck and help me get better like I come in saying Brooke sips coffee Brooke sucks at gaming like that's the energy so it's okay you're allowed to be like that please tell me I suck at gaming E I don't like it what in the freaking alien is going on here you start everything butt game oh wow are uh yeah give me popups we love popups ah yes the place where people spend 80 hours C uh character customization yeah just know you're allowed to tell me I suck okay if I come in with that energy you cannot hurt me okay that's how I live my life if you set the bar at the bottom you can only go up or at least stay the same you know so it's okay okay okay I know nothing about anything that's going on okay so I can't wait to have no idea and everybody tell me I'm a stupid yeah you can't really say a lot to hurt me I'm pretty I don't give a [ __ ] you know okay where are we at high elf level one barbarian also I've never played D and D so don't don't even tell me oh if you know DND D I haven't okay shut up uh simple weapons Marshall weapons long SW short SWS long bow short bows Shields armor body type oh I see I see wow how's it feel to be stunning what are the that's the dude that one uh like voice acting or something right sorry I wanted Yuri that plays Peter Parker but whatever oh I got you okay okay I got you I mean we want muscles right we want to win we got to be beefy uh long Li El are at home with Nature's power okay usually anytime I have the option to be an elf I tend to pick elf I don't know why it's just in my head I like them the most if this headband could stay in one spot that'd be so cool she's cute though we like her descended from Devils of the nine heals oh we like that though uh Arcane abilities make them natural survivors Arcane I don't know if that's that's me but Dro driven to the under dark most adopted a ruthless pragmatism she's cute overthrow the you can be a human we love that no thank you that's boring um gain Proficiency in all skills of CH o I should have been looking at that shouldn't I um can see in the dark oh me thinking about how I can't see in the dark in dredge makes me want to pick [Music] that resistance to fire damage got it okay so those are kind of my my two right now uh illuminate 10 turns I don't know what any this means this is going to go so well advantage on saving through against being Charmed magic can't put you to sleep o That's nice though that's nice what do you do human okay what do you do weapon proficiency with Spears yeah right like we're going to use those select an additional skill to be proficient in she's cute game Proficiency in all skill chosen visible spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with 10 objects cool all of this makes so much sense to me uh I'm short in real life okay leave me alone okay those are oh she's half elf okay I got you I got you Charmed magic okay then I could go with this one strugg with a without a community to call their own oh that's sad that's also What A vibe oh I love her hair dragon born oh creepy what's this one proficiency okay I think I'm going to go I think we're going elf here mhm mhm think we're going elf this one sounds cool though light medium animal handling what can you do you can also do they got to be too similar be a bully threat and induce fear that also sounds fun helps you shove and resist being shoved influence animals pet all of the dogs stay alive in the wild track pre be a bully deal two extra damage which with Mele improvise weapons and throwing X first okay I all like I usually pick elf maybe I need to expand my horizons you know H we're going to be here forever I totally get ity it's opened more of those there's magic keeping this chest sealed to next what was that that doesn't fit me let's hope the Locs he something just woke up down here I kind of like her oh oh she looks evil as heck she's a little bit more neutral heard somewhere that only like 3% of gamers are paid up full praise Gamers looks at us amen let's let's go full evil you know there is a lot of options here oh my God we can be purple we got to be like a little toasty you know we're thinking like demon devil hell Vibe we got to be a little toasty but like not too much cuz we don't see the sun this looks like Narnia I kind of like I kind of like the pink you know how often do I do that scarring oh we got to have a scar I kind of like the lip one I'm always a sucker for the eye or the lip let's let's do the eye what are we doing here I'm guessing I can't see it Freckle intensity do I have ah freckles I see we can have some freckles why not oh I love that we we should have some there we go okay we're crushing it right now I did see I have a tattoo cute that looks like the Divergent tattoo that I thought I wanted for a little bit too long oh dang neck tattoo is kind of badass let's just do simple though be simple uh blue blue is fine blue is fine we're good okay let's keep it moving here oh oh how does it feel to be this freaking perfect she's so stunning we love her yeah I'm not a fan I'm not a fan of the ey Shadow girl or the liner the wing liner when I after I'm been crying you can do just just a little bit that's fine okay we got the hair going I do I am a sucker for these buns I do I do I do like no she doesn't not the same now no I kind of liked this you know there are holy moly there's options though unless we want to do we want to do the high buns but does that take away from the horns you know oh that looks nice too though and you can still see years which we you know want to show want to show off if y'all thought I wasn't going to do that you're insane yeah that looks too blue there we go what a gem we love her uh that's all fine that's all fine okay we can change up the horns oh I kind of like those ones o yeah let's go a little bit darker there we go okay um deest of the hell the ability to wield fire and darkness from the AR create a spectral hand that can manipulate interact oh it didn't save my thing oh it did if I picked that oh that was so confusing I got it I should have finished this first I got it now it's fine we can stick s with that oh this is this just going to change my outfit okay yeah um strong Embrace yes girl wild that hides inside Keen instincts Primal class features you add your Constitution modifier [Music] to I don't know how I feel about these outfits kinship with animals you had me right there and the outfit could be worse it doesn't yeah we're fine there uh Target can't be pulled your staff for Club becomes magical ice knife cool change your can trip selection by choosing from the spell list below don't use spell slots and can be B cast at well Target gains ability checks gas oh I see I got you okay um don't really know those yet so we'll just go with that you grew up in the Wilds learning to survive far from the Comforts of your civilization religion deception slight of hand that is how I've played certain games uh I still have the animal handling no matter what stealth helps you with hiding Entertainer an hand survival so I already have that though the animal handling so that'd be kind of a waste read people and situations detect lies