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today we're going to be building giant mazes oh mazes I'm so excited and at the end we're gonna explore each one okay mine's gonna be so much better than yours I doubt that cash buy is gonna be so good okay which side do you want to build on obviously the red side okay and I'll pick the blue side because that's my favorite color red is so much better what do you mean okay Nico how much time do we have to build we have 10 minutes to build our whole build cash what that is not enough time I have to rush first I'm gonna start off with building the walls of my Maze and that looks good next we gotta place the floor bam that looks good oh my gosh mine's made out of diamonds this is gonna be so good first I need to start off by building the entrance and I'm gonna trick cash by building a fake entrance to this maze so let's just build out over here and when cash walks into this fake entrance I'm gonna make a four trap so that these blocks will disappear and then he's gonna go into love so let me first place the lava and then I gotta make a Contraption so that this four disappears and I'm gonna do that by using Pistons just connect that over there connect this make this go underneath place two pressure points this is the area he's gonna walk through and then I'm gonna place this restaurant torture power this side and then this Redstone torture powder this side so now when I walk over I'm gonna fall into lava I need to block off this wall so this looks perfectly normal and now when he walks through he's gonna fall it's a lava oh my gosh now that the fake entrance is done time to make the real entrance we're gonna go all the way over here break this part of the wall and I'm gonna make another door that opens right here and cash is gonna have to solve a math problem in order to get in and I know he hates math time to make a sign that says real entrance and create this math problem the math problem is what's the answer to two plus two boom first I'm gonna put one next three and the next one four these first two buttons are going to be fake and then the real one is going to be right here let me just route this signal over here bring it all the way up to the door now the door should work when we press four and boom it opens up and cash can walk in this maze is gonna be so difficult time to make the first room of the maze basically I'm gonna make him go through a log base that's gonna be super hard but then the exit is literally gonna be right next to him right here the whole time when he's not gonna know you'll see how I do that just in a second let me first build the maze I gotta make this have a lot of different dead ends so that when he walks through oh gosh he runs into a wall but the majority of time he's just gonna be looping around because I know cash isn't very good at Macy's cash how are you doing I'm almost done Nico this maze is looking so good how are you almost done oh my gosh I need to speed things up I wish you the best of luck cash you too Nico but just know I'm gonna beat you oh gosh no you're never gonna Escape my face we'll see about that I'm almost done building this really confusing part of the maze so that cash is literally gonna be spending his whole time walking in circles and then he's never gonna beat my base and I'm gonna trick cash by basically putting a door right here that's fully flush with the wall so now when I click this button it retracts and and I could go through and he's never gonna see this because when he walks in his field of vision is not even gonna be close to this button and I'm gonna make this lead down here so that he ends up on another side of the maze so I this button he goes down and then he can climb up again right here now it's time to place the walls of this new section this section is gonna be really big because right here we're gonna have a lava parkour okay this section is built up time to make the ground lava such a lava boom this is done and this part is lava okay first I'm gonna make the jumps wrap around so that he has to go through the whole thing and I'm gonna make some about these jobs really difficult by first making a ladder portion so he's gonna have to jump here and then shift so it catches onto the wall and then I'm gonna place these ladders on the side and then make that go into glass panes oh gosh this is gonna be so difficult I don't even know if I could do this look how thin these glass panes are you can't even see them cash is gonna have a very hard time with this and then he's gonna land right here what are those sound effects and then I'm gonna Place some blocks here he's gonna go up here and then I'm gonna make him jump onto a slime block so boom and bounce oh my gosh that's gonna be so fun boom and then finally the next portion of this maze the lava parkour is done trying to make the walls of this portion and I'm gonna make him choose through multiple different paths and if he chooses the right one he gets to move on time to create the first path which is gonna be an emerald pass so let me replace all these diamonds with emeralds boom and then I make the next PATH iron boom and then I'm gonna make this next PATH Redstone boom I know cash is gonna go through the Redstone path because his favorite block is red so let me just make this the wrong answer by Leading this into a lava pool dead end and now when he chooses his path he's gonna be in lava and then I'm gonna make emerald path because Emerald is one of my favorite blocks aside from the diamond block and now I'm gonna put a sign that says you chose correct Sophie chooses the emerald path he's gonna be right now time to move on to the next section of this maze now right here I'm gonna put a target practice so he's gonna have to shoot all three Targets in order to open the door to the next room so first let me make a chest and put a bow and arrow and he's only gonna have three shots to make it in the first one's gonna be right here the next one right here then this third