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what's up everybody my name is Kelsey aka Kay rasp and welcome to my channel today I'm going to be showing you how to get this beautiful icy white blond hair at home safely without snapping off your hair I'll be demonstrating this video on my beautiful best friend Natalie who is so kind enough to let me use her to show you guys how I do this since I'm demonstrating this on my friend I wanted to be sure that I covered everything so I went ahead and watched the exact tutorial that I gave and did it on my own head last night and this is what I got so let's go ahead and talk about the products that I'm going to be using in this video I'm gonna link everything down in the description box below so you can just click it add it to your cart boom you're ready to go I'm also going to link the ring link that I'm using the camera setup that I'm using and if you curious on something like my lashes or my lip color I got you let's just do a disclaimer here first I'm not a professional this is just the way that it's worked for me I've gone through every single process you can think of over the past ten years I've gone through the snapping off hair I've gone through the purple hair I've gone through the yellow hair the brassy hair the unhealthy hair I've done it all but if you mess up your hair that is not on me we're all adults here we must take accountability for our own actions okay the products that I'm going to be using our salon grain products the biggest thing I learned is quality is the most important thing when you're doing your hair I know it's so tempting to go to Sally's and spend $20 and get a bleach a developer and t18 toner but I'm telling you don't do it I spend each year about half of the price that I'm going to get my hair done once realistically if you want to get your hair done by a good stylist who can get your hair white and not have any bands in your hair and get it nice and toned pretty it's gonna cost you like $400 okay that's just realistic so I'm doing the math right now and showing you how much money I save a year by doing my hair at home with salon great products the safe way I know you might be deterred by some of the pricings if you shop at Sally's and stuff before but I'm telling you it's gonna save you so much money in the long run four hundred dollars every six weeks there's 52 weeks in a year so let's just estimate and say that we're gonna get our hair done nine times a year nine times four hundred is thirty six hundred dollars you're gonna spend a fraction of that and your products they're gonna last you a whole year you can do your hair every six weeks and it's gonna cost you way less than it would to go to the salon once and get your hair done let's go ahead and talk about Lightner so like your time using in this video is called red kins flash list with Bhandar inside I just started using this the past two times when I've done my hair my holy grail Lightner that I've been using for two years now is the Schwarzkopf blonde me the red can flash lift and the Schwarzkopf blondie both have bonders inside I know you've probably heard of olaplex to help with your hair you don't need to add olaplex or any other additives if you're using these liners they already have bonding in it and I'm telling you it works amazing with the lightener you need a developer or also your Leitner's not going to work I mean it all depends on how light or dark your natural hair color is mine's pretty medium so I use 30 it does a great job it's like my eyebrow color if your hairs a little bit lighter I would suggest 20 volume just so you don't over process it the blondie Lightner is dust free it smells so good it smells like shampoo this stuff lasts I have had this for over a year now I still have about half the jar the 30 volume blondie developer it's premium developer and it is premium it's worth it it's so creamy and it smells so good you won't get that itchy hurting scalp you won't get that nasty chemical smell it smells like you're in a salon for toner I use red can shades eq this is the color 10 t platinum it's a new color I know you can get it on Amazon so I'm gonna link it down below in this tutorial video I mixed up 10 V V and 10 n just skip that altogether and go with the 10 T it's basically just saving you from buying two and mixing them together you don't use standard developer with this toner you use the shape T cube gloss it's a processing solution like using a developer but it's specifically for this toner another option if you don't want to use the Redken brand is the ion color brilliance and icy white this is the only product that I will ever recommend from Sally's ever you can get it on Amazon and you can get it at Sally if you can I would just so with the shades thank you this gets you a really nice icy color but you'll notice the quality is a lot better when you think Redken unlike the Redken shades eq with this toner you'll use just a normal developer like a 10 or 20 volume i'll also be using the red can extremely try covering shampoo this is what it looks like and extreme bleach recovery lamellar treatment I'm not sponsored by Mike and I swear to God I just love their products I tried everything