ooh turn on the charm c [Music] ooh remember the past of the world that's people stay alive in the wild you shove so that's what I was was that one or maybe that was the one I was the soldier in IM intimidation sounds cool not going to lie but so does Deception helps you pick locks and pockets and discern traps versus stealth want exaggeration more profit from it let's do this one you know why not oh yeah we're just fine we'll just stick with the recommended let's not go crazy here um you can only cast from limited selection of spells at a time select which spells you have prepared from the total list of spells you know spells must be prepared outside of combat okay find surface healing Thunder Wave I'll just stick with it okay we're good let's just go for that okay um name this is a problem I suck at these things um I'm sorry we're just we'll just we'll go full uh you need a guardian uh okay oh I can like totally customize him dang oh these are funny yeah I feel like I want someone that I'm not right I don't really know how this part works so I'll just let him live how he is that I don't really care for that one as much that only took like 26 minutes to do see not that bad o oh well there goes that building that one sound you know which one oh do I get one of those oh dang he just went for it what a save I'm claustrophobic I wouldn't enjoy that oh where the was everyone that was in there okay though I love a dragon I love a good Dragon oh she's live oh oh uh fun times fun times I can't wait to continue to have no idea what's going on this is awesome I love this I don't need to know what's going on to know that was great oh God I have to do stuff oh my God it's me I look like such a badass my head yeah girl seriously um now light on my feet okay was like okay here's our Journal Escape we've been abducted by mine flares infected with some kind of parasite we need to find a way off the ship cool this is a map of your surroundings you can view quest locations and place custom markers you can teleport to way points you've discovered by selecting them got it got it um don't worry I figured that part out uh got it this looks awesome not going to lie like look at this mine FL pod here we go e why are we going over here go my friend [Music] oh I can get gold [Music] cools I love her voice brain jar can I do anything about it scha of aalo flashes into your mind nerves living sh this looks freaking terrifying I love that sound though freaking Jurassic Park sounding stuff whoa hey whoa whoa why are you coming at mein is your end ma'am your head thrs and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman eyes my head what is this you unra blesses me this day together we might survive cool um what made you think I was a thrill who are you we carry mindfully unless we escape I got you I got you right our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted that makes sense uh let's just move along here what do we suggest the imps okay e do I got a sword somewhere or something oh okay get ready to fight combat happens in rounds and each participant gets a turn to act I'm not a gain spat okay you freaking Tik Tock haters game pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions although giving me too many options doesn't help either during your turn you can move take an action and take bonus action show your actions okay hide from enemies pick up an item or creature and use it help throw character enemy cover more distance during time treat safely possibly reduce movement speed oh I got you I got you when you're finished click the button in the right corner yeah yeah what draw on your stamina to heal yourself jump up and down dip a weapon into surface to alter the surface and transer a weapon okay let's just is EAS oh wait what divine Ser slowing down creatures possibly do I have to sorry I'm I will get there oh God I want to stop it stop [Music] it throw oh I didn't mean to do then stop stop it I can just move though right yeah yeah okay we got it now we got it now oh bro just got freaking whacked I'm confused can I just keep going what lies oh okay it kind of tells me what I can do I got you we can just end there a you missed you sucker you missed again okay shoot enemy in ther movement speed I can oh you're dead I got you okay I I get that now I missed no going oh god oh you jerk critical Miss oh he's knocked out okay I got you I got you how do I draw on your stamina to heal yourself okay maybe okay let's end there cuz then can't creat there we go I'm getting it it's a lot of stuff you can do you can control them as blah blah blah oh yeah yeah oh I see I can just swap between them wonder if the gods are watching me restoration oh I love that ah we climbed the grossness we love that I'm guessing yeah we going this way better not be cursed push button let's go push a button bionic energy radiates from the prisoners but they do not react can I push it now oh oh [ __ ] okay so yeah that's the main one I got it help disengage in your hand she oh wait that's not what I meant to do a that's not what I meant to do yeah cuz now I just lock all my freaking dang I am Fury I am death you have the ranged so I can do you there we go there is another one of you isn't there yeah healing jump dip pel streak oh dang can Victory AIT we got to help her what do you mean we help everyone the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar this ship is crashing do you intend to die for a strer okay that didn't work uh touch that the console appears hit it I love that you can just freaking hit it meis are complely unrecognizable at first then you spy an empty socket whatever oh Let's uh we can search you cool I'll give it a show that didn't work okay there's this thing what if I put it in there will that work conso put the brain in it no okay brain jar brain jar okay girl I don't know what to tell you I can't see anything all right [Music] bye uh hiding here to pick a lock where you find it's key Warrior Andries of girl I don't know [Music] how braine bulb I could use one more Health cool um okay we might just have sorry girl we got to keep [Music] going thank you for the auto saves oh oh yeah slice and dice them oh the nerves of the Transformer we must escape now do it we will deal with the G after we escape [Music] uh oh you freaking tried boom Oh critical hit baby that's what I'm talking about well there we go well you're dead anyways so um what are these ones again f c for 10 okay we'll end for now there cuz yeah you're going to we can just range attack you anyways I'm doing this somewhat right like I'm not dead so I can't be doing that bad you know Gods take you first boom oh you missed you freaking idiot well oh you missed too so shut up there we go my be are we trying to kill that dude cuz or dad dude there's a lot going on cuz you trapped me don't waste St create a v okay well that just look kind of cool time to strike not enough movement make oh girl you don't have a lot of Health can I heal you there we go let's just heal you up we're not we're not there yet we can go this [Music] way hurry before they strike I'm going you go can I I can't okay