*Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End* Was FANTASTIC! | Reaction

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I'm Spartan and I'm p and we are back watching Pirates of the Caribbean at World's [Music] End back for the third and final installment of this Trilogy cuz I think the others go on their own little uh Adventure y very excited once again yeah I'm always looking looking forward to to exploring more of Jack Sparrow I think we saw more of him last movie I think the first one he was good he was there he had his moments but I felt like it wasn't as focused on him if that makes sense we got more depth and character development and a bit of History yeah that was cool and and overall these movies is just they're just a fun time it's nice coming I feel I'm going for a you know a two 2 and 1/ half hour Adventure yeah on a journey some laughs like it's they're a good time they really are Comfort movies I feel oh for sure I don't think we've laughed this much on the channel in a very long time or maybe ever like we're just cackling throughout the whole movie now I was going over some revisions watching the last movie and I noticed the rewatch ability is actually next level so one example is when will went onto the island and he was trying to find Jack and the bird was repeating don't eat me don't eat me he's like what are you on about like oh yeah okay I think that he was listening to Jack saying like don't eat me to the people yeah yeah yeah or even just hinting that the carnival the carnivores the what are they cannibals was on the on the island so yeah so that was actually really like interesting to go back on and pick up on those little details that was quite nice and then also I don't remember his name but like the new guy in town who wanted one of the soldiers I don't know what they called but that wanted DAV Jones's heart for himself yeah and commodore actually ended up giving him the heart him he when he was signing the documents with Elizabeth when she was like kind of had him had him a gunpoint it was like an interrupted wedding or fate interrupted or something like that so you going do justice you just destroyed it oh or fate intervening so he said an interrupted wedding or fate intervening and really like we don't know what that means at that point but then obviously when she has these feelings for Jack it's like fate before you got married and locked yourself down you should realize that you have these feelings for Jack I don't have anything to add to that I wasn't expecting any of that but that's good yeah I'm sure they do have a lot of rewatchability yeah last movie we left off on Jack supposedly being dead but retrievable now is he actually dead isn't he I don't know but the point is he's retrievable we saw him go out fighting the giant was like Lochness Monster or something no no it was the Kraken the Kraken that's the I knew it was one of those old tail those old uh like wife tals no oh F Tails yeah like f tals but for the for the sea yeah Will and Elizabeth went back to TMA to seek out her guidance I think it was more mourning but then she sort of surprised them with there is a way to get him back and just in case we need a bit of [Laughter] convincing Captain Bosa that's the one that doesn't make the edit okay no it doesn't you can't no that doesn't make I'm Ed these ah you better put it in no Captain babosa is back alive so that's sort of proves to us that you can't come back from the dead we don't know exactly how he came back I want to hear his stories but he's enjoying his green apples now yeah but I'm excited it would be cool to see him join the crew again he felt like a big player and now it's going to be sort of you know almost a a three or four-way tie well you've got babosa who led the sort of revolt against Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow the original Captain yeah then you've got will Turner's father I forget his name but brute leg you've got got him on the boat as well and then you got DAV Jones so like it's s of like the four the three originals from the one crew and then you know Big Dog DAV Jones and it's a four-way tie with some big players so I feel be exciting movie 100% but I feel like there's going to be more elements so the fact that they just layered on layers on layers really like from the first movie you really just feel like it's this one big world having had time to digest the first two movies I I do agree I do feel like so many subtle things that it seems like it's its own stand loone adventure and it's not really going to build and then they actually Segway perfectly to the point now where you can just see the trilogy being the culmination of the last two movies tying everything in wrapping it up and a lot of those little tidbits of lore and each character story and all just coming together for like one big final adventure for this Trilogy anyway so I looking forward to seeing how they're going to wrap that all that up I know me too thank you to everyone over on patreon for supporting the channel if you do want to get three to 4 weeks of Early Access to our edited and uncut reactions we'll leave a link in description down below and if you guys are watching this over on YouTube don't forget to leave like on the video subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comments down below what you thought of this movie all right let's go let's go always a hang [Laughter] R right to assembly suspended I don't get it the people look half look innocent right to habus Corpus suspended right to legal counsel suspended why so they're just guilty regardless of what you say all found guilty of piracy or aiding a person convicted of piracy oh my God shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead