Less Lethal Handguns (Gimmick Or Legitimate???)

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[Laughter] hey how's it going welcome back to bob's big boomsticks how can i help you today well today i'm looking for something less lethal what does that even mean okay all right i got you 50 bmg bob how is the 50 bmg less lethal uh it is leslie it's less lethal than a tank no that's that's not lethal bob i and i'm not looking for a rifle anyways i need like a handgun ain't good huh all right okay desert eagle that's what you need no no um do you do you have anything that's not a firearm something that's not a it's not a firearm what okay oh yeah yeah yeah okay this bad boy right here is definitely not a firearm and it's very effective trust me i know from personal experience what do you mean personal experience lois is the sheriff's office y'all still offering that big reward for that maniac with that bat yeah he's in my shop right now it looks like he shaved his mustache but he's here come quick he's swinging the bat everywhere he's going crazy hey you better come quick he's running he's running [Music] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back on the range and today we're gonna have some fun with some less lethal handguns i'm really excited to see how effective these are let's go check them out and get started so today i have two less lethal handguns to show you and i'm really excited to try these things out first is the burna sd xl and next is the umarex hdr 50. so let me tell you about the hdr 50 first so it has the appearance of a revolver and it actually kind of acts like a revolver you've got this little release right here and then this whole cylinder kind of pops out you load six rounds in there they are 50 caliber projectiles you slip that back in there then you have to load it with co2 both of these are co2 powered less lethal handguns so you just twist this off you load your co2 cartridge in there screw it back on and then once that is on completely you'll see that that says push so you just push it it pops a hole in the co2 cartridge and then you're ready to rock and roll it has a glock like safety when that is depressed you can pull the trigger you can see this actually rotates when you pull the trigger up next i have the burner sd xl this one mimics a semi-automatic handgun and i have to say it seems to be higher quality than the hdr 50. you have an ambidextrous safety you have a mag release here this magazine holds five rounds i'm not really sure what caliber the projectile is but if i had to guess it's over 60 caliber you have a picatinny rail on the front that way you can put a flashlight or something like that this is also co2 powered and to load up your co2 cartridge you have to remove your magazine and there's a little notch on the back of it that's actually a tool that goes right here and then you can loosen that you put your co2 cartridge in right there and then you tighten that back down after that you load up your magazine and you're ready to rock and roll there's a variety of different projectiles that are offered for both of these less lethal handguns and today we're going to try them out and see just how effective they would be but before we get started let me tell you about today's sponsor and today's sponsor is rage shadow legends raid is the first game to bring a true console level experience to your phone there's so much i could say about rage shadow legends but my favorite thing about the game is the graphics and the champions and rage shadow legends has over 600 champions with unique skills every single one of them looks pretty darn awesome and there's nothing more fun than summoning new champions there's a ton happening at raid this month they're bringing out five awesome new champions that i can't wait to get my hands on and on top of that raid is running a series of summer splash events all month where you can get your hands on some awesome new skins for the champion trunda but wait there's mole raid is currently running a special deliana chase event where you can get your hands on the amazing new legendary champion deliana of the high elves faction just by logging in all you have to do is log in and play raid for the next 7 days between now and july 28th and you get deliana for free and if you're a new player listen up once you're in the game use code mydeliana to get everything you'll get 50 hp brews so you can instantly get your legendary champion deliana to max level 50 as well as a ton of silver this is the best time to get started with raid and if you click my link in the description down below or scan my qr code on the screen you'll get unique bonuses worth 30 dollars we're talking one free epic champion 200 000 silver one energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard so you can summon awesome champions as soon as you get in the game and all this treasure will be waiting for you right here again a big thank you to rage shadow legends for sponsoring today's video now let's get back to it if i am already melting like this guy here he's gonna have a rough day let me go ahead and talk about this guy while he's inside the side by side so he's got a little more time in the shade if you've never seen one of these before this is a ballistic dummy labs zombie torso they are really awesome as life like flesh bones organs and is filled with green blood and as you can tell the bones are zombified he's gonna be our test subject today and i think i'm gonna call him houston bones all right get you a little bit better look at houston bones here in the light he actually has a pvc pipe that goes up inside him and then we have a dial rod in a bucket of concrete and that's going to keep it upright for the entire video gotta get the old test though so most attackers most would be wearing clothes so we're gonna put a shirt on this guy a little sticky definitely