Adopted by KILLERS in Minecraft!

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this little organ's life is on the line so she escapes and runs but she can't run from these Minecraft killings but they actually want to adopt her can this Little Orphan bring them to justice or will she join them uh wolf how come everyone else gets a family but me I don't know them though I'm sure you're finding a good home soon thanks Wolf what we're having the lights Jimmy huh oh I thought there were killers there okay Mr G can probably help me out right [Music] wake up message brat do you have any idea what time it is it doesn't matter there's I think there's killers on this Minecraft server over there no wait I didn't know that they were there I promise and shrimp it's just a power outage thing is scaredy cat and go home maybe but um can you help me turn the power back on now why would I do that um give you my last slice of cake ew grubs why would I want the weird server orphans leftovers oh it's okay it's just Minecraft if this kill is here I respawn right right okay I gotta be brave but if I go into my basement I can try to figure out how to fix a power they see me alone no no Hey We're Not Gonna Hurt You kid it's okay huh we wouldn't hurt a kid what really turn the lights on thank you and no of course not okay uh how can I sure you're not lying [Music] hey shrimp would you stop that screaming it's hard wait sorry he startled me just took me off guard you know again yeah that's probably against server rules yes a little bit oh whoa she took her knife if if you are gonna hurt me let me take your knives okay it was just an accident okay you've never stabbed someone's surprise I've never done that ah you little creep just wait a tie okay now I've done that don't worry he's gonna respawn it's Minecraft you're a natural hey Aaron we should like totally adopt her yeah really um but does that mean you're adopting me that's what I just said besides it's gonna be fun with us come on whoa this looks cool and here we are this is where we're staying right now it's our secret base oh I want to see inside let's see wait a minute sorry whoa did you show up for like an Enderman that's so cool can you teach me a wolf please please something like that wait wolf who's wolf oh it's my stuffed animal I've had him for a bit uh you know since I was an orphanie smiling fan all right well it's nice to meet you Mr Wolf no do you wanna know how to do that yes I want to do that that's so cool all right let's get to the lesson well all you got to do is focus on an area and then press V pretty simple okay give it a try all right let's see you've got this and oh wow nice [Music] look you're a natural oh hey I learned it see super simple come on let's go okay come on oh that's how you get up that's how you taught me that okay you gotta go out I got it see we gotta keep other people out so it's a nice way to keep our secret base Secrets oh wow this place is so close right down here this place looks so cool yeah here it is this is like a secret entrance and everything pretty cozy once you get in here huh yeah it is oh you know I was just thinking about this you need a new outfit it's probably a lot more comfortable and easier than what you got at the moment yeah love to do that all right let's see uh inside of this area here and oh here you go try it on it's really cute okay purple too oh it's so comfy yeah nice oh if you're gonna join our family should probably have one of these ooh the Finishing Touch what is this oh it's Stephen oh that was so scary I'm so dangerous in Minecraft all right now everyone here is also to go as a killer oh can I see one for just a second I promise to treat him well promise cross my heart okay here there we go hello well I think I've got a little surprise for you and here try this cute yeah I have Killers oh okay oh you know what I think she needs to learn how to use a knife all right time for kill lesson number two so with some simple maneuvers you can pop out of the ground anywhere uh show Aaron sure I'll put on the mask and anywhere whoa where'd he go whoa where'd it go too easy that is so cool yes yes go ahead and brag about something so easy a child could do well we are teaching her so why don't you give it a try oh okay I'm ready myself and I got this don't worry just focus and um whoa look at that don't forget to reappear somewhere scary behind people is better boom whoa oh wow wow okay I was not expecting that oh you look so good good oh and I learned it nice well done oh you're just a natural such a good job I knew it I knew I still telling what I meant you see of course great there are some rules the server Killers have to follow really rules we have to be shoot out to kill innocent people or little ones thieves killers and cheaters are all okay that makes sense well she was never very nice [Music] work okay let's go up here in come on Aaron we've got this huh are you sure yeah sure we'll leave with our shadowy people yeah I was fighting tooth and nail hmm that's not true okay well you stand back I'll go check on this oh she's going towards the Trap arrows you can't tell me this place was trapped what's up hey is there something I can help you with yeah any trouble at all server admin yeah [Music] the server admin just ran away yeah scaring people is kind of easy yeah scaring gets a lot done guess we're too sharply dressed okay okay my first mission to patrol the base and make sure everything's good yeah yeah oh who is that was zombie all right time to use my killer Powers I can go over there and get the mob and I can get the jump on them and teleport in what's up what's up next Target no it's been losses we've seen that sad little server orphan oh you remember the last time we turned dumped all the Rope I took your days to get yeah I hope she's doing all right well you know if you're worried maybe it's about time we dropped by make sure she doesn't have anything valuable that