Plague Inc: Evolved - Neurax Worm Walkthrough (Mega Brutal)

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hello and welcome to Provost gaming and more plague inc evolved we've been doing a lot of custom scenarios lately you may have noticed a couple episodes ago we did the rise oh sorry not the rise look at girls the fangirl epidemic which was a narek swarm a style of disease it's actually very similar just had some reward descriptions but was pretty fun and of course the last episode we did the narek swarm aftermath which seemed quite situationally appropriate but it did play again fairly similarly to the nur x worm and that got me thinking you know I have not done the mega brutal version of the NOx worm on this channel yet it was the first mega brutal that I got in my own play king career using a strategy that I used in my brutal video that I released probably a year or somewhat ago but I haven't done on this channel yet my figure okay well since we're just gonna we've already done two custom scenarios of the noir X worm you might as well continue the trends and then I'll just show you guys how it's done on mega brutal so as far as a genetic code we get a couple of options that we'll use I think we're going to go for metabolic jump because I have a particular strategy in mind and we will have a bit of severity to take extra value out of these red bubbles genetic mimic is pretty good I think arguably you could go with Darwinist if you're feeling lucky but I'm thinking probably genetic mimic makes the most sense we're actually gonna go for do a knock aside order my own arrow site I'm gonna go for aqua site I think that will work just fine and extreme a file of course why would you do anything else now interestingly instead of symptom stasis I'm going to be switching it up a little bit and we're going to go for trans stasis because the strategy that I will be using is going to focus very heavily on transmission in the early game but out you'll see you'll see how it's gonna work either way now of course this does mean that things are gonna be easier to cure but that's one of the reasons I'm picking up genetic mimic in order to try and counteract that alright we'll be playing on mega brutal of course why not now as far as a name or if it hasn't frozen did you freeze now there we go okay as far as a name we need something that people say is controlling our actions Illuminati now it's too easy something that people think controls our thoughts tells us what to think how to feel tells us oh wait no no I know I know they're the liberal media can't imagine anyone's gonna get insulted by that at all yeah no totally not okay selecting a starting location now the strategy that I will be employing is going to revolve around getting a foothold in as many countries especially the rich countries as early as possible but we're not trying to inspect too quickly or we're gonna get discovered and I'm thinking I'm going to start in the United Kingdom for this good proximity to Europe and hopefully we'll be able to get to the United States and several of the other wealthy developed countries as soon as possible now as far as the overall strategy you'll kind of see this take shape as we play for now let's go ahead and take a look at our transmission symptoms and abilities we start off with concertina locomotion ability to grip with the portions of the body while pulling slash pushing other sections allows for faster movement outside of the host basically you're just kind of wiggling around like a little worm now this increases our infectivity a fair amount for only two points but it does also increase our severity now that's not bad thing for us quite yet there will be a bit of a race against the clock and getting detected early can suck but in the early game at least getting a little extra infectivity will not hurt too much so we'll pick that up and of course will lead to undue Latorre locomotion which is very similar again to DNA points because we have that trans stasis but a lot of infectivity for only two points that's pretty good we also have eggs the next worm produces eggs that are ejected from the host brain in the thousands increasing infectiousness pretty decent and then we have genetic swap now this we might pick up simply because it's going to be so cheap but this will lead to some pretty nice options for us later on so we'll see how we feel about it this basically just a mutation chance nothing too special beyond that but it does lead to some interesting options as far as symptoms we only have one option at the start of the game and that is neural breach breach the blood-brain barrier to allow access to the host brain causes dystonia rapid eye blinking only costs one point to get us started and we will pick that up but first we're gonna focus mostly on transmission of course the big thing about symptoms is there are a lot of them with interacts worm and there are several different ways you can win the game well a couple of ways primarily just kill everybody through standard symptoms you know just make everyone miserable make their bodies fail and make them die or control their minds and make them they'll commit suicide or reach transcendence control their minds so that they start worshiping you as some sort of God and they just stop fighting you for the Cure right that is how the directs were to be going for a