well [Music] entangle I can do that yeah let's just finish you off and then we can do that girl's going to end up dying ow jump up Pro ooh cover can I get to that now [Music] yeah okay but I can get like there are watching oh God I didn't know I could get entangled in my own [ __ ] well that's a problem oh no I'm going to die now um okay let's hit [Music] you can we shove you oh Athletics failed you idiot I didn't know I could get entangled in my own [ __ ] I woulded done it come a little closer what's happening oh God this the screen keeps changing I'm so confused stop what is happening member of your adventuring party reaches zero hit points they down this St between life and death where they roll each turn to survive only three successful roles they become St stable on three failures they die okay that oh that's me can I [Music] uh wait help help up down3 I will Ascend okay oh I see they're just trying to get close to me I got you can you not kill me that'd be so cool don't kill me please how do I I'm confused though but how do I it said I could roll but how how does one how does one roll can't control down time to strike free comat you know what I'm saying party view make shove dip oh I can Dash now okay now I'm slightly confused at least I got further away from them though oh don't fly to me oh God I'm so dead yes see okay now it says I can out well I could also just get to here does that matter the Helm's alien transponder you made it in time did I have to help her I don't know how that works did I just let her die well you die if you stand in freaking dragon fire I don't like that I didn't think of that do I Stupid I actually have to save her don't like myself do I have to or if it doesn't doesn't matter if I got to this do you know what I'm [Music] saying I also might need to take a pause [Music] here it's a lot of information that I'm trying to filter through but like I'm living my best life right now well maybe not I might have died but you know what I mean enjoying my time I just don't know if my character is dead or not Meg did I just kill myself because I I was thinking like a a not DND game did I kill my character cuz I didn't save her I was just like I was like she was about to die at the companion so I wanted to just like continue on but then I was like oh if you just continue the story it's fine but then I was like Oh wait [ __ ] don't you have to save her I mean like I can't say much about if I like it cuz that was like my only oh she's fine she's fine we're fine she's fine look at her go she's a queen she's a boss that also confused me I didn't know who I was trying to save there or like who I was trying to attack but the game was like don't attack anyone just go I got you I'm getting it I have to remember I'm playing like a DN Style game I have to remember that oh my God we're fine yeah so far I'm having fun I can be wildly confused and still having a good time you know just kidding she's dead uh Dungeons and Dragons sorry if you don't know what Dungeons and Dragons is that's a whole different conversation and I feel like I'm not the right person to explain it ew check myself infection a mirle given everything you been through okay I'm still technically like messed up I got you now and the isck you need a go to your personal chest and Camp during a long rest to find some your unique DLC items check my journal check check the journal check the journal okay just cuz I Autos saved I'm probably going to take a quick pause here to uh go to the bathroom and maybe I'm feeling okay to go drink coffee now so maybe I'll go grab coffee so we can take like an actual Break um but yeah dungeons dragons like people it's like you have like a campaign a person that like makes a campaign it's like stuff you play at home there's like a lot of dice involved it's like very like you make your own story there's a lot I like I said I'm not the right person to explain it literally the most of what I know is anything that I've watched on in any TV show or movie ever not from any other thing um and yes unfortunately most of my knowledge is from stranger things so I apologize to the actual DND players my apologies okay what are we doing um I got my coffee so we're all good to go um I needed it leave me alone we escape the hells love that so our new thing is find a cure we've escaped the hells in the Nole and crash somewhere near back in the material plane we need to explore the area and find a Healer awesome okay I'm not seeing this rolling thing that's going on is that supposed do you know what I mean am I supposed to be seeing seeing that also I'm alone my uh my companion is gone anything of use mangled Fisher come here give me your gold thank you wooden barrel what's inside let's go find out my tail kind of creeps me out but like there's nothing there highlight nearby items makeing easier find press ah cool oh thank goodness for that uh no this is a repeat coffee that I've had before technically though the coffee of the day is also a coffee I've had before it's like my most commonly had one um it's the sweet vanilla one that I have so like the flavored coffee if I have a flavored coffee that's always the one I get um it's probably CU it's flavored coffee it's probably an eight out of 10 like but a solid strong eight out of 10 um but I think it's my favorite flavored coffee they have so if I've had I don't think oh is it as good as the seasonal or do I like the seasonal Delight one as much maybe it is remember my ratings are just based on espresso coffee if we're talking about all coffee in general that's kind of a different conversation um I said the intenso one was 10 out of 10 didn't I so that it's definitely I think that one's better an eight eight or nine I don't know let me ponder that one CU I'm trying to remember my other flavors potion of healing o Don't Mind If I Do what was the oh there's a backpack oh my gosh Mell thank you hello it might be a nine Meg I'm thinking but I don't remember what the I rated the seasonal one as I don't know if I've had that one yet on the through the Advent calendar I have a companion yeah just do eight or nine for now and then I'll figure it out later cool there's so much of this game that still confuses the crap out me but that's fine it's all good no I know what it tastes like cuz that's the one that I have all the time I just don't know in comparison to the newer ones I've had what it's at so just deep breath my friend the pressure you're putting on me no oh I want that excuse me sorry Sai I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Boulder's Gate I know it's risky but so is staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna it slide okay buddy must be a there must be taking a long rest okay I got you a fish and more gold oh hello is that the lady that I didn't save she's going to murder me isn't she girl you're not okay maybe I don't need to be concerned with how she's acting do you do you want okay no I was like maybe I can just go up and do this is she the one that I wait it's you you're the I tried not very hard but I tried atast feels confusion resolve a gratitude did you feel that