Xpress Hair Color in 5 minutes!

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you know Joel to have that you've been alive I'm here with Kristen Hampshire and nature trackers boyfriend yes the boyfriends are you getting are you both getting a makeover today yeah no just you just me yeah so tell them about yourself princes of the high person answer on the social-media influencer you may have know me also musically or whatever music yeah yeah I just need to get these roots fixed and my hair kind of silvery I'm so excited well your hands are a little bit dommage a little bit yeah your eye and a little bit yellow we don't want to get them whiter correct correct so tell me about this musically thing okay so it's like a lipstick yeah it's kind of like the new vine the new vine look but mine is gone yeah so it's like the reinvented reincarnate involved can you show me a little bit of it later yes all right I'm so excited are we ready to get started it started like another sighting a paranormal activity all right so taking Kristen inside you can see her situation here turn around it doesn't look that yellow on camera but in person you could see there's a little bit of break subtle breakage through here she's a little bit more yellow through the ends and she goes up here sup here's a lot more blonde has been your head up so she has a dark ratash really blonde meds and more yellowy end so I'm going to have to lighten the end some more because she wants it white white and let's bend your head down to be seated this here so it's a little bit more yellow in through here if you guys can see that a little bit more yellow banding so this would be easy but let's just hope there won't be any breakage are you scared of breakage yeah I'm terrified like cuz I've dyed my hair so many times and like that's one of my arias like tears I don't want afraid you trust me yes I trust you trust man much trust okay let's get started right so take a look at her we charged there this is not too much of a paranormal situation because this is the perfect timing to come back to see your Silas when it's about this one I'm actually going to turn you this way because the lighting is better over here oh look at that okay so tell us about what you do exactly okay so I'm social-media influencer I'm really big on Instagram at Crystal signature and musically the same thing on but yeah I like to do me greets and photo shoots and stuff but other than that I'm really trying to get out of the kind of social media world and I'm getting into acting so I have two movie roles lined up which I'm super excited about oh you can't say too much about that no I cannot say the movies ah it's going to be but yes the hair you can have in the movie ah probably like that's why they didn't want me to go see like Roy Koehler right cuz for like movie roles and stuff down to Babylon yeah they want the blonde so I kind of made a happy medium and I said silver like a silver blonde hahaha so what what are your struggles with being a social-media influencer you feel odd okay so like I personally don't struggle with this yet but it's always a fear of mine of like just becoming irrelevant because like you always have to stay on top of your game like do stuff people off haven't done before because it's really like a competition between everyone lately like it's crazy you feel like we move on really quick yeah cause like I think everyone's first like Alex from Target catch me outside like damn Daniel like you know how fast those people like something and then are like no one else ever hears from them again you know don't tell all the hair about seasonal and what's your age I'm 17 yeah 17 yes I was telling Kristen like I remember when I was 17 guys when I was 17 cause I still feel like I'm 17 I still feel like I'm 17 but I'm 35 you don't look 35 uh-oh well time goes by so quick yeah enjoy moment Korea and you move out here and Hollywood for acting and every time well I live in Santa Monica by the pier oh but that's not too far oh no not at all like I like living in Santa Monica because it's near all like the headquarters like their Instagram headquarters musically headquarters my manager's office is like two minutes away well you hear that guys follow Kristen I'll put the link below you can follow all the links so so musically is where you lip-sync all the songs yeah and like it's it's a pretty cool app like it's something no one's ever really thought of before I guess why that's why it blew up so big but it's usually used by like a younger age group so most my fan bases younger kids younger kids yes well I want to be a younger kid like was a lot easier so you're still in high school yeah uh well actually entered I dropped out after we moved it's just the countries like we were in Toronto Canada so I talked to my school board and I was explained to them my situation and how I was I had to travel from LA like every car from Canada to LA like every two weeks because I have to be there for like auditions or business meetings or meet and greets and it's getting to the point where like I have like no time for school so that we do homeschooling yeah see the struggle the struggle it is real struggles really all right well we're going to do a ruby touch and then we're going to be right back and what you're seeing that I'm doing here is I'm actually doing a whole overlay the full overlay allows it to lift lighter I feel like I'm just I feel like if you don't use foil you get more banding so I rather be patient and now I'm actually just use using 20 volume with olaplex and big 9 big night is the key here because the creamiest moist it doesn't dry out it lifts up to 9 