transcendence victory most likely we'll see how how things play out but yeah there's a lot of symptoms so the earlier we pick them up before a lot of people get infected the better and that's one of the reasons we started in a wealthy country that's close to a lot of other wealthy countries is because I'm trying to get into as many countries as possible without getting a lot of people infected because that genetic drift does add up and we do not have symptoms as far as abilities we have our standard cold heat and drug resistance we also have the Trojan Plains manipulation of dopamine transporters results in a form of ADHD which encourages hosts to fly to a target country you don't know what these are then hopefully by now you've watched mine acro a virus and simian flu playthroughs and you know that both of those disease types have a special ability where you can spend DNA to send either zombies or apes to a target country and infect them right children planes is similar but at the same time a bit different Jojen planes once you picked it up you will have a random chance to get a pop up and send a plane to a target country and infect it it's random when it comes up you can't spend points to to do it so you have no it's pretty much luck based but at the same time it's free so once you've made this initial investment in Trojan planes you will have random free chances to infect a new country even islands that have closed down their ports pretty useful in a jam we'll probably make use of that at some point all right so let's go ahead and bump up to speed three start generating some of those points indirect swarm dozen illiberal media is an Oryx worm undiscovered for thousands of years it should have stayed that way you fools alright now as far as some transmissions we can already get a dilatory locomotion for only two points skim that translation is going to make sure that we get a lot of transmission very early on which is quite nice for us there's an orange bubble now have we gotten cytochrome ik boost that would allow us to pick some of those up but we did not all right now we have an option now that we've gotten Honda Latorre locomotion we can get either air one or water one they work exactly the way you would expect we're probably gonna get water one at least to start off because that will give us the opportunity to spread a little bit faster in the UK get some more DNA generated so do that it'll also end up leading to a nice combo with eggs once I pick all of these up afterwards we will probably focus excuse me on getting air uh air one air two and a special ability that comes out of that we need 13 points in order to get water too we are spreading very slowly right now but that's fine we're still generating a reasonable amount of DNA there's water too now we'll spread a little bit faster London Olympics mystery organisers promise it will happen soon but no reason has been given for a change of schedule in the Olympics in 2016 when early access began for this game I'm pretty sure the one thing Olympics were on the horizon which was a good few years ago pretty sure but I remember watching those those are fun I like them fun all right we're gonna grab eggs 1 and X 2 that will increase our infectivity a fair bit and that will lead to water level 3 the worm eggs gain the ability to thrive in unsanitized water 9 points lots of infection especially good in poor countries now we're not too worried about that right now so actually you know instead of getting water 3 I mean while I would be able to spread a lot faster in humid a UK I think I will go ahead and grab air so that I can possibly spread by plane that of course leads to air 2 where we get a lot of infectivity for only 11 points which I'm a big fan of but it'll also lead to air 3 which I believe will double check this but I believe does increase your infectivity in rich countries and urban countries which will be quite nice for us because that fits our bill very nicely I do want to get into the Europe as quickly as possible let's see 11 points is what we needed yes ok we're getting quite a few orange bubbles and this is where cytochrome ik boost could be kind of useful if you're planning on dragging out the game a long time like we are because we started in a wealthy country then you'll probably get a lot more orange bubbles and you might get a good amount of use out of that but not sure it's gonna matter for our purposes so yeah air three does increase your infectivity in rich and hot countries in particular we'll probably save up for that it's gonna be 18 points we are spreading to the United States and Australia that's pretty good we do have a fair bit of infect of severity because of the sheer number of in transmissions we have gotten at this point so hopefully we'll get a little bit of extra DNA out of some of these red bubbles I am surprised we haven't spread by any boats yet it's a little disappointing and that might penalize our score a teeny bit just because it's taking a long time 18 is the magic number there we go let's grab air three will spread a bit faster in rich and hot countries hopefully will spread throughout Europe a wee bit faster way to get into Egypt and we are in South Africa fitting into Saudi Arabia that will open up a lot of plane options for us and you know what let's go ahead and grab water three and that's all the transmission