15 FRIENDS in ONE BED WAR in Minecraft!

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I’m gonna share my thoughts on this particular video:

Alright… idk why I thought this video might be different this time from her usual videos so I decided to watch it and… yeah, sadly, it’s like her other videos…

Bedwars is a fun gamemode to play with friends on Minecraft which I have done and it doesn’t need to be scripted for a video but this sadly was. Aphmau literally won most games in the video and a lot of the plays and interactions just left me confused and dumbfounded. None of the other characters could defend their bed as somehow they miss most of their hits when fighting Aphmau and they’re always fighting with each other even though some of them r on the same team. If they were actually playing with some seriousness I would’ve been fine with it but the “YoU’rE sUcH bAd TeAmMaTe” and other stuff is just… bruh…?

Oh yeah and all these returning characters of Gene, Ivy, Michu, and Lucinda was so for bait imo.

I bet if they played with no script, this video would’ve been so much more entertaining.

I did find it sort of funny that the Diamond and emerald generators were pumping them out so quickly.

Alright, that’s all I have to say about this video. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest after watching it. This comment is just MY OPINION so please don’t attack me.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Thewall909 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Anony_Mous2 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love the 1 min appearances of the most characters here. I feel very baited with this video. But I'm happy Jess wrote a win for Lucinda.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Legend_of_Zelia 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

I hate Bedwar videos! And I saw this on her channel, and I didn't want to watch it -_-

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KawaiiAdorableCutie 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Kc looks so cute~! Like me~!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KawaiiCuteAdorable 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

This video Aphmau did was very good all her videos are good she is my favorite YouTuber