one is gonna be right here let me create a wall so he can't cheat and now I gotta connect all these Target blocks to a redstone circuits so that it opens a door so the first one is going to be right here I'm just gonna lead it all the way over here the second one is gonna be right here and then this one's gonna connect up and then finally for the last Target block and I'm just gonna connect this one outside the base just a little bit oh gosh I hope he doesn't see this and then let me make the door so he's gonna open the door right here this door's another simple door just gonna place the Redstone like that so when it lights up it's gonna close now trying time to leave this Redstone over here and then let me do that and then let me hide this from the outside because if he sees this that would be horrible so now let me test it when it shoots this one this one and this one and the door opens but wait it closes too fast so I need to make the delay a little bit longer on that one so now I shoot one two three and it should open perfect this next room is gonna be a roller coaster I'm so excited for this one I'm gonna start off by making the rail and go up here through here and then have it turn right here poop nice have it go down a little bit yeah she's gonna have so much fun on this roller coaster and then I'm gonna make him go around do a 360. and then go up onto this block go around go down oh my gosh around and then this is gonna lead him into the next room but that would make this maze way too easy so let me close off this section of the room and now let me make him work for his Minecart so I'm gonna place the minecart in a dispenser all the way up here and then I'm gonna put a chest in this corner of the room which will contain a light blue block my favorite color and I'm gonna call this a key card using this he's gonna put it into this Hopper which will go all the way up here and like this dispenser so when I go over here and grab this key card and throw it into this Hopper it's gonna dispense on my cart and then he's gonna be able to ride the road roller coaster but this roller coaster is slow and that's why I placed the powered rails if I take a lever and light these up on each of these it's gonna be super fast so I just need to go around go like this and then place the mine cart and now I can ride on the roller coaster Let's test if this works oh my gosh this is so cool under the bridge over around under again and we are through that's Odyssey really cool and this will take him into the next part of the maze which is gonna be in underwater water maze wait does that make any sense you'll figure it out so first I'm gonna make the maze on the ground and then fill it up later the entrance is gonna start right here so I'm gonna create the outline and then he's gonna enter through here so I'm gonna make him go all the way around go through many dead ends oh gosh this makes it so confusing I don't even know how to solve it trash is gonna have a very hard time with this Maze and then finally he's gonna go have to go through here all the way around round wrap around this and then go over here and then finally I'm gonna make the exit right here so now let me place the water I gotta fill up every little crevice of this maze so cash will be able to get to the whole water Maze and just a few more blocks and it should be all filled up now this looks so cool you're probably wondering he could just walk over all of it well that's why I'm gonna Place blue stained glass over it so we can watch him do the maze cash how's your maze going I think I'm done Nico what you're already doing oh gosh I gotta do this quick it's okay take your time I'm just doing a few touch-ups now my maze is so difficult good luck mine is too you are not ready oh gosh cash is already done so I gotta finish mine up quick I just got two more rooms left and then I can see his maze cash is already done so I gotta finish quick now I'm gonna build the final room which is gonna be a boss battle I'm gonna make him go up against a rap which is a really scary mob oh my gosh look at this guy I don't need him right now look how much damage he is taking how is Cash gonna be able to kill this thing let me create the walls of this room and done now time to make the Armory station in the front of the room which is gonna get him fully geared up for the battle instantly I'm gonna give him full diamond armor put that in each of these dispensers and then the weapon of choice is a diamond sword so now when he walks along these pressure plates he's gonna get fully equipped with diamond armor and a diamond sword look how cool that is now on the last pressure plate I'm gonna go underneath and create a redstone signal all the way over to a dispenser over here that's gonna spawn the ravager the final boss now time to build all of it up here put the Redstone in each of these and Link it up to the dispenser and now I could just block this up and put a ravager spawn egg in here so that when he goes through a ravager spawns at the same time and now if he defeats the ravager these Android will open up and it will lead to the Escape of the maze just for cash I'll place a bunch of gold blocks for his reward and a full chest of diamond blocks just for completing this maze but that's only if he gets through all of this okay cash I'm done with my maze what about you I am too Nico okay do you want to show your maze first or should I I want to show mine first okay I'm coming over hi Nico hi cash this is my maze oh my gosh wait it's built out of dirt what why yeah do you like it well I guess it's okay what's this this is the front entrance to the maze okay I'm going through what's up I can't believe you fell for that fake entrance what then where's the real entrance you're gonna have to find it Nico oh gosh is it around the corner maybe what is this Spruce trap door nothing I don't know what you're looking at does this enable the crawl feature oh my gosh that means I could just walk underneath no I can't believe