we're going to need for at least a little while so why don't we go ahead and focus on some symptoms we're gonna grab neural breach for one point that lead to cerebral tendrils for three points enables increased control over the host brain that we're picking us up as quickly as we can before a lot of people get infected and increase the cost of all of these symptoms because of genetic drift where to pick up adrenergic constriction beta receptor blockers released dampening the anxiety in the host and lessening severity of allergic reactions to the worm basically spend points in order to reduce severity which again reduces how likely you are to get detected we also have axial it akin fusion there'll be about seven points maybe more by the time we get it the important thing is we haven't gotten what we just got into India we haven't gotten very populous or very infective in very high population countries yet only about seven and a half million infected so these symptoms are still relatively cheap this is going to lead to psychosis which again spend points to do effectively the exact same thing we did get detected I was about to say we haven't been yet but there we are they have detected us but they haven't started working on the cure yet hopefully they won't psychosis might be able to slow them down a tiny bit we definitely want to rush up to transcendence as quickly as we can before we infect too many people and everything gets really freaking expensive it's going to take 18 points now that will increase our severity a lot by grabbing a duration but we will get a fair amount of infectivity and frankly because we've been detected yes it means we'll work on the cure a little bit faster but picking up some more severity pretty much means that we will get more DNA from those red bubbles so I'm okay with them that's going to lead to devotion which is effectively the same thing a little less infectivity but a lot of severity and that will lead directly to transcendence which is very very very expensive the UK did just shut down their airports not a huge fan of that but okay now we haven't picked up any abilities yet you may have noticed and that's fine because we are trying to just get has many symptoms out as pop as soon as possible we could have played it slow we could have gone under the radar for as long as possible and try to avoid the cure and so on just kind of sat at psychosis with very little severity and kind of stalked up points but that's not gonna get us the best score in this game so we're hoping not to liberal media Awareness Day now I find that hilarious personally I don't know about the rest of you we did it get into Greenland that's pretty fun transcendence is currently going to cost us forty four points which is a lot now why are we rushing toward our victory condition right now especially when we're having so much trouble getting all the DNA we need in there working on the cure because transcendence effectively works as if you had killed everybody so basically once you have transcendence as long as you've infected that most of the world most of the world will not work on the Cure still only need forty four points that's pretty good liberal media is just another parasite mm-hmm-hmm again I find this surprisingly funny okay fifty three points that should be enough that should buy us a fair bit of time good now as far as some abilities let's go ahead and grab shogen planes level one just to give us the opportunity of sending some planes out to any islands we might have missed and then we'll worry about picking up things like heat resistance we do have a plane available to us so we are missing New Guinean Philippines and it looks like we have all of the other islands which is rather fortunate for us good okay and they haven't closed down their ports which is just fine so we'll go ahead and send one to the Philippines I suppose we have nineteen points to spend let's grab drug resistance so we can go a little bit faster in the USA and Canada which are a couple of major contributors to the Cure research there we go let's go ahead and grab actually level two right now because the countries that have the most care potential are probably not the hot one so he resistance isn't as critical as it might have been otherwise now we'll pick it up your resistance and let's go ahead and grab Jojen Plains level two now this is going to open up a few different options for you we see Trojan destroyers testosterone secretion and Trojan hosts causes destructive and aggressive behavior I don't see a lot of point to this um this I think will eventually end up leading to some sort of lethality but meh I don't see a point Jojen plains 3 is basically the same as the previous ones just increases your odds and then we have Trojan roamers which is interesting because wherever you send a plane you instead of descending like one infected person you end up seeing several thousand get infected right away so it's pretty helpful knowing that a country gets infected by kind of an exponential curve the more people are infected the more they in turn will infect and so on this helps to knock off some of that early portion of the exponential curve and he doesn't it doesn't have to be sent Oh infected worship the liberal media oh that sounds right um it doesn't matter you don't have to send it to a non-infected country you can send it to a