HOW TO TONE PLATINUM BLONDE HAIR AT HOME | Wella T14 | bye yellow/brassy tones

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hi guys it's james and welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up hello hit subscribe stick around for more in today's video we are part two to part one of my little hair series it's um it's just two parts so if you haven't checked out part one that is how to bleach your roots from home super simple super easy and this is part two how to tone your bleach roots from home yeah but of course if you already bleached your hair and you're ready to go let's just jump straight into the video a little insight to what we're working with today i mean you can see there are some lovely pale yellow tones in there the plan is with the toning to be rid of those so there are a million different shades of platinum blonde my particular favorite is more of a white cream it's a neutral between the silver and the more yellowy blonde it's literally smack in the middle because i just prefer i prefer a medium to cool color it sounds really complicated but you'll understand as we go through so the toner that i'm going to be using is t14 this genuinely is my favorite toner i mean i know people love t18 and that is a good one but my favorite is the t14 just because t18 is extremely cool if you're going for that silvery almost like a blue kind of tinge in your platinum hair perfect you go for t18 but i still want a cool to medium range like i said earlier so 214 is that perfect balance for me the other thing that you're going to be needing for the toner developer specifically 20 balloon developer you do not need any higher developer because this is a semi-permanent dye we're not bleaching our hair anymore we're just lifting it to the correct toning level i hope that makes sense which is nice because it's not going to burn your scalp nearly as much as level 30 or 40 40 is like putting acid on your scalp i'm just i'm just pre warning you that's what that feels like so that's all you need other things you're gonna need is a bowl a spatula and some gloves easy as that let me angle you get you in a good position so you can see what's going on step one if you don't want your fake tan to disappear you need yourself some gloves okay taking the t114 we are going to use a one part toner and two parts developer now i am really hoping that this has not oxidized because this is a little bit older so oh good she's good i have just put in half a bottle of the toner and now i'm going to go in with my 20 volume developer this is going to be the two-part mix should look something like this and then you're just going to mix it all up now i can already see that i'm definitely going to need more developer and there you go that is the exact consistency that you want don't be worried if you get little blue specks in here that's exactly what the toner is meant to do so don't worry before toning hair you need to make sure that your hair is wet and towel dried which i'm about to do because i almost completely forgot and started mixing my toner which would have been a disaster so i'll be back in two seconds so now i'm actually gonna towel dryer i wanna make sure it's like that perfect in between where it's not soaking but it's not dry either because this she ain't gonna work you can really see the difference between the old bleached and toned hair and the freshly bleached hair with no toner on it it only looks this yellow when it's damp so don't don't panic almost a good way for me to be able to tell where i need to really tone lower this yeah start to brush my hair out this is not going to feel good because we've only shampooed our hair from the bleach and there should be no conditioner or softness in it your hair feels incredibly fragile like i said in part one brush from the bottom and work your way up that way you can avoid any knots and any breakage which we're trying to prevent at this point oh okay so i've managed to brush out most of my hair this is how it's looking at the moment i mean taking an l i know that i'm not going to brush my hair all the way through just because it is super fragile and extremely naughty from all the bleaching and shampooing the next step is to tone so now my hair's all brushed out and if you can't brush it out don't worry just use your fingers to at least get rid of most of the knots so when you do put the toner on it at least spreads a little bit easier throughout your hair gloves okay way it looks your fake tan is about to disappear just trust me gloves i've got my toner don't worry um mine's obviously discolored a little bit just because it's oxidized because it's been left out but that's not a big deal try not to let it do that but for the sake of the video i didn't really get a choice so the first place i'm going to start is on top of my head now it's completely up to you you can start the top or the back but i'm trying on the top just because that's the last place i bleached so i want the most toning action there so with the brush just apply it literally to any yellow parts you see there's not really a huge technique to applying toner it's a lot easier than applying bleach you do not have to get it as exact as bleach because toning is a lot easier to correct than believe me okay [Music] one of my favorite things about toning as well is it feels really cold and really soothing after you've applied bleach then i'm just going to quickly massage that to evenly distribute it on my scalp like i said it's a lot easier to tone than it is to bleach i am trying to avoid around my hairline at the front as well just because this is going to turn those parts white a lot quicker than it is on my actual scalp perfect and again it's the same for underneath these parts a little bit more developed so i'm sticking with parts that are a little bit more yellow at the moment and applying the toner there first because they've not had as much time to process the bleach okay so my next job is to get right in the back of my hair so we'll separate it in two and then literally lift parts of my hair and almost paint my scalp you do need to work really quickly or actually gonna end up with a very uneven color okay so yeah we're on slide now all our toner is on us directly on my arm all the toner is applied now so all we need to do is wait about 30 minutes for it to fully develop on our yellow roots i have set a 20 minute timer just because it takes me about 5 to 10 minutes to actually apply the toner in the first place and obviously as you're applying it it is already doing its thing and because my roots were so light i don't feel like i'm gonna have to leave it on for the full 30 minutes and then we'll go from there if we need to leave it on a little bit longer we'll leave a little bit longer but until then i'll see you in 20 minutes hey okay so i'm back it's been 25 minutes i did the 20 minutes and it wasn't cute it wasn't ready but now that extra five minutes has completely transformed my head have a good look with fully we're fully toned so the next thing i'm going to do i'm going to wash my hair i'm going to wash it with normal shampoo don't wash it with color protectant don't shoot with anything color related or color stripper you want to wash it with something nourishing something that's going to feed your hair a little bit because now it's all about making sure that your hair doesn't fall off your head i mean very unlikely because if you follow these steps your hair should be pretty healthy and then to condition the absolute finish out of it you want to get in there you know really condition it and do it now leave that conditioner in there for you know good five minutes and let it do a thing because lord knows she needs it and then i'll be back and i'll show you what she looks like or if all of our efforts were nothing it is that simple so this is all washed i have shampooed i've conditioned the only thing i have left to do is literally hair care treatment because i'm just still tired now the one thing i do love about tea well products is the fact that every time i use a toner it does make my hair feel super soft and silky i don't know what's in it but it's doing something lovely for my hair so the last little tip i would give you guys is this one of these bad boys this is palmer's coconut oil formula this is genuinely one of the best products on the planet that i use for my hair something that i don't normally do to my hair is straighten it but i will blow dry it and before i dry my hair i will actually like all over it tip it upside down flip it back over all over it something that was really great about it it's a spray rather than a really thick oil that you put in your hands and moisturize for your hair so you get in like hair moisturizing mist instead which is a lot easier to control and then you're not getting too much oily how it's heavy and oily and greasy but this is like your best friend another thing that i would say is don't wash your hair for about i mean if you can push it to a week push it to a week but definitely don't wash your hair in the next two days because you're gonna need to let it like do its thing it needs to heal we've just like chemically burnt it we've then put toner on top of it and now she just needs a moment to like chill out she's probably feeling super exposed let me get you super good look from the back it is that simple so easy honestly you follow these two videos you're gonna have perfectly platinum hair but that is it for now so i really hope you guys enjoyed the video if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask in the comments i will answer them as best as i can but that is it for now so love to see you bye [Music]
Channel: Jasmine Carter
Views: 102,306
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: how to tone platinum hair at home, how to tone platinum hair darker, how to tone yellow hair to platinum, how to tone down platinum blonde hair, how to tone your hair to platinum blonde, how to tone down platinum hair, how to tone hair, wella, blonde hair, blonde, how to, platinum blonde hair, bleach, white hair, hair tutorial, toner, bradmondo, brass free, brassy hair, how to fix brassy hair, t14, wella t14, t18, wella t18, brassy hair to platinum, wella t14 toner on brassy hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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