that's disgusting is that a freaking Kid N there ain't no way God damn dude ruthless I don't want to watch I don't want to now damn man that Vibe is something else isn't it yeah you walk back you Gods they've started to sing sir let him it's [ __ ] sick finally he wanted that I don't know this guy is [Music] sick oh man oh it's funny they always start these movies really dark and then it's like really fun throughout is that song again okay thief and beggar never say we die that's very dramatic dangerous song to be singing particularly a woman alone oh my God an ordinary woman oh Bosa that's a mad entrance I never thought I'd be so excited to see Barosa that's great like when Jack's gone he has presents we move please oh she backing hate what the hell where the hell was that sword Captain Bosa welcome to Singapore look at those scars they're so extreme a thief broke into my most revered uncle's Temple and tried to make her with these oh damn will didn't get it he must be locked up he knows what's up oh my God what is this oh my God what is down there mled what is it you seek in DAV J's Locker Jack's back answer is very simple exactly will the hell are you laughing at my manall I would want J Spar return from the Land of the Dead is so I can send him back myself you Reon he's the one that gave him their scars probably I love how Jack's namn by everyone I [Music] know o that was pretty sick that is awesome drop your weapons who is he I don't think they care if he's not with you and he's not with us oh that's a good question oh it's a third party a bloody Becket oh damn they could fight a of course this guy oh my God she's done that's disgusting will looks cooler he got a little great tea and I think he's got a couple of like Golden Earrings more like a pirate holy [ __ ] oh my God I was watching it like where I going with this and just I am that little man am that so funny [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look at her guard you have the chance and better yet a ship at a crew what they'll cover our escape and meet us a ship red Cod this way be quick well he followed through and it's a little bit awkward between them at the moment isn't it look a lot of the build up so far is awesome want be like locked in oh they never fail [Music] so [Music] cute oh my god oh oh dude why why go there oh my God some says flash of green brain some go their whole lives without ever seeing it some claim to a seen it who ain't and some say signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead oh like why' you interrupt me like me when you interrupt my stories you mean I love that we're on this Grand Adventure to retrieve Jack and all these like enemies or foes and allies theyve all bonded together you know I feel like we've been in every terrain as well you know on islands and snowy mountains like crazy I'm not going to lie I really like his piano playing the sadness to it damn he looks very sad seeing this lot of him it's actually nice is there a picture in there maybe have that girl like what the hell is this oh [ __ ] go all of you and take that inun of thing with you I will not have it on my ship is that why he was crying yeah the Dutchman sails as its Captain commands and its Captain is to sail it as commanded oh [ __ ] I would have thought You' learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet no way Becca is a snake he's on that snaky snake list I don't give a [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wow that is beautiful man what the hell is that Jack sailing in space no that's their [ __ ] how long do we continue not talking P's all good all right py give you that one once we rescue Jack everything will be fine then we rescue Jack oh will man I feel sorry for him damn man no want to cuss with their wedding day and now they're not even talking and her answer was once we rescue Jackie you'll be fine yeah the man who she chained up to get killed like what we're good and lost now lost certain says this so calmly find the places can't be found he does have that Captain confidence I like it well Tommy this's going to be like a massive drop yeah well it makes sense world's in oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we've gone some down some steep water falls but no I that oh my God oh my God H that's not IDE do they flipped upside down what the hell it can't be yeah what what the hell we're getting more than one Sparrow here Alan slacking braces hi Captain slacking braces step what the hell no way oh my God is this what why this a jack that L eggs the [ __ ] what is happening he has like his own personal hell it is neither proper nor suitable sir it is not acceptable nor adequate it is an obvious fact an Abomination begging you oh damn he's so Harding himself him in another chance shall I oh my God he's very brutal it will all have to be redone all of it and let this serve as a listen to The Lord Of You doldrum sir has the entire crew on edge that all in his head oh my god oh it's going to keep coming back yeah but why I mean that makes sense okay like a whole little army of them tell me they're going to move the shap this seat is so weird we it doesn't really feel like Pirates does it no even Jack's not buying it he's like what it's like what the [ __ ] is going on here I love that [Music] runty Jack is closer than you think o oh [ __ ] they literally knew that they were coming for him Epic it would be sick if he was on top oh my God that's sick what an entrance that is sick that is epic man can ride the sand Junes it's crazy he ain't going to be happy don't the r there's been a perpetual and virent lack of discipline upon my vessel why why is that sir sir you're oh damnn Locker Captain you never realized why should I sail with any of you