I Pranked My Friend With a Morphing Mod in Minecraft

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my friend Nico is currently trying to beat Minecraft and I'm gonna be messing with him with the morph mod so let's see what we have ooh a pig let's try that okay now we're a pig now what if we just go up to Nico and let's hit him whoa what what just hit me there's nothing around me this is so weird you know what I'll just continue on mining this tree oh my gosh how did Nico not notice me hit him let's go I have four locks time to get more it looks like Nico's trying to get wood so what if we just get some planks from our inventory and just throw it on him just like that okay let me finish burning this tree and wait what I just got 64 logs where did this come from uh oh I hope Nico's not getting suspicious why are all these weird things happening to me I'm scared but it's okay because with this wood I could craft some tools so let me make a full set of wooden tools okay he seems to be making some tools right now so let's just give him a slight upgrade here we go stone pickaxe okay I made all my tools I got a wood pickaxe an ax a shovel and a hoe what why did Nico make a hoe that's so useless how did I get this stone pickaxe well let's go it's a beautiful Minecraft day time to beat the game okay I need food first time to kill some sheep whoa Nico's killing the animals for food oh gosh okay and this wooden ax makes it very easy and let me get this pig oh gosh Nico's trying to kill me no get out get out wait he's running away what oh my gosh I give up the Sheep are way easier to kill that was so close we need a morph into something that Nico won't try to kill so let's go back into our menu and ooh let's try a bunny here we go now we're a bunny let's go what is that a bunny oh gosh please don't kill me he can't be around he's so cute oh thank goodness he thinks I'm cute I'm a hot brown with him let's follow him oh gosh he's following me wait there's a village right there what is that a village okay bye bunny I'm gonna go we have to go beat him to the Village okay let's morph into a squid and let's hop into this water right here okay now we can swim really fast this is perfect let's go make it to the Village before him oh it's taking so long to swim to this Village yes now we're on land and Nico's on his way oh my gosh I can't look suspicious we gotta turn back into another animal here we go a chicken is perfect okay I'm finally here and oh my gosh there's so much food here let me get some of this wait I just had a really funny idea what if we morph into a villager and trade with Nico let's see what do we want to give him oh I got it let's give him a diamond sword and some golden apples okay now let's just go up to him and uh let's pretend like we want to trade with him come on look at me oh hello villager why are you in my face okay now let's just throw him this stuff and he's gonna think we traded it what are you gonna give her free okay now let's just slowly get away so he doesn't get suspicious this villager just gave me a diamond sword that's crazy villager can you give me more oh gosh he wants more trades no now's not the time no he's trying to chase me okay I gotta get out of here I gotta start running okay never mind thank you villager you can go wherever you want that was a close one let's turn into something else how about a parrot oh my gosh now I should be able to fly and I won't look suspicious now attempt to explore these buildings and what the heck this Village is trying to get out when we get him out okay Nico's gonna go inside that building so let's go inside this castle and we're gonna place a chest up here and let's see what do we want to put in here okay let's put a bow and some arrows in this here we go that's perfect let's make it look random too just like this there we go and now let's go down and wait there's a brewing stand here I didn't know these spondon castles let's get some potions and put it inside of that okay here we go speed two and jump boost that's perfect now let's just place it in here and hopefully Nico sees it when he walks in okay now let's explore this Castle I can't get it okay I guess I gotta break through this oh gosh she's getting the the chest and whoa what chest there's a bow and an arrow what the heck this is so cool and hello little guy oh he sees me uh hello Nico please don't hurt me wait you're red just like cash go away from me what hey red is such a cool color oh look bear you got some blue on you I'll be friends with you still yay and whoa a brewing stand here what the heck a potion of speed and a potion of jump boost let's go test it out Nico probably thinks he's getting so lucky but he doesn't know that it's me doing all of it okay time to drink these oh my gosh speed Nico is moving so fast and wait there's a desert temple right there let's try this potion of Leaping gargle oh my gosh okay before Nico sees this Temple we gotta go over to it and we're gonna play some stuff in the chest oh look at the temple I'm heading to it oh gosh she's already on his way okay we gotta be quick about this here we go chest number one has a golden apple let's add some more in here let's get some diamonds also now for chest number two let's play some here there we go we have to make this look natural oh what is this book Bane of Arthropods okay let's replace that with sharpness