country that is infected but it's being really stubborn and resisting your efforts for example Canada has a lot more people that well Sweden actually would be a better target okay Sweden has about 7,000 people that'll be infected by the time plane arrives we're gonna see a jump up by about ten fifteen thousand there okay that's pretty decent well actually I take that back wasn't quite that much that was just normal we're still waiting on Trojan roamers okay nevermind uh what else do we want let's go ahead and grab confusion because that will reduce cure progress for at least a little bit grabs we don't actually know how many more of these symptoms we're gonna be able to grab at this point because they are working on that cure pretty aggressively not sure we're gonna be able to but we'll try let's pick up memory loss and that's probably the last symptom we can afford before this genetic drift becomes ridiculously expensive what are we missing here we are still missing New Guinea so let's go ahead and send a Trojan plane over there that'll solve that problem right quick now as far as some more abilities um more heat resistance would probably be good if we can so we'll do exactly that there we go heat resistance for me thank you now one option for us at this point would be to gain some level of lethality not sure how much we're going to need that are we doing okay in the urban regions seems to me that the urban regions are complete we uncovered so we don't need rodents but insects are cheap and will help us spread throughout places like Africa a bit faster it's almost like picking up a form of heat resistance but you know not quite who else are we missing Morocco West Africa and Algeria all right let's go to Morocco because we know that they like to cause issues for us let's grab insects level two and we'll save up some points for perhaps a genetic reshuffle at this point I feel like we're going to win the question now becomes can we get ourselves a little bit of extra score at the end and I like to think maybe so that's gonna reduce the Cure progress a bit down to 61 we are only missing Algeria now if you get another Trojan plane we know where to send that but notice that the Cure progress has slowed down a lot most of it is destroyed despite the fact that we have killed very few people and that is because transcendence is doing its job as far as genetic reshuffle that would cost whopping 46 points which is a lot obviously but we'll go ahead and do it just to buy ourselves again a bit more score knock it down to 55% and of course the more people we have infected the more cure research progress we are going to be destroying so pretty much it should only be Africa that is going to cause us a lot of grief which i think is a fine trade of course because we're not killing people symptoms are staying very expensive but yeah you know I think it's gonna be fine I'm hoping to get three or four stars out of this if we're lucky five but I don't think so there are no people healthy people left in the world so this took us about a year and a half I think to win the world has been destroyed by liberal media yep the liberal media enslaves humanity Oh again I just find this kind of funny victory Bam Bam Bam we got three stars okay so not quite as good as I might have wanted that was a bit of an experiment on my part to see if starting off in a rich country like the UK would be better I'm gonna go ahead and say probably not I think you can employ of basically the exact same strategy but if you start in Egypt or Saudi Arabia you probably would be a bit better off also I think I made a mistake in a sense that I went for water three or air three a little bit early maybe it would have been better to spend all those points on some of the early symptoms before the genetic drift kicked in if I were going to be trying to you know improve this a little bit if I were trying to optimize my methods that would be one thing I would try changing I know with a similar strategy to this you can probably get four or five stars I've done it before this was just a bad example I wanted to kind of try something new I thought it would work out it didn't oh well you live in you learn you try things the important thing is we have a pretty easy strategy to win the game on mega brutal so yeah if you're following this along as a guide go ahead and start off in like Saudi Arabians that it's probably fine and don't invest in air three or water three too early on instead worry about getting yourself some symptoms before the genetic drift kicks in but that would be my recommendation all right well that is it that pretty much wraps up the mega brutal campaign I technically have one more to do I think it was the virus but I'm not sure how much people care about that if you do let me know in the comment section otherwise in the future I will be resuming these custom scenarios so I hope you enjoyed be sure to hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe for future content my name is Ben promise and I will see you guys next time you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 513,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Plague Inc (Video Game), Plague Inc: Evolved, Neurax, Worm, Mega Brutal, gameplay, strategy, guide, walkthrough, Gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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