Plastic Defence: Secret 3D Printed Guns in Europe

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blueprints for 3d printed ar15 semi-automatic rifles have been downloaded more than 2500 times ghost guns and the technology needed to make them a 3d printer and access to the internet anybody could purchase one of these on the internet this is not regulated these guns require no background checks they're undetectable they're untraceable i mean once it's out there it it's out there isn't it [Music] the gun is easy to make in europe [Music] [ __ ] this dystopia we're [ __ ] out of control [Music] so right now we're somewhere in western europe i can't exactly say where we are because the guy we've come here to me has been secretly 3d printing his own assault rifles now obviously that is completely illegal here gun laws are very strict and if this guy is caught manufacturing untraceable firearms which is what he's doing he's going to get sent to prison for a very long time i've spoken to him about this he's aware of the risks and he's agreed to meet with us anyway so hopefully he's going to explain to us why he's 3d printing his own guns and to tell us about the network he's a part of that is helping him do this the network is called deterrence dispense they're global all over the world and basically their main aim is to make impossible for authorities anywhere to stop people having a gun this is the terence dispensed they're a decentralized 3d printed gun network their gun designs are freely available online and have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times according to their spokesman deterrence dispensed has been incorrectly characterized online as either a far-right organization or a political anarchist group then neither in fact they don't have any specific ideology other than unconditional free speech and the absolute freedom for anyone to own a firearm deterrence dispense the brazenly spreading these ideas and their downloadable gun instructions all over the world there are thousands in their community mostly based in america where 3d printed guns are legal however these guns have spread to western europe 3d printed semi-automatic rifles that take nine millimeter rounds they're robust they don't blow up in your hands and they're untraceable they can be made in someone's bedroom at popular front we managed to get access to the founder of the terrence dispensed a man known as jay stark he lives and operates in europe jay stark agreed to meet us on the condition that we protect his identity and exact location which which parts are plastic 3d printed and which parts are metal print it print it print it print it print printed especially what you see from this side so about eighty percent of it is 3d printed you can say that yeah yeah so firstly explain to us why are you doing this why are you 3d printing untraceable firearms i'm of the opinion that to bear farms is a human right the government or the entity that has the rule over you has an executive force the police the military their firearms to be able to escape that uh that um injustice they need to have the same force on the individual level as the executive force of the government entity that is ruling over them so this is my ideological reasoning and then a different reason why i am risking everything to be able to own and bear foreign arms is because i am extremely enthusiastic about them they are a hobby of mine i'm extremely interested about this history the technology and there are certain circumstances in my life which are unfortunate which make living kind of painful and sometimes i do not have anything to look forward to most people usually have something that they that they cannot risk stuff for but with me i have nothing to lose so that's why it is very easy for me to to risk everything and to be able to accept the risk to die at any time basically so so you just said then like you know you're willing to die for this like really like if the police come in here now they raided you you got caught somehow like what you're not gonna you're gonna fight them or what basically yes they're free or die these are not empty words maybe explain to us how you got into 3d printed guns like what you're doing is very technical there's a long history of 3d printing guns right in america for example we're not in america how did this all start for you so as you probably might know a 3d printed pistol was shown to the world in 2013 by an entity called defense distributed it's basically a company that was founded by cody wilson an american from texas who was studying for a law degree i saw this and i was intrigued i was living in a country i'm still living in a country where it's even impossible for me to repair farms and so if i cannot buy it through legal or illegal way i need to build it myself and so this liberator pistol piqued my interest and then at one point i found out about how 3d printers became increasingly more cheap and i bought my first 3d printer and at the same time defense distributed after they released this liberator pistol ran some sort of web page where you were able to download various files for various gun designs and also 3d printed designs when i looked at the files i saw that everything was incomplete and the parts that were modeled and the technical data that was uh available there was in these files was absolutely solidly modeled was absolutely not true to the real world so it would be basically useless to try to use those spans to produce any firearm what i did then is i wanted to start a community that was enthusiastic about this topic as as much as me and so i posted the discord invite links into the comment sections of each of those various files on that webpage the idea was to build a community so what i wanted is an effective farm a firearm which i'm able to defend myself against any assailants which i can be offensive with if there's any tyrant that wants to dictate his tyrannical wars upon me and so i was able to start at community i invited everyone and my goal was to to build this community who was enthusiastic about this topic as much as me i had no technical background like i didn't study any engineering i never used a 3d printer and so from that moment on i needed to teach myself how to use cat software what i did was i also went onto a recruiting hunt we ended up with a core group of a couple dozen people who had all sorts of knowledge and so me and ivan basically then had this goal of making an air fifteen assembly happen so we're day and night day and night day and night so you said before you had no technical expertise you didn't know how to do this beforehand how did you then teach yourself to use the 3d printed software the how did you get the printer you eventually ended up making your own like lower for the rifle