Planet Coaster - Ep. 1 - The Return (Sandbox)

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 50 now on the series this will be unfortunately the last episode you thought i was finished i do have a couple of other series i know a lot of you have been subscribing specifically for planet coaster you thought that i forgot about you we can always come back to it you thought that was it not a coaster designer all right it's just a game it's just a game anyone that ever uses the excuse is just a game is a horrible human being you thought that it was over you thought wrong [Music] is this what my life has come to playing games that i don't enjoy just for views [Music] yep what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster i know i know but you know what it had to be done it had to be done we couldn't just leave it there unplayed the last episode was recorded nearly six months ago and it's still to this day one of my best performing series here on the channel so without any further ado let's just jump right into it now i have put a little bit of thought into this honestly not that much you may be surprised even my little character there is laughing i'm thinking we do sandbox mode it was requested a lot on the the very last episode episode 50 of the planet coaster series that i come back and do some sandbox stuff so i'm not limited to a budget or guest happiness or anything along those lines so i think sandbox mode is probably the way to go here when we're talking about the terrain you guys know i'm a big fan of the tropical biome so i think we're just gonna stick with that and what better name to go with than two g's sandbox let's go ahead and start our new park oh god dude i am beyond rusty so we'll see if i can't uh remember how to play this thing i remember i did uh it was during the 12-hour livestream i'm pretty sure i tried to play it again and uh honestly it was very apparent that uh i i no longer had what skill i had initially you know which again wasn't much but i think the first thing i want to do here is uh go into the paths and let's go ahead and change this from this gross red path i don't know what that's all about i'm more of a i'm more of a boardwalk kind of guy i like i like the look of a boardwalk a mistake that i did make in my previous series was i didn't give the entrance to the park enough thought so what i want to try to do here is i want to take the entry i want to duplicate it but we'll use the advanced move and duplicate drag it out just till it connects right there place one down here let's grab it again and we'll drag it over to the left side yeah figures this one's probably not going to connect we may have to do this one manually not to be confused with manually add that and add that it looks a little weird but i mean should work just fine we'll start by just making a uh a nice actually what's the size here 33 feet perfect nice straight line all the way into the front of the park and then we're gonna come over here and i'm gonna try to get this to line up already it doesn't seem to want to work oh jesus we gotta pause we already have people coming into the park we are not ready for you lady all right that's working ooh that looks horrible let's go with that there we go boom entrance complete this way when the park does get uh a lot bigger we're able to you know have a lot of traffic through the front entrance of the park i think that's gonna work pretty well i'm gonna try the little secret that i learned in planet zoo add a path section here then turn around and delete it it kind of smoothed that out a little bit honestly it looks a little nicer we'll try to do the same thing down here yeah kind of ruined it it's fine it looks fine and you're probably wondering g what are you possibly gonna do in this park that you haven't done in both of your previous parks and honestly i'm kind of starting to wonder the same thing because a lot of people didn't really like my coaster designs once again i am by no means a coaster designer this is not my job i did not go to school to learn how to build roller coasters but that doesn't mean that i can't try so right as you enter the park i think i'm going to bring a path off to the left and a path off to the right here we go and then again i'm going to try to use that same weird little curvature thing that you can do in the corners place another there ooh you know what it works i'm going to leave it i'm going to leave it it looks weird but that's fine and it doesn't see this is what i'm talking about their path system needs to be reworked it doesn't want me to place a path over here oh god oh god all right you know what it's kind of similar it's kind of similar on all four corners it'll be fine stop worrying all right i'm just going to expand this one all the way until i just can't go any further that looks good enough to me that's definitely plenty far and we'll do the same thing over here you're probably like dude can you just can you just get to the coaster design already that's why i'm here bear with me all right this stuff is often missed and later regretted as i found out in uh in both of my arcs previously there we go bring that one out to there we'll bring this one out as far as we can okay so that'll do it for the initial design of the path structure for the park now if i do make any other cross sections in the pathway i will of course try to round out the edges make it look a little bit nicer but for right now this is what we're working with so the first thing that i want to do is of course build a freaking coaster we're gonna go with custom coasters let's sort this by price high to low i wanna see in a single episode if i can get a coaster with at least all nines i don't know if all tens is even possible but i want to try to make the best rated toaster that i possibly can now i really like the f25 coaster just because it kind of resembles like the coaster car kind of resembles an old e30 bmw so i'm gonna run with this maybe it's a mistake i guess we'll find out god dude the controls and everything are just so foreign to me now all right so i'm gonna put this coaster down roughly in the center of the path as far out as i can place it down right there now before we even do anything about the actual coaster track what i want to try to do now is go through and remember how to add entrances and exits all right here we go place entrance so the entrance path or no this is the exit path so we