levels so that's what I'm doing here and having that foil to overlay once you're out incubation and we're going to get that 9 level lift which is going to be platinum and meanwhile I'm actually going to overlap 4 ends here to get it why so it looks like kind like a pulldown look oh yeah like a little side Mohawk here hold the camera yeah you're being fabulous holding on Interphone so what I do is I hold the tail of the hair like this and then I flip it like that turn the pages to the book and you can see within I think it's only been 15 minutes show the her recharge your recharge their you can see how you're already blonde which that's pretty fast yeah right so now I'm going to go in the back but just having the foils it makes you turn blonde faster and more evenly I'm not going to hit the back really quick so you guys can see here the back is left out but look how yellow those ends are so what I do is put the foils at the root ah so while the ends are hanging outside like you're seeing here that's where I'm going to run the bleach through open air so there won't be any damage because we need to get these pieces white you guys I am just now learning about musically okay listen you around spin you around Kristen how do I look you look fabulous I'm just learning about musically I'm like I just got used to Instagram okay I'm still getting over my space I love my fame do you remember my thing I've never had in my face count ever never have in mine now no I don't think I might have been too young and answers that you're musically - yeah so how would you describe musically Oh how would you stalk it musically it's an app and okay you guys know there was buying there with periscope and then there's musically so this app is like a karaoke type of app would you say like you're singing yeah your lips syncing so like a song place or like a comedy audio place and you like make a video - it's hard to explain until you guys actually see it but like yeah I go on there a lot and then I'm trying to migrate all my followers like into Instagram yeah that's what you tell them the time to follow you on Instagram or something yeah all of that because like I love musically but I also love Instagram and I want to kind of transfer my followers to talk commies stupid but I was like I had no idea about this musically I remember someone brought it up to me I think okay people don't know like a lot of people like ages 13 and below Noah musically but like the older audience usually doesn't know what I'm old then I'm 35 haha well that's why you guys are going to keep me young I'm all for musically so like don't even worry don't you gold are you leaving yeah people kids thank you but John these kids keep us young to not oh here here hmm okay yeah okay bye boyfriend my boyfriend ah ah my boyfriend what oh I didn't I realize one of my clients showed me your video before musically and I said I know you're saved and I go like oh my god I feel so stupid I I just now recognize your face on musically because I was shown by one my client yes who followed you and I was like oh my god I feel so stupid idea and you have in you have insane a mouth following on on musically like 15 million yeah I'm not fourteen point nine million I usually go on it what yeah I exploded like it was crazy I had no idea guys I was like okay sure you know I I need a model that we're going to do my density titanium pearl on and she reached out seems like oh my god your hair perfectly pre lighting this is the perfect blonde and eat you because that's like I want to showcase how beautiful titanium pearl five minutes Express toner can be on your blonde hair excited yeah this is perfect because you don't want to be dark blonde no I want to be like this nice white like icy blonde oh I said it me too I'm so excited and she is going to be the first to wear it on her head because no yeah because the Sony has only been used on my 500 test subjects in the lab when I developed the color yeah in the lab yes and then we we use it once on the model during a shoot and then I turn a little beautiful and then and I use it on a hair show on a guide so you will be considered the first client my first client which is perfect cause it's like I need perfect platinum blonde so we can film this tutorial for you guys you guys need to see this I'm so excited so let's peel let's peel open the foil oh wow you are blonde already so what we're going to do now since you're so blonde on top we are going to start pulling the foils on the top out and then we may run it through some areas some are a little bit yellowy like look at this this is because they're kind of yellowy furher kind of golden and she wants platinum white blond I tore not to smell my hands cook because I think it's all about honestly my hair smells gross pulling up from the glove yeah like the hand condoms come off in a small box pill you might smell it okay does this feel like anything here is thicker than that haha big nine this is the bleach were using on you it's calm identity it has my face on it you see that my face it is called big nine because it looks up to nine level girls it lives up to nine levels you're going to be blood and we are we are using 20 volume this is all we need on her hair what Plex to treat her hair because we don't want and you had to fall off I don't think you want to know is this in you yeah if you want some I'll give them to you I'm not this one because it's a sport I see something so my hair braces isn't like that back is like that's my worst fear because whenever I brush my hair I was doing hair brush and um there's always like hair inside a hairbrush after I brush it I'm like oh no you see you