five here we go let's swap that and the last chest just has a bunch of gold that is so useless let's add a diamond helmet Nico's gonna think he's just getting super lucky with this okay now let's go back up and let's cover up our tracks here we go where's Nico oh gosh he's already here okay and I'll be super fast so let's go and in these samples I gotta be very careful because on the very bottom there's a pressure plate and that pressure plate ignite TNT which will be very bad I gotta Dodge this and now let's open these chests oh gosh if he steps on that pressure plate it's gonna explode the entire bottom so I have golden apples wait there's so many golden apples in here now I have seven okay next just and three Diamonds oh my gosh and then I'm driving helmet what what is this book in here sharpness five this is so good okay you know what I kind of want to step on the pressure but let's do it and fly out wait what oh my gosh I cannot believe Nico survived that I almost just died what the heck apparent was that you uh oh gosh she's starting to suspect me I need to get out of here come over here I'm not done with you yet oh my gosh okay let's just get out of here and let's go turn into something else hey where'd you go here we go a sheep should be good and morph there we go now it's time to go caving so I can get a full diamond armor Nico's about to go mining to get some resources let's follow him okay time to look for a cave now let's see if we can find one by ourselves hopefully he doesn't see me fly here maybe there's one in this Acacia biome oh I found a cave right there and wait Nico's right over there okay we gotta go down as quickly as possible let's get into this cave before him so we can troll him a little bit okay I'm gonna spawn like five creepers right here Nico's gonna be so confused why there's so many now let's just turn into a bat so we can fly around and there we go this is perfect okay let's continue looking for a cave what is that one down there let see if it's good and oh my gosh this is looking promising oh no there's two creep y Nico doesn't know that there's way more down there come on oh for the creepers oh no oh but document is blew up the other one time to kill some more come on oh what how did Nico kill those creepers so easily I'm overpowered time to mind this iron okay while Nico's mining that iron let's go over here and let's Place Another vein right over here okay now that I'm done with that I'm gonna mind this one over here and wow this was pretty good okay now let's go back to where he just was and we're gonna place this entire floor with iron he's gonna think he's going crazy okay well I mined all this iron let's go back up to surface what I swear I was just here how is there all this iron here this is so much how did I miss all of this am I going crazy Nico thinks he's going crazy he doesn't know that I secretly placed it this is way too much but I guess more iron helps out a lot so I don't mind okay and while he's mining that I'm just gonna mess with him and place a diamond right here well now I might always iron let's go wait what how did a diamond just fun here diamonds aren't supposed to spawn this high up this is so weird oh gosh I think Nico's starting to get a little skeptical well that's just one more Diamond to add to my collection oh gosh I can't let him see me I need to get out now it's time to find a lava pool okay Nico's going to look for a lava pool now what if we just spawn one ourselves Hmm this looks good so let's just get our wand and now let's select right here and right here and now let's just replace all the water with lava oh gosh we just turned it all into obsidian that is not good but it's okay we could just do another command to replace the obsidian with lava and now there's a whole lava pool right here let's just break the top so it's easier to get to here we go and there we go that looks perfect now let's morph into a dog and let's go tell Nico about this oh gosh he's trying to get away no come back here come on look at me which is punch me hello doggy was that you yes okay come on please follow me do you want me to go somewhere yeah she's following me let's go oh my gosh okay for your doggy all right now let's lead him over here what did you found you found the thing thank you so much dog how I secretly placed it okay let's make a bucket wait does Nico know how to make another portal out of just a water bucket okay let's start by placing a cobblestone block right here and then a water bucket right here whoa this is so cool let's break this Cobblestone and then make a little construction right here now we gotta play some buckets and then now we can place the corners oh gosh oh gosh oh no oh gosh Nico misplaced the lava bucket okay now I just gotta put this on book right here here here here and then finally the bottom two and we're done now I just gotta crack the foot and steal a little splicing okay before Nico goes into the portal I'm gonna go in myself real quick and now we can scout around before he gets here okay let's see there doesn't seem to be any Nether fortresses around okay time to add to another I just crafted full armor oh gosh Nico's coming we gotta quickly turn into another mob here we go a pigment's perfect okay there we go okay oh gosh a Piglet's over there please don't attack me oh my gosh I completely forgot I need to hold a golden