four of you have tried to kill me in the past one of you succeeded yeah that is true she's the only one oh not this [ __ ] again ja which way you going a now's got no choice yep [Laughter] this is too good he left Jack to the Kraken he's rescued now it's done with what does that mean for these two it wasn't your burden to bear but I do bear it didn't I yeah that's true without all the information if you make your choices alone how can I trust you oh I mean I get that that's fair enough you can't damn man they're only waiting day now they're just they're in rubble what does that mean you can't and then will'll have that hard choice to make at the end I wonder something's going to happen big in this well I'll take you actually I don't know do I want will or Jack [ __ ] him [Laughter] Elizabeth let's be honest you probably want Jack you can to have Jack the monkey I'll take Jack the captain no it's my father we've made it back father father he not here why is her father there was he killed didn't Becka order that he said he wasn't useful anymore remember yeah in waited it Elizabeth are you dead I think no no way Becca is a snake I'm so proud of he take the line why doesn't he take it he can't I don't think you can oh this mov is been heavier man God damn water why is all with the rum gone rum's gone too oh [ __ ] Up Is Down oh no very helpful my friend not sunet sun down Su down Up Is Down what is that I don't know what do you think where there talking to himself let the process just continue what the hell is he doing we're rocking the ship you have to flip the ship over no way that's Captain Jack Sparrow baby tight cover to the MK upside down so when the boat flips we'll be the right way out oh somehow that's not going to work out for them go the let it shift they always have to get rid of something in every movie oh know there's no more rum left look at these idiots why do I feel like they'll still be upside down these dumb asses holy [ __ ] oh the cannon or something fell on him oh now up down his plan wasn't correct he just screwed I know oh my God everyone's just hping that he was correct there that Green Flash oh oh [ __ ] go Jack oh remember we see the fly Dutchman like arrive like that that's how he would do it I guess oh they both made it look at these morons this was your idea completely embarrass foolish why this push again this again oh oh oh my God they better can't do it [Laughter] back yeah I'm will that's what the hell's going on here all right then yeah I was waiting for that second one two two oh actually went the shoot they're all flooded [Laughter] out I love how we got the whole crew together I'm not going to lie it's got me J finally it's going to like break off oh Jack he's one of a kind man it's the little things you know just the little things Jack's one of the pirate Warlords I was saying one of the nine that's pretty sick I know what is that could it be the Kraken yeah it is wow you know the problem with being the last of anything by and by there will be none left at all yeah and that's pretty sad the world used to be a bigger place Will's still the same a I love how he says it that way it D I've never seen Jack so down in the DMS he very like sober this yeah he is of course they're going to turn he's the [Laughter] captain no why it was all a set up Jack Sparrow you paid me great insult once that doesn't sound like me oh oh [ __ ] I need the Pearl to free my father that's the only reason I came on this Voyage yeah I forgot about that holy [ __ ] didn't you tell me you were planning this oh Elizabeth was my M to be you can't you can't put that on him she do stand on you can't even be upset about it braet agreed the Black Pearl was to be mine everyone just wants this damn Black Pearl give up the only shipers can out run the Dutchman is he yeah the black pearls Jack are quite a shiper b is playing the Pirate game better than the pirate they have the tment not the p and what to the B now we have Calypso ooh she's a goddess remember that's what talmo was saying can't tell if he's bluffing or not no I don't think so I'll lead you to shipwreck Cove where I will hand you the Pirates and you will not hand me to Jones bloody Fear De you anything anything and What Becomes of Miss Swan yeah true every want what are you proposing Captain what be accepted the girl what everyone wants the girl it's making me think certain things with me killed you'd arrive at The Cove find it a stronghold nigh in breal able to withstand blockade for years only there was someone I had not killed inside to ensure that the Pirates then come outside Jack's pretty good the go sh who am I say it baby say my name Sparrow shook his head what is he doing I love that that extra little bit thank goodness for that because if I wasn't this would probably never work yeah true oh yes Jackie boy I love it he's very creative isn't he and that was without even a single drop of r that is impressive oh so far no he had a few shots remember he's lying oh true by this time tomorrow we will arrive at shipwreck Cove and you will be free Calypso I I knew it so yeah believe she's the goddess but why do they think it's her she's playing along with it now is that Barbosa's plan maybe I will take your Fury oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he took her Fury damn the bloody timing you are captain now me call my place oh so she'll be going as one of the captains now damn your father will be over jooy to know you're safe my father's dead it can't be true he returned to England oh my God as if you believe that boot stap no that ain't him bootstap oh he's in the jail cell as well oh he's in the wall he's alive and now he sends you to tell me that he's coming to get me God's wounds he's on his way oh B [ __ ] man