Playing as a SECRET SPY in Minecraft!

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and i'd like to join your server it seems to have a lot of cool mods TELL US PLEASE

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SproutLee 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
an agent of evil is lurking around our minecraft server so i become a secret spy and it's my job to find out who the evil agent is and stop them from stealing all the diamonds on the server with the coolest gadgets at my disposal i'll smile on everyone to break into laser protected bulbs and even escape on jet skis to protect those diamonds do i have what it takes to go undercover and complete my most dangerous mission let's find out oh and remember your mission is to subscribe thanks all right so you guys are probably wondering what i'm doing relaxing doing absolutely nothing suspicious right well i oh i have no time to explain the alarm's going off okay all right oh let's see oh i gotta get off it i'll see you later tv i love you okay all right now i gotta answer my phone but this is a regular ordinary phone no no no no this is a spy phone so if you answer it it does this okay all right i'm going down to my secret spy base that's why i'm fastly dressed because i am actually a secret spy that's right welcome to my spy lair i got my secret costumes here i got my secret entrance on my secret exit with my secret secret cars my secret spy gear look don't question it okay i have a diamond sword it's not a regular diamond sword it'll explode if you get close to it i'm gonna not back fine i'll stop talking ian don't jesus monologue i don't i need you cool monologues haven't known that all right enough why are you frozen in time uh i got bad wi-fi uh-huh uh okay yeah that makes sense all right uh okay so what what's the deal what do you need we've got a report of an evil agent on the server gonna just sorry everything you gotta stop it before it's too late hmm what's in it for me uh i i'll give you gold i don't want gold uh uh fine i'll give you diamonds yeah yeah you you got to stop though all right fine you know what that's what i'll do see ya okay oh turned it off wrong but that's okay i can afford another one because i'm a secret spy i'm going to need to make sure that everyone on the server is safe i truly think that ian's being paranoid and he doesn't really know who the secret spy is maybe it's actually him but it might not be so i'm gonna go make sure everyone else is not a spy all right let's go come on car so obviously as a spy i'm going to go check on the first person all the way at the end which is gonna be zane i gotta make sure he's up to good and not no good because that's my job all right i'm gonna park my car right here what is zane doing oh he's putting up blinds in his house his house made of windows that is suspicious that's it i gotta make it i gotta make myself i gotta get in there all right invisibility grapple crap get up there i gotta get in there there we go that's about everything i need here all right gotta go down the chimney all right all right that should close most of the view all right all right this should work all right just need to pull this off set this up zayn you made this paper mache of kawaii chan to practice here just right what okay so we go in practice restaurants how to date nice and confident is like oh kawaii i didn't see you there wait wait no that that's stupid i'll be the one to ask for the date i can't think of something else um okay so just say hello uh so kawaii chan i noticed you've been looking at my sweater quite a lot um uh uh oh okay that um i i must be overthinking this i'm hearing things what uh already what uh kawaii chan that that was just uh the opening appetizer i mean we didn't really order anything yet i gotta get out here where did this come from see zen isn't doing too much crazy all right he's just uh he's just practicing how to date cool okay all right koichan that's right she's a suspect too all right i got i got i gotta go check out her i gotta go check out her uh maybe what if i do something like uh come over here and maybe do something like um yes perfect oh no no i get nothing i can't settle fire okay all right being a spy is really really hard you thought it was easy it's not all right climbing up a ladder exercise all right what is she doing is she the secret agent hey she's got lasers in that room she must be the secret agent that's trying to do something bad to the server i gotta find a way to break in there and as a spy i gotta be super graceful the most graceful i ever been i gotta blow it up all right uh so let's see let's listen still there we go all right pretty graceful in my opinion all right great what was that noise all right made it in without a without a sound let's see come over here oh it's just a little vault okay all right this is this is not exactly evil she's just got some stuff to protect yourself with all right all right that's good that's good all right so let's just let me just get out of here oh i should probably throw away this tnt like over here what is this racket up here [Music] i can stand so still she will not see me oh okay good okay guys all right now i gotta go check on oh noy that's right i gotta get my car and go drive her noise house he's right next to my house i could go check down first but you know what i gotta make sure he's okay uh maybe over here all right just kind of sneak up and make sure i park from afar very gracefully okay very gracefully okay [Music] okay he almost got me all right mr portster you're safe no one's gonna take you you are my prized pig he's just got a secret vault so he can protect his cars and his animals yeah let's you stay there in your pink car oh no no mister horseshoe pulling over there all right so it's pretty obvious noy is up to absolutely nothing he's just doing regular noise things i think i think