you've got the same thing I do in your head uh the Mind swap yeah the same must be they put in our eyes I assume that's what caused our minds to cross these things are going to consume us from are you going to play GTA uh probably probably these things are going to consume us from the oh yeah you know about mine first tell me everything calm down we've escaped no don't know much but enough to be afraid This Is How They breed we host and'll tear get it out of me wild I don't know if I'm going to stream it though I don't know if it's a stream game plus GTA makes me a different person I swear Ely d looks like you need a hand I doubt this is the only entrance you could look elsewhere what you're making is a racket um let's look somewhere else were youur e dating support call Shad Brooklyn I know it really fits the vibe but I have a crush on her so she can come um recruited a half elf named Shadow heart she was also abort I'm so glad we tried I thought I didn't try hard enough but apparently I tried hard enough for her and I don't maybe you weren't supposed to help her who knows okay oh what is that this does oh okay cool all right so we uh keep it going hell yeah can we get up there by any chance no all right didn't think so I figured I'd try but okay if that's where I came from can we oh yeah let let's make our way in I guess From Below Hill something what oh my God what do you mean one attack could be freaking lethal well you suck so oh there's more than okay oh he's dashing he's going the brain is going do I have a Firebolt Hur a modifier dang I want to do that one bam [Music] dead can I oh I can protect her that's cool I like that did it protect me you did right okay good excuse me sorry we're just going to heal I have that I'mma use it I don't think it shielded me much 1 to 10 two to s oh wait uh yeah do I want to do that or do I want me do that one again can I reach that one I can let's get one of you out of there not quite but I got close healing okay that start make more sense to me now uh let's let's stay back uh I don't need all oh she died already okay but now I'm a little help please uh yeah um okay can I just uh uh will this show me in here okay well then we're going to want to use a potion for sure and then we'll just freaking whack you um I can't totally save you but at least I can come towards you now here you're probably still going to freaking hurt me anyways okay bring me back up there we go um can I heal myself I technically can or I can heal her okay well let's do that first so she survives that hit right um I'm using all my potions apparently provokes attack of opportunity like how another stward yeah that's stupid sorry I had had to test it I want to see how it worked leave me alone boom uh still don't entirely know what that means to be honest um you can you can you're fine you can you can just wait you're fine um okay let's do this then I figured it out take a long rest to restore hit points open rest menu take a short rest for cover half your hip I was still reading that level up I leveled up oh oh oh holy moly can assume the form of a beast you can transer twice per short rest dang okay choice is pend Choice [Music] change okay let's do that one then sure why not you leveled up but it doesn't really I mean I can change your spells I'll just I'll just leave you for now okay I there was a there was [Music] uh how do how how does one rest ah we just do a short one right yeah it did we feel good now okay yeah there's nothing really for you [Music] um oh I want to I Wanna I wan toow down I want to loot you let's have a look I'll take whatever those mean um am I wanting to go that way I don't know I guess it doesn't they all kind of loop so it's just whatever I don't even know if I can go that way with everything going on there maybe I can I can cool uh let's loot you then thank you very much okay I like I think I know where we're going there's just so much stuff over here it's like don't go too far my bad who's where careful that one what's up for discussion approach the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you could end it life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion what's that you can't move can't think thinking is mercifully for you oo I love this joy to serve to Die For It icky icky icky icky I get it nowat seems Focus elere intelligence concentrate on its thoughts take advantage of last uh let's moner lies exhausted defeated eyes PE rate yes girl that's the vibe that felt good is too good for who's who's who's who's saying things who who's speaking I don't know I have no idea who was talking were you up here uh I don't know all right let's continue not my problem let's loot a dead Goblin proficiency was this weapon uh I don't want that and I feel like taking it might like three to eight did it oh it didn't okay so I I could take it and it would just mean can I not put it there can I replace it I can replace it off but I can't put that there you will automatically use your bonus action to make an offhand attack those pop-ups go way too fast I don't know what I know I'm not Prof but I'm curious I curious I don't know just mess around with it oh I got a bow too I want that I like range maze can I not I can put it here here right yeah yeah there we go ha you can switch between holding your ranged or melee weapons you can find the buttons in your hot bar H okay I love still having no idea what's going on it's awesome oh okay we struggled we're up my bad I walk too fast I forget that the environment can damage me okay is this where I'm going I don't even know I mean technically I could go anywhere could I not there's no rules what is that I want go to that come here approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically is it malfunctioning it looks slightly [Laughter] dangerous uh are we not supposed to touch that I want to be a little chaotic though would I die [Music] though oh you're fine I didn't even Hur that bad uh okay some dialog options require a skill check to dice roll there we that's what I was looking for a dice roll that you must meet or exceed a target number this is the DND part here Meg I succeeded [Music] [ __ ] P pull and there we go nailed it hello hello I'm G water water deep a bit shocked but friend it's a and a pleasure to make your acquaintance say but I know you don't I speaking you on the as well don't trust him I don't know what but the shipoke into pieces and I M Savory propulsion recognizing this GL to be magical in nature IED with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you how did you survive the fo took control the SI I took control of the Sip landed it safely and saved the day uh I survived we'll just move along we don't want to tell everyone everything is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome ins OC it went through our eye what in the labotomy I know they said it but I just I don't want to hear it anymore are you aware that after period of exting will into known Asis avid don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a Doctor Surgeon I wish uncan with a knitting needle I I could needle it just might not be like