Plague Inc: The Cure - Parasite Mega-Brutal Guide

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hello everybody my name is provis and welcome back to more plague evolved cure mode we're moving on to the parasite now and this one is actually a bit more of a return to form using the same strategies we had from the bacteria and the virus but being a little bit more liberal about our continental lockdowns just to try and curtail the expansion a little bit the parasite has a couple of advantages working against you one it takes longer to develop a vaccine which is unfortunate and two it is more effective in poor countries you can counteract that but if you get lucky this starts around europe or something so it doesn't end up being a big deal i actually beat this first try got three stars on mega bootle so we'll see if i can get a replay of that but that might have been at least partially luck i'm gonna stick with my normal task force honestly this one still works just fine all right moving on let's go to egypt for our hq as we often do and then we are going to grab our standard opening of the outbreak see investigation teams and the uh field operatives blah blah blah we're gonna start exploring now this does have a more standard spread pattern like uh every other disease we've done except for the fungus so right now we're looking for like major areas where uh if the virus is currently present or the parasite i should say is present we'll detect it in this case it looks like it's gonna end up being around poland okay so let's see if we can find out where it's located but if it's starting off in europe that means we should go to quarantine set european alerts and also close down air and sea access immediately to try and keep it in europe as long as we can now we do have to analyze this disease type uh so we will not be able to immediately start doing any responses or operations which is unfortunate but that's okay let's go and get the furlough schemes just so we don't have to worry as much about the non-compliance buildup though i think for the most part it'll be okay to start we're detecting it in several locations over here it is in russia which bothers me a little bit because it could get down into china but hopefully not anytime soon uh let's see we could go for a total lockdown and try to nip it in the bud but it's gonna end up creating more problems than it's worth let's unlock um asia africa south america and north america just so i have some response options going forward we're gonna go for more adaptations of society and that alone for the most part will take care of the um take care of the non-compliance as long as we don't go into a total lockdown it's not perfect but it'll get close let's see if we can find out what else is going on over here we're still analyzing few hundred thousand people affected i'm gonna guess ukraine was the center yeah so a few hundred thousand infected in europe there we could go for the quarantine we really could but it's mostly just ukraine that's gonna have issues one thing we could try to do and i've never considered this but maybe we could uh is do a targeted quarantine yeah let's pick this up and see what happens uh we're into a targeted quarantine using four points of specifically ukraine to try and stop that from spreading too much not the other countries we're not doing a continental lockdown just a local one here in ukraine we'll see if that actually makes any difference i've never tried that before maybe it will it is reducing the numbers pretty substantially which is going to buy me some time we did finish analyzing that's good we're going to grab the infection control and then we're going to grab some contact tracing and some border monitoring and i would love to get land border screening because with all of the ports and airports in europe shut down that will slow down the spread significantly and its ability to travel into places like africa which remember poor countries are especially vulnerable right now so that could be pretty good for me all right so china was affected but not by an absolute ton let's go for some hand washing we're going to try to uh slow down the spread the old-fashioned way a little bit has spread into sweden that's okay spreading into the uk how much does this cost 11 okay so we'll come back to that in a minute looks like the uh targeted lockdown ukraine's about to end but look how effective that was look how effective that was we actually were able to burn that down by several hundred thousand infections let's go over that land border screening i would love to get self-isolation though we may want to consider a continental lockdown of europe now because it is actually getting around pretty significantly take care of that correctly and we'll end up being just fine i think we are going to have to go for a full lockdown let's do that now we're going to do a full lockdown of europe now i could go for some additional mortgage rent relief to try and fix this up a little bit but to be honest i don't think we need to maintain this in europe for very long just a little bit should do the job let's see what else we're missing let's go to new guinea uh and i think that we'll probably naturally get into greenland and colombia and i don't have to worry too much you can click on the individual nations down here and see these numbers going up representing the non-compliance so it'll give you an idea where we're going to have some issues such as france oh france why why do you have to be that way with me okay uh so we got all that good good let's go for the self-isolation we're gonna try to burn down some of that a little bit did i actually get the i did get the infection control so we can use that to try and save a couple of nations that are struggling it's mostly gonna be central europe poland and ukraine at the moment russia is giving me some trouble too um let's go to central europe now we're going to use our field operatives just to save some lives getting a little bit close on non-compliance in a couple locations uh we can now go for the social distancing again burning down an infection rate so when i beat this previously i did get three stars beat it first try no rush is not compliant uh and what ended up working for me amazingly was i actually was able to get this completely under control without having to use a vaccine at all i got an achievement for it which is hilarious we're gonna take care of some non-compliance in russia just because i don't want this to spread into asia any more than it already is looking pretty good right now in central europe uh norway is non-compliant it's honestly probably time for me to shut down the full quarantine let's see for the most part this is looking all right it looks like it's mostly going to be russia giving me a problem so let's move over here we're going to hold on to this for just a moment actually yeah no now's the time we're going to go ahead and end this full lockdown because we still want to keep the planes and the uh ports closed i would love to go to local lockdowns that reduces infection rate by an absolute ton so let's do that now that does create some non-compliance issues