Planet Coaster - Ep. 41 - COASTER FEVER

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 41 now on the series I cannot believe that we have surpassed 40 episodes now on the planet coaster series if you guys want to see some of the other series that I've done in the past on different games be sure to check out my playlist tab on the channel homepage and you can take a look at what we've done in the past so in the last episode we built this roller coaster right here known as the butterfly it turned out surprisingly well and unlike other coasters that we've done so far in this part I haven't changed a thing it actually went pretty well it does look like it's about to break down so in a couple of minutes we'll probably get a notification for that saying it's broken so I'm gonna hit pause because we have $33,000 in the park right now the most amount of money we've ever had at one time I believe and today we are going to be using those funds to build another roller coaster guys coaster fever can you feel it in the air so to start things off here we are going to not grab the butterfly queue because then we'd have to rotate it around it's not going to be aligned perfectly we're gonna grab the white dragon cue right here we're gonna advanced move and duplicate it drag it all the way across Central Park over to the west side over here for just randomly placing that down it's surprisingly Center I do think it has to get pushed over a little bit I think that looks pretty good right there we'll go ahead and place it down now I'm just going to a snake our cue path through the bottom section of the station here and with the base structure of the queue finished we can now start to figure out which coaster we're gonna be putting over here so in the last episode I used I believe it was called Looney turns and we don't have a whole lot of options left I'm still going to continue to sort it by price low just because we don't have stupid money yet like we did in the previous park Paradise so far we have done Looney turns interdimensional infinite mind melt and Copperhead strikes so what we're going to be doing today is adding it doesn't necessarily have to be applicable to all ages I I think this one we can get away with just doing teens and adults so Looney turns was just for all ages now I don't think I'm gonna restrict it to in all age category I think we can get away with doing something a little bit more exciting over here so directly after mind melt which is a coaster again we already have we have the Deegan which looks kind of cool we also have in descent which is a reverse freefall coaster that could actually be kind of cool so the way this one works is basically you'd have an incline that would go up so something like this you'd have an incline that goes up and then a drop and then it actually could rock back and forth I think I'm not really sure I don't think I've ever mentioned oh no no it doesn't use the chain lift so you would have basically a straight section that would go up and then back down and back and then up and back down and back so it's kind of like a lapping coaster but not really that's not a terrible thing to add over here we have the looping coaster which would be the Deegan a looping shuttle coaster chain lift and drag tires this one's only chain lift otherwise we have like the Interceptor the Gixxer the sort of motorbike looking ones or we can go real big boys and we could get the launched hydraulic zenith coaster or launched vector coaster which used the hydraulic launch for the zenith or the chain lift and LSMs for the launched vector now those are pretty expensive startup cost on that one's about three grand which we're lacking in the money Department right now so I think a better alternative that we could do is the Deegan right here it fits it looks like four people per car it's actually kind of a cool-looking coaster if you really look at it I don't hate it it's different for sure but I don't hate it let's get our left entry and right exit station the one we normally use let's place that down right about there now instead of adding track of course we're gonna have to add more station to the back side so we need one two three four five six seven and eight click done and now we can get it moved into location at the coaster station that rhymed completely unintentionally okay well I might have added too many stations to it but the alignment of it doesn't look too bad you guys will notice we have quite a bit of overhang here on the backside so we're gonna go into edit track and just sort of back these off a little bit here right there should be perfect alignment wise on the front and the back actually looks pretty solid surprisingly I do think we have to come forward like an inch or so that is spot-on dude perfect okay now before we actually start figuring out the track on this one I'm gonna go into customize here because it looks like we have a couple of different cars that we can use we could use the American Aero which is not bad we could also just stick with the Deegan I think we're gonna stick with this shape it looks more vintage I guess but this gold you guys that's got to go that is ugly so what colors have we not used yet we haven't done a purple this could actually look really good in a purple we don't need it too bright though maybe if we did something like a like a violet something like that does that look pretty good I kind of dig that not violet what's that color lavender lavender like a lavender purple i I dig that I think that looks pretty good the rest of the car is probably gonna have to stay black to tell you the truth we could do that white that looks pretty nice that's the bottom of the car that's gonna stay black for sure and this is the support bars and the seats if we did that white would that look weird yeah I don't really like it in white and the lavender looks kind of weird let's just do black there keep it nice and simple now for the track color we did yellow track on the butterfly I think for this one I want to try to keep everything black except for the actual track color so like I want the support beams and stuff like that I want those black for sure but maybe we could do like a purple and a seafoam green that might look kind of cool it's like we'll come into this sort of teal green colors here place that one maybe in the middle that looks kind of cool you guys and with that in mind maybe if we did the restraints on the car seafoam green you know what these colors clash terribly but I think that kind of works in a weird way I'm down for that I'm so down for that and I have no idea why okay now that we've got our colors configured let's drop the number of from 9 let's go down to let's see this would be for 8:12 let's do 