Playing as the MASTER of GAMES in Minecraft!

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my minecraft server has been turned into a giant game board and i'm the game master all of my friends are trapped here until someone reaches the end as the game master i can outsmart players and players will do anything to win will they be able to beat my game or will they be caught by my crazy challenges do you want to play a game then hit the subscribe button to win thanks welcome everyone today something crazy has happened on the server and i can't wait to show you [Music] [Music] ah that's the word ford what is this i was gonna show everybody but it's a giant game board is your show why wait you already know about this let's go to rainbow road let's do it i'm not very good at going higher level already [Applause] oh i want to see what's at the goal okay so so let's we have to play the game i guess let's do that all right no no no no no we're just going to go to the goal yeah we can just walk there i'll let you know what i find there [Music] i'm sure you just messed it up somehow wait watch this watch a pro get this done all right it's fine here so you sure you should i made it as far at least to see it and everything's fine i know what you're talking about here we go see not a problem wow the explosions get bigger the farther you go off the board okay all right so let's oh there's dice here oh one dice oh okay okay okay i got a dice okay let me just say this right here right now okay i am a champion at board games all right no why the champion er what no i'm the champion yeah okay but i'm the champion oh my god well i'm the champion i'm gonna win get out of here ian can't even beat me at a board game all right excuse i am the best at um uh beating people okay oh hey i'm not last i'll take second second's fine it's cool whatever now get rolling oh let's move we gotta go guys let me give it a go but you already moved to the first space cheater of course or oh not a bad rule [Music] wow nice guys i got two diamonds on this big chest oh that's so cool [Music] that's pretty all right all all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go okay all right [Music] you got one it's a one one is the loneliest number well okay fine cool well obviously just because it means i'm number one right right [Music] yeah i'm sure there's a game out there where it works here's i'm gonna go next and hit i got big number it's a six oh yeah obviously one two three obviously your dice are broken you should have also rolled a one in fact a negative one that's how that should have worked wow let's see if my dice works what you got what you got you better be oh i got five not bad and one and two and three and hi bye nice at least i got on the cool spot that's all that matters yeah you got the cool stuff i'm stuck away back [Laughter] all right all right i get to roll next we're all ready i'm five four six [Music] orange spot i just want to see what you guys want [Music] oh man what happens ah get an item spot oh [Laughter] i don't want to go back two spaces okay all right all right just send me back two spaces oh four not that one two three big purple spot nice oh look where we're buddies again noise you know what noy i think that we're just so far ahead we should just let ian and pierce go next how about that she said she's gonna let us go next because we're bad at this no i i thought yeah i don't get texts from dragons what here's just just go next okay okay here we go you're so losing six he got a six yeah oh nice one two three four five that's the spot where something happens six there we go hey hey boy hi guys how are you doing i made it oh i got a six you got a six [Music] five and six okay oh my god all right ready ready and uh five ooh okay one more sixes and five just growing excuse me ugly house i do not want to look at that house here we go one two three [Music] get up you know eventually oh item spot wait what what do i get where to get what i get what again what do you get what are you doing i guess i'll make a wish make a wish okay hold on i gotta take a look i want to see look at him he's got a wishing well checking all right i wish diamonds okay threw something in he threw a diamond in did you throw in bread uh cookies what did you think i mean oh cookies oh the time it's going to be great i'm rolling i got i got a full bridge slide out of one of our fanfictions i know where i'm landing three and four oh come on okay now i now i wanted to make a wish um and i'm gonna make it a very special wish i'm using my emergency gold block okay i wish for this to be a giant gold block for more gold it's not going to happen ian you just get them diving well you got to swish what what happened that's nice no exactly that is mine oh why are we here i landed on this space guys wait it says i think there's something down there here we go get a sword they're in the chest well this is all about getting those extra advantages what can i say okay well we cleared it up oh you betrayed me before i can betray you [Music] we got sweatshirts oh my god the best day of my life here's who stabbed me in the back well it was the game of stabbing in the back that's that's why they gave us the knives of swords and such cool stuff nice don't open your mouth diamond oh welcome back to the world of living huh it like spawned us back on this block so yeah i'm i'm not getting blown up so i'm gonna count it we're on crown again here we go here we go here we go what'd i get whoa okay nice see how it is two three three four five oh i missed it six yeah come on all right all right all right my turbines are my turn let's make this happen yeah come on we also got a six i got it you guys oh yeah you're just turning around i got i got a four is