I know you he spoke of you you can't save me he can't come because of you oh [ __ ] don't put on on her cuz he loves her if Jones be slain he who slays him must take his place captain forever I worry that that's Will's Destiny when it keeps being said tell him not to come tell him to stay away oh it's too late damn man he sad it's a hard decision what are you doing choosing a side oh Norrington my man would have thought he'd come through in the end I know James come with me who goes there oh tell me he has to die here but Destinies have been entwined Elizabeth but never joined oh wow everyone wants a kiss from Calypso oh finally gets that kiss hey part of the crew part of the ship part of the crew part of the ship part of the crew part man oh he's brainwash a lot of course God damn it man oh my god oh like we haven't lost enough people man of course I have to like the guy as soon as he dies that is so sad man damn at least he went out with respect on his name look at them all there's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime and I owe them all money oh of course he does oh this that's why he never wanted to meet up with all the Pirates we are still short one pirate lord and I must content as a cucumber to wait until sth Fang joins us South Fang is dead and here we go made you Captain just giving the bloody title away now too true true we must free Calypso watch them all laugh okay they're angry shoot him cut out his then shoot his tongue be oh my God sh I will still agree with something we release calyo thre me I silence you now they're going to stop fighting amongst themselves absolute chaos this is madness this is politics oh you are right my friend oh [ __ ] he's here 10 years I looked after those who died at Sea and then what happened finally when we could be together again you w there let's hope there's a good reason for it would you love me if I was anything but what I am I do not love you it's her nature what to be the saving um I want to say his original form what should always have been mine come we're about to say it oh oh [ __ ] that's cool I would give you my heart do we believe her I don't know always if only you had a heart to give oh [ __ ] my heart will always belong to you she loves that as well oh my gosh she's kind of creepy yeah I don't know I don't know how genuine that interaction is but cool interaction nonetheless I submit that here now that is what we all must do we must fight to run away I to run away he loves running an act of war and this be exactly that can only be declared by the pirate king you may I now tell me Jack becomes the pirate kingi proclaimed this all to be fully the cord who oh [ __ ] who was that code is the LA is that the king he's like an older version of Jack Sparrow he looks like that can't be the dog can it yeah it is that sea turtles mate that's pretty funny the damn sea turtles there's not been a king since the first court and that's not likely to change why not see the pirate king is elected by popular vote and each pirate only ever votes I'm shock of course frenchi votes fori I'm shocked CH gentleman jard tell me Elizabeth is going to change baros Elizabeth Swan oh of course he Jackie boy of course he would he played them all like fools CU she has the most votes am I to understand that you will not be keeping to the code then oh Jack at dawn we're at War I like that interesting Play We Shall go to war I guess that's why he doesn't speak for himself yeah what the hell was that it's the trick is it to survive it's not just about living forever Jackie oh he calls him Jackie too be his dad yes Mom it is his dad what the hell she looks great oh Dam cuz they look similar runs of the [Laughter] family oh no way cuz he has to be in water that's so funny [Music] land I believe they're on opposite sides but how far have W Elizabeth come don't blame Turner he was merely the tool of your betrayal if you wish to see its grand architect look to your left Jack I'd propose an exchange will leaves with us oh my God we can take Jack no why again as you come your name oh that was one of his pieces I'm hoping that Elizabeth's actually caught off and she's not just being a snake oh this is so good do you feel death oh Pop down you have no idea he's not hiding it K of the Brethren Court py of Jack maybe he really does know what he's doing I think he does so they're trusting in Him success sucessfully arrived aboard the Flying Dutchman as for the overall schi look oh yes Chapo except for this little sergeon in the brri it's at a clock so he gets where he needs to be but not exactly stab the heart oh my god oh look at his brain if you're in The Brak who's to stab the heart yeah who is going to stab the heart in the and that's what I'm wondering items to be burned and someone must speak the words Calypso I release you from your human bonds is that it to seems quite simple doesn't it to a lover oh so only will Elizabeth can do it what makes you say that cuz he said as if a lover and only those two as if two a lover okay you you have to say it right what is happening he she love her I release you from your human BNS oh what the hell looks like it far out who would have thought he'd have a decent part in this you gave him a roll P roll oh [ __ ] first imprisoned you who was it that told them how yeah true how do they know Davey Jones Dave B Jones as if she didn't know holy [ __ ] she's massive why are they holding the Rope so they can restrain her like just let her go you're done s me ship me crew but Unleash Your Fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your Masters oh damn oh I don't know if it'll work though oh my God what the hell has she done are they those little crabs I thought so but they look bit different our final hope has