Planet Coaster - Ep. 16 - NEW Coaster (The Acrobat)

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 16 now on the series in the last episode we added two new flat rides looper right over there that white one and then the really really tall one Sundance which still sounds like a Pokemon move but off-camera what I did to those two is added a little bit of decoration so we have just a tiny bit of scenery it is very repetitive I just wanted to knock it out as quickly as I could so we have some plants sort of going around Sundance here and then a surrounding of trees as well as the same literally the same exact thing like if I click on this that's just one big scenery group that I used and basically just duplicated and manipulated it as I needed to but we also added a little bit of Q scenery to the sky lift or I think it's actually just called skies yeah its skies but I'm gonna actually change that to just skies there we go but the actual type of ride is a chairlift which is what we were writing just a moment ago and if you guys didn't notice literally everyone in there mom is lining up for this thing which is just awesome what is that oh it's a bird look we got a bird over here we got when did this turn into pigeon simulator burb don't have legs there goes bird flying away so the park is getting absolutely massive now we have started to progress out to this little corner of the park here I want to keep bringing people out here because the only thing we have so far are these two entrances here and then if you go over here to the tornado no one's really lining up for it and I think no one comes over here because of the fact that the entrance is sort of on the corner nothing else really over here that people want to go on I do want to check out how our restaurant is doing still losing money like normal hotels that one's losing 145 or lost 145 this one's actually gaining some money so that's good I'm sure the mall is doing fairly well loony balloons I don't know what's going on there but literally everyone wants to buy a balloon that making us 363 420 blaze it has broken down and also guys 420 blaze' is now one of our classic rides as well as teabags and scoop D loop D hoop D is even now old enough to be a classic ride here at the park so I have adjusted their pricing accordingly and we are making a little bit more money now from those as well I think that is the only change that I made off-camera that you guys wouldn't have seen but what we're gonna be doing today guys is building another rollercoaster so we currently have three coasters in the park scoop T loop D hoopty thunder over here and tornado which again no one seems to want to ride so we're gonna try to bring a little bit more foot traffic over in this corner specifically and I think we're just gonna be using the exact same cue that we used for tornado and kind of doing the same thing like we did over there on thunder so if we grab this sucker duplicate it and then use the advanced move I'm just gonna slide it over to about there should be good I think we'll be able to fit a path right here or a cue path right here so we'll place that down and then something else that we're gonna have to do here is edit this building and we are going to have to get rid of all of these plants because they can't be there so someone did suggest that rather than having the entire park as one big work roster for our employees they said maybe split it up into a couple of sections so I definitely will be doing that just not in this episode that would simply take way too much time away from the actual coaster build first we have to think of a new name and I'm just gonna search seven letter word on Google and we'll take a look and see what we have here okay that's not coming up with anything so let's try to just search rollercoaster names more specifically seven letter roller coaster names the acrobat that's not a bad name where does that come from Nagashima spa land I have no idea where that is it says this bnm flying coaster shares the same layout as SeaWorld Orlando's Manta so it must be good right it has a right time of three minutes okay now I'm just going down a wormhole I don't want to like try to match this thing but it does tell us what the inversions are a pretzel loop inline twist corkscrew and another inline twist okay really quick I'm going to delete these signs over here they're not gonna do us any good right up next to another coaster so we'll just ditch those alright so I did want to do the water coaster but now I'm kind of leaning more towards something else we don't have an inverted coaster yet that might be kind of cool you know what let's just do the most expensive roller coaster we have the Copperhead strike and we'll just call it the Acrobat but we have to add a little bit more station here I think oh we didn't even put down the right station anyways God dang it it's like it's my first day again there we go that looks about right place that there and then we'll add one more section of entrance right there so now that we have the station right here let's go ahead get our advanced move and we're gonna drag this thing over see if we can't get it positioned where we need it to be perfect alright so we now have our station complete so we'll go ahead and put that down there let's get our entrance and place this right over here place our exit right here looks good alright and let's just knock out our entrance and our exit really quick make our staircase that goes down the side over here obstructed by what seriously why does this keep happening oh when did I turn on flattened terrain I don't think I've ever wanted that turned on okay that is going to be our exit right there looking good and let's tackle the queue really quick get our staircase going down here bring it out to there and then we'll curve it all around you guys know the deal we've done this so many times now I don't have to spell it out for you there we go looks good and then we'll flatten this right there and flatten this and flatten this out square up the sides make it look a little prettier number of cars I guess we're gonna be stuck at four all right we'll just do full load and standard for now and maybe we can change it later on we went down to three and had two cars we could do that actually so this would be 12 people per car if we did three cars in two trains but we'll have to adjust our track accordingly otherwise we'd have 16 people per car and only one train let's go with the three into four now full load no wait time min departure time we'll just do a second we can always adjust that later and let's get our priority pass entrance figured out over here we're gonna try to do this one a little differently just to mix it up looks kind of good I like that have enough room to even put some scenery in there if the cue scenery rating isn't already a hundred percent I'm pretty sure it should be okay so we're gonna start on the backside here now that we're gonna start editing the track uh-oh it doesn't like this