sword too thank gosh he didn't see that it's time to find another Fortress all right let's follow him oh gosh I've been walking for so long wait what Nico found a fortress I finally found it one but it's all right next to all this Soul said oh my gosh we are moving so slowly okay I'm just gonna go back here and let's morph into a blaze so now we could just fly here we go okay I'm finally and let's go a time to explore the first chest okay while he's in that chest I'm Gonna Fly this way and we're gonna go try and explore this Fortress ourselves oh here's another chest and this doesn't really have anything good now what if I just get some blaze rods and let's just toss them in here there we go oh gosh Nico's coming okay time to see if there's more just what there's a chest right here and we already got three Place rods and three iron ingots this is so good now it's time to find a blade spawner so you can get some blaze rods okay Nico's looking for a blaze spawner now oh okay there's one right over here okay I'm gonna try and block this off with a big wall so Nico can't see it this is gonna be so funny I look legit everywhere for this blade spotter what the heck oh gosh Nico's coming where is this thing it's not over here and what the heck why is there a wall here this is placed really weird is that the blaze spawner oh he found it this wall just blocked it oh my gosh well I guess I found it so let's go okay we need to make sure Nico doesn't die in the speed run so let's get some fire resistance potions ready okay the first place Pawn let's go oh now I know oh gosh Nico got hit with fire okay let's Splash it on him now okay let's go that place is pretty easy but he didn't give a blaze rod this might take a while how did I not take any fire damage from that that was so weird oh gosh there's more blazes spawning oh no oh no okay I gotta go come on let's go I got a blaze rod a bunch of places are spotting now come on come over here these things are so easy oh my gosh Nico's getting so many blaze rods oh wait come over here please I completely forgot I was a blaze oh gosh I need to fly away why are you running away oh my gosh I can't believe I forgot okay let's turn into something that he won't try and kill here we go a pigment is much better he won't want to anger me there's so many blazes here what the heck oh my gosh Nico's in trouble okay let's splash him with more fire resistance oh my gosh I'm still not taking fire damage this is so weird wait what how did I get fire resistance oh gosh Nico caught on that's not good oh this must have been for the golden apples I ate earlier wow that was a close one you don't have enough baseballs what the heck I only have three so far wait Nico only has three blaze rods from that I could have sworn he killed like 20 blazes okay you know what we're just gonna help him out and let's toss a few right here and right there he won't see that okay okay come on let's go wait what the heck how do I add 10 Place rods already oh my gosh he didn't realize that I tossed him some oh I think the blaze boss must have stacked into one area while I was killing them okay well I guess I don't need to kill Blaze anymore okay now Nico's leaving the Fortress but wait he still needs to get ender pearls time to go find some ender pearls I mean I didn't what the heck I gotta just mine up from here and what the heck I'm already out okay Nico's still looking for Enderman so what if we just go over here and we just spawn a few here we go oh my gosh is Enderman here what I didn't know anyone spawned in another well I'll utilize this let me just make a big platform right here whoa what is Nico doing and let's put a top on it oh this is so smart Nico's building a roof above his head because Enderman are three blocks tall so they won't be able to reach him now let's attract all these guys and we can kill them like this okay while he's fighting those let's go back over here and let's spawn a few you more we're just gonna spawn a ton he's gonna be so confused oh and I only got one from all of that what the heck so many more spawned what let's attract some over here and start killing them I can't believe Nico's falling for this that looks so unnatural so many other men are here I don't know why but this is working so well okay while he's fighting those let's also throw some ender pearls into the mix right over here he's gonna think that he missed them come on okay let's help him out too here we go this pigment's helping me thank you Pigman I guess Pikmin don't like Enderman get away get away let's go there we go we got all of them uh I only got like six from now what let's search around if I miss Franny what the heck I just picked up so many oh my gosh Nico found the stash that I tossed earlier now time to go back home okay Nico's making his way back to the nether portal wait where's the nether portal I totally lost it oh my gosh I can't believe Nico lost the nether portal okay you know what while he's over there we're just gonna build another one right over here let's get some obsidian and a flint and steel and now we're just gonna build it right over here there we go let's make sure Nico's not looking and now let's light it now let's go over to him and let's hit him once we need him to follow us why did the pigment know oh my gosh go oh gosh Nico's scared of me he thinks I'm trying to kill him get away from me okay