failed us I wouldn't speak so soon why if some big scenes you will listen to me oh okay oh [ __ ] I'm listening and what will they see frightened build drats B deric ship no no they will see free men and freedom I all been about everyone by the sweat of our brows the of ours I like it and the courage of our hearts look at her girl the wind's on our side boys that's all we need Oh What A J up I love the music man it's such a like a a j lifts of spirits I was going to say that but I've used that word like four times and there something [Music] different en oh man is furing [ __ ] why because she didn't come to him again oh dude the Ceder is ridiculous what's that a freaking whpo in the middle of something melstrom turn around turn around we need you at the H Captain Barosa oh [ __ ] man was born for this oh [ __ ] you do need he's the only other Captain who could like rival DAV Jones with balls and like yeah just courage confidence the black pear has been through so much oh yeah I'm surprised it's still standing damn everyone's yell today oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] like there isn't enough chaos you add cannon fire to the mix holy [ __ ] intensity they're fighting on a freaking malstrom crazy what a scene too late the course now bab he loves it why are you here when you could be elsewhere someone has to stay and guard the chest tell me they're going to have this conversation again I blame with fish people these two are something else fish people by Dent of being fish people automatically ARS disciplined his Nish people that was way too easy these two are way too easy take a jack take it run this guy's finally made his day a that is creepy no not in the mouth not in the mouth oh what the hell all right well he's gone holy [ __ ] that was too arant for his own good out of all people to run into look here boy a lost v b oh [ __ ] that's like his iconic move the man really risks his life oh what a landing oh go Jackie boy holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude this is what we needed an epic swort to sword on the Flying Dutchman oh [ __ ] dude insane should have cut their lines when they were swinging across Elizabeth will you marry me oh my God now I don't think now's the best time I think it is might be the only time looks like he's chosen Elizabeth that's what I was saying made my choice what your what Mar oh I was like what the H what a wedding they're going to have guys dear beloved we be gaed here today yeah yeah on with that the my wedding like this I don't want it do you take me to be your husband I do great it's like that's all I needed to he you take me to be your wife the fact that they're even concentrating on any of this is mindblowing It's amazing as Captain I Now Pronounce You oh most out of breath [Laughter] he's loving as much as them just kiss yeah damn now that's how you do a scene finally they're married never been excited for a love scene but this is a good one they perform their marage marage oh damn oh now they just traded I know isn't the key down there somewhere yeah yeah oh [ __ ] is that will oh this idiot he pulled one of Jack's moves pistol what oh get that shot oh that guy was losing his head he always cops [Music] it yes Jackie B boy oh my God it's not run again oh Jack was so proud of [Laughter] himself would you come to do elizeth you'll see no mercy from me that's why I brought this damn she showed up it's like got a mind of its own have to CH [Applause] Cho okay all right oh [ __ ] I'm a heartless oh my God oh my God the smart yeah but just let go now let go come on will we need Jack to come in clutch fear day don't try it mate oh oh Jack oh he's got the heart that's sick oh it's right there let's go he went for it anyway now will has to stab the heart to live does he yeah cuz otherwise he's dying he who steps the heart will live oh my god there ain't no way not my Will William yes William now you realize oh [ __ ] oh oh man giving him a bait down what are you going to do Jack who did it who did it I think it was will yeah of course damn oh [ __ ] oh damn oh damn they they're all part of Will's crew oh my God they got married and this is the Fate damn that kind of sucks they have to rip out his heart on far out dude so she ends up with Jack in the end in away oh my God man no way dude look what done it's like a parachute there's too much going on and I had to hunch the way they keept saying about Will's destiny that he might have been the one to do it [ __ ] man it's hard cuz you don't want Jack to be oh my God the monkey made it you don't want Jack to be the captain but you obviously don't want will either at least Jack kind of wanted to be the captain was Will gets robbed of his life Jack should have done it sooner what are they waiting for he expects us to honor our agreement oh and of course the Sneaky Snake is not going to typical it's nothing personal Jack it's just good business what's this man get absolutely destroyed oh is that will oh wow what will he look like will he still be in his human form oh they sort of given life on you oh wow if they Captain upholds his deed they're all free okay yeah that's true ready on the gun oh [ __ ] look at the scar man looks like a beast you looks sick ha you didn't account for this love did you didn't expect 2 V one you fool oh see you later Becket man's choked he didn't think he'd get beat he always thought it was one step ahead wrong holy [ __ ] man oh what a scene though I know he's just like whatever happens now happens I don't understand how he lost his wheel so quickly man just died he just knew that he couldn't he know moves left to play holy [ __ ] sh wow that's the end of that clown turn it away hold on guys that was it oh they they they become Pirates no way