Cash Has CUSTOM HEARTS in Minecraft!

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ah shady I can't believe you put a piece of gum on the teacher's desk like that I don't know what you're talking about it was a good idea no don't don't yeah and when he found it he was like whoa why is there gum on my desk oh my gosh I'm surprised he didn't go to detention yeah whoa wait guys oh a cash guys can you hear me uh what just happened I don't know I just fell into a hole oh gosh stop my legs kind of hurt we I thought we can't say yawa God you know what it's fine I'm just gonna take a little rest right here give it to a straight doc well looks like he lost nine of his Hearts I'm surprised he's still alive wait nine Hearts I'm awake oh my gosh cash you're awake what happened you found to a sequel a sinkhole oh my gosh the one right in front of the school yeah that's a huge Hazard God how'd you guys get me out of there I don't know you should sue him for that though yeah no kidding yeah the doctor said you lost none of your hearts permanently what do you mean are you serious yeah I'm serious well there's gotta be a way I can get my hearts back nope but they can't regenerate you lost them permanently no but if I have one heart then that means I have to be super careful and I can't take any damager I'll die no what the dog can you do anything about that please um no there's no medicine or anything so good luck oh gosh all right guys let's just go home then wait cash you're only on one heart that makes it so easy for you to die I know I just have to be super careful full damage from this I could even kill you I know stop making me think about it Nico okay maybe we should test it out no what are you being tested out oh my gosh okay but where's Shady anyways wasn't he there with us nope he's right here oh hey guys how'd the test results go not good good what happened is he like gonna be okay no the doctor said I only have one heart one heart yes oh my gosh that's kind of weird yeah I think I'm just gonna go home because I have to be careful I can't get damaged by anything yeah if you step on a rock he might die I know oh my gosh don't make me think about it guys oh hey cash you're supposed to work out with us today oh well I'm sorry bull I kind of had an incident in front of the school today well incidents are for wimps come on what no I'm not going to the gym you know I could get hurt there why does that matter because I have one heart one heart yes am I supposed to believe that baloney yes I mean the doctor literally told me I had it oh your wimp but no people don't hit me I sold it half a horse yeah no I regenerated bull is crazy I'm going back home before anything else happens to me yeah I'm just going straight to bed so nobody can harm me cash you don't want to live your whole life like that though I don't care I'm staying in my house forever and you know what I'm calling someone over to help me too oh gosh there must be a way to fix this nope there's no way oh my gosh it feels so big able to go on an adventure again I'm just gonna go sit on my bed to where nobody can hurt me ever again and hold on I need to talk to someone real quick hello Miner yeah um yes can you come over to my house and um build me a barrier because I'm on one heart and I can't have anything hurt me yes I don't care how much it costs can you just come over immediately [Music] perfect oh gosh I know that's gonna cost a lot of money but it needs to be done and they said they would do it immediately so I better go check on it honestly oh let's see Yo yes perfect they're already starting on it hello miners I don't understand what you guys are saying but um thank you for helping me oh gosh it's probably really dangerous standing on the edge of this thing okay just keep building guys I'll pay you in cookies after this all right I have no idea what they're saying but I'm just gonna let them do their work I'll just sitting here in the meantime oh wait what you finished it oh my gosh let me check it out oh my goodness this place looks awesome um please I'm on one heart I could die yeah that's not even funny to joke about the reason I got this Dome is so that nothing could hurt me what are you freaking out about uh stand a single word you're saying oh but yeah I forgot I have to pay him okay uh what do you want uh I don't understand that oh gosh don't get mad at me Cokey what is it Cokey oh uh oh my gosh you don't know how to spell correctly minor kooky oh Cookie I get it okay final get you a cookie but that's all the way it's always candy shop and I can't leave this Dome okay fine fine I'll get you the cookie just pull me down oh geez I really don't want to leave this place but I guess I'll have to gosh fine let's go get your cookie where's the other Miner anyways no uh did he go home or something yeah oh good one less person I have to get a cookie for perfect but what's I have to get them for both of you guys gosh I really don't feel comfortable being outside of my dome right now Jesus hey uh Zoe can you hook us up with a cookie I need to pay him oh sure I'm right here oh uh okay how long is that gonna take I really don't like being outside of my Dome um a little bit of time I have to