see that the damage is not done by me it's like you brush your hair do the damage this actually comes off yeah what can I do to help that well I'll give you some treatment to take home I'll do the olaplex number three treatment you can take that home and then you have to use it every time you wash your hair okay okay okay sounds good yeah okay so we are going to pull the foils in the front now and let's get that going yeah this is the site that we started on first so I'm going to put cooling this ooh you guys 20 volume come on 20 volume it Turner hair platinum okay we can't have people arguing that big 9 don't live because look at that big 9 though ok that big 9 lift okay let's see oh my goodness big 9 though right oh my god girl you are blonde oh look at that that is blond hmm I feel like this is one of those like satisfying videos you see on Instagram whether like squishing you slime really holding something inside perfect this is the moment satisfactory video what's on all the photos on the floor let's throw it on the floor because we're excited right that's the one professional of me but I don't care because I'm so excited so did you guys notice I leave the baby hair out so what I do is I come back and I hit the baby hair now so now I'm going to run in and hit these butas area around with Lightner so they don't break off because these hair breaks off really really easily so I always do them last but take a look here her hair is already a level 10 so right now I'm going to apply there and then I'm going to run it through the ends through here but avoiding the lighter pieces what oh guy tag hair artist on YouTube and guy underscore tag on Instagram okay so this is what we call lively lively is a live video that you are on you're keeping me young it's like a live broadcast a live broadcast and what she's getting parts on there yeah these are the likes and then these comments and then these are high school watch I need to download this yeah it's pretty cool and I'll talk to you on here everything sounds good you guys I'm so confused I'm like okay but I wasn't there periscope one time and there's face of lies I watch this what's it I think people still use periscope dude though comical if you guys still use periscope like who cares let me get on lively why why do you know why I have to stay young forever young forever young so we're going to do lively guys I'm going to download it because I'm going to do it for Kristen and I'm going to stay young because I got to do we got to do what we're gonna do you guys I swear I'm still getting over my space I feel so old I was like I'm 35 you're 17 you're keeping me young and looking into it I was like you're unlikely yeah why try casting live right now I am Sikh yes and it makes no sense to me I was asking stupid questions like where what about periscope well what about right so Miley like it's the same thing really you know what you're talking about right or or or vine or what's the other stuff uh yeah you got it I got it yeah so she's keeping me young your fish you're officially my new BFF oh my god BFF no but first like Oh BFF isn't that C's now hair besties paragraph you well you said BFF is for Beth thanks and forever on my music leave a link to like it's a best friend they say best fan because because thing because I remember when Paris Hilton used to say BFF my new BFF 4.44 best friend but now it's a best fan it's not even I think as far as musically world like it's not a saying best friend forever yes so this day forever is just like a musically thing it is a musically say ani okay so I'll download musically just to stock you awesome I'm gonna stock you on there because I don't know what that is I still trying to yeah but you guys you like my perm I got a perm in my hair's like I said I got them wave know what I got some ways and we are almost ready and once you guys to see her hair check it out check it out let's spin this around while she's live with her BFF oh my gosh forgot stand forever let's kill this open I have to do some overlapping ooh you're so blonde so you can see some old build-up so you can see kind of slightly pinky right through here there's some old build up but I got be careful and not leave it on too long because I want her hair to fall off so that's important right you want your hair to fall off yeah if I rinse it off and we have to replete anything I'd rather do that Andrey bleach it then her hair falling off so we might run the risk of having to replete your end I wrap it up so she has body heat that's why I put up here with us down here I feel the heat you feel you feel the heat yeah yeah so we're going to do that and I'm going to put the toner on so you guys I want to show you something okay so in this magical cabinet I got all new colors all new identity shades that you guys have not seen yet but you now have we're going to use pearl toner these are the Express toner and then we're going to use pearl and titanium and identity and I'm so excited my density so if you guys want to get these really freaking cool colors my density is the way to go my daddy is a wake up she is still unlikely watching Charlotte yes so look how light we got her hair her hair is like so white if you look at it like this oh you can't see through it and see her scalp but very very platinum which is 20 volume on her level 5 hair as you can see this is just 20 volume that's it so her her hair is like white guys look at this here is very fine soft so you can almost like see right through it see her scalp but this is one I'm going to apply the toner on but I did a quick olaplex treatment on her hair because I want to preserve the integrity and then