you found it so quickly is this a lava room oh gosh how do I get across oh yup whoa you're gonna have to use those boats to parkour all the way to the end what like boat clutching yup are you good enough to do it oh gosh that's so difficult let's go come on nice oh my gosh nice one more how did I just do that you're so good Nico that was so cool and what the heck is this room this is a painting room and there's a secret exit somewhere so get to looking oh gosh does that mean I have to walk across every single thing thing yup this is gonna take so long come on you're never gonna find it Nico oh it's on you cash what oh man oh gosh is this a real maze now yup I suck at mazes why are we building mazes again to see who's the better builder of course which is me just wait till you see my maze cash no you found it what I found it I don't gotta go through the rest of that okay what okay now you're on the last part what is this a bunch of lava parkour yup these jumps seem pretty easy to me I'm not gonna lie what it was so hard for me when I tested it I'm just good at parkour cash I think you suck how are you going so fast oh my gosh come on you made it yay yeah look at all this Loot and also you can run across the top and look at all the levels again whoa this is so cool cash this was honestly a really good maze good job thanks Nico but now you have to go through my maze oh gosh okay let's go okay you could come over all right and whoa this looks so cool I know right it's built out of diamond blocks oh my gosh give me that I want it no yeah all right guys okay now what is this is this the front entrance this is the entrance of the what okay I just got pranks you tricked me that is a fake entrance cash you have to look around to find the real one though oh fine let's see It's gotta be around here somewhere where are you going oh no oh God what is this real entrance how did you find it that easily you have to solve a math problem huh two plus two that's so easy Nico it's obviously four what how did you get that so easily cash because I'm so smart let's go oh oh gosh okay I have to be quick so we have to hit it and run through yes come on oh my gosh okay we got through okay now it's time for this what is this a maze oh gosh I'm not good at these what do you mean this whole time we've been building mazes oh yeah I forgot oh we're back at the start oh I'm lost no come on you got this cash no I keep going in circles Nico can I have a hint uh no oh man okay you keep going in circles yeah there's no way out of here I think you hid something oh gosh he's getting on to me there's got to be like a lever here somewhere or a pressure plate we're back at the entrance how could this be oh no oh Nico I found it no I heard something open where is it oh my gosh there's a secret door right here I know I know that you I'm going through hell oh now we're underground oh gosh what does this lead to a lava parkour this one is super hard though so you gotta try really hard on this watch this Nico I'm a God at parkour oh my gosh Come on yes what no way you just got that oh gosh these pains are so small oh gosh those are really hard no way you get this first try this is so hard to see okay now I need to get some momentum and jump yes oh you are so smart cash what you did that so easily what what does this say choose the right path hmm whoa is this Redstone I love Redstone yes that's your favorite blog what you walked right into the lava how did you not see that I can't believe you tricked me you know I love Redstone okay I guess let's try iron next wait is this just a dead end yeah I'm sorry oh man I guess you know the answer now yep it has to be the emerald now let's go which is actually my second favorite block whoa what is this a bow and three arrows oh and there's Target blocks over here there's three targets here and when you shoot all of them it opens this door and you get to move on okay hopefully I don't miss any there's one there's two and there's three come on open up oh my gosh you're professional cash I know I'm so good at these whoa what is this this is a roller coaster I see key card where do I get my mine cart from though oh there's a hopper right here and I have the key card just place it in there and you get the minecart okay there we go yes I have the minecart oh my gosh this roller coaster is gonna be so fun let me get that one real quick okay let's do it together Nico let's go oh gosh I'm not I'm not okay now going ah this is so what's up Nico I'm going without you whoa where am I we are in the water maze room water maze oh gosh I have to escape this quickly before I drown yeah and you don't have very much time for that okay let's go all right let's go right right here and around oh gosh I'm losing so many bubbles oh gosh I'm gonna drown soon nope not that way come on you don't have that much time cash It's gotta be around here somewhere come on oh no no oh God I'm dying oh gosh I'm dying you failed oh man okay cash you're back in Action I'm already losing so much air it's gonna be around here somewhere come on please I'm drowning I found it let's go oh my gosh since you're already completed what yep I'm just that good this is the final boss room cash look behind you whoa what is that a ravager oh gosh no ah these things are really scary oh no this is gonna be so hard to complete no he's too strong oh gosh get away from me no no I'm so low come on I killed him let's go cash yes I defeated the boss Nico now what do I get oh my gosh cash I guess I'll take you to the treasure room let's go Gold Blocks what's in here and a full chest of diamond blocks I'm rich Let's go good job cash thanks Nico that was a really good maze thank you if you want to see more Adventures from us click one on the screen and also don't forget to subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 4,576,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: efVwL3thXp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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