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wolf_Loveruwu 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is a normal minecraft bed except it's not wake up because today me and all my friends are playing minecraft bed wars only in these arenas anything and everything can happen with amazing op powers on the line kitty cat more like rocket launcher whose bed will live and whose bed will explode oh my gosh there's so many of us look everyone's here oh than you ever cook oh yes oh okay all right guys it's about to start are you excited wait so uh what am i doing here what is this actually though i wanted to play oh it's you and me i know i know okay so start getting the stuff oh okay you gotta get the whoa okay got enough and uh let's see what the arena looks like oh this is too nice oh there's diamonds oh go get him go get a plow okay uh i got a sword oh look at that camera over there okay kim could you please give me a hand we need to fill up our defense yeah yeah you can take care of the defenses but i'm gonna take care of the offenses the only offensive thing going on here is your building skills yeah you do that you're just lucky we're out there wait where'd you go mister okay well i'm just gonna i don't know get stuff okay i i need more iron yeah get some more iron it's a lot [Music] um okay so let's go after you know what let's go after zaynin county parks because i have a feeling that they're not gonna get along uh you know what you're probably right okay are you gonna protect the bed uh yeah it's pretty encased you know i think we might be good kim what's going on over here hey alf nothing at all just playing a nice fun game of bed wars no come on kim build faster no i'm guarding sounds like you guys are having a hard time over there we are doing just fine thanks for having me perfectly fine i am the best guard ever honestly that would be me as you're supposed to be watching the bed i was watching it you just weren't backing me up where is your perfect defense doctor watch the bed i'm building up my defenses [Music] told you i needed oh [Music] well that's one thing down well maybe if you actually help me and work together on defending it i told you i was surprised i was doing my job [Music] okay i think i've got him okay good nice nice nice uh should i go for their bed uh yeah go for their bed if they're not guarding it okay okay hmm i see derp garth over there hey uh pierce what's up with the p it'll protect our bed duh gene oh hi fbl how's it going it's pretty good yeah yeah you want some diamonds they're pretty nice just gotta go get them over there all right all right go ahead i'm going to go check out what this means nice aaron out of my way aaron what are you doing i don't have any food oh got him nice instant wall oh we need to get up there how else are we going to do this what did i do here take some emerald [Laughter] well that was easy hello gene you were supposed to get the bull blocks now we can't get back up with all these diamonds i'm sorry someone who's wasting our time with our pain the pain was supposed to protect us i use less resources with jake okay since why shouldn't team blue this doesn't make any sense i don't like this get out of here [Music] [Laughter] you did all the work for us thanks piers you're welcome wait a minute get out back up [Music] [Applause] i have an idea [Music] [Music] i'm dying hi ladies what do you mean you were sitting on your butt the entire time i was sitting on my throat i can't believe these teams aren't working together you're not working okay we should leave a defensive archway here oh yeah that's a great idea i'm just gonna use a slip and fly thing to kind of go over we've got so many strategies there's no way anyone beats us perfect defense nothing can stop us i think we finally wait how'd you get in here [Music] did you get their bed yet yeah i'm working on it are you uh no you're not oh i'm working on it uh-uh look at that we did that one oh nice yeah i mean is there anybody else wait a minute what i have an idea oh i have an idea too hold on hey where'd you go totally not sneaking over to your base or anything we would never break your bed you'll never find us you could just be flying around like it's no big deal oh hi fancy seeing you here what are you doing [Music] come on [Music] okay fine it's up to me that hey that though you left our bed open well you know gene i oh my gosh hold on hold on i got this wait what are you doing what are you what are you doing you're a great good guy we're on the same team oh boy all right we were wonderful together what app i'm supposed to be with tracy all right zayn let's just make the most of this okay fine so we got ooh a firestone just hope you're good at building up some defense oh this is really cool okay all right so we have netherrack and fires oh this is a cool arena look at this oh it's slippery okay i see so we can oh let's make this out of ice casey that way like if somebody tries to come over here they slip okay okay okay and then there we go okay protect the bed come on zayn just go attack the other teams and get this over away but we need to build up the base first have something to protect from the other teams all go and attack them and you just stay here i guess okay that's fine do it let's go it sounds like ian and pierce are on blue it's slippery okay right behind you all right let's go oh hey aaron how's it going wait get him oh chase oh can i just talk to casey for a second she's my teammate go talk to your teammates what is the special weapon in this one steam cannon jump what does that do i'm scared i'm scared having fun over there [Music] what happened man it's okay watch out casey they're coming back what sir chance zayn let's go okay let's go for it okay we gotta go tool should help us out [Music] ian's really just screaming a lot huh alrighty and i felt all the protections we need for our face wait what'd you do bye it's okay we just gotta defend the bag defend the bed you say yes because it's casey's favorite but i think oh well i think it's time for a little revenge no oh yes no zane zane says yes casey i i got like hey no no no no no that pierce bye casey see aaron oh hey ashbau you'll never get through our defenses they're super powerful yeah extra hey diamond focus up zayn we just gotta get our heads together angus is my middle name aaron what do you think i've been doing this whole time don't worry they won't get through defenses wait how do they get through the fences oh okay let's party hard [Music] and you're supposed to win it for us fine come on oh zane we ready they're here i'm sad uh uh ready as i'll ever be wait after store diamonds and left what she could do that what hey i was gonna give some of those to kc oh that's so smart i know because they're not very smart you know excuse me i'm a man of science thank you oh hey [Music] casey run get away let's go oh this ice is too slippery oh no you don't hey hey i am not i am not a fan of this now come on did you do it what do you think aaron oh hi zane oh hi aaron how's that bed war's life i don't want to talk about it what are you doing try getting past that what i got my fire sword where did he go oh yeah kim and lucinda are here too i got a lot of this ice sneak attack yeah this is going really well for you ladies ha made it oh go say go [Laughter] get him look at that you completely defenseless this is too slippery okay green bet is gone huh that's us wait what zayn that's us but why weren't you watching the bed i was trying to attack yellow you should have been watching it oh aaron then are gone no it's just yellow come at us if you dare casey how you doing hey what are you doing out here oh uh wait a minute oh what this is ice beam casey we forgot the ice beam why am i always getting attacked what is that knock back wait what no casey what happened i'm so happy to have the best player on my team i know victory is sure ours let's do it okay all right we got this we got this box oh we got lightning a lightning sword whoa whoa okay i didn't use that on zane check it out lightning sword i know right right careful i can tell who our opponents are whoa [Music] yeah diamonds already oh really i have emeralds what that's cheating oh i mean uh emerald can i get some of those emeralds out though oh you're sleepers also let's protect our bed hey ladies it hi what you doing how did you get here so fast hey what are you shooting at me yeah yeah yeah with those people cats i don't know get them are there cats being shot at us casey wait okay [Music] [Music] want to make it a catastrophe huh oh my gosh [Music] all right [Laughter] [Music] don't you have any strategies or anything uh i'm all out of strategies but i do have a cat launcher now oh camera oh no you don't wait nope wait no is the base safe oh perfectly safe just gotta die by noise almost sitting why does this sound so safe i don't know base is safe just oh you'll pay for that save no it's not saying no no no no no no [Applause] oh no you don't keep getting away with that time to go all out clean don't tell me what you're doing all right time to go oh it's right there no no no no okay [Music] i should have played earlier this game's easy ggps what [Music] [Music] sorry kim i couldn't help you it's quiet too quiet it is really quiet i think that's their beaming and plotting heads yeah maybe what what did you call us i called you a duke you had they do you want to come talk about it you know maybe i do oh maybe you do you don't say i'm right here take that oh i'm not here yeah two can play at this game wow you guys get over here jim get him cam you guys are a bunch of cheaters jim i'm coming to help you shh i'm sneaking you're not sticking oh god that'll slow him down kim wait how are you doing this take that off we're so bad at bad wars we almost had it you are the worst teammate we were so close
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,452,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, roblox bed wars, minecraft bed wars, aphmau bed wars, aphmau purple team, custom bed wars server, cool bed wars server minecraft, op bed wars, aphmau plays bed wars, bed wars mod minecraft, floating islands minecraft, bed wars pranks, aphmau wins bed wars
Id: 8fEhK6vij_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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