want the entrance on the right let's put the exit on the left just in front of where they would walk of course we want them to uh to shuffle off of the ride as efficiently as possible now the main difference with this new series as well is it's not going to be recorded back to back to back you shouldn't expect to see a planet coaster episode go up and then the day after or even a couple of days after you'll see the second go up i'm thinking this may be a once a week thing let me know what you guys think about that but today being monday i think we're probably gonna do it every monday if that works for you guys so of course let me know if it doesn't work honestly too bad i'm just i i can only do one a week okay i really dislike it that much still after after six months all right how do we go up and down again u is up so j is down there we go okay it's all coming back to me now baby it is all coming back now since this is going to be the first coaster in the park the first ride in the park really i'm gonna make the line pretty long and we will run this all the way to the main path here so that looks pretty good to me i think that's going to be plenty long next we need just a regular path over here yeah i kind of thought it was going to happen it's going to make it way too big let's go down to 13 feet and we're gonna have to lower this down there we go nice little staircase there and bring this all the way back to the main path unfortunately they are gonna have to walk quite a ways just to get back to the rest of the park but this should be a good first initial design you guys know of course if we don't like something we can always come back and alter it in any way we need to now the most exciting part and no i'm not going to be saying now we're going to do a 45 degree turn to the right and we're going to go up 11.25 degrees i'm not going to be saying that okay it's i've learned my lesson it's very boring it's not fun to watch so the episodes may be shorter because of it but i think the content will be a lot better also we're gonna have to make this side the same as that looks good all right edit track baby jesus christ it's been so long it has been so long okay do we start with a chain lift or do we do a drive tire launch i'm gonna do a chain lift i want the suspense to build as much as possible so we're gonna make this as long as possible and we're gonna go as vertical as possible let's go up to probably about there and we will bring it back down level it out so this will be the initial chain lift next oh something else i didn't think about uh let me know if i should be moving my face cam i know it's probably covering the test ratings right now let me know if you want it on the left side i'd be happy to do that now that we have this climb figured out let's figure out where we can go from here obviously down is a valid option so what would happen if we did a 90 straight after the climb there straight back to a zero oh you know what this could work this could work okay so now that it's at this point though they're gonna be free falling for quite a while so i think we should probably just add a long straight section here well straight with a bank you guys were really roasting me about my lack of of turns and and banks and stuff so i'm gonna try all right i'm gonna try to do better we should probably turn tunneling on we're in kind of an area where that would uh would make the most sense how do we even do oh here we go auto tunnel all right let's make the tunnel real big real real actually maybe not that big big enough so we tunnel around but not the ground let's just do the smallest tunnel that we can that should be fine right also why is it not working it clearly doesn't want to go here what is happening really already already we have this all right you guys know what that means uh first i have to remember how to turn off the certain settings uh scenery collision off coaster collision off ride collision off terrain collision off all right are we good now why why oh i think i know is it too close to the border maybe that's gotta be it dude that's gotta be it okay in that case we're gonna make the angle of this straight section a little bit more dramatic let's turn off auto tunnel okay now it's just gonna let us place it this doesn't make a lick of sense but that's fine now we're going to increase the angle here very very important now we're going to lessen the angle and make it go straight again now for those of you saying you didn't bank your turns this time this time i know i did okay this time i know i did now that we're over here they're probably going to be de-selling quite a bit but that doesn't mean we can't have a nice loop let's do a nice loop to about the same height as the initial drop also it's almost perfectly center with that initial drop i think that looks really nice all right we'll place that down there next this is going to be the d cell zone from that so we're probably going to want to carry over top of this path but rather than just going straight over the path i think we should probably do something a little fun over here like what if the people on the coaster were upside down over the top of the path then you could high-five your buddies while you're waiting in line don't do that i highly just don't don't do that i don't recommend it all right we're gonna see if this is even feasible i wanna try to make it as gradual as possible but at the same time i wanna make it happen as fast as possible too because at this point they're going to be sideways i need them to at this point be upside down there we go now they'll be sideways on the left here and they'll be back vertical again i figure we probably run a test yeah seems like a good idea we'll just put in another long straight there all right see what we got we do have to click play unfortunately the guests that are coming in will just be greeted by nothing let's see how this thing performs huh oh i should probably increase the chain speed yeah that's that's an important thing give me a moment chain speed 14. all right we are going to have to restart the test unfortunately you know what let's do ride cam let's do the good old-fashioned ride cam this is it boys here we go the first drop not too bad starting to think it's not going to have enough speed though for the loop uh oh oh no i've lost it i've lost my touch no i never i never had a touch let's see if we can't add in a little booster track section