that is so funny if anyone can convince them it's always going to be Jack you may throw my hat if you like I can't [Applause] ho a now go and get [Laughter] it oh Jack or sir you're no longer bound to the Dutch he went Le son I still have a debt that has to be paid if you'll have me a at least you weren't be learn he looks good he looks mad yeah it looks good 10 years let see this Steve price wasand that's disgusting honestly that is disgusting depends on the one day A B he's so sweet Mrs Turner yeah finally Miss turner oh yeah cuz they started on whether she was married or not I like that Jack oh he's all pouting and sad it would never have worked out between us that's what he said to her on is quite now fair enough yeah last time they kissed he was chained off you'd stay awake for 24 hours for sure yeah you try maximize on that no gaming it's nearly s h reminder of the limitation that sucks the damn Dutchman it's always belonged to you oh he's hot my God keep a weather eye on the horizon a every time he goes away for a mission that's what he says a I just know that I would not be able to do that Elizabeth you're a real one oh the green light thing is that it a black pearl tell me babosa left why is it gone is that it there oh my oh my God any particular reason why my ship is gone the ship we're on the ship oh my God this guy double slap it's like yeah okay fair enough I lost your [ __ ] some of the men don't feel entirely settled about leaving Captain Jack behind oh that's so good I give you the Fountain of Youth oh my god oh oh Jack out played him oh Jackie boy oh my god well play Jack well play out oh dude the time's great oh oh he's back by himself all by his [Music] Lonesome 10 years later oh [ __ ] did they have a child oh they did too oh wow imagine that seeing your data for the first time yeah it's been the first time he probably doesn't even know that he's got a child oh oh oh my God man looking as badass as ever right on time as well holy [ __ ] I feel like there's a lot Twan back here it's a very big movie it is I like they squeeze a [ __ ] ton in it I just feel like no second was wasted like all of it just had such good stuff in it yeah damn I I really enjoyed that I had another blast I I have I don't have any complaints no like I actually think it was a really suitable and just near perfect wrapup of what the trilogy had offer yeah for sure and you know what you could do more with it again yeah which is crazy like honestly you could really just have will and his own Adventures as his own Trilogy yep yeah you could so easily like expand it I have heard that will and Elizabeth in the next two which is a bit of a wasted opportunity so yeah I do feel like awesome cameos I would get it maybe they wanted to move on different films but yeah again you left it open with so much more potential but I see the appeal the World building it almost gives me a little bit I know very little about it but we what we've seen it's like a you know people love one piece because of the the sense of freedom and Adventure this is its own take but with the same Spirit and the same you know it's nice because I feel like everyone goes all p and they're all deceiving and whatnot but really at the end of the day they were all fighting for their own Freedom yeah and I love I love the theme I love the theme behind that and what it represented and how they grew his character was a lot more to them and you know even Jack In the End like he wanted to be able to settle the Seas forever and yet to protect William to give him a chance at life he gave him the BL Dutchman essentially yeah well one thing I did love about this movie was I I feel like character-wise story-wise we just it it there was so many like tying and close offs and I don't know what the words I'm looking for but lots of callbacks to the previous callbacks just a lot of it you know whether it was those two Gods we met in the beginning and then them still coming in the end whether it was can't remember speci examples but whether it was just lines that were used and getting to see all the characters together and the interactions of characters a lot of them were poetic even like the Mrs Turner at the end yeah from boso and just all those little things just so many like I could sit down and write a list of them oh for sure but there was so many that happened that I was like wow it really feels like a nice close off and a nice send off where everything was PID tribute to you know yeah that's and that's a good way putting it it was pay tribute to and you know how we started is kind of how we end but with so much more like everyone's lives are so much richer not with Aztec gold but just in experience and love and life and I really really loved that I really enjoyed the way the first two movies built up all the character relationships and how they ended up in this yeah even when we had you know just a lot of the standoffs and when we had DAV Jones sort of like right next to Jack Sparrow and he was sort of like just screwing up and and everything it was all really really well done and there's enough investment in the characters beforehand that in this movie where all the characters sort of come together that we see a lot of interactions a lot of crossover you're very I felt very excited to see all the interactions and the conversations and different Dynamics mix and I was like oh it's cool well in movies these days I just feel like there's not a lot of good characters like there might be one main one maybe two but yeah there's a lot of really good characters so when they do come to interact like you said you you're excited for that interaction you're not just excited for one side but you find yourself you know rooting for the other side at times as well