that the event two three stop shooting at me and four where'd you get this all right yeah i got another six and this one's not putting me in the nether i can why chance house buy coins i'm the only one who didn't get a six stop shooting me with that i'll tell you what tell you what i think baby needs a little extra time so why don't we give it to him why don't you let him go first all right all right i'm gonna get a guy what'd i get oh it's another four does that mean i got doubles and go again nope nope all right two i could mean stop cheetah me i see that bow in your hands put it away all right i'm gonna roll this i'm gonna realize you guys ready yeah yeah yeah yeah whoa whoa um you threw that at an angle oh i got it i got it oh you got it okay fine where'd it go where'd it go where'd it go oh there's kate's quiet chance i got a full oh how do we know you're a lot how do we no you're not lying up there huh the game she was godzilla smiles explode that's true that's true four oh what a pretty color i landed on i like this color this color behind me [Applause] i can't see numbers anymore i get to have my own spot i'm gonna ricochet my roll off of kauai chan's house that seems like extra light right like a terrible idea hang on game guns can i go help pierce find his dice okay i found it it's a photo okay we're good we're good it's fine all right here we go and uh one an event space you guys wait a kiss wait that's like what what wait yeah okay this is no problem here we go you ready slow [Music] [Applause] wife here aren't you gonna leave her a tip for the kiss wait what what do you mean tip it's it's it's just a kiss at booth what do you mean she's providing you a kiss you're supposed to tip people when they provide you a service well i'm not gonna pay for it it's rude to not tell you that i was forced to do it by the way you're very lovely and very nice but no i'm not going to pay for this i'm sorry you know what you know what you know i'm gonna i'm gonna let my arrow fly and whoever don't point that this way my arrow hits next we'll be able to go next in my seat what i'm okay all right just fire oh okay you just wanted to shoot me again yes i did i didn't turn it off i'm gonna get your house i'm gonna get pierce's house i'm gonna kaboom something happened with this house yeah no it's my house that's what this block is supposed to be no apparently let's destroy pierce's house just for fun well i guess neither of us have a house now here we go and two wait you get the oh come on what what's gonna happen is it gonna [Music] wait there's there's lava here it's called it's gonna be called lava run okay oh okay i was just trying to be observant here okay so call me up first go first i got a bow and arrow oh here i wait how'd you go get me game gods why don't you ever punish f now okay i miss i missed you know what i'm gonna help you guys there we go okay okay okay it's obvious the game gods have favor with me i got you thank you for trying [Applause] it seems like if you only break if the rake throws a little bit then they're usually okay with it so that's fine all right everyone you're so welcome for me helping you get to yeah yeah okay yeah yeah whatever see what i get five it's a five all right have fun enjoy two three four i wanted to get to zane's house what is in there what is that i don't know i can't see we're all down here yeah i'll go go hold on hold on all right here we go a one and a two and a three and a four and a five hey hey i'm here oh my god okay and i'm gonna go now i'm going next i got a i also got a five pokemon let's go all y'all got five i mean you all got six earlier that's true spread the wealth land on my spot you get the error what do i get the no no you you don't want to chase the kitty aggressively you want to be very careful okay um like get some fish i think i got if we squeeze i don't want to participate yeah you all have fun there okay kitty kitty [Music] you want a nice fish i guess that works out in the end but what does that do for us all right let's go next next round i guess i guess we're just going all right let's let's that was weird all right roll what you got what you got what is this five boys i guess i'll enjoy the finish line guys they'll just be wallowing in misery here all right all right how many away are you how many away are we it's one i'm only four away big bucks [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh it's an event space so close head back to stars [Music] i'm so close i refuse i refuse roll again go again give me another one give me another one hey you can't roll your turn i want to roll [Applause] bye buddy okay that was so close well let's have this be our lucky roll what do you get four right all right we bought it yeah one pierced the still got a chance three oh really but you know i think so we're getting so close oh guys that was a good game it's okay we're all winners guys come here come join the winner circle let me give you a speech let me give you a speech okay i haven't done it so far we're all winners it's all good okay look at this we're all winners except you guys because you lose that one all right i'm tired i wanna go take a nap goodnight kitty
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,905,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft game master pranks, pranking my friends as a game master in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a game master in minecraft, pranking my friends as game master, pranking my friends as game master aphmau, game master minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, minecraft no swears, largest board game, minecraft board game
Id: k3MVbaayQzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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