how did you do that the most useful tool for this in general was the internet the internet enabled me to do all this i was able to learn all the information that i needed through youtube through wikipedia to various forums and through chatting with other enthusiasts there's one thing that you really have to take in mind here motivation all this information is available out there but why isn't everybody doing it because they don't have the motivation to do all that i have a fierce motivation to do all that because of the reasons that i told you already okay so let's go back to deterrence dispense now right you're saying you started this new group you did something quite different so when cody wilson was doing his thing it was all very like centralized he was kind of controlling it he had the files which you say weren't even any good the difference of what you're doing is it's completely decentralized right you're putting everything out there for free you're inviting other people to do it and i've seen you guys saying online you know we're killing gun control we're pissing on the grave of gun control um why did you decide like yeah this has got to be decentralized we want to put it to everybody it absolutely makes sense to not be a single entity that is bound to a certain platform and can be destroyed at any time the wonderful thing about our work is that we are mostly anonymous and we are sharing our knowledge and our information so if somebody goes down the other one continues working you just have future peer networks you have this globalized internet infrastructure where files cannot be censored if they are sensitive one place they pop at another and that's that's true also for us as individuals in terms of working for the cause if something unfortunate happens to one individual the other individual will take his place and so on and so forth it's a hydra that you cannot completely kill because as you cut off one head the other head pops up we are impossible to stop and tell us about the the uh fgc9 this is this this rifle here right this one that you've constructed yourself um what's so special about this the fgc9 [ __ ] gun control 9-millimeter is a firearm that is truly effective for self-defense being offensive and at the same time it's a firearm that you're able to build yourself as an average soul with no specialized tooling with no special knowledge and the ammunition the bullets where do they come from i make the cartridges i basically assemble them ammunition basically to get around europe you either need to make it yourself or buy it in england buying it illegally is extremely difficult it's extremely difficult to get a hold of someone who won't scam you who isn't the law enforcement so you have to make the ammo yourself and so to do that i have this priming tool this round here goes in this 3d printed rifle exactly now you could do something with this one if you wanted to to make an fgc 9 you would need around i'd say one and a half weeks or two weeks that quick yes whilst at his workshop jay stuck also showed us how he designed the fgc 9 on his computer we can't show everything but this was essentially the core of the terrence dispensed [Music] my ideology is shaped in such a way where i think this should be the reality for everyone i have the opinion that freedom and liberty are more important in security and that's why i'm risking that we have a little bit less of security um program of freedom i'm extremely peaceful so we've just got back from jay stark's workshop where he 3d prints his guns what he's doing is incredible on one level but also unbelievably dangerous he's not just building these guns for himself he's telling other people everybody should do this he's trying to encourage other people to do it could cause a lot of mayhem honestly [Music] [Laughter] the next day jay stark sent us a set of coordinates and told us to meet him there as soon as possible he arrived with two fgc nines in a bag and led us into a forest [Music] on route jay stark told us more about the reach of the terrence dispensed our group a decentralized route is very diverse has lots of international members and like i already said when we push our design titles up there it's not only for among our group but for everybody else us outside of our group and around the world man we try to express the truth man spread the message um ideologically other than the idea that everyone should own firearms do you know like politically right there come and take it do you know do you know politically what kind of people are in your group i mean we roll this way so our group stands for two things freedom of speech and the right to bear arms and people who would try to infringe these rights from a certain group from a certain ethnic group or from a certain political group these people we do not like we kind of don't like extremists because they usually start a fierce conversation of debate we don't like that we don't like to we actually like to discuss uh actual designing firearms actually advancing the costs actually focusing on the actual proper things and all about politics but in general we do not like racists we do not like xenophobes we just like people who just are for the cause of the right to bear arms and for freedom of speech right and do you do some kind of vetting process or something so basically we let everybody in but if they act up we kick them so just just hypothetically here bear with me imagine say like imagine somehow a member of isis just entered your group they didn't speak about politics they didn't say anything but they added say say they were like oh we're helping you build the rifles i mean what you would just let them stay or we have no idea that the extremists or races or isis how the [ __ ] would we tell if they are actually that like if they never talk about politics if they never never show any indication of xenophobia or being zealots how the [ __ ] are we supposed to to know that we have to kick them out but if they do show through that they are extremely racist islamic terrorists then we would kick them out and immediately uh basically stop all all work and uh all uh communication with them we don't think it's dangerous to not already know like there might be those guys might be in your group you have no idea what you have to realize this the advancement of technology has no politics and the ads on bond chemical weapons diy rocket launchers ieds whatever if it's bad or good technology it has no politics so i don't really see the point in your question so you don't really care about who's in or who's not we do care we do care but you i mean if you don't know then it's like that's different everybody can hide behind a certain persona and they can stay hidden for a long time with their real identity and only after they