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turn that's pirate king Mrs Turner do you hey it's Addie and today we are watching Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End I absolutely loved the first two Pirates of the Caribbean films like they're just they're so fun they're so funny but the action adventure is there there's just so many elements to it that I just absolutely love and it the movies are just so well done as well I am really excited for this one because the second one set this movie up so well uh obviously we have Barbosa back we have to work with him jack is I guess apparently he is dead so we have to save him from I guess passing on completely something like that I whenever Jack was getting attacked by the Kraken I was like there's no way that he's actually dying because I know that he's in more films with Pirates of the Caribbean so I didn't realize that like oh he he he's actually dead but I guess we're going to have to find out what happened to him in this movie so I'm just very excited to find out what happens next by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett all persons found guilty of piracy shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead what is associated with it really just killing everyone here child oh my gosh she's not even taller literally just a child [Music] your Masters expected us oh we're sneaking in [Music] he didn't need a little hack because he's bald I trust Center to acquire the church and you remember your place in the presence of Captain selfie but absence my merciful nature sense of building I guess very merciful you probably need these ones I think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery well and dangerous still going oh where did that come from welcome to Singapore More Steam a thief broke into my most revered uncle's Temple and tried to make call with ease oh okay well we found will is his face familiar to you no definitely not oh my gosh yeah we're familiar yeah we know each other you intend to attempt a boyish the David Jones we have to save a friend we must convene the brethrough courts you must honor the call oh [Music] can you tell us how to make more steam though what is it tomorrow he's one of the pirate Lords oh it's not just about saving our friend Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine piece of eight nine pieces of eight um definitely definitely honorable drop your weapons I want to kill your man Helen he's not our man oh but who is Heathen who's he with oh no oh this creates a problem and oh no oh my gosh so now I think all of the Pirates do have to work together oh she's still here I forgot that works if you want to make a deal with Beckett you need what I offer why should I expect any better oh yeah I don't think Will likes to jack very much my father oh will does have his own mission [Music] oh no I mean they'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwrecked coat do you think [Music] a piece of eight nine of them you say what's the significance of that I wonder yeah summoned me your new station deserves an old friend yeah yeah I don't know if any of them have been this cold before Jack Sparrow is but punishment that's what we had said you could do is okay um he's worse than dead gold oh he's split oh oh don't do that ah oh that's a cool little map no no do you care to interpret it signals when the soul comes back to this world dead it's not getting into the Land of the Dead that's the problem it's getting back it's getting bad yeah okay this will be fun bloody hell there's nothing left fetch the chest and the governor he's been asking questions but then perhaps his usefulness has run its course we can't kill him oh are we going to kill him [Music] Davey Jones is just a sad boy I will not have it on my ship I would have thought you told you that when I ordered you to kill your pet how long do we continue not talking um can we rescue Jack we need to talk to each other oh we we really need to have a conversation about this we're good you have to be lost to find a place this is what we're supposed to be doing oh [Music] are we sure we have to do this for Jack are we gonna make it out of this I don't know if we are um um [Music] are we okay oh this is trippy ah my opinion oh my gosh there are so many Jack sparrows and that Jack's dead man they are okay okay which Jack is the real Jack what saw you about the condition of this tech line it's not acceptable nor adequate it gave him in another chance should I [Music] oh oh oh no there's just the one foreign oh that's an interesting choice oh oh it was not just a rock oh that's why it keeps moving towards him because it's not a rock you're not gonna be able to pull your whole ship there is no way oh oh my gosh our little rock crab friends are moving it I think we should follow the ship yeah uh-huh wow they're moving really quickly I'm impressed I don't see Jack Jack is closer than you think all those little thing hand me to my mama it's Jack I have never heard that saying before you're in David Jones okay he thinks we're a hallucination you're not really here we've come here to rescue you and you need a crew four of me have tried to kill me in the past one of you succeeded oh I think Barbosa wins on this one can we please finally talk about the weirdness between us well I have no choice you chose not to tell me oh oh yeah we definitely have some communication issues here oh Eerie I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them let's not try oh they're gonna try oh they're oh my gosh they're gonna try this is um it should be in the care of David Jones but the man has become a monster he wasn't always