it was interesting seeing Davey Jones in such a vulnerable position in this movie you know more finding more about his heart and who his love was I think was quite fitting I like that tie in using the characters that we've already got they did it really well where a lot of the folklore and the mythology or whatever you want to refer to it as from the ocean and because you hear I've heard about things like David Jones Locker and you know goddess of the sea and you hear these terms and they managed to create a real enjoyable grounded Adventure but at the same time pay tribute to a lot of these now whether they actually happened you know like obviously in our time it would have just been tales of the sea and ways to explain the things we didn't understand but the way to bring that to the big screen and enjoy that in in in a crazy adventure I like that he pay tribute to all that stuff yeah 100% I want to know how they came up with like each character like cuz you know artists they really do draw from people they know or people like they've experien and I I'm just like what kind of people did this person meet in their lifetime like to come up with all Des CU I wonder how much of it pays true as we've said things like obviously the Kraken more well known but even Dave Jones Locker I've that before like the embodiment of Jack Sparrow bar brosa or you know all those kinds of characters yeah CU they're a bit wacky and a bit out there yeah very high-spirited yeah it was cool I love Will's Design This movie will he looked like a badass he looked cool I'm not going to lie you might have to grow your hair out like that and wear like a vendana I don't know if it suit me but I did like his design we've really gotten to know what's his actor's name again Orlando Bloom Orlando Bloom we've really gotten to know him really well cuz i' always hear the name and didn't really have any emotion connected to it but since watching Lord of the Rings and now this you see that that early 2000s period would have been like a a golden year for him all I knew about him why is he so popular other than the fact that he was married to Katie Perry like I had no idea yeah you know men's done some I'm pretty sure it was Katy Perry that he was married to but Lord of the Rings and Pirates I think you're done working for the rest of your life James Norrington in the end actually enjoyed his character like he wasn't an iconic character but he was there and was important you know he like he said his fate was always intertwined with Elizabeth a lot of the times he was there and ended up helping her out you know even with the chest in the previous movie he you know got everyone away and then ran back and he had his own agenda and that's fine intertwined but never in the same direction I like that yeah he hand off was good and his character played an enjoyable role throughout the trilogy so yeah I think man died with his honor intact they definitely leveled up the action sequences this movie like holy [ __ ] that that end I mean I don't know I don't feel like movies have as long action sequences these days a would uphold it especially there would have been different budget constraints and technological capabilities back then and yet when they were fighting on the ships and you've got the what I now know to be called as a melstrom and just everything that was happening I was like holy [ __ ] dude like so much well they referred to it as a mom I refer to it as a not melstrom it's not there's no l well I'll check a definition later and we'll find out okay but yeah I just thought it was all fantastic it all very entertaining there's a lot going on and it was a good J up the music was always very fitting even the fact that I mean going back to your callbacks when they all got the guns pointed at each other and I love how the monkey did it to the bird and oh it was just so many great moments I felt like there this movie was probably more serious out of the three I was going to say a lot more serious yes there were definitely some great moments but I didn't find myself like cackling as much yeah I can see why cuz I think some people say they like the first two the most yeah I can see why this could lose some people a little bit because it definitely was a lot more serious it still had some really good funny moments but it was a bit less of the it almost felt a little bit less consequential in the first two you know even when you got stranded or whatever it was always part of some goofy bigger game whereas in this one the stakes felt higher it was a bit more emotional and I still really enjoyed it but yes maybe have like one complaint is that it maybe leaves a little more of the goofy Jack from the first movie in particular more of it to be desired almost like he did his moments with the you know the telescope and he he definitely had enough in there but it wasn't the predominant part of the movie and I think I do find myself coming to these movies often for Jack Sparrow to get you know he's very infectious in his energy and his unpredictability and so I can see yeah that you probably maybe bit more of his goofiness but from a story time perspective I think it was done really well yeah I think so too and the character development aspect as well like you're going to learn and grow in life and you know the big question is the million dollar question is does he even know what he's doing I think he does I think he just makes it up as he goes like he's definitely got some wit about him I think there's an overarching plan and then within that plan he makes it up as he goes well the man definitely has nine lives I reckon he's on 109 at this point I just love how everyone in the world always knows Jack and he's done everyone wrong and he's like everyone