Playing a LUCKY BLOCK STAIRCASE RACE in Minecraft!

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hi Nico hi guys today we're going to be doing a Lucky Block staircase race whoa this is so cool so over here I have my red side and you have your blue side but what's a lucky block a Lucky Block can drop anything random when it's broken and it can either be really good or really bad oh gosh I hope I don't get anything really bad and when we get to the top we're gonna have a battle to see who got better items okay so let's see what my first lucky block holds oh gosh oh what is going on whoa oh there's falling blocks oh gosh Nico what like that Redstone I can't even mine it though I don't have a pickaxe you got diamonds diamonds yeah but I can't mine it all right your turn it's my turn now and a lucky villager oh my gosh if we get emeralds we have to go trade with him yeah this looks so good okay anyways while you're looking at him I'm gonna mind my next block please oh my gosh look at what I just got Nico what the gosh that thing's huge and I also got a star Shooter wait can I test this on you Nico sure cash let's go how much damage did that just do that did four Hearts oh my gosh okay this is gonna be so good for the battle okay time for mine oh you got gold that's kind of useless yeah I know okay anyways my turn again let's see what I get oh oh my gosh I just got jet boots which means I can fly what the heck you're getting so many op items I know right this fight is gonna be so easy for me it's okay I just have to hope for the best let's go what did you just get lucky helmet this doesn't look that good here cash look okay let's see oh what those enchantments are so bad I know she's a normal gold helmet okay whatever let's go to mine now let's see oh gosh what I just got a well a lucky well okay let's see if I can toss this coin from here no ah man all right let's just throw it in normally oh gosh no I got TNT Nico what the heck it flew up our staircase oh my gosh that is so annoying but good thing we have Bedrock underneath I gotta pray to the emerald Lucky Block Gods give me something good soon what does that mean let's go I got diamonds gold coal and Lapis Lazuli wait did you get emeralds yup you can go trade with the villager oh my gosh okay I got so many from that I could get a lucky cookie whoa a superhero's potion oh my gosh this thing is Opie a Super Evil potion oh gosh I hope you don't hit me with this and just a normal sword what a normal sword this thing is so overpowered ugh this is gonna be so good for the fight let's go okay hopefully I get something good like that I'd say we're about even now so let's use our jet boots to fly you can fly oh my god of course I can and let's see what's in our next Lucky Block I got a pet big oh my gosh I love pigs he's so cute okay let's open mine it just says you got this from a Lucky Block what that's kind of useless hey my Pig's going on your staircase oh he likes me hello piggy hey he betrayed me all right whatever let's just see what's in our next Lucky Block what was that wait it's a chef's chest what happens if I place this down oh my gosh I just got a god apple and star cookies let's go okay time for mine and what the heck I just got butter what butter no it's just a pressure plate you're so silly okay anyways time for mine please give me something good whoa what's that oh oh gosh oh gosh it's raining on us I have poison now I got a bunch of poison Stars Nico look those are so shiny what I know right all right I'll save the rest of these for the fight those are gonna be so good okay your turn time for mine what guess what I got cash I'm guessing that's the cactus no fair that's so Opie this is so cool oh my gosh why can't I get something good like that come on give me that diamonds but I don't even have a pickaxe that's so sad okay time for mine whoa what is that this is a huge Lucky Block oh gosh you better be careful what if it's something bad uh uh let's hope not oh gosh oh gosh watch out Nico oh God oh my gosh you just got a bunch of loots what oh my gosh more time is it Emerald oh that's so lucky I'm actually with my villager again all right fine while you do that I'm gonna open my next lucky block and let's see what I get from this one oh gosh oh gosh I need to fly out of here okay Nico I just got trapped but I flew out of the Trap I am so lucky oh ow I just ran into one good job cash oh gosh cash I have no idea how I'm gonna get to my platform oh wait I enjoyed my inventory let's go nice and hey I think some of your other Lucky Blocks got destroyed oh no that sucks well I guess I just gotta mine it let's go whoa whoa look there's a big Lucky Block at the top oh my gosh okay I'm going up let's see what you got okay let's Bridge up come on it's time to open it let's see oh you got a well oh my gosh please be good please be good what did you get Merry Christmas uh what did I get hey I think all it did was turn your beak in red oh my gosh that's so useless ah why okay back to mine let's see what I get in this one I got a lucky kitten what this one won't