topnotch seem know no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't to be one of them no sir as we've estblished few enough it's not exactly a common AFF certainly going to AER soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together I want more people it's party that's literally what it's called our party you know so to that but before you think you're about to Emar on a with most Illman a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone an act of foresighted kindness I assure you he sounds familiar and I'm not saying like he himself like is actually like someone I recognize but he then that means he reminds me of someone but I don't know who oh he's been in a lot so he technically could be I don't I wouldn't know who though dang yeah yay we did it we did it we did it we did it hey okay we uh continue on then we can just keep keep mov moving okay we traveled so much further than I realized to be honest like we're just all over the freaking place right now dude you got eight health get out of here well we got on top like we wanted should we go say hi Oh we can level them up though oh if you do if they join us do they automatically level up with us um burning hands is nice attacking you I am going to I feel like I'm going to run into that problem where I just want to do damage but there's so many other things we can do but like my brain is just going into that like mode you know creatures movement speed dang well that sounds kind of fun game Dash M oh that could be nice gain Dash meleon as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spill ends that could be nice there we go see I did a damage but I also did a not damage okay do you buy any chance just want to talk you both twice as tall as off that Bloody backbone but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the cry I'm telling you it's I look so not at all scary to talk to don't I I just uh the only thing you you want is your life leave before it that too uh I want to I want to try the thingies you know oh God that was a terrible one dang we tried dude I don't want it though that was the point I mean could I have said that yes is that as fun no okay wait so now now we now we got to do the killing um okay dang that was not great but that's fine oh hello didn't expect to see you oh that's not good that's not good uh can I move out of that um I don't know if I wanna you know you know what I'm saying maybe do a little bit more that way yeah there we go a [ __ ] a [ __ ] oh yeah get him sure oh God don't get him stop getting him stop getting [Music] him 3 to eight can I just do like that yeah oh my God I just killed my own guy and it like barely did any damage to them that's fun we love that oh critical hit baby I forget everyone around me can get hurt every freaking you just put me to [ __ ] sleep we're going to die um I feel like maybe we shouldn't do this you know can we like please to battle can we like do the fleeing 1 to 10 you're fine you're fine stop worrying there we go that helps oh I see if I stop moving I got you okay okay oh how do you even hit me when that's there oh God we de oh God we did oh God we dead oh that zoom in that zoom in how do I um can I rest cannot r no darn okay wait enter turn base mod what I don't know what happened can't even catch my breath oh there I see I see um oh well technically I want to resurrect you need I know you do okay wait what is character performs an action that's true their background they gain experience points and receive inspiration maybe spent to roll an ability check oh okay cool [Music] um what do I do here what do I do I can uh shove you that didn't even work cool I love that that's so awesome we should do that again bro I just revived her I knew this battle was going to not go well oh God that was oh that was hilarious that's okay so deception is probably the easiest one to do there we go see that helps us and then we just got to get at least a 12 there we go I I get the rolling thing now though so that's what matters onck [Music] noes what get the cheese I haven't heard that one either actually [Music] nobody well thank you oh so did I okay then we can't get in there seems simp oh my God we can deception I kind of love that I kind of want to try it you gave me a freaking one a one critical failing and skill check will mean you'll fail no matter what you're yeah okay well now we can't get in so that's cool freaking idiot the sleep thing is kind of funny okay so do we need to find we can go up there but that doesn't really help a critical fail it's not like I wanted to roll the one okay oh hello oh my God that's her we need her give me my friend back hey guys we're the same hey we're the same we're the same your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white stare her lips don't move yet you hear her voice get rid of them uh this creature is dangerous get out of here leave it to me h we'll just do that one rightow never I know what grows inside you and I know of a cure remember Howen she was to leave me to die in the naid we can't trust her oh so I have to do I don't want to attack them though they're my people but I don't think I'm going to roll that I will try okay well when I don't think I will I do it when I think I will I get a one she's right let's go we need to check out that blast yeah they're my people you didn't hear it shook our good so we came for a look gasp well I want I want I want healing and it's not a very difficult thingy so and freaking nailing an L are we sure though what if it's a thing in my eyeball arein TRS everywhere Nessa come all right calm down say please um okay and the entity took half damage weaken base okay well I don't need to know there we go the T has all your SES aici but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for infection I you will join why me what she obviously your kindness is weakness don't let her take advantage [Music] uh a training grounds a shelter Gan protocol is clear when infected with a G tadp we must report to AUST for purification [Music] okayness it'll you in the end you a Shar Tong that your mind proved equal I the details are on a creature like you oh [ __ ] okay well we got to level up for her now hell yeah and that's all we need to know cool easy peasy okay we uh continue I guess what is that dragon egg mushroom all right none of my business ah um shouting could be anywh where oh there well can I come in what's going on are on our open the goblins here where is the Druid please there's no time what do you think you're doing dude oh that's a yucky one uh I got a lot of questions here what what are we doing why are we why are we opening the gate when they're oh well you're dead oh the blade and suffer it sting oh [ __ ] oh heck yeah holy moly there's a lot going on what are you doing oh okay I was like are you actually being [Music] helpful [Music] um yeah I don't have a ton of movement here right now okay okay maybe I can okay I could go up there okay hold no Oh I thought that was making me go well so glad I use your turn you know freaking Jesus ow ow again Oh I thought that was also on [Music] me I know I kind of just want