Playin Hooky | Breaking In The New Boat | CCC

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how is it going boys and girls welcome back to Key West Waterman my name is Aaron Young um long story short finally day off this week I should be inside doing emails and other busy work but it's way too nice out that sounds awfully boring to sit inside so before I get started on that I wanted to run out I've got the new boat if you watch the Reveal video last week I've got the new boat up and running but I have not been out to harvest anything with it yet so I needed to actually drop off some bait traps this morning so brought my dive you're with me we're gonna drop off the bait traps and then maybe go swim around in the mangroves in the shallows and uh see if we can find a couple fish to eat I figured I'd bring you along with me thank you [Music] let's go diving [Music] let's go check that out oh Karen is moving right here maybe it'll slow down once we get in here oh a little shock I like it so truth be told I've never actually Dove this spot I've just been kind of driving around looking at Islands this one had like a little cut you could see in coming in from the side a little bit of a current but that looks all right check it out love diving something new so I've got some nice little trench is kind of running down the current was really bad out here but it's not nearly as bad inside here so I feel okay swimming in it but when I do these trips I always give Madeline a float plan so she kind of knows where I'm at ballpark so I know a lot of you guys think about safety and I always do I promise I do my life's too good I have too much to lose to be unsafe I like what I see let's get suited up and take a peek this is one of the reasons I designed the boat this way you can just see how much more room I have for this dive gear this is very nice let's go take a look oh what did I do welcome back underwater everybody appreciate you tuning in as always I'm going to share my thoughts in some of these situations so this was right when I first got in I actually jumped in saw some nice Snappers that were definitely legal but my gun wasn't loaded and by the time that I Got Loaded they had already skedaddled so decided to work into the current first I wanted to there really wasn't a ton of current if there's a ridiculous amount of current I'm not going to dive in it it's unsafe it was just barely moving through here so so little that I could easily kick through it but I decided to work into the current first that way I thought maybe my return trip would be a little easier um again I had never doved a spot and the further I got in the murkier the water got I should have had if I'd have known that I would have brought my little shorty gun I had the 42 KOA which is plenty maneuverable in the Merc but um it was kind of strange the further I got and even though where even where there was flow I just got the water seemed to get quite a bit dirtier okay and once I got in um a little further in the island there was no life it was it was very strange it was just desolate I didn't even see Bait fish um no tropical fish nothing there wasn't mangroves at all that was very strange so I kept swimming kept swimming I have a pretty good sense of direction and it kind of felt like this was wrapping back around towards the boat so I just continued to follow it I figured it would pop out somewhere and about 35 maybe 40 minutes in I actually came back out on the back side of the island I had a pretty good idea exactly where I was felt like I popped out behind the ginu uh based on the direction that I was facing so I knew I was getting close pretty much to swam in a big circle and but once I got back outside the island I actually did start to see a lot more life there was quite a few mangroves swimming around so I figured I would continue on and maybe I'd run into a school of them somewhere typically around these islands they ball up and they'll be in sections you'll go a little ways won't see any and you'll see a bunch and then nothing and then a bunch so I had a feeling that I was seeing a bunch of small ones I'd come up on some bigger ones than I did right in this corner so I just kind of set up and the water was pretty dirty so I what I was doing was setting on the corner completely still uh and them just being curious fish they'd come in and out of my visibility so I was trying to just wait until a bigger one showed up trying to be patient and this was one of those ninja mangroves the second and I pulled the trigger it turned and unfortunately I missed and around these islands it's really thick mud so if your shaft goes down into the the mud it'll get stuck up in that Flopper so just trying to clear that out if you ever run into that situation it makes the Flopper really sticky so the fish kind of stayed in the same area so I stayed on the same corner and just waited until another one gave me an opportunity and that one fortunately stayed broadside and I got a good shot on it and I'm going to show you a little better angle of this braining I get a ton of people asking about braining fish I see a ton of people try to come from the top right there never come from the top that straight down on the fish the bone is a lot thicker on the skull so you try to come at that angle kind of a 45 compared to the top of the head and then forward a little bit towards the eye so hopefully you were able to see that a little better um so I flip back around because I had seen quite a bit of fish here I wanted to do just another loop in this area and you see a little goliath grouper heard all the commotion they're always very nosy always looking for a meal when they hear any type of disturbance I always say action brings action unless I heard that Snapper kind of flopping around and came in to check me out and I pushed in a little shallow and kind of tough to see for some reason I could actually see better we're almost the opposite the GoPro makes it look dirtier or cleaner this day the GoPro made it look dirtier I could actually see just a little bit out of frame but um I came up on this little open piece next to this little kind of Mangrove root section and there were some actually really nice Snappers coming in and out frame I just just didn't get close enough it um wouldn't wouldn't come in that comfort zone where I like to take my shots in these situations and uh this clip was actually four and a half minutes long of me just sitting here and I didn't shoot I was just waiting for them to come and they never did okay so after like I said four and a half five minutes got a little impatient and I decided just to nudge barely forward um where the mangroves get thicker to see if any of the bigger ones had kind of set back on there and the second I get up in here and get settled some of the bigger ones start showing up and uh here shortly a nice big one comes into frame and I thought I had a better shot and I knew it was thin what I mean by Thin is it's not Center Mass on the head I hit it kind of low so I'm not pulling hard because I don't want this fish to tear out so what I'm doing especially in this situation the fish stirred everything up so I'm working blind I'm just using my hands and feeling so I grab I have the string my dyneema in both hands and one I'm just pulling the line through the other until I feel the fish come up against my hand and then I'm trying to grab it and get my guilt my hand