heat up whoa whoa whoa whoa Zoe remember I'm only on one hard don't be lighting fires near me oh oh wait okay they might take a little bit longer then Zoe it looks like the miner's getting impatient and he's speaking to me through signs you are idiot what I'm not an idiot baby I'm getting you your cookie Jesus don't worry I've got them they're not as warm since I couldn't have the fire but it's fine oh perfect okay thank you Zoe now can I finally go back home no no no I'm gonna take that as a yes time to go back to safety where nobody can hurt me I I don't understand what he's saying I think he's going over to Mia's house okay well see a minor and close now nobody could touch me in here and no human interaction for the next three months oh gosh Mia cash thank goodness you're back what are you doing in here I'm supposed to have no human interaction well since you are on one heart I found out some information that could be useful to you wait what have you been researching this condition yes I don't want anything to happen to you well would you find out well I've been looking through newspaper articles books all that fun stuff and I found out you can actually earn your hearts back wait seriously you can yeah but they might not be the exact Hearts but a heart nonetheless I don't care I just need my ten Hearts back can you show me how to do it of course I can okay uh do you think you can pick me up I'm kind of scared to walk out there by myself of course oh my gosh take me to get my heart back all right cash here we are why are we going in your lab Mia well first wow you just hit my head on the doorway I'm so sorry are you okay ah yeah I'm fine anyways what are we doing here why do I hear a chicken whoa you have a chicken in your lab Mia cash this chicken is for you why I thought we were supposed to get my hearts back not play with chickens that's exactly what we're doing go talk to him oh uh okay hello Mr Chicken yo what he can talk cash I've been working on this all day this should work oh um okay how can I get my Hearts back Mr Chicken you just gotta kill me I gotta kill you yeah Mia I don't think I could do this hey uh wait what Nico is that you yeah Mia picked an ice block so I don't spit on you on accident and then kill you oh my gosh Mia you didn't have to do that Nico's not gonna kill me with a spit I need to make sure you're extremely ah well thanks for that but Nico how are we gonna get this thing off you got her no you should see Zoe she has a computer on her head are you serious oh my gosh Mia that's pretty extreme but there's no way you want me to kill this chicken just to get a heart well I've been running some tests on him for a while so I wired his brain so he's ready to give you a heart oh gosh all right cash here's your sword oh gosh I don't know if I can do this yo just do it okay are you ready Mr Chicken yeah just do it kill me okay God oh gosh I can't believe I just did that I know Nico don't remind me of it but wait what is that it worked it worked a chicken heart what does this even do wait uh Mia I have two hearts now but one of them is not regular it looks like a chicken but a heart nonetheless oh yeah I guess so and wait what I have weird effects oh gosh I didn't look into that part of this Mia I have slow falling look uh Mia this was your idea I'm not involved I'm Falling Slowly like a chicken wait Mia you know what this means what I take no fall damage because I'm slow falling oh genius I didn't even know that happened with the chicken heart oh my gosh but I still only have two hearts so is there any other way to get some more Hearts well I was talking to Shady earlier and he was talking about something at the pier at the pier uh okay you know what I think we should go try it out if the chicken worked and that means anything else could work yes let's do it let's go no I think I see Shady Mia how'd you know who's gonna be here when is he not here true pay uh Shady oh hey what's up cash what you doing I'm just fishing oh yeah true well Mia told me that you knew a way that I could get another heart knew away oh yeah I suggested that you could kill a dolphin wait what why do I have to keep killing animals for these Hearts well you gotta get them somehow ah Mia is this true do I really have to kill that dolphin to get its heart I mean from what I read there had to be a sacrifice ah jeez okay fine do I just do it with the same sword yeah it's looking like that oh geez okay I'm sorry Mr dolphin but I have to do this oh gosh I feel so bad God oh gosh dude shady I did it let's down there see it yes I see it I'll get it myself geez dolphin heart whoa it looks kind of cool can I kill something not friendly next time oh geez I have it on now whoa that's cool what can you do with it I have no idea it doesn't look like I'm any faster but wait I'm not losing any bubbles Dolphins can breathe underwater so oh yeah true Shady look I could just stay down here forever wait really yes this is awesome okay can I kill something not friendly this time wait Mia do you think uh maybe he could do a zombie or something I don't know about zombie but I do know about spiders oh yeah we could go kill a spider that's not that bad okay well where do we