identical it was a man is she the one oh she is the one that's her father no you haven't made it back we're not back can he okay are you dead but you are I learned that if you stab the heart yours must take its place take the knife I'm so proud of you this year I'll give your love to your mother oh my gosh we didn't even see him die and that's so heartbreaking the heart the Dutchman must have a captain sail the Seas for its empty I love the sea I love how he has like Good and Evil on his shoulders this is incredible sun down and Rise what's that what do you say wait oh he's still talking to us yeah you just put his eye in your mouth oh my gosh oh that that really got me oh that was gross are we trying to flip the ship upside down I don't think I would want to be tied upside down for that long we're getting so close come on hold on hold on oh oh and you're gone oh you're not gone up oh you're gone yeah you're gone oh this is happening this is a long time to hold your breath there's the green light what's happening now what is the sunrise oh oh my gosh oh little Jack just wanted to be involved what a funny joke we're playing and we're friends all right we definitely don't want to kill each other in a shortbread Cove if we don't sound together they'll hunt us down captain oh well that's not gonna work this is a fresh water spring on this island we can resupply there and get back to shooting each other oh where did you get that Jack are there cannibals on this island oh whoa so Davey Jones did have to kill the Kraken summoning the Brotherhood the world used to be well still this time listen hey I know him he was in Singapore we got company is there another [ __ ] yeah there's definitely another ship you're showing up here this is truly a remarkable coincidence release her she's not part of the bargain I need the Pearl to free my father why didn't you tell me you were planning this ah it's my button to bear oh oh oh oh gosh it gave Elizabeth a lot of flack for doing her own thing and he's doing the exact same thing did no one come to save me just because they missed me no there is an old friend who wants to see you first I don't know if they're gonna get married after all of this this is a lot to work through oh no no heart of Davey Jones is safely aboard the Dutchman and if David Jones were to learn of your survival he probably wouldn't be happy to be mine everyone's betraying everyone up you can't trust a pirate where are they meeting what is the purpose of the nine pieces oh everyone wants the Black Pearl dang hey and welcome to the bathroom Calypso the goddess herself bound in human form I intend the rescue with me aboard the Pearl you will not hand me to Jones and What Becomes of Miss Swan what interests is she to you what everyone wants Elizabeth now I've got this wonderful Comfort points to the thing you want most and that is not the brother in court is it this is what frieza's been done if I kill you then I can use the compass to find break a Cove is it with me killed you'd arrive at The Cove to find a stronghold nine pregnant who am I and Kevin Jack Sparrow oh oh what's that where's happening now mad if I wasn't this it probably never were no way oh overshot a little bit and that was without even a single drop of rum oh he was on the ship oh yeah they're not going anywhere I think he plans it all out it just makes it up as he goes along that's an excellent question but I'm impressed either way we will arrive at shipwreck Cove and you will be free calypso not I will take oh oh my gosh oh okay oh the Dutchman ah nine tweet you are captain now oh well so she's one of the pirate Lords now what did he tell you now she's captain uh-huh you are not my captain your father will be every Joy tomato sick uh her father's Dead who among you do your name is Captain so now you name her Captain oh yeah oh yeah okay might turn on our side the captain shall have my quarters I did not know well no you do first trap no not bootstrap oh buddy I know my name you're becoming a part of the I know your son Will Turner William and now he sends you to tell me that he's coming to get me this quill is alive and he wants to help you we're just trying to figure it out right now I know you you can't come because of you you slays him let's take his place captain forever so will can't do that and if he saves me he loses you tell him to stay away I'm already a part of this [ __ ] you know my name we're gonna do all this over again William he's coming for me a safe bootstrap oh will is the one doing it come up with this all by your lunchroom did you how does your daily beloved feel about this place losing a jacket for my father is a step away from Elizabeth let someone else dispatch Charles you wanna be a pirate forever live forever and you're willing to cut out your heart and bind yourself to the Dutchman I'm free forever free from Death itself [Music] oh what's this one I think like me and we'll come to you what what our regards to Davy Jones oh my gosh you can't trust anyone come with me what are you doing choosing aside okay I'm liking him a little bit more Rebecca knows I feel there may be a traitor among them I have nothing to do with your father's death come with us will you do it oh he might end up dying oh no he's gonna die our Destinies have been entwined Elizabeth adjoined oh go now stand down is Bishop going to be the one to kill him [Music] oh my gosh bootstrap is the one to kill him and he ended up dying doing the right thing that's not gonna do anything I take that I said no nice sword I hope will ends up getting the sword back oh whoa the Dutchman under my command for now we agreed on ends only the means do not