16 so let's drop it down to 4 cars and we'll do 3 trains ok now we'll change the min rider load to full load take off the wait time departure interval I would say probably 10 seconds on this one we'll check don't block the station and we can add in our priority pass entrance and exit but before we do that we have to add in the main entrance and exit first connect up our queue to the entrance looking good now that we've done that we can do our priority pass entrance that's going to be down here same place as normal and the exit will be at the top of the stairs perfect now we just have to connect these paths together do that one like that this one like that perfect all right we're ready to rock here boys make sure we have the priority over cue set to high priority and let's get in here start editing this track so similar to other coasters we have to start rotating this around and actually I'm gonna have to add in our exit path here just so I know how far out we have to stay drop this down a small staircase and connect it on up to here perfect but like I was saying similar to other coasters we've done I think we're gonna have to bring this around town to the backside here let's make sure our settings are maxed out on these Drive tires that's looking good place that down there now we can do our chain lift of course make it real short at the beginning up 60 degrees this parts gonna be mega mega long let's do one more actually and then we can shorten this up to a zero at the top so this one is going to be much much taller than the butterfly and at the top here of course we are going straight down 90 degrees we're gonna have a pretty long section of track right here we're gonna continue to bring it down 90 degrees but right here we're gonna start banking it to the right 22.5 degrees all right we're gonna change this bank to a 45 bring this one up 45 and we're gonna start turning it 22.5 degrees to the right and now right here this one's gonna come up to a zero still a 45 degree turn but instead of doing a 22 point 5 here we're gonna do a 45 and actually let's lighten up on the bank here right here this will be a twenty two point five we are just approaching the outer edge of this turn here we'll still leave it out of twenty two point five right here this is where it's gonna go back to a zero but instead of continuing on straight we are going straight up here you guys 90 degree vertical right here back to a zero we might have too much speed for this we'll see and now at this point I think we're gonna try to do something similar to what we did through the butterfly except it looks like it's gonna let us go straight through one of these butterfly loops which is pretty cool so we might even just do that just bring it straight through the butterfly loop have it end about here then we can make this one full length go down 90 degrees back up 90 degrees here so we're gonna be right next to this coaster right here we're gonna angle this twenty two point five degrees this one will also be twenty two point five we'll have the angle be twenty two point five except it's gonna start climbing again twenty two point five degree incline this one is gonna be a 45-degree Bank at a 45 degree turn we're gonna flatten this one off to a zero actually hang on a second if we do this one forty five that's a little bit too close to that track I think so let's keep this at a twenty two point five this one can actually be a thirty three point seven five will change the angle to a forty five here right here we're gonna bring it back to a zero do another thirty three point seven five degree turn and then right here we should be able to continue on straight at a zero looking good dude alright now right here we're gonna angle it twenty two point five degrees to the right this one's gonna be a little bit sharper at a sixty seven point five we're gonna take it down eleven point two five degrees here to a twenty two point five degree turn here and at this point we can rotate it back to a zero degree we're gonna bring it out to the start of this path but this Bank is going to be a forty five actually maybe we could do it more intense let's do a ninety right here about the center of this path we'll do a 180 so they'll be completely upside-down for this bit and then we can do a two seventy here and back to zero I think that might work actually I'm kind of a fan of that a similar thing to what we had up here this one's just gonna be going straight instead that actually kind of works right here it's just gonna continue straight we're gonna start banking at 22.5 degrees start turning at 22.5 changed the bank to a 45 we'll do a 45-degree Bank here but change the turn to a 45 22.5 degree turn change the bank to a twenty two point five and then it can straighten out here so we are just hovering right over top of the station we're in a bank at 22.5 degrees here then 45 when we start the turn this one's gonna be a 45 degree turn continue 45 degrees on the bank lighting off to a twenty two point five here we'll do a straight section and zero Bank turn it twenty two point five degrees here and then right here we're gonna drop it down eleven point two five turn it 45 here actually we might need a bit more intense turn through this area so let's do a ninety right here at a 45-degree Bank section bring it up to a zero to a 45-degree turn here change that bank back to twenty two point five and we're gonna try to go through the middle of the building here again there we go okay finally got it pretty well center here now at this point I think I'm gonna do a thirty two point eight right they're going up forty-five this will go back to a zero we'll do a really short section here through the middle then this can go back to a thirty was it a thirty-six or was it a thirty two I think it was a thirty two will go down forty-five back up to zero here at the end and then right here we're gonna Bank it will say 45 degrees do a really sharp ninety right here change this Bank to a twenty two point five this one to zero this one to a twenty two point five again change this one to a forty five so what do we got here let's do it twenty two point five a bank of forty five here with a turn of ninety degrees to the left right here we can go back to twenty two point five change this turn two will say about an eleven point seven five if we do autocomplete from here that should bring it right back into the station alright I'm kind of nervous about this one cuz I didn't do any tests in the middle or anything like that so let's just send it around the track here and we'll see what happens Oh chain lift speed is bad chain lift speed is very very slow let's adjust that really quick from 5 miles an hour to 14 looks like the butterfly just broke down