I guess this track hangs down a little bit lower than the other ones that we've done we could do a 90 let's do a 67 and a half and then 2-0 trying to do it as short as possible god this is gonna look weird then we'll just do a 90 out this direction change the length out to about there do a 90 this way and then we'll go straight at a zero degree alright so this is where we have to put let's see holds the train at the end of the track before propelling it forward that's not what I want magnetic brakes no trim brakes mid run locks section allows multiple trains to run on the track at the same time by stopping and holding them until the next section of the track is clear for free sections to be available one more block section is needed than the number of trains let's do one block section there standard track and then another block section is that what that's saying and then another standard track I guess we'll just do another right there so this will be our return run does that mean that we can add more trains we can have four trains oh my god that would be sick oh no nevermind I'm on the number of cars dang it so we can have two trains so this would still give us 24 but we could have three trains so maybe it'd be a little faster I'm not really sure guys Oh blocks block section block section there we go for cars and three trains now we're talking alright so that all looks good let's change the high priority quick while we're here and we'll go back into edit the track alright so maybe we don't need this block section here then oh never mind never mind we definitely do I don't know why but we definitely do so right out of the gate here what do we want to do we have a linear synchronous synchronous that's a that's a word motor we'll just do standard track the biggest ninety we can do straight up is it gonna have enough speed for that you think I don't think that is gonna give it enough speed so it's gonna literally hold it right there you're gonna move enough just to stop again and then launch oh wow okay whoops didn't mean to do that let's stop the test then we're gonna have to adjust this target speed a hundred miles an hour okay let's try this out maybe propelling it a hundred miles an hour forward that would be pretty sick it's gonna wait five seconds and it should launch it at a hundred miles an hour yeah I guess I really didn't think about that but it's not very long there so it's not gonna do a whole lot so let's bring that down ninety stop and start the test and we'll see if it can do something like this oh dude it's got it it's got it one more time as long as it doesn't get into too blue or too purple we should be good here you know what I think that'll work the whiplash is gonna be crazy but let's send it alright so once it hits the base here we're gonna do another motor track and then a standard track another motor and then I want something wild dude I want something we don't have right now what if we do something like this that's crazy you think it could complete that we're gonna try to give it a bunch more speed through here so it might be able to alright up and over that all looks fine gain some more speed oh dude that is beautiful yes all right let's do an over-banked turn to the left will let have enough speed to hit that after the demonic not oh yeah and it goes a little slower that looks nice okay so now we just have to figure out where we want to go from here we could do a 360 loop to the right does it have enough speed after that though to complete a full loop and around it goes oh it's slow I kind of like that though that's dope we'll do a 45 with a 45-degree Bank and we'll see if it could climb this you guys think it'll climb that we're giving it plenty of speed here I just want to see how high up it can go something to build out about there all right so it's gonna go up Pinto over that little bump there gain some more speed and around the demonic loop oh that is so good dude nice and smooth up and over this Bank slow down a little bit gain some more speed complete the loop nice and slow more speed oh dude it'll go all the way to the top there let's start to drop it right here just to zero and then we'll straighten it back out to a zero degree angle and then start to drop it back down at a twenty two and a half at a twenty two and a half degree angle all right come on make it all the way up I gotta see it Oh buddy that's super close all right so in that case I'm glad I dropped it down because it never would have made it up the up the next one we were gonna try to do there so right here we'll put that one to zero change this angle to zero and now at this point we'll do a 45-degree angle turn to the right and start to go down some more 45 degrees down maybe let's do a 90 and then immediately bring it back in sixty seven point five back to forty five to twenty two point five and then back to zero and then have a zero here and let's see let's start the test make sure it can do this I want to get another how a cobra roll would be really cool we could do a bow tie oh no we can't nevermind we could do a demonic knot through the wooden coaster that's wild all right here we go it's gonna climb all the way up to the top and then another drop oh that looks so smooth there and it's gonna have tons of speed so we got to figure out a really really cool turnaround here maybe something an non-inverted oh that's cool dude no way it's gonna have enough speed for that though we'll try it test is still going that looks a bit higher than it's gonna have speed for but we'll see speed along here all right up to the top here down the nice curve we made and if we put a speed section there it might actually do it if we put a speed section like right here dude swap that out for one of these all right let's try that I don't want to complete the track yet either because I'm worried it's not gonna be able to complete this huge thing so after the 360 loop all right carry some speed baby really get up there yeah no it's not not gonna happen we'll just do a regular section of track here that would be cool we'll start the test now and then let's try to go underneath that's gonna be one heck of a turn right there let's try to maybe not do a 90-degree turn right away we'll try to hit him with a 45 and then a 90 and then back to 45 and then a 45-degree angle turn with a zero and now it's got to go 45 again to the left and then 90 again oh this is gonna be just wild dude all right so let's ditch that straight section there I want to try to connect these two this is going to be absolutely crazy if it can make it around this whole thing dude so here we have the part where it's gonna basically hold you until the launch then we have the launch and that all looks good that's very exciting people really seem to like that or the test dummies seem to like that anyways then we have the demonic loop and then this really cool little Bank section there and a full 360 degree loop that slows you down right at the top speeds you up some more so you can go up