abandon me like my pig down there but I'm gonna catch up to you so can I break two more Lucky Blocks yup cash that's okay with me all right here's the first one oh I just got a bunch of eggs oh gosh there's gonna be so many chickens oh gosh hey and they dropped diamonds too okay anyways here's the second one I just got a chest let's see what's inside a bunch of diamonds and redstone blocks let's go wait but they also have clouds in there cash wait what are clouds by placing those let's see what they do I don't think they really do anything special look we're walking on clouds though yeah but they just make you a little slow oh well my character what did you get a lucky bow oh my gosh can I see yeah it just says lucky Bodo oh well do you have any arrows yeah up oh gosh can I test it on you cash yeah sure go for it oh it just did one heart oh my gosh that's so bad all right my turn I need an armor piece I look naked right now come on I just got an epic lucky potion I don't even know what these enchantments are step over Revival I don't know what that does okay we'll save it for later that sounds so cool though okay my turn oh hey Bales did you just get a bunch of hay bills that's so useless oh my God okay whatever my turn again I'm in a slime prison no climb out no it's a slime house oh yeah that's right there's a door right here wait I'm locked in oh gosh I'm gonna go to the very top and bounce wait I'm coming too I forgot I can fly what oh my gosh let's see who can get the better bounce okay ready three two one jump let's go look I'm higher than you Nico I'm higher than you that's not true wait what you're cheating you're buying yes all right fine I'll admit it I was flying but anyways it's time for your next block let's go an enchantment table Yeah but it's called The Magic altar you want to see if I place it down yeah let's see what happens oh oh God dang wait we need something to enchant do you have anything Nico yup cash here's a diving helmet it's an XP bottles that I got from the Villager okay this is perfect let's splash down some XP just like this and I have lapis from those blocks that I have earlier so let's enchant this helmet and none of these are good hey this is just a regular enchantment table damn that was so useless what the heck what even is this that was just a waste of time okay let's just go to my next Lucky Block give me something good wait ultimate leggings enchants what it has protection for an Unbreaking okay when I get leggings I'm gonna add it to that wait I just realized I can add this onto my helmet it doesn't even have to be leggings now I have a prop 4 helmet Nico let's go cash all right time for your next block Nico please be something good come on come on did you just get a bunch of candy yeah I got candy canes oh I want some let's go okay fine but it's red I want them to be blue red is so much better okay time for my next Lucky Block please give me a chest plate or leggings or something wait gassed hunt oh gosh oh gosh Nico I gotta kill Ted come on come on I'm shooting them as fast as I can okay my star shooter is so slow come on I'm getting as many as I can Nico I promise oh gosh I have seven seconds left come on eight nine ten yes we did it let's go do we win anything please tell me we win something what I got another star and you got an emerald oh it's because you killed a and I only killed the one wait I also got dark throwing stars I have to test this out what do these do oh my gosh no oh my gosh that is so Opie all right I'm saving these for the fight okay I'm gonna buy this come on oh just saplings that's so useless nope I'm gonna plant a tree all right fine anyways back to my next block let's see oh gosh it's it's one of these traps oh no cash get out of there I have to hold sneak or else he's gonna push me off okay get me out of here yes it keeps pushing me everywhere get me off this thing okay guys time for mine what is that this is so weird it's an awkward fitted Cactus what's the use of that I have no idea oh my gosh okay back to my side let's see what I get from this one oh splash potion of cursing and it gives you a random negative effect whoa I'm Gonna Save this that sounds so cool my turn what Sheep No they're dying no why oh wait this one's red I have to save this one you're safe with me look and it's Halloween whoa that is so cool okay time for yours cash all right let's see what I got come on oh another chest whoa this one has so much come look at this Nico let's go I got a full set of Lucky armor a Lucky Sword and bow and a bunch of Lucky Blocks wait cash you want to split the lucky blocks up yeah but let me get these tools real quick I got a lucky Scythe what does that do that's so good and okay let's take these arrows all right oh my gosh let's give Nico this unlucky block okay Nico here you go I'll give you one block like that and three of these wait unlucky blocks cash are you trying to mess with me hey how'd you see that well I can literally read it right here oh yeah I forgot okay well let's open our lucky blocks okay I'll open that The Unlucky One first