you know what let's just toss our sword out and look at him wait he dropped his sword does that mean he's friendly come on now follow me I guess we're friends though what what the heck is this my original portal was my portal originally this close to the nether fortress uh I'm not sure but I guess I was walking circles so now it's time to go home okay let's follow him back into the Overworld thank you Pigman okay now we're back in the Overworld and Nico's gonna be looking for the stronghold now no I need to make my Blaze rot into boys powder and then I need to combine the powder with ender pearls so now I have enter eyes let's go so let's see where this guy's us whoa whenever Nico does was an Eye of Ender it guides him towards the portal and oh no it broke oh gosh I need to use some more so I gotta be very conservative okay let's turn into another mob that can fly let's go back to the parrot here we go now we can Fly Above Nico and watch him get to the stronghold oh we've been traveling for so long finally we found land are we there yet what am I gonna get to the stronghold okay let's throw another eye whoa His Eye of Ender just went downwards okay time to find out this is so good all right let's follow him down to the stronghold okay let's go he found it eat it let's go okay now it's time to find the end portal all right let's turn into a bat again so he doesn't find any interest in me and now we have to help him find the end room I hate bats I forgot Nico hates bats he's going to kill the other ones there okay I need to make sure he doesn't attack me okay we have to find the Portal room quick before Nico and oh it's right over here this is perfect and I'm pretty sure Nico only has five Eyes of Ender left so let's get some from our inventory and we're gonna play some randomly in here so that he doesn't have to go back to surface to get them okay there we go now there's just five spots left and let's also break this silverfish spawner so he doesn't have to deal with that okay now time to find the end portal what the heck it's right here let's go and wait there's no silverfish spawner that's weird but what the heck I got so lucky there are seven eyes here ah Nico thinks he's just getting a lucky Speed Run well now it's time to place in our eyes one two three four five okay I just had a really funny idea before Nico goes into the portal let's just grab some armor and we're just gonna throw it on top of him he won't realize well what the heck how do these diamond leggings and Diamond chest but get out of my inventory is someone trolling me oh gosh she's getting suspicious just push him in what the heck oh my gosh well I guess we gotta go Nico's about to fight the Ender Dragon now and while Nico's on his way here let's just break some of these crystals for him here we go let's get as many as possible there we go time to get these egg crystals oh gosh he's already here okay let's morph into something like a chicken yes now let's get a bow from our inventory and let's start shooting some of these crystals I have never seen a chicken in Minecraft shooting a bow now I gotta climb up all the way to this one okay Nico's getting that Crystal over there so let's get this one in this cage Boop now there are no crystals left okay now I got that one and let's get all the other ones wait what all the other ones are broken how is that even possible is that a glitch well if I don't mind time to kill the dragon okay Nico's trying to kill the dragon now so let's help him out by shooting it wait how am I shooting double arrows what wait I'm not shooting doubles there's a chicken right here what oh gosh Nico found me okay we just have to kill the dragon before we he realizes it's me chickens kiss you arrows someone's definitely trolling me okay he pretty much figured it out now let's just kill it come on okay this is taking way too long let's just get a diamond sword and now let's go fly and hit it right here this looks so funny no the chicken chicken oh my gosh Nico just got launched okay we have to get the final hit on this Dragon I'm just trying to kill the dragon at this point get over here thank you chicken you're helping me out a lot okay the dragon's so low now let's just finish it off right here oh gosh I need to get the final hit come on let's go I got it well I think you can get the final hand we won we can't see me has made the advancement free the end oh gosh she pretty much figured it out okay let's just reveal ourselves right over here cash hi Nico it was me the whole time I'm sorry what do you mean it was you the whole time well I wasn't just the chicken you know I was the one hitting you in the beginning and also I was the one spawning all the Endermen in the nether no way I kept messing with you during your whole Speed Run I'm sorry oh well it's okay cash you helped me out a lot I know now you beat the game let's go but wait Nico I have one last troll for you what is it cash I am not letting you leave you're staying in the end no I I'm leaving oh gosh no he made it ah man all right let's jump into yay if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 4,167,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, i pranked my friend with a morphing mod in minecraft, cash morph mod, nico morph mod
Id: 37Q9L3fDhUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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