so we'll do a quick refurb on that sucker all right let's get back into ride camera view for testing here there we go much faster through the chain lift now and the first drop we're going down straight 90 nice little gradual turn there up and over this hill back down okay this is fast this is really really fast a lot faster than I thought right here that's pretty nice and gradual though around through here it carries a lot of good speed through this area I'm pleasantly surprised about that over the center of the two buildings and around here you may need to add some brake sections in there let's see what our test result is your ride is too scary of course it is it exceeds g-force limits somewhere let's check lateral G's first okay so lateral over here that one's pretty obvious maybe we could do a brake section here at the top vertical oh yeah verticals pretty hot through here this is really bad that vertical absolutely terrifying so we might have to adjust that whole section there what's our speed around this thing anyways at the drop we hit 75 miles an hour and then we carry a pretty constant 50 throughout the rest of the track here excitement is very low in most places what's our fear over here pretty red hot that's not good we could do like a corked section over here maybe enough talking let's just get in here and see what we can make happen go into edit the track we're gonna start over here with a brake section right up at the top we'll do some friction brakes right here we're gonna try to slow it down two miles an hour at a d-cell of 20 miles an hour actually maybe we should set it to 20 because it was going like 50 miles an hour here now over here at this section we are just simply going to delete that 90 degree vertical let's do something more like a 45 probably do a nice 45 through here back down to a zero or is there something else that we can add here because we're gonna have a straight section right here if we place that down is there any type of something that we could add here that would actually work yeah I don't think we're gonna have any luck with anything there so let's just continue on doing what we were doing with the 45 except we're gonna have to bring it up 45 more degrees right here drop it back down to a zero so it goes through there effortlessly we'll do this about in the center of this exit path right here and then we'll do another 45 drop here do full length again 45 they're back up to a zero place that down there and now at this point we're gonna have to do this part over as well there we go that doesn't look too bad I like that okay so we fixed this side we added a break section here let's go ahead and test it out one more time we're gonna take a look at the excitement levels as we go around here so here we are coming out of the station it's gonna go up the chain lift and down the first drop here the train's plenty long so it has a little overhang on that initial drop oh my god that looks flawless through there dude then we got this little twisty bit there another twist here the white dragon' just broke down that's not good nice coming through this section over the queue for the old white dragon I guess over the station cue slows it down perfectly that actually looks really good hang on a second let's check out the fear you guys oh that's red hot baby red hot all over the place but we had some good results no way a seven point seven five is six point seven four in a three point seven nine on literally red hot fear like across the board there's no way with a prestige of 1176 you guys I can't make this stuff up that works out phenomenally that's incredible I can't believe we have that good of a rating can we just ride this thing already oh my god dude look at this this is absolutely terrifying in it one of the best scores that we've had so far my god yeah no thanks that point right there count me out this one that's nice and gradual but that other one up so I - oh my god no thanks up and around here round the turn to the right tons of speed and slows it down just a little bit to make it around at this section without any issues you know what guys we did it maybe we are professional coaster builders at this point okay so you guys have seen the ride we wrote it from the inside we saw it from the outside now it's up to you guys to try to figure out a name for this coaster originally Deegan not a fan of that one have no idea what it means so let me know let me know what your thoughts are on this one but I think we are about ready to open this sucker up at in eleven seventy six divided by thirty five would be thirty three dollars and sixty cents 3360 boom let's open her up oh my god I just can't believe that we had another staff member try to quit on us the underwhelming just broke down we'll do a refurb on it okay so this would make one two three four five six dollar information booth priority passes so we'll change this now to six bucks for priority passes now the other thing that we're gonna have to change of course is we're gonna have to set every information booth to advertise for the new ride and there we go so with that done now we have to go into our work roster of course for the West Central Park roster we have six members out here now we have to make sure that we have the building right here selected of course as well as the actual ride go ahead and save that that way we have a mechanic out here to do refurbs and whatnot so now I'm going to go through a change the advertised destinations for these signs and change the colors and I'll see you guys here in a sec okay so for this one I did that sort of seafoam green on the inside here of the signs and then I did the lavender color on the outside now the actual coaster car color isn't really loud because it has that metallic tone to it but I think I like it anyways I could darken it but it looks pretty solid so there you have it guys we have yet another coaster over here once again if you have a suggestion for the name please leave it down in the comments I'd love to hear what you guys think of so we are finishing off now with 18 almost 19,000 bucks we have a park rating of 2100 we have 3,200 people in the park and we are in March 11th now of year 11 so at the start of the next episode I'm gonna have to go through and change some of the prices make sure everything is nice and adjusted for the inevitable drop in prestige that we're gonna get now that we've passed another year but I think I am going to wind things down here so if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Toogii
Views: 4,360
Rating: 4.9055119 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: yMzVIc2NUlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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