so let's delete this and we're gonna shorten it up quite a bit probably about halfway this part though we do still need to come back vertical so i'm gonna go ahead and place that one down there next we're going to need a drive tire launch system so i'm going to add that in go ahead and change the target speed actually you know what 60 miles an hour uh 17 meters per second squared that should be fine i'm good at math that sounds right to me all right let's see if it can at least make it to this point here it comes down the first drop around the first bank section drive tires kicking in a little bit of boost there come on baby get there oh that's perfect dude now here's the upside down bit looking good through there nice and chill nice and relaxed all right and all the test dummies have died unfortunately big rip big sad on that one i am going to leave this straight section here i think but i want to change it to probably drive tire launch again so they can gain quite a bit more speed we'll leave it at 60 miles per hour should be fine i want a big swooping bank turn on this side now we just gotta find the right one that could work that could actually work really well otherwise we have the helix that's probably a little too tight here we have some rolls i love a good roll everybody loves a good roll that's looking a little too tight as well i feel like people will probably die if they go on this ooh dude what was this one the cobra roll yes absolutely yes we're gonna place that one down right there bring this back up to zero height so it's going nice and straight again and we do have to come back to here but i'm hoping that we can continue come all the way down back into here turn it around and then we'll turn it around with possibly another cobra roll we may not be able to fit another and uh we'll come back into the station right here let's go ahead and uh and shorten this up so we're at 85 feet right here so let's bring it to let's do 45 45 up a 45 back down probably to a 40 no they're gonna have quite a bit more speed but you guys may remember from the previous series the guests for whatever reason love just going up and down that's their favorite thing in the whole wide world nobody really knows why scientists are still baffled by this discovery all right nice little whoop section i think we can add one more we should have enough space there we go and then you know what we may be able to fit a cobra roll over here where were the rolls at here we go cobra roll right dude it fits it freaking fits we do have to make it smaller if we can no that is the smallest that it can be i don't think we're gonna have any clipping problems over here once again i did turn off basically everything that would restrict us from doing anything bad so who knows but we're gonna we're gonna stick with that why not and now we're gonna do some more whoops this coaster is just gonna be one big mistake dude i i can already tell the scoring on this is going to be horrible definitely not what i'm after but uh i'm trying all right i'm trying give cut me some slack okay it's literally my first day back in around six months so it's been a minute it's been so long in fact that i completely uninstalled the game to my surprise my previous parks are still there which i i kind of do want to maybe do an episode where i just go through and explore my old parks just to kind of reminisce a little bit okay right here's going to be absolutely horrible trying to get it back to where it needs to be so i'm going to bank this section a little bit to the right here and uh we're going to do about a 45 degree turn oh there i go with the angles again you guys don't want to hear the angles i'm so sorry this is going to be kind of a weird bit i don't think anyone is going to enjoy that at all but it needs to be done we're going to bring it so they're totally sideways here and then we're going to start tightening up this turning radius and decreasing the amount of angle that they have the amount of banking that they have increase that angle all the way back down to zero right here and it should be almost in line to reconnect up with the station let's try to place that here and uh we'll we'll run the auto complete see if it's straight ish honestly it looks pretty good it looks pretty good this is going to be a like one car coaster maybe once i get more comfortable with it again we can do multiple cars i'll try to actually do the uh the coaster stops or like the the braking sections correctly like at the top of the hill so you can have multiple coasters going at one time i realize i made some mistakes you guys believe me all right it's looking pretty good let's load it up for our first test run here we'll get in of course the ride view we'll just see if this thing actually does well i have high hopes for it also i'm gonna be drinking probably the whole time okay not bad good speed good speed that's what we like to see right there through the drive tire section up around the loop back down to the base this is the the twisty bit here appears pretty good decent here's the cobra loop i didn't know if that was gonna work or not oh my god dude this coaster might actually be something special here's the rollers nausea is high but it was low everywhere else so hopefully that will equal out uh-oh uh-oh please have enough speed okay we're good we're good could definitely use some some speed there but that's going to keep the nausea down for this next bit which is good up the last bump section here this is that twisty bit i was telling you about that kind of sucks you know what all in all i think we're going to get a halfway decent score on this one hopefully it doesn't make me spit out my water 7.27 4.59 and a 3.06 you guys probably can't see that hang on you may be able to see it now also what quality is this video i feel like it's going to be kind of laggy am i playing in 4k right now oh my god you idiot you freaking idiot always always always always check to make sure you're just recording in 1080. your graphics card cannot handle 4k i don't know why i do this i do this with like every game i swear so i do apologize if at any point in this episode you experienced some dropping in frames i i just want to say i'm sorry but now the interface is way too big so we got to scale that back down text size 100 okay it's looking better it is looking better once again i apologize for any frames that may have dropped throughout this