and its gills that way I can secure it and once I secure it the first thing I want to do is get out of that fuzz a couple reasons I want to be able to see what I'm doing and a lot of times like I say action brings action and you'll have predators whether it's a Goliath or sometimes nurse sharks get curious in there and don't want to be in there working blindly with all that commotion going on okay and as always I brain and bleed and most of the times I got the fish while I'm out there I like giving those insides back to the locals that way it goes to good use and it was funny like I said I um swam around 30 40 minutes did a loop and I came up and all these fish were 50 maybe 100 feet back behind the guinea I should have just went the other way to start I'd have saved myself a bunch of time not bad it's actually a nice one it's pretty funny I swam around this whole thing didn't really see any fish until right here like 50 feet behind the boat took me like an hour to swim around if I'd just went that way first saved a lot of time but got to see a new spot not the best spot I've ever seen but nice Snappers for dinner we'll take it I got really lucky on this one I thought I had a better angle than I did and we're kind of doing that in and out thing and it just wouldn't give me the right shot and I finally just maybe went out of frustration I got lucky and it stuck that's a great Snapper I'll take that all day that is enough foreign foreign is he gonna be okay yeah he's just he's just Full Belly he's a full belly alrighty so I'm in the kitchen it's like it's been some time since I've been in here hey get out of here you know when it's time to eat don't you um so I'm gonna make some fried Snapper sandwiches I'm gonna tell you everything you need whatever bread you like I just got some hoagie rolls I'm gonna fry the snapper um kind of the way I normally do it and maybe I'll link an old video I'm not going to go in depth on the frying part Friday however you like but I'm gonna try and make a new sauce that kind of came to me we actually had a friend give us some fresh local mangoes so I'm gonna make like a key lime mango Mayo to drizzle over the sandwich so I've got some mangoes I've got a red chili or a little bit of spice lettuce a couple limes Mayo oil is coming back up to Temp or coming up to Temp over here but while we're waiting for that we're gonna attempt to make the sauce so I'm gonna dice these up and I'll kind of ballpark show you the quantities of what we got going on I mean a knife foreign Juiced about a tablespoon of mayo I mean it tastes like mango you don't really go wrong there oh I don't know if I should have put mayo in it let's take your finger in there but I thought you'd never ask not a lot I might throw some salt in it I was I was gonna say not the garlic salt just regular stuff yeah that's what I was thinking that was good though yeah if I didn't see you put the Mayo in I wouldn't have known yeah the first one I felt like I had more there but a little bit of salt I think that's gonna be right yeah foreign oh it just tastes like really like fresh mango puffy sauce puffy sauce like Aries these look like McChickens yeah right especially Madeline the perfect rectangle it does right what do they call them um no oh no the filet of fish the flavor oh how dare you with fish with fish with fish yeah all right get wild all right what I'm hungry get in there all right so I added one more lime to the sauce whichever I added one more lime to the sauce and I don't know we did we actually tinkered with it a little in a little portion but I'm Gonna Leave a natural it just it's hard to explain something is a little off but um we're gonna try it on there anyways I think maybe with the fish and everything it'll cut it down a little oh like will said it was almost too rich you guys want to have these well this is like literally something you get in high school next year look at that it looks so not in a bad way like the shape you're going to gluten-free route well I'm going half gluten-free well I mean it's fried but it might oh half carb quarter should probably be the picture plate all right look at my Old Tower I got sauce about a lattice red chili got a lot there hold on oh look at that pretty color all right don't touch your eyes after that oh we have a small kitchen around is a cutting board that's six inches wide got all the good stuff on yeah we need some more room here cut it cool I was about to pull an iron young and burn my mouth immediately it's my specialty okay I'm gonna say you're lying on that you saying online honestly I want honest opinions here I don't know if I have enough sauce on the fish looks fantastic that's okay okay thanks for waiting guys it's better as a whole yeah the sauce by itself was like Wilson said it was really rich I have like a is it fried fish Tower I see it as working out well oh no this sauce the sauce oh my Madeline's toppings just tumbled down on the sandwich it's also like cheese whiz oh my God or craft singles microwave it's actually not bad it's actually better like this I thought mm-hmm by itself like I said I'm repeating myself but by itself it was a little much but it's better like this I mean I don't think it's the greatest thing I've ever had but the peppers the peppers the peppers are nice it's it adds a little something okay yeah I actually like it yeah I'm going to show like oh really yeah you do fry the best fish I was just about to say the fish is perfect yeah and it's like a it's almost like just a classic fish sandwich kind of thing yeah that's what it tastes like flavor is the dry fish you know what but that is all we have this is the first first fish harvested with a New Guinea remember it I'm really not doing well over there I know I didn't want to use the top five pork and a knife you're making a mess over there this is what we have we're done this evening thanks so much for tuning in any questions as always leave them in the comments and um we'll see on the next one oh the chilies are starting to kick in yeah I like it I like it my lips are burning I don't like it the more you eat it foreign sauce off yeah it was what was missing from the sauce I like it all right yeah yeah I don't want to eat this with the fork though well you're doing pretty well so far I'm just gonna do like do you have food in my face yeah sounds about right so after a further investigation will tinkered with the sauce it was like so close it just wasn't there we couldn't figure out what it was we thought there was too much fat because the mayonnaise added more lime it wasn't tart it was eating and we'll add it honey honey and it you would think mangoes would naturally be really sweet one of them was sweet and the other wasn't so this could vary uh quite a bit based on which mangoes you have but he added just literally what a teaspoon a half half a teaspoon of honey and the sauce tastes so much better it's so weird but um just wanted to share that so if you do make this make sure your mangoes are sweet or maybe add a little bit of Honey or sugar and that is all
Channel: Key West Waterman
Views: 70,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spearfishing, Freediving, Key west, Fishing, Saltwater, Saltwaterfishing, Fishing Videos, living in paradise, hammerhead shark, Sharks, Florida Keys, Gheenoe, super 16 Gheenoe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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