I Built a CASH PROOF HOUSE In Minecraft!

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guys I keep beating you with this game no you're not I'm pretty sure oh fine okay you're beating me you're very dying a tiger ball you're standing in front of the way and then again oh and what about again move out of the way I can't focus oh my gosh guys you suck I don't think this controller is working sorry cash do you want to play a different game ah yes please uh let me just switch the game real quick okay okay and oh I win no well what wait I wasn't ready uh yep oh our punks are just going back and forth and yep I win no you oh my gosh what oops um I didn't mean to break through that sorry Nico God I'ma gets to go to the gas station can you just call the miners to fix this uh okay fine y'all call them oh gosh Tash is just all over the place uh he always loses that game and he could never admit that he's not as good as me at games because I am the best at video games hope you know what let me go get some snacks ah okay wait Juliette you're on shift today oh how did Nico Juliet where did you fired from this place well don't tell anybody I'm trying to get my job back oh my gosh you're just you're working for free right now wakanda I mean I know the cash register code oh my gosh okay whatever and hello I'm about to blow uh Juliet you're definitely getting fired I bought no blow but stuff only happens in square City uh you know what I'm just gonna get some chips or maybe I should get hmm you know what don't get some candy and wait are these gumballs uh hello hello yeah okay uh Juliet I just want these two please and it looks like the cash register survived yeah yeah acted up off the ground thank you all right that's gonna I only have oh gosh uh Juliet can I just get this for free please fine but put in a good word for me at Clouds theater he won't hire me okay I'll tip you a little here's five diamonds let's let's I thank you Juliet Juliet is so nice uh I hope you guys should fix my house already we're finally back home to play more games Josh did you fix it yes Nico I did fix it wait you did and I made it way better this time let me see uh wait why is there this other thing over here though um because the window and not only is it fixed I'm actually gonna upgrade it wait you are let me see here look with this machine I should be able to turn your window a hundred times stronger so I can't break it anymore with any rage no way that's the coolest thing ever should I test it out uh yeah I'll let you do the honors oh my gosh all you have to do is flick this lever and it should straight wait minor what'd you put inside of these Adventures that wasn't supposed to oh gosh oh my gosh it's even worse than before listen The Miner wasn't supposed to do that it was supposed to oh gosh wait it activate it again minor this is your fault guys [Music] um I I think my dog's calling me yeah he's super hungry right now my house is good what even happened it worked so hard on this house it just keeps getting blown up by cash I feel like I have to repair this thing every single time you know what I think some things need to change this house just isn't holding up I have an idea for a new house I am gonna build a cash proof house meaning that casual be able to destroy this one and I could finally get my Revenge by putting him through it because cash is not gonna like a cash poof house oh my gosh this is awesome where should I build this whoa this looks like a good flat area but oh gosh I have no blocks to build it with wait what is this is this a creative mode Circle okay okay I gotta keep it one two three oh my edit worked I have creative mode now this is the best thing I've ever but now I have to take this seriously and I'm gonna build my cash Booth house right over here first I'm gonna start off by clearing all this grass just like this we have some places to build you know what I'm gonna build this out with exactly what cash doesn't like which is the opposite of red and that's gonna be blue let me get some light blue wool and some diamonds first I'm going to start off with the entrance to the house and I think I'm gonna make that entrance bed rock so that he can't destroy it gosh let me get a wand right here select right here and select right here then now we can set this to bedrock okay and then now I could go right here and then go right here and then set this all to bedrock just like this and then now I can select this one and this one and this will be my laser hallway entrance so cash will never be able to get through you know what I'm gonna grab some lasers right here just like this and get laser blocks whoa that looks deadly oh my gosh cash will never be able to get through because these things can demolish you and want a single swoop okay I'm gonna go just like this then I'm gonna go right here and place more lasers that point in just like this and they just gonna have to duck all the way underneath oh like that okay and then now let me place the rest of the lasers through here just like this and perfect now I could go like this and that's pretty much stuff for the laser entrance now we can start building