recording thus far but it's fine so as you can see 727 or 7.27 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 and a 3.06 i'm fairly happy with this surprisingly all right and uh let's see we're gonna call this one the return the returner timmy turner how about just the turner the turner it's perfect i love it the turner is complete now we should probably oh dude the 2g colors are still in here your boy it is too good are they accurate though yeah that looks good uh i don't remember if that's my yellow or not run with it i think it is i don't know dude that color code looks a little different all right track color yellow oh i'm doing the i'm doing the wrong freaking yellow there we go track color yellow supports i kind of like the light gray i can work with that i'm gonna try to not make my coasters and everything in the park girly colors i apologize that my uh channel colors are girly but i like them okay fight me about it um coaster color i actually think the light blue and the yellow would work i'm not gonna go pastel pink on this one let's focus in on the car here and see what other colors we can change light gray is probably gonna stay black and black you can't really go wrong with it and operator color i'm actually going to leave at the the generic coloring so there we go we're looking pretty good uh let's see min rider load let's do full load in departure i don't really care about all that stuff enable priority pass kind of forgot about that my bad like i said guys it's been a while so just give me give me a couple episodes to familiarize myself with everything again and uh it's gonna be great you know what we're gonna have a good time it's gonna be fantastic so with a prestige of 703 i have to remember what the rule of thumb was was it divide by 30 divide by 35 703 divided by 35 would be 20.08 so i'm going to charge 20 and 8 cents for this ride 2008. got it all right now if you're wondering about the dividing by 35 or whatever the heck i just did uh i saw a reddit post or a reddit thread i should say a long long time ago that basically said if you want the most effective prices i guess i would say uh to divide by 35. i never did look into the reasoning why you should do that but that's what we've done here now coming over to the entrance we are starting to get a couple more people in the park very exciting stuff okay prices are zero that's good everyone that's walked up to it thus far has turned away except these two girls carrie and sherry here we have carrie nothing to see here that was her name before and sherry also her name before i did not change that carrie and sherry our first guests into our new coaster amazing that reminds me of house flippers gary and carrie i guess i just like the airy names sorry about it ooh hang on i just remembered a thing that we should probably probably do oh god i'm gonna have to remember where everything is now this is not good where are the trash cans dude okay for real okay for real all right quit playing with me wear the trash cans scenery is it in scenery half extras trash cans we've found it we've done it boys let's go home [Applause] uh i don't have a particular theme that i want to kind of be the the overarching theme of the park really i just wanted to get on a planet coaster again and mess around a little bit try to see if i am really that bad at this let's go with these these look fun the holiday bin how was that how was that a holiday what what they're tires what no no we're not we're not doing that we're going with the generic uh the park bins right here jesus christ what is holiday about that i don't understand we'll put them right at the exit hopefully if people do have to you know they'll do it in the trash can that's the idea come on people we need some more people on this ride we got carrie and sherry on there waiting we need some more customers there we go that's what i like to see we don't necessarily have to charge anything for any of the rides now that we're in sandbox mode because as you can see in the bottom left we have unlimited money we're doing fantastic we have so much money that it's literally the sky is the limit you love to see it you love to see it look at all these people coming in dude a couple of you know wussies listen out they're walking away yeah yeah nope you too what you thought you were you thought you were big enough to go on the ride no you don't meet the hype requirement [Applause] oh viola that is your real name all right come on harry and sherry been waiting so patiently over here i just want to see actual customers ride the ride ooh also something else we could do uh let's set the lighting to 10 a.m done that way it's never dark never sleep also uh carrie and sherry are just the only two people on the ride i guess we hit the uh the time limit overall i i don't think this is a terrible coaster it performed surprisingly well even though it looks kind of different i'm not gonna say bad because it's not that bad the twisty bit here is interesting to say the least i'm really surprised that it hits the first cobra loop as well as it does and then the little whoop section things everybody loves those what's not to love except for these couple ones because nausea levels are unfortunately a thing i could turn off like customer needs such as nausea needing a bathroom all that good stuff we could turn all of that off and then just make the most insane unorthodox roller coaster unorthodox no unorthodox rollercoasters you've ever seen in your whole life we could just do that too i don't know it the the sky is literally the limit here the possibilities are endless carrie and sherry hop on out of there let's let some newcomers on we're going to get a full full train this time there they go harry and sherry never forget can we get some carries and sherries in chat or i guess in the comments this isn't a live stream there we go full train minus the one person in the back going up for its maiden voyage all right dudes and dudettes i do think i'm going to wind this episode down here if you guys did enjoy if you're excited that planet coaster is back please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and i will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Toogii
Views: 14,720
Rating: 4.8692307 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park, toogii
Id: oZ4MQgyHA3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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