Getting MARRIED In The NEW Game of Life!

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this is the game of life and these minecraft players must survive it from getting a dream job to getting married we'll see what the game of life has in store okay got my pickaxe got some torches um maybe i should make like an axe i'm gonna go mining i want to go first now i want to go first look at that ball you can't make fears [Music] maybe we're thinking about this all wrong we gotta stay [Music] so you can get across it you don't want to go first so let me go first the game slice is starting in three two one okay now does that mean i can go hey i gotta everywhere [Applause] in a very kind and gentle i'm gonna go first what wait what oh come on oh okay all right uh one which way you gonna go job or hey let's school food i could go to school what are you gonna choose decisions decisions make a choice fine i'll go to school one two three four five oh wow this is so cool what is it what is so what is it what's gonna happen babysitting job receive two cash guys so much i have seven dollars you can just sit on babies to get money yeah man okay yeah uh guys guys that was right we got to figure this out about the who's going and i'm going next i got i got a bigger number i got six which way which way which way school or a job for more money the golden arches one two three four five six yeah i'm almost there oh he's gonna get there he's getting there all right here we go these are random so you may not be able to get but you know what i'll sit on some babies for you okay yeah babies are really random [Music] i have got him going [Music] i gotta learn how to read someday bud let's go one wait hold on i don't even own a bike why why am i getting into a bike crash huh you okay buddy okay i'm next let's go uh that wasn't a very strong throw champion i'm trying i have my cheerios this morning go go go go go go so i can go three four five oh wow what'd you get what'd you get smarty pants advance to the stop sign you just got to jump up oh oh look at that that's my chair right there that one okay i got a i got a three one two oh i would say three it's fine because now i got a job i gotta eat all the food i want you good job i want fries don't worry let me get it [Music] should work on that ian six whoa okay one two three four five six we both you got to go to school [Music] i got another five okay all right uh one two three four get a scholarship roll again a scholarship i love boats okay uh uh i gotta roll again i don't think so anyway let me roll again all right [Music] what is it what is it what is it it's a two okay okay i just got a one yeah oh i had to work a little bit harder to do it but you know goodbye it's cool everyone now we're here look we're in school we did it all right everybody pick your spot pick your spot my chair's right here and look two plus two equals goldfish that's easy enough okay okay okay all right one two three four five i believe you guys gotta pay to learn ah okay my turn wait uh question for you guys uh is four less than or more than five i don't think you have enough money pierce if i don't got money what [Music] huh wow listen listen i told you that school is dumb yes it is now all right fine i'll get the burgers yes that's worked because i am your manager i've been here longer graduation all so you fancy fancy school kids i don't know what i want to be so i'm going to hold off uh do you know what you're going to become a nurse [Music] good luck casey here stop burning the burgers that's just really hard okay it's my turn so here we go [Applause] [Music] look at you you get to move to the hospital so quick okay i broke my leg we can fix you up oh okay that will be one minute okay here's the money i guess that's why i lose someone okay i'll be i'll just i'm gonna look i'm gonna sit outside i want to see what happens okay sorry i'd help you but i can only put burgers in the leg otherwise okay if here's you watch the you watch the store i'm gonna take my breaks to do my next turn okay have fun welcome mcdonald's okay take your order and uh ah you got fired in a fire wait what what is that oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's okay i can't leave my manager got fired before he could let me go uh now congrats here you're promoted probably oh thank god okay i'm getting out of here all right i was rolling [Music] you might be a babysitter catch the bus oh i get to move up that's not so bad okay so do i just like start walking or like what do i do well he uh he got hit again you okay buddy okay that's a nice schedule oh okay uh let me go okay nice all right i'm rolling again here we go three two one and boom and six nice ones three four five six wha watch that like what is it become a pop star [Music] [Applause] i rolled a five one two three four rock star oh so close sorry bud fine you'll go next time oh it's my turn again look at one two three four five six all right here we go here we go you got i got what i got what i got what i got what i got i got a five all right one two three four thank you and five oh do i get a new job what's going to happen [Applause] why don't you leave the mcdonald's why do i suddenly feel more important and therefore i oh god okay i guess i guess this is my life now bye bye it's gonna okay well hello to mcdoodles technical support can i help you yes uh the building's on fire please hold on six nice nice all right one two three three i'm a hybrids star okay that's what i do life decision um you know what i think i wanna i wanna get married yeah the board game decides all we don't question the party what are you doing here well i signed up to be the person who gets people buried you know if you have two weddings y'all advance right but anyway it's almost time for my break so let's get this done erin you ready to kiss her i know i have to clean this up this better not happen again special on my break roll again oh okay okay i roll again all right new dice here we go whoa and two okay um let's see one two i got money she gets paid again i did look at that i want money okay come on in let's go i even work i make doodles if i'm not gonna get any money it's the finest roll the dice see what i get i got a four all right fine pick it up one yes keep it down busy here oh sorry four thank you oh money how much give me money more i got i got one dollar i got one dollar too just like the rest of us [Music] oh oh i see we're we're at the wedding oh we all advanced look at this this is my four o'clock meeting that looks pretty oh you look nice everyone pays what [Music] [Laughter] what's going on here we're getting married all right makeup let's do it wait wait and me looks like he exploded okay i'm gonna sing my song while pierce rolls his dice are you ready okay all right i'm ready okay it's three that's cool anyway one two three bye [Applause] no i know you