go like the nearest cave or something I guess so all right on the way we go let's go I'm following you shady I don't see any spiders over here and why do we have to bring Nico along hey what do you mean well you just have an ice block on your head it's I can a little bit what about now nope you're still muffled oh gosh Mia can I take this off it's a fine he's not gonna spit on me well cash did get some pretty cool hearts so fine Nico you could take it off okay thank you hey wait a second I think I hear something wait I do too does it sound like a spider it's in the tree oh oh gosh don't it's gonna hurt us I need to kill it oh it's just a little baby spider hello wait what did chicken too yes do you guys want flowers oh I would love a flower why did the spider have to be so cute um Mr spider I have to kill you for your heart oh yeah yeah that's okay um I've lived long enough go ahead oh what no I feel bad go ahead just kill me just kill me yes you can't I don't Deco I can't do that stuff yes you have to take my heart it's going to a good cause gosh okay fine Mr spider I'll do it I'm sorry yeah oh wait what he dropped a spider heart oh my gosh that looks so cool though I know wait what if I put it on what do I get anything you should try to climb something no uh yeah true oh my gosh you're so right this is so awesome and I have slow falling and I could breathe underwater you unlock that many abilities cash yes I want to be a collector of Hearts this is so cool okay what else can I do I don't know I guess you're gonna have to find out by unlocking more Hearts how many do you need uh well ten obviously so six more yup wait Nico weren't you talking to Frank earlier oh gosh we can't take one from a mushroom wait why not are we gonna have to kill them yes but I need more hearts come on guys let's go oh my gosh let's talk to Frank Frank are you in here hello Frank oh look how it is I can't get through your door I keep accidentally climbing on it oh well you're weird so whatever no I'm not weird it's because I have a custom heart a custom heart huh yes I have a spider heart look I can climb anything I want yeah getting overpowered yeah and um I'm pretty sure we can get mushroom Hearts so I was wondering if I could kill you wow wow wow what no just get it from one of the other mushrooms what do you mean but isn't every mushroom the same yeah but uh once you guys kill me um how am I supposed to help you true okay you know what I'll just go get it from Todd then well Todd is cool don't kill him no then which one do I kill just get it from the ground there's mushroom outside you don't even have to kill one you can do that since when wait have you guys been killing things this whole time um yeah oh dear wait so you're saying I could just get a heart from this thing yeah just Harvest it okay boom don't wait what uh Frank I'm pretty sure you dropped that uh I don't know what you're talking about no you did you probably killed a mushroom and got that for yourself no yes you did Frank I saw it get away from me goodbye enjoy your heart you know what whatever at least I got the heart anyways guys let's go I guess that's a success yeah but what would a mushroom heart even give me access to one I don't think that's what it is that would literally be so koala maybe it'll give you like regeneration or something I don't know I'll try it out someone hit me ouch oh it all right fast what if I just hit you Shady um what I'm watching the martial art gives me strength though and he's gone forever no shady I can't believe I killed him it was an accident God now I have super strength I could kill anything in one hit that's a problem well maybe it's not a problem maybe I could use it to kill the next thing it's okay and yeah but you know what that is I guess we could probably do a zombie heart yeah that's a good idea and zombies are hostile but uh do you guys know where Shady responds I'll be back at his house oh yeah he's probably relaxing there let's just go get the next heart for ourselves then Yep this Forest is super creepy for me yo yo chill what you can talk I'm chill like that why can every mob in this city talk and why are they always so nice yeah but I guess this is just Square City activities yeah um Mr zombie I think I have to kill you for your heart oh bro you don't got to worry about all that I could just uh hang on what are you doing what are you doing wait oh yeah zombies can live without Hearts I forgot about that oh my gosh what is he holding what oh what the heck did you just rip your own heart out yeah I don't feel so good wait no stop it oh my gosh yes they can't live without Hearts yeah Nico I think you are wrong anyways at least I got the zombie heart wow okay I'm gonna put it on oh what happened do you feel any different not really I do feel kind of stronger though uh Mia try hitting me with a sword oh gosh okay just trust me I guess he has enough Hearts now so Gala yeah sorry cash it's okay oh that only did half a hard what have a heart it's a gold sword try another right sword all right trust me just do it come on sorry what that did no hard stuff why don't keep panicking me Mia keep hitting me it's doing nothing right guys I am literally indestructible