come on oh gosh this is not gonna be good oh no there's a creeper oh my gosh okay well Nico's getting his stuff back let's just open our Super Lucky Block give me something good rabbit stew how is this lucky at all okay finally I got my stuff back let's open the rest of the blocks oh gosh come on oh she's a Goldie sword that's useless time for the next one oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh getaway get away this is not good oh oh I died oh my gosh again and it blew up your last Lucky Block why I think it just gave you sugar though so that's kind of useless what the heck all right now time to open mine I'm gonna open them down here just in case okay let's see what the first one gives me oh I think I just got a lucky shovel hero shovel but I don't know what I'm gonna use this for this is kind of useless that's a quick shovel it could be used to my dirt okay next one let's see another star again you don't need that yeah all right and now time for the last one give me something good oh gosh it's a well let's see what it gives us come on oh I just got a bunch of resources let's go that's so good thank goodness I thought that one was going to be TNT for sure yeah me too all right time for your lucky block now let's go be good what did you just get oh this is so lame I can't believe you're getting such useless things all right time for mine again let's see what I get oh gosh I have blindness I can't see anything oh no it's something shooting you cash something today what is it oh gosh it's okay I can fly come on how much longer is this Gonna Last oh gosh oh I see I can see again what was shooting me hey it was you Nico no no no okay go back on your side oh my God I don't know there was nothing even shooting me that's what you get Nico I can't believe you tricked me it's a biter to open my next block come on what you just opened two and we both gave me nothing oh my gosh okay back to my turn no no my puppies no what oh man that sucks okay I know oh my turn oh my gosh I got Fool's Gold what is that that just means fake gold look oh what this is so bad what is this useful for I have no idea wait but you can just turn it into more gold what I don't know all right whatever time for my block again come on what the heck is that I am in a lucky Tower right now look at this what how are you this lucky guess all right let's see what's in our first Lucky Block oh gosh it's a coin this is so good let's see what it gives us oh gosh what ender pearls what that's kind of useless okay next block it's a snowman get him out oh my gosh okay there's one right here that I missed it's another chest come on give me something good well a bunch of horse spawn eggs how are you this lucky cash what am I gonna use a horse for you got so many Lucky Blocks okay next Lucky Block what is this oh it's an emerald block that's pretty cool next one well oh gosh I think it's a bunch zombies oh no oh no oh this is not good this is not good okay I killed it they're still boy I think they're all gone Nico let's go uh there's one left on mine oh my gosh oh my gosh get him off get him off okay okay back to this thing now let's just go for the last three wait a dungeon loot chest what is this come on oh what it's just a regular dungeon okay last two let's see Temple loot chest I don't want that make it count oh my goodness this thing looks sick oh my gosh okay I'm not even gonna tell Nico about this he's gonna find out later yeah she got so much loot there okay I'm hoping I get something good come on in another star what am I gonna do with that again why am I getting so unlucky I know right okay back to mine now let's see what I got a Redstone Rocket take a rocket to space use in an open area okay I'm gonna go down to the bottom should I go with you cash yeah let's test this out together okay I'm gonna place it right here and we're gonna break it in three two one go oh my God gosh what is this it's a rocket and you have to get oh there's a parachute right here okay let's get in this whoa oh there's only one card though oh gosh I might have to go alone Nico no cash I'm coming with you you ready yup let's press it now oh gosh oh my god look good I'm coming at you wait but how are we gonna get down uh I have no idea what is this even supposed to do we're going to the Moon here Nico you take this parachute because I can fly oh yeah you're right that's a lot better for me then and I think we should get off this thing all right let's jump back down to our lucky blocks in three two one go oh gosh I fell off uh I'm gliding oh my gosh I see you let's go oh a a graceful Landing nice all right it's time for yours again Nico let's go what is that oh my gosh finally a good jest oh my gosh that's so cool hey give me those golden apples back they're mine though oh gosh you guys so many good things okay fine I'll give them to you I'm just gonna keep one there you go okay fine let's go you're lucky Buck now okay time to go back to mine let's see wait another lucky pickaxe what is that and this one has so many enchants oh my gosh but it's not really that good