everything's fine on the server it's safe to return home all right that was exhausting i don't think i missed anyone else on the server um wait a minute what about what about pierce i didn't check on him hmm all right you know what i'm gonna give him a little visit pay him a little visit to myself actually in my spy plane and while you may think that i can't get out of here you're greatly mistaken a spy has her ways here we go [Music] okay all right so pierce's house is right there i just gotta nail this landing gotta nail this landing got a little this landing in [Music] close close close maybe around here and then i did it my plane should be perfectly safe i think it might be somewhere over there okay well that was an explosion you know what i i should i play we'll be fine all right now it's oh what's that that pierced me is that an explosion out there what's going on just like my plan to distract him with my plane focus pierce ah sorry i needed that anyway okay i'm exhausted if everybody having everybody having all these diamonds on the server but me the time of having pierced not owning all the diamonds on the server is over it's time for me to collect what's rightfully mine by taking what's rightfully theirs back from them towards me instead and i'm going to start with affbow she's good she's miss rich she's got all that stuff hanging out i bet it i bet you i could take all the diamonds just walking in her front door okay all right that's not good uh okay so obviously uh pierce is the uh the the secret spy agent uh i gotta make sure that he doesn't get my diamonds i hope she's not home right here in my hand i have a security remote so i'm going to use all of my traps on him to prevent it from going into the door okay she's not home now's my chance okay i mean i guess i'll just go through the door huh let's give that a go here we go and let's get him he went right into the ladder he'll never think to do that again okay i just gotta i i know i could do this again i don't know i just gotta make sure that i just jump over the lava it's fine my cat like reflexes will save me all right as soon as as soon as i see the gates open i'll just jump and then you'll be fine step one sneak step two open the door this time jeez pierce all right and then step three just snake when is pierce going to understand he can't just okay okay okay okay down was bad up was worse but if i just like so maybe i'm taking this approach wrong maybe if i just instead of going slow what if i go fast i just go super fast run right through that door and then they can't nothing can stop me then okay i just got a a one a two a skittly dilly dude they are gravity infused lasers which means that if he tries to pass through them you know he'll have a little bit of trouble with that they'll just pull him back wait a minute gravity infused lasers oh no okay all right you know what i'll i'll be careful with my own traps oh darn it okay whatever boy that was okay i can't get through this this is a problem nobody notices okay uh you know what i'll i'll deal with this later i got i got bigger fish to fry and my fish i mean not me please okay so pierce couldn't obviously get wait what's that hmm you dropped this super secret invite you're officially invited to be awesome summer home for a night of fun no uggles allowed pierce if i know pierce this means that he's inviting everyone on the server to go to his summer house wait which is like right literally behind his regular house okay yeah it's that one over there i see it over there hmm pierce's up to something he's definitely going to be stealing diamonds from everyone on the server everyone is rich and i am a spy and i must protect them without them knowing it looks like there's a party going on there look at that villager partying um let her through hello hello how you doing uh you know what enjoy yourself i'll be right back i'm just gonna mingle i'm just gonna hang out uh chico my boy how you doing hey hey come back here chico okay come back come on here's two hey guys what's going on here anything hey hey there how are we doing doing pretty good stunning in that dress oh thank you it's just something i threw on like a bed sheet wow it looks familiar no no no it doesn't you must you must have your uh he must be thinking of something else maybe a dream or something it was shockingly shockingly a dream a shocking dream so why don't you guys have your diamonds here at this dinner party oh well it's it's the weirdest thing like we all seem to be having the same problem where a lot of our diamonds have been going missing yeah this morning mark just disappeared out of nowhere i don't know what happened to them yeah so we're all kind of like hanging on to ours but hey it's a bit of a bright spot because apparently pierce says he's got this great plan to actually help us get even more diamonds for ourselves to replace the ones we lost oh yeah oh so he got three of you here like a diamond triangle i'm excited to get my back right daddy needs his time can you move out of the way real quick oh man rachel she's crazy oh uh hey guys yeah so i got to go get some more nerves from my main kitchen you know just i do better in that kitchen over there so i'm going to go over there just hey enjoy hang out relax and uh i'll keep going okay i'll be back eventually gotta go all right see you bye bye pears you guys enjoy your biggest i'm gonna go to the ladies room outside [Music] is the guy's room out there too pierce pierce where did you go upstairs maybe oh wait a minute my spy sensor tingling looks like there's a groove in the area maybe whoa [Music] oh my gosh what is that okay okay okay all right i gotta go see what's going on down here okay lasers beers this is so amateur oh my gosh all right let's see all right made that through and then maybe if i do something like this then i can just okay just gonna keep going what is this uh oh my