right now wait what that's what I'm saying wait so I can just combo you to the Moon yeah I guess so hey hey Nico stop Nico cut it out okay it still hurts oh sorry cash geez what else can I get these hearts are starting to get op I don't know I think we ran out of mobs hmm we could find more I said we go talk to the miners oh yeah they definitely know let's go miners miners are you in here hello mine ours yeah I'm going to turn my baby hey uh toastminer where's the other guy Jimmy I could have swore he's always with you up I guess it's just you today oh never mind he's right there anyways I was wondering if you guys know of any mobs that I could kill to get their hearts maybe I can get a toast heart no I'm just kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I oh that doesn't even hurt I take like no damage Nico where are you going I'm gonna I'm gonna oh my gosh well Mia are you gonna stay with me I suppose okay well anyways do you guys know where I can find a mob I have no idea what you're saying oh okay yeah put down the sign Bart what is a Barta bald Mia do you know what they're talking about uh let me see mobs bat they're talking about a bat oh a bat really yeah oh my gosh you spelled it wrong three times Miner that is bat wait what what is that oh my gosh wait a parkour what is that for I think they want us to do it that makes a lot of sense okay come on Mia we got this here we go MIA come on what happened uh cash I can't I don't have any other effects oh yeah I didn't even realize that you can't complete the parkour without slow falling no I keep missing the jumps jeez okay you know what I'll just do it myself and then once I get the bat heart I'll come back here okay okay I'll be back gosh I completely forgot this park would be impossible without these Hearts but it's okay I'll do it by myself for everyone and the slow falling making it super easy I could just Glide down to every single part let's go but hey wait what what do I do here there's no bat here and how do I get up there oh wait I forgot I have the spider Hearts I could just climb the walls myself this is super easy what is that this is a bad that thing is huge and I need to make sure not to fall in this gosh I'm coming hello Mr Bat I'm here to take your heart what well you see I kind of need it because I'm collecting a bunch of custom Hearts right now so can I please take it from you hey I have a family uh well how else am I supposed to get a bad heart no no do you see I can't really do that I'm not a bat so I need yours uh yeah I'll tell them get up here hey you're the one that has to get up here no but I'm just kind of stuck in your cobwebs this is so gross oh that's from my spider friend I hope I see him again well I'm sorry I have to do this but oh my gosh I just killed that bat in one hit are you serious that bad heart is gigantic and what does it give me wait what oh my gosh I could fly everywhere now like a bat I have to go show my friends this Mia I got that bad heart oh I gotta watch out for this lava too Mia Mia you have to see this where are you oh gosh thank goodness you're back oh you have a chair yeah I got pretty bored you took a while oh that's pretty cool but look at me I could fly oh my gosh you are flying wait what's on your back what what do you mean what's on my back oh my gosh I think I grew bat wings that's crazy I know right and now I have a total of seven Hearts okay so that means you only need three more yeah and I think I know how to get three more all you have to do to get Hearts is kill something right yeah so uh Mia can I just have your heart no you can't what if you take my heart you probably won't get any abilities oh yeah true but I want to see if I can get a human heart um Mr Miner wait no you're not a human you're a piece of toast I can't take your heart to come on Mia I have no idea what he's saying Mia do you understand him uh not at all oh my gosh oh hello Nico oh hi are you dead yeah why do you have wings up because I killed a bat and now I can fly wow isn't it awesome oh my gosh can I fly uh try pick me up oh oh yeah I got you get over here Nico that wait uh Mia why didn't Enderman follow you out ah back to my work wait where are you going Mr Enderman what I'm going to my coffee shop can I come with you yeah no okay let's go I really needed this coffee thank you Mr Enderman of course I'm kind of collecting Hearts right now so do you think I could kill you for your Enderman Hearts now dude just drink the coffee I'm pretty sure you get a heart from that wait what no you don't understand Enderman you can only get it from killing things you don't understand just drink the coffee yeah whatever I'm drinking it uh see nothing hap wait what oh my gosh I have another heart yeah I told you what does a coffee heart do anyways oh gosh uh Mia I think I'm a little fast oh my gosh cash where are you going I can't control myself being helpful guys so if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys foreign
Channel: Cash
Views: 4,353,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Cash Has CUSTOM HEARTS in Minecraft!
Id: bmH7W1BWhYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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