just hates him he's just hear his name and immediately like that's funny wait I love how we met his father yeah that's new little moment yeah they look too similar so it was a bit sus so that that makes sense well I thought I didn't go to his father I just thought I don't know he kind of loves the way the king that King did things and kind of copied his look and what whatever cuz I was like oh my God they're wearing like similar rings and stuff I don't think he's the king I think he was like because they voted for a new king I think he was just the guy that was in charge of the code happened to come out at that moment and that makes sense why Jack like stiffened up so much like oh [ __ ] oh Daddy's here I like how we got to find out that Jack was one of the nine Warlords of the sea he just gave more cuz you hear about the Captain Jack Sparrow and his greatness and just the title of a warlord it just makes it more official you know shows that he's amongst the greats I even loved how you know everyone else had little things in their pockets and I love how Jack made that a part of his yeah well it was on his like dreadlock I love how he made that a part of his look it's very telling like he's very proud to be who he is and he kind of just he he wears that like a badge of honor it was interesting the story line with Calypso cuz she sort of didn't do much in the end well she created the whirpool for them to fight but I I thought she was going to do something more I mean she said the wrath of her Seas but then in the end she sort of she sort of got involved she sort of didn't like we saw that David Jones got really upset so she lied to him again she didn't return to him yeah because she said she would return to him she didn't yeah I don't know their relationship was a bit weird and confusing I kind of get it well he thought they were in love and then there was just a lot of betrayal yeah the insinuation that maybe he also changed or lost his way but I don't know well she said that's my real form so her form maybe her form is like a it's like the ocean it's to be free it's not to be tied down to one spot so she might have actually loved him but he wanted to you know control her or whatever and that didn't work out well not even control her I think he just wanted her to himself well yeah but that is essential control for a godess of the ocean that's limiting her Freedom that's true and then yeah it's funny because then you see see Dave Jones and then you see will in the same position and it's so different like he came out glowing yeah I don't get why he can't bring his wife and son on the ship sometimes like their some free time well they're going to the other side remember that yeah but given they can come this side and they can be here for a while which we saw with David Jones yeah unless I feel like there might be consequences like they they have to be very careful she couldn't even get off that [ __ ] ship remember Elizabeth so I don't know and he's got a job to do he's got a fair souls to the other side I wonder if Will has David Jones power now you know where he can sort of like just disappear reappear oo that was pretty cool that was cool overall we absolutely love this Trilogy I mean do you have a favorite oh very hard I think I still love Jack Sparrow from the first the most cuz was where he was the most free spirited and unpredictable but this third one story-wise really just brought everything together so that's my answer I have to sit on it but Jack Spar from the first probably my favorite version of Jack but the story of the third I feel like the story just got better as we went along that could be because I knew the characters more I don't know but I don't know man it's hard I feel compelled to say maybe the second one but honestly I like ask me tomorrow I might change my mind the second one does hit a a spot like it's very good but I can't deny this one was just Madness and I loveed how the I'm a for characters coming together and the world interacting and stuff so that one not be the m in the movie but I did love seeing everyone by boso and Jack and jve Jones and all them together so I don't know we love them all that's the answer I think yeah I think that's what you can get from this conversation we absolutely love the trilogy we had the most fun we finally got to laugh and cockle on the the Channel with you guys yeah it was a nice change of pace cuz a lot of the stuff we watch which I do enjoy as well but is more on the serious side with the shock value and stuff going on a more fun adventure like this was a good change of pace good way to break it up on the channel yeah a lot of you guys seem to really enjoyed these Adventures as well something more fun and and and now I guess we do see why these movies are so iconic and why people do love them so much cuz they don't they actually you can't judge face value there's so much more depth to them especially you know I'm looking forward to a reat already and I can just see more in it so good job guys good pick this one we enjoyed well guys we hope you enjoyed our reaction if you did don't forget to leave a like on the video subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comments down below which of the movies was your favorite from the trilogy and if you do want to get early access to our reactions or watch them in their uncut form we'll leave a link to our patreon in the description down below take care of yourselves and we'll see you on one of our next reactions see you guys n
Channel: Spartan & Pudgey
Views: 113,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Reaction, Pirates of the Caribbean
Id: bKkbHM_UzDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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