this crazy thing and down around this fool turn Oh God that needs some smoothing out holy crap dude oh my god well let's keep the test going okay so I'm gonna take this section here and I'm really really gonna smooth that out that was so aggressive okay trains making its way over here all right let's see if this looks any smoother wow that's fast through there we'll see what the results are hopefully it's good but I think that section is looking a lot better I'm just gonna keep going here until we get to like the 50 cent mark that should be plenty smooth there and we'll smooth all of this out make that look a little nicer again we'll just wait till we get to like the 50 cent mark all right that might have to do let's see what it does after the speed section oh that's way more gradual and nice though yeah that looks super good all right now we should probably adjust this drop right here make that a little smoother that'll probably be good okay it's about to do an entire test here I'm just gonna fast-forward through the whole thing but I have high hopes for this coaster guys I think it's gonna perform really really well we should also change the name well we're here to Acrobat oh my god it's too scary what's so scary about it let's check the heat maps stop the test oh now it's gonna have to go again isn't it oh wait wait wait wait wait excitement all right once it gets about to the end I'll go ahead and pause it so this is what we're working with for the excitement we're actually looking pretty decent all around now let's check out fear okay so this area here is too scary also we have too much speed probably let's check speed yeah way too fast through here so we're actually going to have to put a break section I think right here let's go ahead and edit the track I don't know if we can put a break section here I'm definitely going to try we can do some trim breaks target speed I want like 20 miles an hour go back in to visualize let's check the fear one more time so we're taking care of that area let's see if we can take care of anything else honestly this little thing that we made is the only thing that's actually scaring these people aside from the fact that they're just coming in way too hot into the station so hopefully we can trim that up and slow them down speed is solid everywhere that all looks nice lateral g-force I would say will be okay in this corner as soon as we get them slowed down vertical g-force that looks fine to me and then lastly forward g-force honestly I've never seen anything show up on that heat map so let's go ahead and hit play again and we will run a full test through the whole shebang let's just watch fear cuz that's really what we're trying to solve here that rhymed okay still too scary let's edit the track for right here and we are going to take out this entire section delete perfect and now what if we do an autocomplete right here and we'll try to run that cuz this is still gonna give them tons of speed but we're just not gonna have anything for it to basically go up it's just gonna go straight and around that loop alright still too scary so that didn't do a single thing for us let's decrease the speed here and we'll just set that for 60 miles an hour and we'll set this one for 60 miles an hour okay and we'll try that and then this break section here I'm gonna lower the target speed in the break section down to two miles an hour and we'll see much better much much better all right let's check the prestige on this thing eight nine 77 with a hundred percent cue scenery rating so let's do 977 divided by thirty five a twenty seven ninety one that's what we're gonna be charging people $27 91 cents just under $28 and we will go ahead and open this thing up so the next thing we have to do now is adjust our advertisement to let people know that it's here there we go and we'll do the same thing over here to our information kiosk set all the advertised destinations for the entire park all right now let's see if people are actually gonna ride this thing that's kind of what I'm nervous about there we go we got a couple of takers and by a couple I mean one so far there's a few more starting to pile in well I'm going to go head and sit in the ride camera and we are going to completely go around this coaster I'll try to go back just a normal speed before we actually launch here so first section right here you come up you're looking like straight up at this thing it almost looks like the track is broken and then all of a sudden you launch at it and just go up and over super gently nothing too crazy there you speed up for the demonic loop go all the way around like a big pretzel and then you do some more spins ease go up here slow down a little bit complete the full 360 loop slow down just a little bit at the top speed up again go up and over here that's just a really fast section around that loop shrimp breaks just barely and back to the start now I do think I could edit this thing a little bit and make it a little bit nicer a little bit more gentle but I think it's cool it's definitely unique right it looks a little bit cleaner than thunder over here it looks a little bit cleaned up thunders kind of crazy this one at least I don't know they're both kind of crappy I'm gonna be honest but we got another coaster here the Acrobat all right we're gonna alter the colors here so we have a wooden track with a blue cart we have a yellow track with I think a yellow or no orange cart and then we have a red track with a white cart or coaster so maybe on this one let's do a blue track what do we think about that for the track does that look stupid I kind of like that actually it's got a little blue accent to it and some white bracing there with black pillars that looks nice operator color of course will just be the blue white shorts black belt super simple and we can't change the car color that's just gonna be black so I think we're just gonna have to run with this leave it exactly the way it is and there we go have at it kiddos go enjoy yourself on this new coaster we will also change the color of the sign quickly all right thank God we only have one sign to do on this one because we deleted the one that should have been over here so that didn't take near as long but there we go we got a new sign on the side here matches the same color scheme as the rest of the ride this one is going to be known as the Acrobat and hopefully people aren't too scared to write it because it does have kind of a high fear rating at a four point four six well let's see what's what's this one no that one's way higher okay the excitement level just isn't as high which is fine but there you guys have it so I think that is going to do it for this episode if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment to help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 10,686
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: eZuVS0JkiP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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