as well but i think for the most part we're fine we have most of that taken care of russia is burning down to a reasonable amount getting some more testing capacity and contact tracing would do the job pretty nicely we are going to have some issues still here because they haven't burned down enough let's go ahead and give them some small payments to try and burn this down to 60 percent if you've only got the first level of the targeted economic aid it seems to reduce their non-compliance by a total of 40 percent we could go for debt relief which is going to reduce it by i think it's 60 or something along those lines okay i still haven't started on the vaccine and we really do need to do that now because it's going to take a very long time we'll work on it but again if i'm able to repeat what i did before and simply just burn this down entirely that would be awesome we're having some issues as far as compliance i really probably should get the third level of compliance here so we're gonna ignore some of this for a moment let's go and save germany since they're struggling right now need a few more points if you guys don't mind all right that'll do let's go for the mortgage and rent relief that brings it down to a much more reasonable level poland is completely out of control let's move over there next we may need to save them with the fatality rate and emergency care so i'm going to do that just so we don't induce a panic and start losing a ton of authority but yeah poland is struggling now the numbers are starting to go down that's going to end up being okay so far we're doing all right though let's go to response and get some more testing capacity since we have some large outbreaks in europe in particular and this will help doing okay in most of every other continent it's really just europe another major lockdown honestly would be enough to get this under control i think and i think we're going to do that at least temporarily this is going to build up compliance non-compliance pretty rapidly in a few locations we'll go ahead and preemptively reduce this here in russia but for the most part the numbers are indeed going down okay if we can go for another level of that that'd be awesome but i don't see that happening right now do you want to grab the field research i could but i think what i'd rather do is go for some more contact tracing so it does does not spread any further into other continents we do not have a lot more time before i'm gonna have to break this quarantine again uh let's go for that contact tracing like so europe is mostly okay we only have a few just yeah we're down about 40 000 people worldwide infected that's honestly not too bad we're looking pretty good all right let's go ahead and break this before we have too many more non-compliance issues i would like to increase the vaccine research speed since right now it's a little on the slow side how are we looking everywhere else well poland's under control germany's still struggling russia is still struggling but for the most part we're all right if we can get germany taken care of we'll bounce back back and forth between germany and russia and i think that will be enough to take care of us we could also go for things like the debt relief so we can do more lockdowns but i'm not going to um let's see if we can get to uh mask wearing i think to reduce that infection rate even further notice by the way because it started off in europe and we use our lockdown really aggressively to keep this continent under control we have not had any issues with pretty much any of the poor countries which is one of the main advantages for the parasite so denying them that has been huge for us and i think that's going to become part of my regular play style at this point once you detect the continent that it is located on immediately shutting down planes and ports in order to try and make it a lot easier all right russia is actually doing fine at the moment it's the baltic states that could use a little help so let's get up there there we go i'm going to burn that down to something reasonable the research is looking okay let's go for the mask wearing now see if we can reduce this a little bit further yeah only 28 000 people infected and the numbers are still dropping because we've got this under control i don't think we need the vaccine if i'm honest i really don't i wonder if you get extra points if you're able to uh get this without using the vaccine baby i don't know well let's just go ahead and get some production speed going here but yeah so far this is fine let's go ahead and do some non-compliance salt here in france and russia since they're both being a little bit mean-spirited okay how are we looking turkey has a single infection the baltic states is mostly taken care of norway finland and such are all good uh let's go up to russia and see if we can burn this down a little bit faster so far looking good uh do you want to get some more contact tracing i think that's what i would want to get alternatively we can just reduce the infection rate a little bit further but i'm not going to let's buy some authority and see if we can get some better score because at this point we've won it's now a matter of running out the clock i think um but there's only 500 infections left in the world uh let's curious where is it left it looks like it's mostly along this line right here russia baltic states poland germany and france it's rising in the baltic states let's go solve that and in germany if we can take it down there we'll be fine uh the non-compliance in russia is still building up let's give them a payment okay doing fine along there it's still germany giving me the issues surprisingly more contact racing should help with that a little bit move over here keep this down low we have practically no fatalities here i mean by no fatalities i mean 240 000 die but it's okay so we are going to end up getting the vaccine unfortunately i was kind of hoping to not have to do that regardless though i think it's pretty obvious that the strategy worked very well keeping it contained to a single continent just neutered the uh parasite completely i got an achievement parasite cured you know i didn't get the achievement for that last time because i realized i didn't even get a vaccine hilarious all right 406 days so last time i had this at 350. so it's a bit luckier that time the result being that i got three stars but either way two stars here not too bad could have bought out a little bit more authority if i had lifted some more of the lockdowns that would have been fine that's a mistake on my end but this was easy honestly the parasite is not that hard you just use the strategies you have before just a little bit better using quarantines effectively and win thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed if so that would actually hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 208,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, plague, inc, cure, mode, parasite, mega, brutal, difficulty, guide, scenario, walkthrough
Id: KckavXZYuX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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