goodness okay bridge there we go perfect pierce can't stop me i'm like the best secret spy ever enter the code what is the code let's see one one one oh more lasers i just i just i just made this dress out of my bed sheets okay i knew it he's up to no good and he's absolutely the secret spy i knew it kawhichat had her secret base to like you know protect all her weapons but he's protecting nothing he's protecting secrets secrets and lies that's all he's built on all right what data's here what secrets is he hiding in his computer [Music] hold on around again there there we go you silly spy off you thinking about smart me seriously why can't you just be normal like me for like two seconds do not attempt to sway me you have more pressing matters to attend to what matters what pressing matters do you mean here allow me to show you is this just a beautiful party of course right i'm just so good at doing what i do and also a little bit of this just hanging out upstairs miss tnt well you you've laced your house the whole thing is rigged spieth i can't believe this i can't believe that you would put attic tnt and tnt and villagers and people and diamonds in your house how oh so easy and i've got the detonator right here so if you'd make any sudden moves that entire party is going to have the roof rip right on funny moves eh how about that [Music] my one weakness being shocked a bunch no don't you dare you don't give me back here why didn't i make two jet skis give that back no this is my deadline i mean it is a job i mean you know jump well i'm catching up anyway you're bad driver i'm not going i'm going left well oh oh that's actually a pretty good move no no no no now just give me the detonator and only a few people are going to get hurt i'm a spy trained in all forms of combat how about no no i don't think that's not coming little does he know that i'm really really smart i'm just too graceful for him to notice now to throw this detonator in the here's what are you water you may have ruined my plans this guy hey oh the detonator come on that's the whole afternoon wasted it's fine it's fine i'm calm this time you may have gotten me but don't worry i saw it all the time you're never gonna find him fine how about i just do something like this that was a gift he's gone i oh wait a minute what good thing i had a second one just in case the first one got sabotaged it wasn't enough for me i played for everything now as i was saying before you so rudely interrupted me i'm going to leave to go collect my diamonds [Laughter] so long see this is the part where you think he got away but it's not i actually put a tracker on that arrow and if you see in my inventory right here i have a person finder 2.0 now 1.0 the upgraded version with my tracker arrows now let's see where did he go all right just gotta follow the beeps the bigger the beeps get the more that i can uh you know track him down all right let's back this up really gracefully how do i get out of all right thank you person finder i knew this would come in handy and look pierced so predictable with his precious pee made of diamonds gross okay all right so let's see little does he know i have an egg solid surprise for him a nice one if something goes wrong let's see what he has to say for himself maybe he'll show those diamonds with me are you in here wait i'm not happy about this how did you find this how did you find me there's a giant diamond pee up there oh right you know it's blue the sky's blue i mean i thought it would no it didn't blend in whatsoever it appears you're going to pay for your crimes hand over every diamond that you have everyone's diamonds on the server yeah uh no i'm not gonna do that in fact why don't actually just deal with this instead [Laughter] you thought it'd be that easy well now i'm safe there's nothing you can do one it's a little slip oh spy app and you'll get yourself cut into little tiny pieces i'll go home bite you in what see it worked out perfectly i can't believe i won this is great wait what are you doing uh ah well you know what my lasers are still okay don't you dare destroy my pee no bye oh [Applause] i heard a bunch of explosions happening up here what happened nothing nothing nothing crazy happened don't worry about it it's all good uh yeah uh was that p always there before oh yeah it was it's made of everyone's diamonds on the server so we're gonna have to take that down it's gonna be really difficult uh oh wow oh okay yeah that that would explain a lot then yeah we have to do something about that but uh you know what zayn i think everything's fine pierce has been put to rest and everyone can relax yeah but i don't know something about this seems weird like pierce doesn't seem like the mastermind type it feels like there's should be someone higher up above him don't you think nah it's just pierce being silly right right being silly hey that's a really cool super genius evil laugh right there you guys you know that'll be coming handy someday oh yeah thanks i've kind of had experience in it before nice nice nice all right i'm gonna take my jet ski back then i'll see you later over at the party all right okay save baguettes for me please okay don't look at me zade i carried the whole thing up here all right this is really hampering the moment spy af okay don't judge me i'm grateful
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,129,093
Rating: 4.8967528 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, Aphmau minecraft, Aphmau spy, I became a spy in Minecraft, playing as a spy in Minecraft, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft spy, Minecraft Aphmau spy pranks, pranking your friend as a spy in Minecraft, Aphmau becomes a spy in Minecraft, funny moments Minecraft, Minecraft spy prank, Aphmau spy friends
Id: YY4r-Dbkqc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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