to like move you know uh Target more resistance magici okay let's heal and uh let's just go this way here yeah I didn't think I was going to hit you yeah I want to I want to go this way cuz I want to stay the heck away from y'all take that can I shove them darn it I was hoping okay yeah you do like all yeah like the range stuff yeah I also kind of just W to okay we'll do a darn it what's this immedately gain an extra action one turn oh cool honestly y'all are doing great you don't even need me ow or come after me it's fine I didn't really want to come up here but it's it's cool not the critical Miss rain critical Miss dude you're not doing good [Music] um dude's just going to freaking die being over there um what's he at right now five out of 14 he could be fine he's he's fine he's totally fine okay let's uh put creatures okay I too many hit points I don't understand like is that actually like working oh I get it now I got you I figured that out my bad my bad my bad I Now understand that so that's cool um let's do this and that boom wait did he not that didn't even hit him wait what happened there okay I don't need to waste it that was confusing too well putting them to sleep I understand you had to press the check mark that I didn't see before I get that part now oh God he's coming up to me no stay away oh where are you going oh oh he dead um hopefully that'll yeah that finished him beautiful on okay we'll just end it there hi defense boom you dead shove them oh that's I love the shoving the shoving is my favorite you bow or you what is happening with her oh there we go is it just like delayed what's this one Rush attack okay we'll just there we go okay let's get up here make sure we have The High Ground now I should have done that sooner but I'm starting to get it now have to keep going [Music] heyo there we go that's what I like to see not great yeah let's do that one oh that was kind of awesome critical miss you suck boom [ __ ] that the last of okay we're getting the hang of it now we at we're at three hours four o' okay y'all don't need to come in right should I have wait should I have been should I be looting these people well too late now apparently something one second I want to I want to loot these people and you and you Looting you got to be looting these things have stayed interesting every item is contacts s them as SAR as your cell send them to another party M ah okay you can can't do that I was kind of wondering as soon as I did that I was like can I uh you know there are children here you fool we was running for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Dr it too unbelievable uh one fight just said and now you're piing another let's take a deep breathin if you duty is to yeah dude come on God but I shouldn't he's about to erupt uh o 15 it's okay it doesn't it's like it doesn't matter as much there's too at St yeah come on team let's don't don't be like that the both of you enough squabbling is pointless the Goblins have found us at least we agree on that when was [Music] my we just do see if it's fine okay um that I don't think is going to get us anywhere I mean it might but probably not forgive that display arin's a blow hard but that's no cause for me to join him thank you for your help out there I'm Zev well met I should warn you visitors are noer welcome in this grow whatever your bus I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only streng their Goblin got you the druid's a renowned healer but he didn't it from arin's Expedition uhoh if it's not too serious could try his Apprentice she's with the other Druids in the inner Grove they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we no Fighters is there no way to stop their new first Druid won't even see me you I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time toare else I'll see what I can do I think you should yes no harm in trying the Diplomatic route we'd owe you a great debt if we forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you'll find The Druids at the heart of the GR please make them see sense before more lives are all right well we'll just continue on here the hollow hello known in years and suddenly we overwhelmed well met thank you back those Goins most Brave of you is there you need iow pric for fellow Druids but you'll need to be quick the ritual will be complete before too long just some bits and Bs I no longer need probably won't be anything too great two weed bu and sell items training is quick and easy but battering but bartering will let you angle for the best value okay so this is what you have where do I see how much uh gold oh is that how much gold I have feel like I don't need some of this stuff take that take that take that take that everyone's like stop selling this stuff leave me alone there you go you can have those uh I don't think I can really afford much of what you have so their attitude towards you fix the price of their stock oh cool cool man this area is big hello I come talk to you I'll will not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Boulder's Gate at once can we all just take a moment please what's the point in blades and spells if we don't them we should stay these people aren Fighters we can help yell louder that's fine too uh stand by our people we should stand by our people this isn't El and responsible forn in the oh well just be responsible for yourself then we have to stay it's the right to fine we'll stay if we survive it'll make for a good story I suppose yeah there you go nailed it we're BFFs now we should have left by now damn instead we're just sitting heretically be to be attack stay is a um and what about us chance we've doomed ourselves by helping these people we will end up for some Goblin blade all because Leah insists on helping wounded we see our best chance to make it to bould's gate is on our own this place is lost why are you so eager looking at's newest Apprentice didn't like how we said that yes that loo the greatest wizard in bould's gate I've heard that name before a young man yes lives in R Tower in the upper City very word in has it he's a bit of a cat but you say he's an ACC wizard of he isord as if i' SLE for Less that I'd very much appreciate if you could arrange an introduction should we reach the city if it's powerful acquaintances you're after you have to look no further Yours Truly hey few canch me in either magic talent in years to come you will Bo of this meeting I can assure you may we meet again in's gate my friend oh my God cute I love that um is some cows or some oxes sorry bed roll Trav don't be the cause of more you got got it you got it dude I'm just trying to get places oh that's the that's the dude we helped saved actually that's me to be seen with me I ain't exactly popular with this long well you got a hot voice so here we are I said what I said half my crew are full of now I'm going to take the blame for leading the Goblins here and losing track of the bloody Druid they chased us all the way from the ruins we wereing around in hi his name's and if he's still alive he'll be cursing the day laid eyes on me we've got a contract to track