forget it was by my power you returned from the dead never watch it oh oh my gosh it took nine pirate Lords to find you Calypso and then I take no rest in time to set you free take this fish wife oh right this way okay hi Calypso come to join my crew again yes ah Jack sparrows almost worse We rescued Jack from the locker along with a black pearl what else have you not told me probably a lot I believe you're familiar with a person called calypso the world is well relevant the Brethren Court intends to release her the first Court promised to imprison her forever I she gave me no choice you loved her you see you intended to love me what is it you want most that's how he's going to lead us oh yeah I mean that's a Cove of shipwrecks I convene this the force Brethren Court present now your pieces of each oh pieces oh sorry for you just like you said when you gave it to me is it the eye it's the eye wow okay so Fang is dead our location has been betrayed the question is what will we do now that we fight there is no need to fight if they cannot get to us the First Brethren Court captured the sea she will be our enemy now this is madness this is politics you come from me 10 years you finally could be together again why won't you there would you love me if there was anything but what I am you have corrupted your purpose and you didn't hide away what should always have been made whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh he looks so normal I will be free and when I am I would give you my heart only you had a heart today foreign the transition was so smooth please don't kill her oh I guess you can't kill her effect have you planned to feel confident it's how cool I can be oh oh so she's going to kill all of them we are left with but one option we must fight to run away as per in the cold an act of War can only be declared by the pirate king and the court oh who who just shot you oh is this would this be his dad a thing it's not just guidelines the same dog a dog survived the pirate king is elected by popular vote and each pirate only ever votes reset go for a vote see somebody votes for systembaji Elizabeth Swann Barbosa Elizabeth Swann [Music] whoa whoa he's gonna be the pirate king King of the Brethren wow she's the king prepare every vessel that floats we're at War she's like full-on pirate now we shall go to work [Applause] ah yeah yeah we're going to you've seen it all done you survived the trick is living with yourself yes Mom what she looks great oh hi Mom wow Jack is so much like his dad that is wild I honestly didn't even think that like Jack has a family I did then never crossed my mind once yeah the enemy has a lot of ships I wouldn't Rejoice too quickly oh they just keep on coming hold on we're Pirates though that has to make up for something the amount of ships that they have holy crap [Music] good job Davy Jones gotta make it work s to our door look to your left Jack had nothing to do with it well spoke then how did you come to give me this you made a deal with me Jack to deliver the Pirates 100 years in servitude aboard the Dutchman that debt was paid mate technically I'd propose an exchange will leaves with us and you can take Jack damn Jack's one of the entire annoys you have no right okay she is the king and you have chosen yours and you will die okay of the Brethren Court Percy Jack maybe he really does know what he's like I hope someone knows what they're doing at this point go away walk back to the locker oh our brain just has a little itch oh we're really there's some manual right or incantation when someone must speak the words Calypso I release you from your human Bond must be spoken as if to a lover I release you from your human bonds he didn't say it right Calypso is he gonna be the one to release calypso release you from your human bonds ah oh yeah that's doing something that that that's doing something when the Brethren call First impressed in prison who was it that took Davey Jones what oh I thought her body was just Rising she's much larger than she was before so I have fulfilled my vowel I now ask your favor but unless you're Fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters what what is what is dropping what are these crabs yeah is that it our final hope has failed us Revenge won't bring your father back this one and it's not something I'm intending to die for by the sweat of our brows and the courage of our hearts that's only me wow we're doing this oh my gosh I if Loki have Goosebumps right now we have a favorable wind sir signal Jones to give No Quarter foreign people he's just going to take this game there were no fish people there'd be no need to guard the chest this happens with them every single time pay attention push them over push him oh oh my gosh what are you going to do you know I had a feeling he was going to do that and then for a second I just thought he was going to strangle him and then he actually did that [Music] never too late to learn mate Jack is really great at exiting ships how in the world did he land that how how [Music] right now yeah this chest is going to end up getting lost at sea oh my gosh oh are you married right now right now is not a good time [Music] oh cause he's a captain I don't think anyone can marry you right now good great cool groovy um just kiss hmm I hope they don't die right after this oh and they're still fighting up top wow I'm impressed how have they not Fallen I already have the key no you don't oh he needed to know where it was oh that had to hurt thank you ah dude don't eat his face up okay oh oh he's right there ow no I just have to unlock it oh oh Jack oh no is he gonna be okay [Music] oh no where's