the actual house and for the actual house I'm gonna make it blue with some Diamond highlights so first let me go like this just like that then I'm gonna go in and fill up this like so then I could just copy this over to the other side let me copy it then I can paste it over just like this okay perfect now I can start with the rest of the house just like this and build around like this gosh is Never Gonna want to touch a blue house but wait my other house is blue so that kind of doesn't really work but there's gonna be more security systems in here to prevent gosh ever moving my bake ever again so first let me uh finish this by getting some light blue wool like so and going like this and then filling the rest of these spots with diamond blocks just like this perfect and then you know what I'm gonna go in with white wool right here and then place a big sign just like this and I'm gonna play something that will not allow cash to be here so now let me get a brush and then now I could draw just like this in this first one I'm gonna draw a c okay perfect and then in this one I'm gonna draw an A and then I'm gonna draw an S and then I'm gonna draw an H which spells out and then right here I'm gonna write is then I'm gonna write a b right here with an A and then a d which spells out Josh is bad okay that's perfect now I can continue working on the house now I'm gonna make the floors all diamonds just to make this perfect and this first room catch is gonna have to collect all the diamonds to get to the next room so I'm gonna play some diamonds right here and then I'm gonna get another chest and play some diamonds right here and then I'm diamond right here all these diamonds and then put them in the hopper over here to open up the next room which is gonna be on this side so I'm gonna say insert all diamonds perfect that's room one and then now you know what I'm kind of out of ideas for the next room so I'm gonna call up one of my friends let's see if Zoe's available Zoey Zoey wow you go why are you flying uh well it's a long story here come out here oh my window oh okay fine I'm building a cash proof house follow me yeah give me ideas for what I should do with the cash house but first let me give you creative in the creative mode Circle creative mode whoa okay uh I need help building a cash proof house you have all of this but what if you made a Redstone Room that he had to blow up which beats that he would got to go against Redstone and he would hate that that's genius but first let me make the roof of this place real quick uh just go like this and set this to diamond blocks okay time for the next room you know what since things are gonna explode here I'm gonna have to make this room out of Bedrock so let me first clear a big area for a room right here just like this and now I'm gonna go right here and then go all the way over here and into the walls to bedrock perfect then now I could just break a little area for the exit right here but just for this room I'm gonna place a wall right here so we can't escape and then now this is gonna be the Redstone Room Zoe make the ground Bedrock as well there we go and then I'm gonna play some sides okay the first sign is gonna say in order to proceed you must explode the Redstone and then in this chest right here there's going to be some TNT with a flint and steel okay and that should be perfect now we can just start placing the Redstone all over this room Zoey let's go let's put all of it here okay and Zoe this is starting to look super good I'm not gonna lie yeah and he's and he's blowing up this Redstone hi okay perfect and so wait I think your job here is done oh it is perfect I can go back to my sweet shop bye bye okay now once cash blows up all this Redstone then behind it is going to be a door to the next room just like this and I'm gonna have to clear up more space for this so let me just go over here line myself up and then cut out all this space and oh gosh uh who do I build for the Next Room uh I think I'm gonna have to call over shady she must be out of tree house right sure hello um Shady uh hello uh Shady I'm I'm bringing you over here for a second sorry whoa whoa whoa hey hey what are you doing you're gonna help me build this build okay uh what is this this is my cash proof thousand who put that camera is that Krista I guess that does work I don't know who drew that well Shady come over here here get in the creative mode Circle real quick okay whoa I can fly now okay I'm building ribs that will be cash proof so what do you think I should book for this room I think we should build a lava pit with cobwebs but the only way he can cross it is he has to sing a song that's a lot of things to do with Shady nah it'll take us like two minutes come on oh my gosh okay fine okay we're gonna have to dig down on this okay so let me just real quick cut all this area out like this looks good and then now let me make the walls of this place Bedrock as well so set this to bedrock and Shady can you say oh ah you're dying Nico okay let me set the wall said Bedrock just like this perfect so now I need to find where we broke the other parts and Shady can you set the