down some Relic and he wanted in on the job eyes lit up when he heard about it didn't work out though goblins got in he's either theing a c now job's all yours if you got death wish there's a wizard in bould's gate that gos for a relic supposedly buried around these parts but gold ain't any use if you're too cold to spend it if I knew that I wouldn't be back here with half my crew gone look you got it if you're itching to meet Kell I won't stop you it's called The Night song supposed to be hidden under the temple where the Goblins jumped us i' give you the map and wish you a happy funeral but my mate Brian kept hold of it like his owner goblins made short of the fat old chunk all I've got is the contract it'll show you when we turn back if you feel like ding thanks don't thank me I'll be well on my way to bould's gate when you die all right where um who who's yelling at people calm down everyone everyone's getting angry um okay let's go over here oh it's these guys are yelling by Mor's eyes another one my friend's blood not enough come to rip me up to in a formal greting begins with a bow is this monster with you [ __ ] uh dare interrup look man I don't deal with your attitude I'm the only one that's allowed to have attitude stop it on the road bould gate near the pass saw us for we saw it jamed blade through y's belly straight to the other side man I just I just ran cool your anger M girl we got to save it let's just leave here goes nothing oh why can't it why is it say the last time a subordinate my judment I ate Tong that very bro I could take you I warned you didn't I you want to reconsider keeping her around before she causes real trouble k your tantrum proves you no wiser than a hatchling te sling was clear if there are a giank west of here that must be our objective purification cannot [Music] wait well I shall not say culture custom perhaps you will educate me on matters of this F run all right she's so dramatic what is going on makeshift prison you your are Shing you are kind of nervous looking it down she can't fight back that's the point get out of the way she didn't kill your brother AR you're better than this shot before you lose your nerve you ever it to begin I'm on I'm on that side I'll bless you all right I won't get involved have fun you little beast oh she did die nice that was kind of awesome just saying okay well that's the prison okay well that's not where we need to go okay probably got to go this way then we're looking for the Healer or whatever right oh that looks [Music] pretty collector of valued objects cool it's not like I have a bunch of gold laying around so oh they look cool now get back [Music] that looked so cool do it again we could help each fights instead these fools are trying to chase us away we could have taken those gods I'd rather you not get eaten by a bear we need to get Arabella out now you heard the guards they're waiting on Cor to give word I'd soon through the nine HS trust that snake a rebella tried to steal their Idol Druids lost their damn Minds about it they need it for their precious ritual it's all my I told her I wish the rich thing would just disappear or better yet explode now our rebella is being judged by a bunch of Druids who haters that's not right this Grove is like a cauldron about to boil over I say we check in on the child make sure she comes to no harm thank you they won't give us the time of day hurry okay I don't want to fight a bear though you know hello can we just oh no I will pet you Yeahs a their outfits are so cool huh what oh I understand you app wants to see you go Ahad me a whoa this looks cool hi Little Piggy look at him he's so cute look at him go what is he doing stop it he's adorable um what are I don't know if we need to talk to like everyone here just goes straight to hello hi no when the Goblins came you saw them up close yes a few questions if you please there's no overstating my interest I'll make it very quick hand to her glory now how would you describe that particular batch of goblins size nature disting qualities really these are the search your mind successfully recing various details of goblin Behavior give an exact description why does it matter I don't know man my own among goblins I've always experience to the secondhand accounts of lesser men but to each their own now I have a few more questions if you don't mind I kind of mind and the dragon they hading in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety the truth my friend not aot more or last question then you'll be quite free did the attack rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates really well this does complicate things but then again well never mind I've interrogated one a captive In This Very Camp She reports they AB God of mlab in called the absolute the Scandal ah but is superstition all these goblins are informed by a kind of strategy anatha to their kind I for one intend to get to the bottom of it I'm just preparing to head to their c as we speak in fact if you excuse me I ought not to D okay oh jeez where am I going who am I talking to uh find where where is sleeping oh okay cool hello cute little bear stop it the Bears are so cute where am I going I'm so confused you told me to come in here and then everyone is busy yeah you were that one that I talked to maybe I was trying to go in there look at you go dance little biggy dance yeah maybe I trying to go in here ah yes must the pr all right I'm coming in don't worry a snake please I'm sorry this is madness CGA she's just a a what wrath a thief a poison a threat ma'am take a deep breath I will imprison the devil and I will cast out the rest we will speak soon enough first Jud must be passed okay no you don't get to says ID that snake is so cool looking though can I have one she until the is complete locking up keep still devil is restless we took back the idol surely do it um I get [Music] two or one from those kind of want to do this it's only 13 that's not bad a [ __ ] oh that was bad that was bad I wanted the 13 oh I can use oh cool try again nailed it I just want to see how the the reading their mind works is gone nice I am first now I will take control and prove my authority okay ma'am you don't need to Fair words child take to the other's word of my grace it hurts thank you okay so that does work your I want a little such a cute name I ha wolves I didn't realize you were frighten wolves sh I know that look you're wondering why I was in pain before just clear the air about that now mhm it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time I can tell mhm thead at least in your IM of away from got it it's just something I have to live with quite a lot if I'm being honest but it always passes quickly so I can manage okay okaying business isn't it traveling and adventuring why don't we take a little break allow ourselves a few moments of rest gives me a chance to talk to you about something well rather important we've been on the road together for a while nowen we surv I mean not that long obstacles you were kind enough to free me from that stone I've seen you demonstrate remarkable and courage the way you