reveal themselves you can actually take action you were saying like you don't want extremists some people will see this and they'll think you're an extremist maybe not an islamic extremist maybe not right wing or whatever but they would think you're some kind of gun extremist i mean what would you say to that so if other people see us as extremists that's okay but what i can tell is we do not want harm for anyone we want everyone to live peacefully amongst each other and we want people to have the freedom of speech the right to bear arms if that's too politically extreme for you [ __ ] yourself all your rights could go away like that and that's why i need to wake people up and we need to go onto onto the offensive because people are are asleep on this issue they are not realizing what's what's at stake here that gun control is getting stricter and stricter and governments are getting more tyrannical more tyrannical china's already a [ __ ] living nightmare we gotta go on the offensive man time is running out it's an extreme dystopia out there should we keep going let's go [Music] apparently it was time to test fire the rifles [Music] i'm on fire we're very hot right how do you feel fire in that now shooting it yourself out in the open instead of just the basement or something that's a really cool thing to do and smelling the gunpowder it didn't blow your hands off do you know what is weird though for me to see how we went from your little workshop 3d printed it's gone from the workshop seeing you crimp the ammo yeah and now seeing it fired it's almost like wow it's real that would just kill someone that could kill them peppered with casings yep just like that yeah yeah just like that the only way i can guarantee my rights yeah is by being able to protect myself against others who want to take my right away it's completely untraceable right there's no serial numbers no nothing no serial numbers no nothing yeah you could attack someone with that as well though i could and i also could protect myself yeah yeah i could protect myself sure or attack great power comes great responsibility and it is unfair to take away the people are because you think they do not are worthy of having that power do you think you have a responsibility for who owns the gun i have a responsibility to make sure everybody has the option to be able to get a gun what about the way they use it the way they use it is up to on them and once they did harm then they forfeited their their belonging in the peaceful community there are extremists out there who are saying extremist phrases and they are inciting hate they should have freedom of speech if i do not fight for the freedom of speech of somebody else who i do not agree with then the next day somebody else will take away my freedom of speech that's the same idea with the right to bear arms right you can't kill someone with freedom of speech you can kill someone with that it's not about killing somebody it's about you yourself forgetting you yourself and protecting yourself from tyranny just look at you girls in china that's all what's happening to them nothing's helping them nobody does [ __ ] you know what would help them if they were armed that would be a deterrent that's what you do there is a stance [ __ ] all these governments who take away the right to barons [ __ ] all of those [ __ ] the surveillance state [ __ ] this dystopia we are [ __ ] uncontrolled and by that we are [ __ ] authoritarian regimes likelihood a police officer is going to see this when it goes out it's probably going to make a splash i mean they're going to want to find you what's your what's your thoughts on that they're just doing a dirty work with the politicians but if they want to take my life away if they want to take my rights away i'm not going to go down without any fight and would you say you're would you say you're encouraging people like you want other people to do that's what you're doing absolutely absolutely just look at the world man you don't think that's like reckless at all no no if the government actually went extremely tyrannical look at [ __ ] afghanistan look at [ __ ] vietnam look how it was you only need the [ __ ] ak some ammo and sheer will to [ __ ] take down the machine and you see what i'm talking about come on give me better arguments man no right but okay here's a better argument imagine if someone 3d printed what you've created and then shot someone you love for no reason that i have to accept really it's a risk that i have to accept [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's about universal rights just like saying because somebody uh somebody cussed me out and my feelings are hurt the freedom of speech no longer exists it's not the same as that there's killing killing is the ultimate act of taking some from freedom of speech this is not speech it is to protect my freedom of all other speech rights you need something to protect these rights without the ability to protect yourself and without to fight against some tyrannical force how the [ __ ] are you gonna keep your [ __ ] rights man think about it that's the way you see it huh i mean that's what it is just look at the [ __ ] world everything else i mean to you you do this all the time to me it's it's shocking you know it's been made so easily really i mean now i know you're very like you're very good technically but with your instructions i could learn this anyone can learn this show could learn this in a matter of weeks components you can buy everywhere else online and then you can make your own animal even in this [ __ ] dystopia of europe and the gun you can make anyway i mean that is easy to make in europe [Music] live free or [ __ ] die [Music] jay stuck is by far one of the most dangerous people i've ever met and his extremist firearms ideology is spreading we know for a fact that he's not the only one building so-called downloadable guns in europe with the help of the terrence dispensed meanwhile authorities seem to have little understanding of how advanced 3d printed guns have gotten as we've seen they shoot rapidly and they don't explode when firing as jay stark says deterrence dispense technology could be used to combat authoritarian regimes but it could also easily fall into the wrong hands and if it does many innocent people could die [Music] i mean once it's out there it's out there it's out there isn't it [Music] itself [Music] you
Channel: Popular Front
Views: 3,325,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popular Front, Conflict journalism, war, conflict, 3d printed guns, pls no interpol, atf, deterrence dispensed, jake hanrahan, downloadable guns, 3d guns, plastic defence, plastic defense
Id: jlB2QV5wVxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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