force to bedrock in the roof to bedrock okay okay fine while you do that I'm gonna make the lava pitch and I think the Lava pitch should be good right here so next to all of this lava over and he said cobwebs on the floor so I think we can place cobwebs above the lava so then if he falls he just gets a slow death yeah and he could just watch him slowly slide in that would be cruel whatever this is supposed to be cash proof though yeah so what would make this cash proof I know well he crosses he has to sing a song about how much he loves the color blue that's a great idea he'll never get past this yep okay wait so let me go right here and then go like this and then now this connects to the very end as well okay now I'm gonna place a sign in the front that says to cross you must sing about how you love blue perfect if he doesn't then we must push him off yep I agree Shady okay Shady your part here is done thank you sir goodbye bye wait don't want to finish Creative Mode no I'm going to blow up Square City a hand he is gone oh my gosh and you know what for this next room I think I'm gonna get Mia over here why are doors so difficult yeah I'm coming through your window oh hi Nico sorry Mia I destroyed your base but I need you right now where are we going this is pretty urgent okay all right let's do it you're gonna help me build this cash poof house oh cast proof tempting I need ideas for my next room what do you think we should do hmm well Nico you know how cash hates raw salmon yeah yeah we should build a room that forces him to eat it what that's cool though exactly it's a hundred percent cash proof oh my gosh that's genius okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over here and oh me I forgot to put you in Korean in one second yeah I was wondering how I was gonna do this in survival there you go yay yay okay so for this next room I think we gotta change up the color scheme a little bit so I think I'm gonna make this whole room hmm orange fine yeah we can make it orange gosh yay okay so let me make the walls orange real quick just like this okay why do you like orange so much anyways uh only because it's the best color ever gosh I feel like that's my explanation for blue like you know I kind of understand why you like that color so much it's just like you have that feeling that it's the best color ever right no I know it's the best color ever nah I don't know about that Mia Nico I'm gonna make a Nico proof house oh my God oh my gosh okay now I could go like this and now Mia we have a fully Orange Room oh my gosh I can't believe he convinced me to do this I might have to live here what okay let me put the sign now that says You must eat raw salmon and that's it just the sand that says that okay this is just cruel and now I'm gonna go right here and then place a golden item frame and yeah I think we should place the runway salmon right here just one and we should make him eat like a billion yeah I mean I think we should make him eat more so I'm gonna place a wall of raw salmon right here and yes eat all of them four cats sorry cash okay and then now just like this perfect and now uh Mia what do you think we should do for the next room oh I know something that cash is never gonna get through what he's allergic to cats let's make a little kitty place oh my gosh wait but isn't that kind of cool well I'm sure he has his allergy medicine with him oh my gosh you're crazy okay and you know what me I think I could take it from here so you can leave now oh I was just starting to enjoy this I'm sorry yeah you can see it at the very end all right spy Nico bye I'm gonna set this cat room just like this and now let me set the walls real quick let's make this Oak planks like so and then let's set the bottom to Oak points as well and then now I need to block off this room so we can't get in here so I'm gonna make this dark oak wood and when it gets to this room then I'll delete it later okay perfect then now down here oh gosh uh I'm gonna place all of these cats oh oh my gosh yeah okay yeah this is just bad okay and if by chance he gets through all of these rooms then I'm gonna place a secret painting right here just like this and this is gonna lead to the very last room which is gonna reward cash for beating this cash proof house but he's never gonna make it here right well I hope so then I could cut all this and then you know what uh just for cash I'll make this whole entire room Redstone gosh you never know I did this for him oh gosh oh gosh oh no uh you guys did not hear that now I'm gonna set the bottom to Red wool and the top to Red wool and I'll Place beds right here for cash just like this and then finally a chest right here with a bunch of redstone gosh I can't believe we're doing this and finally a sign that says yeah yeah you did it okay and let me finish off this roof right here real quick and I take the trash proof house is done this place looks amazing uh wait what happened to these lasers up here and wait why is there wait who added this oh my gosh what's Crystal here that is crazy okay well try to show this to cash okay you know what I'm just gonna get an invisibility potion and I'm