diffuse the tension between zor and Arin the way you got to release the girl in short I've grown to trust you I was being quite sincere I assure you the reason point of this is confident enough to tell you something I've yet to tell another living Soul except for my cat okay you see I have this condition very different from the parasite we share just as deadly mhm the specifics are rather personal but suff that it is a Mal I've learned to live with and not without some effort what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the weave inside I'll spare you the finer details but begins with a simple biological deterioration muscle spasms disorientation light ringing in the ears and for too long catastrophe it's been days I that's not answer before we were abducted it's only a matter of time before my craving returns dud anct I need you to help me find magic items to consume it is vital dare I say it critical as luck would have it is full of them though I do feel obliged to out that items of power T of be danger involved excuse me SP bold will Ser us well and then we kill him if he becomes too difficult value and that power all this to say I understand the sacrifice I ask of you but if I may be so bold it's for a very good cause indeed I hope I can count on you okay should now we go talk to her go on say it you think I'm a monster no yes you would say so I know you're kind you see only villains and victims a Viper bears her I call her mother you call her moner I'm not say but like with a child you just flick a child they'll fall over like you don't need to like freak out intr okay um she stole the ID ofan during PR and interruped the right do you know why why I don't know or care well that's kind of important the right of thorns it is the tree father's gift that none come to harm when we speak the final prayer the Great Vine will spr The Grove will be cloaked in Bramble and Thor no one enters no one leaves sany is that what that is teachings come into Focus the of thorns is a rare practice out in CES ites if the narrator be saying that INF sanus demands that we choke them out and mine if he stays you show great at theate oford bro I don't want to fight for you provide youres to offer to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they'll reward you well they're to be gone before final pray if they are not the must strike y'all are so freaking bossy soon know sting of my Venom get out we have no more bus yeah let's not be friendly with her I don't like her she can consider the right of thorns a rare art plucked from ilicit domains a circle in danger closes ranks yet kga alone could not draw on the right's power there is more to K's tale The Grove must hide her [Music] Secrets interesting what's in here anything exciting she's literally a child once again like I don't care what she did you could uh oh that's her we found her we found her I see you just give me bird it's up to her life or death oh now what was it you needed I do what I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you oh be careful you a TPO a mind flare TPO I I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able to help oh can I can you quick this way I'm coming oh dang you go I follow this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods with some goblins yeah don't just stab me or anything that'd be nice if you didn't do that I do the best I can no master your out like that we have options do with that PO to stick have to be here for this no I'll I'd rather know what you're up all right let's see what we can do it might but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening looking closer you recognize the branch Dr C she's holding's kiss a froms she going to kill me she probably thinks there's no cure I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has unusual happened to you dude you're going to kill me uh victims can identify each other not that the others know their victims of course how do you pick up the parasite was desperate to find where all this was happing AIP master I feel like I shouldn't be saying you've been straight with so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous well I got that part that you were going to kill me cuz you didn't want me here I got that but you seem like a good Soul you deserve a chance to save yourself so you can't help me it's what you're saying a of wver poison me you swow any symptoms I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here who said I actually had to like follow that FK and a infection then there's of you maybe more master and I were tracking studing trying to figure out what the hell going on because you should all be changing Army of M flers out there but you're not weird aside you seem perfectly normal your head is like we've ever seen from fles it's one of their worms for but this one gives you poers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet any hard to but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old Temple of saluma and I no idea why when Master heard the adventurers were he saw answ joined whatever he found he didn't make it back I think so I hope so i' SS to but they without oh God goblins are just such [ __ ] you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't killone carrying their parasite if you can find and get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound thank you just like accepting everything left right and Center that's what you do right God okay all I can for is the old temp of Sal and didn't it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the V remember your o okay a INE girl true yeah yeah little bit unsure but yeah all right well I'm going to save it and then I think we will uh call it there yeah um I CU what day is it it's Friday right I might be back tomorrow to stream some more um otherwise it'll be yeah next week probably on Tuesday for our normal time we'll just kind of see how things go but uh yeah what that's um about like 3 and 1/2 hours in maybe three and a bit hours into to balers Gate 3 um I'm going to be straight up I don't think the game was overhyped you can say what you want this might not be your type of game but like I get whyatt won so yeah we'll come back to this for sure I'm definitely intrigued there's some things I'm still like it's a learning curve figuring things out but like I don't know I'm having a good time there's a lot going on as you can expect there's a lot to do and I don't think there's going to be any issues getting 80 hours into the game I'm going to be hon I'm probably not going to stream like my entire playthrough of it by any means I'll probably play this on my own time a lot but we'll come back to it so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in my next one [Music] too
Channel: BrookeSipsCoffee
Views: 6,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, video games, streaming, rpg, simulator, cozy, brookesipscoffee, harvest moon, farming, DnD, BaldursGate3, Gameoftheyear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 32sec (9992 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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