needs protecting yeah they were mean to me [Music] oh it's not gonna hurt you you're always nice to me I'm like sorry I always like this cookies but amazing orphan what oh this doesn't sound good what do you think you're right come on come on how much fun this is make him pull some more pranks and [Music] I'll be back for y'all later now time to get some more cocoa beans I can steal one right give me some yay wait did I get a new power oh my cookies [Music] that happened oh it's a guy's house the one that led all the bullying let's see up here and up on it I actually have a nice bed for once I sleep on the floor release touch a bed hmm like anyone's actually home I thought he would come upstairs and I'd be like Boo there's a basement here see motorcycle uh laundry and dryer machine that's it [Music] what what is that um oh Potion bottles I hide bottles you never know [Music] but it'd be interesting right yeah yeah it actually would let's grab one zero two and okay there we go oh full inventory I've never had that before you gotta get out of here before somebody finds us um let's see uh I think that's good right yo I swear there's usually cookies around here I mean still oh my God my pants are wet for some reason okay maybe we should get back home now you know I'm pretty sure I heard some suspicious noises coming from the cabin outside of town if I was a killer which I'm not then I would hide my precious gold out there that's true it would be a good place to hide and no knows about the people that live there that's right I'm sure that the person that has been killing the townspeople and stealing their beautiful gold is hiding there oh wait a minute Hi listen listen I'm telling you Sheriff it has to be whoever lives in that cabin it's totally suss well yeah you don't have to tell me twice don't you worry I'm gonna call up the squad and head over there right now it's time you brought this rampant killing and gold stealing I believe in you oh this is not good at all [Music] oh man I need to go tell them and fast ah I gotta get back quickly um well I gotta find my way back uh sweet oh there it is all right bolts and you two you just stay hot sweet yeah sure whatever oh no have fun with that hey uh I'm back oh hey everyone how are you doing hey I'm sorry I tried to get here before them don't worry about it this isn't our first rodeo it's a bit weird how they cut on so fast careful and cover our tracks yeah we were the sheriff was talking to somebody about stolen gold that wasn't you guys right um we never use our killer powers for that kind of stuff hmm I thought of someone who might uh doesn't look like there's any golden gold in there get out of here got it okay start it we didn't find anything uh well even though we did it I'm sure you two will confess let's take them down to the station boys uh fine we'll get in the car all right well done now I just got it oh hey guys [Music] oh an orphan again um maybe if I go back to my old house you'll never get me oh come on I don't even know what I even tripped on wait a minute wait a minute I think I know what's going on what do you want oh now your gold is mine no you'll never get away with this oh yeah I already have let's terrible I'll see you soon okay well this is just silly come on [Music] I need to show that my parents are innocent I need to make sure that Kim knows that the actual killer the one the one is in there oh I'm so confused I'll get you guys out I promise okay let's see um I can't just go into the front door um maybe if I hello let's go inside and down and hmm looks like a closet hmm oh I gotta sneak oh chance but I guess neat I'm surrounded there's no way I can get this figured out maybe oh wait a minute I have a idea I have an idea I have a new idea [Music] um the end werewolf wow you just dated cool okay uh that worked um you're so scary well good job yes yes I gotta go to this one um and this ability did all that oh I guess I did that too huh okay um all right let's see oh yeah yeah I want this um wait a minute I think I know how to hear the last one I gotta get rid of all of them I can't just like sneak around because if I sneak around and my parents my parents are um you know out then they're gonna just come after us again I don't think that would happen um okay excuse me hello would you like this donut Girl Scout Donuts are um being sold right now limited time only green for St Patrick's Day no kind of thing if you want to have it uh was it good wow I'm good at this is someone out there hey put them on your back nice I'm bringing you guys up oh I'm so proud of you a great job I'm glad that you guys are safe we're glad you're safe yeah and we're all better because well well well well what do we have here wait I can't explain you're after somebody else and how could I be sure right now it seems like your parents are the prime Excuse me yes this is Sheriff Kim no I don't care you've been killed I need to stop the killers from stealing more gold wait you stole your gold I just had it on you okay wait hold on you see someone else is on the loose what a mess okay yeah yeah well if you're not the killer then who is look I think whoa [Laughter] I knew you'd come to break them out and that's why I'm here to kill you all I knew it was you what how was it all the gold stealing yeah well it doesn't matter because you are all going to die I don't think so wait a minute where'd you go where did she go you tell me right now [Music] we really did what oh well uh this kid just caught your killer it's all things to them the tricks that I've learned and that kind of stuff that you know which makes my job easier good job I guess you guys are in bed after all [Music] [Laughter] wait a minute she said we can't um
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,586,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: RcMyZDRy6gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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