needs some antiperspirant i need some antiperspirant so we'll keep this on him the majority of the time and maybe at the end of the video we'll take it off and take a few extra shots so we're going to start out with the hdr 50. so we got to get this thing loaded up first put our co2 cartridge in there and you would think that you would put it this way but it's actually the opposite goes in like that and then you can see there's a little like needle thing in there screw that on all the way it comes with an allen wrench so you can really tighten it but you know i don't need it when the co2 is activated this little notch comes out and if you want to de-power this thing let out all the co2 you just push that in and it lets all the pressure out the rounds we are using are pvc nylon high impact round so let's see here it's going to go like this reloading would definitely be an issue slip that back in there like so and lock her in and you're ready to rock and roll whoo i am so sweaty all right here we go gonna go for the peck uh did anything happen let's try again there we go oh oh oh oh in the face oh [Music] [Laughter] we are unloaded and i'm gonna let out all the co2 because every time we shoot one of these today i'm gonna put a new co2 cartridge in it so we are max power let's check it out so he did take one to the face right here and you can see it split that that would not be very pleasant you would definitely be bleeding from that and surprisingly this broke through the shirt i was not expecting that okay that would not feel very nice when we shot one of these with rubber buckshot it went inside the dummy about that far we've got around right there there there and there boop like a pimple get this one out let me just leave them in him i don't know there we go well that's relatively easy we'll get them out and this one here's the tricky one here you know you got to be a real professional to get something like that out it's near an organ there so this is why i get paid the big bucks oh yeah okay we're gonna put his shirt back on him i'm really surprised at those rounds they were pretty effective i would say that would definitely sting and probably deter somebody you are not very easy to dress why it's so sticky i'm gonna go put another co2 cartridge in this and get our next type of ammunition so for the hdr 50 there's three types of ammunition you have your training rounds which i did not bring any you have the pvc nylon high impact rounds and then you have these they call these the devastators it is a steel core projectile i will say it's probably going to hurt it'll at least be slightly devastating if i had to guess they're locked in there look at that you slap that down all right we need to power our co2 cartridge we are ready to rock and roll all right let's see what happens oh my gosh that doesn't look pleasant in the face [Music] [Music] let's go check that out now we're all out okie dokie well um that that would definitely be devastating that doesn't look nice does it i think we cracked the skull actually um yep looky there we uh we cracked it oh and it's missing the actual steel core is missing and so it's probably in there i i don't know if this skull is as durable as say like my big neanderthal head i don't know if it would crack my skull but this is a good test at least and would show you that potentially it could do some damage to your head if you were hit with one of these so let's look here we've got some devastator rounds actually pushed through the shirt and into his body yeah that pulled the shirt into it okay oh those are just falling out it looks like those went about as deep into him as the pvc nylon rounds they went about as deep into his chest as the devastator seems like the big difference here is when i shot him in the face with the high impact rounds it didn't really do much to him but the devastator round 100 percent devastated his face so the hdr 50 only had three types of ammunition so it's time to switch guns i'm flipping his shirt around because we're switching guns so that we can have a fresh side so up next is the berna sd xl so first we have to get it loaded up the first type of ammunition we have are these eco kinetic projectiles and i think these are more for like practicing but we're going to see what they do anyways so that's really simple to load and then if you want to unload it you just hit this little lever right here and pop right out i am so so sweaty i look like i've jumped in a pool it's really bad right now in kentucky i know one of you is gonna sound off in the comment section it's hotter where you live but it's still hot here that hansel is so hot right now i'll plop that down in there now i believe that that is all i have to do for the co2 cartridge i don't think i have to activate it i think it's just it's good to go the way it is load that bag in there and we're ready to rock and roll let's see how effective these training rounds are on bones jones over here nothing happens nothing happens nothing's happening nothing's happening oh oh safety was on whoops oh okay that explained it all right here we go okay here we go again ready here we go give him one to the chest and another to the chest that's not very potent doesn't seem to the face oh [Music] i think that's it that's it that's actually pretty loud next to your ear yeah my ears ringing all right we are definitely out of that co2 cartridge let's check him out here so uh doesn't look like those would be very effective for self-defense it would sting a little but we didn't even break the shirt but i'm sure it would hurt we did bust one on his brow it hit right here and exploded but like i said those are training rounds so let's move on to something that should be a little more effective okay i've got a new co2 cartridge inside the burner sd and next we have some of these kinetic projectiles i'm not really sure