have five albums you super fan one two three four five oh yes oh man you get a bottle i want one wait i don't have a baby oh got it got it it got it all right time to have a baby let's see how many i'm gonna get wait is that how babies are made yeah one where's the baby [Music] oh my god [Music] all right fine whatever i'm i'm gonna roll you have your baby that's fine okay that's a four okay okay one two two three oh yellows became a baby daddy oh don't don't say that i don't i don't want a baby i'm gonna teach you how to sing oh i got a five oh go go go [Music] how many are you gonna get i hope you get a lot three [Music] [Music] and you know what i don't think i'm ready for that yet you're gonna have five babies four okay one oh thank god two three ah four okay [Laughter] [Applause] what oh and the babies are in the nursery case you guys are wondering look at your babies okay all right they are pretty cute one they're so cute two three oh i get a car okay hey one cash roll again oh all right one one yeah i'm gonna get it look at this one look at this bam wait all right you just get a car to go do you have a license what okay all right i get to roll again uh all right here we go and four nice all right i get to go for space i'm gonna drive my car there all right let's go to sorry about that one two three four all right i'm gonna park my car right here why do i keep getting hit by vehicles today i don't know that's no fun um okay anyway i gotta i want a car give me a car give me a car give me a car what did i roll four hang on let me pick up my dice and one baby no thank you two three oh look at you you got it wait is is this my car yeah i think i think it's a sign to you based on your color on all the people on the server so i'm saying all that horse power bud look how strong that thing is come on very very cool fine i'll just roll again and drive my tractor car three okay fine let's go just oh boy okay okay yeah but okay be careful where you drive that thing okay i'm getting really tired of just like fine i know how to drive not like kidding i didn't do that i feel like this thing goes very fast anyway so let's see that's one two oh that wasn't bad life square what do i get i got him um piece of junk i'll get a better job again my turn don't worry pierce she'll probably get a car oh oh okay at least she didn't wait uh-oh okay okay okay she might want to take cover but seriously casey like we we have a thing right like you you know what don't worry okay cool [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay okay i think it's it's only fair i get a card out right everybody else got one [Music] and it's a one okay okay i just uh now i i live alone so i gotta you know be economical about this i gotta be able to get something that's nice and green it doesn't uh and i see it so that that's the right car plus you need to get them yeah all right it was kinda actually kinda like [Music] [Applause] okay now unlike you ruffians i'm gonna figure out how to drive this thing i just gotta uh [Music] yeah hey get out of the way guys let's have places to be okay i'm already late for my meeting save cash or buy a house i guess it's my turn okay um you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna choose the the car shop huh oh all right you know what choose how much to cash the you know what all or nothing here we go one two three there you go you're gonna walk around with no cash that's not gonna have no that sounds dangerous all right next roll and three okay one two three oh guys we're almost there i'm here okay roll i got uh one that's fine because i'm gonna just drive my car and i gotta choose right yeah i think i'm going to buy a house okay go for it house uh costs uh two cash one two give me my house give me my house congratulations you have the new house oh that's you i like it it's very cozy look at it there's another somewhere but that's how it works you know that that's fine i can always invest later and make my house better i can still go again and see what i get and i got a five okay so let's see one money no two three four five okay all right casey uh-huh you get to go kc go buy a house or save cash i save my cash save through cash i'm gonna save cash all right good good good hangout [Music] [Music] okay okay okay it's my turn my turn my turn what does it say uh so save cash or buy a house i think uh i mean that that house is looked pretty pretty bad doesn't it i i think it is it's the same home in the bank all right so i just got to come over here okay and uh okay wait you tell are you telling me i have to give it to one of these machines uh-huh well i ain't gonna trust my those machines with my money nope no um can't make me nope nope you're just gonna put everything down no i don't trust these dang these thing like beepy things i don't know okay anyway let's just keep moving uh don't worry about the the machine it's fine um nothing i got a three oh wow that's the surprise to go one two three oh no we're on the same spot okay okay time to roll again let's go ready ready five one two [Applause] what are you doing in three spots bonus cash to whoever finishes first what what would i go last oh come on [Applause] [Music] okay okay who's next yeah yeah it's fine i can you gotta roll you can win it's a lot of space come on roll i'm gonna give this a big throw and oh that's a big throw okay okay big throw means big numbers big number [Applause] wait a minute you still wearing that yeah why uh you got fired oh [Music] right he doesn't have any other clothes they all burned up and okay who's next casey go so i can finally retire i'm so tired of working in the office i don't want to go there anymore all right one two okay okay okay please let me retire please five that's good now that's a super exciting i did it you're retired now right so tell me what um but what do we do players will receive twice the amount deposited into the atm guys i have nine cash nine i i got i got three for retiring so and i have a house that's good right yeah i i i didn't play the machine so i i still got four okay so i think we get uh based on what we placed in the game we get something so what do we get [Applause] okay that's uh not a bad house oh it's so big that's really nice okay [Applause] [Music] okay but i worked really hard so i i definitely get a cool place right please here's citizen third yeah oh this is oh this is nice here it's wait a minute oh yeah you know what second thought i keep in my house my house is great wait a minute this is worse than the house i bought hang on maybe you should just live there how about this you can live with me ian okay i'll sing to you all time baby
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 17,967,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: wEqWBNm6tAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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