and just so happens Redken just wins the shampoo we'll just help with leech damaged hair if you have a favorite shampoo that you like keep using it but I just suggest just using this for like a week or so after you bleach your hair use this right after you bleach your hair you don't have to use it every single day you just use it every six weeks when I like my hair it's a fill it just fills everything that the bleach just stripped out it will sear change the texture of your hair right after you bleach it the last two things are get yourself some clips or some hair ties and gloves so now that we've gone over all the products let's just go ahead and start mixing it together and doing Natalie's hair first we want to mix our Lightner together so we're going to start with the red can flash liquid ponder inside and then I'll be using the Swart scoffs laundry Premium developer and 30 volume we're just gonna be mixing it up I'm using the cab as a measuring system you want to do one part bleach two parts developer so if it's easier for you use one cap full of bleach and two capfuls of developer I eyeball it until I get the right consistency that I like I honestly feel like it's easier you want to just keep mixing it up until you get about a cool with yogurt texture like this so I'm just going through a regression got all the knots and tangles of your hair getting it ready to section so it'll be a lot easier to work with and this is what it looks like after I'm finished the for sectioning process I part it by her ear on each side and right down the middle until you get forward after you section the hair into four parts we want to be applying that leech properly starting at the bottom of the head will be taking paper thin sections using a fine-tooth comb or the back here application brush we want to make sure that these sections are straight and thin and saturating the mcleach without going past the root line if you're taking two thicker sections the beats won't be able to penetrate through the thickness and you'll end up with spotty spots for the bleached information so keep in mind when we're lightening we want to start in the back and work our way forward this way if anything happens it's so much easier to hide it or fix it when it's in the back underneath everything opposed to the front of your face and when you're doing back to front you can always use a weaker developer like just say you wanted to do 30 on our whole head you could use a 20 in the back because it takes longer to process and then by the time you get to the front it'll all be even and you won't have any over processing where you start it out we're just going to apply just to here and this is like a good route length because if anything longer than this it would leave a little bit of a band because your scalp gets really hot that starts heating up roots wrote about to like here she's not getting that heat from her scalp so this section would develop a lot slower than this would just because of that heat so this is what it looks like once we're done lightening the back section and checking out underneath you can see that on both sides it's just letting really evenly and processing really good and just another reminder don't go past the line of demarcation and you be good so this is what it looks like with the front section done now our whole head has solutes covered with Lightner and I went back through and I parted her hair where she normally parts it just to make sure there was no missing pieces and put a little bit more lighter on it I usually leave it on for about 40 minutes and then we're gonna go ahead and wash it out with the extremely trip every shampoo and instead of using conditioner we're gonna be using the redkin filler so this is what it looks like after its washed out there's no toner on this and you can see it's such a pretty blonde it's all even and now it's ready for time so for toner I'm going to be using the red khun's shade eq in ten and delicate natural and ten BB lavender ice another really good option is the eye on bright white and just mix that with a twenty developer [Music] [Music] so there you have it that's where you get beautiful icy white hair at home without breakage do we get the safe way with salon great products all the products I used will be listed below and if you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment and I'll definitely get back to you so if you enjoyed this video and you think it was helpful don't forget to hit that thumbs up button and subscribe thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: KAYRASP
Views: 182,383
Rating: 4.854506 out of 5
Keywords: blonde, bleach, bleach hair at home, white hair, platinum, platinum hair, white hair at home, how to get white hair, how to bleach hair, how to bleach roots, diy, diy white hair, bleach blonde, do it yourself, hair, platinum white hair at home, how to get platinum white hair at home, dying my hair platinum white at home, dye your hair, safely bleach hair, bleach without damage, no damage, bleach hair, platinum blonde hair, bleaching hair, how to tone hair, blonde hair
Id: ShTpOzLCw9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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