because my other sword does a lot more damage okay time for yours again let's go what did you get more Good Apples and three Emerald lucky blocks that is so cool let's open this come on oh gosh oh my gosh I'm safe let's go okay open this cupboard another Cactus what the heck oh my gosh my last one and what is this a diamond helmet it's a shiny helmet actually that's pretty cool okay I love diamonds now time to go to mine give me something good please whoa look at this thing Nico guys can I try holding that please it's called a star Miner and look at how long it is what the heck oh my gosh this is actually humongous I know right what are you even supposed to mine with that I have no idea oh my gosh does it give me more reach oh it does look I can mine all the way down here what the heck that is so cool okay time to open mine let's go a bunch of cobblestone that was not useful at all all right time for mine and luckily with this pickaxe that I got I can stand back while I mine my lucky block what the heck that's so good so now I can be more careful oh I got a bless potion what does this do random positive effect five all right I'm definitely saving this for the fight all right now time for yours again let's go you're getting so unlucky I know what okay my turn again let's stand back and let's mine it uh is this just pumpkin pie really I think so okay please be something good please oh and it's just another lucky bow cash I think I have one of those too yeah I do let's go what gosh I just figured I was secret abilities with this these arrows look oh my God hey hey there's a creeper every single time you shoot it something new comes out look oh my gosh that is so cool that's what makes it so lucky oh gosh Nico you better be careful with that thing Yep this is killing me this thing is so pee I could just hit things from miles away okay cash time for your next one all right let's see what I got oh another well what okay let's take a coin and toss it in oh gosh oh gosh no no there's Stars falling from the skies oh my gosh what was that for okay we're in our last two Lucky Blocks we better make this good let's go oh my God Emerald key potions no fair and I got an emerald bow oh my gosh why can't I get something like that come on give me something good lucky block please another well really I bet you this is gonna be another bad one oh gosh wait my cute bunny wish came true no they all fell down and died oh man okay Nico it's time for your last one okay cash let's go before I mind this they'll be splashy Emerald lucky potion which gives a hundred extra luck oh my gosh now let's go oh my gosh please be good what is that golden apples no way pretty good let's go oh my gosh I better get something lucky like that come on give me something good uh is this just chickens again really oh that means I don't need Diamonds though okay whatever okay cash it's time for the final battle okay I have all my stuff ready let's go I'm giving you a sec to get my stuff Freddy oh my gosh I completely forgot about this thing Nico's gonna be so surprised and actually since I have a lot of emeralds I'm gonna make full emerald armor oh yeah you just gave me an idea thank you I'm gonna do that too what let's go look at me cash I'm so shiny me too look at us we look so cool I know right okay let me just splash this on you hey hey oh gosh get away from me oh gosh oh oh I have slowness and hunger oh gosh oh no okay whatever Nico it's time to fight get in your corner and set up yup I'm here okay let's eat a god apple right here now let's drink our epic lucky potion Oh My Gosh Look at Me Now oh my goodness okay and now potion of blessing which gives me a random effect look at my potion effects I can't even see them okay let's get some throwing stars and I'm ready Nico yup me too let's go cash all right ready set fight let's go come on take the throwing stars let's go all right now I'm gonna use my star Miner to hit you back you can't you get it it's not fair it's okay cash I'm ender pearl oh gosh get away from me get away from me I'm gonna splash him with this potion take that oh no oh no let's go what did you just get oh no oh gosh it already ran out no this is not good okay time to use my lucky blow on you oh my gosh I'm gonna use my star shooter on you how about that oh gosh oh gosh take my stars take the Stars let's go oh gosh please get away from me come on guys come over here this is not good I am so gonna beat you come on lucky ball get away from me yes let's go how are you alive this is not good okay oh gosh I'm getting low I think it's time to use my fragile Crystal Sword let's go yes that sword had one durability and I killed you with it what the heck cash I'm sorry but I had to use it well good fight that was really fun yeah that was super fun if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 6,187,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, lucky block staircase race, cash and nico lucky blocks, cash lucky block staircase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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