we're going to put on dance hair now you're on snapchat Oh sorry I said it no it never thought yeah yeah so you guys could see how white her hair looks this is level 10 it's on damp hair so as I lift it up into a light you can see how white her her hair got was big 9 and 20 volume in olaplex her hair is finer so we're always concerned about breakage and stuff because she says every time she brushes her hair hair comes out right so every time you brush your hair when you go out the shower here comes on clumps yeah and like that's like the worst fear mind because I don't want to be like 5 years down the road and be bulk you know oh I'm just like so scared of it but like ya struggle care of my hair is real yeah yeah no but considering the fact that we lifted you this light which is 20 volume that's unreal that's really good that's white so now we're going to mix the tonus together and we're going to apply to our hair damn guys we forgot to film okay hold okay show me your boot ah sure so this is what's happening this is pearl and titanium mixed together on level 10 hair I told her it's going to look slightly you know purpley gray purple because she's so platinum and white has her hair have been yellow you could definitely see the toning action happening and cancelling out the yellow but right now you're seeing it looking purple you're liking the purple tones huh yeah I really love it like it's so cute and so on the ends I'm going to add demi-permanent clear to the ends so that way it doesn't get too too too dark I just want to create kind of a shadow root with this type of tonality and the Express toners is done on damp hair so you get to move more quickly and rapidly through the hair let's tap let's try to focus on the back yeah there any gal there we go so what I discovered after doing Kristen's hair is her hair lightens really really fast so I'm going to use 10 volume in the front next time and 20 in the back when I lift her hair with big 9 because they're haired lightened so quick and I even had olaplex into it her hair is very fine very sensitive even at level 5 she just lips right you're being you're being popular on social media again you're looking down no I'm trying to figure out because my boyfriend called is uber and I don't know if it's to here or oh yeah I'm just trying to figure out ways gone this was so cool look at that pretty face of yours oh yeah it always looks scary when it's white right because it was the only god I'm balding or something so yeah you need a little tone in there so you don't look like you don't have hair right right and you guys the toner always looks slightly darker wise wet wipes processing but when you take her to the shampoo bowl is you'll see a lot of the deep thickness come out and it's actually more Shearer than you perceive it to be so see I'm leaving all the ends out I'm going to make the clear into this bowl formula okay guys so I applied to her Batoche and now I mix clear into that same bowl and I'm going to run through the rest of her hair right now okay so we're talking about how you're scared of me coloring your hair because you're scared pair falling out yeah I'm kids like I know bleaching my hair so bad and like I do it so often so I'm just a little nervous about like maybe like if I brush my hair is breaking off or whatever cuz like that's been happening recently but at the same time I need skimmers done so no avoiding that may business you have to trust me I have full trust from you I mean there's no way I could get to blonder and whiter without bleaching it right very sure that's why I have to bleach your hair again otherwise I'm just the price how easily you listed and your allow applied with 20 blinds the next time I'm just going to use 10 volume on your ratash and maybe toning it back where you tend to be a little bit more yellow but yeah your hair looks easily but look how that tone is working was it clear right it took on the yellow out so you guys have slightly like a lavender root yes which will look really cool because it kind of looks like am like a intentional hot route right I kind of a hot shadow Ruben yeah I think it's cool yeah and so tell us about the direction where you're going with social media do you feel like you're saying earlier you're stressed out about social media sometimes I am stressed out but like it's not even about like being stressed I was just trying to keep on top of things and like trying to improve yourself as well like I really want to kind of venture off from social media focus on my acting so focus on acting I'm really focusing on my music career which is gonna be you don't feel like people behave strangely because of social media like they for sure like it's changed to everyone like honestly like oh like everyone though is just taking selfies on their phones checking Instagram constantly like it's changed the world for sure I don't like people don't eat dinner and look at you they're on their phone while they're having dinner yeah it changed my life like really like a lot well sort of better sometimes right but then it was for the better or some house it comes with a price it comes with like I don't know like you don't know who your real friends are some xacto I feel like we also sometimes you feel like you're being used or people yeah well that comes even without social media like especially social media don't get me wrong but like that happens with everyone that is true people just like to make friends yeah just trying to use you but there's always your real friends who always be there for you and you can tell when you post like a sad like in Facebook message or not status and then they go all of you