what these are made out of oops done lost one okay they smell different that counts for anything but they feel really hard those other ones they seemed like they were going to break up and they did when we hit bones jones over there it just exploded but i don't think that this is going to break apart all right put that in there boop and this time i will remember to take the safety off got a nice little breeze going right now pardon why i take a moment all right i'm ready we're gonna shoot this thing here we go safety off and here we go one to the chest okay oh oh in the face [Music] all right that's it for that one we are empty this is shooting a larger projectile so i think well i don't know that was gonna say it seems like it's having trouble like penetrating but i don't think that's the purpose is to penetrate with these right because it's less lethal so we get here and here right there yeah we uh we kind of pushed in right there it pushed in but did not stay in because it did not go through the shirt and popped out and then this one right here hit him in the sternum and we hit him in the face right there and i feel like somewhere over here i think maybe here in just a little bit we're gonna need to do some point blank but first i have one more type of ammunition for the berna sd so our last projectiles are these little guys called the max projectiles and apparently they are filled with an oc tear gas blend so the purpose of these is definitely not to penetrate but to disorient you i have personally experienced oc and tear gas they're not very pleasant oc is literally probably the worst thing you could get hit with i would rather take the gas chamber again and taser while in the gas chamber than get sprayed with oc again i've been hit with oc two times both were awful let's see if these things pop all right here we go we'll go to the chest first oh dear okay that's not gonna smell good nope in the face okay [Music] [Music] let's go over here and take a whiff shall we let's uh it's like a powder oh wow okay all right i want to go ahead and tell you that's lovely if you got shot in the face with that stuff there uh you're going to want to get away from that person that's that's not pleasant i would say those are definitely max projectiles instantly my nose started running that's one thing about oc spray you got some sinuses going on we'll clear you out real quick so it appears we did not have any penetration with those rounds but i don't think that's the purpose the purpose is to disorient you and i think it would probably be pretty effective we hit twice here on his face and here on his shirt and they broke up really well whether it was on the shirt or on his face i'm starting to feel my face burn a little bit some of that powder got on my face now it's mixed with the sweat and it's starting to burn a little bit if you took a direct hit anywhere on your body i'm sure that you would be ready to leave i'm gonna try to get some of this off this shirt i don't want to breathe that in i'm gonna i'm gonna head this way i think i'm gonna rinse him off just a tad i don't want any more of this on me my face is burning pretty good it's bringing back old memories oh okay all right all right so last let's take a few shots with each less lethal pistol point blank and see what happens in the hdr 50 i have two rounds of the nylon pvc rounds and then also two rounds of the devastator and then inside the burner sd i just have the kinetic rounds no more pepper ball rounds so i'm going to go one here point blank and then one in the head region [Music] that didn't look good [Music] oh okay [Music] that was a devastator oh [Music] okay uh i didn't expect that now for the burner we're gonna go point blank here [Music] that actually went in him point blank to the face [Music] okay not a whole lot one to the next [Music] let's uh take a look at the damage here we um we've got a split here in our head but i think it's from where he's been baking in the sun all day so oh yeah it's just kind of melty i hit him right here in the face with the devastator round and it was indeed devastating it kind of surprised me a little bit and then you can see here that kinetic round from the revolver made it inside him the devastator round made it inside him and point blank the kinetic round from the berna sd actually made it inside him also the one he took to the neck yeah this is how you know it's hot when your head starts melting all right um i think i'm going to save him i have some other stuff that i want to hit him with i would normally just absolutely destroy this guy at the end of the video but he's still pretty good i think we can use him again for a future video [Music] [Music] all right that's gonna be it for today's video what did you think about the less lethal handguns let me know in the comment section down below if you enjoyed today's video do me a big favor and give it a like and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on kentucky customs kentucky ballistic shorts patreon facebook instagram and twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to kentuckyballistics.com just in case you want to pick up a shirt and as always my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 3,128,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: less lethal, less lethal handgun, kentucky ballistics, non lethal handgun, less lethal self defense guns, non lethal pistol, kentucky ballistics less lethal ammo, non lethal gun, less lethal pistol, less lethal weapons, non lethal, non lethal weapons, non lethal home defence weapons, less lethal rounds kentucky ballistics, non lethal ammo, less lethal ammo, non lethal ammo for self defense, less than lethal, less than lethal gun, less lethal options, kentucky, ballistics
Id: puHvEErUZQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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