bootstrap during all this oh that's bootstrap is one oh oh yeah we we forgot that he could do that yeah so now she's just gonna fight Davey Jones what no come on oh oh he literally has to pick between the two of them right now I'm gonna do anything sir they're technically married now do you Jack did it all he has to do is stab the heart stop with the freaking heart no what all right yeah yeah you will not toast oh my God well he's dying now what [Music] the Jack and will stabbed him together right so what does that mean for both of them well well so his dad is the one that has to carve his heart out so Jack how did you make that [Music] oh my gosh he expects us to honor our agreement it's nothing personal Jack I hate him business I hate him so much foreign on our side now that I guess will is the captain so is Will going to turn slimy like them oh my gosh no no none of them are oh my gosh you're like real people who's ready on the gun he's alive I guess kind of forever until someone stabs his heart you regret this endeavor foreign you're going down [Music] sucks to suck great business hi Beckett the Endeavor will go on no more endeavors oh I bet you have so many splinters right now I'm not gonna hit sir there it is they're Pirates now oh my gosh I was wondering where they went after they flew to the other ship they're alive they're Pirates okay but what does this look like for real they're no longer bound to the doctor they love me one day sure ten years let's see your chariot awaits your highness can she come aboard and just hang out on a ship though Mrs Turner that's pirate king Mrs Turner to you that would never have worked out between us keep telling yourself that darling thank you I guess he technically saved Will's life hmm she has the other one it's not [Music] is she gonna keep his heart it's always below to you I'm going to keep it safe keep his heart safe she's going to get another kiss out of him right yeah there we go I know this is a beautiful moment but this is so tragic people whether I'll help my Horizon in 10 freaking years surely she can come aboard his ship at some point right I'm not deployed is that it a black pearl no it's not there's a dinghy my vessel is huge-ish gone where is the black freaking business there it is why is it there so Gibbs what did you do did Barbosa take it we're on the ship no no you're not the ship's gone uh-huh really what has happened yeah they are oh for Gibbs Gibbs didn't deserve uh he kind of deserved that yeah it was some of the men don't feel entirely settled about leaving Captain Jack behind he would make us you remember what happened last time that item you told us about gents I give you the Fountain of Youth who took it a little map we have our heading oh he just wants a room this movie I didn't expect to get emotional over this wow dang it just when I thought I was done crying over this dang movie that end credit scene happened they have a child together and I guess they can't see him except for once every 10 years but what I don't understand is like why I understand that they can't live on the Flying Dutchman sure but can they just come aboard every once in a while like I don't I don't know what's stopping them from that and maybe there's like a rule against it I don't know but like why can't we just see each other within the at some point within the 10 years like why can't we make a little weekly visit little monthly visit oh no I mean I'm glad he's meeting his child but Ah that's heartbreaking and um okay that's heartbreaking I mean it was heartbreaking before when he was very clearly dying um from a stab wound to the heart um Davey Jones so I guess I guess at least now they get one day every 10 years together rather than him just being dead just dead dead so I mean I guess this is a happier life for them but that's freaking wow I don't know where the other movies go but it looks like they might be going to the Fountain of Youth and I don't know if it's just these Pirates or it's a pirate thing where they are all obsessed with living forever but at least these few Pirates definitely seem to be interested in living forever because Jack definitely wanted to either be the captain of the Flying Dutchman or now he's going to the Fountain of Youth so Pirates or something else I I love that the two I don't even know their names or what their names are the the two soldiers I guess that we've seen throughout the other movies and then them becoming Pirates at the end is incredible I love that for them I I love their Journey definitely a lot happened in this movie the fact that Elizabeth's dad was killed that was heartbreaking and the fact that they really couldn't do anything about it the ending for Will and Elizabeth is tragic but again I guess it is slightly happy because he was going to die before anyway so at least they do have a life somewhat of a life together and he was still able to save his dad even though his dad is not choosing to serve on the Flying Dutchman but so I guess everyone has a happy ending happy-ish ending happy adjacent ending I don't know so much tragedy but boy was it so fun along the way that was Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End thank you for watching be sure to like And subscribe and we will see you next time
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 76,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Bill Nighy, Naomie Harris, Stellan Skarsgard, Chow Yun-fat, Jonathan Pryce, Tom Hollander, Jack Davenport, Mackenzie Crook, Kevin McNally, Martin Klebba, Gore Verbinski
Id: o8CmJF1BeN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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