can't tell me what happened they just want to know the drama of the gossip right when you're happy and celebrates it because something you accomplished something they're not there so you know who your real friends are when they're there for you when when you're happy because they want to celebrate with you for dying like oh you got me a job yeah yeah oh you're not happy for me and yeah like like so the truth comes out in a lot of people right there because a lot of people want to see you fail yeah they don't want to see you happy so they kind of sad though like I don't know why people are like that like that I see everyone succeed together as a family I agree and I think that we can change that we can make that happen starting with this message with the video yeah guys start caring for your friends start like showing that you care and not show you care when you feel like you want something yes but show you care all the time I text my friends all the time but it seems like they only text me when they want something and when I have nothing to offer them they disappear so I'm sorry that I don't have you know an opportunity for you you disappear and then you know I can't say specific names but yeah I got your shout out to you the specific person yeah I got I definitely got used by some people I call my friends and then also they vanished if they're not there anymore you know but it is what it is longer here see you're on your phone you are your highness receives four text messages from the same person others transfuse you can't help it because you're fabulous fabulous darling fabulous yeah no you can see the the almost like an opal type of tone to your blonde yeah this is gonna be cool now you're not worried anymore you're worried when it was like white blond looking I don't even worry about like the color I'm just worried about it like falling out like all right your parent it looks good gold white and tight okay so we're going to process this for five minutes after I fly throughout her whole head and then we'll be back okay bye bye y'all bye guys alright guys it's been five minutes and this is what it looks like even with a clearer don't be scared when you rinse it out it's going to look fantastical are you excited I'm so excited time to rinse y'all time to ring here we go here we go my perm looks nice and tight yeah so we've got done rinsing her hair out it's still wet but I feel like it's important that you guys see what her hair looks like what you love it already I love this too much to the right where the Rudess is where the full concentration is on her platinum hair and where we added it clear so you can see where we had to clear it looks more a grayish color where her vataj is it's more violently but once we dry it it's going to appear very very very light it canceled out all the yellow so you could just imagine doesn't imagine if she was a level 9 how it would cancel out all that yellow and be a very cool smoky blonde but if you want this iridescent color you can I like it I love it too this is what I was going for anyways I wanted like the whitest like lightest purpley like this is perfect this is that this is that now it's time to try my god I love it so much thank you I'm UPSI I kind of look like Elsa from frozen uh I think Elsa would be jealous should be jelly right yeah I feel I'm obsessed like this is my favorite hair color and I've been every color Under the Sun so thank you so much only took 5 minutes yeah only time is five minutes well not not two bleaching process but like the actual color was super quick it is really nice and if Eric let's take this in oh yeah oh my god well you came in really yellowy and now I'm really not yellow what I love is the UNMIK pearl a titanium express toner and my dandy color full concentration on her Bajaj add it clear on her ends they did everything I mean big nine lifted her was just 20 volume guys can't believe that are you surprised that you live to die yeah like this is amazing why I can't believe innocence and you kind of like a little bit of a lavender root I love it it's so unique like no one has it what it's just a little extra and you're all about all that extra you like the extra yes girl you guys you have to stalk her and Instagram and obviously you guys probably read know her musically I just learned about musically today yeah yeah yeah I'm not lying it is well I'm gonna sock you musically I already talked to an Instagram how about Facebook ah Facebook it's not a thing for me by the gram is at Kristin hancher Kri SPE Nhan see hero3 but yeah ER and then what and then musically same plane you know yeah pretty much watch out for her cause you get to see her all over the place she's gonna be it and movies and everything of course there's a helicopter in the air is fine why would we try to film how rude do you not know who she is how rude of you anyway subscribe click thumbs up leave comments below tell me if you like Chris's hair and if you already know who she is because I obviously don't know I don't know anything until now ok now you know now I know but we got to take some selfies of you let's do it oh my god I'm just going to sit here and be able to you
Channel: Guy Tang
Views: 878,525
Rating: 4.8714342 out of 5
Keywords: Guy Tang, Hair Color, Express Toners, Hair Coloring, Salon, Balayage, Rainbow Hair, Musically, Kristen Hancher, Joey Graceffa, Coloring Hair, Hair, Hairstyle, Hairstyles, Blonde Hair, Blond Hair, Blonde, BlondeMe, Bleached Hair, Kylie Jenner, Kardashan, Goldwell, Matrix, Pureology, Schwarzkopf, Lively
Id: RetmjWxpWuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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