not even gonna get into it okay so let me put the sign outside of his house real quick saying come to one thousand negative seventy one thousand which is the coordinates to the cash proof house okay perfect and now I can just not gonna store wait it's right open oh my gosh let me punch him real quick to get his attention why is this TV now ow hey well what's going on TV are you hitting me that's really not cool seriously I'm just trying to watch TV gosh there's a ghost wait what I can hear a voice my front door I'm ghost ghost I can't see where you are and oh okay what's outside my front door if there's a side that you didn't read you just went past it oh um ghost the sign is blank it's on the other side uh oh I can't believe cash is so goofy 1000 negative seventy one thousand I think that's this way oh my gosh cash doesn't even know how to use coordinates this is gonna take a while you know what I'm just gonna pick them up and fly him over wait what okay and I'm just gonna bring him over really just an invisible man carrying him oh my gosh okay and perfecta hey cash is bad is that Krista ew and that's also a cash next to him cash definitely doesn't like that it must be Nico behind all of this I bet you he's waiting at the end wait how does he know it's me Nico your house is not gonna scare me you know oh ouch oh I just gotta buy a laser wait it's really gonna make it to this laser course I'm gonna be a bit more careful with these oh boy stuff little does Nico know I'm actually a dodging Master he's a dodging master I guess not wait what is this room it's being blocked off and it's entirely made of diamonds oh I better get out of here wait no Nico's trying to do this on purpose I'm not scared of your diamonds Nico oh my gosh insert all Diamonds oh there's a bunch of diamonds in these chests oh my gosh if that catches the touch I love them last let's go oh I don't even want these in my inventory gross get them out oh Aunt he inserted them so now he could unlock the Next Room whoa wait that was a really cool breaking animation and finally it's a redstone room thank goodness it just basically reads the signs in order to proceed you must explode the Redstone what so we have to explode no no no no no no I can't do this can I at least take one of them for myself please come on I can't break it oh Jesus fine okay if it's what I have to do I'm gonna explode it oh Jesus I can't believe I'm even doing this right now oh my gosh this is just so cruel oh geez holy smokes I cannot even bear to watch this I'm turning around I'm turning around and I guess he's exploded enough have the explosion's over oh thank goodness I got to reveal something wait oh my gosh you must sing about how you love diamonds but I don't love diamonds it's how much you love diamonds in order to Cross or else we'll punch you off no way oh my gosh this is so funny yeah I do want to make it over there to that side though maybe I could just cross without singing hey no no I promise okay you promise I did get in love a little bit gosh okay fine um my name is cash and I love diamonds so much and I'm also singing and this is not very bad and I was just kidding about all that kidding I made it into the other room no no put me down I already made it uh fine I'm gonna cover this wall up oh gosh with TNT okay next room wait you must eat raw salmon are you serious right now well better get to it what is she just gonna eat them there's two wait how is he just doing that so easily there's three no way he's gonna get through this house actually and wait did I see everybody oh my gosh how is he doing that and one more boom it wasn't that bad what how did it okay it's time for the next area okay just give me one second wait what is Cash doing oh that was disgusting I can't believe I just did that okay wait what's down here it just looks like ouch oh wait no no no no not catch no I'm allergic I'm allergic to cats oh my God wait I need my medicine oh geez I just need to eat these wait what oh gosh yeah you did it but there's more cats in here yeah they did a room full of redstone oh no wait what there's a bunch of redstone in here though I don't know if whether to be happy or scared of these cats oh my gosh I guess it's time to finally reveal myself I forgot I brought my medicine with me uh aren't you excited because you have a full room of redstone wait Iko I knew you were behind all of this what is this yeah but it looks like you beat my cash proof house possible wait a cash proof house is that what you said yes sir why would you build a cash proof house that's just mean geez I'm sorry Nico you didn't have to do all this just because of that ew what's on the wall well I guess we're both even now oh geez fine you know what I guess it was pretty fun going through that I didn't know I could even eat that raw salmon without puking yeah but let's get out of here yeah no kidding ah wait if you enjoyed then please subscribe subscribe bye guys subscribe thank you
Channel: Nico
Views: 682,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: HkWN070fjR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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